Hadron Production from e+e-Collisions around the Z0 Mass by Yuan-Hann Chang B.S. (physics), Taiwan University (1983) Submitted to the Department of Physics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology June, 1990 3 Massachusetts Signature of Author Certified by Institute of Technology 1990 Signature redacted 6-I/ Department of Pfysics April 6, 1990 Signature redacted Saruel C. C. Ting Thomas Dudley Cabot Institute Professor of Physics Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Accepted by George F. Koster Ch airman, Departmental Graduate Committee Department of Physics NASSACHUSETTS INST.i'TE OF TECHNOLOGY JUN 2 8 1990 URARiW ARCHIVES Room 14-0551 M ITLibraries Document Services 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: docs@mit.edu http://Iibraries.mit.edu/docs DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. The images contained in this document are of the best quality available. HADRON PRODUCTION FROM e+e-COLLISIONS AROUND THE Z' MASS by Yuan-Hann Chang Submitted to the Department of Physics on April 10, 1990 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics ABSTRACT The properties of the Z' particle are studied with hadronic events taken by the L3 detector at LEP. 14,352 events at ten different center of mass energies are used to calculate the hadronic cross section. From a fit to the Z0 resonance line shape, the Z0 mass, total width, and the hadronic cross section are measured to be Mz = 91.14 0.025(experiment) 0.030(LEP) GeV, I7z = 2.529 0.053 GeV and Ch(Mz) = 29.5 0.7nb. rinvisible is also fitted to be 0.548 0.029GeV, corresponds to 3.30 0.18 species of light neutrinos. The possibility of four or more neutrino flavors is ruled out at 4a confidence level. The production of b-hadrons is studied through their semi-leptonic decay. A sample of 80% b-event purity is selected. With this sample, the partial width of Zo -- bb decay is measured to be 356.8 50MeV. The charge asymmetry at Zo peak is measured to be 18.8 13.9%. Thesis Supervisor: Samuel C. C. Ting Title: Thomas Dudley Cabot Institute Professor of Physics 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My interest in experimental physics started when I met Professor Samuel C. C. Ting for the first time six years ago. Since then, his view of physics and method of performing experiments deeply influenced my study of physics. His outstanding leadership and his rigorous scientific requirements made the construction of L3 possible. I would like to express my highest respect and thanks to him, and hope I have learned at least some of his knowledge. I have very much enjoyed working in the L3 collaboration. I would like to thank all the members of this outstanding group. I thank Professor Ulrich Becker, from whom I have learned how an experiment is actually done. His deep understanding of physics and broad knowledge of instrumentation are the key factors to the success of the L3 Muon Chambers, on which I have been working as a graduate student. I especially appreciate his ability to think of everything in terms of fundamental physics laws, even when fixing a broken car. Many thanks to Dr. D. Antreasyan, Dr. B. Wyslouch and Prof. G. Herten. I learned from them about the practical work in an experiment. They also guided me in data analysis, on which this thesis work is based. Working with Dr. J. Burger has been a most pleasant experience. He showed me how important patience and complete devotion are for an experimentalist. His continuous attention to the detector makes the experiment run smoothly. I own him a lot of thanks. During the construction of the Muon chambers, I benefitted a lot from Dr. M. White, P. Berges, and I. Clare, for their excellent work in making the chambers. Through them, the meaning of "precision" was understood. I thank Professors M. Chen and J. Branson for inspiring discussions and their guidance in my analysis work. I am grateful to Professor A. Kerman and Dr. F. J. Eppling, the director and vice director of LNS of MIT, for their strong support of the L3 experiment. I also thank the L3 A&C group: Dr. S. Ting, Dr. P. Lecomte, Dr. M. Steuer and Dr. H. Rykaczewski, for effective administration of the experiment. Special thanks to T. Wenaus for his handling of the software. My study was largely simplified through his nice job of providing an efficient computing environment. I greatly enjoyed working with the L3 trigger group, under the leadership of Dr. M. Fukushima. I appreciate their achievements in the extremely difficult job of triggering and data acquisition. I wish to express my gratitude to CERN, for its hospitality and help. The excellent achievements of the LEP division of CERN have made this experiment possible, and they also deserve a special acknowledgement. I would also like to thank Ms. P. Slade, Ms. J. Hudson and Ms. G. Kogler for their administrative assistance. The help from Ms. P. Harris is especially unforgettable. Without her help, life at CERN would have been much more difficult. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family, and especially my parents, for their continuous support and encouragement. 2 Table of Contents A bstract .................................................................. 1 A cknow ledgem ents............................................................ 2 Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................... 4 Chapter 2 Theoretical Predictions ........................................ 6 2.1 The spectrum of fundamental particles ............................. 6 2.2 The Z ' line shape ................................................. 7 2.3 Partial and total decay width of Z 0 ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 10 2.4 Charge asymmetry of ZO -+ ff decay ............................. 12 Chapter 3 The Experim ent ............................................... 12 3.1 L E P ............................................................. :..12 LEP m ain ring ......................................... 3.1.1 13 LEP injection chain ....................................... 3.1.2 13 Energy resolution of LEP ................................. 3.1.3 13 L3 detector ....................................................... 3.2 14 BGO electromagnetic calorimeter ......................... 3.2.1 15 Hadron calorim eter ....................................... 3.2.2 15 M uon spectrom eter ....................................... 3.2.3 17 3.2.4 Trigger ................................................... 17 The luminosity measurement ..................................... 3.3 Chapter 4 Z 0 line shape ................................................... 4.1 The analysis m ethod ............................................. 4.2 Event selection ................................................... 4.3 Backgrounds ..................................................... 4.4 The line shape fitting ............................................. 20 20 21 23 23 Chapter 5 b-quark production ............................................ Method of identifying heavy quarks ............................... 5.1 M onte-Carlo simulation ........................................... 5.2 Event selection ................................................... 5.3 5.4 ZO -+ bb partial width ............................................ bb asym m etry .................................................... 5.5 25 25 25 26 28 31 Chapter 6 C onclusion ..................................................... 33 ............................................................... R eferences Figure C aptions.............................................................38 ............................................................... Figu res 35 3 41 Chapter 1 Introduction The Z 0 particle is one of the most interesting objects in particle physics. It is one of the gauge bosons carrying the weak force. Its mass is generated when the gauge symmetry is broken by the Higgs field. A study on the properties of the Z' can improve our understanding of the gauge symmetry and the mechanism of symmetry breaking, which are the fundamental principles underlying modern particle physics. This thesis presents some measurements on the basic parameters of the Z. The Z 0 particle was predicted, with a detailed description of its properties, in a theory of electroweak interactions by Glashow, Weinberg and Salam [1-1]. The GWS theory is a quantum field theory based on SU(2)L x U(1) gauge symmetry and spontaneous symmetry breaking (commonly known as the Higgs mechanism) [1-2]. It successfully unified the electromagnetic and weak interactions, and is supported by experimental data [1-3]. The theory predicts the existence of four vector bosons, W , Z 0 and a photon, together these particles were assumed to mediate the unified electroweak interaction. After the confirmation of the existence of W and ZO particles by UA1 and UA2 at CERN in 1984 [1-4], this theory became the "Standard Model" for high energy physics. A precise measurement of the basic parameters of Z 0 is very important because of the following reasons: (1) Knowing the mass of Z0 helps to verify the Standard Model by confirming the fundamental equation relating the masses of W and Z0 : = cos 2 W (1.1) Mz where 6 w is the weak interaction angle, which determines the extent of mixing between electromagnetic and weak interactions. The relationship between particle masses and interaction strength in this formula is an important feature of the standard model. It is a result of the spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is responsible for the masses of all the particles. Any deviation from this relationship will indicate the failure of the standard scheme for symmetry breaking. It is thus important to verify this relation by precise measuring of independently. Mz, Mw and cos2 (2) The standard model groups fundamental fermions into families, but does not predict how many families exist. Because each family contains exactly one massless neutrino, we can determine the number of particle families by counting the number of neutrino types from Z 0 decay. Although not directly detectable, every neutrino type with a mass less than half the ZO mass contributes - 166 MeV partial width to the total Z' resonance width. A precise measurement of 4 the width of Z 0 therefore gives the number of different neutrino species, hence the number of fermion families. This measurement is also sensitive to any new particle which does not interact with the detector material. (3) A "Z0 factory" is a rich resource for both new particle searches and detailed studies of known phenomena. When decaying, the Z 0 interacts with some predicted but not yet observed