Doris' Blog Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (January 12, 2008)

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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (January 12, 2008)
A little about myself:
I am Doris Gonzalez and this is my second term in college however I am about to
become a sophomore pretty soon. I am a MCI (Multicultural Community Intern)
and was assigned to Halsell Hall where I am in charge of planning cultural diverse events for all of the
residents. I also participate in Hall Counsel since I am the tour liaison which makes me responsible for
planning Beaver Open House in my hall. I also have a part time job as a writing assistant and I also lead a
couple tutoring sessions.
I am the first in my family to attend college and my goal is to complete my education in less than 3 ½ years.
To be able to meet my goal I am considering taking the summer term and also applying to an RA position to
ease the affordability of college. I am really excited to be able to take classes during the summer when classes
are much smaller than normal.
It is finally winter term and my schedule is perfect for me. Since I earned two credits through the winter
classroom immersion program my current school load is very light. I am enrolled in Karate, Cardio
Conditioning, and Contemporary Families in the U.S., Ethics of Diversity, and CAMP. The first week of
classes has been great.
Dealing with Procrastination and disorganization:
Last term I realized I needed to address a couple of problems I had with procrastination and disorganization.
As soon as the winter term came I made it a priority to make an appointment with an academic coach. My
first meeting was Thursday and my coach and I discussed the areas that needed the most improvement. She
suggested getting a bigger planner and writing every important assignment instead of ever single assignment.
She even showed me her own techniques of staying on top of her school work as graduate student. She also
mentioned that in order to stay away from procrastination I should create false deadlines for myself and use
the reward system. Since I had mentioned how much I enjoy sleeping and taking naps she asked me to
consider the option of taking naps as a reward after I completed everything on my checklist. I was given an
assignment to buy a new agenda and fill out all of the important dates such as due dates for projects,
homework and midterms. My coach and I agreed that I needed a reoccurring meeting weekly to view my
progress and explore different methods to improve my defects. Lastly I was asked to reflect on what I wanted
to do five years after graduation. Some areas I will be focusing on will be what type of life I will have, where I
will live, the type of family, and etc.
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (January 20, 2008)
This week has been really hard for me. I finally began working at the Writing
Center and I had a few sessions. Having to work meant that I had to wake up
early and it's hard for me because I am not a morning person. I have been getting up around 7am because my
roommate has 8:00 class. A tip that could give anyone is to choose similar class schedules as your roommate
especially if you are not a morning person. I overlooked the fact that even thought I could sleep in; my
roommate had really early classes. Each morning I am forced to wake up early because my roommate makes
lots of noise but I guess it's good to be up early. Now I have plenty of time to eat breakfast and tidy up my
I am barely adjusting to my new schedule and its hard trying to balance between school, work, homework,
and personal time. I met up with my academic coach on Thursday and she looked at the progress I am
making. She checked my agenda to ensure that I am managing my time wisely and gave me some tips on how
to maintain this new habit of using my agenda. We discussed my future plans and she made me realize that
deep down inside I want to someday settle down and start a family. It was really shocking because my
education and career is my priority. I am really happy that I get to talk to someone who cares about my plans
and understands me. My coach always has great advice and after I speak to her I end up feeling great about
my life and everything I am participating in.
Karate is great. I love my karate class and since it's the second week we lost half of our class. I think it's great
because now the two instructors will be able to help everyone out. I am finally getting some of the movies
down and now I have to learn the terminology. I am really glad that OSU offers martial art classes because it
gives people like myself that are not very active a way to have fun and learn a little self defense. Since I am
very busy each day when it comes time for my karate lesson I am just ready to relax and learn some cool
Cardio conditioning class is one of my other favorite classes that I am enrolled for this term. For this class we
only meet one day a week for two hours. This past class we had to run 1.5 miles and it was very hard for me
since the last time I ran the mile was in freshman year of high school. As I was running I thought my heart
was going to pop out and my ears were going burst. I realized that I need to be more active in order to
maintain a healthy life. It seems like an eternity especially since it was really cold but I was proud of myself
that this term I am actually trying to be active.
