ITS NEWS SUMMER EDITION Issue #1 ITS News Summer Edition 2015 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BULLETIN FOR THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING IN THIS ISSUE: Computer Lab Summer Schedule Reduced Computer Lab Availability July and August The new academic calendar’s semesters (with diminished breaks between sessions) has reduced availability to perform necessary system maintenance. The opportunity to configure computer labs for the oncoming semester (adding new software packages, upgrading software, etc.) is diminished due to classes being scheduled for longer time frames. To adjust for this, one or more engineering computers labs during the months of July and August will periodically be removed from service to address necessary updates. Faculty and staff should anticipate lab outages during the months of July and August for this reason. Have NEW Software for Engineering Computer Labs? If additional software is required for inclusion on engineering lab systems for the fall 2015 semester, contact COEN IT Services department with the request (and software) by: July 10th Once classes are in session it is extremely difficult to perform computer lab updates, as rooms are heavily scheduled. IT Staff Availability Changes in August Page 2 SolidWorks, Labview, Mathematica and Matlab are just a few of the applications already on the list for inclusion and updating for fall. List of Available Software See the software currently in engineering computer labs online: Windows & Linux Computer Labs Available Lab Resources Page 3 ITS NEWS SUMMER EDITION | Issue # 1 In August all COEN IT Staff will be focused on computer lab upgrades and critical system outages, only. During this time there will be limited availability of IT staff. Once computer lab maintenance is completed, normal operations will resume. 2 IMPORTANT DATES 7/10: last day to submit changes for computer labs 8/17 – 8/21: COEN Computer Labs Closed for Maintenance 8/16: last day of summer classes 8/18: summer session grades due 8/17: faculty back for fall 8/24: fall session begins Software Purchasing When purchasing any software for use on a desktop or server, send the request to COEN IT Services for processing (rather than order on your own). Although there’s no requirement for software purchasing to go through COEN IT, doing so will ensure the request is tracked should additional information or assistance be needed. University-level requirements affect purchase time-frames on some software packages, possibly requiring additional review by other organizations at the University: The SARB Committee reviews software purchases over $1,999.00 The Legal department reviews software end-user agreements (and may require changes) Either review may delay the purchasing process, so it’s good to get IT involved to record, track and document the item in case delays need to be addressed. ITS NEWS SUMMER EDITION | Issue # 1 3 MORE INFORMATION ABOUT LABS mputer_labs/ Windows & Linux Computer Lab Resources There are several computer labs in the Engineering complex available for students and faculty. A computer lab is a resource with multiple computers (rooms with only a lectern and console machines are considered classrooms). Matlab for Home Use Battery Mascot? The image above is of a Macbook Pro battery that opened up on its own, exposing dangerous materials inside. FAST MALWARE FACTS 20% *Percent of all the malware that’s ever existed up to 2012 was created that year, then equivalent to 82,000 daily threats Starting summer 2015, Matlab will be available to faculty, staff, or students for installation on personal computers. More information will be announced (at a later date) regarding software distribution. Department-specific computer labs: ERB 3100 (CE) ENGR 239 (ECE) ENGR 336 Mechatronics (MBE) ENGR 337 (ECE) Metageek 213& 214 (CS) ENGR 111 Tutoring Center (CS) Open to all engineering students: ENGR 212 – 35 PCs ENGR 215 – 12 PCs ENGR 238 – 32 PCs MEC103 – 28 PCs VLAB - 20 PCs during the day (50 available after hours) Microsoft DreamSpark and VMWare Academic Program (VMAP): Legit Subscriptions (not Phishing!) Engineering faculty, staff, and students are enrolled in two separate (and distinct) software programs: ITS NEWS SUMMER EDITION | Issue # 1 4 SAMPLE Microsoft’s DreamSpark VMWare’s Academic Program (VMAP) OF LEGITIMATE DREAMSPARK NOTIFICATION It is always prudent to question and/or delete messages you suspect are SPAM or phishing attempts. Membership provides free access to Microsoft software (with the exception of Office applications) and VMWare virtualization software (VMWare Workstation – Windows, Fusion – Apple OSX). It’s OK if you delete your account notification from DreamSpark or VMAP—we can reset your account again, too. Program members may download and install software on personal computers. Email invitations sent from DreamSpark (administered by Kivuto) and VMAP