particles like Higgs particles and top quarks. It also interacts with most new particles predicted by theories that are enlargement of the standard model [1-5]. Since the production rates of these processes depend explicitly on the mass Mz, and sometimes the width 'z, of the Z 0 , a good knowledge of these parameters is highly desired. (4) Independent from the standard model, measurements on the weak coupling constants gv and gA are also interesting. These constants determine the relative strength of vector and axial-vector coupling of weak interactions. At the Z 0 peak, since the contribution to the total cross section from photon exchange is relatively small, the measurements of g and gv are direct and free of QED effects. In the hadronic channel, the coupling constants for b and c quarks can be measured and provide information on the weak interactions of the unobservable quarks. Comparing the weak coupling constants from the quarks to that from the leptons also provide an important test to the standard model. Even though UA1 and UA2 discovered the Z 0 particle, they were not able to fulfill these purposes. Their experiments were based on ZO's from pP collision which, due to the complicated structure of protons, is not suitable for precision measurement. The signals of hadronic decay from the ZO's produced in pP collisions are obscured by the large background hadrons. The observation of the Z 0 from pP collisions is therefore limited to leptonic decay channels, which comprise only 10% of the produced Z 0 . The energy carried by the produced Z 0 is also not equal to the beam energy, which is known with good precision, and has to be measured less precisely by the detector. Compared to pP collisions, e+e-collisions have the advantages of a simple and well understood initial state, a clean final state and a high ZO production rate at the resonance peak. Hadronic Z0 decays become accessible in e+e-collisions and they provide high statistic measurements on certain parameters. Currently, two e+e-facilities have been constructed: SLC at SLAC and LEP at CERN. The former is a linear collider and the latter a storage ring. During 1989, both SLC and LEP succeeded producing ZO's for physics study. This thesis work is based on the Z 0 events taken by the L3 detector at LEP, concentrating on hadronic decays of Z 0 around its resonance. The ZO mass and width will be determined by line shape fitting. The number of neutrino types will be derived from the width measurement. The partial width and charge asymmetry of Z 0 -+ bb decay will be measured through the leptonic decay of b-quarks. 5 Chapter 2 The theoretical predictions At center of mass energies near the Z 0 mass, the process e+e- -+ hadrons can be separated into several steps. First, e+e-annihilate into a Z 0 , which decays with a 70% probability to a quark-antiquark pair. This step is purely electroweak and the cross section can be precisely predicted by perturbative expansion of the electroweak theory. The quarks produced in Z0 decay can sometimes radiate photons or gluons. Photon radiation is well understood through QED (quantum electrodynamics) [2-1], and the gluon radiation can be estimated by perturbative QCD (quantum chromodynamics) [2-2]. We do not observe directly the partons, because the strong interaction does not allow them to exist except in a bound state. Partons has to go through a fragmentation process in order to produce hadrons which are observed by particle detectors. The fragmentation is a non-perturbative strong interaction process, about which our knowledge is limited. An important feature of the hadron production in high energy e+e-collisions is that parton production and fragmentation can be treated independently. This is a result of the "asymptotic freedom" [2-3] of strong interaction, which states that at very small distances, the strength of the strong interaction is reduced such that perturbative predictions are possible. At energies around the Z0 mass, parton production happens at a length scale much smaller than that of non-perturbative strong interactions. The strong interactions at that stage can therefore be treated with perturbation methods similar to the electroweak interaction. The fragmentation process happens at larger distance by which time the partons have already been created, therefore does not interfere with parton production. Based on this, we adopt the following view: The hadronic total cross section is determined only by the production rate of partons, which is well understood through the electroweak theory and perturbative QCD. The fragmentation, although poorly understood, does not affect an inclusive measurement of the total cross section. we assume also that the properties of the strong interaction are unchanged at the energy scale of the Z0 mass and hence low energy measurements can be extended to model the fragmentation process. In this chapter, a brief description of the ZO line shape based on parton level calculation is presented. We ignore the fragmentation process and rely on the Monte-Carlo simulation to handle it. 2.1 The spectrum of fundamental particles Presently three families of fermions are known. Each family consists of one electron-like lepton, one neutrino, one up-type quark and one down-type quark. The top (up-type) quark and the r-neutrino of the third family have not been experimentally observed. Table 2.1 lists the particles and some of their quantum numbers. In addition to the fermions, there are also vector bosons which mediate the interactions. Table 2.2 lists these particles and their quantum numbers. The graviton (G) is not well established theoretically and has not been confirmed by experiment. The standard model also includes a neutral scalar boson, the Higgs particle. It 6 comes from the spontaneous symmetry breaking and is responsible for the mass of all the massive particles. Higgs particle has not been observed experimentally. Flavor spin charge u,c,t (up-type quarks) 1/2 2/3 d,s,b (down-type quarks) Ve,,Vp,. (neutrinos) e,p,r (charged leptons) 1/2 1/2 1/2 -1/3 0 -1 I 13 color 1/2 0 triplet -1/2 1/2 -1/2 0 0 0 triplet singlet singlet Table 2.1 The fermions and their quantum numbers. IL and Ik are the third component of weak isospin for left and right handed particles respectively. spin 1 1 1 1 2 Z0 (weak boson) W+ (weak boson) -y (photon) gi (i = 1... 8 gluons) G (graviton) Table 2.2 charge 0 1 0 0 0 color singlet singlet singlet octet singlet The Bosons and their quantum numbers. The Z 0 line shape To the lowest order of perturbative expansion, the total cross section of e+e- _ where f indicates any fermion, is 2.2 2 o0 = sNcD(s) [ 12 reerff + MZ2Nc If I(s MZ) - + ff, S 47rQ a 2Nc 3s (2.1) where s =EM D(s) = ree, 1 s - mz2 + imzrz = Z* propagator, rff = partial width of e and f, Nc = color factor = 1 for lepton and 3 for quarks, Qf = charge of fermion f, and I is a constant which determines the interference between photon and Z 0 propagation. The standard model gives: = 27ra 2 2 sin9W cos 2 9 si2o2 Qe Qf [ggf +gegf +gegf +g g9] with gIf = j - Q sin29W g 2 = -Qf sin o 7 . where Qf is the charge of the fermion and I' is the third component of weak isospin for left handed fermion f, the values can be found in Table. 2.1. The three terms in (2.1) are contributions from Z0 exchange, interference and y exchange, respectively. The corresponding Feynman diagrams are displayed in Fig. 2.1 The total hadronic cross section is the sum of contributions from different quarks: Or c+ =h 1 uu~d~s~ (2.2) Oro At center of mass energy around the Z 0 mass, equation (2.1) gives a BreitWigner form due to Z 0 resonance, as the photon exchange and interference terms are comparatively small. However, it is not enough to include only the lowest order expansion at this energy scale, the higher order corrections can contribute as much as 25% to the total cross section. In estimating the contribution from higher order terms, two categories of corrections are treated separately [2-4]: (A) Corrections not from initial state radiation: including photon loops, fermion loops, box diagrams and QCD corrections. The net effect can be summarized as: (1) A redefinition of Jr to account for final state radiation, final state QCD corrections and vertex corrections. Details will be presented in section ( 2.2). (2) Use an energy dependent total width in the propagator, i.e., D(s) = s - 1 M2 + iMz z x (s/M ) (2.3) (3) Use an energy dependant coupling constant, a(s). At ZO mass, a(Mk) is about 1/128. Items (2) and (3) are mainly from loop corrections to the ZO propagator and higher order -y - Z' mixing. Including all these effects, we obtain a line shape function the peak position by about 35 MeV from that of oro. 7nr(S), which shifts (B) Radiative corrections: Initial state photon bremsstralung is by far the largest correction to the total cross section, due to the large deceleration of e+e-before collision. The net effect of the radiation is to reduce the available energy for Z' creation, hence shift the production probability to a value corresponding to lower energy. It is therefore proper to treat this correction by convoluting the cross section without radiative corrections, 0 nr, with the probability of bremsstralung radiation: a(s) = dzon,(zs)G(z) 8 (2.4) where z = the ratio of the invariant energy left after radiation G(z) = the probability of radiating photons. The form of G(z) is complicated. We have used an exponential approximation of the leading log corrections to all orders, plus other terms from the lowest orders. The importance of including the correction to all orders can be realized by the fact that radiative correction results in a 26% reduction in the total cross section at Z' peak, and about 120 MeV shift of the peak position. Detailed form of G(z) can be found in reference [2-4]. 2.3 Partial and total decay width of the Z0 As mentioned in the Introduction, the ZO can decay into any fermion antifermion pair if the fermion mass is less than half of its mass. To the lowest order the partial width of each fermion flavor is: = N~~[(g,) + (g[) 2 ](25 where G= Fermi's weak coupling constant measured from muon decay. and the standard model gives g= 'Lf - 2Qf sin2 (2.6) f = 13f they are the vector and axial-vector coupling constant of weak interactions, respectively. Important higher order corrections include radiation and loops of photons or gluons and vertex corrections [2-5]. Using the measured value of G,, the loop corrections are largely absorbed. The remaining corrections can be taken care of by: (1) Multiply the QED correction (1+ 6QED), and the QCD corrections (1+ 6QcD) in the case of quark final states. Where 6QED = 3aQ2 = 0.0017 x Q(. 