96 Meet the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Meet the Department of Chemistry
& Biochemistry
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Message From the Chair,
Dr. David Anderson
“The faculty and staff of the Department of
Chemistry and Biochemistry are pleased to
share with you our commitment to your success
at UCCS. We strongly believe in providing a
positive educational experience for our
students. As stated in our campus Core Values,
"We will seek the development of a multicultural
campus environment in which each person
contributes unique talents to make the
university a better place and, in turn, is fully
valued and supported.” Our goal is to recruit
and foster a diverse population to pursue
careers in chemistry-based sciences, including
chemistry and biochemistry research, medicine,
medical research, dentistry, pharmaceuticals,
and teaching, to name a few.”
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Mission Statement
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The faculty and staff of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry want you to succeed here and
after you leave us. Working together, we continue to ensure the best preparation possible for our
students. UCCS is not for us; it is for you, the student. We are here Action
to help in any way possible.
The department will provide exceptional opportunities for students to learn chemistry and biochemistry in
lecture, laboratory, and research experiences. Students participating in our programs will master content and
build critical thinking and communication skills to prepare them for careers as scientists, educators, health
professionals, and scientifically literate citizens. We strongly encourage, promote, and support diversity and
welcome the opportunity to build an educational foundation that reflects the image of our diverse society. We
are committed to providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills to advance in a chemistry-based
career. Our faculty open-door office policy is always in effect, and providing a top-notch, quality education is
our priority.
Ronald Ruminski, Professor
Professor Ron Ruminski earned a Ph.D. in
Chemistry from the University of New Mexico.
He received post doctoral experience at the
University of Toronto and Clemson University
in the areas of photochemistry and inorganic
syntheses. Since coming to UCCS, his work
has centered around the synthesis and
characterization of transition metal complexes
with nitrogen heterocyclic ligands possessing
photophysical properties advantageous in
diverse applications including renewable
energy resources and photodynamic therapy.
Allen Schoffstall, Professor of Organic
The Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s
degree program in Chemistry offers
highly qualified UCCS chemistry and
biochemistry majors the opportunity to
pursue the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor
of Science in Chemistry or Biochemistry
and the Master of Sciences in Chemistry
David Anderson, Associate Professor
and Chair
David Anderson grew up in a suburb of Saint
Paul, and earned his bachelor’s degree from
the University of Minnesota. He moved to
Boulder for his doctoral degree, and, after
temporary teaching stints at CU Boulder and
the School of Mines, he joined the Chemistry
Department at UCCS in 1984. He is now chair
of the Department, Senior Faculty Associate to
Information Technology, and Director of the
Faculty Resource Center. In addition to
teaching general chemistry and organic
chemistry, his scholarly focus has been on
incorporating technology into teaching and
Allen Schoffstall arrived at UCCS, then named
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Center, in the fall of 1967. Schoffstall grew up
in Philadelphia, attended college and graduate
school on the east coast and did a post-doc at
the University of Illinois before being attracted
to Colorado. The early years were a struggle
as the young Colorado Springs campus sought
recognition in the community and state.
Schoffstall has seen the development and
maturation of UCCS over the years, and is a
proud promoter of the campus.
David J. Weiss, Associate Professor
David Weiss is from southern California and
earned a B.S. in Chemistry at the University of
California, Riverside. Research as an
undergraduate sparked his interest in analytical
chemistry, and he has published a number of
articles with undergraduates in his own lab
here at UCCS. His graduate and post-doctoral
research focused on bioanalytical chemistry at
the University of Kansas. Following a visiting
professorship at Bucknell University, he joined
the faculty at UCCS in 2001. His research
centers on developing techniques for clinical
analysis of neurotransmitters and other small
molecules in physiological solutions such as
urine and serum.
Jarred Bultema, Assistant Professor of
Jarred Bultema, grew up in Colorado Springs
and was initially hired at UCCS as an
undergraduate summer research student.
After obtaining a B.S. from Calvin College and
a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Colorado State
University, Jarred pursued a post-doctoral
fellowship in Immunology at the Karolinska
Institute in Stockholm. Jarred joined the UCCS
faculty in the fall of 2014, and has since
developed an active research group focused
on the bioengineering of exosomes (a type of
biological nanoparticle) as a vaccine and
therapy for cancer, allergies, and
Renee Henry, Assistant Professor
Dr. Renee Henry’s research area is
bioinorganic chemistry. She graduated from
UCCS with a B.A. in Chemistry with a
biochemistry emphasis in 1998. After
completing one year of the master’s program at
UCCS, she moved to Boulder and finished her
doctoral degree in inorganic chemistry in 2005.
