Smart Kitchen Suppakrit Forbes Chatchayanusorn Charles Christopher Onyeama Nachiket Shelgikar

Smart Kitchen
Suppakrit Forbes Chatchayanusorn
Charles Christopher Onyeama
Nachiket Shelgikar
Saravana Sivasankaran
How it works!
Smart phone/ PDA with Docking Station
RFID reader reads tags off the products in the kitchen
and updates the ‘status’ of the kitchen.
Smart phone/ PDA generates a shopping list based on
ideal stock and current kitchen status
All the products will be RFID tagged replacing currently
used UPC Barcodes
Architecture Block Diagram
RFID sensors detect
the tags using RF and
sending data to CPU
via Ethernet interface
CPU shall handle the
database immediately
CPU shall wait until
the device requests
data and starts
synchronize via
Bluetooth interface
Use Cases
Check Grocery List
Manually Synchronize
Grocery List
Modify Grocery List
Grocery List
State Diagram
State Diagram
State Diagram
Read multiple tags
Buffer overflow during the communication between the RFID reader
and the Gumstix
Loss of packets
One RFID Reader
Cannot Identify direction of motion
Cannot effectively make out when the product leaves the house
Two RFID Readers
Too close to each other or touching
Tags in different orientations
Direction of Motion
Have both of them synchronized to identify products coming in vs. going
out of the house
Radio Interference
Risks Mitigation
Handled by having antennae in different
directions to have maximum surface area
exposed to antenna
Have header and footer checks for the
packet data