47r ff(2.7) 6QCD = a,/3 + O(a2) 0.02[2-6]. Ina. is estimated based on low energy measurement to be 0.12 0.007. This cluding higher order correction, 6QCD is estimated to be 0.040 correction comes from photon and gluon radiation. 9 (2) Replace sin2 by s2, where -2 sin2 w + Cos2o bp (2.8) 3Gm2 87r2v/g . This correction comes mainly from top quark loops coupled with Z 0 Table 2.3 presents estimated partial widths according to the standard model, assuming Mz = 91.14GeV, mt,, = 100GeV, mH = 100GeV and a, = 0.12. The variation due to different top quark mass and Higgs mass is less than 10MeV for 60 < mt,, < 200GeV and 10 < mH < 1000GeV. Peel 83.4 r., 166.2 Puul PddI 381.4 295.8 Ph 1734.4 bbl 378.5 ff Table 2.3 The expected partial width of Z 0 -+ decay in MeV. The total Z 0 width can be expressed as: r = NP, + 3Pee + 3Pdj+ 2ua (2.9) where we have included every known fermions and have assumed universality between fermion families. With the same assumptions as above, (2.7) gives Pz = 2.483GeV for three neutrino species. The number of light neutrino species can be measured by solving (2.9): Nv = Pinvisible/i 3 = (P - 3ree - Charge asymmetry of Z' -+ 2.4 (. rd; - 2Pru)/(2 ff decay The charge asymmetry is defined by: Aff =7f =9cf (2.11) - + ab where of = Cross section with the fermion being scattered to the forward region. Ob = Cross section with the fermion being scattered to the backward region. On the Z 0 peak, the charge asymmetry for e+- -+ ff is predicted by the standard model to be:3 AJ f(Mzo) = 10 AeAf (2.12) where 2gf Af =~(g)2 + f f (g a)2 (2.13) The most important higher order corrections are initial state radiations. They can be treated by convoluting the uncorrected differential cross sections with the probability function of bremsstralung radiation. Numerically, we find Abb = 10.8% for Mz = 91.14GeV. B0 - f 0 mixing changes the charges of b-quarks in B0 mesons, results in an opposite charge asymmetry for these events. The net effect is a reduction of the measured asymmetry. Assuming the average ratio of charge-flipping mixing to be X, the measured asymmetry becomes (1 - 2X)Abb. Using the experimentally measured value of = 0.12 0.06 [2-7], the expected asymmetry is then 8.2%. 11 Chapter 3 The experiment The experiment is performed by the L3 detector at the LEP e+e-storage ring. In this chapter, the structure and functioning of LEP and L3 are briefly described. LEP 3.1 LEP main ring 3.1.1 LEP (Large Electron Positron collider) is a storage ring designed to store and accelerate electrons and positrons up to 100GeV energy. It is built by CERN at the border of France and Swiss. The LEP tunnel is 26.7 km in circumference, 3.8 m bore and 50 to 70 meters underground. Fig. 3.1 shows the layout of LEP. Some LEP parameters are listed in table 3.1 [3-1]. Table 3.1 Main LEP parameters (phase 1) Circumference (including sagitta in dipoles) Average radius Bending radius in the Dipoles Field in dipole magnets Nominal current per beam Revolution Time Accelerating Frequency Injection Energy Number of bunches per beam Number of interaction points Horizontal betatron wave number Vertical betatron wave number Number of RF cavities Synchrotron radiation power Accelerating Gradient Nominal luminosity 26658.883 m 4242.893 m 3096.175 m 0.06T 3 mA 88.9245 ps 352.2 MHz 20 GeV 4 4 70.44 78.37 128 1.6 MW 1.47 MV/m 1.7 x 10 3 1 cm 2 s' LEP has 3400 bending magnets, with maximal bending field 0.13 tesla. This low field allows an unusual steel-concrete mixed core, in which the 1.5mm thick steel laminations are spaced by 5.5 mm thick concrete filling. This design saves the construction cost and improves the mechanical rigidity. In addition, LEP has 760 quadrupole and 512 sextupoles. Except for the mini-beta quadrupole, all the magnets are made of conventional (non-superconducting) materials. Due to synchrotron radiations, 50 GeV electrons lose 120 MeV of energy every turn. To compensate for this loss, 128 RF cavity units are used to accelerate the beams. Each cavity has 5 slot-coupled cells. Each group of 16 cavities are powered by 2 coupled Klystrons of 1 MW output each. To lower the energy consumption, every cavity is coupled with a spherical storage cavity with low energy dissipation. RF energy oscillates between the 2 cavities, on average spending half the time in the 12 low-loss storage, and thus maintains a lower average energy loss. For the second stage of LEP, superconducting cavities will be installed to achieve 100 GeV per beam. Four bunches of electrons and four bunches of positrons are stored in the vacuum beam pipe for collision. The vacuum is kept at 3 x 10-9 Torr for a proper life time. During 1989 running period, luminosity of 3 x 10 30 cm-2 s-1, with 1.2 mA current each beam, has been achieved at beam energies between 88 GeV and 94 GeV. Beam lifetime averages about about 20 hours. 3.1.2 The LEP injection chain Fig. 3.2 shows the LEP injection chain. A high intensity electron beam is created by an electron gun and accelerated to 200 MeV by the electron Linac LIL. The 200 MeV electron beam produces positrons in a tungsten converter target. The electrons for filling LEP are produced by another electron gun near the converter. The electrons and positrons are further accelerated to 600 MeV by LIL, then transmitted to EPA (the Electron-Positron Accumulator). EPA stores and accumulates the beam and transmits it to the PS (Proton Synchrotron). PS accelerates the beam to 3.5GeV and then sends the bunches to SPS (Super Proton-antiproton Synchrotron), where they are accelerated to 20 GeV and finally injected into the LEP main ring. 3.1.3 The energy resolution The absolute beam energy is measured by integration of the bending magnet field. Uncertainty in the absolute energy measured by this method is 0.1%, with a reproducibility of 2 x 10-. By injecting a 20 GeV proton beam to the LEP main ring and measuring the frequency of circulation, the absolute energy scale is calibrated to 30 MeV precision. The relative energy difference between different beam energies is precise to 10 MeV, and the energy spread within one bunch is 40 MeV [3-2]. 3.2 The L3 detector The L3 detector (Fig. 3.3 ) [3-3] is designed to measure with high precision the momentum of muons, electrons and photons. It also measures the energy flow of hadronic jets. L3 locates in a cavern 50 meters underground at LEP interaction point 2. The whole detector is installed inside a solenoid magnet which provides 5 kG uniform magnetic field. All detector components are supported by a 32 m long, 4.5 m diameter steel tube. The major detector components, from interaction points outwards, are: - A vertex chamber, which measures the track of charged particle with 40 pm precision. - 22 radiation lengths of electromagnetic calorimeter made of BGO crystals, measuring energy of electrons and photons with 1% resolution. - A layer of thirty scintillation counters for cosmic ray rejection and trigger decision. - A hadron calorimeter made of Uranium absorber plates interleaved with sampling proportional chambers. 13 - A Muon filter made of brass plates with proportional chambers. - Three layers of drift chanmbers, which measure the momentum of a 50GeV muon with 2% resolution. - A pair of luminosity monitors at small angle, consisting of planar drift chambers and BGO crystals. . The detector covers 97% of 47r solid angle for electron, photon and hadron detection, and 70% for high precision muon detection. In the following, BGO electromagnetic calorimeter, hadron calorimeter and muon chambers, which are used in this study, are described. 3.2.1 BGO electromagnetic calorimeter The electromagnetic calorimeter is designed to meet the following goals: (1) Good (- 1%) energy resolution for e and y from 5 to 50 GeV. (2) Good angular resolution for y. (3) Hadron rejection around 103 for electrons above 1 GeV. To achieve these goals, a high resolution, total absorption, fine granularity calorimeter was required. Furthermore, to leave room for a long lever arm muon detector, the available space was limited. Bismuth Germanate (BGO, Bi 4 Ge 3 012), with its short radiation length, was the best choice. Other advantages of BGO include very good intrinsic resolution (1% for E > 1 GeV) and it's high radiation hardness. The central calorimeter is made of 7680 BGO crystals, arranged in 48 rings of 160 crystals each (Fig. 3.4 ). Each crystal is a truncated pyramid pointing to the interaction point. The two end surfaces are of dimensions 2 x 2cm2 and 3 x 3cm2 The length is 24 cm, corresponding to 22 radiation lengths. Since every crystal has to point to the interaction point, the shape of the crystals varies slightly for different rings. The crystals are mounted in a carbon fiber structure which supports the weight of the crystals, fixes their positions and minimizes gaps between crystals. Since the BGO operates in a 5.1 kG magnetic field, and because of the limited space available, conventional phototubes are not used. Instead the light output of the crystals is collected by two 1.5cm 2 photodiodes. A microcomputer controlled, large dynamic range ADC is used to read the signal from each crystal, rendering 21 bits equivalent range with 10 bits resolution. The system is also used to read 1280 temperature sensors, which are used to monitor the temperature in order to maintain a stable running environment. Every crystal in the calorimeter has been calibrated within two fully equipped half barrels. Electron beams with 2, 10 and 50 GeV were employed to measure the calibration constants. The effect of different impact points and temperature variations were also measured. Cosmic muons are used in situ to monitor the calibration constants measured at the test beam. The electronic gain is further monitored by a Xenon light source distributed to each crystals by optical fibers. The overall energy resolution achieved in the test beam was 1.6% at 2GeV and 0.62% at 50GeV [3-4]. 