After that, Dr. Henry did a 2-year research post
-doc at UC Irvine followed by a 1-year teaching
post-doc at CSU-Pueblo. She then happily
landed at UCCS in 2008.
Janel Owens, Assistant Professor
Janel Owens completed her undergraduate
degree at Southwestern University (Texas) and
Ph.D. at UC Davis. She went on to do a
post-doc at the Forensic Science Center at
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Janel has been at UCCS since 2009 and her
research program focuses on the development
of analytical methods to measure trace
chemicals in complex samples. She teaches
courses in applied analytical chemistry
(environmental chemistry, forensic chemistry,
and mass spectrometry). She is a certified
whiskey chemist with the federal Alcohol and
Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.
Kevin Tvrdy, Assistant Professor
Kevin Tvrdy grew up in a small town in eastern
Nebraska and attended the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln for his bachelor’s degree and
the University of Notre Dame for his Ph.D.
After that, it was on to a post-doc at MIT. Kevin
joined the faculty at UCCS in the fall of 2013
where his research team focuses on the
synthesis, characterization, and
implementation of nanoscale materials,
particularly quantum dots and single walled
carbon nanotubes. Kevin teaches the
physical chemistry series of lectures and
laboratories within the Department, along with
courses on nanotechnology and the
intersection of science and business/policy.
Megan Carter, Visiting Assistant
Megan Carter, completed her doctoral degree
at Colorado State University, and received a
post-doctoral fellowship from Stockholm
University, studying the molecular structure of
enzymes important in oxidatively damaged
nucleotide hydrolysis. Megan is currently
teaching the Biochemistry of Drugs and
Membrane Structure and Function lecture
Cindy Applegate, Senior Instructor
Cindy Applegate grew up as an Air Force brat,
living in eight different places before attending
high school and college in Oklahoma. She
obtained her undergraduate degree from
Oklahoma State University and then earned a
master’s degree from the University of
Oklahoma. Mrs. Applegate currently teaches
the introductory chemistry courses geared
towards nursing majors.
Wendy Haggren, Senior Instructor
Wendy Haggren began her college career in
the arts. Following work as a plant taxonomist
and botanical illustrator, she discovered
population genetics, which inspired her to
complete a doctoral degree in molecular
biology at the University of Texas Health
Sciences Center in San Antonio. Wendy began
teaching in the Biology Department at UCCS in
the fall of 2004, and then joined the Chemistry
and Biochemistry faculty in the spring of 2013.
She works with students to conduct research in
bacterial production of signaling molecules and
biofilms, as well as engineering yeast to ferment various types of biomass into ethanol for
Carlos Diaz, Instructor
Gordon C. Kresheck, Adjoint Professor Carlos is originally from Venezuela, where he
Dr. Gordon C. Kresheck received his Ph.D.
degree from The Ohio State University (1961)
and conducted post-graduate work in the
Department of Biochemistry at the Nobel
Medical Institute in Stockholm. He pursued
further post-docs at the Physical Chemistry
Division of the Proctor & Gamble and the
Department of Chemistry at Cornell University,
prior to joining Northern Illinois University
(1963-97). Gordon’s research specialty is the
application of solution calorimetry to problems
of biochemical interests.
obtained his B.A. in Chemistry at the Central
University of Venezuela. After finishing his
Ph.D. at the University of Central Florida, he
joined the UCCS Chemistry Department as a
full time instructor. His previous research
interests were on the theoretical-experimental
study of the two-photon circular dichroism of
compounds with axial and helical chirality.
Apart from teaching chemistry. Carlos is an
enthusiast classical guitar player.
Jerry Phillips, Attendant Professor
Kristi Follett grew up near Colorado Springs
and earned her undergraduate and master’s
degrees from UCCS. She has been involved
in many projects that bring innovative teaching
strategies and community partnerships to
engage K-12 learners in the application of
science to the real world. Kristi is currently
teaching intro to chemistry and biochemistry
courses geared toward nursing and health
sciences majors.
Kristi Follett, Instructor
Jerry Phillips earned a Ph.D. in Biochemistry
from Colorado State University. He ran a wellfunded biomedical research program for 30
years that focused on several topics, including
the effects of non-ionizing radiation (for
instance, radiation from cell phones) on living
systems. Before coming to UCCS he was a
research scientist at the Loma Linda VA
Hospital, and was on the faculty at Loma Linda
School of Medicine, the University of Texas
Brett Mayer, Instructor
Health Science Center at San Antonio, and the Brett Mayer received his undergraduate
University of Texas at San Antonio.
chemistry degree from Baylor University and
his M.S. in Chemistry and MBA in marketing
from Seton Hall University. He has over twelve
years of industrial experience in the
development and marketing of household
products for the consumer market. He is the
great-great-grandson of Dr. Julius Robert
Mayer, a pioneer in the development of the first
law of thermodynamics and one of the first
people to write about photosynthesis.
