Accommodation Review Procedures Manual 305-A Category: Administered by: First adopted: Revision history: Next review: 1. Administration Director of Education or Designate June 2002 March 2007, September 2013 2018-2019 School Year General These procedures set out the reference criteria for an Accommodation Review, the process involved, the composition and role of the Accommodation Review Committee, the role of resource staff, timelines for a review, the public consultation process, implementation of recommendations and the Ministry of Education’s Administrative Review process. Appendices include the contents of the staff and ARC reports, and the School Information Profile. 2. Terms and Definitions Accommodation Review An Accommodation Review is a Ministry-mandated process to determine the future of a school or group of schools. Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) An ARC is an advisory committee formed by the Board during an Accommodation Review. It is made up of people from the school community such as parents, community members, educators, and Trustees. Attendance area An attendance area is a geographical area where the boundaries of which are designated by the Board to provide for the educational needs of the children of the area. Consolidation Consolidation refers to the merging of two or more schools or programs into one facility to create a new or enlarged school or program. Facility Facility is the physical components of a school. September 2013 Page 1 of 10 ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A Facility Condition Index (FCI) Facility Condition Index is a ratio used to measure the relative condition of a building taking into account all building systems. It is calculated by dividing the cost of repairs for the building by the replacement value. On The Ground Capacity (OTG) On the ground capacity is the student loading capacity of the school as reported annually to the Ministry of Education for grant purposes and reflects all permanent teaching space available for instructional purposes. OTG capacity does not include capacity in temporary facilities (ie. portables or portapaks). Prohibitive to Repair (PTR) Prohibitive to repair is the cost of renovating a school (within the renewal resources provided by Ministry of Education grants) which is 65% or greater than the cost of building a new school. Public Consultation Period The public consultation period is the period between the first public meeting and the fourth (or final) public meeting held as part of the Accommodation Review process. Review Area A review area may include the attendance area of an individual school or group of schools, family of schools, Municipal or any other geographic area. School A school is a facility that accommodates a body of elementary students or secondary students that is organized as a unit for educational purposes under the jurisdiction of the Board. Utilization School utilization measures the extent to which a school is operating at full capacity. The Board uses two points of reference to compare school utilization; Underutilized and Overcrowded. 3. Reference Criteria for Accommodation Review 3.1 The Upper Grand District School Board is committed to improving and enhancing the learning environment in its schools and to supporting student achievement through a full range of educational opportunities. 3.2 There are a number of factors that can impact on student accommodation and/or program including, but not limited to, changes in: student enrolment, educational policies, curriculum, Ministry of Education September 2013 Page 2 of 10 ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A initiatives, physical limitations of buildings and building infrastructure. These factors may affect the Board’s ability to deliver effective and efficient education across the jurisdiction. 3.3 3.4 An Accommodation Review may be considered if one, or a combination of the following criteria apply to any school or group of schools or area. 3.3.1 Underutilized – Any school where the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrolment falls, or is projected to fall below 80% utilization. This utilization analysis will consider a minimum of two (2) years prior to the current year, the current year and a minimum of the two (2) years of projected utilization following the current year. 3.3.2 Overcrowded – Any school where the FTE enrolment exceeds, or is projected to exceed 110% utilization. This utilization analysis will consider a minimum of two (2) years prior to the current year, the current year and a minimum of the two (2) years of projected utilization following the current year. 3.3.3 Program Viability – Any school which is deemed not able to offer a viable program in terms of enrolment, class sizes and/or grade configurations. 3.3.4 Physical Condition – Any school where teaching/learning spaces are not suitable to provide the programs needed to serve the school community and where retrofitting may be cost prohibitive, or where the school’s Facility Condition Index may impact on the provision of a safe and healthy learning environment. 3.3.5 Operating/Maintenance Costs – Any school which is deemed to have higher than average operating and maintenance costs for the system which affect efficiency and the Board’s ability to operate all of its schools within the grants provided by the Ministry of Education to the Board for school operation. 3.3.6 Ministry of Education and/or Board Policy – When there have been significant changes to Board and/or Ministry of Education policy related to student accommodation, program delivery, etc. 3.3.7 Other – Where the Board deems that an Accommodation Review is appropriate or necessary. The Accommodation Review Procedures Manual applies to schools offering elementary or secondary regular day-school programs. September 2013 Page 3 of 10 ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 3.5 4. There are circumstances where a full Accommodation Review is not required in accordance with the Ministry of Education Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline. Instead, the Board can choose to undertake an abridged process and will advise local communities about proposed accommodation options for students in advance of any decision by the Board. The following circumstances may cause the use of an abridged process. 