14 The hadron calorimeter 3.2.2 The Uranium hadron calorimeter consists of a barrel and endcaps. (Fig. 3.5). The barrel covers the central region (450 < 0 < 135*) with 9 rings of 16 modules each. The endcap covers the polar region 5.5* < 9 < 450 and 1350 < 9 < 174.5* with three rings in each side of the interaction point. The barrel and endcap together make a 99.5% coverage of the 47r solid angle with a minimum of 3.5 nuclear absorption length. The barrel modules are made of depleted uranium absorber plates interspersed with wire chambers operating in proportional mode. The "long" modules in the central three rings contain 60 planes of proportional chambers and 58 uranium plates of 5mm thick. The "short" modules of the outer 6 rings have 53 planes of chambers and 51 planes of uranium absorbers. The stack of absorber/chambers is supported by four spacer bar in between two stainless steel plates, which also function as shielding from the natural radioactivity of uranium. The chamber planes are made of arrays of brass tubes with 0.3mm thick walls and inner dimensions of 5mmx10mm. The 50 pm gold-plated tungsten anode wires are crimped into gold-plated brass jacks, which in turn are fitted into plastic end pieces. To minimize the dead regions due to end structure, the chambers are operated with the anode wire at ground potential. The chamber walls are at negative high voltage. Wire plane orientations alternate layer by layer, and are either parallel or perpendicular to the beam line. Signal wires are grouped into towers for readout. The wires in each tower are connected in parallel. Signal from each tower is amplified by a preamplifier, sent through 40 meters of twisted pair cable and digitized by a charge integrating ADC. The total number of charge sensitive readout channels in the barrel is 23,040. The endcap hadron calorimeter has the same basic design of uranium absorber with proportional chamber sampling. The structure is inside a stainless steel container of half ring shape. The wire planes are perpendicular to the beam line. Within a half ring, a chamber layer consists of four chambers, each covering an interval of A4 = 45*. The wires are stretched azimuthally to measure the polar angle 9 directly. Neighboring chamber layers are rotated by 22.50 to allow measurement of the 0 angle. The towering scheme groups the chamber wires to towers pointing to the interaction region. In total 3960 tower signals are digitized and read out. The response of the hadron calorimeter modules to hadron and electron beams has been measured between 1GeV and 50GeV in a test beam. The response as a function of energy is linear. The resolution is measured to be (55/VEK + 5)% [3-5] (Fig. 3.6 ). As is shown in Fig. 3.6, this result agrees with the resolution observed in hadronic Z0 events from e+e-collisions in LEP. Calibration with cosmic rays and the y rays from radioactivity of uranium has been performed regularly in situ. 3.2.3 The Muon spectrometer The L3 muon detector is designed to measure high energy muons with an accuracy of Ap/p = 2% at 45 GeV. Three layers of high precision drift chambers between the supporting tube and the magnet coil are used to measure the curvature of the muon tracks. This design has the following advantages:(1) The inner detectors filter 15 6 1 out most of the particles originating from the interaction point except for muons. This makes the identification of muons very easy even within a hadronic shower. (2) The space available allows a lever arm of 2.9 meters between the inner and outer chambers. With the 5.1 kG magnetic field, a 45 GeV muon track deviates from a straight line by a sagitta of 3.55 mm, making it possible to reach 2% momentum resolution. Since the volume filled by the muon detector is very large (1000 M 3 ), it is important to modulize the detectors. The system consists of two ferris wheels, each having 8 independent units called "octant"s. Each octant consists of two outer chambers (MO), two middle chambers (MM) and one inner chamber (MI), supported in a special mechanical structure (Fig. 3.7 (a)). MO and MI contains a volume which is divided electrically into 19 (MI) and 21 (MO) drift cells. Each cell has 16 sense wires measuring the track coordinate in the bending plane. The volume is closed on top and bottom by drift chambers for polar angle measurement. The MM chambers are divided into 15 cells, with 24 wires each for momentum measurement, and closed by honeycomb panels to reduce the multiple scattering. Fig. 3.7 (b) shows the structure of an outer chamber. The P-chambers are filled with a mixture of Ar/ethane (61.5%:38.5%). With the nominal voltage setting (4150 volts on anode sense wires and -3050 volts on cathode mesh), in a 5.1 kG magnetic field and at 740 mmHg pressure, the gas gain is about 8 x 104. After an electronic amplifier with 24 mV/pA gain, the signals are discriminated with a threshold of 10% average pulse height and digitized by Fastbus TDCs. The drift velocity is 51 pm/nsec, and the Lorentz angle is 19*. The single wire resolution is measured to be less than 220Im throughout the entire drift region[3-6]. To measure the sagitta of a muon track with high precision, the alignment between different chamber layers is of critical importance. High energy muon tracks will pass through only one octant, therefore only the internal alignment within one octant is relevant to the momentum measurement. An optical system [3-7] is built into each octant to define an octant central line and measures the position of the wires within an octant relative to it. The optical system has been verified by cosmic rays and a UV laser system built on the octants to fulfill the 30pm alignment requirement in the sagitta measurement. The relative position of the octants to the LEP central line is measured by optical survey to within 2mm. The resolution of the momentum measurement depends on the intrinsic chamber resolution, the alignment error and the multiple scattering. From a full MonteCarlo simulation, assuming 250 Mm single wire resolution and 30 pm alignment precision, Ap/p for a 50 GeV muon is 2.4%. Where 1.7% are from the chamber resolution, 1.3% from the multiple scattering and 1.1% are from the alignment errors. During 1989 running period, 2.4% resolution has been achieved in measuring ZO -_, p+p- decay. Z chambers [3-8) consist of two layers of drift cells offset by one half cell with respect to each other to help resolve the left-right ambiguity. Each cell has two parallel aluminum I-beams connected to -2.4kV, with one gold plated molybdenum 16 wire with 50 pm diameter at 2.05 kV. The drift velocity in the non-explosive Argon (91.5%) / Methane (8.5%) gas mixture is about 30 pm/nsec.. Single wire resolution is typically 500 pm. Since there are Z chambers on top and bottom of inner and outer chambers, a charged particle originating from the interaction point with -0.7 < cos 9 < 0.7 leaves eight Z chamber signals for track reconstruction. A total of 7680 wires are connected to the same amplifier-discriminator system as the P chambers and digitized by Fastbus TDCs. 3.2.4 Trigger The primary trigger used for hadronic events is a energy trigger in the calorimeters which requires 15 GeV total energy or 12 GeV clustered energy. An independent trigger, which requires six out of sixteen 0 sectors of the scintillation counters, is put in "OR" with the energy trigger. Comparing the trigger result in accepted events shows that the energy trigger is at least 99.9 % efficient and the scintillator trigger is 93% efficient. For inclusive muon events, a fast track finder for muon chamber hits provides another independent trigger. From the inclusive muon events accepted by muon trigger, the energy trigger is found to be better than 99.5% efficient. During the start-up phase of the hadron calorimeter end caps, an inefficiency of 6 i 0.3% was found in the end cap region. For the cross section measurements, the number of hadronic events has been corrected for this trigger inefficiency. 3.3 The luminosity measurement The integrated luminosity is measured by counting small angle Bhabha events in two luminosity monitors located on each side of the interaction point, at z = 2765mm. The luminosity monitor consists of eight layers of cylindrical rings of BGO crystals, covering the region 14.7mrad < 0 < 69.3mrad. Azimuthally, the crystals are arranged in 16 sectors of 19 crystals each. Fig. 3.8 shows the layout of the crystals. The light output of the BGO is measured by photodiodes mounted on the rear of each crystal, and read out through an ADC system identical to that used in barrel BGO calorimeter. The luminosity trigger is based on the analog sum of signals from each sector. The trigger is defined by the 'OR' of the following three conditions [3-9]: (1) Back-to-back coincidence between the sum of two adjacent sectors, with E > 17GeV in each side. (2) Coincidence between the two BGO arrays, with E > 23GeV in each side. (3) Asymmetric coincidence between the BGO arrays, requiring E > 30 GeV in either one of the two arrays and E > 7.5GeV in the other array. The internal comparison between the symmetric and asymmetric trigger shows a 1.4 0.2% inefficiency, due to a small geometric region found to be inefficient. Outside this region, the efficiency is at least 99.9%. A 0.2% systematic error is therefore assigned to the luminosity due to trigger inefficiency. The Bhabha event selection is based on the reconstructed shower variables 9, 4 and E. The selection conditions are: (1) 1700 < AO < 190*. (2) 30.1mrad < 1,2 < 63.9mrad and 24.7mrad < 92,1 < 69.3mrad 17 (3) E 1 ,2 > 0.33fi. Fig. 3.9 shows the distribution of AO. The background is estimated from the side-bands(140* < AO 1600) and found to be about 0.1%. Two fiducial volumes are defined in the asymmetric cut condition (2): "loose", 24.7 < 9 < 69.3mrad, and "tight", 30.1 < 9 < 63.9mrad. The fiducial limits correspond to the boundary between two crystal rings. Two data sample are selected: (1) "tight" fiducial volume in +Z side and "loose" fiducial volume in -Z side, and (2) vice-versa. To reduce the sensibility to the non-perfect geometry and finite position resolution, the average of these two samples is used in the luminosity calculation. To asset the systematic uncertainty in the event selection, different cut conditions are applied. The result variations in the integrated luminosity are shown in Table 3.2. The value of the integrated luminosity is very stable. Even in the case where the acceptance is 59% reduced, the integrated luminosity changes by less than 0.2%. Based on Table 3.2, we estimated a 0.8% systematic error in the integrated luminosity due to event selection. Cuts < 63.9mrad 170* < z4 < 190' std Emin 0.33 /s std - - -35.43 -35.35 +0.12 1740 < AO K 186* 165* < AO K 1950 std std std 0.28V/s +0.25 -0.32 +2.11 +0.31 -0.40 +2.88 +0.06 -0.08 +0.77 AO M.C. - "tight" fiducial 30.1 < 9 < 63.9mrad 35.6 < 9 K 63.9mrad std 41.1 < std -59.24 K -59.30 -0.15 std std std Change in Percent Data Data/M.C. Table 3.2 Sensitivity of Bhabha sample to event selection cuts. First line gives the standard cut. Additional systematic errors from the Monte Carlo statistics (0.8%), internal detector geometry (0.8%), and the theoretical uncertainty of 0.6% must also be taken into account. Including the trigger efficiency and selection errors, and adding all errors in quadrature, the overall systematic uncertainty is 1.7%. During 1989, a total of 1 pb- 1 integrated luminosity was collected, of which 759(nb- 1 ) was used in the analysis for this thesis. Data were at 10 different center of mass energies around Z0 resonance, with about half on the peak. Table (3.3) shows the energy, number of Bhabha events and the corresponding integrated luminosity. 