"Ar/**Ar and U-Pb Geochronological Constraints on the Thermal and Tectonic Evolution of the Connemara Caledonides, Western Ireland by ANKE MARIA FRIEDRICH M.S. University of Utah (1993) B.S. University of Utah (1990) 'Vordiplom in Geologie' University of Karlsruhe, Germany (1988) Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September, 1998 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998. All rights reserved. I Certified by Ce "U Oof Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences 'Dpartment e bKip V. Hodges Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Ronald Prinn Department Head MASSACHUSETTS INSTJUTE "Ar/ 9 Ar and U-Pb Geochronological Constraints on the Thermal and Tectonic Evolution of the Connemara Caledonides, Western Ireland ANKE MARIA FRIEDRICH Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on July 15, 1998 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Geology ABSTRACT The Connemara region of the Irish Caledonides is a classical example of a regional-scale high-temperature metamorphic terrain. Its formation was related to intrusion of a compressional continental magmatic arc, for which a protracted thermal evolution was inferred based on a >75 Ma spread in U-Pb, Rb-Sr, and K-Ar mineral dates. Such a history is inconsistent with field observations which suggest a simple relationship between metamorphism and syntectonic magmatism. This study was designed to explore the significance of the large spread in apparent ages using higher resolution U-Pb and 4"Ar/ 39 Ar geochronometers. The results indicate that arc magmatism, sillimanite-grade metamorphism, anatexis, and late fluid infiltration spanned only about 12 million years. Cooling following the metamorphic peak was actually relatively rapid at 35*C/Ma until about 460 Ma, then 214*C/Ma until 450 Ma. Regional differences in 40Ar/ 3 9Ar cooling ages of >15 Ma are related to spatial and temporal variations in magmatism, metamorphism, and deformation, rather than differential unroofing of the orogen. 40Ar/ 39Ar dates older than the onset of magmatism or younger than a regional Silurian unconformity represent the combined effects of excess 4 0Ar contamination, metasomatism, thermal resetting or alteration related to post-orogenic pluton emplacement. This study shows that geochronologic data must be evaluated in the context of careful field mapping, structural and petrologic analysis. Geochronological data from Connemara suggest that arc magmatism related to the Grampian orogeny in this region spanned a brief interval between 475 and 462 Ma and was followed by rapid cooling. The oldest recognized Grampian processes included high P/T metamorphism, followed by intrusion of the Connemara Gabbros into Dalradian metasedimentary rocks, regional-scale ductile deformation, and sillimanite-grade metamorphism between 474.5 and 470.1 Ma. Voluminous -467 Ma quartz diorites only intruded in southern Connemara associated with more localized deformation, anatexis and metasomatism between 468 and 462 Ma. Intrusion of the 462.5 Ma Oughterard Granite marks the end of arc magmatism and contractional deformation at Connemara. The compressional continental magmatic arc at Connemara (the Grampian orogeny) was coeval with continental arc magmatism in Scotland and Newfoundland, and postdates ophiolite formation and obduction along strike in the AppalachianCaledonian orogen. Thesis advisor: Dr. Kip V. Hodges Title: Professor of Geology ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial Support for this dissertation was provided by the National Science Foundation through a NSF grant awarded to Kip Hodges and Samuel Bowring, a Geological Society of America Student Research Grant, and several SRFC grants from the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. I would like to thank Drs. Cees van Staal, Greg Hirth, Sam Bowring and Kip Hodges for serving on my thesis committee, for reading the entire thesis and for very helpful comments and advice before, during and after the thesis defense. The research related to this dissertation would have been impossible without the help, logistical support, field guidance, and friendship from many Irish and British colleagues, foremost Bruce Yardley (Leeds University), Paul Ryan (University College Galway), and Barry Long (Irish Geological Survey). The ideas I expressed in this dissertation benefited from lively discussions with Bruce Yardley, Paul Ryan, Bob Cliff, Geoff Tanner, Barry Long, Martin Feely, Bernard Leake, Jack Soper, Cees van Staal and with the MIT crowd including Meg Coleman, Nancy Harris, Audrey Huerta, Wiki Royden, Meg Thompson, Clark Burchfiel, Drew Coleman, David Hawkins, Chris Marone, Mark W. Martin, C.J. Northrup, Bill Olszewski, Jim Van Orman, Mark Schmitz, Gunter Siddiqi and of course Sam Bowring and Kip Hodges. I would like to thank especially all of my friends in Galway, Shanaheever, and Leenan for kindly hosting me and my field gearincluding several hundred kilograms of rocks, sledge hammers, and a bicycle with no front wheel- and letting me in and out of their houses during any time of the day -and night: Paul Ryan, Martin Feely, Roisin Moran, the Hamiltons' from Lenaan and their Pub, and Frances, Thomas and Martin from the Shannaheever Campground. Thanks to Gunter Siddiqi for helping me explore Connemara during my first week in the field, for discovering the secret of Inishbofin, and for sharing the wettest and foggiest day of this planet on Cashel Hill, the Cashel Pub, the gabbros, and in a far-traveled R&V with homemade German Apfelkuchen. I would have never ended up at MIT if it hadn't been for a series of larger or smaller coincidences involving Sonja Stotz, Lester Keller, Pat Miller, and Thor Kallerud from the University of Utah Ski Team, John Bartley (Ph.D. MIT 1981) my MS thesis advisor at the University of Utah, the Extensional Faults that overprinted Contractional Faults in Utah, the field-based Tectonics group at MIT that researched Extensional Faults in Contractional Orogens, and a new advisor-Kip Hodges. Among the countless formal and informal interactions with Kip, I enjoyed most the high level of scientific communication, advice, editorial work and last but not least the camaraderie. Thanks Kip! The U-Pb lab at MIT, in short Sams' Lab, certainly is the scientific and social center of the 11th floor. Foremost, I would like to thank Sam Bowring for being a nonstop scientific inspiration by suggesting at least one Ph.D.-scale research project per day ("aren't you done yet?"); for instant judgment of my own ideas ("holy snipe"); for believing in the impossible ("those heat-lamps work 24 hours a day ...Let's do it!"). Thanks a lot to Kathy Davidek ala Keefe for teaching me the ropes of mineral processing and U-Pb clean lab techniques, and for knowing where all the tools are hiding in the lab. Pat Walsh deserves a special Dankeschdn for reducing MIT bureaucracy hurdles. Bill Olszewski was a most thorough, patient and forgiving teacher of Argon isotopic matters ("tape on the planchette-oh, well, you'll have to remove it. It would be best to start over..."). Drew Coleman and Mark Martin are two fine scientists who differ most in their musical choices for lab entertainment. My fellow graduate students, the 1994 Wellesly field camp crowd (especially Tracy Johnston), the Women of 2nd & 3rd west in McCormick Hall, the 'housemasters' Kathy Hess and Charles Stewart, and the MIT Ski Team contributed most to making my MIT experience a very pleasant and special one. I will always remember the IAP field camp fires; BlackForest Ham in Las Vegas, Kittery Shopping trips, Pizza dinners at the housemasters'; the many hours of stimulating scientific and less scientific discussions at the CJ(Northrup)-and-DAVER-(Hawkins) Memorial Blackboard; watching the sunrise from the 11th floor because you're still there; soccer on the astro turf at 11:30 pm; Toscaninis' icecream. CJ Northrup, David Hawkins, Dawn Summer, Mousumi Roy, Steve Karner, Gunter Siddiqi, Nancy Harris, Jim VanOrman, Steve Parman, Erik Kirby, Mark Schmitz, Kirsten Nicolaysen, and new and old fellow Kip-mates Dave Applegate, Martha House, Meg Coleman, Audrey Huerta, Jose Hurtado, Arthur White, Julie Baldwin, Karen Viskupic (notice a new pattern?), thanks for sharing these moments! I am especially glad that Nancy 's and Audrey's final thesis push overlapped with mine! I would like to announce that the Anke-McCormickHall-BostonHilton Hotel and Restaurant service is now closed. Please check all your belongings. A new hotel will soon open in another part of this hemisphere. I thank Kim Olsen, the founding father of the Boston-Hilton chain and Powerbar-Cafe, and all the customers over the years, Chris Carlson, Ebbe Hartz, Meg Coleman, David Hawkins, Kirsten Nicolayson, Audrey Huerta, Kalsoum Abassi, Reiner and Annette Haus and many more. Thanks to Barb and Dave Noyse from Spruce Head Island, Maine, and Julchen, Lisa, Annette and Reiner Haus, for adopting me into their families. Finally I would like to thank my brother Heinz and my mother Uschi for their unconditional support and love without which I could have never stayed away from home for so long. To the Memory of My Dad Dr. med. Kurt Friedrich (1906-1976) TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRA CT..........................................................................................3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................................................5 TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................8 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION..............................................................10 REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................15 CHAPTER 2: A SHORT-LIVED CONTINENTAL MAGMATIC ARC AT CONNEMARA, WESTERN IRISH CALEDONIDES: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE AGE OF THE GRAMPIAN OROGENY.............................................................18 2.1. A BSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... 2.2. INTROD UCTION ................................................................................................................ 2.3. REGIONAL SETTING ........................................................................................................ 18 19 21 2.4. GEOLOGY OF THE CONNEMARA COMPLEX........................................................................... 2.5. U -PB RESULTS............................................................................................................... 2.6. THE GRAMPIAN OROGENY AT CONNEMARA.......................................................................... 22 2.7. REGIONAL IM PLICATIONS................................................................................................. ACKNOW LEDGMENTS............ ... ................................................................ 26 REFERENCES CITED ............................................................................ FIGURE C APTIONS................................................................................................................... 23 25 27 28 33 CHAPTER 3: GEOCHRONOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS ON THE TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THE CONNEMARA CALEDONIDES, WESTERN IRELAND........41 3.1. A BSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... 3.2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 3.3. TECTONIC SETTING ....................................................................... 3.4 GEOLOGY OF THE CONNEMARA REGION .............................................................................. 3.5. PREVIOUS GEOCHRONOLOGY............................................................................................ 3.6. NEW CONSTRAINTS ON THE TECTONIC AND MAGMATIC EVOLUTION OF CONNEMARA .................. 41 42 42 43 45 48 3.6.1 U-Pb Results: The Ages of Ductile Deformation in Southern Connemaraand Anatexis......... 48 3.6.2. U-Pb Results: Age of the Delaney Dome Formation....................................................... 50 3.6.3. * ArA9Ar Results: A Case Against ProtractedCooling................................................... 51 3.7. THE TIMING OF MAGMATISM, METAMORPHISM, AND DEFORMATION AT CONNEMARA ................. 3.8. AGE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE MANNIN THRUST.................................................................. 55 3.9. THE COOLING HISTORY OF CONNEMARA AFTER THE CESSATION OF ARC MAGMATISM.................. 3.10. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF CONNEMARA .............................................. A CKNOW LEDGMENTS.............................................................................................................. REFERENCES C ITED ................................................................................................................ 56 APPENDIX 3.2: SAMPLE PREPARATION AND ANALYTICAL METHODS................................................ FIGURE C APTIONS..................................................................................................................74 67 56 57 58 59 CHAPTER 4: CONSTRAINTS PROVIDED BY U-PB TITANITE GEOCHRONOLOGY ON FLUID INFILTRATION IN THE CALEDONIDES OF CONNEMARA, WESTERN IRELAN D ............................................................................................ 87 4.1. A BSTRACT ......................................---- ..... - . ...... ----------------------------------------------- 87 .... 88 INTRODUCTION.................................................................... 89 GEOLOGIC SETTING ..................................................................................... 91 METAMORPHISM AND PREVIOUS GEOCHRONOLOGY ............................................................ 93 METHODS.............----.----.---------------------------...................................................................... 94 INTERPRETATION STRATEGY FOR U-PB TITANITE DATES........................................................ 95 RESULTS ...................................------------........................................................................ 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.7.1. 4.7.2. 4.7.3. 4.7.4 Staurolite Zone......................................................................................................... Staurolite-SillimaniteTransition Zone ........................................................................ Sillimanite-Muscovite Zone........................................................................................ Migmatite Zone........................................................................................................100 4.8 DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................... A CKNOW LEDGMENTS..............................................................................................................103 REFERENCES CITED.....................................................................................104 ---FIGURE CAPTIONS...........................................................................................................-- 95 96 97 101 108 CHAPTER 5: CONSTRAINTS ON THE DEFORMATION AND COOLING HISTORY 39 40 OF THE CALEDONIDES OF CONNEMARA, WESTERN IRELAND, FROM AR/ A R THERMOCHRONOLOGY.......................................................................125 5.1. ABSTRACT ..................................---......---..................................................................... 5.2. INTRODUCTION.................................................................126 5.3. GEOLOGIC SETTING.................................................................127 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.3.3. 5.3.4. 125 Deformation History..................................................................................................128 Intrusive History......................................................................................................130 M etamorphic History................................................................................................130 Post-GrampianSedimentation, Igneous Activity, and Late-Stage FluidFlow.......................132 133 ...... ............................................................ 5.4. PREVIOUS THERMOCHRONOLOGY .............. 134 --...................................................................... -5.5. METHODS....................................39 137 5.6. *AR/ AR RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION .............................................. 5.6.1. NorthernmostGarnet-StauroliteZone...........................................................................137 5.6.2. Garnet-Stauroliteand Staurolite-Sillimanite TransitionZones........................................... 5.6.3. Sillimanite-K-feldsparZone........................................................................................139 5.6.4. Migmatitic Portionsof the Sillimanite-K-feldsparZone...........................141 ............................. 5.7. INTERPRETATION OF *AR/3 9AR RESULTS ............. 5.7.1. Significance of Category 1 Ages .................................................................................. 5.7.2. Significance of Category 2 Ages ............................................................................ ......5.7.3 Significance of Category 3 Ages .................................................................... 138 144 145 147 147 5.8. TOWARD A COMPREHENSIVE MODEL OF THE THERMAL AND TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF CONNEMARA148 5.9. CONCLUSIONS.............-..........-----.-----..................................................................151 152 ............................................................. REFERENCES CITED ............. APPENDIX 5.1: SAMPLE DESCRIPTION........................................................158 Northern Connemara......................................................-.....................158 -.. . -------------........................... Central Connemara...................................................-..... ....................... Southern Connemara......................................................- 159 160 APPENDIX 5.2: ANALYTICAL METHODS......................................................161 APPENDIX 5.3: CONSTRUCTION OF SCHEMATIC CROSS SECTIONS..................................................163 191 --.................................................................... FIGURE CAPTIONS......................................- CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Insight into the processes responsible for formation of the continental lithosphere can be gained by understanding the thermal evolution of continental crust. In stable continental regions heat transfer occurs mainly by conduction, but advective processes, such as faulting, plutonism, and fluid circulation, can result in high transient geothermal gradients in tectonically active areas (e.g. DeYoreo et al. 1991, Huerta et al. 1996). Such gradients are recognized today in metamorphic terrains through quantitative studies of pressure-temperature paths (e.g. England and Thompson 1984, Hodges 1991). Information about the timing of metamorphic events and the successive cooling history is of first-order importance in determining the thermal evolution of the crust and inferring rates of tectonic and surficial processes (Thompson & England 1984, Royden & Hodges 1984). Knowledge of the timing, intensity, and duration of events responsible for elevated transient geothermal gradients, however, depends on our ability to extract meaningful thermochronologic information from metamorphic terrains (e.g. Zeitler 1989). 4 0Ar/ 3 9 Ar and U-Pb geochronology of metamorphic minerals provide powerful tools to track the thermal evolution of orogenic belts (McDougall & Harrison 1988, Heaman & Parrish 1991). Combined, these two methods can be used to reconstruct large portions of the thermal history of an orogenic belt between 760*C (the nominal U-Pb closure temperature for zircon) to roughly 170*C (4 Ar/ 3 9Ar in K-feldspar). As a result of recent improvements in analytical techniques, it is now possible to obtain U-Pb and 4"Ar/ 3 9Ar dates with an analytical uncertainty of less than 0.3% and 1% for most samples, respectively. However, even the most precise dates are not necessarily geologically meaningful. In some cases, excess "Ar or inherited acessory minerals can thoroughly complicate the interpretation of geochronologic data. Even if such factors are not important, the exact significance of a date depends on how a particular mineral-isotopic system responds to the changing thermal structure in an orogen. Open-system behavior in mineral-isotopic systems is usually regarded as a thermally activated volume diffusion process (e.g. Everenden et al. 1960, Hart 1964, Hansen & Gast 1967, cf. Lee 1993). Thus, dates should correspond to the temperatures below which diffusive loss of the radiogenic daughter becomes effectively insignificant (Dodson 1973). Closure temperatures are different for each mineral-isotopic system because the diffusivity of the radiogenic daughter isotope depends on the crystal-chemistry of a mineral (e.g. Giletti 1974a). Determining these parameters is difficult because, in natural samples, the diffusivity of the radiogenic daughter varies even within a single mineral-isotopic system due to and differences in composition and effective diffusion dimension (Giletti 1974b, Harrison et al. 1985, Mezger et al. 1991, Scaillet et al. 1992). Variations in each of these parameters can change the closure temperature of a mineral by up to 100*C (Harrison et al. 1985, Hames & Bowring 1994). Experimentally determined diffusion parameters are only available for a limited range of compositions and diffusion dimensions (e.g. Giletti 1974b, Harrison 1981, Harrison et al. 1985, Baldwin et al. 1990, Foland 1993, Cherniak 1993); inappropriate application of these parameters can lead to gross misinterpretation of geochronologic dates. Until a complete experimental database becomes available, these factors are best determined empirically in slowly cooled terranes, where the range in ages is large enough to be resolvable by radiometric analysis. The Connemara region of western Ireland was thought to be an ideal location to understand better factors that control ages in a slowly cooled metamorphic terrane. Slow cooling of Connemara had been assumed based on reconnaissance geochronologic data suggesting a >100 million year history of intrusive activity and subsequent cooling (e.g. Elias et al. 1988, Miller et al. used 1991, Cliff et. al 1996). At Connemara, most of the commonly chronometers can be sampled in a variety of lithologies and metamorphic grade ranging from the upper greenschist to upper amphibolite facies. Each metamorphic zone experienced a distinct thermal history that can be evaluated as a function of composition and grain size. The first part of my dissertation was designed to test the assumption that Connemara is a slowly (<5*C/Ma) cooled terrane by determining the age and duration of magmatism and high-temperature (>700*C) metamorphism (Chapter 2). The results show that magmatism and metamorphism occurred between 474 and 463 Ma. Cooling of the high-grade terrane from >600*C to < 200*C is restricted to between ~470 Ma, the timing of peak metamorphism, and ~443 Ma, the age of the Silurian unconformity. Therefore, the thermal pulse associated with the Grampian orogeny lasted roughly 25 Ma, a far shorter interval than previously assumed (Chapter 3). The large spread in mineral-isotopic ages observed at Connemara cannot be explained by protracted cooling following a single orogenic event. The second part of my dissertation was aimed at further determining the significance of the spread in published dates studies (e.g. Elias et al. 1988, Miller et al. 1991) using 40Ar / 39 Ar 40Ar/ 39 Ar thermochronology. The advantages of thermochronology over conventional thermochronologic methods (K-Ar, Rb/Sr) are that (1) measurements of the parent and radiogenic daughter are made during a single analysis, resulting in a higher analytical precision and allowing in-situ intragranular analyses, and (2) that the presence of any excess radiogenic daughter isotope (excess 40Ar) can be recognized by incremental heating of the sample by a resistance furnace or a laser. My sampling focused on muscovite-, biotite-, and phlogopite-bearing metamorphic rocks from the garnet, staurolite, and sillimanite metamorphic zones, as well as from anatectic metasedimentary rocks and syn-and postorogenic magmatic rocks. To place limits on the permissible range of 4"Ar/ 39Ar (and therefore K-Ar and Rb/Sr) cooling ages, I combined 4"Ar/ 39Ar thermochronological results with geological field observations, thin section and electron microprobe analyses, high-precision U-Pb dating (Chapters 2, 3and 5), and results from paleomagnetic studies (Morris & Tanner 1977, Robertson 1984; Chapter 5). The results show that the distribution of 4"Ar/ 39 Ar cooling ages is very different from that observed in previous geochronologic studies (e.g. Elias e t al. 1988). The large spread in ages (>50 Ma) appears to be restricted to areas that have experienced the effects of post-orogenic magmatism (the Galway batholith) or brittle faulting (the Renvyle Bofin Slide). A much narrower age range (< 10 Ma) occurs in subareas of the metamorphic zones in the Dalradian fold and thrust belt. Most of this variation in ages is consistent with the different closure temperature for different minerals. The largest difference in cooling ages for a single mineral-isotopic system (c. 20Ma) occurs between the lowest (garnet) and the highest metamorphic ('migmatite') zone of northern and southern Connemara, respectively. On a scale of < 5 Ma, some of the 4 0Ar/ 39 Ar cooling ages appear to vary at random for minerals with similar compositions and grain sizes, indicating that the limit of resolution for 4 0Ar/ 39Ar data may be c. 5 Ma (Chapter 4). This dissertation consists of four chapters that have been written for publication in international geologic journals. Chapter 2 presents new U-Pb geochronologic constraints on the age of the oldest and youngest intrusions of the continental magmatic arc at Connemara. The results show that the continental magmatic arc at Connemara was much younger and shorter lived that known previously, and help to resolve a long-standing controversy about the age and significance of the Grampian orogeny. This paper has been submitted to GEOLOGY with Samuel Bowring, Mark W. Martin, and Kip Hodges as co-authors. Chapter 3 presents intermediate magmatism and coeval additional metamorphism U-Pb in ages for southern Connemara, as well as 40Ar/ 39Ar data which shows that Connemara was not a slowly cooled terrane. All high-precision geochronologic dates are remarkably consistent with their relative ages as inferred from field relationships. This paper was presented as an abstract at a "Discussion meeting on the Caledonides" in Glasgow, Scotland (September 9 & 10, 1997), and has been accepted for publication in the JOURNAL GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON; the co-authors OF THE are Kip Hodges, Samuel Bowring, and Mark W. Martin. Chapter 5 contains the main portion of the 4"Ar/ 3 9Ar data obtained during the course of this dissertation. These data and their interpretation focused on the thermal history related to and immediately following emplacement of the Connemara magmatic arc, although the Connemara region preserved a long record of 4"Ar/ 3 9Ar data that are not related to cooling following the amphibolite-facies metamorphism recorded in the Dalradian country rocks. This chapter is coauthored by Kip Hodges and will be submitted for publication to TECTONICS. Chapter 4 is part of an attempt to determine metamorphism at each metamorphic grade. the timing of peak This chapter contains the preliminary results of U-Pb titanite analyses from calcsilicate rocks from all metamorphic grades. Some of the U-Pb titanite results for the staurolite and sillimanite zone titanites are surprisingly young relative to the expected age of peak metamorphism in northern Connemara, but are of the same age as the 462 Ma U-Pb titanite dates for the highest metamorphic zones of southern Connemara. We infer that these U-Pb titanite dates record the timing of fluid infiltration which occurred post peak metamorphism at the low metamorphic zones. This chapter represents research in progress, and will be complemented by U-Pb monazite data before submission for publication to the JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC PETROLOGY, with coauthors Samuel Bowring and Kip Hodges. References Baldwin, S. L., Harrison, T. M., & Fitz Gerald, J. D. 1990. Diffusion of 4"Ar in metamorphic hornblende: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 105, 691. DeYoreo, J., Lux, D. R., & Guidotti, C. V. 1991. Thermal modeling in lowpressure/high-temperature metamorphic belts: Tectonophysics, 188, 209-238. Dodson, M. H., 1973, Closure temperature in cooling geochronological and petrological systems: : Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,40, 259-274. Elias, E. M., Macintyre, R. M., & Leake, B. E. 1988. The cooling history of Connemara, western Ireland, from K-Ar and Rb-Sr age studies: Journal of the Geological Society, London, 145, 649-660. England, P. C., and Thompson, A. B. 1984. Pressure-temperature-time paths of regional metamorphism I. Heat transfer during the evolution of regions of thickened continental crust: Journal of Petrology, 25, 894-928. Evernden, J. F., Curtis, G. H., Kistler, R., & Obradovich, J. 1960. Argon diffusion on glauconite, microcline, sanidine, leucite, and phlogopite: American Journal of Science, 258, 583-604. Foland, K. A. 1993. Argon diffusion in feldspars. In: Parson, I. (ed), Feldspars and their reactions: NATO ASI series, 421, 415-444. Giletti, B. J. 1974a. Diffusion related to geochronology. In: Hofmann, A. W., Giletti, B. J., Yoder, H. S., & Yund, R. A. (eds), Geochemical Transport and Kinetics. Washington, Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication, 61-76. 1974b, Studies in diffusion I: Argon in phlogopite mica. In: Hofmann, A. W., Giletti, B. 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(eds), Applications of radiogenic isotope systems to problems in geology. Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Handbook, 59-102. Hodges, K. V. 1991. Pressure-temperature-time paths. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 19, 207-236. & Bowring, S. A. 1995. 44Ar / 3 9Ar laser microprobe studies of slowly cooled biotites: Insights from the Southwestern U.S. Proterozoic Orogen. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 59, 3205-3220. Huerta, A. D., Royden, L. H. & Hodges, K. V. 1996. The Interdependence of Deformational and Thermal Processes in Mountain Belts. Science, 273, 637639. Kelley, S. P., Arnaud, N. 0., and Turner, S. P. 1994. High spatial resolution 40Ar / 39 Ar investigations using an ultra-violet laser probe extraction technique. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 58, 3519-3525. Leake, B. E., & Tanner P. W. G. 1994. The Geology of the Dalradian and associated rocks of Connemara, western Ireland. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 96 pp. Lee, J.K.W. 1995, Multipath diffusion in geochronology: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 120, p. 60-82. McDougall, I., and Harrison, T. M., 1988, Geochronology and Thermochronology by the 44Ar/ 3 9Ar Method, New York: Oxford University Press, 2 12pp. Mezger, K., Rawnsley, C. M., Bohlen, S. R., & Hanson, G. N. 1991. U-Pb garnet, titanite, monazite, and rutile ages: Implications for the duration of high-grade metamorphism and cooling histories, Adirondack Mtns., New York: Journal of Geology, 99, 415-428. Miller, W. M., Fallick, A. E., Leake, B. E., Macintyre, R. M., & Jenkin, G. R. T. 1991. Fluid disturbed hornblende K-Ar ages from the Dalradian rocks of Connemara, western Ireland. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 148, 985-992. Morris, W. A. & Tanner, P. W. G. 1977. The use of paleomagnetic data to delineate the history of the development of the Connemara Antiform. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 14, 2601-2613. Royden, L. 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(eds), Evolution of metamorphic belts,133148. CHAPTER 2: A SHORT-LIVED CONTINENTAL MAGMATIC ARC CALEDONIDES: IRISH WESTERN AT CONNEMARA, IMPLICATIONS FOR THE AGE OF THE GRAMPIAN OROGENY. Anke M. Friedrich, Samuel A. Bowring, Mark W. Martin, and Kip V. Hodges submitted to Geology, March, 1998. 2.1. Abstract New U-Pb data from the Connemara region of Ireland indicate that continental arc magmatism along the southern margin of Laurentia was short-lived, between c. 475 and 463 Ma. Field mapping demonstrates that intrusive activity at Connemara was synchronous with Grampian midcrustal deformation and upper amphibolite-facies metamorphism. U-Pb zircon analyses indicate that the age of the two oldest intrusions, the Currywongaun and Cashel-Lough Wheelaun gabbros, are 474.5 ± 1.0 Ma and 470.1 ± 1.4 Ma, respectively. U-Pb analyses of xenotime from the postdeformational Oughterard granite constrain crystallization to 462.5 ± 1.2 Ma. The implied age of the Grampian orogeny at Connemara is substantially younger than generally acknowledged, but consistent with other age constraints for the 'evolution of the Laurentian-Iapetus plate boundary. Development of the 475-463 Ma magmatic arc at Connemara postdates Tremadoc-Early Arenig ophiolite obduction, and was broadly coeval with arc magmatism along strike of the Appalachian-Caledonian orogen. This implies that subduction beneath the Laurentian margin from the Appalachians to Scotland did not develop until after ophiolite obduction. The new data from Connemara imply that this subduction polarity reversal occurred at or just prior to 475 Ma, and was much less diachronous along strike than previously assumed. Major Laurentia-ward subduction did not develop until after the Grampian-Taconian orogeny, and is not recorded in the Grampian orogen, where plate convergence after c. 460 Ma was accommodated by strike-slip faulting. 