3.5.1 Where a replacement school is to be rebuilt by the Board on the existing site, or rebuilt or acquired within the existing school attendance area boundary as identified through the Board’s existing policies. 3.5.2 When a lease is terminated. 3.5.3 When the Board is planning the relocation in any school year or over a number of school years of a grade or grades, or a program, where the enrolment constitutes less than 50% of the enrolment of the school. This calculation is based on the enrolment at the time of the relocation or the first phase of a relocation carried over a number of school years. 3.5.4 When a Board is repairing or renovating a school, and the school community must be temporarily relocated to ensure the safety of students during the renovations. 3.5.5 Where a facility has been serving as a holding school for a school community whose permanent school is overcrowded and/or is under construction or repair. Accommodation Review Initiation 4.1 Board staff will prepare and regularly update long term enrolment and capital planning information. 4.2 Each year, Board Planning staff will prepare an Annual Identified (ID) Schools Report. 4.3 At the Board’s direction or as a result of the ID Schools Report, Board Planning staff will prepare Staff Report #1 to be presented to a Committee of the Board or to the Board. 4.4 Upon receipt of Staff Report #1, the Board will determine whether it wishes to conduct an Accommodation Review. September 2013 Page 4 of 10 ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 4.5 5. Should the Board wish to conduct an Accommodation Review, it will direct the establishment of an Accommodation Review Committee (ARC). Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) 5.1 5.2 5.3 The ARC may be comprised of the following voting members: • two parents/guardians from each affected school who have been approved by their respective School Councils • one community member • one local Municipal staff representative with planning knowledge The ARC may also include the following non-voting members: • Principals of each of the schools involved • local Trustee(s) • non-local Trustee(s) • Superintendent(s) • other members as deemed necessary by the ARC (i.e. non-staff facilitator/administrator to work on behalf of the ARC for report writing, etc.) The role of the ARC is to: 5.3.1 Assume an advisory role and provide recommendations that will inform the final decision made by the Board. 5.3.2 Discuss the Draft School Information Profile(s) prepared by resource staff and modify the profile(s) as a result of consultation with the public at the first public meeting. 5.3.3 Schedule and conduct a minimum of four public meetings to consult about the Draft School Information Profile(s), the accommodation options and the Draft Accommodation Report. 5.3.4 Establish the process for members of the public to appear as delegations at the public meetings. 5.3.5 Meet as necessary to review and consider Staff Report #2, discuss accommodation options and analyze the feedback from the public meetings. September 2013 Page 5 of 10 ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 6. 5.3.6 Present the Draft Accommodation Report to the public at the final public meeting. 5.3.7 Prepare the Final Accommodation Report including recommendations to the Board and submit the report to the Director of Education not later than 30 days following the ARC’s final public meeting. 5.3.8 Present the Final Accommodation Report to a Committee of the Board or to the Board. 5.4 The ARC may recommend accommodation options that include new capital investment. In these instances, resource staff will advise on the availability of funding. The ARC, with the assistance of resource staff, shall also propose how students would be accommodated in the absence of available capital funding. 5.5 The ARC shall make every attempt to reach decisions by consensus. 5.6 In the event that in preparing the Final Accommodation Report, the ARC cannot agree on recommendations regarding the future of the school(s) being considered, then the Final Accommodation Report may be presented without a recommendation or with scenario options. The Final Accommodation Report will be delivered to the Director of Education and will be posted on the Board’s website. Resource staff 6.1 6.2 Resource staff may include: • Planning staff • Capital and Renewal staff • Representative from Service de Transport de Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services (STWDSTS) • Communications staff • Other staff as necessary The role of resource staff is to: 6.2.1 September 2013 Prepare and present Staff Report #2 to a Committee of the Board or to the Board. Page 6 of 10 ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 6.2.2 Complete the Draft School Information Profile(s) for each school(s) under review. 6.2.3 Create an electronic/web-based means of receiving comments from the public and distributing information. 6.2.4 Post all reports and documents on the Accommodation Review web page once they are public. 6.2.5 Present Staff Report #2 and the Draft School Information Profile(s) at the first public meeting. 6.2.6 Ensure that all relevant information is made available in advance of ARC meetings. 6.2.7 Post minutes of all ARC meetings on the Accommodation Review web page. 6.2.8 Ensure that all public comments received through the web page, emails and at the public meetings are distributed to the ARC and posted on the Accommodation Review web page. 6.2.9 Respond to questions from the ARC to assist with the analysis, at meetings or in writing appended to the minutes of the meeting, and also to make questions and responses available on the Board’s website. 