18 v/s (GeV) 88.279 89.277 90.277 91.030 91.278 91.529 92.280 93.276 94.278 95.036 NBhabha 7822 5703 4256 10681 8938 10111 4030 4664 3962 813 f Ldt (nb-) 86.93 0.98 67.45 0.89 52.98 + 0.81 124.06 1.20 118.93 1.26 129.06 1.28 55.60 + 0.88 60.53 + 0.89 52.64 + 0.84 11.03 + 0.39 Table 3.3 Number of small angle Bhabha events and the corresponding integrated luminosity. The errors quoted are statistical error only. 19 Chapter 4 The Z0 line shape The goal of this chapter is to measure the total hadronic cross section of e+e-collisions near the Z 0 mass to a precision of 2%. With the measured cross section, the Z 0 line shape is then fitted with an analytic formula based on the standard model. Physics parameters like the Z0 mass and width and number of neutrino types are extracted from the fit. The analysis method The analysis of hadron events is based entirely on the energy measured in the BGO and hadron calorimeter. Hits in BGO crystals and hadron calorimeter towers are grouped into clusters by finding isolated local energy maxima and the hits associated with them. The clusters within 0.65 radian of a jet axis are further grouped into a "Jet", while the jet axis is determined by maximizing the sum of the projected cluster energy along that axis. Since the central tracking chamber is not used in this analysis, the clusters are our closest approximation to individual particles, and a Jet is the reconstructed object that corresponds to a real hadron jet. Fig. 4.1 shows a typical two jet event recorded by the L3 detector. The nature (hadronic or electromagnetic) of each cluster is determined by the extent of geometrical spread of the energy deposit and by the ratio of energy deposits between BGO and hadron calorimeter. Different calibration constants are then applied accordingly to calculate the cluster energy. The angular direction of a cluster is defined by the energy weighted sum of the directions of individual hits in the cluster. The total visible energy (Ev,,) is the scalar sum of the energy of all reconstructed clusters, and the energy imbalance is obtained from the vector sum of the energy of the clusters. The energy and axis of the jets are similarly calculated. The event shape is described by Thrust, Major, Minor and Oblateness defined as follows: (4.1) IEi -ei l/Evi, Thrust = T = max 4.1 in which the sum is over all the reconstructed clusters and el is the direction to maximize the projected energy flow; IjEi - e 2 Evis Major = Fmajor = max in which e 2 is perpendicular to el and is the direction which maximizes the energy flow in the plane perpendicular to the thrust (el); IEi e 3 I/Evi, Minor = Fminor in which e 3 is perpendicular to both el and e 2 ; Oblateness = 0 = Fmajor 20 Fminor- II Thrust axis (ei) defines the direction of energy flow. T, Fmajor and Fminor measure the spatial distribution of energy flow. The oblateness 0 measures the event flatness. The effects of hadron fragmentation and detector acceptance are calculated through Monte-Carlo simulation. Events are generated by the LUND parton shower program, JETSET 6.3 [4-1], using the Peterson fragmentation functions for b and cquarks. These events were then passed through a complete L3 detector simulation, based on GEANT 3.13[4-2]. The effects of energy loss, multiple scattering, interactions and decays in the detector materials are included. The simulated events are analyzed with the same program used to analyze the data. 4.2 The event selection The hadronic events are selected with the following criteria: < 1.5. (1) 0.5 < EvisI (2) Energy imbalance along the beam direction (Ell) and in the transverse direction (E ) are both less than 37% of E.i, (3) Number of jets above 5GeV > 2. (4) Ncluster > 10. (5) Evis/Nhit > 0.10GeV (6) E BGO < 0-3 ss. Cuts (1) and (2) reject dimuon events, beam gas, cosmic ray background and part of the r events. Cuts (3) and (4) reject di-electron and rr events, since these events generally have low multiplicity. Noise events are removed by condition (5), which requires the average energy from each hit elements to be large. Cut (7) rejects the remaining e+e-final state events in the BGO electromagnetic calorimeter. The simulated events are subjected to the same selection criteria, and compared to data. Fig. 4.2 shows that the data distributions of Ev,/Is, 1ElI/Evi, and EI/Ei, are in good agreement with the Monte-Carlo prediction. Fig. 4.3 shows the scatter plot of EBGO versus the number of clusters (Ncister) for a loosely selected data sample in the barrel region. The contributions from ee, pp and rr events are clearly separated from hadronic events. Conditions (4) and (6) reject most of these events. Fig. 4.4 shows the distributions of EBGO and Nciuster from . selected hadron events, data and Monte-Carlo again agree well. The event shapes are checked with the distributions of the Thrust, Major, Minor and Oblateness. Fig. 4.5 shows the comparison of data and Monte-Carlo simulation. The simulation describes correctly the event shape. Fig. 4.6 shows the angular distribution of the thrust axis. Our data shows inefficiency at small polar angle. This is due to a trigger inefficiency during start-up period of hadron calorimeter endcap. A 6% inefficiency during that period was estimated according to Fig. 4.6 Since the energy and event shape have been demonstrated to be accurately described by the simulation, the acceptance can then be calculated by the simulated 0 events. The result is a 96.90 t 0.1% (statistical) acceptance for Z to hadron decay. Systematic error is checked by varying the cut conditions. Table 4.1 shows .he change of cross section due to changes in the cuts on energy, energy imbalance and 21 the number of clusters. Based on this table, a total systematic error of 0.9% is assigned to the calculated acceptance. Evis Cut < < < < > > > > 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 Data Ae(%) Monte Carlo Ae(%) Azch(%) 0.25 -0.59 -2.44 -8.07 0.28 -0.74 -2.99 -9.16 0.33 -0.85 -3.20 -9.42 0.14 0.60 -2.49 -8.59 -0.08 0.26 0.76 1.54 0.14 -0.14 -0.50 -0.65 (a) Evj/ts_ cut. E1 /Evi, Cut < 0.5 < 0.4 < 0.3 < 0.2 Data Ae(%) 0.73 0.30 -0.92 -5.07 Monte Carlo Le(%) 0.38 0.17 -0.78 -5.15 Agh(%) 0.30 0.13 -0.15 0.09 (b) E 1/Evi, cut. E /E,i, Cut < 0.5 < 0.4 < 0.3 < 0.2 Data Ae(%) 0.80 0.34 -1.21 -6.02 Monte Carlo Ae(%) 0.65 0.23 -0.97 -5.78 Agh(%) 0.15 0.11 -0.25 -0.26 (c) EI/E,, cut. Nc luter Cut Data AE(%) Monte Carlo Ae(%) Azch(%) > 9 > 12 > 13 > 14 0.32 -0.73 -1.28 -1.99 0.14 0.42 -0.78 -1.26 0.18 -0.32 -0.52 -0.76 (d) Neluster cut. Table4.1 Change of acceptance (Ae) and the total hadronic cross section with different cuts. (Agh) Adding the statistical and systematic errors in the acceptance, and the uncertainty in the trigger efficiency in quadrature, the overall systematic error in the corrected number of hadronic events is 1.0%. Combining this error with the 1.7% error on the luminosity in quadrature, the overall systematic error on the measured hadronic cross section is 2.0%. 22 Background The main background comes from dielectron and rr events. The rates of these events are estimated by Monte-Carlo simulation. With the same selection, it is found that 1.86t0.24% of the r events and less than 0.1% of the electron events are selected. Since the cross section of e+e-and 7r is 4.8% of the total hadronic cross section, this background is equivalent to a 0.09+0.01% contamination in the hadron sample. Backgrounds not from e+ e- collision were estimated by visual scan. The sources of this background include beam gas interaction, synchrotron radiation, electronic noise and high voltage break down in the hadron calorimeter. Sometimes high energy cosmic rays passing transversely through the BGO crystals can emit bremsstralung photons and imitate the signature of a broad BGO shower. About 1,000 selected events were scanned and none of these events were selected. The rate of these types of background are therefore estimated to be less than 0.3%. In the hadronic line shape fitting, the r background is subtracted according to the Monte-Carlo prediction. An error of 0.3% is included in the total systematic error as a contribution from the background. 4.3 The line shape fitting Data taken from October till December, 1989 are used in this study, corresponding to 759nb-1 integrated luminosity. A total of 14,352 hadronic events are selected at 10 different energies. Runs with significant hardware problems were rejected. Table 4.2 lists the number of events selected, the measured luminosity for each energy point, and the calculated cross section after background subtraction and acceptance correction. 4.4 88.279 89.277 90.277 91.030 91.278 91.529 92.280 93.276 94.278 95.036 Total Number of events 404 556 968 3494 3284 3447 1069 710 348 72 14352 Number of corr. events 433.0 583.4 1008.5 3635.6 3450.1 3627.7 1113.6 740.5 368.3 74.2 Lumi. (nbl 1 86.93 67.45 52.98 124.06 118.93 129.06 55.60 60.53 52.64 11.03 759.21 0 (nb) 4.981 8.649 19.035 29.305 29.009 28.109 20.029 12.234 6.997 + 6.730 Table 4.2 Measured cross section of e+e- -+ Hadrons 23 rh ) Vs (GeV) (01). 0.254 0.384 0.678 0.571 0.592 0.554 0.689 0.493 0.391 0.828 The data are fit with the analytic formula provided by Cahn[4-3]. Three different fits are made: (1) Only the Z 0 mass and an overall scale factor are used as a free parameters. All the other quantities are derived from the standard model prediction. The number of neutrino type is set to three. The overall scale factor is allowed to vary within the systematic error quoted above. . (2) The Zo mass and invisible width are taken as free parameters. This fit gives the number of neutrino species. (3) A model independent fit which leaves Mzo, Lzo and Peerh as free parameters is made. For the fits, we take mt,, = 100GeV, mHigg, = 100GeV and as = 0.12. The result of fit 1 is Mzo = 91.139 0.025 GeV. In addition to the experimental error, the absolute energy calibration of LEP contributes a 30 MeV systematic error. Furthermore, including a point to point systematic error on beam energy of 0.015 GeV add an extra 0.006 GeV error to Mzo. Combine the experimental and LEP energy errors, we obtain an overall error of 38 MeV. Fits 2 and 3 gives identical results on the mass of Z 0 The invisible width is fitted to be 0.548 0.029 GeV using method (2). This result corresponds to 3.30 0.18 light neutrino types, assuming the standard model prediction of I,, = 166.1MeV. The possibility of four or more neutrino types is ruled out at 4o confidence level. Fig. 4.7 shows the cross section data and the fitted curve. The predicted curve for two and four neutrino types are overlaid. The best fit to our data clearly favors three neutrino types. The results of fit 3 are: Mzo = 91.143 0.025 GeV, Pzo = 2.529 0.053 GeV and reehr = 0.1441 i 0.0063GeV 2 . From these results, the total hadronic cross section at Vi = Mzo is oh(Mzo) = 29.5 0.7nb. Taking the average leptonic partial width of 83.0 2.1 1.1 MeV from L3 [4-4], the hadronic partial width is rh = 1736 90MeV. This result should be compared to the standard model prediction of 1734 MeV, assuming Mz = 91.14 GeV. The number of neutrino species can be calculated using eq. (2.7). We obtain N, = 3.28 0.31. The results of the fit is summarized in table 4.3. 