School of Allied Health Professions Faculty Publications: 7/1/14 – 6/30/15 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Clinical Laboratory Sciences Vyas IK, Jamerson M, Cabral GA & Marciano-Cabral F (2015) Identification of peptidases in highly-pathogenic versus weakly-pathogenic Naegleria fowleri. J. Euk. Micro. 62:51-59. Cabral GA, Jamerson M & Rogers, T (2014) Does Immune dysfunction persists into adulthood after adolescent use of marijuana? J. Leukoc. Biol. 96:507-509. Korzun WJ, Nilsson G, Bachmann LM, Myers GL, Sakurabayashi I, Nakajima K, Nakamura M, Shamburek RD, Remaley AT & Miller WG (2015) Difference in bias approach for commutability assessment: application to frozen pools of human serum measured by 8 direct methods for HDL and LDL cholesterol. Clin Chem, Pii: clinchem.2015.240861. [Epub ahead of print] Hill E, Nadder TS, & Dodd-McCue D (2015) Using a theatre approach to develop professionalism in CLS students. Clinical Laboratory Science, 28(2):91-97. Delost M, & Nadder TS (2014) Selecting a research topic and getting it published: topic selection and evidence of impact. Clinical Laboratory Science, 27(4):231-236. Delost M, & Nadder TS (2014) Selecting a research topic and getting it published: research design and dissemination of results. Clinical Laboratory Science, 27(4): 237-244. Gerontology Gendron T, King L, & Welleford EA (2015) Catch a Glimpse of Me: The Development of Staff Videos to Promote Person-Centered Care Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. Gendron T, Myers B, Pelco L & Welleford EA (2014) Who is likely to commit to a career with older adults? Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics Education 00:1–2. Jensen C & Inker J (2014) The Dementia Care Triad: Identifying Knowledge Gaps and Linking to Resources. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias doi: 10.1177/1533317514545476 Health Administration McCue MJ & Hall, M (2015) Health Insurers’ Financial Performance and Quality Improvement Expenditures in the Affordable Care Act’s Second Year, Medical Care Research and Review, 72(1) 113–122. 1 McCue MJ (2015) Assessing the Financial Condition of Provider-Sponsored Health Plans, Managed Care Magazine. McCue MJ, Thompson J & Kim T (2015) Hospital Acquisitions Before Healthcare Reform, Journal of Healthcare Management. 60:3 186-204. Krist AH & DeShazo JP (2014) MyPreventiveCare: implementation and dissemination of an interactive preventive health record in three practice-based research networks serving disadvantaged patients—a randomized cluster trial. Implementation Science 9.1, 181. Chang JJ, Strauss JF, DeShazo JP, Rigby FB, Chelmow DP, & Macones GA (2014) Reassessing the impact of smoking on preeclampsia/eclampsia: Are there age and racial differences? PLOS One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106446 Nguyen TA, DeShazo JP, Thacker LR & Sanyal AJ (2014) A Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of Steroids or Pentoxyfylline for Alcoholic Hepatitis in a Real-World Setting. Gastroenterology146 (5). Hibbard JH, Greene J Shi Y, Mittler J & Scanlon D (2015) Taking the Long View: How Well Do Patient Activation Scores Predict Outcomes Four Years Later? Medical Care Research and Review. 72(3):324-337. Alexander J, Hearld L & Mittler J (2014) Patient–Physician Role Relationships and Patient Activation: The Moderating Effects of Race and Ethnicity. Med Care Res Rev, vol. 71, 5: pp. 472-495. Clement JP & Khushalani J (2015) Does Assisted Living Capacity Influence Case Mix at Nursing Homes? Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine January-December 2015 1: 2333721415587449, first published on doi:10.1177/2333721415587449 Fareed N, Bazzoli GJ, Mick SM, & Harless (2015) The Influence of Institutional Pressures on Hospital Electronic Health Record Presence, Social Science and Medicine 133: 28-35. Waters TM, Daniels MJ, Bazzoli GJ, Perencevich E, Dunton N, Staggs VS, Potter C, Fareed, N, Liu M, & Shorr RI (2014) Impact of Medicare's Nonpayment for Hospital Acquired Conditions: Lessons for Future Policy, JAMA Internal Medicine January 5, 2015, E1-E8, doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.5486 Chukmaitov AC, Harless DW, Bazzoli GJ, Carretta HJ & Siangphoe (2015) U Delivery System Characteristics and their Association with Quality and Costs of Care: Implications for Accountable Care Organizations, Health Care Management Review 40:92-103. 2 Herr JH, Salyer J, Flattery M, Goodloe L, Lyon D, Kabban C & Clement DG (2014) Heart Failure Symptom Clusters and Functional Status: a cross-sectional study, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 12/2014, doi: 10.1111/jan.12596 Narci HO, Ozcan YA, Sahin I, Tarcan M & Narci M (2015) An Examination of Competition and Efficiency for Hospital industry in Turkey, Health Care Management Science. Vol 18(4): doi: 10.1007/s10729-014-9315 Ozcan YA & Legg JS (2014) Performance Measurement for Radiology Providers: A National Study, International Journal of Health Technology Management. 