6.2.10 Analyze the ARC’s Final Accommodation Report. 6.2.11 Prepare and present Staff Report #3 to a Committee of the Board or to the Board. 7. Timelines 7.1 After the Board has announced its intent to conduct an accommodation review of a school or schools, there must be no less than 30 calendar days public notice prior to the first of a minimum of four public meetings. 7.2 Staff Report #2 initiates the work of the ARC. This report may be presented to a Committee of the Board or to the Board. 7.3 Beginning with the first public meeting, the public consultation period must be no less than 90 calendar days. September 2013 Page 7 of 10 ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 8. 7.4 Following the ARC’s fourth or final public meeting, the Final Accommodation Report is to be completed within 30 days. 7.5 After the ARC completes the Final Accommodation Report, it will make the document publicly available and submit the document to the Director of Education. 7.6 Following submission of the Final Accommodation Report, Board resource staff will undertake an analysis of the Final Accommodation Report and develop Staff Report #3 with recommendations. 7.7 Following submission of the Final Accommodation Report, there must be no less than 60 calendar days notice prior to the meeting where the Board will vote on the recommendations. 7.8 Summer vacation, Christmas break, Spring break, Family Day and all statutory holidays, including adjacent weekends, must not be calculated as part of the 30, 60 or 90 calendar day periods. Public Consultation 8.1 The ARC will be responsible for undertaking the public consultation process. The ARC will ensure that a wide range of school and community stakeholders are invited to participate in this consultation. 8.2 The public consultation process will include a minimum of four public meetings. 8.3 The first public meeting will be to share information contained in Staff Report #2 and to consult on the Draft School Information Profile(s) prepared by resource staff. 8.4 The second and third public meetings will be held to share accommodation options, clarify issues and hear delegations. 8.5 The final public meeting will be held to present the Draft Accommodation Report which is to be presented to the community by the ARC members or by a non-staff ARC facilitator/administrator working on behalf of the ARC. 8.6 Additional public meetings may be held, as deemed necessary by the ARC, prior to submission of the Final Accommodation Report to the Director of Education. September 2013 Page 8 of 10 ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 9. Delegations Following submission of the Final Accommodation Report to the Director of Education, individuals and groups wishing to have input into the Accommodation Review may appear before a Committee of the Board or at the Board as delegations in accordance with Board Procedural Bylaw, Articles 22 and 23. 10. 11. Implementation 10.1 The Board will consider Motions of Intent arising from the recommendations from the Final Accommodation Report and Staff Report # 3 at a meeting of a Committee of the Board or at the Board. 10.2 Motions of Intent could include, but are not limited to, school closures, consolidations, school attendance area boundary changes and new construction projects. 10.3 Normally, decisions to change school attendance area boundaries, relocate programs or consolidate or close schools will be effective as of June 30th of the next school year. 10.4 Under exceptional circumstances the Board may alter these implementation timelines. Ministry of Education Administrative Review of Accommodation Review Process A review of a Board’s Accommodation Review process may be sought if the following conditions are met. 11.1 An individual or individuals must: 11.1.1 Submit a copy of the Board’s Accommodation Review Policy highlighting how the accommodation review process was not compliant with the Board’s Accommodation Review Policy. 11.1.2 Demonstrate the support of a portion of the school community through the completion of a petition signed by a number of supporters equal to at least 30% of the affected school’s or schools’ student headcount (eg. if the headcount is 150, then 45 signatures would be required). Parents/guardians of students and/or other individuals that participated in the accommodation review process are eligible to sign the petition. September 2013 Page 9 of 10 ACCOMMODATION REVIEW PROCEDURES MANUAL 305-A 11.1.3 The petition should clearly provide a space for individuals to print and sign their name; address (street name and postal code); and to indicate whether they are a parent/guardian of a student attending the school subject to the accommodation review, or an individual who has participated in the review process. 11.1.4 Submit the petition and justification to the Board and the Minister of Education within 30 days of the Board’s closure resolution. 11.2 The Board would be required to: 11.2.1 Confirm to the Minister of Education that the names on the petition are parents/guardians of students enrolled at the affected school and/or individuals who participated in the review process. 11.2.2 Prepare a response to the individual’s or individuals’ submission regarding the process and forward the Board’s response to the Minister of Education within 30 days of receiving the petition. 11.3 If the conditions set out above have been met, the Ministry of Education would be required to: 11.3.1 Undertake a review by appointing a facilitator to determine whether the Board’s Accommodation Review Process was undertaken in a manner consistent with the Board’s Accommodation Review Policy 305 within 30 days of receiving the Board’s response. 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