30 MeV systematic error in the LEP energy scale must be added to the quoted experimental errors. Table 4.3 Summary of the fit results. Fit 1 2 3 Mz (GeV) 91.139 0.025 91.143 0.025 91.143 0.025 rz (GeV) Pinvisible 0.548 2.529 0.053 (GeV) 0.029 NX X2/D.F. 3.30 3.28 0.18 0.31 12.4/9 8.0/8 8.0/8 In conclusion, the Z' mass is measured to be 91.14 0.025 (exp.) 0.030(LEP). The number of light neutrino species is 3.30 0.18. The existence of forth family of light neutrinos has been ruled out at the 4o confidence level. 24 Chapter 5 b-quark production Method of identifying b-quarks Free quarks and gluons have never been observed experimentally, instead, the fragmentation process creates a collimated hadron jet. The jets of hadrons reflect the energy and orientation of the original partons. It is necessary to identify the original parton from the observed jets in order to study the properties of individual partons. One powerful method of tagging heavy quarks is via their semileptonic decays. The B-mesons created in a jet decay with ~ 11% probability into an electron-like lepton, a neutrino and a c-quark meson. In the spectator model, this decay corresponds to the process b --+ c + W, W -+ f + vi. The result is a lepton accompanying the hadron jet. By observing lepton production, it is possible to identify the original quark charge and mass. Due to a strong Lorentz boost, the momentum of the lepton gives little information as to its origin. However, assuming that the thrust axis of a jet reflects the direction of the original quark, the transverse momentum (PT) of the lepton relative to the jet is independent of the boost, and therefore directly related to the mass of the original quark. Ignoring the detector effect, the expected PT distribution peaks at about 1/4 of the quark mass, and drops to close to zero around 1/2 of the quark mass. Therefore, a PT cut at about 1 GeV effectively rejects events from u, d, s and c quarks. In the absence of heavier quarks, this method then selects a sample of high b quark purity. Furthermore, except for a small fraction of cascade decays b - c -- f + hadrons, the charge of the decay lepton has the same sign as the charge of the parent quark, and can be used to identify b from b. In this chapter, b quark production is studied through its semi-muonic decay in inclusive muon events. The goal is to measure the partial width I'bb and the charge asymmetry of e+e- -+ bb. 5.1 Monte-Carlo simulation Due to the complicated nature of hadron fragmentation, direct interpretation of the data is difficult. Monte-Carlo methods are therefore employed to simulate the process and facilitate extraction of physics parameters. In the simulation of heavy quark (b and c) events, the spectrum of the muon momentum is directly related to the production of the mesons which contains the primary quarks, since the muons are the decay product of these mesons. Fig. 5.1 depicts the bb event production and subsequent semileptonic decay. The fragmentation process b -+ bq + q, where b-hadron is produced, is characterized by a fragmentation function f(z). This fragmentation function gives the probability of finding a b-hadron with energy equal to z times the primary b-quark energy. In this study, the fragmentation function developed by Peterson et. al. [5-1] is used for the hadronization of b and c quarks. The function form is: 5.2 1C f(z) Z - 25 -T) 2 (5.1) where z is defined as [5-2]: _ (E + P )hadron (E + P)quark The parameter eq determines relative "hardness" of the fragmentation. Based on the measurement at lower energy [5-2], the following values of eq are selected for the standard Monte-Carlo events: eb = 0.02 Cc = 0.07 = 0.07(5.2) For the fragmentation of light quarks (u,d and s), the standard Lund string fragmentation is used. The branching ratio of semileptonic decay Br(b-hadron -+ y + v, + c-hadrons) was set to 11.2%. 30,000 events were generated under these conditions and analyzed with the same analysis program used in data analysis. 5.3 The event selection Inclusive muon events, Z 0 -- p + X, were selected from the hadronic event sample used in the line shape measurement. We required in addition at least one track in the muon chambers. To avoid reconstruction errors, the muon track was required to have reconstructed track segments in two of the three P-chambers and in both Z-chambers of inner and outer layers. This requirement resulted in a 2.2% loss in acceptance, due to dead drift cells. Fig. 5.2 shows a typical selected inclusive muon event. The selected sample includes three categories of events: (a) Prompt muon events, where the track is a muon originating from the interaction point, mainly due to semi-muonic b and c decays. (b) Decay muon events, where the track is a muon originating from hadron decays in the detector. These events are characterized by their vertex being off the interaction point. (c) Punch through events, where the track is not a muon, but rather a hadron originating either from the interaction point or from a hadronic shower in the detector, and was not absorbed by the inner detectors. Category (a) contains the real signal, while the other two categories are background to be reduced. To distinguish prompt muons from the background, the closest approaching distance to the interaction point from the extrapolated track in x - y plane (RT) and z direction (Rz) were used. Fig. 5.3 shows the distribution of RT versus Rz, as well as the contributions from prompt muons and background predicted by Monte-Carlo simulation. While the prompt muons concentrate near the interaction point, the background has a wider distribution extended to large distance. Fig. 5.4 shows the projection to RT and Rz. The simulation is in good agreement with the data. Based on this, a requirement of RT < 160mm and IRzJ < 160mm was chosen to select the prompt muon events. 674 events were selected with this cut, corresponding to 4.7% of the total hadronic events. 26 Fig. 5.5 shows the momentum distribution after the vertex cut. The absence of events with P < 2GeV is the result of energy loss when muons pass through inner detectors. Due to the large curvature, tracks with momentum less than 4GeV are not well reconstructed. We therefore selected events with the additional requirement that P > 4GeV. After vertex and momentum cuts, 523 inclusive muon events were selected, corresponding to 3.68% of the total hadronic events. From Monte-Carlo simulation, 73.5% of this sample are prompt muon events. As described in 5.1, a cut on the transverse momentum of the muons relative to the jet axis, PT, facilitates separation of the quark flavor. Fig. 5.6 shows the PT distribution of the selected inclusive muon events. The Monte-Carlo predictions of bquark and c-quark contributions are also shown. To avoid c-quark contamination, a PT cut at 1.3GeV is chosen. 184 events were selected after this cut. The composition of this event sample from Monte-Carlo study is listed in Table 5.1. Assuming the branching ratio Br(b -- to 0.0437 ) = 11.2%, the b-quark content in the sample corresponds 0.0018(statistical) of total produced b-events. b-+ 74.9 t 2.5 b -+ c --+ y 4.9 1.1 C /I 4.9 + 1.1 Table. 5.1The composition of b-sample in %. decays and punch throughs 15.3 1.8 Statistical error only. The systematic error in event selection is estimated with the following effects: (1) Different cut conditions are applied for event selection. Table 5.2 lists the ratio of the number of selected events from data to that from Monte-Carlo for various cut conditions, normalized to the ratio with standard cuts. Assuming that the variations are from the systematic error in the number of b events only, we determined a 3% systematic error to the b purity. This result corresponds to an error of 0.0013 in the tagging efficiency. (2) The systematic error on the number of background events was estimated by low PT events. As is shown in Fig. 5.6 , events in the low PT region is dominated by background. The number of events in that region is therefore sensitive to variations in the background rate. We require that the number of events predicted by Monte-Carlo with PT < 1GeV should agree, within statistical error, with the number of events in the data sample. This requirement limits the variation of backgrounds to be less than 13% from the central value. A systematic error of 13% is therefore assigned to the predicted number of background events. 27 -A P cut (GeV) 4.0 3.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 std std std std std std std std std std R cut (mm) 160. std std std std std std std std std std std 120. 200. 