2.2. Introduction The Appalachian-Caledonian orogen records destruction of the Laurentian passive margin during Iapetus ocean closure. The earliest orogenic events include widespread ophiolite obduction and accretion of oceanic terranes, which were followed by syn-tectonic arc magmatism in the Laurentian margin (e.g. van Staal et al. 1998). In the British and Irish Caledonides these events are attributed to the Grampian orogeny, which correlates with the Taconian/Humberian orogeny of the northern Appalachians (Figure 2.1A; e.g. Lambert and McKerrow 1976; Cawood et al. 1995; Karabinos et al. 1998, Swinden et al. 1997, Whalen et al. 1997). The Grampian orogeny is recorded in Laurentian margin rocks (the Neoproterozoic Dalradian Supergroup) by arc magmatism, contractional deformation, and metamorphism, but also by turbidite sequences, ophiolites and accreted island-arcs (Ryan and Dewey 1991). Correlating Grampian events between these two tectonic settings is difficult, partly due to later fragmentation of the Laurentian margin by transcurrent faulting, and requires knowledge of the precise timing of these events (Figure 2.1B; e.g. Hutton 1987). The timing of Humberian/Grampian ophiolite obduction and terrane accretion in Newfoundland and western Ireland is well established (e.g. Ryan and Dewey 1991, Cawood et al. 1995). A Late Cambrian to Lower Ordovician (c. 515 to 475 Ma) oceanic island-arc, which formed above an oceanward-dipping subduction zone, collided with the Laurentian margin in late Arenig/early Llanvirn time (c. 475 to 465 Ma). A new subduction zone developed beneath the Laurentian margin, the ophiolites and accreted terranes during Middle Ordovician time (e.g. Dewey and Shackleton 1984; Tucker and Robinson 1990; van Staal 1994; Cawood et al. 1995, Swinden et al. 1997, Whalen et al. 1997, van Staal et al. 1998). However, the duration of Grampian events recorded within Dalradian Supergroup rocks ranges from >490 to 460 Ma based on published radiometric ages of continental magmatic arcs such as the one at Connemara. This implies that an active margin at Connemara was contemporaneous with passive Laurentian margin sedimentation and ophiolite obduction in Newfoundland and the British Isles. These timing relationships are inconsistent with field relationships which clearly show that ophiolites are cut by magmatic arc rocks (e.g. in Tyrone; Hutton et al. 1985), and pose a major problem for comprehensive models of the Grampian orogen, which currently are explained in two different ways. One model embraces significant along-strike variations in the Laurentian margin, with ophiolite obduction and terrane accretion at a longlived and complicated Andean-type plate margin (e.g. Lambert and McKerrow 1976; Yardley et al. 1987; Dewey and Ryan 1990). The other model suggests that the Dalradian block was exotic to the Laurentian margin, and did not accrete until after the Grampian orogeny (e.g. Bluck and Dempster 1991). The latter model is especially appealing because some exposures of the Dalradian Supergroup, for example at Connemara, are located in an unusual tectonic position with respect to the rest of the Laurentian margin (Figure 2.1B). During the Grampian orogeny at Connemara, tholeiitic to calc-alkaline magmas of the Connemara Gabbro and Gneiss Complex (Connemara Complex) were emplaced into rocks of the Dalradian Supergroup (Fig. 1; Yardley and Senior 1982; Leake 1989). Field relations indicate that igneous activity began during and outlasted the main phase of Grampian deformation, locally referred to as D2 and D3; early mafic rocks exposed in the north and west of the complex are deformed, but felsic intrusions farther east are undeformed and cut all ductile structures (e.g. Leake 1989). The potential of these relationships to provide important constraints on the timing and duration of Caledonian orogenic processes was not fully realized in the past because reliable age constraints were not available for most intrusive phases at Connemara. The age of the youngest intrusions has been controversial with age estimates ranging from 407 to >470 Ma (Kennan et al. 1987; Tanner e t al. 1997). The oldest gabbroic intrusions are commonly regarded c. 490 Ma old based on highly discordant U-Pb data for one pluton (Jagger et al. 1988). Along with U-Pb zircon data indicative of intrusive activity as young as 465 Ma (Cliff et al. 1996), this finding is commonly used to infer a duration of arc magmatism at Connemara of at least 25 million years. Data presented in this study provide the first high-precision U-Pb ages of the earliest and latest intrusive phases at Connemara, placing constraints on the duration of arc magmatism and, hence, the Grampian orogeny. Our results indicate that the Grampian orogeny at Connemara was essentially coeval with the Humberian orogeny in Newfoundland, rendering complex models of the Laurentian margin unnecessary. 2.3. Regional Setting Northwestern Ireland exposes a spectacular cross section through the Caledonian orogen from the Laurentian margin in the north to terranes accreted to its margin farther south (Figure 2.1B). The former Laurentian margin terminates at a major mid-Ordovician suture, the Fair Head-Clew Bay Line. Tectonic units south of this collisional suture include remnants of an intra-oceanic subduction zone and a juvenile island arc of TremadocArenig age, as well as a Tremadoc-Llanvirn forearc basin, the South Mayo Trough. Sedimentary rocks of the South Mayo Trough record erosion of an island arc, ophiolites, and a metamorphic terrane (e.g. Dewey and Ryan 1991). To the south, a Silurian unconformity conceals most of the boundary between the South Mayo Trough and the Connemara terrane. The Connemara Complex and its Dalradian country rocks were thrust onto Ordovician metavolcanic rocks during the Grampian orogeny (Figure 2.1B, e.g. Tanner et al. 1989). Farther south, rocks of oceanic affinity that contain Connemara-derived clasts and ophiolites, the South Connemara Group, probably formed as trench deposits over a Llanvirn-aged north-dipping subduction zone (P. Ryan, personal communication). Most of this contact is obscured by intrusion of the Devonian Galway batholith. 2.4. Geology of the Connemara Complex The Connemara Complex consists of a series of mafic and ultramafic intrusions, dominated by metagabbro throughout much of the region. In southern Connemara, a younger series of calc-alkaline intrusions, which range in composition from quartz diorite to granite are also included in the suite (Figure 2.2; e.g. Leake 1989). The metagabbros contain metamorphic amphibole which replaced primary pyroxene and plagioclase during postcrystallization hydration. In southern Connemara, the mafic bodies were intruded by quartz diorites. The youngest intrusive unit of the igneous complex is the undeformed Oughterard granite (Figure 2.2; e.g. Tanner et al. 1997). The Connemara Complex intruded a variety of metasedimentary rocks of the Dalradian Supergroup. These rocks record three deformation episodes and two metamorphic events. The oldest is a Barrovian-type metamorphism (M2; >6 kbars, c. 550*C, Yardley et al. 1987) related to crustal thickening. This event is best preserved in northern Connemara where it is not overprinted by the regional upper amphibolite-facies metamorphism (M3). This latter metamorphic event (c. 5 kbars, 750*C, Yardley et al. 1987) culminated in the anatexis of some Dalradian units in southern Connemara. The earliest fabric (Si) recorded in Dalradian rocks occurs only as inclusion trails within syn-D2 garnets and has unknown tectonic significance. Early main phase deformation, locally referred to as D2, is represented mainly by a penetrative schistosity and isoclinal folds at a variety of scales. The folds were refolded by large-scale, F3 fold nappes and cut by minor brittle faults. A penetrative schistosity, axial planar to F3 folds, developed synchronously with M3 sillimanite-grade metamorphism (e.g. Tanner and Shackleton, 1979). Emplacement of the Connemara gabbros occurred during contractional ductile deformation. The gabbros of northern Connemara intruded prior to the D3 deformation, possibly as early as the regional D2 deformation (Wellings 1998), and provide a maximum age for D3 deformation. In southern Connemara the age relationships of the metagabbros with respect to D2 structures are obscured by the intense D3/M3 overprint. Emplacement during early-D3 most seems likely, because the gabbros contain metamorphosed xenoliths, were deformed by F3 folds and predated quartz diorites (e.g. Tanner 1990) . At a late stage of D3, the Connemara terrane was thrust southward over metarhyolitic rocks of the Delaney Dome Formation along the Mannin thrust (Leake et al. 1983). This thrust was folded by a F4 WNW-plunging antiform (Figure 2.2; Leake, 1986). Another macroscopic F4 fold, the Connemara antiform, deformed the Dalradian country rocks to the north and was intruded by the Oughterard granite. Thus the granite marks the end of magmatism and deformation in Connemara. 2.5. U-Pb Results In order to determine the age and duration of magmatism at Connemara, we have conducted single-crystal U-Pb geochronologic studies of the oldest mafic intrusions and the youngest granite. Zircons were air-abraded for -40 hours until no crystal faces remained. All crystals were dissolved by standard anion-based liquid chromatography after Krogh (1982); details of the analytical protocol may be found in Bowring et al. (1993) and Hawkins and Bowring (1997). We analyzed ten zircon fractions of the plagioclase-hornblende gabbro (sample AF47), which was collected from the same location as the gabbro dated by Jagger et al. (1988; National Grid Reference L 843.440). The zircons are typically clear, subhedral elongate crystals, roughly 200 Rm long. Eight of the zircon fractions define a discordia with an upper intercept date of 470.1 ± 1.5 Ma (MSWD = 0.53) and a weighted mean 27Pb/20'Pb date of 470.3 ± 0.5 Ma (MSWD = 0.46; Table 1; Figure 2.3A). Two fractions were excluded from the regression because their 207 Pb/ 2 06 Pb dates of 494.8 Ma and 472.8 Ma indicate the presence of an inherited component. We interpret the crystallization age of this gabbro to be 470.1 ± 1.5 Ma. Jagger et al. (1988) chose to report their more 207 Pb/ 20'Pb precise date of 490 ± 1 Ma, which was based on the mean of six of their more magnetic fractions, rather than their upper intercept date of 477 + 25 / - 6 Ma for all nine analyses, which overlaps within 2a with the 470 Ma age of this study. We believe that their more discordant analyses resulted from analyzing multigrain fractions of unabraded zircons. Single zircon U-Pb analyses of a basic pegmatite (sample AF124) are the first attempt to determine the radiometric age of the syn-D2 Currywongaun intrusion. All four crystals were clear, prismatic -250 gm crystals. The analyses cluster near concordia with weighted mean 2 07 Pb/ 20 Pb/ 23 8 U, 207 Pb/ 235 U, and Pb dates of 472.0 ± 0.3 Ma (MSWD = 1.18), 472.5 ± 0.3 Ma (MSWD = 20 6 0.25), and 474.5 ± 1.0 Ma (MSWD = 0.11), respectively (Table 2.1; Figure 2.3B). We interpret the slight discordance between these three mean ages as a result of limited Pb loss. In this case, the best estimate of the age of the Currywongaun intrusion is the weighted mean 2 07 Pb/ Pb date of 474.5 ± 1.0 206 Ma. Previous geochronologic investigations of the two-mica Oughterard granite were based on the Rb-Sr method, but age interpretation has been problematic because most of the major minerals are altered (e.g. Tanner et al. 1997). We analyzed zircon and xenotime from the Oughterard Granite (sample AF97-0101; Table 2.1; Figure 2.3C). Zircon crystals from this sample are either small clear, prismatic crystals or larger, fractured crystals with clear cores and cloudy overgrowths. Single zircon analyses yield 20 7Pb/ 20 6Pb dates of 580 Ma and 2199 Ma, respectively, indicating that these zircons are inherited grains. The granite also contains abundant bipyramidal xenotimes. Five single crystal analyses of clear yellow and some cloudy orange xenotimes have a weighted mean 20 7Pb/ 2'Pb date of 462.2 ± 0.5 Ma (MSWD = 0.93) and define a discordia with an upper intercept date of 462.5 ± 1.2 Ma (MSWD 1.16), which is the best estimate of the crystallization age of this granite. - 2.6. The Grampian Orogeny at Connemara U-Pb geochronology of the Connemara gabbros and the Oughterard granite shows that magmatism, mid-crustal deformation, and amphibolitefacies metamorphism occurred between 474.5 Ma and 462.5 Ma (Figure 2. 4). This rapid succession of events at Connemara is consistent with field relationships. In northern Connemara, mafic intrusions were intruded prior to D2, but D3 deformation occurred while the contact aureole of these intrusions still was hot (Wellings 1998). In southern Connemara, the hanging wall of the late-D3 Mannin thrust was chilled during emplacement against cold footwall rocks as they experienced prograde greenschist-facies metamorphism. This implies that the Connemara terrane was still relatively hot (>500*C) in late-D3 time (e.g. Leake 1986). Similarly, the post-D4 Oughterard Granite intruded country rocks that had not yet cooled after highgrade metamorphism, based on the lack of a contact aureole around the intrusion. The Connemara Complex forms part of a contractional continental magmatic arc. The early stages of contractional deformation resulted in crustal thickening, recorded by M2 high P/T metamorphism (cf. Wellings 1998). A syn-D2 emplacement age of the 475 Ma northern Connemara gabbros, as inferred by Wellings (1998), implies that arc magmatism above a subduction zone occurred during crustal loading. In Tyrone and Newfoundland crustal loading was related to ophiolite emplacement, but followed by intrusion of arc magmatic rocks into the Laurentian margin and the ophiolites. If ophiolite emplacement was the cause of crustal loading at Connemara, and the Currywongaun gabbro was emplaced during the regional D2/M2 event, the magmatic arc, i.e., a Laurentia-ward dipping subduction zone existed simultaneous with ophiolite emplacement (at 475 Ma). In light of existing regional tectonic models for the Grampian orogen these relationships can be reconciled only if it is assumed that the subduction polarity reversal was an extremely rapid event and began during ophiolite obduction. Alternatively, existing tectonic models for the Connemara orogen must be modified. North-vergent folding and subsequent southward thrusting of the Connemara terrane could not have lasted long because the major structural, metamorphic and magmatic architecture of Connemara was assembled between c. 475 and 463 Ma. During this time exhumation of the orogen began and was followed by strike-slip faulting that prevented prolonged convergence. Removal of the Connemara terrane from the active margin shortly after orogenesis but prior to Silurian time explains the lack of igneous or metamorphic ages younger than c. 460 Ma. 2.7. Regional Implications A younger age for the Grampian orogeny at Connemara helps to solve a major conflict regarding the origin of the Dalradian terranes of Ireland and Scotland. A c. 475 Ma onset of the Grampian orogeny postdates carbonate platform sedimentation that is known to have characterized the southern Laurentian margin until Arenig/Llanvirn time (Figure 2.4; e.g. Soper and England 1995). This implies that the Dalradian rocks of Connemara could have been part of the Laurentian passive margin until the onset of the Grampian orogeny. An exotic origin of the Dalradian Supergroup rocks as proposed by Bluck and Dempster (1991) is not required. The Grampian magmatic arc at Connemara postdates ophiolite obduction recorded along strike of the northern Appalachian-Caledonian orogen and was coeval with arc syntectonic arc magmatism of the Grampian/Humberian/Taconian orogeny (e.g. Tyrone, Hutton et al. 1985). This orogenic event occurred during a brief interval, between c. 475 and 463 Ma, along the Laurentian margin from the northern Appalachians to Scotland (Figure 2. 4; Figure 2.1B; cf. Rogers et al. 1994). In late Tremadoc to Early Arenig time the Laurentia-Iapetus plate boundary was dominated by obduction of supra-subduction zone ophiolites (e.g., van Staal et al. 1998). Subduction polarity reversal, which resulted in Late Arenig to Llanvirn contractional arc magmatism in the Laurentian margin, occurred at or just prior to 475 Ma. There is no evidence for subduction beneath the southeastern Laurentian margin before Late Arenig time. Closure of the Iapetus Ocean before c. 475 Ma must have occurred within Iapetus or along its southern (Avalonian) margin. The earliest subduction beneath the Laurentian margin is recorded by short-lived magmatic arcs like the one at Connemara. However, major arc magmatism in the Laurentian margin did not occur until c. 454 to 425 Ma (e.g. Tucker and Robinson, 1990; Cawood et al. 1995; Karabinos et al. 1998), which is not documented in Ireland where intense strike-slip faulting prevented prolonged convergence. The Grampian orogeny at Connemara is consistent with arc magmatism along strike from at least Newfoundland to Scotland (e.g., Rogers et al. 1994; Karabinos et al. 1998, Swinden et al. 1997, Van Staal et al. 1998) and correlates with the Taconian/Humberian orogeny of the northern Appalachians. It does not support models of a continental collision between Laurentia and Avalonia/Gondwana for the Ordovician period. 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U-Pb ANALYSES OF ZIRCON AND XENOTIME FROM CONNEMARA Fractions (sg) U (ppm) Pb (ppm) Age (Ma)* Errors2a (%) Concentration Sample Weight 206 Pb' 208 Pbt 206 Pb6 204Pb 206Pb 238 U 207 Pb§ 207 Pb 206 Pb 207 Pb 207 Pb % err 235U % err 206 Pb % err 238U (.14) corr 235U 206 Pb coef Pb# ED* (pg) Pb# Lough Wheelaun gabbro [AF-47] Z1a (4) 5.7 509.3 43.3 15356 0.223 0.07557 (.20) 0.05709 (.13) 469.6 473.9 494.8 0751 90 270 22a (4) 4.1 607.4 511 2078.0 0 235 0.07487 ( 17) 0 58297 (19) 0.05647 (.09) 4655 466.4 470.9 0.896 58 360 Z4a (4) 4.9 481.1 408 3513.1 0.244 0.07580 (14) 0.59005 (17) 005646 (.09) 471.0 4709 4704 0858 33 60.8 Z8a (4) 104 288.4 247 1892.0 0.238 0.075665 (20) 0.58891 (.26) 0.05646 (.17) 470.1 470.2 4704 0 763 77 329 Z1la (1) 1.0 2464 20.9 26893 0.248 0.07535 (19) 0.58618 (.22) 0.05642 (.12) 468.3 468.4 469.1 0.849 44 46.9 Zi (1) 9.3 2085 176 2681.6 0.249 0.07496 (.09) 0.58330 (.12) 0.05644 (.08) 466.0 466.6 469.6 0.747 3.5 46.5 Z2 (1) 5.5 294 5 24.8 2960.7 0.250 0.07489 (.08) 0.58282 (.12) 0.05644 (.08) 465.6 466.3 469.8 0.735 27 51 4 Z3 (1) 5.5 298.4 24.8 3926.9 0.235 007486 (.07) 0 58282 (.13) 0.05646 (.11) 465.4 466.3 470.7 0.549 2.0 67.5 Z4 (1) 4.8 283.1 23.7 3706.8 0.247 0.07472 (.08) 0.58156 (.11) 0.05645 (.08) 464.5 465.5 470.0 0737 18 643 Z5 (1) 68 307.1 259 4175.3 0.247 0.07507 (.07) 0.58497 (.10) 0 05652 (.07) 466.6 4677 472.8 0 754 24 72 5 0.59477 Basic pegmatite [AF-124] Zi (1) 3.2 988.0 91 2 5783.6 0.354 0.07597 (.06) 0.59269 (.19) 0 05858 (.18) 472.0 4726 4752 0310 27 Z2 (1) 4.9 288.8 27 1 4986.2 0375 0.07602 (07) 0.59273 (.11) 0 05655 (.08) 4723 472 6 474 1 0.676 14 952 Z3 (1) 25 11644 105.6 8512.7 0.329 0.07596 (.10) 059237 (.15) (.11) 4719 472.4 474.5 0.676 1.7 157.5 Z4 (1) 41 479.6 444 3021.9 0.358 0.07594 (.08) 0.59228 (.11) 0.05657 (07) 471 8 472.3 474.7 0.759 3.2 56.9 0.05656 1088 Oughterard granite [AF97-0101] Z6 (1) 0.9 1093.2 825 26817 0.031 0.08055 (.20) 0.65903 (25) 005934 (15) 4994 514.0 5796 0.801 1.9 388 Z7 (1) 1.7 255.3 358 1445.5 0103 0.13038 (.20) 247569 (34) 0.13771 (27) 7900 12650 2198.7 0.619 25 24.3 Xi (1) 1.9 247986 1870.0 60561 0137 0.07277 (.12) 056461 (.14) 005627 (06) 4528 454.5 463.0 0891 357 986 X2 (1) 55 24910.1 1910.7 3751.1 0156 0.07240 (.14) 0.56127 (15) 0.05623 (.05) 450.6 452.4 461 4 0.937 1667 62 1 X4 (1) 0.1 1808315 133995 8388.7 0.099 007423 (.07) 057571 (.09) 0.05625 (.05) 4616 461.7 4623 0811 102 131.4 X5 (1) 17 27751.2 2109.2 7681.9 0.143 007313 (.13) 0.56724 (14) 0.05626 (.05) 4550 456.2 4625 0.934 283 1257 X8 (1) 01 224066 8 168315 6189.8 0126 007328 (12) 056826 (16) 005624 (10) 4559 456.9 461.9 0769 168 995 Note Allerrorsare reported as 2-c. Number at zircons ineach traction shownin parenthesesafter fraction name. Sampleweightsare estimatedusinga videomonitor with gndded screen andare known to within 40% Z = Zircon.X = Xenotime CommonPb correctionswere calculatedusingthe model of Stacy and Kramers(1975)and the interpretedage of the sarple * RadiogencPb. t Measuredratio correctedfor spike and fractionation only Massfractionation correction 0.15%/amu* 004%/amu wasappled to singlecollectorDaly analysesand 0 12%/amu* 0 04% for dynamic Faraday-Dalyanalyses § Correctedfor fractionation, spike, blank,and initial commonPb. # total commonPb analysis. Totalprocedural blankfor Pb rangedfrom 0 65-3 7 pg and < 1.0pg for U. Blank isotopiccomposition."Pb/Pb = 19.10t 0 1, "'PbP"Pb =15 71 * 0.1, 208Pb/204Pb = 38 65 ± 0.1 **Age calculations are based on the decayconstantsof Steigerand JAger(1977) a in Figure Captions Figure 2.1. Geologic setting of the Irish Caledonides. a: extent of the Laurentian margin. S: Scotland, BI: British Isles, after Hibbard et al. (1995). b: simplified tectonic map of the western Irish Caledonides, north of the Iapetus suture, after Ryan and Dewey (1991). The Fair Head-Clew Bay Line (FH-CBL) separates the Connemara terrane from other Dalradian Supergroup exposures. Ordovician ophiolites occur near this suture in the South Mayo and Tyrone. SMT: South Mayo Trough. DDF: Delaney Dome Formation, SCG: South Connemara Group. Figure 2.2. Simplified geologic map of Connemara. The sample localities are shown as dark gray boxes. DDF: Delaney Dome Formation. The gabbros of northern Connemara are the Dawros (Da) - Currywongaun (Cw) - Doughruagh (Do) Complex. The Cashel (Ca) - Lough Wheelaun (LW) Gabbro occurs near the structural base of the intrusive complex. Figure 2.3. U-Pb concordia diagrams. a: Cashel-Lough Wheelaun Gabbro (sample AF47). b: Currywongaun Basic Pegmatite (sample AF 124). c: Oughterard Granite (sample AF97-0101). Figure 2.4. Age and duration of the Grampian Orogeny at Connemara. The time scale is from (1) Tucker & McKerrow (1995), (2) Landing et al. (1997) and (3) Davidek et al. (in press). Events in Newfoundland, some of which are also documented in Scotland, are cited from: (4) e.g. Soper & England (1995); (5) e.g. Cawood & Suhr (1992), Dewey et al. unpublished; (6) Karabinos et al. (1998), Dewey et al. unpublished; (7) Tucker & Robinson (1990), and Cawood et al. (1995); (8) Van Staal et al. (1998), Swinden et al. (1997); (9) Ryan & Dewey (1991), Dewey & Ryan (1990). b Devonian - Carbon. Silurian Rocks Granite Ordovician Rocks Dalradian Rocks Grenville Basement Major Faults Connemara L 50 km Figure 2.1 and Silurian, rdovician Rocks, undivided 1111U01V1EMVC~jCarboniferous, 474.5 1 on a Galway Batholith D Oughterard granite Ca111111 Laugh Wheelaun Mannin thrust nan 470.1 1.4 Mae5lM a ughterard granite r-7/-doregnis W. W42512M Maflc Intrusions Cas e Delaney Dame Formation ..Fold. . and Thrust Belt In Daradban Supergroup .. Galway Batholith .Ma.ic Figure 2.2 Terrane boundary interred (A) 474 0.0763006-Lough-Wheelaun gabbro AF-47 Co co 0.0758CMJ 470 6;za1l 0.0753 C466 0.0748- Upper Intercept Age 470.1 Ma 0.581 (B) 0.0762 0.586 0.591 0.596 PbI235U Basic pegmatite 0.0763 D 2 07 1.4 Ma - AF-124 473 Co Co) 0.0761 - 472 0.0760- C C\i 0.0759 - 207 Pb/ 206 Pb Age 474.5 ±1.0 Ma 0.5907 0.5917 0.5927 P b/235 U 207 0.5937 0.5947 (C) 0.0745 3 Oughterard granite AF97-01 01 46M, 0.0740 Co c 0.0735 9 0.0730 - 0 0.0725 o xx8 450 x Intercept Age 0.0720Upper 0.0720462.5 0.555 Ma 0.560 207 0.565 0.570 Pb! 235 U Figure 2.3 1.2 Ma 0.575 0.580 38 Northern Appalachians Time [Ma] South Mayo Connemara Silurian E -440 unconformity Ashgill E -450 strike-slip faulting Caradoc - 458 - la 0 E Oughterard Granite [AF-9701 01] Llanvirn - 16 470 U- 0 Cashel-L. Wheelaun Gabbro [AF47] Currywongaun Basic Pegmatite [AF124] 9 island arcLaurentia collision 9 Arenig ( -480 g 0 2 _j |-0 Ci .) Tremadoc 3 j0 C <483- < 490 - 4490 15 -0 Cambrian C C - 500 I 0 N C 0 .o CoC CoC. Co) w 0 Figure 2.4 CLs CHAPTER 3: GEOCHRONOLOGICAL CONSTRAINTS ON THE TECTONIC EVOLUTION OF THE CONNEMARA CALEDONIDES, WESTERN IRELAND. Anke M. Friedrich, Kip V. Hodges, Samuel A. Bowring & Mark W. Martin accepted for publication in the Journal of the Geological Society, London; July, 1998. 3.1. Abstract The Connemara region of the western Irish Caledonides records the evolution of a short-lived Mid Ordovician (c. 475 to 463 Ma) continental magmatic arc that intruded into Dalradian metasedimentary rocks during regional ductile deformation. New geochronologic data of intermediate intrusive phases at Connemara are consistent with the relative age succession suggested by field relationships. Calc-alkaline plutons (quartz diorite) were emplaced into the Dalradian sequence and into the older Connemara Gabbros at about 467± 2 Ma, coeval with anatexis, manifested by 467± 2 Ma granitic pegmatite and 468 ±2 Ma leucosome formation. A new U-Pb age of 475.9 ±2.2 Ma for a metarhyolitic rock of the Delaney Dome Formation, a unit restricted to the footwall of the regionally important Mannin thrust, overlaps with UPb ages for the Connemara intrusive complex (475 to 463 Ma). The possibility that the Delaney Dome Formation also represents part of the Connemara arc casts doubt on the published interpretation of the Mannin thrust as a major terrane boundary. Connemara was situated at an active plate margin until about 463 Ma, after which sinistral strike-slip resulted in accretion of Connemara to South Mayo, western Ireland. From a study of U-Pb and new 4 Ar/ 39Ar geochronological data we conclude that the cooling history of Connemara following the Grampian orogeny was simple and brief, at a minimum rate of 35*C/Ma between 468 and 460 Ma, and 14*C/Ma between 460 and 450 Ma. 3.2. Introduction The Connemara region of the western Irish Caledonides is one of the best-studied continental magmatic arcs in the northern hemisphere and a classic regional-scale, high-temperature metamorphic belt (Figure 3.1; e.g. Yardley et al. 1987; Leake 1989). Field relations indicate that magmatism, metamorphism of the country rocks, and deformation are closely associated in time and space. Previous geochronological studies of the Connemara metamorphic complex resulted in a complex pattern of igneous and metamorphic ages, spanning many tens of millions of years, which has been interpreted in terms of a complicated spatial and temporal tectonic and thermal evolution (e.g. Elias et al. 1988; Cliff et al. 1996). However, recent UPb geochronological analyses of the oldest and youngest intrusive phases in Connemara show that arc magmatism occurred over a period of less than 15 Ma (Friedrich et al. submitted, Chapter 2). In this paper we present additional U-Pb geochronological metamorphism, data to and syn-magmatic refine the timing deformation, of magmatism, as well as 40Ar/ 3 'Ar thermochronological data to assess the cooling history of the Connemara terrane. The results confirm that the Grampian orogenesis at Connemara was short-lived. 3.3. Tectonic Setting Ophiolite obduction, subduction and transpression related to initial closure of the Iapetus ocean led to destruction of the former Laurentian margin of the British Isles and Ireland (Figure 3. 1). In western Ireland, distinctive lithotectonic terranes record a mid-Ordovician event, the Grampian orogeny, which ended with the transpressional accretion of exotic fragments along the Laurentian margin in pre-Silurian time (e.g. Hutton 1987). Most importantly, these terranes escaped the main Silurian-Devonian Caledonian orogeny recorded in other portions of the Caledonides, permitting a unique view into pre-Silurian orogenic processes. The Connemara terrane includes clastic continental rise and slope deposits that are correlated with part of the Neoproterozoic Dalradian Supergroup in Scotland (Figure 3. 1; e.g. Harris et al. 1994). Most of these rocks were deposited prior to opening of the Iapetus ocean, presently dated at about 617 Ma (Kamo et al. 1989). Unmetamorphosed Silurian (Llandovery; < 443 Ma) sedimentary rocks unconformably overlie Dalradian rocks in Connemara, as well as Ordovician sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the South Mayo Trough to the north (Figure 3. 1; e.g. Dewey & Ryan 1990). The contact between mid-Ordovician high-grade metamorphic rocks of Connemara and very-low grade rocks of the South Mayo Trough is inferred to be a strike-slip terrane boundary along which Connemara was emplaced from the west (e.g. Hutton 1987). The presence of Connemara adjacent to South Mayo in Late Ordovician time is indicated by metamorphic and igneous clasts of the Late Llanvirn to Caradoc (c. 460 to >443 Ma) Derryveeny conglomerate on South Mayo rocks which are similar to rocks exposed in Connemara (Figure 3.2; Graham et al. 1991). 3.4 Geology of the Connemara Region The Connemara complex (the Connemara gabbro and orthogneiss complex of Leake and Tanner 1994) is the largest magmatic arc exposed within the British and Irish Caledonides. Its country rocks include a variety of metapelitic, calcsilicate, and amphibolitic lithologies. Arc magmatism triggered regional high-temperature, intermediate-pressure metamorphism, culminating with the anatexis of some Dalradian units in southern Connemara (e.g. Leake & Tanner 1994). The intrusive complex consists of a series of tholeiitic mafic intrusions, mainly gabbro, and a younger series of calc-alkaline intrusions which range in composition from quartz diorite to granite (Figure 3.2; e.g. Leake 1986, 1989). At its present erosion level, the complex is interpreted as the lower portion of a mafic magma chamber, disrupted by the intrusion of calc-alkaline plutons, and ductile deformation. The final stage of arc magmatism is represented by undeformed granitic intrusions, which are concentrated in the eastern portion of Connemara. The largest of these is the Oughterard Granite pluton (Figure 3.2). Ductile fabrics in the Dalradian country rocks record two main deformational episodes (D2 &D3), both of which were associated with metamorphism (e.g. Yardley 1976; Tanner & Shackleton 1979). The oldest fabric (Si) is preserved only as inclusion trails in garnet and staurolitic porphyroblasts. A penetrative schistosity (S2) and tight to isoclinal folds (F2) developed synchronously with garnet + staurolite ± kyanite mineral assemblages (M2) that are mainly preserved in northern Connemara. Across much of Connemara, the S2 schistosity is folded by large-scale F3 folds and reworked by a penetrative S3 schistosity developed in lithologies containing sillimanite + biotite ± cordierite ± garnet assemblages (M3). Connemara, in a zone of intense migmatization In southern of pelitic rocks, D3 deformation was accompanied by partial melting. The gabbros of northern Connemara, represented by the DawrosCurrywongaun-Doughruagh complex (Figure 3.2.) are considered by Wellings (1998) to have been emplaced during D2 deformation and deformed during D3. Those in southern Connemara where probably intruded during the early stages of D3 deformation (Tanner 1990), deformed by F3 folds, and intruded by strongly foliated, syn-D3 quartz diorites. Subsequently, the Connemara Complex was thrust southwards over rhyolitic rocks of the Delaney Dome Formation along the Mannin greenschist-facies metamorphism Thrust (Figure 3.2), which of the footwall rocks. resulted in Thrusting was associated with a penetrative shear foliation and a NNW-oriented mineral lineation in both hanging wall and footwall lithologies (Tanner et al. 1989). Movement on the Mannin Thrust outlasted regional deformation because hanging wall units have been brecciated near the thrust plane (Leake 1989). The Mannin Thrust was folded by a late WNW-plunging antiform, which is similar to the SE-plunging F4 Connemara antiform that controls the presentday outcrop-pattern of Dalradian units (Figure 3.2; e.g. Leake 1986). undeformed The Oughterard Granite and related granitic pods cut across mesoscopic F3 folds and the S3 fabric (e.g. Tanner et al. 1997). At least some of the smaller granitic pods west of the Oughterard Granite are pre-D4 in age (Tanner et al. 1997). However, the main bodies of the Oughterard Granite intrude the F4 Connemara antiform and cut the lithological contacts folded around it. The intrusions mark the end of magmatism and major deformation in the Connemara region (Figure 3.2). 3.5. Previous Geochronology The earliest attempt to establish to date one of the intrusive bodies in the Connemara Complex was that of Pidgeon (1969), who obtained discordant U-Pb data for four multi-grain zircon fractions from a sample of the CashelLough Wheelaun Gabbro. By projecting a line through the data points of the two coarsest fractions, Pidgeon estimated a 504 ± 10 Ma crystallization age (recalculated based on the decay constants of Steiger and Juger (1977). A second study of another sample from the same locality produced similar discordant results (Jagger et al. 1988). Nine multi-grain zircon fractions loosely defined a chord with an upper intercept of 477 +25/-6 Ma, but these authors regarded the mean 27Pb/2Pb age of these fractions (490 ± 1 Ma) as the crystallization age of the gabbro. We recently conducted a third U-Pb study of a sample from the Cashel-Lough Wheelaun Gabbro, this time using small seven single and one multi grain zircon fraction that had been heavily abraded (Friedrich et al. submitted, Chapter 2). The resulting data are much more concordant than those obtained previously, and they define an upper intercept age of 470.1 ± 1.4 Ma, which we interpret as the crystallization age of this gabbro. In addition, we analyzed eight single zircons from a mafic pegmatite of the synD2 Currywongaun intrusion and interpret the age of this sample to be 474.5 ± 1.0 Ma. Based on these results, we regard the early, mafic phases of the Connemara Complex to have crystallized between 475 and 470 Ma. A variety of geochronological methods have been used to establish ages for the younger phases of the Connemara Complex. Cliff et al. (1996) determined a U-Pb zircon lower intercept age of 463 diorite intrusion, and a mean 207 Pb/ 20 6 Pb age of 466 4 Ma from a quartz 6 Ma from a fine- grained, unfoliated granite that cuts across migmatitic leucosomes. The age of the undeformed Oughterard Granite has been especially controversial. Leggo et al. (1966) obtained a Rb-Sr internal isochron age of 460 ± 7 Ma on muscovite, which they regarded as a minimum age estimate for the granite. In contrast, Kennan et al. (1987) determined a Rb-Sr whole rock errorchron age of 407 ± 23 Ma for the same intrusion, concluding that it belonged to a suite of Early Devonian 'Newer Caledonian Granites', like the Galway Batholith. Leake (1988) marshalled field and geochemical arguments against this interpretation and suggested that the 407 Ma date reflected isotopic disturbance during retrogression. Recently, Tanner et al. (1997) analyzed several samples of the Oughterard granite, its satellite intrusions, and cross-cutting pegmatites and obtained Rb-Sr dates ranging from 396 to 473 Ma, but regarded the oldest as the best estimate of the minimum age of the granite. We have recently obtained an age of 462.5 ± 1.2 Ma from the large mass of Oughterard granite found in the east of the inlier (Figure 3.2) using the U-Pb xenotime technique (Friedrich et al. submitted, Chapter 2). Additional U-Pb data published by Cliff et al. (1996) suggest that magmatism and metamorphism in the Connemara region continued until about 463 Ma. They interpreted a titanite date of 466 ± 3 Ma and a monazite date of 463 ± 4 Ma for two pegmatites as marking the minimum age of D3 deformation and M3 metamorphism in eastern Connemara. Cliff et al. (1993, 1996) also obtained a c. 478 Ma U-Pb titanite age for a metamorphic diopside rock from central Connemara, attributing it to M3 metamorphism. In light of the then-accepted 490 Ma age of Jagger et al. (1988) for the Cashel-Lough Wheelaun Gabbro, Cliff et al. (1996) inferred a prolonged period of arc magmatism and metamorphism at Connemara from 490 Ma until at least 463 Ma. Age constraints for the late D3 Mannin Thrust are limited. Leake et al. (1983) obtained a Rb-Sr errorchron age of c. 460 Ma for a geographically separated set of mylonitic metarhyolitic samples of the footwall Delaney Dome Formation. Tanner et al. (1989), analyzing contiguous sample of mylonite from a single site, determined a Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of 443 ± 4 Ma, and Rb-Sr muscovite-whole-rock isochron ages of 448 ± 4 and 451 ± 4 Ma from two samples. These authors interpreted the average of these dates - 447 Ma - as the age of the main Mannin Thrust movement. Recently, Cliff et al. (1996) obtained a Rb-Sr muscovite-feldspar isochron age of 456 ± 6 Ma for a syn-D4 muscovite-bearing quartz vein from central Connemara, which suggests an older age for the Mannin Thrust. Internally consistent Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages, as well as a few "Ar/"Ar ages from Connemara, span a range of over 75 Ma. The oldest dates are c. 485 Ma K-Ar hornblende ages from the vicinity of the Connemara gabbros of southern Connemara, whereas most K-Ar and Rb-Sr mica ages range from 455 to 440 Ma (Elias et al. 1988; Miller et al. 1991). Because the Connemara gabbros were thought to be 490 Ma old, the K-Ar hornblende ages were interpreted to indicate rapid cooling to the closure temperature for Ar retention in amphibole (c. 500*C; Harrison 1981), followed by a 30 millionyear period of slow cooling, and a final phase of rapid cooling between 455 and 440 Ma (e.g. Elias et al. 1988; Cliff et al. 1996). These data also could be interpreted as indicating a simple cooling history between 485 Ma and 440 Ma at a relatively slow rate of c. 5*C/Ma. A few younger dates in the Connemara region (c. 420 Ma) have been attributed to partial reheating in the vicinity of the c. 400 Ma Galway Batholith (e.g. Leggo et al. 1966; Elias et al. 1988). 3.6. New Constraints on the Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of Connemara Although the U-Pb data published in a companion paper (Friedrich et al. submitted, Chapter 2) demonstrate that Connemara arc magmatism was restricted to only a few million years, several important questions remain regarding the thermal evolution and deformational history of the region during Grampian orogenesis. For example, is it possible to constrain better the absolute ages and durations of specific deformational events? Does the Mannin Thrust represent a fundamental suture between exotic terranes and, if so, when did docking occur? What was the cooling history of the region subsequent to magmatic activity? We have addressed these questions with U-Pb and "Ar/ 3 'Ar geochronological studies of selected samples from southern Connemara. 