distribution stores are legitimate (not phishing schemes). During the fall, registration with the DreamSpark and VMAP programs can take up to two weeks after the semester starts, as current student enrollment files must be imported into the system to deliver automated notifications. Notifications will be sent from a site/domain called “On the Hub” (the service provider for both programs): New Systems in the ENGR 215 Lab (arriving fall 2015) Coming this fall, the five-year old desktops in the ENGR 215 lab will be upgraded to HP All-in-One (21 inch) computers configured with these specifications: These systems will take up less table space as the monitor and CPU are combined into one unit (also easier to transport on the wheeled tables). They are more physically secure against theft than tablets, since they’re not portable devices. NEED TO CONTACT COEN IT? Sending an email to automatically generates a help ticket The screens will be ideal for eventual migration to Windows 8.1 or 10 (slated for 2016). Newer Windows operating systems have touchscreen functionality features currently not available in Windows v7. • • • • • • i5 Processor 8GB of RAM 256GB solid state drives Wireless network access Touchscreens Washable keyboard/mouse ENGR 215 Lab ITS NEWS SUMMER EDITION | Issue # 1 5 Personal Computer Support Supporting computers personally owned by faculty, staff or students (“home” systems) is tricky for the College of Engineering’s Information Technology Services staff, because home systems aren’t attached to the college or University support umbrella. If hardware fails or is damaged during a consultation, we’re technically responsible for fixing it once the case is opened (but cannot use University funds to replace components). Doing so could also void the warranty on new systems that are still actively under coverage. Some licensed software packages are not allowed to be installed on a personal system. Each vendor has a different position on whether it is considered appropriate or legal to install their software on a personal machine, which is specified in their software agreements (or EULA) which users must agree to upon installation of the package. Some vendors, like Wolfram (Mathematica) and Mathworks (Matlab) historically would not allow for home installation, but later changed their end-user agreements allowing for it. Personal PCs may also be configured with a “Home” version of Windows 7 or 8.1, which has different functionality than the Enterprise version running on University equipment. Some software packages are not compatible with “Home” operating system permutations, resulting in poor overall application performance or errors. Once an IT staffer has made a configuration change to a computer, it’s also difficult to ever get out of the loop on supporting that system. It’s a situation that over time can become very time consuming. That’s why the IT staff group for Engineering provides limited support services on home machines—there are simply not enough resources available to include them while supporting all of the systems running in the computer labs, scientific labs, and administrative departments. Our focus is to keep the engineering systems up and running, but that means home machines are outside of the scope of what we can effectively manage. We can make recommendations about how to solve problems, however. If you still need hands-on assistance for a personal home system, OIT (Office of Information Technology) provides technical support for faculty, students and staff on personal machines at their SUB and ILC “Zone” locations. Hardware Support Each internal computer component can represent a different point of failure. Unshakeable Focus on Engineering Computer Lab Support Engineering IT staff supports several computer labs and engineering systems, such as the CS Tutoring Center, shown above ITS NEWS SUMMER EDITION | Issue # 1 6 Back Up Your PC’s Data! Local hard drive files (computer’s c:\\ location) are not automatically backed up. Important documents should be saved to a COEN network server (L: U: or W: drive are backed up nightly), Adobe Acrobat DC is HERE – Replaces version XI (and in the ‘cloud’): GoogleDocs (unlimited space), Dropbox, thumb/flash or external backup drive to protect your data (even if your system crashes). Remember to back up routinely and often (old backups won’t include the latest updates to files &documents). The Bronco Wireless network will be replaced by Eduroam this May: dbye-bronco-wireless-hello-eduroam/ Important Symantec Antivirus Notice: In January 2015 version 11 of the Symantec Antivirus software client was retired (‘end of life’), which means there are no new definition updates providing protection. If you’re running v11, contact us for an upgrade to keep your machine safe. ITS NEWS SUMMER EDITION | Issue # 1 7 ITS News Summer Edition Articles &Newsletter by M. Moore 1910 University Drive Boise, Idaho 83725