Tisha Mendiola-Jessop, Instructor
Tisha Mendiola-Jessop is a proud graduate of
UCCS, Class of 2009, and excited to be a
faculty member here! Mrs. Mendiola-Jessop,
originally from Guam, just celebrated her 20th
year in Colorado this past summer. She
completed her graduate coursework at
Colorado College, and she spent the last six
years teaching science to at-risk youth in the
Colorado Springs area. She is honored to be a
part of this campus that celebrates diversity,
supports our veterans and active duty military,
and focuses on academic and career readiness beyond the undergraduate experience.
Keith Oppenheim, Instructor
Keith Oppenheim has a bachelor’s degree in
chemistry from Missouri Southern State
University and a doctoral degree in physical
chemistry from Syracuse University. Keith
joined the faculty at UCCS in 2013 to oversee
the general chemistry laboratories. Most
recently, Keith has become an Alcohol and
Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau certified
whiskey chemist and is working on developing
new ways to test whiskey and other beverages
for antioxidant properties.
Laura Zimmerman, Instructor
Laura Zimmerman has been an instructor of
analytical and general chemistry at UCCS
since 2012. Laura grew up in Golden,
Colorado, and earned her bachelor’s degree
from Colorado College and her doctorate from
the University of Michigan. After several long
Midwestern winters, she was thrilled to have
the opportunity to move home and teach here.
Her research interests include bioanalytical
assays for DNA and peptides. Additionally,
Laura is passionate about science outreach,
and encouraging and fostering interest in
Tish Fleener, Program Assistant I
Tish Fleener earned a B.A. degree in
Government at Smith College in MA and
continued her education by completing a
paralegal certificate with Denver Paralegal
Institute. After working in the El Paso county
court system and private industry in Boston,
MA, Tish accepted this position with the
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at
UCCS. She provides administrative support
and manages the department’s areas of
student and lecturer employment and payroll,
grants, M.S. and B.S./M.S. programs, the
budget, procurement, office equipment
maintenance and the department’s front desk.
Undergraduate & Graduate Degree Options
B.S. in Chemistry
B.A. in Chemistry
General Option
B.A. in Chemistry
Secondary Education
The ACS accredited
B.S. in Chemistry is
designed for students
wishing to pursue
careers as
professional chemists
or attend graduate
schools in a chemical
The B.A. in Chemistry
with the general
option is designed for
students who wish to
major in chemistry,
but is limited to fewer
credit hours in
chemistry, physics,
and mathematics.
The B.A. in
education option is
designed for
students wishing to
be high school
chemistry teachers.
B.S. in Biochemistry
B.A. in Biochemistry
General Option
B.A. in Biochemistry
Secondary Education
The B.A. in
Biochemistry with the
general option is
designed for students
who wish to major in
biochemistry, but is
limited to fewer credit
hours in chemistry
than the B.S. in
The B.S. in
Biochemistry is
designed for students
wishing to pursue
careers as
biochemists or attend
graduate schools in
The B. A. in
secondary education
option is designed for
students wishing to
be high school
chemistry teachers.
Minor in Chemistry
Minor in
A student may
complete a minor in
chemistry by
finishing the
coursework found at
the Department of
Chemistry &
A student may
complete a minor in
biochemistry by
finishing the following
coursework found at
the Department of
Chemistry &
Master of Sciences in
Master of Sciences in
Accelerated B.A./
B.S.– M.Sc. Program
The Department of
Chemistry and
Biochemistry offers a
program leading to
the degree of Master
of Sciences (M.Sc.)
in Biochemistry.
The Accelerated
degree program in
Chemistry offers highly
qualified UCCS
chemistry and
biochemistry majors the
opportunity to pursue a
B.A. or B.S.in Chemistry
or Biochemistry and the
M.Sc. in Chemistry or
The Department of
Chemistry and
Biochemistry offers a
program leading to
the degree of Master
of Sciences (M.Sc.) in
Dr. David
Tish Fleener
(719) 255-3154
(719) 255-3479
CENT 241
The BA in
pre-med option has
been designed
specifically and
carefully for
students who are
interested in a
career in medicine.
B.I. in Chemistry
The B.I. in Chemistry
combines academic
studies and
professional training
to prepare students
for variety of careers
in chemical sciences.
Ph Ph
B.S. in Biochemistry
General Information: (719) 255-3479 | Location: CENT 241
Chair / Associate Professor: Dr. David Anderson | Phone: (719) 255-3154 | danderso@uccs.edu
Program Assistant: Tish Fleener | Phone: (719) 255-3479 | tfleener@uccs.edu