3.6.1 U-Pb Results: The Ages of Ductile Deformation in Southern Connemara and Anatexis In order to bracket better the timing of syn-tectonic pluton emplacement in the Connemara Complex, we analyzed zircons from two samples collected in the migmatite zone of southern Connemara (Figure 3.2): a hornblende-bearing quartz diorite gneiss (AF43; National Grid Reference L 814.410) and a concordant granite pegmatite (AF44; L 814.410 ). Sample AF43 contains two morphologically distinct zircon populations: clear prismatic crystals up to 400 gm long, and inclusion-rich, multi-faceted crystals (< 200 gm). The six single zircon analyses from both populations are concordant with weighted mean 2 07 Pb/ 206 Pb, 20 6 Pb/ 238 U, and 207 Pb/U dates of 467.9 ± 1.2 Ma, 466.2 ± 0.5 Ma, and 466.5 ± 0.6 Ma, respectively (Table 3.1, Figure 3.3A). We interpret the crystallization age of the quartz diorite intrusion to be 467 ±2 Ma. Sample AF44 also contains multi-faceted and prismatic zircons (<200 gm). Four analyses are concordant with weighted mean 207Pb/ 2"Pb, 2 "Pb/238U, and 2 07 Pb/ 2 5U dates of 467.4 ± 2.1 Ma, 466.6 ± 1.8 Ma, and 466.8 ± 1.6 Ma, respectively (Table 3.1, Figure 3.3B). One of the zircon analyses (AF44-Z9) is -2% discordant, with a 2 07Pb/ 235 U date of 477.5 ± 0.6 Ma, which we attribute to the presence of a minor inherited component. We interpret that sample AF44 crystallized at 467 ± 2 Ma. Together, the data from these two samples indicate that main ductile (D3) deformation occurred lasted until c. 467 Ma in southern Connemara. This interpretation is consistent with some of the U-Pb data presented by Cliff et al. (1996) for syndeformational intrusive activity, but is inconsistent, for example, with their U-Pb titanite ages from central Connemara, which suggest that M3 occurred much earlier (-478 Ma) in this area. To explore this problem further, we analyzed monazite and zircon from a metapelitic migmatite sample (AF45; National grid Reference L 814.410; Figure 3.2) collected near samples AF43 and AF44 in southern Connemara. Zircons in sample AF45 are either prismatic or multi-faceted crystals (< 350 gm). Zircons from both populations are discordant with 2 7Pb/ 2 6Pb dates ranging from 817 to 2636 Ma suggesting that these zircons are detrital (Table 3.1). Monazite in the melanosome occurs both as inclusions in biotite and garnet and at grain boundaries between muscovite and quartz. In the leucosome, they are found as inclusions in quartz and albite. Most crystals are subhedral, clear, and yellow, with a diameter up to 180 gm (cf. Appendix 3.1). One monazite crystal from AF45 is reversely discordant (Table 3.1, Figure 3.3C). Incomplete dissolution of monazite or an excess component of 2"Pb may be responsible for this reverse discordance, resulting in an unreliable / 23 8U date (e.g. Scharer 1984). We prefer the 207 Pb/ 235U date of 465.8 ± 4.0 206 p Ma as the best estimate of the crystallization age of this monazite. The other monazite of this sample is slightly older, but nearly concordant with a 2 07Pb/ 2.. U date of 467.0 ± 0.4 Ma (Table 3.1, Figure 3.3C). Our best estimate for the time of monazite crystallization in AF45 is 466 +2 Ma, which we regard as a robust estimate for the age of M3 metamorphism in central Connemara. We are attempting other ways to evaluate the Cliff et al. (1996) suggestion of a 478 Ma event: in particular, we are dating titanites from several localities of central Connemara. Although this study is incomplete, the results thus far do not provide evidence for titanite crystallization older than 466 Ma. 3.6.2. U-Pb Results: Age of the Delaney Dome Formation The tectonic significance of the Mannin Thrust is not well understood because neither the age nor the palaeotectonic affinity of its footwall rocks, the Delaney Dome Formation, is known with relation to the Connemara Complex. If the Delaney Dome volcanic units were products of the Connemara volcanic arc, the Mannin Thrust would simply be an intra-arc structure. On the other hand, the Delaney Dome Formation and Connemara Complex may represent distinctive and widely separated tectonostratigraphic terranes sutured along the Mannin Thrust. Although the final resolution of such questions requires more geochemical study (cf. Leake & Singh 1986), new U-Pb data show that Delaney Dome volcanism and Connemara Complex plutonism occurred at the same time and therefore both could have formed synchronously within the same arc. Zircons from a mylonitic metarhyolite sample of the Delaney Dome Formation (AF94-DD2; National Grid Reference L 647.479; Figure 3.2) belong to one of three morphological populations: clear, short (c. 100 gm) crystals; cloudy, large (c. 200 gm) crystals; and clear prismatic crystals up to 160 g m long. Zircons from the former two populations yielded discordant analyses with 2 07 Pb/ 2 06Pb dates ranging from 992 to 1268 Ma (Table 3.1). We interpret these zircons to have been incorporated from a pre-eruptive source. Five zircons of the prismatic population (Z5, and Z9 - Z12; Table 3.1; Figure 3.3D) are discordant and yield a weighted mean 2 0zPb/ 20Pb date of 475.9 ± 2.2 Ma. A linear regression through these five analyses yields an upper intercept age of 474.6 ± 5.5 Ma, which we interpret as the approximate age of the Delaney Dome Formation. 3.6.3. 'Ar/'Ar Results: A Case Against Protracted Cooling Previous K-Ar and Rb-Sr geochronological studies suggested that the Connemara terrane had a protracted cooling history, extending as far back as Late Cambrian/Early Ordovician time (e.g. Elias et al. 1988; Miller et al. 1991). This conclusion is inconsistent with Middle Ordovician U-Pb ages for arc magmatism and peak metamorphism in southern Connemara, which imply that significant cooling did not occur until after 465 Ma. Our were aimed at testing the protracted cooling 40Ar/ 3 9Ar hypothesis studies through a combination of resistance furnace and laser mapping experiments on micas from the Connemara region. We analyzed biotite from a biotite schist of the Lakes Marble Formation of the Dalradian Supergroup (AF24; National Grid Reference L 815.461), muscovite from a concordant pegmatite (AF23; L 815.461) intruding the same formation, and muscovite from a second concordant pegmatite intruding an amphibolite of the Streamstown Formation of the Dalradian Supergroup (AF31; L 821.468). All three samples were collected in the northern portion of the migmatite zone, an area presumably unaffected by intrusion of Late Silurian-Devonian granites like the Galway Batholith (cf. Jenkin et al. 1992; Figure 3.2). Examination of the micas with a binocular microscope and a scanning electron microscope revealed no obvious inclusions. The major element composition of each mineral was determined using the JEOL 733 electron microprobe at MIT (Table 3.2). Detailed compositional profiles revealed no discernible major element zoning. We initially performed incremental heating experiments on all three samples, by using the resistance furnace to extract gas from the AF31 muscovite and the defocused laser on the AF24 biotite and the AF23 muscovite (Table 3.3). These experiments resulted in essentially flat release spectra, displaying statistically definable plateaus (Figure 3.4). Assuming an initial 40Ar/ 36 Ar ratio of 295.5, the plateaus correspond to ages of 460 ± 2 Ma (AF31 muscovite), 454 ± 2 Ma (AF23 muscovite), and 450 ± 5 Ma (AF24 biotite). All of the micas released Ar with very high 40Ar / 3 6Ar ratios throughout the experiments, such that isotope correlation diagrams were of little use in testing the results for excess 40Ar contamination. Although we cannot preclude the existence of such contamination, the highly radiogenic nature of the Ar in these samples would require extreme amounts of excess 4 0Ar contamination to significantly effect the calculated ages for each heating increment. We interpret the plateau ages of these micas the time at which the samples cooled through the closure temperature range for Ar diffusion in muscovite and biotite. Extracting cooling history information from these data depends on the assumptions used for the diffusion geometry and the critical diffusion dimension (aeff) for 40Ar in biotite and muscovite. The AF 24 biotite is similar in major element composition to the Cooma biotite studied experimentally by Harrison et al. (1985) and Grove & Harrison (1996), whose data were combined to obtain diffusion parameters of E = 47.1 kcal/mol and D. = 0.075 cm 2/s for a cylindrical diffusion geometry. Based on their experimental results, Harrison et al. (1985) suggested a value of aff = 150 gm for biotites of intermediate Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio, similar to those in sample AF24. Based on this value, the combined Harrison et al. (1985) and Grove & Harrison (1996) diffusion results for Cooma biotite, and a nominal cooling rate of 5*C/Ma, we used the equations of Dodson (1973) to estimate a bulk closure temperature of 302*C. Using the experimental results of Robbins (1972) for muscovite (as reanalyzed by Hames & Bowring, 1994: E = 43 kcal/mol and D. = 0.00039 cm 2/s) and assuming again a cylindrical geometry and aff = 150 pm (cf. McDougall & Harrison, 1988), we calculate a bulk closure temperature of 326*C, only slightly higher than the biotite value. Assuming this approach is correct, the Connemara muscovite and biotite data presented here are consistent with an average cooling rate of only about 2-3*C/Ma over the 460450 Ma interval. However, several lines of evidence argue against this very slow cooling interpretation of the 4 0Ar/ 39Ar data from Connemara. The most significant is that the AF31 muscovite used for incremental heating, a single {001} cleavage fragment with a grain diameter of - 6.4 mm, was much larger than the AF23 muscovite used for incremental heating (an 0.8 mm {001} cleavage fragment) and yielded a significantly older plateau age. This suggests that af for these micas may correspond to the physical grain size and not to a much smaller subgrain dimension. Indeed, numerous 4 Ar/ 3 9Ar laser mapping studies of biotite and muscovite show diffusion gradients on a scale much greater than 150 gm (Phillips & Onstott, 1988; Onstott et al. 1991; Phillips 1991; Hames & Bowring 1994; Hodges et al. 1994; Hodges & Bowring 1995). If we use the Hames & Bowring (1994) re-analysis of Robbins' (1972) data, and assume that a, corresponds to one-half the physical grain size for each muscovite, the bulk closure temperature of the AF31 muscovite is 463*C, that for the AF23 muscovite is 377*C, and the average cooling rate between the two closure ages becomes ~14'C/Ma. A similar calculation for AF24 biotite, using one-half the physical grain size (0.4 mm) as a, , results in a bulk closure temperature of 345*C for a cooling rate of 14'C/Ma. However, simple linear cooling at 14*C/Ma from AF31 muscovite closure to AF24 biotite closure would predict a slightly older age for the biotite than the one actually measured. This may suggest a decrease in cooling rate between 455 and 450 Ma to something like 10*C/Ma, but the combined uncertainties in the 4 Ar/ 39Ar data and in available diffusion data preclude more detailed calculations. Another method for evaluating various cooling models is to search for age gradients in the Connemara micas. Dodson (1986) suggested that slowly cooled mineral grains should show discernible age gradients if ae corresponded to the physical grain radius, and he derived mathematical algorithms to describe closure temperature as a function of radial distance in mineral grains. Using the Hames & Bowring (1994) diffusion values, a grain with the dimension of the incrementally heated AF31 muscovite should exhibit a core-to-rim age gradient of 33 Ma for an average cooling rate of 5*C/Ma and up to 149 Ma for an average cooling rate as slow as 1*C/Ma. Since such gradients can be resolved easily with the laser 44Ar/ 3 9Ar microprobe, we performed a laser mapping experiment on a second {001} cleavage fragment from the same AF31 muscovite crystal that had provided the incrementally heated fragment (Table 3.4). The results are illustrated in Fig. 5 as a plot of apparent age vs. distance from the grain center, calculated as a fraction of the grain radius. All 27 fusion spots yield a 39Ar-weighted mean age of 459.1 ± 1.6 Ma, indistinguishable from the plateau age for the other AF31 muscovite grain. Although there is some scatter in Fig. 3.5 beyond that which might be expected from analytical imprecision alone - possibly due to the existence of fast diffusion pathways within the crystal (cf. Hodges & Bowring, 1995) - there is no indication of a systematic decrease in apparent 4 Ar / 39 Ar age with radial distance. If there is an age gradient in this sample related to cooling, it must be of a magnitude too small to be resolved with the analytical capabilities of the microprobe. Given that the standard deviation of all mapped ages in the AF31 crystal is 6.5 Ma, a cooling rate of at least 14*C/Ma would yield no analytically discernible gradient. We conclude that the region of Connemara from which our 4 Ar/ 39Ar samples were collected experienced relatively rapid cooling (> 14*C/Ma) over the 450-460 Ma period, consistent with the brevity of Connemara arc magmatism. The Timing of Magmatism, Metamorphism, and Deformation at Connemara 3.7. The new data presented here, as well as those in Friedrich et al. (submitted), are consistent with the relative sequence of events established through field observations. For example, the U-Pb ages of sequentially emplaced gabbro, quartz diorite, and granite intrusions are 470, 467, and 463 Ma (Figure 3.6A). The total duration of arc magmatism at Connemara was no more than about 12 million years, much shorter than previously thought. The timing of peak metamorphism in the migmatite zone (>700*C: Barber and Yardley 1985; Treloar 1985) is well constrained at 468 to 466 Ma by our results from south-central Connemara and those of Cliff et al. (1996) for eastern Connemara (Figure 3.6C). High temperature conditions (>500*C) lasted at least until 463 Ma based on U-Pb titanite dates from Cliff et al. (1996) and Friedrich (unpublished data, Chapter 4). The age of the M3 metamorphic peak falls within the age range for Connemara magmatism and closely matches the U-Pb age of intermediate-composition plutons, suggesting a direct causal relationship. This is supported by the observation that the migmatitic leucosomes are most abundant near quartz-diorite intrusions. Such a relationship obviates the need to postulate other heat sources for metamorphism (cf. Cliff et al. 1996). Since both the quartz-diorite intrusions and anatexis were coeval with the most intense ductile deformation (still D3?), this deformational event (D3') can be confidently assigned a 468 - 466 Ma age (Figure 3.6B). U-Pb ages of the intrusive rocks also help to constrain the ages of other deformational events (Figure 3.6B). The 474.5 Ma Currywongaun gabbro was emplaced during D2 deformation, whereas the 470.1 Ma Cashel gabbro in southern Connemara intruded during early D3 deformation. An age difference of only a few million years between D2 deformation and the onset of D3 deformation is consistent with field observations and thermal modeling results from the aureole in northern Connemara (Wellings 1998). 3.8. Age and Significance of the Mannin Thrust The Mannin Thrust post-dates the crystallization of intermediatecomposition meta-intrusive rocks in its hanging wall and metarhyolites of the Delaney Dome Formation in its footwall. The 467 Ma quartz diorite age reported in this paper suggests a maximum age for the thrust (Figure 3.6 A, B). A minimum age derives from the observation that a late fold deforms the Mannin Thrust. The F4 Connemara antiform is intruded by the 462.5 Ma Oughterard Granite (Figure 3.2). Assuming that F4 folding occurred at the same time across Connemara, the major period of movement along the Mannin Thrust is bracketed between 466.5 and 462.5 Ma (Figure 3.6 B). The 447 Ma age for the Mannin Thrust proposed by Tanner et al. (1989) is inconsistent with our U-Pb age for the Oughterard Granite, unless one is prepared to speculate that D4 deformation is diachronous across Connemara or at least may have lasted 15 Ma. Either of these possibilities seems unlikely in light of overwhelming evidence for a brief Grampian orogenic event. Rather, we suspect that the age determined by Tanner et al. (1989) reflects a late brittle fault reactivation, related fluid transport, or late-stage regional cooling below the Rb-Sr closure temperature for muscovite. 3.9. The Cooling History of Connemara after the Cessation of Arc Magmatism U-Pb ages for magmatism and metamorphism at Connemara provide an upper age limit for the period of post-magmatic, late-metamorphic cooling that should be recorded by "Ar/ 3 Ar, K-Ar and Rb-Sr cooling ages. Regional- scale upper amphibolite-facies metamorphism exceeded temperatures of 700*C in southern Connemara (e.g. Yardley et al. 1987). Such temperatures would be expected to reset all mineral-isotopic systems involving ''K or 87Rb decay. A minimum age for cooling of rocks at Connemara is given by the proximity of the presently exposed rocks to the Silurian unconformity (c. 443 Ma; Figure 3.2). Therefore, cooling of southern Connemara from >700*C to near surface temperatures is restricted to between c. 468 and c. 443 Ma. Any '"Ar/ 39 Ar or Rb-Sr dates that are older than 468 Ma do not reflect cooling of - southern Connemara after magmatism and high-grade metamorphism, and must reflect isotopic disequilibrium or excess 4 Ar contamination. Similarly, dates younger than c. 443 Ma must reflect open-system behavior unrelated to simple cooling after metamorphism. 4'Ar/ 9Ar ages of micas from southern Connemara indicate that this portion of Connemara cooled through the 460 to 350'C temperature range between 460 and 450 Ma, probably at a rate of at least 14*C/Ma (Figure 3.6 C). Combined with the 468 Ma of peak metamorphism, these data imply rapid cooling at 35 *C/Ma between 468 and 460 Ma. We have found no evidence to support the widely held conviction that the cooling history of Connemara was complex and protracted (e.g. Elias et al. 1988). Instead, Connemara appears to have had a relatively simple cooling history subsequent to a brief period of arc magmatism and Grampian orogenesis. 3.10. Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of Connemara At present, we have no evidence for magmatic or metamorphic activity that may have affected the Dalradian Supergroup at Connnemara prior to 474 Ma. Older zircon growth events are evidenced by 20 7Pb/ 2 06Pb dates for Connemara samples ranging from 2636 Ma to less than 600 Ma (Table 3.1). However, these zircons are either detrital (in metasedimentary units) or inherited (in igneous units). The youngest of the inherited ages is a 580 Ma, obtained for a zircon from the Oughterard granite. This age postdates the currently accepted minimum age for deposition of the Dalradian Supergroup, implying that this zircon was derived from a different, younger (but unidentified) source. Late stages of continental arc magmatism at Connemara were accompanied by orogen-perpendicular shortening along the Mannin Thrust and the Connemara Antiform. Given the presence of igneous rocks of similar age in both hanging wall and footwall, as well as the short time span available for thrust movement, the fault is not likely to represent a fundamental terrane boundary. More likely, the Delaney Dome Formation formed as a surface equivalent of the Connemara Complex and the Mannin Thrust is an intra-arc structure. Continental arc magmatism at Connemara and associated regional metamorphism completely postdate Lough Nafooey arc magmatism (Tremadoc-early Arenig) at South Mayo (e.g., Dewey & Ryan 1990). Emplacement of Connemara adjacent to the South Mayo terrane probably occurred after high-temperature deformation at Connemara because the metamorphic grade at South Mayo is very low. Since the Mannin Thrust developed during compressional deformation and arc magmatism, it seems certain that this structure also predates terrane accretion. 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The zircons were air-abraded for about 40 hours until all crystal faces were removed (Krogh 1982). Pb and U from zircons and monazites were isolated by HCl-based anion exchange chromatography modified after Krogh (1973). Further details of analytical protocols may be found in Bowring et al. (1993) and Hawkins et al. (1997). For 4 0Ar/ 39Ar analysis, we separated biotite and muscovite by handpicking large (0.8 to 6.4 mm diameter), subhedral to euhedral single crystals from uncrushed or coarsely crushed hand samples. Gas extraction was accomplished in three ways: furnace incremental heating, laser incremental heating, and laser spot-fusion mapping. The first method involved progressive heating of a thick (c. 0.4 mm) muscovite crystal (sample AF31) in a double-vacuum resistance furnace at temperatures maintained to within about 5*C by a thermocouple for a period of 10 minutes per increment. Laser incremental heating was performed by training a defocused, Coherent Ar-ion laser on single crystals (samples AF23 and AF24) for two minutes at successively higher power levels (as controlled by varying the plasma tube current). Spot-fusion mapping was done on the (001) cleavage surface of one large (6.4 mm) muscovite crystal (sample AF31). For this procedure, the laser beam was focused to a spot size of c. 50 gm, and gas was extracted by firing five, 200 ms bursts of the laser at an approximate power of 15 W. The result was a melt pit varying from 70-300 gm across, depending on the varying responses of different parts of the grain to the laser energy. Additional details of 4 Ar/ 39Ar geochronological procedures at MIT may be found in Hodges & Bowring (1995) and Hodges et al. (1994). Table 3.1. U-Pb analyses of zircon and monazite from southern Connemara Concentration Errors 2-a (%) Sample Weight U Pb Fraction (pg) (ppm) (ppm) 204 Pb 206 Pb* 208 Pbt 206 Pb 207 PUV Age (Ma)** 207 PbV 206 Pb 207 Pb 207 Pb corr. Pb§ Eb* 206 Pb coef. (pg) Pb§ 206 Pb 238 U % err 235 U % err 206 Pb % err 238 U 235 U Quartz Diorite Gneiss (AF43) Z1(1) 12.8 353.3 30.0 834.4 0.178 0.07532 (.17) 0.58618 (.20) 0.05644 (.10) 468.1 468.4 469.8 0.873 26.3 13.8 Z2(1) 12.7 344.1 27.2 1422.0 0.129 0.07499 (.18) 0.58295 (.20) 0.05638 (.09) 466.2 466.4 467.2 0.901 14.7 22.7 Z3(1) 8.7 499.6 35.6 2549.9 0.034 0.07500 (.17) 0.58342 (.19) 0.05642 (.09) 466.2 466.7 468.9 0.884 8.2 37.4 Z4(1) 6.4 227.8 24.5 208.4 0.259 0.07504 (.45) 0.58396 (.53) 0.05644 (.26) 466.5 467.0 469.7 0.868 36.1 3.4 Z5(1) 7.3 259.8 23.5 471.4 0.215 0.07490 (.47) 0.58234 (.52) 0.05639 (.21) 465.6 466.0 467.8 0.919 19.8 7.9 Z6(3) 4.2 278.6 25.1 566.4 0.234 0.07577 (.58) 0.59121 (.63) 0.05659 (.23) 470.8 471.6 475.6 0.933 10.2 9.6 Z7(1) 2.6 324.2 27.3 1064.9 0.239 0.07518 (.83) 0.58411 (.85) 0.05635 (.17) 467.3 467.1 466.1 0.980 3.9 18.2 Granite Pegmatite (AF44) Z1(1) 7.3 355.0 32.7 265.4 0.100 0.07496 (.26) 0.58338 (.50) 0.05645 (.40) 465.9 466.6 470.0 0.599 49.2 3.9 Z2(1) 8.3 426.6 35.4 489.9 0.087 0.07525 (.21) 0.58482 (.29) 0.05636 (.19) 467.7 467.6 466.7 0.752 35.4 7.4 Z5(1) 9.5 187.2 16.5 840.1 0.245 0.07536 (.39) 0.58586 (.42) 0.05638 (.15) 468.4 468.2 467.5 0.937 10.3 14.6 Z9(1) 4.4 329.1 26.9 1538.2 0.195 0.07509 (.48) 0.58640 (.50) 0.05664 (.13) 466.7 468.6 477.5 0.968 4.6 25.6 Z1 2(1) 3.6 614.5 48.2 5151.2 0.164 0.07475 (.10) 0.58095 (.26) 0.05637 (.24) 464.7 465.1 467.0 0.380 2.1 83.7 Zi (1) 276.5 139.2 5412.8 0.344 0.38250 (.14) 9.39740 (.15) 0.17819 (.05) 2087.9 2377.6 2636.1 0.944 6.6 116.4 Z2(1) 207.5 24.8 1306.5 0.078 0.12133 (.43) 1.15049 (.92) 0.06877 (.76) 738.2 891.8 0.563 2.3 19.7 Z3(1) 233.2 47.9 696.9 0.099 0.18975 (.27) 2.07218 (.37) 0.07921 (.24) 1120.0 1139.7 1177.3 0.759 18.6 11.8 Z4(1) 233.1 47.5 269.2 0.114 0.16622 (.37) 1.74327 (.42) 0.07606 (.17) 991.2 1024.7 1096.8 0.915 31.8 4.5 Z5(1) 87.2 9.5 368.1 0.037 0.10237 (.83) 0.93624 (.92) 0.06633 (.32) 628.3 670.9 816.9 0.939 10.7 5.6 Metapelite (AF45) 777.5 Table 3.1. continued Errors 2-a (%) Concentration Sample Weight U Fraction .(g) (ppm) Pb (ppm) 206 Pb* 208 Pbt 206 Pby 204 Pb 207 Pby Age (Ma)** 207 PbV 2 b207 Pb 207 Pb corr. Pb§ Pb* Pb§ 206 Pb 238 U % err 235 U % err 206 Pb % err 238 U 235 U 206 Pb coef. (pg) Z6(1) 7.1 161.6 44.2 1316.5 0.340 0.21675 (.22) 2.70029 (.24) 0.09036 (.09) 1264.7 1328.5 1433.0 0.933 11.3 27.1 Z7(1) 2.2 669.2 153.6 2344.5 0.097 0.21329 (.18) 4.02098 (.19) 0.13673 (.05) 1246.3 1638.4 2186.2 0.958 8.1 41.1 M1(1) 3.6 7284.5 1574.0 23475.8 2.269 0.07510 (.08) 0.58402 (.09) 0.05640 (.05) 466.8 467.0 468.1 0.833 5.3 1058.9 M2(1) 4.3 9137.5 2290.4 20702.4 2.802 0.07505 (.07) 0.58210 (.08) 0.05625 (.05) 466.5 465.8 462.3 0.829 9.0 1092.0 M4(1) 10.0 312.3 144.5 3867.3 6.093 0.07458 (.13) 0.57664 (.17) 0.05608 (.10) 463.7 462.3 455.5 0.793 3.8 376.8 M12(1) 1.9 1368.8 835.9 8661.4 8.470 0.07393 (.32) 0.57457 (.36) 0.05636 (.16) 459.8 461.0 466.7 0.901 14.1 1132.5 M13(1) 7.0 2272.5 909.0 4892.7 5.392 0.07149 (.20) 0.55488 (.26) 0.05629 (.16) 445.1 448.2 463.8 0.798 14.7 432.3 Metarhyolite (AF94-DD2) Z4(1) 2.9 115.5 19.9 2263.6 0.119 0.16785 (.14) 1.70760 (.21) 0.07378 (.15) 1000.3 1011.4 1035.5 0.698 1.6 35.8 Z5(1) 0.8 436.8 33.9 754.1 0.154 0.07461 (.30) 0.58163 (.60) 0.05654 (.49) 463.9 465.5 473.6 0.578 2.3 11.9 Z7(1) 0.9 679.9 80.3 3562.6 0.073 0.11843 (.16) 1.35468 (.17) 0.08296 (.07) 721.5 869.6 1268.3 0.923 1.3 54.7 Z8(1) 1.2 354.2 48.4 2934.4 0.032 0.14394 (.10) 1.43300 (.14) 0.07221 (.08) 866.9 902.8 991.8 0.782 1.4 43.0 Z9(1) 0.9 627.1 36.1 2630.0 0.113 0.05719 (.22) 0.44633 (.30) 0.05660 (.19) 358.5 374.7 476.1 0.779 0.8 40.8 Z10(1) 1.0 499.4 23.5 2104.4 0.199 0.04343 (.26) 0.33903 (.32) 0.05661 (.18) 274.1 296.4 476.6 0.835 0.7 35.0 Z11(1) 1.2 468.1 29.2 2397.3 0.159 0.05968 (.15) 0.46561 (.30) 0.05659 (.25) 373.7 388.1 475.4 0.541 0.9 38.6 Z12(1) 1.1 284.0 16.1 979.7 0.156 0.05446 (.32) 0.42488 (.43) 0.05658 (.28) 341.9 359.5 475.2 0.757 1.1 15.6 *Radiogenic Pb. t Measured ratio corrected for spike and fractionation only. Mass fractionation correction of 0.15%/amu ± 0.04%/amu was applied to single collector Daly analyses and 0.1 2%/amu ± 0.04% for dynamic Faraday-Daly analyses. V Corrected for fractionation, spike, blank, and initial common Pb. § total common Pb in analysis. Total procedural blank for Pb ranged from 0.65-3.7pg and < 1.0pg for U. Blank isotopic composition: "Pb/"Pb = 19.10 ± 0.1, 207Pb/204Pb =15.71 ± 0.1, "Pb/Pb = 38.65 ± 0.1. All errors are reported as 2-;. Number of zircons in each fraction shown in parentheses after fraction name. Z= Zircon, M= Monazite. Sample weights are estimated using a video monitor with gridded screen and are known to within 40%. Common Pb corrections were calculated using the model of Stacy and Kramers (1975) and the interpreted age of the sample. **Age calculations are based on the decay constants of Steiger and JAger (1977). Table 3.2. Microprobe analyses of biotite and muscovite. AF24 AF23 AF31* § TiO 2 A12 03 Cr 203 FeOT MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2 0 NiO 35.05 3.28 18.60 nd 21.65 0.32 7.13 0.02 0.28 8.43 0.02 45.11 0.45 32.27 nd 2.57 0.06 0.76 nd 0.59 9.68 nd 45.30 0.29 32.29 nd 3.27 0.03 0.87 0.00 0.69 9.55 nd (.57) (.11) (.85) nd (.14) (.02) (.07) (.00) (.04) (.09) nd TOTAL 94.79 91.48 92.30 (1.35) SiO2 Xann 0.5 (Fe + Mg)/ Als 0.124 0.156 Sii, / (Si,, + AI,,) 0.785 0.78 Na / (Na + K) 0.084 0.09 * Average of 10 stations across the 6.4 mm muscovite § Standard deviation of 10 analyses Table 3.3. 40 Increment Ar 39 Ar incremental heating data for biotite and muscovite from Connemara "Ar/"Ar Atomic ratios ("Ar/"Ar).,,. "Ar/"Ar ( Ar/"Ar).. "ArK moles 3.47E-04 3.14E-04 1.65E-04 2.01E-05 3.12E-05 2.57E-05 2.05E-05 3.15E-05 1.77E-05 9.27E-05 6.62E-05 5.88E-05 3.70E-03 3.71E-02 3.68E-02 3.89E-02 3.74E-02 3.55E-02 3.62E-02 3.60E-02 3.57E-02 3.65E-02 3.59E-02 3.55E-02 3.85E-02 3.48E-02 4.01E-02 7.69E-02 1.26E-03 9.30E-04 6.41E-04 3.80E-04 1.58E-04 3.12E-04 3.07E-04 1.35E-04 3.38E-04 4.41E-04 6.71E-04 2.18E-04 4.48E-03 3.85E-02 6.17E-16 7.OOE-16 1.43E-15 6.46E-15 9.24E-15 1.08E-14 8.37E-15 8.33E-15 8.29E-15 2.16E-15 1.66E-15 3.60E-15 7.42E-17 1.03E-17 3.97E-04 3.49E-04 2.60E-04 1.34E-04 9.78E-05 8.96E-05 1.08E-04 1.25E-04 1.42E-04 3.98E-04 1.23E-04 4.81E-04 5.14E-02 4.15E-02 3.91E-02 3.87E-02 3.62E-02 3.74E-02 3.58E-02 3.56E-02 3.54E-02 3.72E-02 3.56E-02 3.45E-02 8.51E-04 8.20E-04 8.32E-04 7.01 E-04 4.94E-04 1.75E-04 3.61 E-04 5.65E-04 6.25E-04 5.86E-04 5.52E-04 3.32E-03 2.86E-15 2.55E-15 3.33E-15 6.19E-15 8.26E-15 8.98E-15 7.08E-15 6.11E-15 5.36E-15 2.00E-15 1.68E-15 4.33E-16 Cum.% "Ar 40 Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J) Age Error (w/o J) 1.0 2.1 4.4 14.9 29.9 47.4 60.9 74.4 87.8 91.4 94.0 99.9 100.0 100.0 Total Gas Age t t: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 83.7 99.6 99.7 99.2 99.0 99.7 99.7 99.4 99.7 99.3 98.5 99.6 99.1 91.2 381.6 424.4 439.3 458.5 449.6 454.4 458.6 448.0 455.6 458.0 423.5 467.7 410.5 209.3 452.6 452.9 44.8 37.9 23.2 12.9 12.4 12.7 12.7 12.4 12.6 17.1 14.9 14.3 406.2 2367.3 3.8 2.0 (43.6) (36.3) (20.2) (5.0) (4.1) (4.6) (4.3) (4.0) (4.3) (12.2) (10.0) (7.6) (406.0) (2,367.3) 5.2 9.9 15.9 27.2 42.3 58.7 71.6 82.7 92.5 96.2 99.2 100.0 Total Gas Age tt: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 67.8 91.7 96.7 98.7 99.7 99.1 99.0 98.8 99.0 98.0 99.7 99.5 231.0 371.8 411.0 422.9 453.1 437.1 453.6 455.2 458.6 434.9 459.8 471.0 430.4 429.7 37.5 38.3 30.1 16.5 12.8 10.5 13.6 16.4 18.6 46.7 16.1 71.2 30.1 5.6 (37.5) (38.3) (30.1) (16.5) (12.8) (10.5) (13.5) (16.3) (18.6) (46.7) (16.0) (71.2) Sample AF23m @@ Tube current [A] 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 5.43E-04 2.19E-06 1.09E-06 1.86E-05 2.61E-05 1.15E-07 1.37E-07 1.20E-05 1.34E-07 1.61E-05 4.19E-05 5.85E-06 2.11E-05 2.81E-04 Sample AF24b ## Tube current [A) 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 15 16 18 20 1.08E-03 2.72E-04 1.02E-04 3.48E-05 2.08E-08 2.22E-05 2.58E-05 3.26E-05 2.54E-05 5.99E-05 1.29E-06 6.59E-06 Table 3.3. continued Increment "Ar/*Ar Atomic ratios (3Ar/*Ar).,. "Ar/Ar ("Ar/ 4 Ar).,. 39 ArK moles t Cum.% "Ar 5 4 Ar*% # Age (Ma) Age Error (w J) Age Error (w/o J) * NAF31mIl.f Temperature [K] 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1600 1900 2.78E-03 1.85E-03 3.08E-04 1.97E-05 4.35E-06 3.75E-06 2.03E-05 2.24E-05 1.64E-05 1.27E-05 1.08E-06 3.50E-05 3.33E-05 3.08E-05 2.15E-06 1.17E-06 4.79E-06 2.72E-06 1.36E-05 7.52E-06 5.13E-06 4.63E-05 6.14E-03 1.45E-02 3.19E-02 3.54E-02 3.55E-02 3.55E-02 3.52E-02 3.51E-02 3.54E-02 3.54E-02 4.11E-02 5.54E-05 3.81E-05 2.59E-05 1.29E-05 2.67E-05 2.18E-05 2.90E-05 6.73E-05 2.92E-05 3.27E-05 1.30E-04 2.10E-14 4.59E-14 2.14E-13 1.47E-12 1.39E-12 8.33E-13 3.38E-13 2.17E-13 3.88E-13 3.56E-13 5.20E-14 0.4 17.8 472.5 24.8 (24.4) 1.3 45.2 502.1 10.5 (9.6) 5.3 90.7 465.3 5.8 (4.1) 32.9 99.2 459.3 4.0 (.3) 59.0 99.6 459.6 4.0 (.3) 74.6 99.6 459.9 4.1 (.6) 81.0 99.1 460.7 4.0 (.5) 85.1 99.1 462.4 4.4 (1.8) 92.3 99.3 459.4 4.1 (1.0) 99.0 99.4 460.0 4.1 (.7) 100.0 99.7 403.5 6.2 (5.1) Total Gas Age tt: 459.9 4.3 "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 459.9 1.3 All uncertainties indicate 2 a errors In Individual measurements: t number of moles of K-derived "Ar ("ArK) released during each heating step. § cumulative percentage of "ArK after each heating increment. # percentage of radiogenic *Ar ("oAr*) In the total "Ar for each analysis. ** Uncertainties, quoted at 2 a, include propagated error in the Irradition parameter J. Uncertainties in parantheses indicate the contribution of analytical error to the overall uncertainty. tt Total gas ages calculated by summing 4 Ar* and "ArK for each increment. Assigned uncertainties (2 a) include the propagated errors In J and Isotopic measurements. Age calculations are based on the decay constants of Stelger and Jager (1977). Typical system blanks are M/e 40Ar and "Ar (in moles) 1.3 x 10 -17and 1.0 x 10 1' for the furnace and 5.6 x 10 -1'and 4 x 10 -18 for the laser. §§ Heating was accomplished with a laser. J value = 0.01035 ± 0.000031. ## Heating was accomplished with a laser. J value = 0.010325 ± 0.000015. ***Heating was accomplished with a resitance furnace. J value = 0.01032 ± 0.000051. Table 3.4. 4 Ar Fusion spot 39 "Ar/ 4"Ar Ar laser mapping data of muscovite from Connemara Atomic ratios ("Ar/"Ar)error "Ar/"0Ar **t Sample AF31m ("Ar/"Ar)error "ArK moles 4 Ar*% 9 Age (Ma) Age Error (w J) Age Error (w/o J) ## ** (6.7) 7.8 460.8 91.9 1.13E-12 4.02E-04 3.26E-02 3.43E-05 2.68E-04 1 (12.2) 13.1 452.9 90.2 3.84E-15 3.05E-04 3.27E-02 8.87E-05 3.23E-04 2 (6.7) 8.2 454.5 89.4 9.48E-15 3.68E-04 3.22E-02 3.67E-05 3.53E-04 3 (36.5) 36.9 479.7 98.1 1.26E-15 8.99E-04 3.33E-02 2.74E-04 5.50E-05 4 (21.4) 21.9 464.8 82.1 2.99E-15 1.07E-03 2.89E-02 1.03E-04 6.01E-04 5 (10.3) 11.3 450.4 95.4 5 5.43E-1 5.33E-04 3.48E-02 6.72E-05 1.48E-04 6 (18.7) 19.3 460.7 86.4 1.82E-15 1.18E-03 3.07E-02 7.37E-05 4.54E-04 7 (9.2) 10.3 458.4 83.5 3.03E-15 5.OOE-04 2.98E-02 4.31E-05 5.53E-04 8 (19.7) 20.2 445.2 60.9 1.43E-15 6.90E-04 2.25E-02 8.11E-05 1.32E-03 9 (4.4) 6.5 453.8 83.0 1.28E-1 4 3.11 E-04 3.OOE-02 1.11 E-05 5.68E-04 10 (5.2) 7.0 461.9 98.9 8.44E-15 3.96E-04 3.50E-02 1.94E-05 2.79E-05 11 (12.0) 12.9 457.7 97.7 1.73E-15 5.78E-04 3.50E-02 8.20E-05 6.89E-05 12 (10.1) 11.2 469.1 99.3 6.28E-15 8.13E-04 3.46E-02 2.18E-05 1.39E-05 13 (4.2) 6.3 450.6 98.8 6.09E-15 2.70E-04 3.60E-02 2.47E-05 3.08E-05 14 (4.1) 6.2 457.3 99.2 8.39E-15 3.1OE-04 3.56E-02 1.68E-05 1.82E-05 15 (4.7) 6.7 460.0 97.8 1.43E-14 3.88E-04 3.48E-02 1.OOE-05 6.43E-05 16 (5.9) 7.6 462.2 99.1 8.47E-15 4.79E-04 3.51E-02 1.64E-05 2.30E-05 17 (4.9) 6.8 459.4 99.7 9.07E-15 4.01E-04 3.56E-02 1.57E-05 9.81E-08 18 (5.7) 7.4 459.5 99.4 4.57E-15 3.66E-04 3.54E-02 3.19E-05 1.21 E-05 19 (4.4) 6.5 458.8 99.1 8.68E-15 3.44E-04 3.54E-02 1.70E-05 2.30E-05 20 (9.6) 10.7 458.7 98.6 1.97E-15 3.OOE-04 3.52E-02 7.39E-05 3.88E-05 21 (7.2) 8.6 457.3 98.8 5 6.09E-1 5.77E-04 3.54E-02 2.36E-05 3.20E-05 22 (4.2) 6.3 461.2 99.1 1.11E-14 3.37E-04 3.52E-02 1.29E-05 2.34E-05 23 (4.9) 6.8 458.2 94.3 9.31 E-1 5 3.53E-04 3.37E-02 1.86E-05 1.86E-04 24 (5.5) 7.2 458.7 93.8 9.45E-15 4.21E-04 3.35E-02 1.59E-05 2.03E-04 25 (4.1) 6.3 467.6 99.2 7.11E-15 2.63E-04 3.47E-02 2.19E-05 1.78E-05 26 (7.8) 9.1 462.4 98.0 6.18E-15 E-04 6.21 3.47E-02 2.20E-05 5.83E-05 27 * all uncertainties indicate 2 a errors in individual measurements. t number of moles of K-derived "Ar ("ArK) released during each heating step. § percentage of radiogenic "Ar ("Ar*) in the total "Ar for each analysis. ## Uncertainties, quoted at 2 a, include propagated error in the irradition parameter J. Uncertainties in parantheses indicate the contribution of analytical error to the overall uncertainty. Assigned uncertainties (2 a) include the propagated errors In J and Isotopic measurements. Age calculations are based on the decay constants of Steiger and JAger (1977). Typical system blanks are M/e "Ar and "Ar (in moles) 1.3 x 10 -"1and 1.0 x 109 for the furnace and 5.6 x 10-16 and 4 x 10 -'8 for the laser, respectively. ** Heating was accomplished with a laser. J value = 0.010314 ± 0.000015 [2 a]. Figure Captions Figure 3.1. Location map of Connemara in the western Irish Caledonides. The former Laurentian margin includes basement and rocks of the Dalradian Supergroup. IS-Iapetus Suture. Figure 3.2. Simplified geological map of Connemara. This map shows the sample locations, the Silurian rocks, and the late Ordovician Derryveeny conglomerate. C-LWG - Cashel-Lough Wheelaun Gabbro; DCD-C - Dawros- Currywongaun-Doughruagh Complex of northern Delaney Dome Formation; OG - Oughterard Granite. Connemara; DDF - Figure 3.3 U-Pb concordia diagrams for: (a) a quartz diorite gneiss (sample AF43), (b) a metapelite (sample AF45), (c) a concordant granite-pegmatite (sample AF44), and (d) a metarhyolite from the Delaney Dome Formation (sample AF94-DD2). Figure 3.4. Argon release spectra for muscovite and biotite constructed using the data in Table 3. (a) biotite AF 24, (b) muscovite AF23, and (c) muscovite AF31. Figure 3.5. 