14 (3):209-221. VanderWielen LM & Ozcan, YA (2015) An Assessment of the Healthcare Safety Net: Performance Evaluation of Free Clinics, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Vol 44(3):474-486. Rathert C, Williams ES, McCaughey D & Ishqaidef G (2015) Patient perceptions of patientcentered care: Tests of a theoretical model. Health Expectations, 18: 199-209. Buttigieg A, Rathert C, D’Aunno T & Savage G (2015) International research in health care management: Its need in the 21st Century, methodological challenges, ethical issues, pitfalls and practicalities. Advances in Health Care Management: Special Issue on International Best Practices in Health Care Management, 17, 3-22. Fleig-Palmer MM & Rathert C (2015) Interpersonal mentoring and its influence on retention of valued health care workers: The moderating role of affective commitment. Health Care Management Review, 40(1): 56-64. McClelland LE & Vogus TJ (2014) Compassion practices and HCAHPS: Does rewarding and supporting workplace compassion influence patient perceptions? Health Services Research. 49(5): 1670-1683. Nurse Anesthesia Lahaye L, Green J, Grasso M, & Biddle C (2015) Cerebral tissue oxygenation in the steep Trendelenburg position during long-duration robotic surgical procedures. Journal of Robotic Surgery. 9:19-25. Biddle C (2014) Cardiac stents in those requiring noncardiac surgery. Between Scylla and Chaybdis? Current Reviews for Nurse Anesthetists. 37:87-93. 3 Biddle C (2105) A framework for the anesthetic care of patients with COPD. Current Reviews in Anesthesia. 18:207-215. Biddle C, (2015) Shoair O, Slattum P & Lahaye L (2015) Genetics, bioinflammation, and surgical patient and anesthetic factors: an observational study of aged patients and the incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Journal of Anaesthesia and Clinical Pharmacology, 31:30-36. Aker J, Block J, & Biddle C (2015) Neurotoxicity of anesthetic agents on the developing brain. J Amer Assoc Nurse Anesth. 83:139-146. Greenwood J & Biddle C (2015) Impact of legislation on the scope of practice among nurse anesthetists. American Journal of Nurse Practitioners,11:498-504. Wright SM (2015) Patient safety in anesthesia: learning from the culture of high reliability organizations. In H. Robins (Ed.), Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. Crit Care Nurs Clin N Am 27;16. Shoair OA, Grasso Ii MP, Lahaye LA, Daniel R & Biddle CJ (2015) Incidence and risk factors for postoperative cognitive dysfunction in older adults undergoing major noncardiac surgery: A prospective study J.Anaesthesiol.Clin.Pharmacol.,31, 1, 30-36, India. Hartland BL, Newell TJ & Damico N (2015) Alveolar Recruitment Maneuvers Under General Anesthesia: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Respiratory Care, 60(4), 609-620. Hartland BL, Newell TJ & Damico N (2014) Alveolar recruitment maneuvers: are your patients missing out? AANA journal, 82(4), 307-314. Zambricki C, Horowitz J, Blumenreich G & Fallacaro MD (2015) Recertifying the Professional Nurse Anesthetist: A Call for National Dialogue, AANA Journal, 83(1):1-8. Wright SM & Fallacaro MD (2014) Interprofessional Crisis Resource Team Training in an Ambulatory Surgical Setting: Growing a Culture of Safety, MedSim Magazine, (2):16-20. Damico NK (2015) Mechanical Ventilation of the Anesthetized Patient. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 27(1): 147-155. Occupational Therapy Lu J, Gary KW, Copolillo A, Neimeier J P, Ward J, & Lapane KL (2015) Randomized controlled trials in adult traumatic brain injury: A review of compliance to CONSORT statement. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96, 702-714. doi: 0.1016/j.apmr.2014.10.026 4 Gentry T, Kriner R, Sima A, McDonough J & Wehman P (2015) Reducing the need for personal support among workers with autism using an Apple iPod Touch as an assistive technology: A delayed randomized control trial. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(3), 669-684. Gentry T (2014) Mobile technologies as cognitive-behavioral aids: Evidence-based strategies. Perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 148-156. Vol. 23, 148-156. doi:10.1044/aac23.3.148 Ivey CK, Lane SJ & May-Benson TA (2014) Inter-rater reliability and developmental norms in preschoolers for the Motor Planning Maze Assessment. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68, 539-545. Lane SJ, Ivey CK & May-Benson TA (2014) Test of Ideational Praxis: Preliminary findings, inter-rater and test-retest reliability in preschoolers. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68, 555-561.,012542 Thomas S, Bundy A, Black D, & Lane SJ (2015) Toward early identification of sensory overresponsivity (SOR): A construct for predicting difficulties with sleep and feeding in infants. OTJR: Occupation, Participation, and Health. doi: 10.1177/1539449215579855 Reynolds S, Kreider C, Meeley LE, & Bendixen R (2015) Feeding history and chemical taste sensitivity in boys with Barth Syndrome. Journal of Rare Disorders, 3(1), 1-9. Reynolds S, Lane SJ & Mullen B (2015) Effects of deep pressure stimulation on performance and physiological arousal: A pilot study of the Vayu Vest. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69(3). Patient Counseling Tartaglia A (2015) Reflections on the Development and Future of Chaplaincy Education, Journal of Reflective Practice, 35:116-133. Physical Therapy O'Grady MG & Dusing SC (2015) Reliability and validity of play-based assessments of motor and cognitive skills for infants and young children: a systematic review. Phys Ther 95(1):25-38. Dusing SC, Izzo T, Thacker LR & Galloway JC (2014) Postural complexity influences development in infants born preterm with brain injury: relating perception-action theory to 3 cases. Phys Ther 94(10):1508-16. Kardouni JR, Pidcoe PE, Shaffer SW, Finucane SD, Cheatham SA, Sousa CO & Michener LA (2015) Thoracic Spine Manipulation in Individuals With Subacromial Impingement Syndrome 5 Does Not Immediately Alter Thoracic Spine Kinematics, Thoracic Excursion, or Scapular Kinematics: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 1-34. Kardouni JR, Shaffer SW, Pidcoe PE, Finucane SD, Cheatham SA, & Michener LA (2014) Immediate changes in pressure pain sensitivity after thoracic spinal manipulative therapy in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome: A randomized controlled study. Man Ther. Epub, doi: 10.1016/j.math.2014.12.003 Clingman R & Pidcoe P (2014) A novel myoelectric training device for upper limb prostheses. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng.(4):879-85. Hinman RS, Buchbinder R, Craik RL, George SZ, Maher CG & Riddle DL (2015) Is this a clinical trial? And should it be registered? Phys Ther 95(6):810-4. Riddle DL, Perera RA, Nay WT, & Dumenci L (2015) What Is the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Pain During Functional Tasks in Persons Undergoing TKA? A 6-year Perioperative Cohort Study. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2015 Feb 21 (Epub ahead of print). Riddle DL, Perera RA & Dumenci L (2015) Growth mixture models and knee arthroplasty outcomes. Pain. 156(6):1171. Riddle DL & Jiranek WA (2015) Knee osteoarthritis radiographic progression and associations with pain and function prior to knee arthroplasty: a multicenter comparative cohort study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 23(3):391-6. Simon CB, Coronado RA, Wurtzel WA & Riddle DL (2014) George SZ. Content and bibliometric analyses of the Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. J Man Manip Ther. (4):181-90. Dumenci L, Matsuyama R, Riddle DL, Cartwright LA, Perera RA, Chung H & Siminoff LA (2014) Measurement of cancer health literacy and identification of patients with limited cancer health literacy. J Health Commun. 19 Suppl 2:205-24. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2014.943377 Stratford PW & Riddle DL (2014) On quality of life and self-reported lower extremity function… Galantino ML, Kietrys DM, Parrott JS, et al. Phys Ther. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20130337. Phys Ther. 94(9):1355-6 Riddle DL, Perera RA, Jiranek WA, & Dumenci L (2015) Using surgical appropriateness criteria to examine outcomes of total knee arthroplasty in a United States sample. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken).67(3):349-57. Riddle DL, Jiranek WA, & Hayes, CW (2014) Use of a validated algorithm to judge the appropriateness of total knee arthroplasty in the United States: a multicenter longitudinal cohort study. Arthritis Rheumatol. 66(8):2134-43. 6 Escobar A & Riddle DL (2014) Concordance between important change and acceptable symptom state following knee arthroplasty: the role of baseline scores. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 22(8):1107-10. Radiation Sciences Cohen TF, Legg JS, Hutchinson J, Levy J & Bosher W (2015) Factors Influencing HPV Vaccine Use among Racially Diverse Female College Students. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 8, 75-88. Cohen TF & Legg JS (2014) Factors Associated With HPV Vaccine Use Among Hispanic College Students. Journal of Allied Health, 43, 241-246. Ozcan YA & Legg JS (2014) Performance Measurement for Radiology Providers: A National Study. International Journal of Healthcare Technology Management, 14, 209-221. Rehabilitation Counseling Kozlowski KA & Holmes CM (2014) The effectiveness of a college-wide research learning community in increasing research self-efficacy of new faculty. Learning Communities Journal, 6, 55-74. Kozlowski KA & Holmes CM (2014) Experiences of master’s-level counseling students in online process groups: A qualitative study. Journal for Specialists in GroupWork. 