PROJECT REPORT-OUTS: WHAT TO EXPECT Project Timeline for Final Modules December Module th December 12 – Deadline to provide final presentation on a flash drive to Claire at 5:00PM - after 5:00PM, no changes will be made th December 13 – All teams will present on this day, please see the attached schedule to find your presentation th time. Please arrive by 8:15AM on December 13 , regardless of your presentation time. Presentation Details Report-Out Format Each team has 20 minutes to present content and 20 minutes for Q&A and feedback. A 15 minute transition will occur between report-outs for the upcoming team to prepare and audience to transition. Arrive by 8:15AM on December 13th, regardless of your presentation time. You are required to attend all project presentations. Audience All project sponsors and functional owners have been invited to observe their team’s presentation. UPMC Executives and Senior Leaders will be present throughout the day. Requirements Teams can select the method of delivery (PowerPoint, Handouts) and should include the title of the project, the names of the team members, project sponsors, and the date. At a minimum, the cover slide or cover page of materials should be in the UPMC template style. Template resources can be found on the Infonet under Business Services >> Communications. Each member of the team must present some portion of the content. Each team should make 15 copies (if applicable) of its presentation/materials for project sponsors and invited executives in the room Attire should be formal business attire. Logistics Equipment/Tech Support: o Teams will have access to a computer with internet access, a microphone, slide remote/laser pointer o The University of Pittsburgh will provide support and/or coordinate other tech support resources. Contact Claire McCue for special requests. Tips Consider addressing the following questions: o What is the issue or problem? What needs to be addressed? o What data/information supports the issue? o What methods did you use to collect this data? o What are your team recommendations and rationale? o What challenges or barriers did your team encounter? Feedback Process Audience Evaluations Project team sponsors and other invited leadership guests will provide your team with feedback on presentation content, delivery and style. Areas in which you’ll be evaluated include: o Preparedness o Relevance/usefulness of information given during presentation o Knowledge and thoroughness; ability to answer questions o Presentation Aesthetics (effective use of visual aids, transitions) o Teamwork (cohesiveness, equality) o Presence (enthusiasm, eye contact, poise) o Project and Presentation Development (explanation of processes, method, creativity, obstacles) Peer Evaluations Each project team member will be asked to complete a peer evaluation for each of their team member’s individual contribution and effort. Each LDI participant will receive survey feedback post-graduation for continued development. Areas in which you’ll receive feedback include: o Your level of participation and collaboration o Your level of planning and Leadership o Your availability o Your overall contribution(s) to the project o Suggestions