4 Ar/ 3 'Ar age distribution as a function of position within a 6.4 mm muscovite crystal (sample AF31). The error bars are plotted as the 2 a analytical errors. The x axis is expressed as r/a, where r is the crystal radius (3.2 mm) and a is the distance between the crystal core and centre of the hole produced by the laser. Figure 3.6. Timing of magmatism, deformation, metamorphism and cooling in Connemara. (a) shows the ages of intrusive rocks from this paper and Friedrich et al. (submitted). (b) shows the timing constraints on deformational events D2 to D4, including the Mannin Thrust, as well as the deposition of the Derryveeny conglomerate and the Silurian rocks. (c) Temperature-time plot for southern Connemara. Peak metamorphic temperatures are taken from Treloar (1985) and Barber & Yardley (1985). Boxes show the 2a uncertainties in the age data and approximate uncertainties in temperature. N &co d IS 4Great ti 8W N Mayo S Mayo 54 N G Connemara Fig. 2 . ....... 50 km Dalradian Devonian - Carbon. Silurian Rocks LLLJSupergroup Pre-Dalradian rocks Grant Granite /Basement Ordovician Rocks Figure 3.1 Major Faults Carboniferous rocks Silurian rocks e o ., .. Derryveeny Conglomerate Galway Batholith Connemara Gabbro and Gneiss Complex Oughterard Granite NX , Quartz-diorite gneiss Mafic intrusions Delaney Dome Formation Fold and Thrust Belt in Dalradian Supergroup w Figure 3.2 Fold axis(F4) 78 0.0765 0.075 D 0.0760 CZ) 0.074 00 Co Co) C\ 0.0755 0 0.072 o 0.0750 CD 0.071 0.0745 0.547 207 Pb/ 0.074 0.0757 0.567 0.557 23 5 U 207 0.587 0.577 Pb/ 235 U Delaney Dome FM (AF94-DD2) 450 Z5 CO0.064 Cf) \ 0.0753 Co o N~ 0.054 Co 0 0.0749 I N~ Upper Intercept Age 474.6 Ma ±5.5 Ma 0.044 0.0745 0.5782 0.5822 207 0.5862 0.5902 pb/ 235 U Figure 3.3 Z10 0.329 0.379 0.429 0.479 207 0.529 0.579 Pb/ 235 U 80 (A) 600 AF-24 biotite 510 2420 C 330 Plateau Age 450 i5 Ma 240 20 40 80 60 100 39Ar % (B) 600 AF-23 muscovite 510 2 420 a) 330 Plateau Age 454 ± 2 Ma 240 20 40 60 80 1U 39Ar % (C) 600 AF-31 muscovite 510 420 4: c- 330 Plateau Age 460.1 ±1.5 Ma 240 20 40 60 39Ar % Figure 3.4 80 100 82 500 ucvt - F3 AF-31 muscovite radius = 3.2 cm 490 480 - -* 470 - 460450- 440 - 430. 0 core 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Figure 3.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 rim 84 Time [Ma] I , , , 460 470 480 I , I , , , I I I I, 450 , , , , , II,, 440 I, , , I , , , il Oughterard Granite (AF97-01 01) A Granite Pegmatite (AF-44) Quartz Diorite (AF-43) Cashel-Lough Wheelaun Gabbro(AF-47) Currywongaun Basic Pegmatite (AF-1 24) Delaney Dome Fm (AF94-DD2) B +D2+ 7 -- D3 -- ? Mannin Thrust D4 Time [Ma] Figure 3.6 85 Derryveeny -Conglomerate ? Deposition .of Silurian Sediments - ..-. .. ,.... 4.-..:-.r.v..w.-..-s :..-...--.... .. A.. .. . s.... g. . - --.-. :-..... s -A senva >,wi,-a-.--.id.i+1--1ri---rn--11h -.i--T-47 ..-.--. -s-as CHAPTER 4: CONSTRAINTS PROVIDED BY U-PB TITANITE GEOCHRONOLOGY ON FLUID INFILTRATION IN THE CALEDONIDES OF CONNEMARA, WESTERN IRELAND Anke M. Friedrich, Samuel A. Bowring, and Kip V. Hodges Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139. E-mail: amfriedr@mit.edu. Manuscript in preparation. 4.1. Abstract Continental arc magmatism in the Dalradian rocks of the Connemara Caledonides is closely associated in time and space with regional-scale amphibolite-facies metamorphism. This relationship permits two ways of determining the timing of peak metamorphism. U-Pb analyses of mafic plutonic rocks in a previous study implied that the associated sillimanitegrade peak metamorphism occurred at c. 470 ± 1 Ma. Metasomatic diopside rocks of the upper sillimanite zone that formed by fluid infiltration were thought to also constrain the timing of peak metamorphism. In this study we analyzed single titanite crystals of these diopside rocks along with other calcsilicate rocks from lower and higher metamorphic grades by the U-Pb TIMS method to determine the timing of metamorphism. The results indicate that titanite crystallization in calcsilicate rocks from all metamorphic grades occurred at c. 462 ± 1 Ma. This age postdates the presumed metamorphic peak by up to 8 million years, but overlaps with the age of a post-metamorphic granite pluton, which, combined with petrographic evidence indicates that fluid infiltration occurred late during or after peak metamorphism. The source of fluids infiltrating the Dalradian metasedimentary rocks therefore may be related to the emplacement of felsic late-magmatic phases rather than from within Dalradian schists. Late- to post-metamorphic fluid infiltration affected all metamorphic grades, a volume much larger than the thermal aureole associated with intrusion of the felsic magmas. U-Pb dating of calcsilicate rocks in the regional-scale contact-aureole may not be a reliable indicator of the timing of peak metamorphism, but instead is a precise indicator of the timing of fluid infiltration. 4.2. Introduction The metamorphic history of the Caledonides of Connemara, western Ireland, can be divided into two periods: one characterized by greenschistamphibolite facies conditions at relatively high pressures, and another younger period distinguished by lower pressures and substantially higher temperatures. These have been referred to as M2 and M3, respectively, by Yardley (1976) and Tanner & Shackleton (1979). The regional extent of M2 is not well understood, largely because M3 was so intense throughout central and southern Connemara that it obliterated all but a few vestiges of M2 assemblages. On the other hand, the pressure-temperature conditions of M3 have been studied in detail (e.g. Yardley 1976, Yardley et al. 1980, Barber & Yardley 1985, Treloar 1985, Fergusen & Al-Ameen 1986, Yardley et al. 1987). Peak M3 temperatures, as recorded by metamorphic mineral assemblages, increase progressively from central Connemara southward toward voluminous outcrops of intrusive rocks of the Connemara igneous complex, the remnants of a continental magmatic arc. Consequently, most geologists working in the area regard M3 as something like a regionally developed contact metamorphic aureole developed around the arc. This relationship suggests two possible approaches to evaluating the age and duration of M3: dating various intrusive phases of the Connemara complex, or directly dating minerals that crystallized during the M3 period. A combination of the two approaches was used by Cliff et al. (1996) to infer that M3 was a protracted event. Citing limited U-Pb geochronologic data suggesting that early intrusive phases of the Connemara arc may be as old as c. 490 Ma (Jagger et al. 1988), as well as U-Pb data for metamorphic minerals with high closure temperatures (titanite and monazite) implying crystallization ages between 478 and 463 Ma, Cliff and co-workers concluded that M3 may have lasted for nearly 30 million years. However, more systematic, higher-precision U-Pb geochronology of the intrusive complex demonstrates that the entire arc developed between 474 and 463 Ma (Friedrich et al. in review, Chapter 2). It is now clear that the Jagger et al. (1988) 490 Ma date reflects an incorrect interpretation of highly discordant data, but an inconsistency remains between the new geochronologic data for the Connemara complex and some of the data previously published by Cliff et al. (1996): do dates older than 470 Ma imply crystallization during M2, such that they provide age constraints on that earlier event, or did M3 begin before magmatic activity in the Connemara arc? Here we address this problem through U-Pb dating of titanite from rocks spanning the range of metamorphic grades encountered at Connemara, including some samples in which M2 assemblages predominate and some in which M3 assemblages are more prevalent. 4.3. Geologic Setting The Connemara terrain consists of Dalradian metasedimentary rocks that correlate with other sedimentary deposits along the former Laurentian margin of the northern Appalachians and the British Caledonides (Figure 4.1). For several thousand kilometers along strike, these rocks record orogenic events related to closure of the Iapetus ocean, including island-arc continent collision, ophiolite obduction, and rare continental arc magmatism (e.g. van Staal et al. submitted). Late-orogenic strike-slip resulted in fragmentation of this collisional orogen (the Taconian/Grampian orogen), especially in the British and Irish Caledonides. As a consequence, the Connemara terrane lies to the south of the rest of the former Laurentian margin and a Cambro-Ordovician island arc (South Mayo) and a forearc terrane (Figure 4.1). The actual terrane boundary is mostly concealed by lower Silurian rocks that lie unconformably on both Connemara and South Mayo rocks, but the terranes can easily be distinguished because the island arc terrane experienced metamorphism only up to the lower greenschist facies, whereas the Connemara terrane reached a high metamorphic grade. Rocks of the Dalradian Supergroup at Connemara share an early metamorphic history (M2) with other Dalradian exposures to the north of a main Caledonian suture in this region - the Fair Head-Clew Bay line - but they are the only Dalradian rocks in Ireland to have been intruded by a continental magmatic arc and to have experienced a high-temperature (M3) metamorphic event (Figure 4.1, e.g. Yardley et al. 1987). The Connemara arc complex includes large volumes of mafic to felsic intrusive rocks that dominate exposures in the southern part of the terrane and scattered mafic/ultramafic intrusions in northern Connemara (e.g. Leake 1986, 1989, Leake and Tanner 1994). These bodies intruded during regional ductile deformation that affected both, the magmatic arc and the metasedimentary country rocks. Deformation in the country rocks included development of a schistosity that is now preserved only as inclusion trails in garnets (Si), formation recumbent fold (F2) and associated penetrative of a regional-scale schistosity (S2), and development of open to tight folds (F3) at a variety of scales and a penetrative schistosity at higher metamorphic grades (S3; e.g. Tanner & Shackleton 1979). The youngest arc-related deformation is represented by a broad range-scale, upright antiform (Connemara antiform, F4), and a shear zone whose final and brittle expression is the Mannin thrust, along which all of Connemara was transported southward over greenschist-facies metarhyolite rocks (Leake et al. 1983, Tanner et al. 1989). The outcrop pattern of the Connemara Dalradian rocks is controlled by the shallowly east-plunging Connemara antiform (Figure 4.1; Leake & Tanner 1994). The Silurian unconformity strikes approximately parallel to the youngest Dalradian units folded around this antiform, implying that eastward tilting occurred after Silurian deposition. Therefore, a geologic map of Connemara is also a cross-section through the pre-unconformity structural architecture of Connemara, with a structural level decreasing from west to east. 4.4. Metamorphism and Previous Geochronology The metamorphic grade increases southward across Connemara over a distance of >30 km. It ranges from staurolite to upper sillimanite grade, including a partial melting zone near the intrusive complex (Figure 4.2). The location of the E-W striking sillimanite-in isograd is inferred to mark the transition between the area only weakly affected by M3 to the north and the area strongly affected by M3 to the south (Tanner & Shackleton 1979). The diagnostic (M2) pelitic subassemblages in the garnet/staurolite zone of northern Connemara are staurolite ± garnet + muscovite ± Al-silicate ± chlorite, coexisting with quartz + plagioclase + biotite (Boyle & Dawes 1991). Samples saturated in A 2SiO,5 contain either kyanite or andalusite. Previous researchers have identified only limited M3 effects in these rocks, including the development of "retrograde" muscovite + chlorite subassemblages in metapelitic rocks and serpentinization of calc-silicate rocks (e.g. Cruse & Leake 1968, Boyle & Dawes 1991). Farther south, the M3 sillimanite-in isograd marks the first appearance of prismatic or fibrolitic sillimanite in the presence of staurolite ± garnet + quartz + plagioclase + biotite + ± muscovite. (Yardley 1976). Staurolite ceases to be part of the stable assemblage south of the staurolite-out isograd. The typical pelitic mineral assemblage in the sillimanite-muscovite zone is garnet + sillimanite + muscovite + biotite + plagioclase + quartz + plagioclase. Toward the south of this zone, sillimanite muscovite is replaced by and an upper sillimanite corresponds to trondhjemitic zone of widespread K-feldspar + zone can be defined. It broadly development of granitic and leucosomes, presumably anatectic melts, that define the "migmatite zone" of Barber & Yardley (1985). The typical pelitic mineral assemblage in this zone is sillimanite + biotite + cordierite + K-feldspar + plagioclase + quartz + silicate melt. Metamorphic minerals in calcsilicate rocks at Connemara are not powerful indicators of metamorphic grade. Most contain calcite + dolomite+ quartz + phlogopite tremolite) or diopside. + titanite ± clinoamphibole (typically In the sillimanite-muscovite zone, a metasomatic rock consisting predominantly of diopside occurs at a particular horizon of the Connemara marble formation (Yardley et al. 1991a, b, Tanner 1991). The formation of this diopside rock and other calcsilicate rocks is an important topic of this paper and will be discussed in more detail in below. Peak metamorphic conditions in northern Connemara reached c. 550 50 *C and between 6 to 8 kb during the M2 metamorphism (Boyle & Dawes 1991). Thermodynamic modeling of zoned garnets indicates that prograde garnet growth occurred from ~2 to > 8 kb (Boyle & Dawes 1991). In southern Connemara, peak M3 temperatures reached ~ 750"C at - 5.5 kb during formation of migmatitic restite, and declined to < 3 kb during crystallization of the leucosome (Barber & Yardley 1985, Treloar 1985). Peak M3 temperatures near the sillimanite-in isograd were estimated at c. 550 to 600 0C (Yardley et al. 1987). Temperatures during peak-metamorphic metasomatism in the sillimanite-muscovite zone were estimated by Yardley et al. (1991) to have been c. 620-650 *C. Cliff et al. (1993, 1996) attempted to constrain the age of M3 sillimanitegrade metamorphism through U-Pb geochronology of samples from central and eastern Connemara. They obtained U-Pb isotopic data for titanites separated from three samples of the diopside rock within the Connemara Marble Formation, collected over a distance of 12 km along strike in central Connemara. One concordant fraction and the upper intercept of a discordia array defined by three fractions led the authors to infer a c. 478 Ma age for M3 in this area. However, other samples, from eastern and northern Connemara, yielded significantly younger U-Pb dates. One concordant titanite analysis for separates from a calcsilicate rock collected in the east indicated an age of 466 ± 3 Ma (2y), and a presumably synmetamorphic cordierite-bearing pegmatite yielded U-Pb monazite dates of c. 463 Ma. One discordant titanite fraction separated from a calcsilicate rock of the staurolite zone of northern Connemara yielded a 20 7Pb/ 6Pb 20 date of 469 ± 15 Ma. Although this sample was collected from an area where M3 effects were generally regarded as minimal, U-Pb data for it were combined with the other results to infer a complex spatio-temporal evolution of M3 at Connemara, such that the timing of peak conditions varied by roughly 10-15 million years from west to east (Cliff et al. 1996). In this model, the most likely explanation for such diachroneity would be large transients in the thermal structure of the region during M3 as a consequence of spatially variable magmatic activity in the Connemara arc. However, recently obtained U-Pb dates for zircons from the syn-D3 Cashel-Lough Wheelaun gabbro, the structurally oldest intrusion of the southern Connemara complex, show that magmatic activity did not begin until c. 470 Ma (Friedrich et al. in review, Chapter 2). This implies that the 478 Ma titanite date of Cliff and coworkers represents M2 mineral growth, or that M3 began before development of the Connemara arc. We pursued this issue further by analyzing titanites from across the Connemara terrane with the U-Pb method. 4.5. Methods Samples were prepared following standard procedures, including preliminary separation of titanite-rich aggregates using magnetic and heavy liquid techniques. Euhedral titanite crystals, optically clear and inclusion-free, were hand-picked from each aggregate. Each was photographed, measured, and washed in acetone and diluted HNO 3 before dissolution (e.g. Figure 4.3). Each crystal was dissolved in a teflon capsules containing 50% HF and a mixed spike composed of 20 Pb- 233U-235U. Lead and Uranium were separated using HCl and HBr -based ion chromatography modified after Krogh (1973). All samples were analyzed on a VG Sector 54 mass spectrometer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A Stacey & Kramers (1975) model was used to correct for common Pb in each sample. Most analyzed titanites were highly radiogenic (2 16 Pb/ 204Pb >500), such that the calculated age is essentially insensitive to the common Pb correction. Further details of the analytical protocol may be found in Hawkins & Bowring (1997) & Bowring et al. (1993). 4.6. Interpretation Strategy For U-Pb Titanite Dates The U-Pb dates obtained in this study could reflect the timing of titanite crystallization or, alternatively, the timing of cooling of a sample through the U-Pb closure temperature interpretations metamorphic we choose for titanite. Which depends on the relationships conditions, the nominal of these among peak closure temperature for titanite crystals of a given size, and the textural characteristics of titanite in any given sample. We assume that Pb loss from titanite is governed by grain-scale volume diffusion and use the Pb diffusion data of Cherniak (1993) to calculate closure temperatures as a function of grain size and cooling rate (Dodson, 1973). The brevity of magmatic activity at Connemara suggests that post-M3 cooling was probably rapid, perhaps on the order of 50-100*C/Ma. The grain sizes for crystals analyzed in this study range from 100 to 500 Rm; for a cooling rate of 100*C/Ma, this implies closure temperatures between about 650 and 720 *C. This range is higher than estimated peak M2 and M3 metamorphic temperatures in the staurolite and sillimanite-muscovite zones at Connemara, but is less than the estimated peak M3 temperatures in the migmatite zone (Yardley et al. 1987, Barber & Yardley 1985; Boyle & Dawes, 1991). In cases when the estimated closure temperature of a particular titanite is greater than the estimated peak metamorphic temperature at the sampling locality, we interpret the U-Pb titanite date as reflecting crystallization. Otherwise, we infer that the date reflects cooling through the closure temperature subsequent to crystallization. In previous geochronologic studies of titanite from central Connemara, it was assumed that the crystallization age of titanite from any locality was a robust estimator of the age of peak M3 metamorphism at that locality (e.g. Cliff et al. 1996). This would be true only if the titanite grew at peak temperatures as part of the metamorphic assemblage. In most samples we studied, the titanite crystals were euhedral and concentrated along grain boundaries; while this is consistent with their being part of the metamorphic assemblage, it is also consistent with crystallization after the metamorphic peak or during metasomatic events unrelated to regional M2 or M3 metamorphism. Thus, we refer in this paper to "titanite crystallization events" which may or may not be of the same age as "peak metamorphic events". In the discussion section, we attempt to distinguish between these possibilities through comparison of the titanite results with other geochronologic constraints. 4.7. Results The results of U-Pb titanite analyses from each metamorphic zone are shown in Figure 4.4 and Table 4.1. The samples are described from north to south, from low to high metamorphic grade. 4.7.1. Staurolite Zone Our attempts to determine the age of titanite crystallization in staurolite zone rocks were limited to the analysis of one impure marble sample (AF40) collected from the Lakes Marble Formation (Figure 4.2, National Grid Reference L 662 583). This rock consists mainly of calcite with subordinate quartz and phlogopite. A weak foliation is defined well where phlogopite and its alteration products are present. Small crystals of rutile and muscovite occur along some grain boundaries. Quartz, pyrite and apatite are abundant as inclusions in calcite. Titanite occurs as euhedral crystals, principally along calcite grain boundaries (Figure 4.5a), but not within calcite, suggesting either: 1) crystallization as part of the prograde metamorphic assemblage; or 2) late crystallization from M3 or post-M3 metasomatic fluids. One titanite crystal (S3) yielded U-Pb data that plots concordantly with a date of 462 ± 2 Ma (Table 4.1; Figure 4.4), whereas another analysis plots concordantly with a date of 469 ±5 Ma. We interpret these date as indicative of the crystallization ages of some of the titanites in this rock. Two other crystals (S1 and S4) are discordant, with 2 zPb/ 20Pb dates of 499.8 ± 4.6 and 499.7 15.0 Ma, respectively Ma, suggesting that the sample also contains titanite or other inclusions of Cambrian or Proterozoic age (Figure 4.4). Analysis of abraded titanite crystals from AF40 is in progress, with the goal of better defining age (or ages) of the inherited component. 4.7.2. Staurolite-Sillimanite Transition Zone Sample AF37 represents a calcsilicate layer within the Lakes Marble Formation, collected between the "sillimanite-in" and "staurolite-out" isograds in central Connemara (Figure 4.2, National Grid Reference L 842 540). At this grade, metamorphic assemblages include minerals that grew during both M2 and M3, though distinguishing between the two metamorphic groups is not easy in the metacarbonate rocks of Connemara. The AF37 sample mainly consists of calcite with subordinate quartz, pyrite, phlogopite, and titanite. Phlogopite is partly altered, resulting in formation of retrograde clinochlor. The predominant S2 foliation in this rock is defined crystallographically by calcite crystals. A second, weaker foliation (S3?) occurs at a low angle to the first, defined by the alignment of phlogopite, clinochlor, pyrite and titanite crystals (Figure 4.5b). Late veins cut across the calcite crystals, but are poorly defined around phlogopite, clinochlor, pyrite and titanite crystals, indicating a possible relationship between the veins the phlogopite alteration. Titanite crystals are abundant at grain boundaries between phlogopite, pyrite and clinochlor but has not been found within calcite crystals (Figure 4.5c), suggesting that it may have grown during the M3 overprint or during a post-M3 metasomatic event. Three titanite crystals were analyzed from this sample. One analysis (S1) yielded a reversely discordant ellipse on the concordia diagram, with 206Pb/ 238U, 207 Pb/ 235U, and 207 pb / 206 Pb dates of 461.8 ± 17.4 Ma, 458.8 ± 17.6 Ma, and 442. 12.7 Ma, respectively (Figure 4.4, Table 4.1). Although there are several possible explanations for reverse discordancy (e.g. Mattinson 1973; Hawkins & Bowring 1997), the most likely in this instance is a slight error in the common Pb correction. Since the least sensitive U-Pb isotopic subsystem to such corrections is 20 Pb/ 2 38U, we regard 461 ± 17 Ma as our best estimate of the crystallization age of this titanite. Two other analyses are less discordant with 206Pb/ 238U, 207 Pb/235U, and 207 Pb/ 20 6 Pb dates of 462.0 ± 7.6 Ma, 464.9 ± 8.1 Ma, 480 ±12 Ma and 468 ±19 Ma, 469 ± 21 Ma, 474 ±31 Ma, for titanite analyses S3 and S6, respectively (Figure 4.4, Table 4.1). These preliminary data that indicate titanite crystallization in this rock may have occurred at c. 469 and 462 Ma, but uncertainties of these analyses are large. 4.7.3. Sillimanite-Muscovite Zone While examining calcsilicate samples from the sillimanite-muscovite zone for possible U-Pb geochronology, we were able to distinguish two groups of titanite-bearing rocks with different metamorphic/metasomatic histories. The first group includes samples containing pristine or only slightly altered M3 metamorphic assemblages. The second includes retrogressed samples that show abundant evidence for metasomatic alteration subsequent to M3. We analyzed titanites from both kinds of rocks in order to evaluate the effects of retrogression on U-Pb systematics. to Moderately- Retrogressed Samples. In order to compare our results directly to those of Cliff et al. (1993, 1996), we concentrated our efforts in the sillimanite-muscovite zone on samples of the metasomatic diopside rocks described in detail by Yardley et al. (1991a) and Cliff et al. (1993). According to their interpretation, this rock type formed by infiltration of SiO 2 rich fluids that were derived from the overlying metapelite rocks during peak M3 metamorphism. It occurs in a well-defined tectonostratigraphic position between the Barnanoraun Formation metapelites and underlying calcsilicate rocks of the Connemara Marble Formation. Sample AF6855 was collected by Bruce Yardley at Creggs Quarry (Figure 4.2, National Grid Reference L 716 534) and was part of the same rock analyzed by Cliff et al. (1996) as sample number 6855. Two other samples (AF33 and 7521), were collected from the same horizon as exposed at Glencoghan, approximately 12 km east of Creggs Quarry (Figure 4.2, L 812 500 and 808 498, respectively). Some of the diopside rocks are altered to varying degrees, visible in thin section by a dense fracture network and alteration of diopside. Especially in sample AF7521, titanite occurs at diopside grain boundaries, near fractures and within alteration products (Figure 4.5 e-g). We analyzed four single titanite crystals from AF6855, ranging in grain size from 530 to 250 gm. All are slightly discordant but have similar 20 6Pb/ 2 38 U and 2 07 Pb/ 23 5U dates of c. 462 Ma (Figure 4.4, Table 4.1). There is no simple correlation between U-Pb age and grain size, which is consistent with crystallization at temperatures lower that the U-Pb closure temperatures for titanite at any of the grain sizes represented by the AF6855 crystals. We regard the weighted mean 20"Pb/2 8U date of 461.9 ± 1.7 Ma (MSWD = 11.2) for the three most concordant fractions as the best estimate of the crystallization age of these titanites. We analyzed three titanite crystals from AF33. Two are concordant with relatively low analytical uncertainties and 20 Pb/ 2 38U dates of 461.9 ± 0.6 Ma and 461.4 ± 0.6 Ma, respectively. The others are slightly discordant but with sufficiently high analytical uncertainty that their error ellipses overlap concordia. The weighted mean 2 06Pb/1 8U date of 462.1 ± 1.0 Ma (MSWD = 3.07) for all four fractions is taken to be the crystallization age of titanite in AF33. Sample 7521 was collected less than 1 kilometer northwest of the AF33 locality. Of the titanites separated from it, we selected four for U-Pb analysis. Their grain sizes ranged from 150 to 350 gm. One analysis is reversely discordant with 206 Pb/ 23 8U and 207 Pb/23U dates of 463.6 ± 1.0 and 462.0 ± 2.5 Ma. Two analysis are normally discordant with 2 07 Pb/ Pb dates of 463 ±19 and 206 462.6 ± 4.5 Ma (Figure 4.4, Table 4.1). One of the analyses is concordant with a 206 Pb/ 238U date of 462.0 ± 1.0 Ma. We interpret this date as the best estimate of the titanite crystallization in this sample. The - 16 million year inconsistency between our results for diopside rock samples and the results published by Cliff et al. (1993, 1996) for titanites from the same unit bear further scrutiny. We explored the possibility that an inappropriate choice of common Pb correction could result in an error in our estimated ages. However, our AF6855 titanites, which are from the same sample as some of the Cliff et al. (1993, 1996) titanite fractions, were highly radiogenic (2 6Pb/ 2 'Pb >500), such that their plotting coordinates on the concordia diagram are relatively insensitive to the magnitude of the common Pb correction (Figure 6). Applying significantly different common Pb corrections to the Cliff et al. (1993, 1996) analyses would be no more effective at reconciling the data, so another explanation is required. In the original Cliff et al. (1993) study, titanite was separated from three diopside rock samples from west-central Connemara, including 6855. Four multigrain fractions were analyzed. All were discordant, two reversely and two normally; of these, two fractions from the 6855 sample, both reversely discordant, were oldest. The authors fitted a chord through all four analyses, obtaining an upper intercept date of c. 478 Ma. Cliff et al. (1996) reported a correction of the spike composition for the 6855 analyses, which had the effect of shifting the ellipses for the two reversely discordant fractions to concordancy at 478 Ma. However, Cliff (personal communication, July, 1998) still allows for the possibility of further analytical problems with the 6855 data. If these data are disregarded, interpretation of the other two fractions analyzed by Cliff et al. (1993) is not straightforward. One fraction is slightly discordant with a c. 461 Ma 2 06 Pb/ 23 sU date, similar to those we obtained for titanites from our samples of the diopside rock. The other fraction dated by Cliff et al. (1993) was more discordant, potentially implying a mixture of c. 461-463 Ma titanite with an older inherited component (perhaps similar to that identified in the staurolite zone sample AF40, described above). Retrogressed Sample. Sample AF71 is from a calcsilicate horizon within the Lakes Marble Formation at Maumeen (Figure 4.2, National Grid Reference L 914 508). Primary metamorphic minerals in this rock include chainsilicates altered beyond recognition, quartz, K-feldspar, and titanite, all of which are extensively altered. Small (1 mm) fractures pervade the sample and have been filled with a mineral aggregate of uncertain composition. In thin section, these fractures are particularly well developed in euhedral titanite crystals. One titanite crystal yielded a concordant analysis with 206 Pb 238 U, Pb/ 207 235 U, and 207 Pb/ 206Pb dates of 461.4 ± 9.8, 461.8 ± 9.2, and 464 ± 11 Ma. Another titanite crystal from this sample yielded a concordant U-Pb date of c. 403.7 ± 8.1 Ma (20 6Pb/ 238 U; Figure 4.4, Table 4.1). Although this analysis has a large uncertainty, it is clearly much younger than other titanites analyzed from the sillimanite-muscovite zone. The approximate age is similar to that of the large Galway batholith, exposed ~10 km to the south (Figure 4.2). One viable interpretation of the AF71 data is that highly channelized metasomatic fluids associated with Galway batholith intrusion caused extensive Pb loss from the AF71 titanite at c. 403 Ma. Preliminary UPb analyses of titanite in this sample indicates that titanites may have crystallized at c. 462 and at 403 Ma. 4.7.4 Migmatite Zone We studied one sample from the migmatite zone, a calcsilicate rock (AF26) collected within the Lakes Marble Formation (Figure 4.2, National Grid Reference L 814 465). It contains calcite + quartz and subordinate tremolite and titanite. Three individual titanite crystals (130-200 pm) yielded concordant and mutually consistent U-Pb results (Figure 4.4, Table 4.1): the weighted mean Pb/ 2 3 'U and 20 6 207 Pb/ U dates are 462.8 ± 0.5 (MSWD = 0.49) 235 and 462.8 ± 0.7 Ma (MSWD = 0.09), respectively. Given petrologic constraints on the peak M3 temperatures in the part of Connemara where AF26 was 100 collected, we might expect these titanite dates to reflect cooling through range of U-Pb closure temperatures appropriate for 130-200 gm grain sizes (660680*C at a cooling rate of 100*C/Ma). However, the 462.8 Ma age for AF26 titanites is only slightly younger than our best available U-Pb constraint on the timing of M3 peak metamorphism in the migmatite zone: a 468.4 ± 1.5 Ma upper intercept date for monazites from a metapelitic sample collected about 8 km SSW of the AF26 locality (Friedrich et al. in press, Chapter 2). This similarity suggests one of several possible thermal histories: 1) rapid cooling of the migmatite zone after M3 metamorphism at c. 468 Ma; 2) a somewhat earlier metamorphic peak at the AF26 locality, followed by cooling at a more moderate rate through the titanite closure temperature interval at 463 Ma; or 3) extremely rapid cooling of the migmatite zone after 468 Ma metamorphism followed by post-M3 crystallization of the AF26 titanites below their closure temperature at c. 463 Ma. The latter interpretation is consistent with the rapid cooling rate (c. 50*C/Ma) inferred previously (Friedrich et al. in press; Chapter 3). 4.8 Discussion The most significant result of our U-Pb research on Connemara titanites is that all samples, with the exception of the highly altered AF71 rock, yield dates of 461-463 Ma. This is true regardless of sampling locality, metamorphic grade, relative intensity of M2 or M3 metamorphic effects, or grain size. In central Connemara, the dominant mineral assemblages in metamorphic rocks crystallized during M3 and peak metamorphic temperatures were lower than the nominal U-Pb closure temperature for titanite. Following the interpretive protocols of Cliff et al. (1996), we might conclude from our titanite data that the age of M3 is 461-463 Ma. Given direct evidence for a 468.4 Ma age for M3 metamorphism in southern Connemara (Friedrich et al. in review, Chapter 2), this line of reasoning would also 101 suggest a north to south increase in the age of M3 peak metamorphism. However, this interpretation would require that the titanites from southern Connemara yield cooling ages that are, fortuitously, precisely the same as crystallization ages for titanites from central and northern Connemara. The northern Connemara data pose an additional problem; why did titanites of M3 age crystallize in rocks that otherwise contain no petrographic evidence of an M3 overprint on M2 prograde assemblages? A more likely scenario is that none of the analyzed titanites from Connemara crystallized at peak M3 conditions but instead crystallized late in the metamorphic history of the region. Several lines of evidence favor this interpretation. First, the Oughterard granite, which is the youngest phase of the Connemara arc complex and widely is regarded as younger than the M3 event based on field relationships (cf. Tanner et al. 1997) has a crystallization age of 462.5 Ma (Friedrich et al. in review; Chapter 2). Second, a syn-D3 quartz diorite intrusion in southern Connemara yielded a U-Pb zircon crystallization age of 466.5 ± 0.6 Ma (Friedrich et al. in press; Chapter 3), similar to the 468.4 ± Ma M3 monazite age from a nearby metapelitic gneiss (Friedrich et al. in press; Chapter 3). Third, between the sillimanite-in and staurolite-out isograds, micas and amphiboles that crystallized as part of the M3 assemblages yielded 470-475 Ma 4"Ar/WAr cooling dates (Chapter 5). This provides an absolute minimum constraint on the age of M3 in central Connemara. Since the 40Ar/ 39Ar closure temperatures for the dated minerals are substantially lower than U-Pb closure temperatures of the titanites analyzed for this paper (McDougall & Harrison 1988), it seems inescapable that the 461-463 Ma titanites from central Connemara crystallized roughly eight million years after the peak of M3 metamorphism. The uniformity of nearly all concordant and near-concordant titanite dates from Connemara suggests that this mineral crystallized throughout the region during a metasomatic event. The occurrence of 461-463 Ma titanites in far-northern and far-southern Connemara suggests that fluid infiltration occurred rapidly, within no more that two or three million years, over 102 distances of >30 kilometers across regional strike. This scenario is similar to that proposed by Yardley et al. (1991a, b), Cliff et al. (1993), and Cliff et al. (1996), but differs in one important aspect: we regard the metasomatic event as substantially younger than peak M3 metamorphism. This argues against the suggestion of Yardley et al. (1991a) that the source of the metasomatic fluids was prograde metamorphism of overlying metapelitic units (see also the arguments of Tanner (1991)). A more likely source may be the magmatic fluids evolved from the Connemara intrusive complex to the south during the waning stages of that magmatic event. The c. 403 Ma titanite dates from AF71 may indicate a similar metasomatic event related to intrusion of the Galway batholith. Finally, our results suggest caution in assuming that minerals crystallizing during fluid infiltration events provide accurate age constraints for metamorphic events (cf. Cliff et al. 1993). Pulses of high-temperature fluid flow may occur episodically throughout the thermal evolution of regional metamorphic terranes, leaving behind diachronous metasomatic mineral assemblages that would yield a variety of apparent ages. In some cases - and apparently the Grampian orogeny at Connemara was one - the most significant fluid infiltration event may not coincide with the metamorphic peak. The interpretation of metasomatic mineral dates as peak metamorphic ages requires independent evidence that metasomatism and metamorphism were coeval. In any case, our data and those of others such as Cliff et al. (1993, 1996) show that U-Pb geochronology of metasomatic minerals is a powerful way to explore the ages and regional significance of fluid infiltration events. Acknowledgments This study was supported by a NSF grant awarded to Kip Hodges and Samuel Bowring. AMF especially thanks Bruce Yardley and Bob Cliff for providing some critical samples. 