240. PT cut (GeV) 1.3 std std std std 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 std std std Nd jNM C 1.000 0.989 1.022 1.028 0.998 0.945 0.985 0.995 1.031 1.014 0.970 0.972 1.019 0.981 0.964 Table 5.2 Ratio of number of events from data to that from Monte-Carlo prediction. First line gives the standard cut condition. "std" means standard value. (3) The contribution from c-events depends on the branching ratio Br(c -+ u) and the fragmentation function for c-quark. We assume a 10% error for these effects. Combining the systematic and statistical errors in quadrature and including 2.2% inefficiency due to the number of required track segments, we find the following results: b tagging efficiency = (4.27 0.22)% b purity = 79.8 3.0% (5.3) ratio of c events = 4.9 1.2%. ratio of background events = 15.2 2.7% 5.4 bb partial width rbb Table 5.2 shows the number of events in the selected b sample, the luminosity and the measured e+e- -+ bb cross section. The backgrounds are subtracted according to the Monte-Carlo predictions which have been normalized to total number of hadronic events. The remaining events are then used to calculated the cross section assuming 4.27% tagging efficiency. The errors quoted for O-bb are statistical error only, the systematic errors will be included after the fit. 28 Average Vs (GeV) 89.50 91.28 93.00 number of events 20 138 26 Table 5.3 number of equivalent b events 358.3 107.4 2639.3 244.8 480.1 121.7 Measured e+e integrated Lumi. (nb-1) 201.97 369.39 180.65 -+ a-bb (nb) 1.777 0.53 7.145 0.66 2.656 0.67 bb cross section. To include the effect of photon exchange and interference contributions in the total e+e- - bb cross section, the measured cross sections are fitted with the 0.030 analytic formula given by Cahn [2-4]. In the fit, Mz = 91.147 0.024 measurement section GeV and rz = 2.527 0.054 from the total hadronic cross were used. The only free parameter is the overall normalization factor, which is proportional to I eelbbBr(b -- y). The fit gives Fee'bbBr(b -+ ) = 3733 t 304(statistical)MeV 2 . (5.4) with x 2 = 1.75 per two degrees of freedom. Fig. 5.7 shows the data points and the fitted curve. Using the measured F11 = 83 2 MeV [5-4], and including 6% systematic error due to tagging efficiency and 1.7% luminosity error, we obtain: FbbBr(b - ) = 44.9 3.6(statistical) + 3.0(systematic) - This method, however, does not include the effect of the fragmentation functions. Since the fragmentation function is directly related to the momentum distribution of the muons, the tagging efficiency is expected to depend on the relative hardness of the fragmentation. In order to measure accurately FbbBr(b -+ P), it is necessary to study the variation due to different fragmentation functions. We therefore determined rbbin a fit to the data which allow both the fragmentation and Frbto vary. In the fit, we also normalized the distributions by the total number of hadronic events, hence included the uncertainty due to Fee automatically. Furthermore, we lifted the PT cut to allow fitting to the whole spectrum, thus reduced the statistical error. To characterize the fragmentation function, we used the scaled energy xE 2Ehpdrp instead of z defined in (5.1). This is because that the the gluon radiation in the parton shower model changes the energy of the primary quark, rendering a different z value, which often exceeds 1. xE , on the other hand, is well defined and measurable. The distribution of xEis described by Peterson form, with a single Because of the parton shower model used, the distribution of x is parameter J. in general softer than that of z. From our Monte-Carlo, events generated with Eb = 0.02 gives ex 0.08. 29 We performed a maximal likelihood fit to the two-dimensional dN/dPdPT distribution. Three parameters were determined from the fit: (1) PbbBr(b -- p). (2) Judc, which is sum of the partial widths of u,d,s and c quarks. (3) ef. Pb and Pudsc are subject to the further constrain of rbb + rudsc = Ph, where Ph is taken from the measured result in 4.4. In varying ef, we reweighted the events such that the resulting distribution agrees with the Peterson form with the new e. The direct results of the fit is rbbBr(b --+ p) = 42.1 3.5 MeV, and e = 0.97 0.035. Fig. 5.8 shows the contour plot of constant probability of the fit in the plane of Pbband e'. We found that PbbBr(b -+ p)is insensitive to q. To asset the systematic error in the fitting, the following checks were make: (1) We applied different cuts on P and PT and repeated the fit, the results are shown in Table 5.4. From the table, we observed a typical 4% variation in PbbBr(b -- y). P cut (GeV) 3. 2. 4. 5. 6. 3. 3. 3. 3. PT cut (GeV) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 FbbBr(b -+ p)/(M.C. value) 0.992 1.025 0.979 1.014 0.959 1.003 0.951 0.941 0.958 e 0.096 0.100 0.110 0.107 0.088 0.092 0.061 0.056 0.074 Table. 5.4The fit result of rbbBr(b - pt)and ef under different cut conditions. (2) Including the partial width of Z 0 -+ ce, rCc, and e' of the c-quark fragmentation function as additional free parameters, the fit result of rbb changes by 4%. (3) Changing the ratio of punch through and decay events by t20%, Fbschanges by 3%. From these variations, we estimated a relative systematic error of 6.4% in rbbBr(b -+ p). The final result from the fit is therefore: FbbBr(b --+ u) = 42.1 3.5(statistical) 2.7(systematic)MeV. (5.6) This result agrees with the previous result based on event counting. Using the measured value Br(b -+ p) = 11.8 rbb = 356.8 30(stat.) 30 1.1% [5-5], we obtained 40.4(sys.)(MeV) (5.7) The value of rbb is related to the weak coupling constants, as described by eq. (2.5). One can extract the following result from the measured value of Fbb: (gb) 2 + (g,)2 = 0.349 0.029 Inserting the Standard Model value gb = -1/2, (5.8) 0.039. the vector coupling constant was solved to be: (5.9) 0.011(sys). 0.008(stat) = 0.099 (g,)2 = 0.23. This agrees with the Standard Model prediction (g) 2 = 0.12, for sin2 One can also assume the Standard Model predictions of rbb and derive the average branching ratio of semi-leptonic decays of B-mesons, Br(b - p). With rbb - 378.5 MeV, we obtained Br(b --+ ) = 11.1 0.9(stat.) 0.7(systematic)% (5.10) bb asymmetry 5.5 The forward-backward charge asymmetry of e+e- -+ bb is measured with the collected b sample. The sign of the charge of the b quarks is determined by the charge of the measured muon. The 9 angle of the quark is determined by the thrust axis of the event. The cos 0 distribution of b-quark is shown in Fig. 5.9 . Defining the number of events with cos 0,- > 0 or cos 0,+ < 0 as Nf, and number of events with cos 0.- < 0 or cos 0,+ > 0 as Nb, and assuming that, except for the charge of the muon, the cascade decay b b - y decay, we find: - c -* y bears the same asymmetry as that of Nf = (1 - a)N + aN + Nb + Nackgroun Nb = (1 b)Nt + &N(+ N/ + Nackground - (5.11) where =number of events with b (c) quark in the forward region. b,(,) = number of events with b (-) in the forward region. -(c) a = ratio of accept b -* c --+ p events to the total accepted b events. To get the b-quark charge asymmetry, we made the following assumptions: - Background events are charge symmetric, i.e., Nbfackground = Nbackground = Nbackground - c-quark asymmetry is as the standard model prediction, i.e., Nf _ Nb = Acc(Nf + N b) = Acc Nc 31 where Acc is the predicted c-quark asymmetry. - The'number of background and c-quark events (Ne, by the simulations. Nbackground) are predicted With the measured Nf and Nb, and including Nc, Nbackground and a from Monte-Carlo prediction, we can solve equation (5.11) to get the asymmetry: Abb = Nf -NNb b N N1 b b 1 - 2a Nf + Nb b - + A (5.12) Nc - Nbackground - Due to our Z-chamber segment requirement, the acceptance of muon tracks is limited to Icos 01 < 0.7. This angular cut reduced the measured value of asymmetry. We therefore modified (5.12) to: e()Abb = NJ' - Nba + Acce(9)Nc N -Nb+AO)c(5.13) 1 - 2a N! + Nb - Nc - Nbackground 1 1 where e(9) is the correction factor of the asymmetry due to the angular cut. Since the asymmetry depends strongly on the center of mass energy, only the 138 events around the Z 0 peak are used. We find: Nf =77 Nb = 61. Monte-Carlo prediction of the background is: Nc = 6.2 t 1.5 19.1 0.023 Nback ground = a = 0.061 3.4 (5.14) and e(Icos(9)| < 0.7) = 0.858 0.071. Using Acc = 6.5%, we find Abb = 18.8 13.9% This result agrees with the predicted value of 8.2%, assuming 12% [5-6] B 0 -B 0 mixing. 32 Chapter 6 Conclusion . In this study, fundamental parameters related to the Z 0 are measured with events recorded by the L3 detector in the LEP e+e-collider. The mass and width of ZO, the hadronic partial width, and the bb production rate are determined by hadronic Z 0 decay. The number of neutrino types and the weak coupling constant in Z' -+ bb vertex were derived from the measured parameters. The mass of Z 0 , Mz, was determined by fitting the resonance peak of e+e Z' -+ hadrons cross section to the theoretical formula. The hadronic events used are selected according to the energy deposit in the BGO electromagnetic calorimeter and the uranium hadron calorimeter of L3. Cross sections of ten different center of mass energy are measured, and fitted with analytic formula including the effect of radiative corrections. The results of the fit are Mz = 91.143 0.025GeV, J'z = 2.529 0.053 Gev and ]PeeFh = 0.1441 t 0.0063GeV 2 The number of light neutrino types can be determined from the Z0 width. In this case, we limit the fit to within the scope of the Standard Model, leaving only Mz and the invisible width as free parameters. The results are Mz = 91.143+ 0.025 GeV and "invisible = 0.548+0.029 GeV, corresponding to 3.30+0.18 neutrino types. This result ruled out the possibility of four neutrino types with 40- confidence level. With 95% confidence level, this result also imply that any new decay channel which is not predicted by the Standard Model will have a partial width less than 109 MeV. The coupling between Z 0 and b-quarks was studied with inclusive muon events selected from hadron sample. The transverse momentum of the muon related to the closest jet is used to separate b-events from the lighter quarks. The selected sample contains 80% of b-events, with a 4.4% tagging efficiency. With this sample, we determined the Z' -* bb partial width rbb to be 356.8 + 50 MeV, in agreement with the prediction of the Standard Model. The weak vector coupling constant was derived from the measured Fbb to be (gl) 2 = 0.099 + 0.008 + 0.011, assuming the axial vector coupling constant gb to be the predicted value of 1/2. If we use instead the Standard Model prediction of F6b, then the high transverse momentum inclusive muon events can be used to determine the averaged branching ratio of semi-muonic decay from B mesons. The value was found to be Br(b --+ P) = 11.1 + 0.9 + 0.7%, in agreement with measurements done at lower center of mass energy. bb charge asymmetry was also measured with the selected b-sample. We found 18.8 + 13.9% asymmetry at Z 0 peak. Combining the measurement of rbb and the charge asymmetry, it is possible to determine both ga and gV, independently from the Standard Model. Due to the large statistical error presented in the charge asymmetry, however, we are not able to extract useful results by this method now. Looking ahead, high luminosity run of LEP in 1990 and 1991 should provide a 0 Z sample of about 106 events. With this sample, the methods used in this study can identify about 6000 b-events. A precise measurement of both bb partial width and charge asymmetry will then be possible. gb and gb derived from this measurement are the most important parameters in understanding the weak interactions of the quarks. They also provide another channel of measuring 0,, the weak mixing 33 angle. Comparing Ow measured from leptonic Z 0 decay and b> decay will be a stringent test to the Standard Model, and will hopefully improve our knowledge on the electroweak interactions. 