Project Timeline for Final Modules
December Module
 December 12 –
Deadline to provide final presentation on a flash drive to Claire at 5:00PM - after 5:00PM, no
changes will be made
 December 13 –
All teams will present on this day, please see the attached schedule to find your presentation
time. Please arrive by 8:15AM on December 13 , regardless of your presentation time.
Presentation Details
Report-Out Format
 Each team has 20 minutes to present content and 20 minutes for Q&A and feedback.
 A 15 minute transition will occur between report-outs for the upcoming team to prepare and audience
to transition.
 Arrive by 8:15AM on December 13th, regardless of your presentation time. You are required to attend
all project presentations.
 All project sponsors and functional owners have been invited to observe their team’s presentation.
 UPMC Executives and Senior Leaders will be present throughout the day.
 Teams can select the method of delivery (PowerPoint, Handouts) and should include the title of the
project, the names of the team members, project sponsors, and the date.
 At a minimum, the cover slide or cover page of materials should be in the UPMC template style.
Template resources can be found on the Infonet under Business Services >> Communications.
 Each member of the team must present some portion of the content.
 Each team should make 15 copies (if applicable) of its presentation/materials for project sponsors
and invited executives in the room
 Attire should be formal business attire.
 Equipment/Tech Support:
o Teams will have access to a computer with internet access, a microphone, slide remote/laser
o The University of Pittsburgh will provide support and/or coordinate other tech support
resources. Contact Claire McCue for special requests.
 Consider addressing the following questions:
o What is the issue or problem? What needs to be addressed?
o What data/information supports the issue?
o What methods did you use to collect this data?
o What are your team recommendations and rationale?
o What challenges or barriers did your team encounter?
Feedback Process
Audience Evaluations
 Project team sponsors and other invited leadership guests will provide your team with feedback on
presentation content, delivery and style.
 Areas in which you’ll be evaluated include:
o Preparedness
o Relevance/usefulness of information given during presentation
o Knowledge and thoroughness; ability to answer questions
o Presentation Aesthetics (effective use of visual aids, transitions)
o Teamwork (cohesiveness, equality)
o Presence (enthusiasm, eye contact, poise)
o Project and Presentation Development (explanation of processes, method, creativity,
Peer Evaluations
 Each project team member will be asked to complete a peer evaluation for each of their team
member’s individual contribution and effort.
 Each LDI participant will receive survey feedback post-graduation for continued development.
 Areas in which you’ll receive feedback include:
o Your level of participation and collaboration
o Your level of planning and Leadership
o Your availability
o Your overall contribution(s) to the project
o Suggestions