103 References Cited Barber, J. 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Pb# PX 238 U 235 U 206 Pb coef (pg) Pb# 206 Pb 207 Pb 207 Pb 235 U % err 206 Pb % err Calcite marble [AF-40] S1 4.0 680.4 56.4 572.5 0.146 0.07331 0.57836 0.05722 456.1 463.4 499.8 0.706 s3 20 223.9 19.9 265.7 0.161 0.07436 0.57741 0.05632 462.3 462.8 465.0 0.767 s4 4.0 121.3 11.5 206.1 0.132 0.07479 0.58994 0.05721 464.9 470.8 499.7 0.704 s6 3.8 1412 11.5 315.2 0.125 0.07164 0.55691 0.05638 446.0 449.5 467.5 0.766 s9 3.8 76.2 10.3 84.6 0117 0.07560 0.58815 0.05643 469.8 469.7 469.1 0.783 Calcstlicate rock [AF-37) 460.8 457.8 442.9 0.963 (.52) 462.0 464.9 479.4 0.852 0.267 0.07535 (2.05) 0.58747 (2.52) 0.05655 (1.37) 468.3 469.3 474.0 0.839 0.06463 (1.00) 0.48807 (1.71) 0.05477 S1 0.7 255.9 24.2 172.4 0250 0.07410 (1.89) 0.56971 (1.99) 0.05576 (.54) s3 3.0 138.3 12.3 298.0 0.204 0.07429 (.82) 0.58068 s6 1.8 11.9 63.8 73.0 (.99) 0.05669 Calcsilicate rock [AF-71] s6 64 49.7 61 73.7 0.042 403.7 403.6 403.0 0.646 s7 7.3 45.2 8.2 66.5 0.039 0.08616 (.69) 0.65478 (1.19) 0.05512 532.8 511.4 416.9 0.637 S8 12.0 19.3 1.9 121.7 0.031 0.07418 (1.45) 0.55479 (219) 0.05424 461.3 448.1 s10 120 27.4 28 130.7 0.059 0.07420 (.97) 0.57589 (1.11) 0.05629 461.4 461.8 463.7 0.894 459.0 460.1 465.6 0.947 1351 461.9 462.3 464.6 0.871 85.2 381.2 0.711 Diopside rock [AF-68551 s1 1.0 430.8 36.2 1489.3 0.218 0.07380 (.20) 0.57321 (.21) 0.05633 (07) s4 40 650.9 51.3 1438.3 0.129 0.07427 (.12) 0.57665 s5 174.0 359.1 30.3 2339.3 0.243 0.07417 (.10) 0.57566 (12) 0.05629 (.07) 461.3 461.7 4637 s6 18.4 421.9 33.3 1350.8 0129 0.07440 (.08) 0.57753 (.12) 0.05630 (.08) 462.6 462.9 (14) 0.05631 (.07) 0.813 12.6 464.2 0.695 27.2 Diopside rock [AF-331 S3 55.6 28.8 2.7 436.5 0.276 0.07437 (.30) 0.57794 (.47) 0.05636 (.34) 462.5 463.1 466.5 0.690 S4 111.0 128.4 14.8 526.3 0.610 0.07428 (.08) 0.57652 (21) 0.05629 (.19) 461.9 462.2 4638 0.478 S5 98.0 310.1 26.1 450.7 0.095 0.07420 (.09) 0.57522 (.13) 0.05623 (.09) 461.4 461.4 461.4 0.712 S8 2.5 679.3 72.4 430.0 0.461 0.07445 (.24) 0 57944 (.43) 0.05645 (.35) 462 9 464.1 470.1 0.589 17.9 129.2 326.0 19.3 Diopside rock [AF-7521] S1 10.0 379.2 575.3 0.166 0.07429 (.15) 0.57620 (.43) 0.05625 462.0 4620 462.3 0.487 S5 4.4 292.0 1514 0.121 0.07345 (.34) 0.56993 (.97) 0.05628 456.9 458.0 463.3 0.483 s6 3.9 1382.3 437.6 0.081 0.07456 (.19) 0.57624 (.54) 0.05605 463.6 462.0 454.4 0.449 s8 27.8 413.1 1068.2 0.197 0.07316 (.10) 0.56752 (.23) 0.05626 455.2 456.4 462.6 0.499 Calcstlicate rock [AF-26] S1 10.0 130.6 667.0 0.234 0.07445 (.28) 0.57747 0.05625 (.19) 462.9 462.8 462.4 0.833 S3 8.0 347.8 1132.5 0.239 0.07445 (.14) 0.57755 0.05627 (.11) 462.9 462.9 462.9 0.801 462.5 463.7 0.762 S4 1.7 897.7 1362.8 0.160 0.07434 (.25) 0.57697 0.05629 (.22) 462.3 * Radiogenic Pb t Measured ratio corrected for spike and fractionation only. Massfractionation correction of0.15%/amu t 0.04%/amu was appfied to single collector Daly analyses and 0.12%/amu ± 0.04% for dynamic Faraday-Daly analyses §Corrected for fractionation, spike, blank, and initial common Pb # total common Pb in analysis. Total procedural blank for Pb ranged from 0.65-3.7 pgand < 1.0pqfor U. Blank isotopic composition- PbP-Pb = 19.10 ± 0.1, "'Pb/-Pb =15.71± 0.1, "PbP"Pb = 38.65 t 0.1. **Age calculations are based on the decay constants of Steiger and Jaqer (1977) 107 Figure Captions Figure 4.1. Simplified tectonic map of the British and Irish Caledonides. This Figure shows the unusual tectonic position of the Connemara Dalradian rocks relative to the rest of the Dalradian exposures. Figure 4.2. Simplified geologic map of Connemara with sample localities and metamorphic isograds. OG- Oughterard Granite (462.5 Ma; Chapter 2). The metamorphic grade of the Dalradian rocks is indicated by metapelitic assemblages. Staurolite and sillimanite coexist between the sillimanite-in isograd (Sill-in) and the staurolite-out isograd (Staur-out). The migmatite zone is characterized by anatectic melting of metapelitic rocks with formation of leucosome (melt) and paleosome (restite), and in general by a close spatial relationship between intrusive rocks of the Connemara complex and the Dalradian metasedimentary rocks. Figure 4.3. Single titanite crystals of sample AF37 and AF40 dissolved for UPb analysis. Figure 4.4. U-Pb concordia diagram for titanite analyses from Connemara calcsilicate rocks. Figure 4.5. Photo micrographs showing the selected titanite crystals within calcsilicate rocks. (A) Titanite at calcite grain boundaries of sample AF40. (B) Primary foliation (S2?) is defined by calcite crystals, whereas phlogopite+clinochlor+pyrite+ titanite appear to form a second foliation (S3?) at c. 30 degree angle. (C) Titanite in sample AF37 occurs associated with phlogopite+clinochlor+pyrite. (D) Sample AF71 is very altered. Titanite occurs within alteration products and within more pristine calcsilicate minerals. (E-G) Titanite in the diopside rock AF7521 occurs at diopside grain boundaries and within unidentified alteration products. Alteration is inhomogeneous, from little alteration (E) to intense fracturing and retrogression (G). (H) Titanite in sample AF26 occurs within and at calcite grain boundaries. This rocks does not show any signs of retrogression. Figure 4.6. Schematic U-Pb concordia diagram of the titanite analysis with the lowest radiogenic 206Pb/"Pb ratio for various initial Pb compositions (at 4.5, 1, 0.8, 0.55, 0.5, 0.46, .4 Ma) to show the insensitivity of common Lead correction on the sample age. 108 N <Great Brita 8W 50 km Devonian - Carbon. Dalradian Silurian Rocks Supergroup GraniteGraniteBasement Pre-Dalradian rocks/ Ordovician Rocks Major Faults Figure 4.1 109 110 - 1 100 15' South Ma) AF45 A -- a + + + ~..... . ++ +; . G l . a . .ah lt .. . . / O . Carboniferous rocks - Connemara Complex rocks Silurian Sia rFold Oughterard Granite Derryveeny Conglomerate Quartz-diorite gneiss intrusions Galway Batholith Figure 4.2 . Delaney Dome Formation and Thrust Belt in Dalradian Supergroup Fold axis(F4) . - - -. metamorphic Isograds sample SAF71-AF localities 112 300 gm Figure 4.3 113 114 460 0.0746 0.0736 450 00726 s6 0.0716 0.0706 0.5424 00,5 0.5624 0.5524 Pbg 235 U AF-3 7 Calcsisilicate 0.0765. c 1 0.5724 207 470 0.0755 CM 46 0.0745 0.0735 450 si s3 0.0725 0.0715 0.5500 0.5600 0.5700 0.5800 207 Pb 235 U *0" AF-71 calcsilicate (11 00744 00724 440 CO Cl) 0.0704 420 0-O 0*06 400 00644 0.0624 04683 0.4883 05083 0.5283 207 0.5483 Pb/ 235 1 Figure 4.4 115 0.5683 0.5883 116 Diopside Rocks 0.0749 0.0747 0.0745 0.0743 o CO) '-- 0.0741 0 0 0739 0.0737 00735 00733 .. 05669 05689 0.5709 05729 0.5749 0.5769 0.5789 05809 207 Pbf235 U 0.0746 0.0744 o 0.0742 0.0740 00738 0.5 207 Pb 235 U 0.0750 0.0748 Co CO, 0.0746 0.0744 CO 0 00738 0.5715 0.5735 0.5755 0.5775 207 Pb/ 35 U Figure 4.4 continued 117 0.5795 0.5815 0.5835 118 D 0.0746 Sl 462 0.0744 S4 0.0742 460 0.0740 ca. 463 Ma . 0.0738. 0.5715 0.5735 0.5755 . . . . . . .. 0.5795 0.5775 207 Pb/ 235 U Figure 4.4 continued 119 . . 0.5815 . . . . 0.5835 . 120 . . . .,.-- _--, ., -.. - ts.-.....- 3. w-+-s'er-.-145.<-< Be Figure 4.5 121 -. 122 Effect of the Common Lead correction (S&K'75) on the Age of the Sample (with the lowest 206Pb/204Pb ratio of all dated sphenes 0.0773 AF7521 S5 0.0768 480 measured 206 0.0763 Pb/ 204 Pb = 151.4 470 0.0758 0 0.0753 grey shade e p 0.0748 original ellipse (see data table) 0.0743 2 1.5 0.0738 0.0733 0.0728 Estimated Age of common 0.55 0.46 0.5 450 0.05 0.05 0.1 Lead for correction [in Ga] correction used in age calculation [Ga] 0.0723 0.5577 0.5627 0.5677 0.5727 0.5777 207 0.5827 pb/ 235U Figure 4.6 0.5877 0.5927 0.5977 0.6027 124 CHAPTER 5: CONSTRAINTS ON THE DEFORMATION AND COOLING HISTORY OF THE CALEDONIDES OF CONNEMARA, WESTERN IRELAND, FROM "AR/3 9 AR THERMOCHRONOLOGY Anke M. Friedrich and Kip V. Hodges Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambrige, MA 02139. E-mail: amfriedr@mit.edu. Manuscript in preparation. 5.1. Abstract The thermal evolution of a regional-scale (>25 km) amphibolite-facies contact aureole of a syn-deformational continental magmatic arc has been determined using detailed 44Ar/ 39Ar thermochronology of micas. An important aspect of this analysis is the distinction of cooling ages from those 4 0Ar/ 3 9Ar dates not related to cooling after high-temperature metamorphism by considering evidence from the geologic record. The results confirm a previously observed large range in K-Ar and Rb-Sr dates (>500 to <400 Ma), but based on the timing of magmatism, peak metamorphism, and the age of the Silurian unconformity in the Connemara region, only those dates between c. 475 and 443 Ma are permissible cooling ages. Variations in 40Ar/ 39Ar muscovite and biotite cooling ages at a single locality are only small (<10 Ma) implying relatively rapid cooling (>6-26*C/Ma) following highA distinct cooling age temperature metamorphism and deformation; variation (>15 Ma) occurs on the regional-scale between northern (c. 475 to 465 Ma) and southern (c. 460-450 Ma) Connemara, consistent with spatial and temporal differences in the metamorphic and magmatic evolution across the Connemara region. We infer that this cooling record was related to a lateral thermal gradient in an evolving continental magmatic arc, rather than to differential unroofing of the orogen. Older (>475 Ma) 4 0Ar/ 3 9Ar dates are attributed to excess 40Ar contamination, whereas younger (< 443 Ma) 44Ar/ 39Ar dates are related to thermal resetting or fluid infiltration related to emplacement of a major post-orogenic granitic batholith (c. 420 to < 400 Ma). The results of this study imply that the large (>100 Ma) spread in thermochronometers commonly observed in orogenic belts does not automatically translate into a protracted cooling history, but that only a small ages. are permissible cooling number of thermochronometers 125 5.2. Introduction Studies of the thermal histories of ancient metamorphic terrains using thermochronologic techniques frequently yield large ranges of apparent ages, sometimes spanning hundreds of millions of years (Onstott & Peacock 1987; Mezger et al. 1991; Hodges & Bowring 1995). Such ranges are often interpreted in terms of a protracted cooling history, assuming reasonable closure temperatures for mineral-isotopic systems (e.g. Cliff 1985; Heaman & Parrish 1991; Hodges 1991). However, recent studies of the mechanisms by which radiogenic isotopes are lost from mineral systems (e.g. Lee 1995) suggests that assigning an exact closure temperature to any particular mineral sample is not entirely straightforward. One could imagine, for example, ranges of dates provided by a single mineral-isotopic system that reflected local differences in deformational history or mineral chemistry rather than protracted cooling. One fruitful approach to assessing the importance of this problem is to compare thermochronologic data for minerals of known composition with independent constraints on the thermal and deformational history of the metamorphic terrain from which they were collected. In this paper, we present thermochronologic data for a syn-tectonic, amphibolite-facies metamorphic belt, the Caledonian Connemara terrane, for which a protracted cooling history spanning at least 75 million years has been inferred from earlier Rb-Sr and K-Ar results (e.g. Elias et al. 1988). Connemara provides a special opportunity to compare the thermochronologic record as recorded in metamorphic rocks with very tight constraints on the thermal and deformational history of the area provided by the U-Pb geochronology of synmetamorphic intrusive igneous rocks of the Connemara complex (Chapters 2 and 3) We employed the "Ar/ 39Ar method on muscovite, biotite, and phlogopite from metapelitic and calcsilicate rocks sampled at different metamorphic grades, ranging from staurolite to upper 126 sillimanite grade. The results were then evaluated against independent constraints. We found a substantial spread in 40Ar/ 39 Ar ages, largely consistent with the results of previous studies, but the distribution of ages seems less a function of regional slow cooling than a function of polymetamorphism, complex variations in the thermal history of the region during metamorphism, the variable incorporation of excess 40Ar in mineral systems, and low-temperature resetting of the 40Ar/ 39 Ar systematics. 5.3. Geologic Setting The Connemara region of the Irish Caledonides (Figure 5.1) exhibits the thermal and deformational characteristics of a continental arc environment (Leake & Tanner 1994). The arc itself is represented by mafic to felsic plutons of the Connemara complex (Leake 1896, 1989), one of several tholeiitic to calc-alkaline magmatic provinces that formed during the middle Ordovician Grampian-Taconian orogeny (c. 474-463 Ma) along the eastern Laurentian margin (e.g. Friedrich et al. in review, van Staal et al. submitted, Chapter 2). At Connemara, the country rocks for the Connemara complex are metasedimentary units of the Dalradian Supergroup (Harris 1994). The outcrop pattern of abundant marker horizons in this stratigraphy delineate a complicated deformational history (Leake & Tanner 1994; Tanner & Shackleton 1979). The overall structure is dominated by the shallowly eastplunging, range-scale Connemara antiform, which exposes a spectacular 3-D cross section through the Dalradian fold and thrust belt and the Connemara complex (Figures 5.1 and 5.2; e.g. Leake & Tanner 1994). The deepest structure, in the subvertical southern limb of the Connemara antiform, is the Mannin thrust (Figure 5.1); it carries the Dalradian metasedimentary package and the Connemara complex in its hanging wall, and juxtaposes these units with greenschist-facies metarhyolites in the footwall (Figure 5.1). The shallowest structures are normal faults (e.g. the Renvyle Bofin Slide) that 127 occur in the shallowly northward-dipping northern limb of the Connemara antiform (Figure 5.1). The topology of the structural package is such that deeper structural levels are exposed to the west and shallower structural levels to the east and to the north. At Connemara, the Dalradian units experienced two phases of metamorphism: an early, low- to high-pressure amphibolite-facies event (M2) and a late, high-temperature, medium- to low-pressure event (M3; Figure 5.3; e.g. Yardley et al. 1987). The M2 event was similar to that recorded by metamorphic assemblages in age-equivalent rocks elsewhere in the Irish and British Caledonides (e.g. Yardley et al. 1980; Leake & Tanner 1994; Yardley et al. 1987; Cliff et al. 1996). However, the M3 event is unique to Connemara and the distribution of M3 isograds suggests that this event was related to intrusion of the Connemara complex (e.g. Yardley et al. 1987). Despite the structural complexity of the region, these isograds strike generally east-west, transecting all major structures, suggesting a simple thermal evolution during the late stages of M3. However, the relative age relationships between deformational structures, intrusive phases of the Connemara complex, and M2 and M3 metamorphic assemblages provide evidence for a more complicated thermal history overall. 5.3.1. Deformation History Detailed descriptions of the structural geology of Connemara have been presented by Tanner & Shackleton (1979), Tanner (1990), Leake & Tanner (1994), Wellings (1998). The oldest preserved fabric (Si) occurs only as inclusion trails in garnet porphyroblasts with unknown tectonic significance (Figures 5.3 and 5.4.a; e.g. Leake & Tanner 1994). Two main regional deformation phases (D2 and D3) can be defined in outcrops of the Dalradian sequence (Figure 5.3). The earliest macroscopic folds in Connemara (F2) are East-West-trending open to isoclinal. They are associated with an axial planar schistosity (S2), defined by muscovite and biotite, which is mainly preserved in northern Connemara (Figure 5.4b). There the S2 schistosity was deformed 128 by minor folds during a D3 event, which was accompanied by retrograde muscovite + chlorite growth (Figure 5.4c, e.g. Boyle & Dawes 1991; Cruse & Leake 1968). Farther south, the S2 schistosity was deformed by small F3 folds (Figure 5.4d) and large-scale F3-fold and thrust nappes, which plunge ENE and ESE up to 35*. Especially in pelitic lithologies, S2 was overprinted by a penetrative S3 schistosity defined by biotite intergrown with fibrolite or prismatic sillimanite (MS3; Figure 5.4e). In southern Connemara, where M3 temperatures were high enough to cause partial melting in the Dalradian sequence, evidence for syn-anatectic deformation demonstrates a clear temporal relationship between D3 and M3. In this region, F3 folds were disrupted by syndeformational anatectic melting, indicating that anatexis followed the main D3 deformation (Figure 5.4.). The Mannin thrust, which places the Connemara complex and its country rocks over metarhyolites of the Delaney Dome formation, is regarded as a late D3 structure (e.g. Tanner e t al. 1989). Fabrics and structures of D3 age were deformed on a regional scale by the F4 Connemara antiform, described above. The fact that M3 metamorphic isograds cut across D4 structural trends requires that the M3 metamorphic peak stretched over the D3-D4 deformational interval. The youngest structures in the region may be extensional shear zones exposed in northern Connemara. One, described by Williams & Rice (1989), occurs directly below the Silurian unconformity (Figure 5.1); the nature of its hanging wall is largely concealed by post-deformational Silurian strata. The second - referred to as the Renvyle Bofin slide - corresponds to the northern outcrop boundary of the Dalradian Supergroup at Connemara and has a demonstrated top-tothe-north normal shear sense (Figure 5.1; Bolye & Dawes 1991; Wellings 1998). 129 5.3.2. Intrusive History of Intrusions the Connemara complex either were broadly oldest plutons, synchronous with or postdate crustal shortening. The consisting of ultramafic and gabbroic rocks, occur in both northern (DawrosCurrywongaun-Doughruagh complex, Figure 5.1) and southern Connemara (e.g. Cashel-Lough Wheelaun intrusion, Roundstone complex, e.g. Leake & Tanner 1994). A younger intrusive suite, which consists mainly of quartz diorite and granite, intruded older mafic plutons only Connemara. The gabbros of northern Connemara in southern were emplaced syntectonically into the same tectonostratigraphic level (the Kylemore Fm) as the southern Connemara gabbros (Leake & Tanner 1994; Chapter 2). Wellings (1998) recently suggested that Dawros-Currywongaun-Doughruagh the complex intruded during D2 deformation. If he is correct, a recent U-Pb zircon age for a gabbro from the complex constrains the age of D2 in northern Connemara as 474 Ma (Chapter 2). The Cashel-Lough Wheelaun intrusion of southern Connemara intruded just prior to or early during D3 deformation (Tanner 1990) at 470 Ma (U-Pb zircon age; Chapter 2). A minimum age for both D3 and D4 deformation is provided by the undeformed Oughterard granite (Leake, 1986; Tanner et al. 1997), which has a U-Pb xenotime crystallization age of 463 Ma (Chapter 2). 5.3.3. Metamorphic History From north to south across Connemara, Grampian metamorphic conditions increases progressively from upper greenschist to upper amphibolite facies (Figures 5.1 and 5.3). Four major zones, trending east-west, have been identified based on the distribution of prograde pelitic mineral assemblages (Yardley, 1976; Barber & Yardley 1985; Boyle & Dawes 1991): * Garnet-staurolite. Distinguished only in the Dalradian units of northernmost Connemara, this zone is characterized by staurolite ± garnet 130 + muscovite ± kyanite or andalusite + quartz + plagioclase + biotite chlorite. * Staurolite-sillimanite transition. South of a well-defined sillimanite-in isograd, the metapelitic assemblage is characterized by prismatic or fibrolitic sillimanite + staurolite ± garnet + muscovite + quartz + plagioclase + biotite. " Sillimanite-muscovite. An isograd corresponding to the last appearance of staurolite marks the beginning of a zone defined by sillimanite + garnet + muscovite + quartz + plagioclase + biotite. e Sillimanite-K-feldspar. In southern Connemara, near the principal outcrop region of quartz-diorites of the Connemara igneous complex, muscovite is no longer stable and the diagnostic metapelitic assemblage becomes sillimanite + biotite + cordierite + K-feldspar + quartz + plagioclase. Many metasedimentary outcrops are migmatitic in the southernmost parts of this zone, suggesting that temperatures were high enough to promote widespread anatexis. Andalusite has been identified in some migmatized rocks. Despite the simplicity of the metamorphic pattern at Connemara, textural relationships suggest that the observed assemblages grew during two prograde events. Minerals diagnostic of the garnet-staurolite assemblage help define the S2 schistosity in northern Connemara, whereas sillimanitemuscovite and sillimanite-K-feldspar assemblages help define the S3 schistosity in central and southern Connemara (Yardley 1976; Barber & Yardley 1985, Yardley et al. 1987, Boyle & Dawes 1991; Fergusen & Al-Ameen 1986). This has led previous workers to define an M2 event on the basis of the northern Connemara assemblages and an M3 event on the basis of central and southern Connemara assemblages. Estimated peak M2 conditions in northern Connemara were 550 ± 50*C and 6-8 kb (Figure 5.3; Boyle & Dawes 1991). Peak M3 temperatures were at least 650'C in the middle of the sillimanite-K-feldspar zone, increasing to -750*C in southernmost Dalradian 131 outcrops (Barber & Yardley 1985). Near the main outcrop area of the quartz diorites, M3 pressures during anatexis reached ~5.5 kb, but may have declined to <3 kb during crystallization of the leucosome. Indirect constraints on the age of M2 and M3 are provided by the U-Pb ages of synmetamorphic intrusive rocks. Based on the work of Wellings (1998), S2 and the M2 assemblages that define it are at least partly coeval with intrusion of the Currywongaun gabbro at 474 Ma (Chapter 2). The M3 event overlapped in time with emplacement of the bulk of the Connemara complex (Yardley et al. 1987), which occurred during the 470-463 Ma interval (Chapters 2 and 3). While textural evidence suggests that amphibolite facies metamorphism should be attributed to two separate events at Connemara, the two were separated in time by no more than a few million years and the prograde M2-M3 transition is probably best regarded simply as a temperature increase during progressive unroofing of the region. 5.3.4. Post-Grampian Sedimentation, Igneous Activity, and Late- Stage Fluid Flow The high-grade metasedimentary rocks of eastern Connemara are overlain unconformably by unmetamorphosed shallow marine sedimentary rocks of lower Silurian age (Figure 5.1; e.g. Graham et al. 1989). The age of this unconformity (c. 443 Ma; Tucker & McKerrow 1995) marks the end of the Grampian orogeny in the geologic record at Connemara. By Upper Silurian to Devonian time, the Connemara metamorphic complex was buried again under c. 3-4 km of marine sedimentary rocks (Graham et al. 1989). At this time, a major post-Grampian granitic intrusion - the Galway batholith - intruded older plutons of the Connemara igneous complex (e.g. Leake 1978; Leake & Ahmed Said 1993). The thermal pulse associated with batholith intrusion led to the development of a regionally extensive hydrothermal 132 system (Jenkin et al. 1992) which may be responsible for local retrogression of M2-M3 metamorphic assemblages throughout Connemara (cf. Chapter 4). 5.4. Previous Thermochronology Previous geochronological investigations at Connemara yielded a range of K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral dates between 490 and 415 Ma, which was interpreted as representing a prolonged period of unroofing (e.g. Giletti et al. 1961, Dewey et al. 1970; Elias et al. 1988) or local resetting related to hydrothermal alteration (e.g. Leggo et al. 1966; Miller et al. 1991). A discordant U-Pb zircon date of c. 490 Ma for the Cashel-Lough Wheelaun gabbro (Jagger et al. 1988), intruded just before or during the early stages of D3, has been used to suggest that M3 metamorphism began at about that time (Cliff et al. 1996). This interpretation gained support from slightly younger K-Ar homblende dates from some outcrops (Elias et al. 1988). Mica K-Ar and Rb-Sr cooling ages clustered between 460 and 450 Ma in southern Connemara, leading previous workers to suggest two important episodes of cooling in the region - one between 490 and 480 Ma, and the other between 460 and 450 Ma, separated by an interval of relatively slow cooling (e.g. Elias et al. 1988; Dempster 1985). However, not all early thermochronologic data fit into this simple model. One K-Ar hornblende date of 420 Ma was reported from northern Connemara, and several southern Connemara samples yielded mica ages in the 420-410 Ma age range (e.g. Elias et al. 1988). Such anomalies led to the development of complex models for regional cooling involving differential uplift along high-angle faults and localized reheating events related to hydrothermal activity (Elias et al. 1988). An alternative model was proposed by Miller et al. (1991). These authors determined K-Ar dates for 21 hornblendes and several micas from across Connemara, obtaining a large range of dates similar to that reported by Elias et al. (1988). In one 30 m-wide quarry in southern Connemara, 133 hornblende dates for amphibolites containing abundant quartz + epidote veins ranged over 70 million years. Miller et al. (1991) found a weak positive correlation between K-Ar hornblende dates and 8D values for the same amphiboles, suggesting that the range of homblende dates represented variable amounts of Ar loss related to hydrothermal activity. In this scenario, K-Ar dates provide little constraint on the thermal evolution of the Connemara region. New U-Pb geochronologic constraints on intrusive rocks in the Connemara region help constrain the range of viable interpretations of existing K-Ar and Rb-Sr thermochronologic data. For example, a more precise redetermination of the age of the Cashel-Lough Wheelaun gabbro and a new determination of the age of the Currywogaun gabbro of southern Connemara demonstrate that peak M2-M3 metamorphism is no older than 475-470 Ma (Chapters 2 and 3), such that older published K-Ar hornblende dates must represent excess 4 Ar. Moreover, given the very brief duration of Grampian orogenesis at Connemara (Chapter 2), we would expect that all amphibole and mica cooling dates would cluster within a few million years, between perhaps 460 and 450 Ma (e.g. Friedrich et al. in press; Chapter 3). In this paper, we report new 4 Ar/ 39Ar geochronologic data obtained in an attempt to better understand the extent and cause of the large range of K-Ar ages obtained by previous workers. 5.5. Methods We collected muscovite, biotite and phlogopite from metapelitic and calcsilicate rocks from small subareas within each metamorphic zone (Figure 5.5). We began with the assumption that the effective closure of a mineralisotopic system is a volume diffusion process, governed by effective diffusion dimension and chemical composition (McDougall & Harrison 1988). Although recent studies suggest that fast diffusion pathways can complicate 134 the geometry and rate of diffusion in minerals (Lee 1995), the effective diffusion dimension of mica crystals appears to be similar to the physical grain size (Hames & Bowring 1994). In the hope of recovering a larger portion of the cooling history at each locality, we concentrated on analyzing micas with a range of composition and grain size. Muscovites, biotites, and phlogopites were separated from crushed or uncrushed rock and purified following standard procedures, details of which can be found in Appendix 1 and Hodges et al. (1994). We performed both high-precision incremental heating analyses of large samples (several milligrams) with a resistance furnace, and microanalysis of between one and 10 individual crystals with a laser (Appendix 1). In order to control the effects of sample composition and grain size, we determined the compositions of between three and five representative crystals of each analyzed sample, and measured the grain sizes of each crystal analyzed (Tables 5.1, 5.2, 5.3). The grain sizes of biotite, muscovite, and phlogopite from northern Connemara are relatively uniform and small (typically 300 to 500 gm in diameter). More significant grain size variations are found in southern Connemara, with the largest grains (>6000 gm diameter) occurring in some muscovite-bearing pegmatites. All age calculations were based on assuming an initial 4 0Ar / 3 6Ar ratio of modern atmosphere (295.5). Although previous work suggests that excess 44Ar contamination does exist in Connemara minerals, particularly hornblende, attempts to isolate such components and correct for them using inverse isotope correlation diagrams were hampered by uniformly high radiogenic Ar yields for all samples. Fortunately, this characteristic means that calculated dates are relatively insensitive to our choice of 4 initial Ar/ 3 9Ar. We interpret the dates reported here as cooling ages, but the presence of small amounts of excess 4 0Ar may make some of the dates close overestimates of the true cooling ages. 135 3 9Ar weighted mean ages and their 2a errors were calculated for all total fusion and incremental release analyses. These ages represent the 39 Ar- volume averaged total gas age of a sample. For incremental heating analyses, a plateau age is reported if at least three consecutive steps overlap within 27 error and contain over 50% of the 39Ar released. For total fusion analyses, results from multiple analyses of an individual sample were combined statistically to give an apparent age distribution for the sample. These are shown as normalized probability distribution plots (e.g. Figure 5.7). Interpretation of the total fusion analyses was guided by the shape of the probability distribution. If the distribution showed a single mode, without secondary peaks or significant skewness, we assumed that the 39 Ar weighted mean date of all analyses represents the cooling age of the sample. If the apparent age distribution is multi-modal or skewed, the 39 Ar weighted mean age may be geologically meaningless, and we interpret distinct peaks as the best indicator of age components represented by the fusion analyses. Skewness of peaks toward older ages suggests contamination by excess "Ar, assuming that the excess component is distributed inhomogeneously such that multiple total fusion analyses of a sample will yield ages with variable excess. In this case, we regard the sample mode as a close minimum estimate of a sample's cooling age (e.g. Figure 5.7). Following Dodson (1973), we calculated closure temperatures for micas from existing constraints for Ar diffusivity and grain size by assuming a cooling rate (Table 5.4). We relied on diffusion data for Ar from the following sources: phlogopite - Giletti (1974); biotite - Grove & Harrison (1996); and muscovite - Hames & Bowring (1993). Estimated closure temperatures are shown in Table 5.5. 136 5.6. "Ar/ 9 Ar Results and Interpretation The data collected in this study are discussed in geographic order, from the garnet-staurolite zone in northern Connemara to the sillimanite-Kfeldspar zone in southern Connemara (Figures 5.5, 5.8, and 5.9). In general, 4 0Ar/ 3 9Ar ages of biotite and muscovite are the oldest in northern Connemara (Figures 5.6 and 5.7; Table 5.6; Appendix 4), younger in central Connemara (Figures 5.6 and 5.7; Table 5.7, Appendix 4), and the youngest in the migmatitic rocks of southern Connemara (Figures 5.6 and 5.7; Table 5.8, Appendix 4) where they also show the largest age range. 5.6.1. Northernmost Garnet-Staurolite Zone To test the interpretation of Boyle & Dawes (1991), based on the Elias et al. (1988) K-Ar data, that cooling from -500-300 *C in northern Connemara occurred over the 470-430 Ma interval, we analyzed coexisting muscovite and biotite from two garnetiferous rocks from northernmost Connemara. Furnace incremental heating experiments for muscovite (X, =0.73) and biotite (Xn = 0.47) from sample AF16 yield essentially flat spectra but no statistically defined plateaus (Figure 5.6; Table 5.6). The weighted mean 40Ar/ 39Ar dates for the flat segments of these spectra are 471.0 ± 1.0 and 462.5 ± 1.1 Ma for muscovite and biotite, respectively. Total fusion results for larger muscovite (X, = 0.67) and biotite crystals from metapelite AF7 show symmetric apparent-age distributions with weighted mean dates of 476.4 ± 3.7 and 468.4 ± 3.1 Ma for these minerals, respectively (Figure 5.7; Table 5.6). W e interpret the 4 Ar/ 3 9Ar dates of all four analyses as cooling ages. The age differences between the four minerals are consistent with differences in closure temperatures related to differences in grain size (Table 5.5 and 5.6). Collectively, the data are consistent with cooling at a moderate rate over the ~ 137 476-463 Ma interval, and we found no evidence to support protracted cooling in northernmost Connemara. Garnet-Staurolite and Staurolite-Sillimanite Transition 5.6.2. Zones Previously published K-Ar ages from these zones range between 450 Ma to 400 Ma for biotite and between 470 and 430 Ma for muscovite (Elias et al. 1988). To evaluate the significance of this spread in dates, we analyzed muscovites, biotites and phlogopites from a variety of metasedimentary rocks (Figures 5.6 and 5.7). Most 40Ar/ 39Ar analyses yield 3 9Ar weighted mean dates older than 470 Ma, but a few muscovites, one biotite and one of the phlogopites yield 4 Ar/ 39Ar dates that are significantly younger. We first report the >470 Ma dates, and then discuss the significance of the younger results. Total fusion analyses of biotite (X, = 0.41) from one staurolite-garnet schist (AF12), biotites from three staurolite-garnet-sillimanite schists (AF35 X., = 0.37, AF70 -X, = 0.43 , AF79 -XA calcsilicate rocks (AF37 -X, = 0.45), and phlogopites from two = 0.06 and AF40 -X. (Figure 5.7, Table 5.6). Biotite AF12 has a 3 9Ar = 0.01) yielded similar dates weighted mean date of 478.0 ± 5.1 Ma, which broadly overlaps with the sample mode of 471-483 Ma. Total fusion analyses of the other micas yield 39Ar weighted mean dates of 472.2 ± 4.3 Ma (AF35), 474.6 ± 5.4 Ma (AF70), 476.3 ± 4.5 Ma (AF37), and 472.9 ± 2.4 Ma (AF40). More precise incremental release analyses of biotites AF70 and AF79 yielded 39Ar weighted mean dates of 466.8 ± 1.0 Ma and 473.1 ± 1.1 Ma for c. 70 % of the released gas. In all cases except the AF40 phlogopite, these dates broadly overlap with the sample modes of the respective probability distributions, so we interpret them to yield approximate cooling ages (cf. Table 5.6). In contrast, the probability distribution of phlogopite AF40 shows distinctive modes at 455 and 495 Ma, inconsistent with the 138 39Ar weighted mean age, indicating that the sample is probably contaminated by heterogeneously distributed excess * Ar. Younger * Ar/ 39Ar dates were obtained for micas in samples collected in or near fault zones. Muscovite AF15 from a mylonitic metasedimentary rock collected within the Renvyle Bofin Slide (Figures 5.5, 5.8, 5.9). Conventional furnace analysis of this sample yielded a plateau date of 452.5 ± 1.4 Ma. Given the probability that the mylonitic fabric developed at low temperature (for example, there is no evidence for plastic deformation of feldspars in thin section) and the fact that the muscovite helps define the mylonitic fabric, we interpret 452 Ma as a close estimate of the time of mylonitization. Two additional samples were collected near smaller faults that offset the Renvyle Bofin Slide (Figure 5.5). The incremental release spectra of muscovite (Xms =0.6) and biotite (X, =0.39) from a strongly foliated garnet schist rock (AF49) displayed flat segments with mean dates of 452.3 ± 1.0 Ma and 458.1 ± 2.3 Ma, respectively (Figure 5.6, Table 5.6). Muscovite from another garnet schist (AF67 - Xm, =0.64) has a plateau date of 448.7 ± 1.8 Ma. The similar muscovite dates suggest an important phase of post-M3 deformation and dynamic recrystallization at c. 450 Ma. The older AF49 biotite date probably reflects excess 4 0Ar. Another anomalously young date was provided by phlogopite from a calcsilicate rock (AF66). Its spectrum displayed a flat segment with a 39Ar weighted date of 418.5 ± 1.6 Ma. This date is similar to many K-Ar dates obtained by Elias et al. (1988) from the same region. Most likely, it reflects local resetting by hydrothermal fluids related to intrusion of the post-orogenic Galway batholith. 