34 References [1-1] S.L. Glashow, Nucl. Phys. 22(1961)579; S.L. Glashow, J. Ilipoulos and L. Maiani, Phys. Rev. D2(1970)1285; S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. lett. 19(1967)1264; Phys. Rev. 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Fig. 3.6 Energy resolution of hadron calorimeter. The solid points are obtained with BGO in front of the test module. Fig. 3.7 (a)Perspective view of an octant of the muon system. (b)An exploded view of an MO chamber. Fig. 3.8 (a)Side view of the luminosity monitor. (b)End view of the luminosity monitor. Fig. 3.9 Distribution of the acoplanarity of small angle Bhabha events, AO. Fig. 4.1 (a) The end view of a typical two jets hadronic event. The squares in the hadron calorimeter show towers with some energy deposit, the size of the square is proportional to the energy deposit. The bars drawn on the BGO represents crystals with energy deposits. The length of the bar is proportional to the energy. (b) The side view. Fig. 4.2 (a) Total visible energy of hadronic events. The shift of the distribution near the peak is from an incorrect calibration constant applied to events in the endcap region, where the BGO calorimeters are not installed yet. This shift does not affect the selection efficiency because the applied cuts are at the tails where the discrepancy is not significent. (b) Transverse energy imbalance of hadronic events. (c) Longitudinal energy imbalance of hadronic events. Fig. 4.3 Energy in the BGO calorimeter versus number of clusters. The events here are selected with only total energy and energy imbalance cuts. The cluster of events on the left top corner are dielectron events. The events on left bottom corner are dimuon and cosmic ray events. rr events scatters between ee and pp events, with small number of clusters. The hadronic events are distributed in the middle, shows clear separation from ee, pp and rr events. Cut on the number of clusters shown in this picture effectively removes the backgrounds. Fig. 4.4 (a) Total BGO energy, normalized by beam energy. The peak near 0 BGO energy corresponds to small angle events, since there is no BGO calorimeter 38 in the endcap region. The slight discrepancy in the distribution is due to our limited knowledge about the composition of a the hadron jets. Presently we assume 1/3 of the energy in a jet is of electromagnetic nature. Since only very few events have BGO energy above 80GeV after the cluster cut, this discrepancy dose not affect the selection efficiency. (b) Number of clusters. Fig. 4.5 (a) (b) (c) (d) The distribution The distribution The distribution The distribution of Thrust. of the values of Major. of the values of Minor. of oblateness. Fig. 4.6 cos 9 distribution of the thrust axis. Discrepancy in the small angle region is due to endcap trigger inefficient during some of the runs. The inefficiency was estimated according to this picture and corrected in the cross section calculations. Fig. 4.7 Total hadronic cross section and the fitted line shape. Expected line shape for two and four neutrino type is also shown. Fig. 5.1 Feynman diagram corresponds to the production of an inclusive muon event, from the point of view of spectator model. Fig. 5.2 (a) End view of a high PT inclusive muon event. Muon chamber registered a high energy muon with large angle relative to the hadron jets. This event was selected as a b-event. (b) Side view of the same event. Fig. 5.3 (a) The distribution of RT versus Rz from Z 0 events. RT (Rz) is the closest approach distance from the muon track to the interaction point in transverse (longitudinal) direction. These quantities gives the position of reconstructed vertex. (b) Monte-Carlo prediction of the same distribution from Prompt muon events. (c) The same distribution for punch-through events. Fig. 5.4 (a) Extrapolated vertex of muon track in the x-y plane (RT). Shaded area shows the contribution from prompt muon events. (b) Extrapolated vertex in z direction (Rz). Fig. 5.5 The distribution of muon momentum. Shaded area shows the Monte-Carlo predicted contribution from b-events. Fig. 5.6 The transverse momentum related to the nearest jet. With Monte-Carlo prediction of b and c events overlaid. As expected, the b distribution peaks at about 1.25 GeV (1/4 of the quark mass), and c contribution become relatively small above 1 GeV. Fig. 5.7 Measured cross section of the process e+e- --+ bb, fitted with the theoretical prediction. Fig. 5.8 The countour plot of constant probability in the fit for lb and E. The three curves correspond to one, two and three standard deviation from the minimal value. 39 -A U Fig. 5.9 Angular distribution of the selected b events. ,- is the expected angle of bquark, determined by the thrust axis of the event and the charge of the observed muon. A clear asymmetry is observed. 40 e+ z0 e- f e+f e~ Fig. 2.1 The lowest order Feynman diagrams for the process e+e- 41 LEP e njec t ion Fig. 3.1 The LEP collider LINACS (LIL) 200 MeV e- e- *4 converter 600 MeV e* or e- EPA 600 MeV PS 3,5 GeV LEP 3 h ic TT 70 LSS 5 rtn '0 yas SPS ' LSS IT 6 20 GeV -LSS I Fig. 3.2 The LEP injection chain. 42 MAGNET YOKE MAGNE T (OIL MUON CHAMBER SUPPORT TUBE. HADRON BGO VERTEX CHAMBER \LUMINO SI TY MONI TOR Fig. 3.3a The L3 detector. CALORIMETER 4AGW T YOKE muon chamber calr rtex hambadron vertex chambBO BGO uminosity monitor endcap hadron calorimeter Fig. 3.3c Side view of L3 detector. Hadron calori-eter Tig. 3.3b End view of L3 detector. 44 Ift CAP Lf *z mes sp I.' --- N ii ~I Fig. 3.4 The BGO electromagnetic calorimeter. 45 Fig. 3.5a Perspective view of the L3 hadron calorimeter. Fig. 3.5b Barrel hadron calorimeter module. 46 I - 60 TEST BEAM DATA 50 4 0 30 0 0 30 + -112 5)% (55xE 20 10 two jet ZO-events 91.16Gev 0 A t I I J I I I I 1 2 4 10 20 50 Pion momentum (GeV/c) Fig. 3.6 Energy resolution of hadron calorimeter. 47 I I Z CHAMBERS P CHAMBER AMPoFIERS- P CHAMBER GA SSYSTEM -- ARRAY STAND -- Fig. 3.7a Perspective view of an octant of the muon system. 48 7 CtJAMBER. ENDFRAME Fig. 3.7b An exploded view of an MO chamber. IL , 4 w Hadron CaLorimeter Endcaa Planar Chamoers 8 G.0 Fig. 3.8a Side view of the luminosity monitor. Fig. 3.8b End view of the luminosity monitor. 50 I II I I 10 4[0 0O + c;) Se 103 W Cut Cut * Ir 4 1 I Ii 10 2k- Sideband 10 1 i o Sideband 3' 1 1141 130 155 180 205 11{ o 230 Ap (degrees) Fig. 3.9 AO distribution for small angle Bhabha events. 51 101906 Event # 19564 Total Energy: 99.83 GeV Run # 1L_____________________________________________ ~ Tranwverm Imboeance : 5.17 GeV Thrust:.9843 Longtmunal Imbaance: -8.81 GeV Majr:.0754 Mnor:.0620 Fig. 4.1b The side view. Run # 101906 Event #19564 Total Energy: 99.83 GeV Transverse imbaiance: 5.17 GeV Thrusr:.9843 Lonpuidinal Imatanm: -8.81 GeV Majr-.0754 nor:.0620 Fig. 4.1a A typical two jet hadronic event. 52 # of events Iuuu { 800 Data M.C. 600 400 200 - - -- 0 0.6 - - 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 E i 5 /Vs Fig. 4.2(a) Total visible energy 53 # of events Data 600 M.C. 400 - - 02 200 0 0 - - 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 EJEv, Fig. 4.2(b) Transverse energy imbalance. 54 # of events 1000 -- } 800 600 Data M.C. 400 200 0 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 Eg/Ev, Fig. 4.2(c) Parallel energy imbalance. 55 Utz o + +Z + +~ + +i ~ ++ -t+ ++ + + ++ + tA +++ + + + +t.+~* +0 ++ ++ i+++ -t + +:+ +* + ++++++++ ++ +W + 0 00 + + + + ++ + *0 +-+ ++ * f#+H + + + 4+ -+ + + + +1 + ++ 1 +++ + (GeV) +++ + I++: + + ++ + o.+ &+ -+F + ++4 + +~ V+ + + 44 ++ +s +) + .+ + ++ + +++ + 43' 4- 1- EBGO + ,+ + +c C # of events 600 Data 400 M.C. 2001 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Fig. 4.4(a) BGO energy. 57 0.8 EBGO/Vs # of events 600 - 500 Data M.C. 400 300 200 - - 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 Nciuster Fig. 4.4(b) Number of clusters. 58 1 # of events 11 I I 7 7 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-- 1 1 1 1 1 I D ita M .C. 102 I 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Fig. 4.5(a) Thrust. 59 0.9 1 " 101 T # of events Data M.C. 102 101 100 0 0.4 0.2 0.6 Fmajor Fig. 4.5(b) Major. 60 II # of events 103 Data M.C. 102 101 100 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Fminor Fig. 4.5(c) Minor. 61 of events I I 103 Data M.C. 102 - 101 I I H 100 n 0 I I 0.2 0.4 I________________I I Fig. 4.5(d) Oblateness. 62 0.6 0 1/50 dN/dcos() 500 Data + 400 M.C. 300 200 0 ' -1 ' - - ' -0.5 0 - - 100 0.5 1 cos(e) Fig. 4.6 Polar angle distribution of thrust axis. 63 Uh (nb) Data - /-Fitted 30F -- 4 neutrino types - - line shape \ -- 2 neutrino types I' 201 % ~1 I% I,% If,% I,% -% %% /N 10I 0 88 90 92 94 Fig. 4.7 Total hadronic cross section. 64 Vs (GeV) Ebe F 51 e ff e+~~ Ef(Z) bV C Fig. 5.1 The production of an inclusive muon event. 65 Run # 93208 Event # 34723 Total Energy: 81.50 GeV Transverse imbaiance: 4.84 GeV Thnru .9491 Run U Longudinaf Imbahanc.: -2.47 GeV MaWor:.1561 Anor:.0742 93208 Event# 34723 Total Energy: 81.50 GeV Transverse Imbalance : 4.84 GeV ThruM:.9491 Longftadm Maor:.1561 Imbalance: -2.47 GeV Wrnor:.0742 Fig. 5.2 An inclusive muon event. 66 500 - 400 300 I- 0 -400 0 -200 200 Rz (mm) (a) ZO events. 500 500 400 300 -*.5 I- 200 .. . . .. 0 - - - (b) From M.C. prompt muon events. 0 . . .. . 200 400 R( (mm) (c) FRom M.C. punch through events. Fig. 5.3 RT versus Rz. 67 ...... - - - - -- ---- -a . ... -2W RZ (nm) ug.. - - --- .- e .... . . - -20 . -. ** -4 s.. 100 40 0 . . -.. . * # of events 25U 1 Data 200 - oll . M .C 150 Prompt muon events 100 cut 50 :: ::. 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 RT (mm) Fig. 5.4(a)Vertex position of muons in x-y plane. 68 M116 I -0-- C 4) -0 CQ V-4 U 00 U 0 -V-4 00 0 .9-4 r%4 0 dN/dP 1 11i II i I I I II II I j II I I I _ R, Rz ; Data r 160 mm - II 50 Lm-c- 40 b -events I' 30 1 -7 ( 20 i.l. 10 Li n' -30 -20 0 -10 10 Fig. 5.5 Muon momentum. 70 20 30 P (GeV) / Nevens 0.25GeV 100 Data M.C. 80 b-quarks c-quarks - 60 RT, Rz 5 160 mm I * 40 I t I - 20 - P 2 4GeV -. 414-, 4i * * -- 4* 0 0 1 3 2 4 Fig. 5.6 Muon transverse momentum. 71 5 6 PT (GeV) (nb) abb br 61 4 2 C' 88 I I 92 90 Fig. 5.7 e e~ -+ bb cross section. 72 Vs (GeV) r 0.20 I i 0.15 0.10 3. 1.2. 0.05 I I 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 r bbBr(b-->A)/(M.C. value) Fig. 5.8 Contour plot of X 2 statitic of PbbBr(b-+pL) versus eb 73 -7 # of events i P - 25 I4GeI 4GeV 1.3GeV PT 20 160mm Rz -RT, 15 10 51 0 I -1 I I I I I I I I ~ 0 -0.5 0.5 1 cos(OiL_) Fig. 5.9 Angular distribution of selected b-events. 74