Career & Life Studies Certificate (CLSC) Program Personal Statement

Career & Life Studies Certificate (CLSC)
Program Personal Statement
When you make your personal statement, please answer these items. Use as many
sheets of paper as needed. If you prefer, make an audio or video recording of your
personal statement. [Note: Your original copy will not be returned.] Submit the Personal
Statement with your other application materials.
1. At this time, what are your employment goals?
2. At this time, what are your long-term independent living goals?
3. How will going to a college program like CLSC help you to reach your goals?
4. If you are accepted into UD’s CLSC program:
4a. What would you like to learn? Are there some classes you’ve heard about
that might be interesting to you?
4b. What kinds of work might you like to try? Are there some jobs you’ve heard
about that might be interesting to you?
4c. What kinds of fun or social activities might you like to try? Are there some
activities that you’ve heard about that might be interesting to you?
5. Tell us more about yourself (for example, things that you enjoy doing; what people
like or admire about you; an example of a time you advocated for yourself or others).
2016-2017 CLSC application