5.6.3. Sillimanite-K-feldspar Zone In this zone, we concentrated on biotites and phlogopites from metasedimentary samples collected near Derryclare Lough area in central Connemara (Figures 5.5, 5.6, 5.7; Table 5.7). Biotite AF34 (X, =0.29) from a 139 sillimanite-K-feldspar-biotite gneiss has a plateau date of 448.5 ± 2.0 Ma. Phlogopite AF38 (XA =0.04) from a metasomatic diopside rock yields a plateau date of 455.8 ± 1.3 Ma, consistent with a U-Pb date of c. 462 Ma for titanite from the same sample (Chapter 4). Phlogopite AF52 (XA =0.02) from another metacarbonate rock has a more complicated release spectrum with a flat segment corresponding to a date of about 457 Ma. We interpret the plateau and flat segment dates of these three samples as cooling ages. These cooling ages are significantly younger than those of trioctahedral micas with similar compositions and grain sizes from the garnet-staurolite and staurolite-sillimanite transition zones of northern Connemara (Figure 5.8; Tables 5.6 and 5.7). The boundary between the cooling age provinces broadly coincides with the muscovite-breakdown isograd and the crest of the Connemara antiform. additional samples from Several yielded 4"Ar/ 39 Ar unambiguously. the sillimanite-K-feldspar zone data that were complicated and difficult to interpret The frequency distribution of laser fusion phlogopite AF27 (X. dates for = 0.05) shows distinctive modes at 479 and 443 Ma. Petrographically, this sample contains phlogopites of two different grain sizes, one somewhat larger than 500 pm and one significantly smaller. It may be that the two modes in the release spectrum correspond to different cooling ages for the two phlogopites. However, the c. 479 Ma date seems inconsistent with other data from the area, particularly U-Pb titanite ages that record cooling through a much higher closure temperature (- 650*C; Chapter 4) roughly fifteen million years later. We suspect that this older mode reflects excess 4"Ar contamination. A similar interpretation can be proposed for data from another phlogopite separate (AF32 - X, =0.03; Figure 5.7); although its laser fusion dates have a 39Ar weighted mean of 473.7 ± 2.3 Ma, the frequency distribution is positively skewed away from a single mode between 460 and 465 Ma. Biotite AF28 (X, =0.42) from a biotite-sillimanite-garnet schist has a 140 39A r weighted mean age of 453.9 ± 21.7 Ma, but its population distribution displays three modes. The youngest, at 442-447 Ma, is similar to the young mode for the AF27 phlogopite, and this range may reflect localized resetting of Ar systematics by hydrothermal fluid interactions or dynamic recrystallization during deformation. 5.6.4. Migmatitic Portions of the Sillimanite-K-feldspar Zone 4 Ar/ 3 'Ar research on migmatitic rocks of the sillimanite-Kfeldspar zone was designed to augment data presented elsewhere (Friedrich e t al. in press; Chapter 3) pertinent to the detailed thermal evolution of Our southern Connemara. Our earlier work suggested relatively rapid cooling over the 460-377'C temperature interval between 460 and 454 Ma near the northern distribution limit of anatectic melt products in the sillimanite-Kfeldspar zone. As described in the following paragraphs, the 4 Ar/ 3 'Ar dates for samples collected closer to the main outcrop region of the Connemara igneous complex are notably younger than the mica ages reported by Friedrich et al. (in press; Chapter 3) and much younger than the crystallization ages of igneous phases in the Connemara complex. Previous workers found abundant evidence that the K-Ar hornblende chronometer cannot be applied with confidence to amphibolites from southern Connemara (Miller et al. 1991). The most commonly proposed explanation for the tremendous range in hornblende apparent ages was the disturbance of isotopic systematics by hydrothermal fluids related to intrusion of the c. 400 Ma Galway batholith and related "post-orogenic" plutons (Leggo et al. 1966). In order to seek additional support for this hypothesis, we analyzed micas from metapelitic schists and older granitic dikes collected at various distances from late plutons. In general, the muscovites yielded relatively simple release spectra with plateaus or flat segments, whereas the biotite results were much more complex. 141 Biotite AF22 is from a schist collected ten kilometers away from the post-orogenic Roundstone granite (Figure 5.5). Petrographic analysis provided no evidence of hydrothermal alteration (Figure 5.9). Laser fusion analyses yielded symmetric frequency distributions with 3'Ar weighted mean dates of 453 and 440 Ma for the c. 400 gm and c. 150 pm size fractions, respectively (Table 5.7), consistent with a lower closure temperature for the smaller size fraction. Substantially older than the 420 Ma crystallization age of the granite, these dates probably represent cooling after M3 metamorphism. Collected 5 km south of the AF22 outcrop, AF18 is a garnet-K-feldspar schist containing biotite (XA = 0.53), secondary muscovite (Xm. = 0.74) that replaces K-feldspar, and chlorite that fills fractures in garnet (Figure 5.5). Incremental heating analysis of coarse (900 gm) muscovite yielded a plateau date of 456.5 ± 2.2 Ma, whereas a finer-grained fraction (450 pm) had a plateau date of 453.6 ± 0.9 Ma (Figure 5.7). Laser fusion analyses of fragments of a 450 pm single crystal of this muscovite had a 3'Ar weighted mean date of 457.4 ±3. Ma, which lies within the uncertainty of the two other analyses. The similarity of these ages with those obtained for M3 micas farther north in the "migmatite" zone of Connemara suggests that retrogression in AF18 occurred at a relatively high temperature. Laser total fusion analyses for two aliquots of biotite (Xan= 0.53) from this sample have "Ar weighted mean ages of 489.1 ± 3.3 and 275.6 ± 5.1 Ma (Figure 5.7, Table 5.8). complex behavior, we also performed To better understand this a furnace incremental heating experiment on a 10 mg biotite aliquot with the resistance furnace, and a laser incremental heating experiment on a single 750 gm crystal (Figure 5.6 and Table 5.8). Both experiments yielded similar 3'Ar weighted mean dates of 446.8 ± 2.3 and 445.3 ± 2.1 Ma, respectively. In both cases, the spectra displayed similar stair-step shapes with age components of c. 508 and c. 365 Ma (Figure 5.6). Given U-Pb constraints that M3 occurred over the 460-474 Ma interval, the 508 Ma component must reflect contamination with excess 4 Ar. The c. 365 Ma component is much younger than other biotite cooling ages from this 142 area and does not correspond to a previously identified thermal event. This **Ar/ 3'Ar date, however may correspond to one of several low-temperature fluid alteration events that affected the Connemara region after emplacement of the Galway granites (cf. Jenkin et al. 1992). We also analyzed micas from two samples from a small area less than 5 km north of the Roundstone granite (Figure 5.5). Sample AF45 is from the paleosome of an anatectic pelitic gneiss that surrounds pegmatitic leucosome AF44. Furnace incremental heating analysis of the biotite (XA.=0. 4 9 ) from the leucosome yields a plateau date of 418.4 ± 6.5 Ma. Given the crystallization age of this pegmatite (467 ± 2 Ma - U-Pb zircon; Chapter 3), this 40Ar / 39 Ar date reflects complete resetting during intrusion of the Roundstone granite, and possibly minor resetting at c. 350 Ma or younger. probably The 40Ar/ 39Ar systematics of the biotite (X, = 0.49) in AF45 are more complex (Figures 5.6 and 5.7). Laser fusion analyses of aliquots of up to seven grains have a 39Ar weighted mean date of 434.5 ± 3.1 Ma. However, frequency distribution plots show three distinct modes at c. 420 Ma, 437 Ma and 463 Ma (Figure 5.7). Laser incremental heating of another aliquot yielded a stair-step profile with a flat segment at 420.1 ± 6.5 Ma and a minimum age of 327 ± 20 Ma (Figure 5.6). The simplest interpretation of this spectrum is that the sample suffered a major Ar re-equilibration event at c. 420 Ma followed by a second, less profound event at 330 Ma. Muscovite (X, = 0.63) in AF45 occurs as fine-grained pinnate and as large (up to 5000 gm), randomly oriented, secondary muscovite books (Figure 5.9). Laser incremental heating analyses of different size fractions yielded simple plateaus or flat segments corresponding to dates between 439 and 429 Ma (Figure 5.6 and Table 5.8). Large (700 pm) crystals gave the oldest dates, whereas the smallest crystals (200 gm) gave the youngest dates. Despite the positive correlation between grain size and apparent age, these cannot be closure ages related to simple cooling after M3 metamorphism because AF45 is from a structural level just below 143 the older Silurian unconformity (Figure 5.5). Conceivably, the young ages imply partial resetting associated with intrusion of the Roundstone granite. 5.7. Interpretation of "Ar/ 9Ar Results The "Ar/ 39 Ar mica dates presented here and elsewhere (Figure 5.10; Friedrich et al. in press; Chapter 3) fall into four interpretive groups: Category 1 Ages representing simple cooling after the Grampian metamorphic event (Figure 5.10; AF7 muscovite and biotite; AF12 biotite; AF16 muscovite and biotite; AF18 muscovite; AF22 biotite; AF34 biotite; AF35 biotite; AF37 phlogopite; AF38 phlogopite; AF52 phlogopite; AF70 biotite; AF79 biotite). Category 2 Ages representing isotopic resetting during late Grampian deformation (Figure 5.10; AF15 muscovite; AF49 muscovite; AF67 muscovite). Category 3 Ages representing isotopic resetting during post-Grampian hydrothermal activity (Figure 5.10; AF18 biotite, AF27 phlogopite (?); AF28 biotite (?); AF44 biotite; AF45 biotite (?); AF66 phlogopite). Category 4 Dates with no obvious geologic significance (Figure 5.10; AF18 biotite; AF27 phlogopite; AF32 phlogopite; AF40 phlogopite; AF45 muscovite; AF49 biotite). The last category can be defined because the c. 400-420 Ma post-orogenic granites are the youngest well-dated potential resetting source, and because dates much older than c. 475 Ma are inconsistent with U-Pb zircon constraints on the age of the early Grampian Cashel-Lough Wheelaun gabbro (Friedrich et al. in review; Chapter 2). 144 5.7.1. Significance of Category 1 Ages Mica ages that record the thermal relaxation of the Grampian orogen show a geographic pattern opposite that proposed by Elias et al. (1988) (Figures 5.8 and 5.10). The oldest reliable Category 1 ages - ranging from 478 to 467 Ma - were obtained for garnet-staurolite zone and staurolite-sillimanite in northern Connemara. To the south, toward the Connemara igneous complex, Category 1 biotite ages decrease to as young as 453-440 Ma in the highest temperature portions of the sillimanite-K-feldspar zone. The only complication in this pattern occurs transition zone samples collected along the extreme northern margins of the Dalradian outcrop region, where biotite ages from staurolite zone rocks are slightly younger (468-463 Ma) than those a few kilometers to the southeast in the staurolite-sillimanite transition zone (478-467 Ma). One possible explanation for the relatively young ages in northernmost Connemara is limited Ar degassing related to late extensional deformation (Boyle & Dawes 1991). Our sampling density was not sufficient to ascertain if this geographic trend is continuous or if there are abrupt transitions. We can say that there is no significant discontinuity in the pattern at the sillimanite isograd (Figures 5.8 and 5.10), which has been suggested by some authors as corresponding to the effective northern distribution limit of M3 prograde metamorphic assemblages (Yardley 1976; Tanner & Shackleton 1979). In fact, we found no obvious correspondence between cooling age and whether or not a mineral grew as part of the M2 or M3 assemblage. Even if the northern limit of prograde M3 metamorphism extends only as far north as sillimanite-in isograd, as has been proposed elsewhere (Yardley et al. 1987), the thermal effects of M3 extended throughout Connemara (cf. Boyle & Dawes 1991). Thus, Category 1 ages represent cooling subsequent to the M3 event (Figures 5.10 and 5.11). Three explanations could satisfy the general north-to-south younging of Category 1 ages. The first, which is consistent with some U-Pb titanite and 145 monazite dates of less than 470 Ma in central and southern Connemara (Cliff et al. 1996; Friedrich et al. in press; Chapters 3 and 4), is that the older 40Ar/ 3 9Ar dates of northern Connemara represent contamination by excess '"Ar. We cannot disprove this interpretation with the data at hand; our samples were so radiogenic that the use of isotope correlation diagrams to evaluate this problem was impractical. However, the consistency of most northern Connemara 4'Ar/3Ar ages from a single subarea is not a pattern typical of pervasive excess 40Ar contamination. Most well-documented examples of sample suites contaminated with excess 40Ar are characterized by irreproducible results for multiple aliquots of the same sample, wide variations in dates from single outcrops, and/or complex release spectra (Harrison & McDougall 1981; von Blanckenburg & Villa 1988; Arnaud and Kelley 1995). Because many of the young titanites found in Connemara are thought to have grown during late- or post-M3 metasomatic events (Chapter 4) and because we cannot preclude a similar origin for the few young monazites dated in the region, we see no reason to reject the 40Ar/ 3 'Ar evidence for the M3 metamorphism in northern Connemara at c. 470 Ma. A second possible explanation for the N-S age trend is that the region was unroofed diachronously - trending Connemara antiform. first in the north - about the East-West This interpretation is consistent with the coincidence of the abrupt break in cooling ages with the axial trace of this antiform, but inconsistent with evidence from paleomagnetic studies that northern Connemara had already cooled to below c. 510-580*C before folding (Morris & Tanner 1977; Robertson 1984). Furthermore, structural, petrologic, and thermobarometric constraints on paleodepth trends during M3 suggest synchroneity across the Connemara region. We favor a third explanation consistent with all available geochronologic and structural data: that intrusion of intermediate to felsic phases of the Connemara igneous complex over the c. 468-463 Ma interval maintained M3 temperatures high in southern Connemara while regional cooling occurred in northern Connemara. 146 Textural relations in dated metamorphic rocks further suggest that structures and fabrics commonly attributed to D3 are older in the north than in the south; for example, micas that define the S3 schistosity in northern Connemara had cooled well below -400*C while synkinematic micas were still growing at upper amphibolite facies in southern Connemara. While this model requires high lateral temperature gradients, we suggest that such a thermal regime would be consistent with a continental arc setting like that of Connemara. 5.7.2. Significance of Category 2 Ages Category 2 ages may provide close minimum estimates on the age of the Renvyle Bofin slide and related late structures in central and northern Connemara (Figures 5.8 and 5.10). If this interpretation is correct, extensional deformation in this part of the Grampian orogen was taking place no more than about fifteen million years after peak metamorphism associated with large-scale crustal shortening in the continental arc environment. 5.7.3 Significance of Category 3 Ages Most Category 3 ages record resetting of the Ar systematics of micas throughout much of Connemara at c. 420 Ma. Occurring roughly twenty million years after Dalradian units had been overlapped unconformably by passive margin sediments at Connemara, this event cannot be regarded as part of the Grampian orogeny (Figure 5.10). Instead, its age suggests a causal relationship with the intrusion of post-orogenic granites along the southern margin of the older Connemara igneous complex (the Galway Batholith; e.g. Leggo et al. 1966; Friedrich unpublished data). If this interpretation is correct, the thermal effects of the post-orogenic magmatic event extended far beyond southern Connemara, perhaps through a regional metasomatic mechanism similar to that invoked for older c. 462 Ma metasomatic deposits in Connemara (Yardley et al. 1991; Cliff et al. 1993). Such a large regional extent of hydrothermal activity related to emplacement of the Galway has been 147 suggested by Jenkin et al. (1992) for retrograde alteration in southern Connemara. Two other anomalous dates may be related to similar alteration events. The frequency distribution plots for AF27 phlogopite and AF28 biotite display modes between 450 and 440 Ma. These dates are significantly younger than those obtained for compositionally similar minerals at the same structural level in the sillimanite-K-feldspar evidence of post-metamorphic zone. Neither AF27 or AF28 show dynamic recrystallization, but irregularly spaced c. 1-3 mm quartz-filled fractures occur orthogonal to the S3 foliation defined by biotite and phlogopite in these samples. Therefore, we tentatively attribute the 450-440 Ma dates to retrograde resetting. An extremely young near-plateau segment on the incremental heating spectrum for AF45 biotite (c. 330 Ma) suggests that some alteration may have occurred long after intrusion of the Galway batholith and related plutons. However, the AF45 biotite incremental heating analysis was poor, with very large uncertainties, and laser analyses of the same sample yielded discrepant results. 5.8. Toward a Comprehensive Model of the Thermal and Tectonic Evolution of Connemara The "Ar/ 39 Ar data presented in this manuscript, along with other geochronologic data presented in other chapters, suggest a new thermal and tectonic model of the Grampian orogen at Connemara. In presenting this model, we refer to three simplified developmental cross sections from northern to southern Connemara (Figure 5.12). The construction of these cross sections is described in Appendix 3. The oldest section, drawn to represent the structural pattern at c. 474470 Ma, is dominated by a regional-scale recumbent fold of D2 age (Figure 5.12a). The D2 event, responsible not only for the fold nappe but also for an S2 148 schistosity throughout Connemara, was at least in part synchronous with M2 metamorphism. Although direct constraints on the initiation age and duration of D2 and M2 are limited, Wellings (1998) suggested that the c. 474 Ma Currywongaun gabbro intruded during the regional D2 and M2. Numerous cooling ages for M3 sillimanite-grade micas in northern 4'Ar/3Ar Connemara are within uncertainty of this age or only slightly younger at 475 Ma, so we infer that the transition from D2/M2 to D3/M3 in the northern half of the Connemara region occurred in no more than a few million years. On a regional scale, this transition may simply represent a deformational continuum at progressively higher temperatures. We believe that both D3 and M3 as defined by F3 folds and S3 axial planar schistosity in Dalradian rocks affected all of Connemara. Both D3 and M3 appear to have been very short-lived phenomena in northern Connemara (c. 470 Ma), but may have lasted 7 to 8 million years in southern Connemara as a result of more prolonged and more voluminous magmatic activity (470-463 Ma). M3 and D3 reached their peak intensities at 468-466 Ma in southern Connemara, coincident with widespread quartz diorite magmatism and anatexis of metasedimentary rocks (Figure 5.12b). At that time, a very high thermal gradient developed across Connemara, with temperatures of >750*C in the southernmost sillimanite-K-feldspar zone and <300*C in northern Connemara (Figure 5.12b). D3 structures of this age include an intense foliation in anatectic metapelite rocks and wide ductile zones, especially in southwestern Connemara above the Mannin thrust, both of which contrast significantly with the older F3 folds and tectonite fabrics that developed at lower temperatures throughout Connemara. Figure 5.12c represents the regional structure after development of the D4 Connemara antiform. The 4"Ar/ 3 9Ar cooling ages in this paper, considered in the light of existing geophysical data, provide tight constraints on the age of the antiform. Paleomagnetic analyses of mafic rocks indicate that the 149 northern Connemara gabbros cooled below -510-580*C, the nominal range for the Curie temperature of magnetite, before folding of the Connemara antiform, whereas the southern Connemara gabbros cooled below this temperature range after development of the antiform (Morris & Tanner 1977, Robertson 1988). The north-south variation in "Ar/"Ar mica ages thus brackets formation of the Connemara antiform to between c. 470 Ma and c. 463-463 (Figure 5.11). Additional confirmation of the lower age bracket comes from the U-Pb crystallization age of 462.5 Ma for the post-F4 Oughterard granite. The persistence of "late" M3 high temperatures in southern Connemara during development of the F4 Connemara antiform may help explain the asymmetry in deformational style across the crest of the antiform, with more intense deformation and shearing in the southern limb (locally referred to as 'the steep belt', e.g. Leake & Tanner 1994). Formation of the antiform was linked kinematically with ductile deformation of the quartz diorites and gabbros of southern Connemara along an incipient Mannin thrust-shear zone that eventually resulted in formation of the brittle Mannin thrust. At c. 462 Ma, the waning stages of Connemara igneous complex activity maintained temperatures in the southern part of the region relatively high, perhaps more than 150*C higher than temperatures in northern Connemara. However, extensive hydrothermal systems extended northward from the igneous complex, leading to local resetting of mica chronometers and the crystallization of metasomatic assemblages such as the diopside rocks described by Yardley et al. (1991). Similar episodes metasomatic or hydrothermal alteration events appear to have occurred more recently in the history of the region. The youngest structures for which we have age constraints are the extensional faults of northern Connemara. Movement along the Renvyle Bofin slide occurred at c. 452 Ma based on the 4 Ar/ 3'9Ar muscovite crystallization age of mylonite AF15. This age is consistent with the recent 150 reinterpretation of the structural age of this fault to be post-D3 (Wellings 1998). It seems likely that extensional faulting entirely postdates contractional deformation at Connemara. 5.9. Conclusions Our "0Ar/ 3 9 Ar data supports the previously reported large spread in mineral dates from the Connemara region. However, consideration of our data in the context of other petrographic, geochronologic and stratigraphic constraints, suggests that some dates represent regional cooling subsequent to metamorphism, others record episodes of dynamic recrystallization, still others are reflect alteration episodes, and a few are so contaminated by excess "Ar as to be geologically meaningless. The regional cooling ages display patterns that can be linked directly to temporal and spatial variations in deformation, metamorphism, and magmatism. Northern Connemara cooled below c. 300*C by c. 470 Ma, whereas southern Connemara was not at such low temperatures until c. 450 Ma. This phenomenon probably was related to large lateral thermal gradients in an evolving continental arc setting. One important implication of the Connemara study is that regional trends in cooling ages may reflect regional variations in the orogenic temperature structure rather than regional variations in the unroofing history, as is commonly assumed. The significance of the geologic record to proper interpretation of mineral cooling ages cannot be overemphasized. 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The foliation is defined by muscovite and biotite. Chlorite occurs associated with muscovite, in garnet pressure shadows, and associated with veins orthogonal to the foliation plane. AF12 garnet-staurolite schist from Tully Mountain (south of the RBS). Foliation plane is defined by biotite + staurolite + quartz + plag. Quartz also occurs in pressure shadows around garnet. Biotite + staurolite are wrapped around the garnet. Inclusions in garnet are zircon (near veins), rutile, and quartz. Chlorite fills veins. AF16 garnet-schist from N of Tully Mountain. Minerals in this rock include garnet + biotite + muscovite + quartz + plagioclase + monazite. Alternating layers of small recrystallized quartz and foliated muscovite and biotite layers, and large quartz crystals that are partially boudinaged. Quartz replaces garnet. AF35 garnet-staurolite schist from the staurolite-sillimanite transition zone. Minerals in this rock are garnet + staurolite + biotite + quartz + plagioclase + ilmenite + tourmaline + chlorite. Segregated layering with highly foliated biotite-rich layers and garnet-quartz-plagioclase rich layers. Garnet, staurolite, tourmaline and ilmenite grow over biotite and other minerals with sharp grain boundaries and no pressure shadows. AF49 garnet-schist from the staurolite/sillimanite transition zone. A highly foliated rock (weak S-C fabric), defined by biotite, muscovite and quartz. Muscovite occurs especially around quartz and in some places seems to have overgrown biotite. Quartz replaces garnet and fills pressure shadows. 158 The mineral assemblage includes garnet + muscovite+ biotite + quartz + plagioclase + tourmaline. Chlorite occurs in and near fabric cutting veins. AF67 Garnet-staurolite-biotite-muscovite schist. Primary compositional layering indicated by large quartz bands. A mylonitic texture in this rock includes long biotite crystals and fine grained quartz crystals. Inclusions within garnet are oriented parallel to the main foliation in this rock. AF70 Biotite-sillimanite schist. Biotite and sillimanite define the foliation plane. Biotite occurs as large crystals that are only weakly foliated. Other minerals are quartz, plagioclase and garnet. AF79 staurolite-garnet-sillimanite schist from Cur Hill. Biotite defines a foliation plane and is wrapped around garnet. Fibrolite occurs in pressure shadows of the garnet and with biotite in the foliation plane. Staurolite is abundant in this rock and grew statically over foliated biotite. Segregation layering of biotite and quartz + plagioclase. Accessory minerals include tourmaline, opaque mineral, and monazite. Central Connemara AF34. K-feldspar-biotite-quartz gneiss from the upper sillimanite zone. This rock is only weakly foliated but contains quartz+K-feldspar-rich layers alternating with biotite rich layers. Most garnet is replaced by quartz + cordierite (?) and K-feldspar. This rock also contains apatite and opaques. AF27 Calcsilicate rocks from the upper sillimanite zone. This rock contains clinopyroxene ± quartz + phlogopite + titanite + unidentified alteration products. Many small quartz veins cut across all minerals. AF28 Biotite-Sillimanite-K-feldspar gneiss. Garnet is almost completely replaced by fibrolite, sillimanite and quartz, surrounded by randomly oriented biotite. In other areas of the thin section, biotite and a quartz+K-feldspar 159 intergrowth forms segregation layering. This rock also contains minor chlorite, apatite, and monazite. AF32 and AF38 Diopside rocks from central Connemara. These rocks are the metasomatic diopside rocks described by Yardley et al. (1993), which also contain phlogopite. AF52 Calcsilicate rock from upper sillimanite zone, north side of Lissoughter Hill, Connemara Marble Formation. With randomly oriented phlogopite. Southern Connemara AF18 garnet-migmatite gneiss. Migmatite zone. The garnets in this rock are porphyroblastic and are highly fractured. The fractures are filled with chlorite. Muscovite occurs around altered K-feldspar and overgrowing biotite and quartz. AF22 Biotite-sillimanite-garnet gneiss. Centimeter-size garnets are highly fractured and partly replaced by biotite and sillimanite. Other minerals in this rock are quartz, plagioclase, minor muscovite (secondary?) and Kfeldspar. Only weakly foliated. AF44 Granitic pegmatite. Plagioclase and K-feldspar in this sample are seritized. Biotite is pleochroic green/brown. AF45 Banded gneiss. Centimeter thick leucosome layers alternate with restitic layers. The leucosome contains garnet xenocrysts and quartz and plagioclase. The restite contains cordierite that is altered to pinite, and some of the layers contain large randomly oriented secondary muscovite crystals. 160 Appendix 5.2: Analytical Methods We obtained muscovite, biotite and phlogopite separates by standard crushing, sieving, Wilfley, magnetic, and heavy liquid separation. Two representative crystals of each sample were used to determine the major element compositions using a JEOL 733 electron microprobe operating with a beam current of 10nA and an accelerating voltage of 15kV. T remaining separates were cleaned ultrasonically with distilled water, and wrapped in aluminium foil before irradiation at the McMaster University Reactor in Hamilton, Ontario. hornblende Fast neutron flux was monitored (520.4 Ma, Samson and Alexander using Mmhb- 1987). Corrections for interfering reactions were accomplished by including K2 SO 4 and CaF2, and KCl salts in the irradiation packages. All samples were analyzed by a MAP 215-50 gas source mass spectrometer at MIT. Gas was extracted from the sample in three ways: by furnace incremental heating, laser incremental heating, and laser fusion. The first method involved experiments on 5 to 50 mg samples in a double-vacuum resistance furnace for a period of 10 minutes per increment. Laser incremental heating was performed with a defocused, Coherent Ar-ion laser on one to 10 crystal aliquots. Progressive heating was accomplished by firing the laser for two-minute intervals at successively higher power levels until each sample melted. Laser total fusion of between one and 30 crystals was achieved by firing a defocused laser beam for 30 seconds at high power (typically >20 W). Representative systems blanks for laser microanalysis for the M/e 40, 39, 38, 37, 36 (moles) were 9 x 10-16, 2 x10-1, 8 x 1018, 1 x 10-17, and 8 x 1018. Blanks varied in the furnace as a function of temperature and loading cycle, but were typically at least an order of magnitude higher than those for laser analyses. All analyses were corrected for blanks, interfering isotopes, and mass discrimination. 161 For incremental heating analyses, plateaus were defined as 3 or more consecutive release steps with a total of >50 % of the 3 9Ar released that are overlapping within 2ay uncertainties irrespective of the contribution of the value uncertainty. For samples not yielding plateaus, total gas ages or J- 39Ar weighted mean ages are reported. To determine the best age and assess the uncertainties of total fusion analyses, we used a Monte Carlo approach which is described in detail by Hodges and Bowring (1995). 162 Appendix 5.3: Construction of Schematic Cross Sections The Connemara antiform plunges about 10 degrees eastward over a distance of 80 km distance along trend, the structure exposes a roughly 10 kmthick crustal section. This allows great insight into the 3-D structure of the Connemara antiform and the gabbro and gneiss complex. Cross section restoration prior to 460 Ma involved several assumptions. The Silurian unconformity is parallel to the structurally highest unit, rather than cutting across previously folded layers. This implies that the unconformity was tilted together with the Dalradian block sometime after the Caledonian orogeny. We assumed that offset on the Renvyle Bofin slide of northern Connemara was negligible because there is no significant break in metamorphic grade across the fault. The geometry of unfolding of the F4 Connemara antiform was based on the paleomagnetic data which required a 20 degree southward tilt of the F3 fold axes prior to F4 (Robertson 1988, Morris and Tanner 1977). Paleomagnetic constraints on the pre-F4 orientation of regional F3 fold axes and geometric considerations require restoration of the Mannin thrust late during the development of the Connemara antiform, a relationship shown schematically by a steep incipient Mannin thrust (Figure 5.12). The present day surface trace is shown on each cross section as a reference line. 163 Appendix 5.4. 0 Ar 39 Ar 36Ar/4"Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios ( 'A40Aror asAr/ 40Ar 3 Ar/40 Ar)...,. 3 9 ArK moles Cum.% Ar 4"Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) 39 t ** Sample AF7b-c48-1 @@ Laser Laser Total Fusion Analysis 1 3.54E-05 2 1.12E-05 3 5.26E-05 4 1.80E-05 5 0.OOE+00 4.43E-09 6 7 1.35E-05 8 0.OOE+00 3.56E-05 9 10 1.27E-04 21 2.97E-06 22 0.OOE+00 23 1.35E-05 2.31E-05 24 25 2.82E-06 26 5.58E-06 27 3.76E-07 28 1.97E-04 29 1.15E-05 30 7.18E-06 47 5.17E-06 48 2.90E-07 49 5.49E-07 50 7.67E-07 4.31E-05 3.91E-05 8.49E-05 4.64E-05 4.88E-05 6.85E-05 6.88E-05 9.23E-05 5.33E-05 5.59E-05 5.91 E-05 7.95E-05 5.19E-05 5.09E-05 4.53E-05 4.59E-05 8.29E-05 5.18E-05 4.45E-05 4.60E-05 5.98E-05 5.41E-05 9.49E-05 1.73E-04 4.65E-02 4.50E-02 4.41 E-02 4.57E-02 4.52E-02 4.43E-02 4.56E-02 4.50E-02 4.58E-02 4.46E-02 4.60E-02 4.63E-02 4.49E-02 4.44E-02 4.53E-02 4.46E-02 4.62E-02 4.56E-02 4.42E-02 4.46E-02 4.51E-02 4.51E-02 4.49E-02 4.55E-02 5.22E-04 4.13E-04 7.19E-04 3.84E-04 3.20E-04 5.82E-04 5.36E-04 5.73E-04 3.44E-04 5.09E-04 4.90E-04 6.23E-04 4.29E-04 5.98E-04 5.11E-04 4.22E-04 4.86E-04 4.40E-04 6.59E-04 5.40E-04 4.32E-04 8.01E-04 8.15E-04 9.96E-04 1.29E-14 1.32E-14 6.07E-15 1.10E-14 1.28E-14 8.72E-15 9.05E-15 7.83E-15 1.15E-14 1.28E-14 1.09E-14 1.13E-14 1.13E-14 1.34E-14 1.34E-14 1.28E-14 7.85E-15 1.40E-14 1.31E-14 1.26E-14 8.90E-15 9.88E-15 5.46E-15 3.26E-15 98.6 99.3 98.1 99.1 99.7 99.7 99.3 99.7 98.6 95.9 99.6 99.7 99.3 99.0 99.6 99.5 99.6 93.9 99.3 99.5 99.5 99.7 99.6 99.6 455.7 472.0 475.5 465.2 471.6 479.5 466.0 473.0 461.9 461.5 464.3 461.9 472.5 476.0 470.5 476.4 462.3 443.7 479.4 476.6 471.5 472.5 474.7 468.4 468.4 468.4 14.1 14.1 18.0 14.2 14.4 16.4 15.9 17.9 14.4 15.0 15.1 16.7 14.8 15.4 14.6 14.6 16.6 14.2 15.4 14.9 15.2 16.2 18.9 26.2 92.9 3.1 (6.9) (6.1) (12.7) (6.6) (6.7) (10.2) (9.7) (12.5) (7.2) (8.4) (8.4) (11.0) (7.5) (8.5) (7.3) (6.9) (10.9) (7.4) (8.4) (7.6) (8.3) (9.9) (14.0) (22.9) 99.6 99.6 98.3 99.3 99.5 98.4 99.6 99.6 97.4 99.0 62.7 465.3 492.1 470.3 468.4 482.9 498.6 474.9 473.7 476.9 476.7 321.6 14.9 16.1 15.8 14.0 14.2 15.5 28.1 14.6 22.5 15.6 535.5 (8.1) (9.2) (9.4) (6.0) (5.8) (7.8) (25.1) (7.2) (18.5) (8.9) (535.5) Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF7m-c48-1 §§ Laser Laser Total Fusion Analysis 11 3.25E-07 4.38E-06 12 13 4.50E-05 1.36E-05 14 5.06E-06 15 16 4.53E-05 17 9.65E-07 2.38E-06 18 7.58E-05 19 2.22E-05 20 31 1.26E-03 5.99E-05 5.07E-05 6.30E-05 3.96E-05 3.46E-05 4.45E-05 1.87E-04 4.66E-05 1.26E-04 5.99E-05 3.86E-03 4.59E-02 4.30E-02 4.47E-02 4.54E-02 4.39E-02 4.18E-02 4.48E-02 4.49E-02 4.36E-02 4.43E-02 4.35E-02 3.96E-04 6.52E-04 5.66E-04 3.89E-04 3.96E-04 4.99E-04 1.04E-03 4.60E-04 9.81E-04 5.13E-04 6.12E-03 8.23E-15 1.06E-14 7.92E-15 1.28E-14 1.38E-14 1.10E-14 2.69E-15 1.04E-14 3.91E-15 8.27E-15 1.48E-16 Appendix 5.4. continued.4 Ar 39Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 4 36 Ar/ *Ar ( 36Ar/ 4*Ar)er,o, 39Ar/ 4*Ar 39Ar/ 4*Ar),,ror 39ArK moles Cum.