Wai Yong Low Amber Imam Rashmi Sanbhadti Sudeep Yegnashankaran

Wai Yong Low
Amber Imam
Rashmi Sanbhadti
Sudeep Yegnashankaran
Found APIs for Skyhook to use with Symbian
Found APIs for Symbian to scan for wireless
General algorithm for fingerprinting
Algorithm for mapping/routing
Installed/played around with software
 Carbide
 Symbian OS emulator
 Skyhook API
What’s come in:
 Phone!!!! Nokia N95
 Bluetooth beacons – haven’t opened yet
What has yet to arrive:
 Bluetooth headsets
 Nuance talks license
 Map of Newell Simon
 Microcontroller
Detect surrounding wireless access points
Display MAC address and signal strength of
each as a pop up
Have not integrated Bluetooth beacons with
 Need microcontrollers to program
Integrate Skyhook with Symbian properly
Getting a developer’s certificate
Get Skyhook working
Implement Bluetooth
Implement triangulation in addition to