39(4), 276300. doi: 10.1080/01933922.2014.948235 Lee KA, Dewell JA & Holmes CM (2014) Animating research within counselor education: A training model to address the research-to-practice gap. The Professional Counselor, 4(4), 303315. Holmes CM, Hermann KM & Kozlowski, KA (2014) Integrating Web 2.0 technologies in educational and clinical settings: An isomorphic perspective. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 32, 65-80. Holmes CM & Kozlowski, KA (2014) Faculty experiences in a research learning community. The Journal of Faculty Development, 28(2), 35-42. Kim JH, Kim SS, Lee DH & Ham KA (2014) Validation of K-Adapted Virtue Inventory of Strengths. Journal of Rehabilitation Psychology, 21(3), 1-20. Choi TS, Kim JH, & Lee DH (2014) A systematic approach about psycho-social interventions on disasters and post-traumatic stress disorder: Cultural perspective. Korean Journal of Culture and Arts Education Studies, 9(5), 99-181. 7 Reid C & Riddick-Grisham S (2015) The importance of work or productive activity in life care planning and case management. NeuroRehabilitation 36, 267-274 doi; 10.3233/NRE-151215 Hankins B & Reid C (In press) Development and validation of a clinical predication rule of the return-to-work status of inured employees in Minnesota. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. doi 10.1007/s10926-015-9568-3 Virginia Center on Aging Coogle CL & Owens MG (2015) Interprofessional training on brief intervention for older adults. Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 10(2), 1-11. doi 10.1108/JMHTEP-052014-0012 Coogle CL & Owens MG (2015) Screening and brief intervention for alcohol misuse in older adults: Training outcomes among physicians and other healthcare practitioners in community-based settings. Community Mental Health Journal. doi 10.1007/s10597-014-9804-x Hong SC & Coogle CL (2014) Spousal caregiving for partners with dementia: A deductive literature review testing Calasanti’s gendered view of care work. Journal of Applied Gerontology. doi: 10.1177/0733464814542246 Manchester J, Gray-Micili D, Metcalf J, Paolini C, Coogle CL & Owens MG (2014) Facilitating Lewin’s change model with collaborative evaluation in promoting evidence based practices of health professionals. Evaluation and Program Planning, 47, 82-90 Book Chapters Clinical Laboratory Sciences Cabral GA & Jamerson M (2014) Marijuana Use and Brain Immune Mechanisms. In A. Harris, C. Cui & D. Shurtleff (Eds.), International Review of Neurobiology. Oxford, UK, Elsevier. Chapter 8, 199-230. Health Administration Clement DG, Curran MA, & Jahn SL (2015) Employee Benefits, Chapter 10 in Human Resources in Healthcare, fourth edition edited by Bruce J. Fried and Myron Fottler for Chicago, IL: AUPHA/Health Administration Press. White KR & Clement DG (2015) Healthcare Professionals Chapter 3 in Human Resources in Healthcare, fourth edition edited by Bruce J. Fried and Myron Fottler for Chicago, IL: AUPHA/Health Administration Press. 8 Occupational Therapy Copolillo A & Gentry T (2014) Low vision intervention: Decision-making for acquiring and integrating assistive technology. In Soderback, I., ed. International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions, 2nd ed. New York: Springer. Copolillo A (2014) Teaching/Learning Strategies for Intervention with People with Neurovisual Impairments. In. I. Söderback (Ed.), International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Intervention (2nd ed). New York: Springer. Lane SJ & Reynolds S (2014) Sensory Modulation. In Paris, B. & Murray Slutsky, C. (Eds.) Exploring the Spectrum of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders – Intervention Strategies. Hammill Institute on Disabilities Publishers. Shepherd J (2014) Activities of daily living and sleep and rest. In Case-Smith, J. & O’Brien, J. (Eds.) Occupational therapy for children, 6th ed. (pp. 474-518). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Physical Therapy Williams DS (2015) Rehabilitation of Leg, Ankle, and Foot Injuries in Pathology and Intervention in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Second Edition edited by David J. Magee et al. eds. Elsevier. Williams DS (2015) Orthopedic Management of the Ankle, Foot and Toes in Fundamental Orthopedic Management for the PTA, 4th edition, Manske, ed. Books Health Administration Ozcan YA (2014) Health Care Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation: An Assessment using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), 2nd edition. Springer, New York, NY, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4899-7471-6. Radiation Sciences Fauber TL (2015) Radiographic Imaging and Exposure. St. Louis: Mosby/Elsevier. Johnston JN & Fauber TL (2015) Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging. St. Louis: Mosby/Elsevier. 9