Procedures to Govern the Process of Selecting a New Chair Department of Mathematics Adopted April 1998 Amended April 2000 For the purposes of this document, "faculty member" or "department member" or "department faculty" shall include any person holding the rank of full-time Senior Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Visiting and Emeritus members are not eligible to participate in this process. On an election by election basis and by a majority vote, the faculty may decide to include instructors (half- or full-time) to participate in the process of selecting a chair. 1. During the semester immediately preceding the conclusion of the existing chair's appointment, the chair shall circulate the document "Roles and Responsibilities of Department Chairs" (Laws of the Regents, Appendix B, October 1990) to all department members. 2. The existing chair shall issue a call for nominations for individuals to be considered as candidates for the next department chair. This call for nominations will be in written form, and will go out to all members of the department. Any faculty member is eligible for nomination. Self-nominations are permitted. 3. If the existing chair has not been nominated or is not willing to serve another term, then the existing chair shall determine each nominee's willingness to serve. If the existing chair has been nominated and is willing to serve as chair for another term, then the department will select by majority vote a non-nominated member to act as chair selection coordinator. The chair selection coordinator will then determine each nominee's willingness to serve. 4. A ballot of candidates, consisting of all those nominees who are willing to serve as department chair, shall be distributed to all department members. 5. If there are no nominees who are willing to serve, then a department meeting shall be held to determine an appropriate course of action. 6. Prior to the department vote, candidates will have the opportunity to discuss their candidacies at a department meeting or through a position paper, if they so choose. 7. Voting shall be by a secret ballot. An election period shall be defined in such a way as to give all faculty members sufficient opportunity to vote. 8. It is the responsibility of all department faculty to vote in this election. The department secretary shall maintain a list of those faculty who have voted. 9. At the close of the established election period, the ballots shall be counted by the existing chair (if he/she is not standing for reappointment) or the chair selection coordinator (in the alternative case) , together with the department secretary. 10. The following procedures shall be followed in order to determine the winner of the election. (1) If there is only one candidate, the election will be held as a Vote of Confirmation. The ballot will read: __ I support the nomination of candidate XXX. __ I do not support the nomination of candidate XXX. If a majority of the votes cast are in support of the nomination, then the candidate shall be declared the department's nominee for the chairmanship. If a majority of the votes cast do not support the candidate, then a department meeting shall be held to determine an appropriate course of action. (2) Ifthere are two candidates, then the candidate receiving the majority of the votes cast shall be declared the department's nominee. In case of a tie, there will be another round of balloting with the same two candidates' names appearing on the ballot. If this second round of balloting again results in a tie vote, then both candidates' names will go to the Dean of the College. The Dean will select the nOInlnee. (3) If there are three or more candidates, then any candidate who receives at least half of the votes cast shall be declared the department's nominee. Ifno candidate receives at least half of the votes cast, then a ballot containing the top two candidates from the first election shall be distributed, and an election will be conducted as described in paragraph (2). 11. The name of the department nominee, along with all election results, shall be forwarded to the Dean of the College . . ,.'