% 39Ar 4*Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J) Age Error (w/o J) Increment t ** Continued: Sample AF7m 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1.19E-04 5.81E-05 3.25E-05 7.13E-05 4.74E-05 9.90E-05 3.48E-05 3.80E-05 6.47E-05 1.18E-04 6.03E-05 4.62E-05 6.27E-05 8.36E-05 1.04E-04 5.28E-05 4.61E-05 8.69E-05 4.48E-02 4.41E-02 4.39E-02 4.48E-02 4.49E-02 4.35E-02 4.33E-02 4.50E-02 4.38E-02 7.24E-04 5.96E-04 4.99E-04 5.91E-04 7.85E-04 7.25E-04 5.28E-04 2.16E-04 6.87E-04 5.06E-15 9.34E-15 1.22E-14 9.41 E-15 7.51E-15 5.41E-15 1.07E-14 1.29E-14 8.08E-15 96.2 98.0 98.7 97.6 98.3 96.8 98.7 98.5 97.8 460.6 475.1 479.7 466.5 468.6 475.2 485.7 468.3 476.7 476.4 476.4 20.4 15.9 14.9 15.8 17.9 19.7 15.6 14.0 18.1 73.4 3.7 (16.1) (9.5) (7.5) (9.5) (12.6) (15.0) (8.5) (6.0) (12.8) 98.0 98.9 99.2 99.4 98.8 98.9 99.3 99.7 99.1 453.5 489.0 469.3 492.9 474.8 494.2 494.8 538.2 470.5 478.0 478.0 12.9 13.8 15.1 16.2 13.4 14.7 40.3 52.8 12.8 34.6 5.1 (6.7) (7.3) (10.0) (11.1) (7.0) (8.8) (38.5) (51.3) (5.8) 53.9 86.0 68.6 95.4 99.2 98.9 99.0 99.5 99.4 98.3 100.0 367.0 417.8 486.8 447.3 451.7 451.5 453.5 453.2 452.2 447.7 452.6 88.8 36.0 30.7 7.0 2.5 2.6 3.0 2.8 3.0 3.4 22.3 (88.8) (35.9) (30.6) (6.6) (.4) (.9) (1.7) (1.5) (1.7) (2.4) (22.2) Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF12b-c48-1 @@ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 5.52E-05 61 2.59E-05 62 1.62E-05 63 1.09E-05 64 3.02E-05 65 2.50E-05 66 1.46E-05 67 8.90E-08 68 6g 2.08E-05 4.75E-05 4.92E-05 7.52E-05 8.06E-05 4.91 E-05 6.17E-05 2.85E-04 3.60E-04 3.93E-05 4.65E-02 4.30E-02 4.52E-02 4.28E-02 4.44E-02 4.25E-02 4.26E-02 3.88E-02 4.50E-02 3.95E-04 3.73E-04 4.28E-04 3.98E-04 3.69E-04 3.66E-04 1.17E-03 1.12E-03 3.51E-04 1.12E-14 1.04E-14 7.58E-15 6.19E-15 1.12E-14 8.34E-15 1.75E-15 1.23E-15 9.79E-15 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF15m-cl67-7§@ Furnace Furnace Furnace Temperature [K] 4.87E-04 1.56E-03 923 2.78E-04 4.75E-04 973 1.64E-04 1.06E-03 1023 5.29E-05 1.56E-04 1123 1.11E-06 2.74E-05 1223 6.54E-06 3.82E-05 1273 1.28E-05 3.41E-05 1323 1.1OE-05 1.78E-05 1373 1.33E-05 2.03E-05 1423 1.70E-05 5.87E-05 1473 1.83E-04 4.65E-08 1523 2.37E-02 3.27E-02 2.20E-02 3.36E-02 3.46E-02 3.45E-02 3.43E-02 3.45E-02 3.46E-02 3.46E-02 3.48E-02 3.76E-04 3.76E-04 2.52E-04 9.59E-05 3.OOE-05 4.52E-05 6.71E-05 5.38E-05 4.74E-05 1.05E-04 4.18E-04 1.02E-14 1.15E-14 1.76E-14 6.74E-14 8.38E-13 3.72E-13 2.14E-13 2.67E-13 2.76E-13 4.10E-14 1.23E-14 0.5 1.0 1.8 5.0 44.1 61.5 71.5 84.0 96.8 98.8 99.3 Appendix 5.4. continued.'' Ar/ -9Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 4 36 Ar/ *Ar ( 36Ar/*Ar)rw 3*Ar/4*Ar 3 Ar/4*Ar)r, "Ar, moles Cum.% *Ar 4*Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) Increment t ** Continued: Sample AF15m 1973 9.94E-05 1.10E-04 2.89E-02 1.79E-04 1.44E-14 97.1 100.0 Total Gas Age tt: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age 518.5 452.1 452.0 3.47E-04 6.21E-05 3.02E-05 2.61E-05 1.57E-05 4.02E-05 1.05E-05 1.34E-05 3.28E-05 5.76E-06 2.30E-05 6.02E-05 1.01E-03 1.51F,-04 2.90E-02 6.13E-02 2.71E-02 3.27E-02 3.38E-02 3.37E-02 3.38E-02 3.29E-02 3.35E-02 3.39E-02 3.39E-02 3.38E-02 3.36E-02 3.30E-02 5.39E-04 3.51 E-04 9.72E-05 5.61 E-05 7.64E-05 8.23E-05 8.63E-05 8.24E-05 6.93E-05 6.67E-05 1.26E-04 2.60E-04 8.47E-04 3.86E-04 8.01E-15 3.31E-14 3.89E-14 8.81E-14 9.08E-14 8.96E-14 1.03E-13 1.25E-13 1.29E-13 1.26E-13 9.09E-14 2.62E-14 6.56E-15 1.49E-14 36.0 0.8 88.9 4.2 80.0 8.3 95.4 17.4 98.5 26.7 98.2 36.0 98.9 46.6 99.1 59.4 97.6 72.7 99.5 85.7 99.6 95.1 99.5 97.8 81.4 98.5 100.0 100.0 Total Gas Age tt: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 210.0 242.9 463.4 459.7 458.3 459.1 460.8 472.7 459.2 462.3 462.5 462.6 388.9 475.3 452.9 452.4 56.6 5.1 5.4 4.1 3.2 5.6 2.9 3.2 4.8 2.7 4.0 8.3 128.9 19.4 2.5 1.5 (56.6) (4.9) (4.8) (3.4) (2.1) (5.0) (1.7) (2.0) (4.1) (1.1) (3.2) (7.9) (128.9) (19.2) 5.81E-04 8.30E-04 2.53E-04 3.76E-04 9.72E-05 2.39E-06 4.75E-06 2.38E-05 1.52E-05 1.03E-05 1.07E-05 9.35E-05 1.44E-04 1.47E-04 2.01E-02 3.85E-02 1.59E-02 1.92E-02 3.23E-02 3.29E-02 3.33E-02 3.32E-02 3.32E-02 3.35E-02 3.32E-02 3.42E-02 3.34E-02 2.84E-02 7.86E-04 1.24E-03 4.99E-04 3.00E-04 2.38E-04 6.42E-05 7.13E-05 1.04E-04 1.81E-04 1.31E-04 8.44E-05 1.04E-04 4.79E-04 1.65E-04 4.29E-15 3.40E-15 5.81E-15 1.08E-14 2.24E-14 2.90E-13 4.29E-13 1.53E-13 6.99E-14 1.07E-13 1.48E-13 5.28E-14 2.02E-14 2.25E-14 63.8 99.8 62.7 48.2 99.7 98.8 99.6 96.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 75.6 495.7 414.6 597.4 402.9 483.5 472.2 471.3 457.7 474.0 470.3 473.6 460.8 471.3 424.7 117.7 91.9 62.8 83.6 12.8 2.4 2.5 3.9 3.7 3.1 2.9 11.5 18.8 22.0 2.7 1.5 (117.7) (91.9) (62.7) (83.6) (12.6) (.9) (1.1) (3.2) (3.0) (2.1) (1.7) (11.3) (18.6) (21.9) (15.4) Sample AF16b-cl67-7@@ Furnace Furnace Temperature [K] 2.17E-03 923 3.75E-04 973 6.78E-04 1023 1.55E-04 1073 4.95E-05 1123 5.98E-05 1173 3.67E-05 1223 2.85E-05 1273 CI 1323 8.08E-05 1373 1423 1473 1523 1923 1.61E-05 1.32E-05 1.55E-05 6.28E-04 0.OOE+00 Sample AF16m-cl67-7@@ Furnace Furnace Temperature [K) 1.22E-03 923 7.85E-06 973 1.26E-03 1023 1.75E-03 1073 1.11E-05 1123 4.01E-05 1173 1.27E-05 1223 1.26E-04 1273 6.16E-07 1323 4.80E-07 1373 3.27E-07 1423 8.30E-07 1473 2.67E-06 1523 8.27E-04 1973 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.8 3.5 25.2 57.2 68.6 73.8 81.8 92.9 96.8 98.3 100.0 Total 3as Age tt: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 469.2 469.2 Appendix 5.4. continued. Increment Ar/ * Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 36 Ar/4*Ar ( *Ar/4"Ar).,, 39Ar/ 4*Ar 39Ar/ 40Ar).rm 39ArK moles Cum.% 9Ar 40Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) 40 t ** Sample AF18b.51-cl37-3 @@ Laser Tube Current [A] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 5.31E-04 6.87E-05 4.25E-05 4.21E-05 3.80E-05 2.79E-05 1.14E-05 9.41E-06 6.52E-05 2.83E-05 4.69E-05 5.38E-05 2.48E-05 5.52E-06 1.11 E-05 1.08E-05 1.81 E-05 2.09E-05 2.39E-05 1.99E-05 7.91E-05 9.67E-05 3.68E-04 1.63E-04 3.84E-02 3.72E-02 3.40E-02 3.30E-02 3.27E-02 3.21 E-02 3.18E-02 3.28E-02 3.33E-02 3.35E-02 3.47E-02 3.33E-02 4.32E-04 2.43E-04 4.20E-04 6.41 E-04 3.37E-04 6.34E-04 5.84E-04 5.95E-04 1.02E-03 1.22E-03 1.62E-03 1.46E-03 1.30E-14 1.29E-14 7.11E-15 4.45E-15 3.10E-15 3.48E-15 2.30E-15 2.97E-15 9.39E-16 6.17E-16 4.72E-16 1.17E-15 84.1 97.7 98.5 98.5 98.6 98.9 99.4 99.5 97.8 98.9 98.4 98.2 369.9 434.6 474.1 486.8 491.3 500.2 507.6 493.3 480.6 481.7 465.8 482.0 446.0 445.3 5.2 3.5 5.9 8.8 5.6 9.4 9.1 8.6 16.6 19.8 49.2 27.9 27.9 2.1 (4.8) (2.6) (5.3) (8.4) (5.0) (9.0) (8.7) (8.2) (16.4) (19.6) (49.1) (27.8) 0.0 0.0 15.0 51.1 37.9 73.9 56.9 69.3 71.9 76.1 87.4 0.0 0.0 198.3 342.2 238.5 276.5 262.1 269.5 265.2 318.4 312.3 276.2 275.6 353.3 142.8 47.6 21.2 36.2 9.3 12.7 11.8 11.4 9.1 14.7 19.1 5.1 (353.3) (142.8) (47.6) (21.1) (36.2) (9.1) (12.6) (11.7) (11.3) (8.9) (14.6) 69.6 97.6 98.4 97.4 96.1 99.7 99.7 363.4 455.2 465.3 474.6 477.6 507.1 485.3 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF18b.a-cl37-3 §@ Laser mapping 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3.47E-03 3.44E-03 2.88E-03 1.65E-03 2.1OE-03 8.75E-04 1.45E-03 1.03E-03 9.43E-04 8.02E-04 4.16E-04 2.37E-04 2.88E-04 1.27E-04 1.06e-04 1.98E-04 7.05E-05 8.74E-05 9.14E-05 1.04E-04 6.08E-05 1.02E-04 3.98E-03 1.13E-02 1.34E-02 2.54E-02 2.78E-02 4.63E-02 3.78E-02 4.47E-02 4.71 E-02 4.09E-02 4.80E-02 9.38E-04 1.85E-03 5.48E-04 7.31E-04 1.29E-03 9.96E-04 9.08E-04 1.14E-03 8.04E-04 7.90E-04 1.77E-03 5.60E-17 9.29E-17 1.011E-15 1.06E-15 1.06E-15 2.41 E-15 2.07E-15 1.98E-15 3.89E-15 2.95E-15 1.38E-15 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF18b.new-cl37-3 @@ Furnace Temperature [K] 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1.02E-03 7.35E-05 4.65E-05 8.05E-05 1.24E-04 5.43E-07 2.21E-07 2.62E-05 2.88E-05 5.87E-05 7.54E-05 5.95E-05 8.53E-05 3.09E-05 3.24E-02 3.53E-02 3.47E-02 3.36E-02 3.29E-02 3.19E-02 3.35E-02 6.34E-05 1.10E-04 9.54E-05 2.05E-04 1.54E-04 6.72E-05 1.03E-04 9.19E-14 7.60E-14 5.06E-14 3.43E-14 3.79E-14 6.85E-14 6.05E-14 18.2 33.3 43.4 50.2 57.7 71.3 83.3 (3.7) (3.7) (7.3) (9.9) (7.9) (11.2) (4.1) Appendix 5.4. continued. 40 Ar 39 Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 36 Ar/*Ar ( 36Ar/4*Ar).rro, 39Ar/ 4 Ar 39Ar/4 Ar).,,, 39ArK moles Cum.% 3*Ar 4 Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) Increment t ** Continued: Sample AF18b.new 1350 1600 1900 7.82E-05 1.25E-04 1.34E-06 4.62E-05 1.98E-04 4.62E-05 3.36E-02 3.52E-02 4.52E-02 1.86E-04 2.51E-04 1.85E-04 2.21E-14 2.03E-14 4.17E-14 474.4 449.9 371.7 447.57 446.85 6.7 24.4 5.2 98.6 92.0 94.9 97.7 94.9 96.8 96.4 98.3 94.0 91.6 501.0 490.0 480.6 469.7 458.8 451.3 573.1 515.7 524.8 464.1 489.7 489.4 11.0 9.1 8.2 13.2 11.2 7.7 13.8 8.4 19.8 22.3 38.6 3.3 (9.2) (6.9) (5.8) (11.9) (9.7) (5.5) (12.0) (5.7) (18.8) (21.6) 99.4 98.8 99.6 99.2 99.3 99.7 99.5 98.5 99.4 99.3 454.8 470.2 458.6 456.4 461.0 474.8 461.8 438.5 454.7 459.0 457.5 457.4 7.6 12.9 8.2 9.0 9.7 9.0 7.6 7.3 8.8 9.2 50.8 2.7 (5.2) (11.6) (6.0) (7.1) (7.9) (7.0) (5.1) (5.0) (6.9) (7.3) 95.0 454.7 8.8 (8.5) 87.7 97.4 96.0 91.7 100.0 99.6 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: (6.3) (24.3) (4.8) 2.45 2.33 Sample AF18b. 1-c/48-1 §@ Laser Total Fusion 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 3.62E-05 2.62E-04 1.63E-04 6.61 E-05 1.60E-04 9.63E-05 1.14E-04 4.92E-05 1.94E-04 2.75E-04 4.75E-05 3.48E-05 2.70E-05 9.15E-05 5.34E-05 3.29E-05 6.22E-05 2.21 E-05 9.54E-05 1.29E-04 4.17E-02 3.99E-02 4.21E-02 4.45E-02 4.44E-02 4.62E-02 3.49E-02 4.02E-02 3.77E-02 4.23E-02 6.47E-04 4.64E-04 4.58E-04 3.79E-04 7.64E-04 4.33E-04 5.40E-04 4.32E-04 1.08E-03 1.38E-03 6.49E-15 6.28E-15 8.15E-15 3.17E-15 7.07E-15 7.69E-1 5 2.81E-15 1.15E-14 2.08E-15 1.77E-15 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF18m. 1-c48-1 §@ Laser Total Fusion 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1.01E-05 3.OOE-05 3.97E-07 1.52E-05 1.22E-05 2.95E-07 6.47E-06 3.72E-05 8.65E-06 1.08E-05 2.18E-05 8.27E-05 4.30E-05 4.22E-05 4.35E-05 3.55E-05 2.82E-05 2.43E-05 3.96E-05 4.28E-05 4.69E-02 4.49E-02 4.66E-02 4.67E-02 4.62E-02 4.48E-02 4.62E-02 4.85E-02 4.70E-02 4.65E-02 5.24E-04 5.97E-04 3.61 E-04 5.81 E-04 6.71 E-04 5.87E-04 4.36E-04 5.16E-04 5.84E-04 6.OOE-04 1.36E-14 3.94E-15 7.27E-15 9.44E-15 8.75E-15 7.93E-15 1.17E-14 1.18E-14 7.61E-15 7.16E-15 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF18m8.2. 1-c/37-3 @@ Laser Tube Current [A] 13.5 1.62E-04 3.37E-05 3.44E-02 6.31E-04 3.01E-15 6.6 Appendix 5.4. continued. 4" Ar! " Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 3*Ar/4*Ar 36 4 Increment ( Ar/ "Ar)r, 39Ar/4*Ar 39Ar/ 4 Ar) , 39ArK moles Cum.% 39Ar 4*Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) t S A Continued; Sample AF18m8.2. 1 9.16E-06 1.19E-05 2.46E-05 7.41 E-05 5.26E-06 1.23E-04 1.35E-04 4.01 E-05 2.33E-05 3.39E-04 2.81E-04 1.72E-04 3.61 E-02 3.56E-02 3.58E-02 3.57E-02 3.71E-02 3.66E-02 9.67E-04 8.22E-04 7.08E-04 1.80E-03 2.98E-03 1.23E-03 7.72E-16 3.31E-15 3.96E-15 3.13E-16 2.11E-16 5.61E-16 81.7 99.5 88.9 99.4 97.6 99.0 98.3 97.5 98.8 99.6 100.0 96.1 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 454.1 458.9 455.8 450.0 443.6 434.7 456.5 456.5 19.5 10.8 8.8 45.5 45.5 24.3 26.1 2.2 (19.3) (10.5) (8.5) (45.4) (45.5) (24.2) 2.57E-02 3.05E-02 3.06E-02 3.04E-02 3.49E-02 3.50E-02 3.57E-02 3.58E-02 3.60E-02 3.59E-02 3.54E-02 3.41E-02 1.24E-03 2.31E-03 1.54E-03 9.79E-04 5.69E-04 4.64E-04 1.58E-04 2.38E-04 2.57E-04 1.30E-04 2.82E-04 9.80E-04 1.72E-16 1.15E-16 1.72E-16 7.03E-16 1.99E-15 5.60E-15 6.56E-15 7.48E-15 1.76E-14 1.43E-14 9.69E-15 7.34E-16 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.8 4.8 13.4 23.5 35.0 62.1 84.0 98.9 100.0 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 71.5 99.2 60.7 89.0 96.4 98.6 98.5 99.0 98.8 99.5 99.7 95.7 456.6 523.3 336.7 476.7 453.9 461.0 452.5 453.6 451.5 455.2 461.0 459.9 455.2 455.1 134.2 125.4 150.5 41.3 17.8 13.6 12.9 12.5 12.2 12.1 12.7 4.4 0.0 4.1 (133.6) (124.6) (150.3) (39.5) (13.2) (6.5) (5.2) (3.9) (3.1) (2.5) (4.1) (40.7) 4.89E-02 4.90E-02 4.90E-02 4.82E-02 4.27E-02 4.71E-02 4.59E-02 4.30E-02 4.67E-02 4.59E-04 4.12E-04 4.47E-04 7.16E-04 3.34E-04 6.47E-04 4.51 E-04 4.79E-04 7.82E-04 1.10E-14 1.34E-14 1.06E-14 9.66E-15 5.86E-15 7.23E-15 1.23E-14 4.71E-15 8.29E-15 98.5 98.3 98.1 97.2 90.2 97.8 95.0 93.2 98.0 441.1 438.9 438.3 441.4 459.7 452.6 451.9 470.0 457.2 447.6 447.6 20.3 17.8 20.9 22.9 22.4 19.6 14.7 28.9 19.0 51.0 6.6 (17.5) (14.6) (18.4) (20.5) (19.8) (16.6) (10.4) (26.9) (15.9) Sample AF18mf.38-cl37-3 @@ Laser Tube Current [A] 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 16 18 20 9.61E-04 2.11E-05 1.33E-03 3.66E-04 1.14E-04 3.80E-05 4.16E-05 2.36E-05 3.08E-05 7.11E-06 1.90E-06 1.38E-04 7.94E-04 8.87E-04 1.00E-03 2.67E-04 9.37E-05 3.02E-05 4.06E-05 2.4 1E-05 1.05E-05 1.73E-05 2.05E-05 3.12E-04 Sample AF22b. 15-40-cl48-1 §§ Laser Total Fusion (planchette #) 15 3.69E-05 16 4.69E-05 17 5.1BE-05 18 8.18E-05 3.24E-04 6.41 E-05 1.57E-04 2.22E-04 5.47E-05 1.47E-04 1.22E-04 1.54E-04 1.66E-04 1.47E-04 1.30E-04 7.77E-05 2.02E-04 1.19E-04 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF22b.81-90-cl48-1 @@ Laser Total Fusion Appendix 5.4. continued. Increment 3*Ar/44Ar Ar! " Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 39ArK moleS CUm.% 39Ar 4oAr*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) ( 36Ar/**Ar)e..o 39Ar/*Ar 39Ar/4"Ar), 40 t ** Continued: Sample AF22b.81-90 2.29E-07 2.91E-07 2.90E-06 4.45E-07 3.53E-05 3.65E-07 2.64E-07 8.23E-06 3.45E-06 9.01 E-08 5.96E-05 7.OOE-05 6.27E-05 1.35E-04 9.93E-05 8.71E-05 6.80E-05 6.71E-05 9.42E-05 6.77E-05 4.78E-02 4.57E-02 4.66E-02 4.53E-02 4.66E-02 4.55E-02 4.72E-02 4.64E-02 4.74E-02 4.72E-02 4.54E-04 1.93E-04 4.01 E-04 6.97E-04 5.31E-04 4.47E-04 4.84E-04 6.23E-04 4.95E-04 3.53E-04 1.43E-14 1.17E-14 1.31E-14 6.05E-1 5 9.73E-15 9.21E-15 1.23E-14 1.39E-14 9.03E-15 1.24E-14 99.6 99.7 99.6 99.6 98.6 99.6 99.6 99.4 99.5 99.6 448.9 467.3 459.0 470.5 454.5 468.6 453.9 459.6 452.2 453.6 458.0 458.0 9.6 10.4 10.0 18.5 13.9 12.7 10.6 11.2 13.1 10.2 54.7 3.6 (8.0) (8.7) (8.3) (17.7) (12.8) (11.4) (9.1) (9.7) (11.9) (8.6) 54.3 85.8 99.4 98.8 90.6 96.1 100.0 99.6 91.4 438.2 462.5 455.2 443.1 447.7 486.9 480.9 493.5 479.5 468.4 468.3 32.3 9.1 5.4 6.4 7.8 7.5 6.3 4.4 8.6 25.1 2.5 (32.2) (8.7) (4.9) (5.9) (7.4) (7.0) (5.7) (3.6) (8.2) 81.5 99.8 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 402.2 452.6 464.4 450.0 457.2 446.9 445.9 442.2 454.5 476.4 453.9 108.8 5.2 5.3 5.9 6.6 5.0 5.1 3.2 6.6 4.5 29.4 (108.8) (4.6) (4.7) (5.4) (6.2) (4.4) (4.5) (2.2) (6.2) (3.7) Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF27p-c/67-5 §§ J Value 9.93E-03 ± 5.93E-05 1.96E-02 2.92E-02 3.44E-02 3.53E-02 3.20E-02 3.08E-02 3.25E-02 3.15E-02 2.98E-02 6.54E-04 3.92E-04 3.21 E-04 4.06E-04 5.09E-04 3.78E-04 3.97E-04 1.23E-04 4.18E-04 1.88E-15 4.26E-15 7.52E-1 5 6.41 E-15 6.14E-15 5.07E-15 9.01E-15 7.50E-15 6.54E-15 Laser Total Fusion Analysis 1.55E-03 4.81E-04 2.03E-05 3.98E-05 3.17E-04 1.32E-04 0.OOE+00 1.29E-05 2.92E-04 1.39E-04 4.81E-05 2.59E-05 3.23E-05 3.04E-05 3.56E-05 2.OOE-05 2.48E-05 4.21E-05 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF28b-cl67-5 @@ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 6.25E-04 21 5.1OE-06 22 7.62E-06 23 9.68E-07 24 5.29E-07 25 5.98E-07 26 5.72E-06 27 6.18E-07 28 6.94E-07 29 1.09E-06 30 7.28E-04 1.1OE-05 9.76E-06 2.24E-05 1.93E-05 1.29E-05 1.77E-05 1.32E-05 1.11 E-05 2.14E-05 3.24E-02 3.48E-02 3.38E-02 3.51E-02 3.44E-02 3.53E-02 3.54E-02 3.58E-02 3.47E-02 3.29E-02 4.74E-03 3.87E-04 3.75E-04 4.19E-04 4.90E-04 3.68E-04 3.59E-04 1.42E-04 5.21 E-04 2.OOE-04 1.29E-16 9.14E-15 9.80E-15 5.60E-15 6.98E-15 9.39E-15 8.73E-15 8.94E-1 5 7.86E-1 5 6.67E-15 Total Gas Age: Ar!/ Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 3Ar/4*Ar ( seAr/*Ar).,, 39Ar/ 4 Ar 39Ar/ 4*Ar),, 39ArK moles Cum.% "Ar 4*Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) Appendix 5.4. continued. Increment 4 ** t Continued: Sample AF28b 453.9 "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF32p-c167-6 @@ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 6.75E-05 51 3.78E-07 52 7.79E-05 53 7.89E-05 54 3.52E-05 55 5.37E-05 56 2.46E-05 57 1.36E-05 58 3.71E-05 59 5.72E-05 60 2.10E-05 2.04E-05 2.99E-05 2.24E-05 3.72E-05 3.83E-05 2.33E-05 2.76E-05 1.95E-05 2.13E-05 3.33E-02 3.37E-02 2.92E-02 3.10E-02 3.09E-02 3.41E-02 3.42E-02 3.35E-02 3.31E-02 3.36E-02 5.31 E-04 5.48E-04 2.92E-04 2.58E-04 7.15E-04 4.70E-04 5.70E-04 5.17E-04 5.30E-04 3.94E-04 98.0 100.0 97.7 97.7 99.0 98.4 99.3 99.6 98.9 98.3 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age 464.3 467.1 518.6 493.4 499.5 455.9 458.9 468.6 470.5 461.5 473.8 473.7 7.4 7.5 6.6 5.2 11.5 7.6 7.7 7.6 7.4 5.9 32.7 6.55E-15 5.82E-15 4.27E-15 7.31E-15 5.02E-15 6.72E-15 6.76E-15 4.98E-15 7.64E-15 8.06E-15 (7.0) (7.1) (6.1) (4.6) (11.2) (7.2) (7.3) (7.2) (7.1) (5.4) 2.3 Sample AF34b8.53- c137-3 §@ Laser Tube Current [A] 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 15 16 18 20 6.28E-04 9.33E-05 6.19E-05 3.47E-05 3.01E-05 2.17E-05 1.89E-05 1.81E-05 2.19E-07 2.07E-07 4.07E-05 3.94E-05 8.73E-05 7.65E-05 6.14E-05 3.68E-05 2.96E-05 2.65E-05 2.19E-05 2.41 E-05 2.28E-05 2.59E-05 2.48E-04 1.46E-03 4.65E-02 3.83E-02 3.67E-02 3.63E-02 3.62E-02 3.62E-02 3.64E-02 3.59E-02 3.63E-02 3.56E-02 3.49E-02 3.68E-02 9.06E-04 7.81E-04 6.55E-04 5.37E-04 4.62E-04 5.66E-04 3.96E-04 4.29E-04 3.04E-04 3.32E-04 5.64E-04 2.52E-03 2.23E-15 2.02E-15 2.61 E-15 4.07E-15 5.08E-15 5.99E-15 6.69E-15 6.26E-15 6.98E-15 7.06E-15 3.02E-15 5.51 E-16 4.3 81.2 97.0 8.1 97.9 13.0 98.7 20.8 98.8 30.4 99.1 41.8 99.2 54.6 99.2 66.5 99.7 79.8 99.7 93.2 98.5 99.0 98.6 100.0 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 300.8 421.4 441.3 448.3 450.6 450.7 448.8 454.7 452.2 460.1 463.1 442.4 445.1 444.9 10.5 11.9 10.3 7.7 6.6 7.4 5.6 6.1 4.9 5.5 31.1 172.9 24.6 2.9 (10.4) (11.6) (10.1) (7.3) (6.2) (7.0) (5.0) (5.6) (4.3) (4.9) (31.0) (172.9) 2.13E-04 9.18E-04 2.39E-04 3.49E-04 1.99E-04 2.01E-04 2.48E-04 4.84E-02 4.68E-02 4.73E-02 4.61 E-02 4.65E-02 4.68E-02 4.72E-02 3.67E-04 1.83E-03 3.55E-04 5.53E-04 6.10E-04 3.01 E-04 4.45E-04 8.40E-15 1.91E-15 7.47E-15 4.88E-15 8.63E-15 8.61E-15 7.20E-15 99.4 99.6 99.2 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.6 448.4 463.0 456.5 469.0 466.0 462.6 459.3 27.3 112.4 30.6 44.2 26.9 26.6 31.8 (25.3) (111.9) (28.7) (42.9) (24.8) (24.4) (30.0) Sample AF34b1-c/48-2 @@ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 8.60E-06 1 1.56E-06 2 1.62E-05 3 6.05E-07 4 3.47E-07 5 3.50E-07 6 4.21E-07 7 Ar 39 Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 36Ar/ 4*Ar ( 36Ar/4 *Ar),,, 3'Ar/**Ar 3'Ar/ 4*Ar),,.., 3 9Ar moles Cum.% 3'Ar 44Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J) Age Error (w/o J) Appendix 5.4. continued. Increment 40 t ** Continued: Sample AF34b1 2.62E-07 1.62E-05 1.46E-05 2.90E-05 3.67E-05 3.85E-05 1.73E-05 1.50E-04 1.39E-04 1.17E-04 1.78E-04 1.31E-04 1.71E-04 1.61E-04 4.70E-02 4.62E-02 4.77E-02 4.62E-02 4.69E-02 4.74E-02 4.72E-02 4.50E-04 5.61 E-04 5.63E-04 4.09E-04 4.29E-04 7.11E-04 4.48E-04 1.16E-14 1.23E-14 1.51E-14 8.59E-15 1.19E-14 9.21E-15 9.92E-15 99.6 99.2 99.2 98.8 98.6 98.5 99.1 461.3 466.0 453.5 465.1 457.6 453.1 457.6 459.3 459.3 21.2 20.6 18.0 24.4 19.3 23.7 22.3 62.5 6.9 (18.4) (17.6) (14.7) (22.0) (16.3) (21.3) (19.7) 98.0 97.7 99.7 98.3 98.6 97.9 98.1 97.7 99.6 99.1 98.2 97.8 98.5 98.8 98.5 98.5 98.5 98.5 98.5 99.6 99.6 99.1 99.4 99.5 99.6 99.6 98.4 99.6 98.9 455.9 449.0 473.6 482.8 478.6 452.0 457.5 465.2 483.5 468.5 462.4 473.2 479.3 482.8 492.5 466.0 471.6 466.4 456.5 466.8 472.0 466.2 451.8 484.6 461.6 471.4 472.9 471.9 499.2 24.8 36.6 25.8 26.4 24.9 24.0 25.9 25.1 25.6 24.5 25.2 26.1 26.0 26.0 26.4 24.4 26.3 25.0 24.2 25.3 25.3 24.1 23.7 25.4 24.2 24.7 25.5 24.4 409.8 (8.6) (28.5) (9.2) (9.8) (5.2) (6.4) (11.1) (8.3) (7.3) (5.7) (9.0) (10.1) (9.1) (8.8) (8.7) (5.5) (10.8) (7.9) (6.6) (8.6) (7.9) (3.8) (5.2) (6.6) (5.7) (5.9) (8.3) (4.3) (409.0) Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF35b-c/48-2 @@ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 41 5.67E-05 42 6.66E-05 2.11E-07 43 4.53E-05 44 45 3.74E-05 46 5.91E-05 47 5.31E-05 48 6.49E-05 49 1.09E-06 2.05E-05 50 52 4.87E-05 6.45E-05 53 4.1OE-05 54 3.05E-05 55 3.94E-05 56 3.79E-05 57 4.1OE-05 58 4.05E-05 59 3.96E-05 60 6.79E-07 61 4.95E-07 62 1.91 E-05 63 7.21E-06 64 7.26E-06 65 3.04E-07 66 3.93E-07 67 4.37E-05 68 4.51E-07 69 70 2.73E-05 6.22E-05 2.25E-04 6.96E-05 5.83E-05 3.84E-05 4.94E-05 7.58E-05 5.97E-05 5.02E-05 4.38E-05 7.13E-05 6.97E-05 6.49E-05 6.14E-05 4.84E-05 4.30E-05 7.58E-05 6.00E-05 5.25E-05 5.48E-05 4.85E-05 2.12E-05 1.96E-05 2.38E-05 2.16E-05 1.69E-05 6.08E-05 2.80E-05 3.11E-03 4.68E-02 4.75E-02 4.56E-02 4.40E-02 4.46E-02 4.73E-02 4.67E-02 4.56E-02 4.45E-02 4.59E-02 4.62E-02 4.48E-02 4.44E-02 4.42E-02 4.31 E-02 4.59E-02 4.53E-02 4.59E-02 4.70E-02 4.64E-02 4.58E-02 4.62E-02 4.80E-02 4.43E-02 4.70E-02 4.58E-02 4.51 E-02 4.58E-02 4.26E-02 4.86E-04 1.11E-03 3.54E-04 6.59E-04 1.98E-04 2.89E-04 7.21 E-04 4.31 E-04 3.98E-04 2.21 E-04 2.47E-04 5.47E-04 4.24E-04 4.29E-04 6.11E-04 1.56E-04 5.78E-04 3.22E-04 2.17E-04 6.13E-04 5.64E-04 3.1OE-04 5.60E-04 6.12E-04 5.89E-04 6.09E-04 3.78E-04 2.81 E-04 6.35E-03 7.31E-15 2.24E-15 8.17E-15 8.92E-15 1.06E-14 8.83E-15 9.19E-15 9.08E-15 9.61E-15 9.60E-15 1.1OE-14 1.11E-14 1.19E-14 1.29E-14 1.29E-14 1.54E-14 8.87E-15 1.15E-14 1.38E-14 8.OOE-15 1.09E-14 1.40E-14 1.21E-14 1.31E-14 1.26E-14 1.37E-14 1.09E-14 1.19E-14 1.76E-16 Appendix 5.4. continued. Increment Ar/ I Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 36Ar/*Ar ( 3sAr/*Ar).,r, 39Ar/4*Ar 3sAr/*Ar).,o, 39ArK moles Cum.% 39Ar 44Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) 4* t ** Continued: Sample AF35b 1.15E-05 4.15E-05 1.09E-05 5.61E-06 3.65E-07 2.96E-04 7.68E-07 1.44E-05 8.14E-05 6.01E-05 7.73E-05 1.47E-03 9.94E-05 1.95E-03 2.02E-04 4.55E-03 4.50E-02 4.40E-02 4.27E-02 4.12E-02 4.27E-02 4.33E-02 4.13E-02 3.23E-02 5.42E-04 5.86E-04 4.03E-04 2.45E-03 5.02E-04 4.72E-03 1.17E-03 6.01E-03 7.44E-15 9.14E-15 6.85E-15 3.53E-16 5.37E-15 2.95E-16 2.60E-15 9.15E-17 99.3 98.4 99.4 99.5 99.7 91.0 99.7 99.3 477.4 483.6 500.7 516.9 501.6 456.9 515.9 635.3 472.2 472.2 26.8 26.3 27.5 198.9 28.9 259.9 39.4 730.0 96.5 4.3 (11.3) (9.5) (10.8) (197.2) (13.9) (258.9) (29.6) (729.4) 100.0 99.3 100.0 100.0 99.8 99.4 100.0 99.9 100.0 99.4 485.3 499.9 432.8 495.0 468.2 485.1 455.9 441.8 495.7 483.5 476.4 476.3 10.4 20.1 39.2 16.8 10.2 13.2 11.1 19.4 8.3 20.8 24.2 4.5 (10.1) (19.9) (39.1) (16.6) (9.9) (13.0) (10.9) (19.3) (7.9) (20.7) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 99.9 100.0 473.7 461.7 473.9 460.4 499.7 468.0 428.9 478.2 450.4 471.3 466.9 466.9 3.9 7.8 10.0 6.4 6.8 8.1 63 7.8 8.0 5.5 30.2 2.2 (3.2) (7.5) (9.7) (6.0) (6.4) (7.8) (5.9) (7.4) (7.7) (5.0) Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF37p-c67-6 @@ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 0.OOE+00 61 2.47E-05 62 0.OOE+00 63 3.30E-07 64 65 5.01E-06 66 1.91 E-05 0.OOE+00 67 3.56E-06 68 0.OOE+00 69 2.13E-05 70 6.39E-05 1.11 E-04 2.73E-04 1.1OE-04 6.05E-05 7.05E-05 6.40E-05 1.12E-04 5.29E-05 1.36E-04 3.23E-02 3.1OE-02 3.68E-02 3.16E-02 3.36E-02 3.21 E-02 3.47E-02 3.59E-02 3.15E-02 3.22E-02 4.69E-04 9.72E-04 2.28E-03 6.36E-04 5.41E-04 7.11E-04 6.69E-04 1.32E-03 3.OOE-04 8.82E-04 3.96E-15 2.27E-15 1.16E-15 2.44E-15 4.54E-15 3.75E-15 4.17E-15 2.88E-15 4.56E-15 1.93E-15 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF38p-c167-6 @@ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 4.91E-07 71 7.11E-07 72 9.79E-07 73 8.36E-07 74 1.1OE-06 75 6.42E-08 76 1.22E-06 77 8.66E-07 78 1.36E-06 79 9.72E-07 80 2.06E-05 2.54E-05 2.46E-05 1.87E-05 3.15E-05 2.40E-05 3.06E-05 2.03E-05 3.60E-05 2.70E-05 3.32E-02 3.42E-02 3.32E-02 3.43E-02 3.12E-02 3.37E-02 3.71 E-02 3.28E-02 3.51 E-02 3.34E-02 1.54E-04 5.74E-04 7.33E-04 4.71 E-04 3.50E-04 5.87E-04 4.64E-04 5.47E-04 5.62E-04 3.06E-04 7.26E-15 5.22E-15 6.21E-15 7.43E-15 4.74E-15 6.34E-15 5.33E-15 6.36E-15 4.51E-15 5.13E-15 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Appendix 5.4. continued. 40 Ar 39 Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 3 4 *Ar/ 4Ar ( 38Ar/4"Ar).,,, 39Ar/*Ar 3*Ar/44Ar),, 3 9ArK moles Cum.% 39Ar 44Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) Increment t § # ** Sample AF38p 12.f-cl67-6@@ Temperature [T] 973 1073 1123 1173 1223 1298 1323 1348 1378 1423 1473 1523 1573 1673 1923 1.89E-03 1.25E-03 7.34E-05 4.68E-05 6.84E-06 5.88E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.84E-06 0.OOE+00 3.25E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.45E-03 5.57E-05 6.89E-05 9.08E-05 7.18E-06 1.23E-05 8.44E-06 4.08E-06 7.86E-06 1.71E-06 1.38E-06 6.45E-05 8.78E-05 4.36E-05 2.91E-04 3.83E-04 4.09E-02 5.39E-02 3.38E-02 3.18E-02 3.23E-02 3.42E-02 3.43E-02 3.47E-02 3.46E-02 3.47E-02 3.53E-02 3.60E-02 3.48E-02 3.38E-02 2.40E-02 2.51 E-04 6.1BE-04 8.30E-05 1.02E-04 7.77E-05 6.82E-05 4.76E-05 5.11E-05 5.63E-05 6.46E-05 1.24E-04 1.90E-04 3.80E-04 3.21 E-04 9.90E-04 9.30E-14 1.36E-13 6.49E-14 1.42E-13 2.22E-13 3.60E-13 4.93E-13 7.24E-13 1.06E-12 1.14E-12 1.10E-13 2.60E-14 1.86E-14 1.99E-14 3.79E-15 2.0 44.1 5.0 63.1 6.4 97.8 9.5 98.6 14.3 99.8 100.0 22.1 100.0 32.8 48.5 100.0 71.5 99.9 100.0 96.1 98.5 99.0 100.0 99.1 100.0 99.5 100.0 99.9 100.0 57.2 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 184.0 199.2 457.8 486.0 485.1 461.9 459.9 455.1 456.3 456.1 445.3 440.5 454.3 466.2 384.9 446.7 445.8 6.8 6.7 11.4 2.9 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.5 2.3 2.3 8.0 10.6 7.1 35.6 70.1 4.1 0.8 (6.7) (6.7) (11.1) (1.7) (1.9) (1.3) (.8) (1.1) (.7) (.8) (7.7) (10.3) (6.8) (35.6) (70.1) 3.42E-05 4.19E-05 2.56E-05 2.50E-05 2.22E-05 2.86E-05 2.69E-05 1.67E-05 2.82E-05 3.01 E-02 3.12E-02 3.46E-02 3.52E-02 3.39E-02 3.09E-02 3.49E-02 3.36E-02 3.17E-02 6.61 E-04 2.17E-04 3.47E-04 4.05E-04 5.97E-04 3.30E-04 6.49E-04 4.79E-04 3.08E-04 4.39E-15 4.70E-15 7.15E-15 6.41E-15 7.28E-15 6.15E-15 6.30E-15 8.55E-15 5.70E-15 100.0 100.0 99.7 98.5 99.9 99.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 514.6 498.8 454.3 442.7 463.0 500.0 451.5 467.1 492.2 473.0 472.9 11.2 6.7 5.6 5.9 8.0 6.5 8.4 6.7 6.1 29.5 2.4 (10.8) (6.2) (5.1) (5.4) (7.7) (6.0) (8.1) (6.2) (5.5) 80.7 97.8 97.0 97.6 350.0 412.9 422.2 421.9 7.1 9.9 20.9 29.7 (6.0) (8.9) (20.4) (29.3) Sample AF40p-cl67-5 §§ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 42 6.06E-07 0.OOE+00 43 9.01 E-06 44 5.12E-05 45 2.27E-06 46 2.15E-05 47 0.OOE+00 48 3.22E-08 49 0.OOE+00 50 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF44b2. 100-c/37-1 @ Laser Tube Current [A] 1 2 3 4 6.46E-04 6.30E-05 9.33E-05 7.02E-05 3.97E-05 5.30E-05 1.25E-04 2.24E-04 3.90E-02 3.94E-02 3.81E-02 3.84E-02 4.64E-04 7.05E-04 1.47E-03 1.49E-03 7.92E-15 3.91 E-15 1.60E-15 8.42E-16 44.7 66.8 75.9 80.6 Appendix 5.4. continued. ' Ar! I Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 3 3 39Ar/ 4*Ar 39Ar/ 4 Ar) , 3 9Ar moles Cum.% 3*Ar 4"Ar*% Increment 6Ar/*Ar ( *Ar/Ar).r, Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) ** t Continued: Sample AF44b2. 100 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1.28E-04 3.14E-05 1.21E-04 3.35E-05 1.17E-05 1.45E-04 2.71E-03 2.54E-04 3.66E-04 2.67E-04 2.64E-04 5.96E-04 5.08E-04 4.97E-03 3.84E-02 3.80E-02 3.70E-02 3.72E-02 3.81E-02 3.73E-02 4.11E-02 1.70E-03 1.93E-03 2.08E-03 1.78E-03 2.26E-03 1.89E-03 4.78E-03 7.76E-16 5.19E-16 6.95E-16 6.86E-16 3.16E-16 3.65E-16 7.52E-17 96.0 85.0 87.9 98.8 91.9 96.2 95.7 98.7 97.5 99.4 99.6 95.5 100.0 19.8 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 415.8 430.6 430.3 438.6 431.7 424.4 88.1 386.8 387.6 33.7 46.4 38.3 36.2 71.7 62.5 635.3 18.8 5.9 (33.4) (46.1) (38.0) (35.9) (71.6) (62.3) (635.3) 6.52E-05 3.92E-05 2.21E-05 1.24E-05 2.99E-05 2.25E-05 1.37E-05 3.01E-05 4.71E-05 3.32E-05 5.45E-02 5.59E-02 5.35E-02 4.79E-02 5.13E-02 5.25E-02 5.13E-02 4.85E-02 5.11E-02 5.48E-02 8.07E-04 5.85E-04 5.12E-04 2.81E-04 5.55E-04 2.91E-04 3.85E-04 6.37E-04 7.35E-04 3.65E-04 2.91E-15 6.81E-15 1.OOE-14 1.38E-14 9.02E-15 1.10E-14 1.46E-14 9.37E-15 7.45E-15 8.76E-15 99.5 99.6 99.6 99.5 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.8 98.9 99.6 413.3 404.4 420.8 463.4 436.6 427.3 436.2 459.7 435.4 411.5 434.6 434.5 12.0 9.6 9.2 9.2 10.0 8.8 9.0 10.9 11.4 9.0 44.5 3.1 (9.0) (5.7) (4.4) (2.8) (5.4) (3.3) (3.3) (6.4) (7.8) (4.4) 62.3 96.9 97.2 96.9 99.2 99.2 99.3 99.6 99.6 99.1 99.4 99.4 327.4 340.8 353.8 390.0 408.5 402.3 409.0 408.8 418.8 420.1 417.2 386.5 400.9 400.8 19.1 17.1 15.2 9.9 10.0 7.2 7.1 8.3 74.1 6.5 9.8 74.4 23.9 2.9 (18.8) (16.7) (14.7) (9.0) (9.0) (5.7) (5.6) (7.1) (73.9) (4.6) (8.7) (74.3) Sample AF45b 1-c/48-3 §@ Laser Total Fusion 21 22 23 24 25 (A 26 27 28 29 30 1.88E-06 0.OOE+00 5.53E-08 5.39E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.51E-05 0.OOE+00 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF45b8.16-c137-1 @@ Laser Tube Current [A] 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 15 16 18 20 1.27E-03 9.33E-05 8.26E-05 9.63E-05 1.66E-05 1.69E-05 1.46E-05 3.85E-06 4.42E-06 1.91E-05 1.19E-05 1.09E-05 1.11E-04 1.49E-04 1.28E-04 7.87E-05 6.24E-05 3.77E-05 4.52E-05 4.49E-05 6.22E-04 2.85E-05 4.11 E-05 5.73E-04 3.24E-02 4.83E-02 4.65E-02 4.16E-02 4.05E-02 4.12E-02 4.04E-02 4.06E-02 3.95E-02 3.92E-02 3.96E-02 4.31E-02 1.09E-03 1.39E-03 1.12E-03 3.75E-04 6.54E-04 4.56E-04 2.99E-04 5.71 E-04 2.86E-03 3.52E-04 7.84E-04 5.57E-03 1.92E-15 1.84E-15 2.14E-15 3.06E-15 4.38E-15 6.33E-15 5.99E-15 5.16E-15 4.47E-16 1.06E-14 2.49E-15 1.84E-16 4.3 8.5 13.3 20.2 30.0 44.2 57.7 69.3 70.3 94.0 99.6 100.0 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: increment 3 Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 36Ar/ 4*Ar ( 3*Ar/4*Ar),,o, 39Ar/ 4*Ar 39Ar/4*Ar).,ror 39ArK moles Cum.% 39Ar 4"Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J) Age Error (w/o J) Appendix 5.4. continued. 40 Ar! t ** Sample AF45mf.4-cl37-1 @@ Laser Tube Current [A] 13.5 13.75 14 14.25 14.5 14.75 15 15.5 16 17 18 20 5.47E-05 2.40E-04 8.50E-05 1.24E-04 1.39E-04 1.04E-04 3.85E-05 9.83E-05 1.27E-04 1.69E-05 7.50E-04 1.90E-04 1.14E-05 9.20E-05 2.66E-05 4.61 E-05 7.1OE-05 6.03E-05 3.04E-05 6.49E-05 7.44E-05 6.73E-05 3.40E-03 4.82E-04 3.86E-02 3.50E-02 3.71 E-02 3.65E-02 3.59E-02 3.61 E-02 3.56E-02 3.75E-02 3.65E-02 3.58E-02 3.94E-02 3.77E-02 5.81E-04 6.31E-04 1.16E-03 1.31E-03 1.27E-03 1.67E-03 1.08E-03 1.14E-03 1.01E-03 1.09E-03 4.51E-03 1.26E-03 4.98E-15 7.35E-16 2.86E-15 1.38E-15 9.10E-16 8.53E-16 2.OOE-15 1.22E-15 8.65E-16 1.65E-15 1.61E-16 1.12E-15 98.1 26.6 92.7 30.5 97.2 45.8 96.1 53.1 95.6 58.0 96.7 62.5 98.6 73.2 96.8 79.7 84.4 96.0 99.2 93.1 77.6 94.0 100.0 94.1 Total Gas Age: "'Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 421.4 437.6 433.1 435.2 439.9 441.5 455.0 427.9 435.1 454.9 335.0 414.6 433.1 433.1 7.4 14.2 13.3 15.7 16.9 20.0 13.7 14.6 14.6 15.4 396.7 57.4 20.1 5.4 (5.8) (13.5) (12.5) (15.0) (16.2) (19.5) (12.8) (13.9) (13.9) (14.6) (396.7) (57.2) 6.38E-06 1.03E-05 4.57E-05 6.77E-05 3.07E-05 1.66E-05 3.22E-05 1.21E-05 3.59E-02 3.60E-02 3.69E-02 3.74E-02 3.66E-02 3.79E-02 3.68E-02 3.75E-02 2.02E-04 3.95E-04 9.69E-04 3.26E-04 1.02E-03 6.26E-04 4.98E-04 6.64E-04 1.03E-14 8.36E-15 1.53E-15 1.76E-15 2.48E-15 5.66E-15 3.14E-15 5.49E-15 98.1 96.8 98.6 97.1 97.6 98.2 97.9 98.0 449.8 443.4 440.7 429.9 440.3 428.8 439.3 432.3 440.2 440.2 5.4 6.5 12.5 9.7 12.5 8.0 8.0 8.4 22.9 2.7 (2.4) (4.5) (11.6) (8.5) (11.5) (6.6) (6.5) (7.0) 74.2 91.1 89.1 93.1 97.2 98.1 98.4 98.8 98.4 97.6 352.0 399.7 420.6 457.2 441.5 445.8 426.5 434.1 426.2 431.6 78.9 69.5 34.8 18.3 9.9 7.3 6.0 6.7 6.8 9.1 (78.8) (69.4) (34.5) (17.6) (8.7) (5.5) (3.9) (4.8) (5.1) (7.8) Sample AF45m.b-cl37-1 §@ Laser Mapping 1 5.47E-05 9.80E-05 3.95E-05 8.90E-05 7.13E-05 5.11 E-05 6.34E-05 5.84E-05 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF45m8.8-c37-1 §§ Laser Tube Current [A] 11.5 12 12.25 12.5 13 13.5 14 15 16 8.67E-04 2.93E-04 3.60E-04 2.25E-04 8.70E-05 5.51 E-05 4.55E-05 3.20E-05 4.39E-05 7.23E-05 5.80E-04 5.84E-04 2.66E-04 1.11 E-04 6.82E-05 2.82E-05 1.72E-05 1.83E-05 2.45E-05 5.28E-05 3.57E-02 3.81E-02 3.52E-02 3.34E-02 3.63E-02 3.63E-02 3.82E-02 3.76E-02 3.83E-02 3.74E-02 3.11E-03 1.62E-03 9.28E-04 8.55E-04 2.89E-04 3.98E-04 3.42E-04 4.18E-04 4.27E-04 4.76E-04 3.54E-16 3.78E-16 7.20E-16 1.55E-15 2.89E-15 7.22E-15 1.17E-14 1.13E-14 8.28E-15 3.77E-15 0.7 1.4 2.7 5.6 11.0 24.4 46.2 67.2 82.6 89.6 Appendix 5.4. continued. Ar! * Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 36Ar/ 4 Ar ( 3 39 4 Increment 6Ar/**Ar).,, Ar/ *Ar 39Ar/ 4*Ar),,, 39ArK moles Cum.% aAr 4*Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) ** t Continued: Sample AF45m8.8 2.34E-05 1.32E-05 40 3.53E-05 1.91E-04 3.80E-02 3.61E-02 5.51E-04 1.05E-03 4.76E-15 8.30E-16 98.5 99.0 100.0 99.3 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 430.9 452.2 432.8 432.7 8.3 25.9 27.0 2.6 (6.9) (25.5) 8.74E-03 1.70E-02 2.26E-02 2.52E-03 2.76E-02 3.67E-02 3.62E-02 3.37E-02 3.58E-02 3.75E-02 3.66E-02 3.71E-02 3.83E-02 3.76E-02 3.69E-02 3.75E-02 3.91 E-02 4.23E-03 2.44E-02 2.36E-02 1.04E-02 2.84E-02 9.59E-03 3.18E-03 1.95E-03 2.57E-04 2.98E-04 5.37E-04 6.01 E-04 5.65E-04 3.35E-04 3.68E-04 1.07E-03 9.11E-03 1.43E-17 5.24E-18 1.02E-17 1.65E-18 9.26E-18 5.13E-17 1.70E-16 4.90E-16 1.04E-14 8.68E-15 5.15E-15 3.82E-15 6.86E-15 9.11E-15 7.46E-15 1.29E-15 7.20E-17 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.4 20.7 37.0 46.6 53.7 66.5 83.5 97.5 99.9 100.0 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 98.2 90.4 93.2 95.4 90.9 97.6 99.1 99.5 98.0 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.6 98.2 1390.7 789.9 640.4 2871.3 528.6 439.0 450.2 481.0 450.2 438.8 448.3 442.8 431.0 437.7 445.2 439.2 416.6 442.9 442.7 630.3 1917.2 1608.3 6225.8 1366.6 307.2 75.8 36.7 5.7 5.8 7.9 8.8 7.5 6.0 6.5 15.5 197.2 24.9 2.2 (630.2) (1,917.2) (1,608.3) (6,225.7) (1,366.6) (307.1) (75.7) (36.3) (3.0) (3.4) (6.3) (7.5) (6.0) (3.7) (4.4) (14.8) (197.2) 3.41 E-02 3.40E-02 3.23E-02 3.63E-02 3.78E-02 3.78E-02 3.75E-02 3.73E-02 3.79E-02 3 65E-02 3.80E-02 3.80E-02 2.53E-03 1.45E-03 8.42E-04 2.16E-03 9.OOE-04 4.61E-04 3.74E-04 3.57E-04 4.47E-04 9.91 E-04 1.71E-03 1.73E-03 2.15E-16 4.OOE-16 4.19E-16 4.69E-16 1.47E-15 8.91E-15 8.95E-15 1.07E-14 1.56E-14 1.52E-15 5.66E-16 3.75E-16 81.7 96.0 98.0 99.5 99.6 99.2 98.4 98.6 99.0 99.7 99.5 99.4 399.5 463.5 492.7 450.9 436.1 433.5 434.4 437.0 432.6 449.2 433.6 432.4 58.2 66.2 48.5 34.6 13.7 6.7 6.2 6.1 6.5 14.1 24.8 33.2 (58.0) (66.0) (48.2) (34.3) (12.9) (4.9) (4.1) (3.9) (4.6) (13.3) (24.4) (32.9) Sample AF45m11. 13-c137-1 @@ Laser Tube Current [A) 11 11.5 12 12.25 12.5 13 13.5 14 15 15.1 15.25 15.5 16 16.5 17 18 20 6.02E-05 3.20E-04 2.25E-04 1.55E-04 3.03E-04 7.12E-05 2.14E-05 7.OOE-06 5.95E-05 4.22E-07 7.05E-07 9.89E-07 5.40E-07 4.03E-07 5.01E-07 2.90E-06 5.28E-05 1.44E-03 8.06E-03 8.83E-03 4.33E-03 8.62E-03 2.46E-03 5.66E-04 2.15E-04 8.65E-06 1.11 E-05 2.07E-05 3.37E-05 1.60E-05 1.20F,-05 1.63E-05 8.43E-05 1.59E-03 Sample AF45m1 1. 12--cI37-1 @@ Laser Tube Current [A] 11 12 12.25 12.5 12.75 13.25 13.75 14.25 15.25 15.75 16 16.5 6.12E-04 1.26E-04 5.90E-05 7.44E-06 2.60E-06 1.70E-05 4.31E-05 3.75E-05 2.37E-05 2.29E-06 6.44E-06 9.97E-06 3.97E-04 5.08E-04 3.62E-04 2.09E-04 7.80E-05 1.05E-05 1.11E-05 9.23E-06 7.27E-06 6.62E-05 1.49E-04 2.45E-04 0.4 1.2 2.1 3.0 5.9 23.8 41.6 63.0 94.3 97.3 98.4 99.2 Ar! 39 Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 36Ar/ 40Ar ( 3 aAr/ 40Ar)e,,o, 39Ar/40 Ar 39Ar/4 *Ar).,,,, 39ArK moles Cum.% 39Ar 4OAr*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J) Age Error (w/o J) Appendix 5.4. continued. Increment 40 t $ # Continued: Sample AF45m11.12 17 18 1.63E-05 4.43E-04 ** 4.95E-04 1.13E-03 3.76E-02 3.71 E-02 3.49E-03 2.46E-03 2.35E-16 1.73E-16 99.2 99.7 100.0 86.7 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 435.8 391.0 435.3 435.3 67.5 137.6 30.9 2.5 (67.3) (137.6) 3.08E-04 6.85E-04 2.48E-04 8.1OE-05 5.25E-05 1.37E-04 5.35E-05 1.50E-04 1.46E-05 4.75E-05 2.06E-04 9.19E-03 6.41 E-02 4.06E-02 2.14E-02 3.27E-02 3.45E-02 3.43E-02 3.41E-02 3.40E-02 3.42E-02 2.24E-02 6.90E-04 1.71 E-03 3.45E-04 2.99E-04 1.74E-04 2.49E-04 2.15E-04 1.23E-04 1.79E-04 1.09E-04 4.91 E-04 2.35E-15 7.52E-15 1.30E-14 1.81E-14 4.50E-14 3.14E-14 3.04E-14 3.51 E-14 7.32E-14 1.45E-13 5.07E-15 31.5 0.6 84.3 2.4 91.4 5.6 67.8 10.1 92.1 21.2 98.9 28.9 100.0 36.4 97.6 45.0 99.0 63.1 100.0 98.8 95.4 100.0 Total Gas Age: "Ar W td. Mean Age: 530.4 222.2 365.5 496.2 447.1 453.4 460.3 452.6 459.4 461.6 639.6 455.2 454.7 137.3 50.5 26.7 16.7 7.3 16.8 7.3 18.3 3.6 6.3 36.5 2.4 3.3 (137.2) (50.5) (26.6) (16.5) (7.0) (16.6) (6.9) (18.2) (2.8) (5.9) (36.4) 4.50E-04 2.51 E-04 1.12E-04 1.20E-04 4.82E-05 1.66E-05 5.95E-06 7.08E-06 2.21E-05 1.08E-05 5.25E-06 3.09E-05 9.42E-05 3.06E-02 4.55E-02 2.28E-02 2.97E-02 3.50E-02 3.44E-02 3.44E-02 3.43E-02 3.45E-02 3.45E-02 3.43E-02 3.48E-02 3.22E-02 3.59E-04 6.72E-04 2.48E-04 1.91 E-04 3.32E-04 1.07E-04 3.66E-05 5.67E-05 1.10E-04 1.08E-04 7.95E-05 1.12E-04 2.99E-04 8.75E-15 1.20E-14 1.48E-14 2.25E-14 3.85E-14 1.53E-13 3.48E-13 1.83E-13 9.82E-14 1.19E-13 1.61E-13 7.01E-14 2.68E-14 64.3 0.7 91.5 1.7 63.5 2.8 4.6 83.2 97.4 7.7 98.8 19.8 99.3 47.6 99.3 62.1 97.9 70.0 98.9 79.5 99.3 92.3 99.0 97.9 99.2 100.0 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 341.2 327.8 439.7 442.4 439.7 452.2 454.1 454.8 446.7 451.5 455.2 448.2 480.9 450.8 450.7 64.4 24.7 20.9 17.0 7.2 3.4 2.6 2.7 3.8 3.0 2.7 4.6 12.7 2.6 1.2 (64.4) (24.6) (20.7) (16.8) (6.8) (2.3) (.8) (1.1) (2.9) (1.8) (1.1) (3.9) (12.5) Sample AF49b- c167-7 @@ Furnace Temperature [K] 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1550 1973 Sample AF49mFurnace Temperature [K] 923 973 1023 1073 1123 1173 1223 1273 1323 1373 1423 1523 1923 2.32E-03 5.31E-04 2.90E-04 1.09E-03 2.66E-04 3.54E-05 2.18E-07 7.92E-05 3.45E-05 8.57E-08 1.56E-04 c167-7 §@ 1.21E-03 2.86E-04 1.23E-03 5.69E-04 8.78E-05 4.16E-05 2.45E-05 2.47E-05 7.19E-05 3.58E-05 2.36E-05 3.34E-05 2.50E-05 Appendix 5.4. continued. '* Ar/ * Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios Increment asAr/ 4*Ar ( 36Ar/ 4 Ar).,, 3*Ar/*Ar 3*Ar/4*Ar)., 3 "r moles Cum.% asAr 4"Ar*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) ** t Sample AF52p- c/67-7 @@ Furnace Temperature [K] 2.50E-03 923 0.OOE+00 973 1.85E-03 1023 1.48E-03 1073 2.57E-04 1123 5.95E-05 1173 4.27E-05 1223 1.40E-05 1273 6.59E-06 1373 6.37E-06 1423 9.21E-06 1523 5.29E-04 1973 3.1 1E-04 1.89E-03 2.53E-04 1.53E-04 1.97E-04 6.34E-05 6.47E-06 3.1OE-06 4.71E-06 5.29E-06 5.88E-06 7.04E-05 5.04E-02 1.83E-01 4.04E-02 3.18E-02 5.83E-02 3.16E-02 3.12E-02 3.20E-02 3.37E-02 3.42E-02 3.43E-02 3.15E-02 5.87E-04 1.42E-03 3.64E-04 2.58E-04 1.91E-04 1.28E-04 8.08E-05 4.09E-05 2.35E-05 4.31E-05 2.87E-05 1.75E-04 1.26E-14 2.12E-14 1.60E-14 2.39E-14 4.30E-14 3.35E-14 1.13E-13 2.36E-13 5.52E-13 8.OOE-13 6.95E-13 3.17E-14 2.06E-04 2.88E-04 1.79E-04 7.246-05 4.98E-05 2.98E-05 3.12E-05 2.92E-05 3.93E-05 4.91E-05 2.59E-04 2.94E-04 1.06E-03 6.68E-04 9.44E-03 8.54E-02 2.33E-02 2.98E-02 3.78E-02 3.78E-02 3.67E-02 3.60E-02 3.69E-02 3.77E-02 3.72E-02 4.01E-02 3.94E-02 1.90E-02 2.30E-04 1.00E-03 2.94E-04 1.25E-04 1.56E-04 1.87E-04 1.37E-04 1.34E-04 2.12E-04 3.29E-04 4.84E-04 5.26E-04 2.51E-03 1.31E-03 7.03E-15 1.91E-14 1.92E-14 3.82E-14 5.16E-14 6.18E-14 7.17E-14 7.70E-14 6.40E-14 4.27E-14 1.86E-14 5.67E-15 2.01E-15 2.68E-15 0.4 26.1 1.2 100.0 1.7 45.4 56.3 2.5 92.4 4.0 98.2 5.1 9.0 98.7 17.1 99.6 99.8 47.8 99.8 75.1 99.7 98.9 84.4 100.0 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 90.2 95.0 190.2 291.4 263.2 484.5 492.7 484.6 464.5 458.2 456.7 424.3 455.6 454.8 31.0 51.6 29.8 21.7 15.6 8.7 3.0 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 9.8 2.8 1.0 (31.0) (51.6) (29.8) (21.7) (15.5) (8.3) (1.4) (.7) (.6) (.8) (.8) (9.6) 5.8 57.7 53.0 73.3 95.1 96.8 98.1 97.9 97.6 96.4 92.9 92.0 76.5 99.4 106.4 117.6 369.3 395.4 403.9 410.4 426.7 432.6 422.4 409.6 401.4 371.6 319.2 756.5 109.3 16.9 33.6 10.7 6.1 4.3 4.4 4.3 5.4 6.7 30.0 32.1 120.8 129.9 (109.3) (16.9) (33.5) (10.5) (5.8) (3.8) (3.8) (3.7) (5.0) (6.4) (30.0) (32.1) (120.8) (129.8) 31.0 58.4 41.7 (30.9) (58.3) (41.6) Sample AF66p- c167-6 §§ Furnace Temperature [KI 923 973 1023 1073 1123 1173 1223 1273 1323 1373 1423 1473 1523 1973 3.19E-03 1.43E-03 1.59E-03 9.02E-04 1.67E-04 1.09E-04 6.25E-05 7.OBE-05 7.96E-05 1.22E-04 2.38E-04 2.72E-04 7.96E-04 1.89E-05 1.5 5.4 9.4 17.4 28.1 40.9 55.8 71.8 85.1 94.0 97.9 99.0 99.4 100.0 Total Gas Age: 400.5 'Ar Wtd. Mean Age. 399.0 Sample A F67m-cl67-5 @@ Furnace Temperature 973 1023 1073 IKI 8.92E-04 1.39E-03 1.17E-03 1.94E-04 2.54E-04 2.01E-04 3.19E-02 1.74E-02 1.98E-02 1.55E-03 2.53E-04 4.12E-04 5.47E-15 5.51E-15 9.69E-15 1.2 2.5 4.6 73.6 590 65.5 372.6 523.3 512.0 39 Appendix 5.4. continued. 40 Ar Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios Increment Ar/4*Ar ( 3aAr/4"Ar)e,,, 36 39Ar/**Ar Ar/ 4"Ar)e,,,or 39ArK moles Cum.% 39 39Ar 4"Ar*% t Age (Ma) Age Error (w J)Age Error (w/o J) ** Continued: Sample AF67m 1123 1173 1223 1273 1323 1373 1423 1473 1523 1973 1.60E-04 4.69E-05 5.31 E-05 6.32E-05 7.38E-05 7.61E-05 5.44E-05 1.51E-04 5.63E-04 2.65E-04 3.99E-05 1.14E-05 2.09E-05 4.12E-05 7.54E-05 4.05E-05 7.08E-05 1.59E-04 8.88E-04 3.92E-04 3.46E-02 3.45E-02 3.49E-02 3.44E-02 3.44E-02 3.47E-02 3.45E-02 3.38E-02 3.15E-02 1.74E-02 2.27E-04 1.62E-04 1.27E-04 1.93E-04 3.11E-04 2.21E-04 1.99E-04 7.02E-04 1.60E-03 6.43E-04 1.96E-14 1.38E-13 1.12E-13 5.22E-14 3.02E-14 3.12E-14 2.39E-14 1.24E-14 3.34E-15 3.74E-15 9.0 39.9 64.9 76.5 83.3 90.3 95.6 98.4 99.2 100.0 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 95.3 98.6 98.4 98.1 97.8 97.7 98.4 95.5 83.4 92.2 436.5 451.1 446.1 450.5 449.4 445.0 449.9 446.2 420.8 764.5 452.4 452.1 5.9 3.3 3.7 5.9 10.0 5.9 9.1 21.2 119.7 81.8 2.6 2.4 (5.5) (2.3) (2.9) (5.4) (9.8) (5.5) (8.8) (21.1) (119.6) (81.7) 6.64E-05 1.88E-05 9.37E-06 3.22E-06 1.53E-06 3.99E-06 3.30E-06 2.17E-06 3.58E-06 2.72E-06 8.27E-06 4.58E-06 1.44E-05 3.22E-02 4.80E-02 3.27E-02 3.38E-02 3.39E-02 3.40E-02 3.29E-02 3.29E-02 3.33E-02 3.35E-02 3.40E-02 3.36E-02 3.40E-02 1.19E-04 1.04E-04 1.48E-05 1.79E-05 1.65E-05 4.90E-05 3.83E-05 3.83E-05 4.35E-05 4.68E-05 5.20E-05 4.93E-05 3.97E-05 7.09E-14 1.95E-13 3.70E-13 9.39E-13 1.02E-12 6.09E-13 7.84E-13 1.40E-12 1.50E-12 1.30E-12 2.72E-13 3.09E-13 8.15E-14 0.8 50.0 85.8 3.0 7.2 91.6 17.8 97.5 99.4 29.4 99.2 36.3 99.2 45.1 99.5 60.9 99.8 77.8 92.5 99.6 99.5 95.6 99.4 99.1 99.9 100.0 Total Gas Age: 'Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 258.8 294.3 442.2 454.5 460.3 458.8 472.0 472.6 469.0 466.4 459.9 464.1 461.3 459.3 459.0 9.6 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.6 3.1 4.3 0.7 (9.5) (1.9) (1.2) (.5) (.3) (.8) (.6) (.6) (.7) (.7) (1.2) (.8) (1.8) 6.1 1E-05 8.98E-05 8.20E-05 6.93E-05 5.64E-05 5.22E-05 7.38E-05 6.41 E-05 4.53E-02 4.64E-02 4.50E-02 4.81E-02 4.64E-02 4.75E-02 4.71E-02 4.53E-02 7.85E-04 3.71 E-04 6.03E-04 2.95E-04 5.36E-04 3.12E-04 3.26E-04 6.81E-04 1.22E-14 1.OOE-14 9.10E-15 1.19E-14 1.32E-14 1.62E-14 1.03E-14 1.19E-14 97.9 97.6 98.7 98.5 98.7 99.4 98.9 98.5 479.3 468.0 485.5 457.0 472.9 465.9 468.0 482.5 22.9 23.0 23.7 21.3 21.8 20.9 22.0 22.8 (10.6) (11.6) (11.9) (8.7) (8.5) (6.9) (9.5) (10.3) Sample AF70b -c167-7 §@ 00 Furnace Temperature (K] 1.69E-03 923 4.78E-04 973 2.83E-04 1023 1073 8.28E-05 1.91E-05 1123 2.52E-05 1223 2.63E-05 1273 1.81E-05 1323 7.28E-06 1373 1.38E-05 1423 1.65E-05 1473 2.02E-05 1523 2.85E-06 1923 Sample AF70b-cl67-7 §@ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 5.94E-05 71 6.97E-05 72 3.44E-05 73 3.99E-05 74 3.29E-05 75 9.17E-06 76 2.46E-05 77 78 4.01E-05 Ar/ * Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phlogopite from Connemara Atomic ratios 39 4 39 4 4 40 Ar/ *Ar). " 3 9Ar moles CUm.% 39Ar 4OAr*% Age (Ma) Age Error (w J) Age Error (w/o J) 3Ar/ Ar ( "Ar/ "Ar) "'0, Ar/ *Ar Appendix 5.4. continued. Increment 40 t ** Continued: Sample AF70b 4.12E-05 3.68E-05 4.14E-07 5.95E-06 3.24E-07 2.84E-07 2.53E-07 5.02E-07 3.94E-07 6.10E-05 8.18E-05 8.19E-05 5.20E-05 6.34E-05 5.55E-05 4.99E-05 1.02E-04 7.85E-05 4.63E-02 4.65E-02 4.67E-02 4.60E-02 4.50E-02 4.67E-02 4.62E-02 4.80E-02 4.58E-02 4.85E-04 7.28E-04 1.78E-04 4.06E-04 5.01E-04 2.66E-04 5.00E-04 4.29E-04 6.55E-04 1.22E-14 9.89E-15 1.06E-14 1.65E-14 1.31E-14 1.56E-14 1.73E-14 8.98E-15 1.10E-14 98.4 98.6 99.6 99.5 99.7 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.6 472.4 471.1 474.3 479.4 489.7 473.8 479.2 463.2 482.1 474.6 474.6 21.8 23.3 22.5 21.6 22.7 21.3 21.7 23.5 23.4 87.2 5.4 (8.8) (12.0) (10.2) (7.5) (9.4) (7.2) (7.7) (12.9) (11.5) 97.1 95.1 99.9 99.7 99.9 98.6 99.8 79.3 90.8 100.0 486.9 441.7 409.1 471.3 441.1 447.2 418.6 426.5 447.8 430.5 441.4 441.2 9.1 4.8 7.1 5.8 7.8 6.6 7.9 8.1 6.1 6.0 ± ± (8.7) (4.2) (6.8) (5.3) (7.4) (6.2) (7.6) (7.7) (5.7) (5.5) (29.2) (2.2) 99.9 100.0 80.9 98.2 99.5 99.7 99.6 99.6 99.8 99.7 81.5 408.9 878.5 436.0 445.1 464.7 470.2 486.8 476.1 470.5 472.8 456.6 473.5 19.4 21.9 3.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.6 4.2 9.3 3.4 (19.2) (21.5) (2.4) (.5) (.8) (1.3) (.8) (.9) (.7) (3.3) (8.9) Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF73b-cl67-5 @§ Laser Total Fusion Analysis 9.75E-05 81 1.66E-04 82 1.48E-06 83 8.59E-06 84 1.66E-06 85 4.57E-05 86 7.86E-06 87 7.00E-04 88 3.11E-04 89 8.19E-07 90 2.20E-05 2.05E-05 2.52E-05 3.14E-05 2.88E-05 3.13E-05 2.70E-05 3.80E-05 2.10E-05 1.48E-05 3.11E-02 3.41E-02 3.90E-02 3.32E-02 3.58E-02 3.48E-02 3.80E-02 2.95E-02 3.20E-02 3.69E-02 5.99E-04 2.96E-04 6.63E-04 2.88E-04 6.06E-04 4.33E-04 7.05E-04 4.31E-04 4.01E-04 5.09E-04 4.98E-15 5.96E-15 5.29E-15 4.84E-15 4.23E-15 5.41E-15 5.10E-15 5.67E-15 7.77E-15 8.28E-15 Total Gas Age: "Ar Wtd. Mean Age: Sample AF79b-cl67-759 Furnace Temperature [K] 1.99E-06 935 3.04E-07 973 6.47E-04 1023 6.02E-05 1123 1.80E-05 1173 8.39E-06 1223 1.37E-05 1323 1.17E-05 1373 5.38E-06 1423 8.63E-06 1523 6.25E-04 1973 7 6.60E-05 1.57E-05 1.65E-05 1.98E-06 4.12E-06 9.17E-06 4.55E-06 5.07E-06 1.91E-06 2.56E-05 5.93E-05 3.89E-02 1.58E-02 2.93E-02 3.48E-02 3.36E-02 3.32E-02 3.19E-02 3.27E-02 3 32E-02 3 30E-02 2.81E-02 1.90E-03 4.82E-04 4.43E-05 3.76E-05 5.00E-05 4.65E-05 3.83E-05 5.19E-05 4.99E-05 7.63E-05 1.42E-04 3.34E-14 3.17E-14 1.51E-13 4.45E-13 2.88E-13 2.70E-13 7.12E-13 2.92E-13 1.25E-13 1.05E-13 2.69E-14 1.4 2.6 8.7 26.7 38.3 49.1 77.9 89.6 94.7 98.9 100.0 Total Gas Age: Appendix 5.4. continued. "IAr! I Ar analytical data for biotite, muscovite, phiogopite from Connemara Continued: Sample AF79b 'Ar Wtd. Mean Age: 472.8 1.0 All uncertainties indicate 2 a errors in individual measurements: t number of moles of K-derived "Ar ("ArK) released during each heating step. § cumulative percentage of "ArK after each heating increment. # percentage of radiogenic "Ar ("Ar*) in the total "Ar for each analysis. ** Uncertainties, quoted at 2 a, include propagated error in the irradition parameter J. Uncertainties in parantheses indicate the contribution of analytical error to the overall uncertainty. tt Total gas ages calculated by summing 40 for each increment. Assigned uncertainties (2 a) include the propagated errors in J and isotopic measurements. Age calculations are based on the decay Ar* and "OArK 3 40 constants of Steiger and Jager (1977). Typical system blanks are M/e Ar and Ar (in moles) 1.3 x 10 ' and 1.0 x 10 '* for the furnace and 5.6 x 10" and 4 x 10 lB for the laser. §§ The irradiation parameter J for eac sample aliquot is listed below. Irradiation J-value error (1a) 0.010329 0.010349 6.23E-05 3.09E-05 0.013501 0.013689 0.014043 2.07E-04 3.96E-04 3.37E-04 0.009933 0.009967 0.009911 2.97E-05 2.74E-05 3.01 E-05 CLAIR37 c137-1 c137-3 CLAIR 48 c148-1 c148-2 c148-3 CLAIR 67 00 c167-5 c167-6 c167-7 Table 5.1. Electron microprobe analyses of biotite from Connemara AF18 AF16 AF12 Si02 TiO 2 A120 3 FeOT MnO MgO CaO Na 20 K 20 NiO TOTAL 35.907 1.51 19.73 18.85 0.05 9.88 0.05 0.42 8.65 0.11 95.16 (0.28) (.06) (.12) (.28) (.03) (.15) (.04) (.09) (.15) (.03) (0.33) 34.91 1.85 18.61 21.08 0.09 7.95 0.00 0.06 9.32 0.06 93.92 (0.44) (.34) (.52) (.67) (.05) (.24) (.00) (.05) (.20) (.04) (1.08) 34.872 2.84 20.44 24.09 0.29 5.21 0.05 0.06 3.37 0.03 91.25 (1.95) (.01) (1.81) (1.40) (.01) (.75) (.02) (.04) (1.35) (.04) (3.01) 35.05 3.28 18.60 21.65 0.32 7.13 0.02 0.28 8.44 0.02 94.79 (0.14) (.08) (.07) (.19) (.12) (.06) (.00) (.02) (.07) (.01) (0.16) 35.17 3.05 19.94 18.54 0.27 8.06 0.00 0.27 9.66 0.10 95.05 AF35 AF34 AF28 AF24 (0.22) (.12) (.21) (.29) (.04) (.10) (.01) (.12) (.17) (.05) (0.73) 44.23 1.98 23.93 12.50 0.14 5.77 0.05 0.10 7.97 0.03 96.70 (10.16) (1.9) (5.3) (9.0) (.1) (2.8) (.1) (.1) (.9) (.0) (0.63) 35.28 1.60 19.01 18.23 0.08 12.48 0.00 0.12 6.78 0.02 93.59 Cations per 11 oxygen atoms 2.77 0.09 1.79 1.21 0.00 1.14 0.00 0.06 0.42 0.01 2.78 0.11 1.75 1.40 0.01 0.94 0.00 0.01 0.47 0.00 2.75 0.17 1.90 0.00 1.59 0.02 0.61 0.00 0.01 0.17 2.76 0.19 1.72 1.42 0.02 0.84 0.00 0.04 0.42 0.00 2.74 0.18 1.83 1.21 0.02 0.94 0.00 0.04 0.48 0.01 3.13 0.11 1.99 0.74 0.01 0.61 0.00 0.01 0.36 0.00 2.72 0.09 1.73 1.17 0.00 1.43 0.00 0.02 0.33 0.00 2.77 1.23 2.78 1.22 2.75 1.25 2.76 1.24 2.74 1.26 3.13 0.87 2.72 1.28 Als FeT Mg Mn Ti sum 0.56 1.21 1.14 0.00 0.09 3.00 0.53 1.40 0.94 0.01 0.11 2.99 0.65 1.59 0.61 1.59 0.17 4.61 0.48 1.42 0.84 0.02 0.19 2.95 0.57 1.21 0.94 0.02 0.18 2.90 1.12 0.74 0.61 0.01 0.11 2.58 0.44 1.17 1.43 0.00 0.09 3.15 Xa.n= Fe/(M site) Na / (Na + K) (Fe + Mg) / Al, Si,, / (Si,, + Al,) 0.41 0.13 0.47 0.02 0.53 0.05 0.49 0.09 0.42 0.08 0.29 0.04 0.37 0.05 4.22 4.46 3.40 4.72 3.79 0.69 0.70 0.69 0.69 0.68 1.20 0.78 5.88 0.68 Si Ti Al FeT Mn Mg 0 Ca Na K Ni T site Sil Ali M site (0.87) (.12) (.25) (.91) (.03) (.42) (.03) (.16) (.67) (.04) (0.80) Table 5.1 continued. Electron microprobe analyses of biotite from Connemara AF73 AF70 AF45 AF49 AF39 34.45 37.41 (0.29) 35.23 (0.16) 34.37 (0.29) 36.13 (0.31) Si0 2 2.95 (.07) 3.01 2.38 (.17) 1.82 (.08) 1.91 (.11) TiO 2 19.34 19.52 (.10) 19.86 (.31) 19.52 (.25) 21.95 (.45) A1203 21.19 17.52 (.37) 18.93 (.21) 22.03 (.42) 17.91 (.80) FeOT 0.11 0.16 (.03) 0.13 (.03) 0.11 (.02) 0.28 (.03) MnO 6.15 7.95 (.06) 8.61 (.32) 6.76 (.14) 7.18 (.44) MgO 0.00 0.00 (.00) 0.03 (.02) 0.00 (.00) 0.00 (.01) CaO 0.24 0.19 (.03) 0.16 (.02) 0.20 (.10) 0.09 (.05) Na20 7.76 9.06 (.06) 8.54 (.14) 8.78 (.25) 8.85 (.22) K2O 0.04 0.03 (.03) 0.01 (.01) 0.06 (.06) 0.02 (.02) NiO 94.01 (0.44) 92.29 93.70 (0.99) 94.32 (1.57) 94.60 (0.33) TOTAL Cations per 11 oxygen atoms Si Ti Al FeT Mn Mg Ca Na K Ni AF79 (0.68) (.16) (.43) (.49) (.09) (.16) (.00) (.04) (.35) (.04) (0.23) 33.18 1.93 18.50 20.52 0.03 9.18 0.00 0.32 8.08 0.00 91.75 2.78 0.11 1.99 1.15 0.02 0.83 0.00 0.01 0.43 0.00 2.72 0.14 1.85 1.46 0.01 0.80 0.00 0.03 0.44 0.00 2.89 0.11 1.78 1.13 0.01 0.99 0.00 0.02 0.42 0.00 2.76 0.17 1.80 1.24 0.01 0.93 0.00 0.03 0.45 0.00 2.76 0.18 1.83 1.42 0.01 0.73 0.00 0.04 0.40 0.00 2.69 0.12 1.77 1.39 0.00 1.11 0.00 0.05 0.42 0.00 2.78 1.22 2.72 1.28 2.89 1.11 2.76 1.24 2.76 1.24 2.69 1.31 0.78 1.15 0.83 0.02 0.11 2.88 0.57 1.46 0.80 0.01 0.14 2.97 0.66 1.13 0.99 0.01 0.11 2.90 0.57 1.24 0.93 0.01 0.17 2.92 0.58 1.42 0.73 0.01 0.18 2.93 0.46 1.39 1.11 0.00 0.12 3.08 0.40 0.03 2.55 0.70 0.49 0.06 3.97 0.68 0.39 0.06 3.20 0.72 0.43 0.06 3.84 0.69 0.49 0.09 3.68 0.69 0.45 0.11 5.48 0.67 T site Sii, Ali, M site Al FeT Mg Mn Ti sum X ann Na / (Na + K) (Fe + Mg) / Ali, Si,, / (Sii, + Ali) (0.02) (.07) (.46) (.57) (.01) (.01) (.00) (.10) (.01) (.00) (0.91) Table 5.2. Electron microprobe analyses of phlogopite from Connemara AF38 AF27 AF32 AF37 42.77 (.93) 40-97 43.98 (2.25) 41.14 (.32) SiO 2 0.45 (.02) 0.40 (.17) 0.26 TiO 2 1.39 (.06) 14.55 (.90) 13.75 (.55) 16.56 16.84 (.86) A120 3 1.45 (.07) 2.98 (.22) 1.84 FeO T 2.40 (.08) 0.01 (.02) 0.21 (.04) 0.13 0.05 (.09) MnO 24.09 (1.37) 20.18 (2.94) 27.73 (.45) 24.84 MgO 0.00 (.00) 0.01 (.02) 0.00 (.01) 0.02 CaO 0.07 (.02) 0.72 (.06) 0.08 0.07 (.08) Na2O 6.99 (.39) 9.85 (.19) 10.33 (.33) 10.62 K20 0.07 0.01 (.01) 0.00 (.01) 0.00 (.01) NiO 95.39 95.42 (0.93) 92.25 (0.40) 94.77 (1.94) TOTAL Cations per 11 oxygen atoms Si Ti Al2 FeT Mn Mg Ca Na2 AF40 (.13) (.18) (1.25) (.16) (.05) (.76) (.04) (.02) (.18) (.02) (0.76) 44.60 0.47 14.11 0.43 0.00 24.68 0.00 0.09 9.96 0.02 94.36 AF52 (.77) (.02) (.43) (.09) (.00) (.56) (.00) (.03) (.21) (.01) (0.83) 42.95 0.87 16.27 1.23 0.01 24.56 0.01 0.41 9.20 0.01 95.52 3.12 0.07 1.41 0.14 0.00 2.13 0.00 0.01 0.45 0.00 2.96 0.02 1.17 0.09 0.00 2.98 0.00 0.10 0.32 0.00 3.06 0.02 1.23 0.18 0.01 2.57 0.00 0.01 0.47 0.00 2.93 0.01 1.39 0.11 0.01 2.65 0.00 0.01 0.48 0.00 3.16 0.02 1.18 0.03 0.00 2.61 0.00 0.01 0.45 0.00 3.01 0.05 1.34 0.07 0.00 2.57 0.00 0.06 0.41 0.00 Al, 3.12 0.88 2.96 1.04 3.06 0.94 2.93 1.07 3.16 0.84 3.01 0.99 M site Al, FeT Mg Mn Ti sum 0.52 0.14 2.13 0.00 0.07 2.88 0.13 0.09 2.98 0.00 0.02 3.22 0.28 0.18 2.57 0.01 0.02 3.07 0.32 0.11 2.65 0.01 0.01 3.11 0.34 0.03 2.61 0.00 0.02 2.99 0.35 0.07 2.57 0.00 0.05 3.04 0.05 4.34 0.78 0.03 23.73 0.74 0.06 9.64 0.76 0.04 8.50 0.73 0.01 7.80 0.79 0.02 7.46 0.75 K2 Ni T site Si, XA = Fe/(Fe+Mg+Mn+Ti+Al") (Fe + Mg) / Al, Si, / (Si, + AI) 185 (.30) (.09) (.51) (.07) (.02) (.84) (.01) (.06) (.16) (.02) (0.97) Table 5.3. Electron microprobe analyses of muscovite from Connemara AF45 AF18 AF16 AF7 Si0 2 TiO 2 A1 203 FeO T MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 TOTAL AF67 AF49 49.73 (1.32) 46.65 (.44) 48.08 (1.35) 46.29 47.68 (1.65) 0.27 (.07) 0.58 (.07) 0.10 0.17 (.14) 0.26 35.47 (.32) 35.35 35.33 (.67) 30.58 (2.17) 1.63 0.02 0.64 0.00 2.59 0.00 0.76 0.04 (1.93) 2.24 0.02 1.54 0.00 (.14) (.02) (.23) (.00) 34.03 (1.85) 1.43 (.11) 0.00 (.00) 0.52 (.06) 0.00 (.00) (.05) 47.34 (1.69) 0.52 (.07) 35.59 (.49) 0.75 0.01 0.52 0.01 (.12) (.02) (.13) (.01) 1.54 0.00 0.42 0.01 (.11) (.02) (.06) (.03) 0.95 (.15) 0.52 (.08) 0.53 0.69 (.08) 0.73 (.09) 1.21 (.40) 9.95 (.18) 9.67 (.42) 10.91 7.70 (.51) 9.08 (.28) 9.25 (.24) 95.27 (0.65) 94.83 95.19 (1.88) Cations per 11 oxygen atoms Si Ti Al2 FeT Mn Mg Ca Na2 K2 (2.11) 95.48 (0.57) 94.95 (.00) (.49) (.04) (1.04) 94.17 (1.20) 3.18 0.03 2.81 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.00 3.25 0.03 2.71 3.15 0.01 2.84 3.19 0.01 2.78 3.38 0.01 2.45 0.08 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.07 0.09 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.07 0.14 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.09 0.13 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.10 0.42 0.47 0.33 0.39 0.40 3.15 3.38 3.18 0.84 0.85 0.62 0.82 1.99 1.99 1.83 1.99 0.09 0.04 0.01 2.13 0.09 0.07 0.01 2.15 0.13 0.16 0.01 2.13 0.04 0.05 0.03 2.11 0.47 0.39 0.40 0.07 0.10 0.16 0.54 0.49 0.55 K/(K+ Na + Ca) XA=Al /(Al,+FeT +Mg+Mn+Ti) 0.87 0.80 0.72 0.92 0.86 0.94 XKM. 0.74 0.60 0.64 Si, / (Si, + Al.) 0.79 0.85 0.79 0.16 T site Si, Al, M site Al,, FeT Mg Ti sum 3.16 A site K2 Na2 sum XK= 186 Table 5.4. "Ar Diffusion data for mica. Mineral Xn Do EA 2sec-1] biotite muscovite phlogopite 0.54 0.71 0.04 [cm 0.077 0.4 0.00039 0.75 Reference mol-1 K] [kcal 47.1 ± 1.5 50.5 ± 2.2 43 57.9 ± 2.6 Harrison et al. (1985) Grove and Harrison (1996) Hames and Bowring (1993) Giletti (1974) Table 5.5. Closure Temperatures for mica from Connemara Sample Mineral Grain Radius Cooling Rate Closure Temperature [Im] [*C/My] [*C] AF7 biotite 300 6 to 20 322 - 340 AF7 muscovite 300 6 to 20 372 - 394 AF12 AF16 biotite biotite 200 150 6 to 20 3 to 20 311 - 328 294 - 320 AF16 muscovite 150 3 to 20 318-349 AF35 AF37 AF70 AF79 AF38 biotite phlogopite biotite biotite phlogopite 200 125 200 200 600 6 to 26 6 to 26 6 to 26 6 to 26 6 to 26 311 - 332 392 - 414 311 - 332 AF52 AF18 AF18 AF22 phlogopite muscovite muscovite biotite 200 225 450 100 6 to 26 7 to 14 7 to 14 7 to 14 AF22 biotite 325 7 to 14 406 - 429 344 - 356 368 - 381 294 - 302 327-336 320 - 348 376 - 402 Note: Closure temperatures for a mineral pair from the same sample (mucovite-biotite) or from the same locality (phlogopite and biotite) were calculated assuming internally consistent cooling rates. In all calculations we assumed that a cylinder best describes the mica diffusivities. The closure temperature equation is from Dodson (1973). General Uncertainites are ±50 *C. 187 Sample Table 5.6: Summary of *Ar/ 39Ar analyses for muscovite, biotite, and phlogopite from northern Connemara plateau or Mode Grainradius number of 39Ar wtd 2 a Mineral Locality Rocktype flat segment (range) error grains per mean (range) (Natl. Grid analysis age pm Reference) [Ma] Garnet-Staurolite Zone AF7 metapelite 693.636 AF16 metapelite 670.637 AF12 AF15 AF40 metapelite mylonite calcsilicate 663.607 AF49 metapelite 804.574 662.583 5.3 mg 3.7 3.1 1.5 1.5 4.3 1.1 2.4 125-150 3.0 mg 450.7 1.2 452.3 ± 1.0 125-150 0.4 mg 454.7 3.3 459.8 i 2.5 250-355 250-355 125-150 125-150 125-250 1 to 4 1 to 5 3.3 mg 4.0 mg 1 to 5 125-250 Staurolite/Sillimanite Zone metapelite AF35 calcsilicate AF37 849.538 842.540 biotite phlogopite 150-250 100-150 1 to 7 4.7 mg 472.2 476.3 4.3 4.5 AF66 calcsilicate 760.554 125-150 2.1 mg 399.0 3.0 AF67 AF70 semipelite metapelite 914.508 phlogopite (w/altered) muscovite biotite biotite 125-250 125-250 28.2 mg 452.1 459.0 474.6 2.4 0.7 5.4 AF73 AF79 metapelite metapelite biotite biotite 200-350 150-300 1-2 441.2 472.8 1.0 915.508 471-476 469-476 476.4 468.4 469.2 452.4 481.5 452.0 472.9 muscovite biotite muscovite biotite biotite muscovite phlogopite (w/altered) muscovite (crappy) biotite 471.0 ± 1.0 462.5 ±1.1 471-483 452.5 ± 1.4 455 & 495 466-474 483 0.7 470-481 (477) 443 & 473 418.5 i 1.6 (432) 448.7 ± 1.8 466.8 i 1.0 473 ± 1 Sample rocktype Table 5.7. Summary of 4"Ar/"Ar analyses for biotite and phlogopite from central Connemara 39 Locality Mineral grainradius number of number of Ar wtd. 2o Mode AF27 AF28 AF32 AF34 (Nat'l. Grid Ref.) calcsilicate 835.490 calcsilicate 836.492 calcsil'icate 811.500 metapelite 806.501 AF38 calcsilicate AF52 calcsilicate 718.531 856.505 phlogopite biotite phlogopite biotite biotite phlogopite phlogopite phlogopite (range) Im 250-350 225-450 300 300-400 150-350 400-800 500-1250 125-250 grains per analysis 3 to 6 4 1 to 4 furnace 1 to 5 furnace 1 9.4 mg analyses 9 10 10 14 10 mean age [Ma] 468.3 453.9 473 444.9 459.3 445.8 466.9 454.8 error 2.5 1. 2 2.9 6.9 .8 2.2 1.0 (range) [Ma] 443 & 479 442, 447, 472 460-465 plateau or near plateau [Ma] 448.5 ± 2.0 460-465 455.8 ± 1.3 472 456.7 ± 2.6 Table 5.8. Summary of "ArPAr analyses for muscovite and biotite from southern Connemara Mineral Sample Rocktype Locality Migmatitic SillimaniteK-feldspar Zone AF18 metapelite 833.415 biotite biotite AF18 metapelite AF22 metapelite AF44 AF45 pegmatite metapelite AF45 metapelite Label of grain radius number of grains per (range) Analysis analysis gm number of analyses 39 Ar wtd. 2 a error Mode (range) mean date [Ma] [Mal [Ma] mapping 1 to 3 11 10 276.5 489.4 5.1 3.3 1 laser step 445.3 2.1 250-750 10.3 mg furnace 446.8 2.3 ml 8.2.1 mf.38 b81-90 bl5-20 200-250 400-500 200-250 250 - 400 75-125 1 3 grains 2 1 to 2 15-20 10 laser step laser step 10 10 2.7 2.2 2 3 biotite 814.410 biotite 814.410 biotite biotite b36-40 2.100 b1 b8.16 200- 400 ca. 300 125-150 400-500 1-3 3 1 to 7 1 5 laser step 10 laser step 457.4 456.5 455 458.0 calc sep/ 447.6 calc sep. 387.6 434.5 400.8 814.410 muscovite muscovite muscovite muscovite ml 1.13 m.b m8.8 mf.4 700 2500 400-500 ca. 200 3 mapping 4 8 laser step 8 laser step laser step 442.7 440.2 432.7 433.1 2.2 2.7 2.6 5.4 b.a b1 > 1000 150-350 biotite b.51 375 biotite b.furn 833.415 muscovite muscovite muscovite 823.443 biotite biotite 6.6 5.9 3.1 2.9 plateau or flat segment [Ma] 270, 320 453, 485, 515 445 2 inv. saddle (370-507) 447 2 inv. saddle (363-507) 459 456 ± 2 453 ± 1 459 440 446 453 418 ± 6 437, 463 stair step (327-420) 439 3 440-450 430 ± 3 429 ± 5 Figure Captions Figure 5.1. Simplified geologic map of Connemara. The insert shows the location of the Connemara region within the Irish Caledonides. The Connemara terrane is separated from the rest of the former Laurentian margin by Ordovician island-arc and forearc terranes (e.g. South Mayo). The Ordovician terrane boundary is mostly concealed beneath Silurian rocks. The Silurian rocks rest unconformably on the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Dalradian Supergroup. This figure shows the approximate location of metamorphic isograds, the best recognized of which is the sillimanite- in isograd. The metamorphic isograds are associated with the Connemara complex, which consists of a range of mafic to felsic intrusions, the Silurian unconformity, late orogenic extensional faults (e.g. the RBS - Renvyle Bofin Slide), major F4 folds, such as the Connemara antiform, and the Mannin thrust which emplaces the Connemara complex and the Dalradian country rocks over low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Delaney Dome Fm (DDF). Complex of northern Dawros--Currywongaun-Douruagh DCDC Connemara. C-LWG - Cashel-Lough Wheelaun Gabbro. Figure 5.2. Summary of the deformation and structure of the Connemara region. The location of cross section A-A' is marked in Figure 5.1. The dominant schistosities and fold axes were defined specifically in the Dalradian fold and thrust belt (e.g. Tanner and Shackleton 1979). It is generally assumed that these deformation phases can be recognized in all of Connemara. Figure 5.3. Pressure-temperature path for the Connemara region. This figure is modified after Yardley et al. (1987) and emphasizes the regional differences in metamorphic grade. Figure 5. 4. Field photographs and photo micrographs of the deformation sequence in Connemara. (A) S1-schistosity is only preserved as inclusion trails within garnet. (B) The S2 schistosity is the dominating penetrative fabrics at the low-metamorphic zones of northern Connemara, but a weak F3 overprint is usually observed. Exposure from the shore at Tully Mountain. (C) Photo micrograph of sample AF17, a muscovite-garnet metapelite in which muscovite + chlorite define a retrograde mineral assemblage, probably equivalent to the M3 assemblages farther south. (D) Field photograph of the impure marble of the Lakes Marble Formation. This picture is from Cur Hill, at the staurolite-sillimanite transition zone, and shows the typical F3 folds that occur at a variety of scales throughout Connemara. F3 folds refold minor F2 fold axes. (E) Photomicrograph of sample AF79, a staurolite-sillimanite- 191 garnet schist from the staurolite-sillimanite transition zone at Cur Hill. This thin section shows biotite and sillimanite defining the main S3 foliation plane. In other areas, fibrolite grows axial planar with F3 fold axial traces. (F) Outcrop picture of 'migmatitic ' metasedimentary rocks c. 50 m NE of the parking lot at the Alkock and Brown landing site memorial. The field relationships show the S2 schistosity folded around an F3 fold axis in a metasedimentary rock. This block has been disrupted subsequent to F3 folding, as indicated by its random orientation relative to the strong anatectic foliation defined within the anatectic metapelite rock. The foliation (S3') is defined by alignment of paleosome and leucosome. (G) Outcrop picture of F2 to F4 fold generations. F2 and F3 fold axial traces are subparallel, whereas F4 folds are almost orthogonal to the older folds. F4 folds are accompanied by axial planar granitic pegmatites. Outcrop at the head of Errislanaan peninsula, c. 150 m SW of the lighthouse. Figure 5.5. Sample locality map. Figure 5. 6. 40Ar/ 39 Ar furnace and laser incremental release spectra. The results are shown as a function of metamorphic grade. All diagrams are plotted at the same scale for comparison purposes. Size dimension is reported as the grain diameter. The data are listed in tables in Appendix 5.4. Figure 5.7. Results of 4 0Ar/ 39 Ar laser total fusion analyses. This figures shows the frequency distributions of each total fusion analysis, weighted by their 2 s analytical error. The 39Ar weighted mean age of each analysis is reported in the lower left corner for most analyses. "n" is the number of total fusion analyses. The sample Mode is reported near the peak of the frequency distribution. The size dimension of samples is reported as their average grain diameter. Figure 5.8. Map of the 40Ar/ 39Ar dates as a function of metamorphic grade and distance from major intrusions. Only those results have been shown that can be represented by a single date. Note that not all of the dates shown are interpreted as cooling ages (see text). Figure 5.9. Photomicrographs of selected samples. See sample description in Appendix 1. The long dimension of the photographs is c. 3 mm. Figure 5.10. Interpretative time-distance diagram of 4 Ar/ 3 9Ar dates for the Connemara region. The shaded area contains all data that are permissible cooling ages as constrained by the age of the magmatic arc, peak 192 metamorphism and the Silurian unconformity. The north-south axis is not drawn to scale. Figure 5.11. Temperature-time diagram showing 40Ar/ 39Ar muscovite biotite, and phlogopite cooling ages. Figure 5.12. (A-C) Schematic Cross sections of the thermal and structural evolution of the Connemara region. See text for discussion. 193 194 90 25' 10" 15' Figure 5.1 196 "D1 Deformation" Inclusion trails in porphyroblasts (Si) S1 "D2 Deformation" One recumbent fold (F2), minor folds and penetrative schistosity (S2) "D3 Deformation" Open to isoclinal folds (F3). S3 schistosity in sillimanite-grade rocks S2 "D3' Deformation" Gneissic foliation (S3') in anatectic restite and quartz diorite. Mannin thrust. "D4 Deformation" Major upright antiforms and minor crenulation cleavage. S3 u F4 - - - - - X * F3 - - L F2 A - - North 5- I thrust A' South - 5 -- trace km. 0 5 km Dalradian fold belt Connemara Complex Figure 5.2 197 km -,, 198 Ii North (Garnet zone) M2 South (" IMigmatite" zone) M3 cib 04 2- 300 700 500 Temperatui re Figure 5.3 199 OC I 200 S1 quartz 3 mm Pq ca. 1.5 m Figure 5.4 201 I 202 5 mm S2 . F3 - fold axis foliated -- metapelitic restite 18 cm F2-F4: fold axial traces granitic . pegmatite Figure 5.4 continued 203 I 204 -1100 15' 1K. RBS LO Antiform ................ Mayo South Normal fault Unconformity Galway granite Silurian and Ordovician rocks Mannin thrust Quartz-diorite gneiss Mafic intrusions 0 km Fold belt in Dalradian Supergroup 10 sill-in Sillimanite-in isograd; lable is on side of sillimanite-grade rocks staur-ouI Staurolite-out isograd; lable is on side of staurolite-free rocks "migmatite" Anatectic metapelite rocks on south side of this lable Figure 5.5 38* Sample number and locality 206 Garnet-Staurolite Zone 250-300 Muscovite AF15 Muscovite AF1 6 Biotite AF16 5 AF1Smif AF16m 555 250-300 sm AF16b Ism 14-52 1465 Ma 462.5± 1.1 375 1285 375375 fla5tiesegment % WANmlased Cumnidins 0 285 15 I. 20 100 m'sed Cumua65 %3GArK 0 Biotite AF49 1.4 Ma 452.5 195 100 25.-300 465 i a 12W5- steps 3 -12 15 1 471 Cumlab %3ArKmleased 100 Muscovite AF49 AF49b 51 AF49m 250-300 50m s. 146 452.3 ± 1.0 Ma 459.8 ± 2.5 Ma 5375 39 sepse6-9 78% AK 76%3PArK S isleased 0 Cumulabne%30RArK 195 10 fat segment 0 Cwnstee% 3 100 ArK'eleased Staurolite-Sillimanite Transition Zone Muscovite AF67 Ca550 Lm ss Biotite AF70 AF87m 43St ± 1.8 Ma !S448.7 25 1255p5.11 8%2Ag 195 3 CuMav. % ArKmleed 0 AF70b 055 Co. 500 pm 41 47 33W 442 steps5-14 0.8Ma 464.4 195 100 3 0 CUrmb Biotite AF79 miewd 100 %3ArK Phlogopite AF66 ca 550 p 555,250-300 1465- AF56p pum 465- 375 '48713/ 436 3 W 375 3 473 : 4 W 128S 395±11 43 VA Steps 1-11- 195 466.07± 0 9 Ma mlased Cumubw%3PArK 0 419 ± 2 Ma meanage 195 100 0 3 100 r.5.ased Cumubas% SArK Sillimanite Zone Phlogopite AF52 Phlogopite AF38 Biotite AF34 AF34b5.53 600-800 pm 4e5 aw.,800-1200 AF3p12.f1 5pm 125-250 5 455 8* 1.3 Ma t 375 376. 375 128s 26 215 0 satseau steps 7%3k 3 % ArKmleased CumulavO 0 492.7 ±30 Ma 4567 2 6 Ma plateau! steps 8-10 %39Ar F[3 100 AF52p 46 21a5 448.5 ± 2.0 Ma 191 1m Cumul, %39r mlsd Figure 5.6 207 100 0 Cumulabv % 39A meiased 100 208 "Migmatite" Zone Muscovite AF45 AF45mf.4 400 pm 555. ia5- Biotite AF18 Muscovite AF18 AF1b.newbt 500-1500 pm 375- 433.1 t5.4 Ma AFlamf38 400-5W pm 285- 555. 900-1000 363±4Ma AF18.51 (100% ArK) AF18m821 30-1000pm pm AF45m8 7465- plateau 3 750 pm steps 1-6 (63%39Ar 195" 453.6 ± 0.9 Ma 375. 432.7 ± 2.6 Ma steps37-12 (y8 456.2 ± 2.2 Ma 370Mm±5 Ma flat msgment 3 (100% 9ArK 3 Cmuamwe% 1 9ArKmlased Cumulabw%3ArNmleased 155 442.7 ± 2.2 Ma 285 plateau steps 12-17 3 (53% 9SAK) 100 Cumulative%39Arkreleasd 195- Biotite AF45 Biotite AF44 555 AF18b21 Lj1285- 375-37 418.4 I 6.5 Ma 1285 3507 plateu Mm 195 195 3 0 Cumuinieb% Akreeaed 0 100 Cumulatw%39Arkreleased 100 0 CunmuaV %3 A Galway Batholith Errisbeg-Townland Granite K-feldspar AF57 Roundstone Granite Ana K-feldspar AF54 260Ma 290 ± 2 k '221 ±6Mat Biotite AF57 247±:,2MW AFSnl-1 278±i2 Wm Biotite AF54 A54*1".l 417± 1 Ma 401 ± 1 Ma tatsegmntd aflit segmtent 100% steps33-13 91% 9Ar 3ArK CumulsVm %39%islesd 1C55 %39AKneased CumuaWv Figure 5.6 continued. 209 ~ 9A4 AF45mi.13 1400pm 1C0 miesamed 210 Garnet-Staurolite-Sillimanite Zones Total fusion Analyses - Frequency Distributions 1.4 biotite AF7 1.2 500-710 pm 1.0 1.4 1.2 469 Ma 1.0 C 0.8 5 0.8 O 0.6 g 0.6 .n = 23 39 Ar wtd. mean 468.4 ± 3.1 Ma 500-710 pm 471 Ma n= 19 Ar wtd. mean -476.4 3.7 Ma 39 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 150 200 250 500 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 500 phlogopite AF37 biotite AF12 250-300 jm , muscovite AF7 200-300 pm 471 Ma 483 Ma 0.8 0.8 r 0.6 0.6 .n=8 39 Ar wtd. mean 478.0 ± 5.1 Ma 150 200 250 39 Ar wtd. mean 476.3 ± 4.5 Ma 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 150 200 500 500 phlogopite AF40 biotite AF35 300-500 jm 250 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 250-500 pm 466-474 Ma 5 M 495 Ma 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 .n=9 . 39Ar wtd. mean 472.9 ± 2.4 Ma n =37 39 Ar wtd. mean 472.2 ± 4.3 Ma 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 150 200 500 400-700 jm 477 Ma 443 Ma 473 Ma .n = 10 n = 17 39 Ar wtd. mean 441.2 2.0 Ma 39Ar wtd. mean 474.6 5.4 Ma 150 200 250 500 biotite AF73 biotite AF70 250-500 pm 250 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 150 200 250 500 Figure 5.7 211 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 500 212 Upper Sillimanite Zone Total Fusion Analyses - Frequency Distributions Phlogopite AF38 Phlogopite AF27 500-700 |650 srm x 500 jim im 5 analyses 443 Ma 479 Ma <500 sm/ n= 9 39Ar wtd. mean 468.3 ±.2.5 Ma 150 200 500 250 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] age [Ma] Biotite AF34b Phlogopite AF28 500-900 = srm 442 Ma 47 Ma 0.8 472M 0.6 42 Ma 39Ar wtd. mean 453.9 ± 1.7 Ma 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] Phlogopite AF32 1.4 600 pm 1.2 460-465 Ma 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 n = 10 39 Ar wtd. mean 473 .7± 2.3 Ma 150 200 250 300 350 age [Ma] 400 450 Figure 5.7 continued. 213 500 214 "Migmatite" Zone: Total Fusion Analyses - Frequency Distributions Biotite AF22 biotite AF 8b1 1.4 1.4 500-800 pm AF22b.81-90 1.2 1.2 459 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 r 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 n =10 39Ar wtd. mean .458.0 ±3.6 Ma 150 200 1.4 1.2 459 ca. 2000 Am -laser mapping 1.0 0.8 n = 10 wtd. mean 150 500 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 1.0 S 0.8 1.4 AF22b.15-40 446 - 440 N 0.2 0.6 0.4 Ar wtd. mean 0.2 .447.6 ±6.6 Ma 200 250 500 -250-300 jm 437 1 463 0.8 200-400pm 1 =9 .n 39 150 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 1.0 0.6 0.4 250 1.2 75-125gm - 200 Biotite AF45b1 Biotite AF22 -150-800 pm 286±4 Ma 0.2 457.4 ± 2.7 Ma 1.2 n=11 Ar wtd. mean 39 320 0.4 39Ar 1.4 500 270 0.6 250 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] Biotite AF 8b.a Muscovite AF 8m1 150 200 250 .n = 10 39 Ar wtd. mean 434.5 ±3.1 Ma 150 300 350 age [Ma] 200 Muscovite AF45m.b 5000 pm 450 laser mapping n= 8 39Ar wtd. mean -440.2 ±2.7 Ma 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] Figure 5.7 continued. 215 500 250 300 350 400 450 age [Ma] 50 I 216 Figure 5.8 218 AF7iu 5.9 Figure 5.9 219 I 220 Figure 5.9 continued. 221 222 The Geologic Record Starolte/ Sillimanite Zone Sillimanite- K-feldspar Zone Migmatitic Sillimanite- K-feldspar Zone 40Ar/ 39Ar dates umber sampi muscovite ) blotite phlogopite Grain Radius < 250 pm MO HO ~li *250-500 pm >500 pm CATEGORY 1 Permissible Cooling Ages CATEGORY 2 late Grampian deformation CATEGORY 3 Post-Gampian hydrothermal activity and thermal resetting related to Galway Batholith CATEGORY4 no obvious geologica significance North increasing metamorphic grade * South Figure 5.10 Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 I 224 800- 700- 600. 0 CL 500- E 0) 400- 300. 200 Figure 5.11 Time [Ma] 226 (A) ca. 474-470 Ma A Regional Contact Metamorphism (MP3) D3 deformation intrusion of gabbros zircon 474.s*1.0 Ma U-Pb North a Cashel- Lough Wheeteon gebbro (U-Pbzircon470.1 ± 1.4Ma) .sufacetree South 03' deformation intrusion of quartz diorites done! (B) ca. 467 Ma I imitedextend temperature ca.750*C temperature ca.300*C "Anatexis" (-750 *C) 40Ar/39Ar muscovite and biotite cooing ages North paleosome (U-Pbmonazite 468 ± 2Ma) A6i (UP icn48i2a) South -' ~A fluid infiltration metasomatism (C) ca. 462 Ma North Oughterard Granite U-Pbxenotime 462.s 1.2 Ma cooling thermal aureole cold temperature u300 *C 0 A U-Pb sphene dates of fluid infiltrationt() South Metasomatic Diopsidle Rock A' (u-Pb spbene 4622 IMa) / km Hi ~A' S5 s0uretQ4T5rar La=0.6 cnrrt km - 0 0 footwall orn 5 lop Figure 5.12 227