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (February 4, 2008)
Well I am doing good in school and classes are great. I am have been really busy
for the last week but I am trying to make time to just hang out with my friends.
School and all of my resposibilites are very important but one must never forget to have some personal time.
Since we had a long weekend for MLK and I went home and spent some time with the family. It's kind of
weird going back home and having my mom telling me that I need to go to bed around 10:00 p.m. She would
not understand that I like to stay up late and sleep in but I guess I should respect my parent's rules. I have
been taking lots of naps during the day and having trouble sleeping at night. Luckily my dog,Princess , was
still awake and kept me company. I enjoy playing with my dog because she gives unconditional love. On
Monday one of my best friends called my house early in the morning and informed me that we would be
coming back to Corvallis. We left our hometown around 10:00 a.m. but did not really want to go back to
school. At least not yet and then there we got the brilliant idea to visit one of our friends at Southern
We completely overlooked the fact that Ashland is 5 hours from our hometown. My mom had packed us
some Saks that we eat on our long trip. We were on the road for about 3 hours and we had to use the
restroom so we stopped at a rest area. We had no idea where we were but we soon learned that we were in
Roseburg and we still needed to travel two more hours to reach our destination. At that point we realized that
this was not a great idea after all. We continued on our adventure but were disappointed that all we could see
was trees, cows and an empty road ahead of us. But it was o.k. because we were going to make our friends
day one of the best. Since she was in Ashland none of our other friends ever visited her. We reached our
destination around 4:00 a.m. and we realized how lucky we were to be students of OSU. Southern is a tiny
school about 2,000 people total. We finally found the dorms in which our friend lived and we hung out for
while and ate lunch with her. Their dining hall is very tiny and has a very limited menu and at this time I could
think of was Arnold is not that bad after all. Around 6:00p.m. we decided to turn around and head back to
Corvallis. It took us about 3 more hours to get back on campus and we learned that we should never drive to
Ashland from our hometown because its really far. One tip for all of those who like adventure, make sure to
tell your parents where you're going. Otherwise they will freak out . Take it from someone whose parents
were worried that something had happened to me because I left home in the morning and didn't get back to
my dorm until 9:30 p.m.
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (February 10, 2008)
This past week was extremely busy, but I also had great times with friends. It's
important to do well in school but it's also important to have some fun. As I
mentioned before I am the president of MSO (Migrant Student Organization) and it was about time to have an
event where all of our members would/ could come together and hangout outside of the school environment.
Some of the other members had a great idea of having a volleyball tournament at first I was unsure of the idea
because I am not very active. However, the event was well advertised and a lot of people showed up and
supported our organization. The entire week was very busy and a little frustrating but when it came the time
to play I was ready to just have fun with my friends. We had several teams show up and we had a great time
and I actually hit the ball over the net several time and at the end of the night I had completely forgotten how
hard my day had been because my friends and I were just enjoying a good game of volleyball.
I also had the opportunity to learn more about grammar and how complicate the English language is. Since I
work at the writing center we learn about something new each week and this week we focused on how to
understand and explain grammar to international students. I now understand why many students whose
second language is English have a hard time understanding all of the grammar rules we have and when the
rules are broken. I have a goal to the finish reading a grammar book and memorize the 20 most common
errors in the English language and that way I can better assistant my peers and friends about better writing
During my cardio-conditioning I had the opportunity to play ultimate frisbee and it was a sport I had never
tried. Sometimes one must try new things before deciding if we like the sport or not. It was the first time was I
finally was able to play and I enjoyed playing the game.
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (February 13, 2008)
Now that I am do with midterms and I have finally adjusted to my new schedule,
I can start focusing on scholarships. I regret being really lazy during my last year
of High School because I did not apply to as many scholarships as I should have. If I could go back in time I
would have taken the time to apply to as many scholarships as I could find. There are many organizations
willing to donate money for our education but it's up to us the students to look for them. Now that I am a
Freshman in college I am taking the time to actually search and apply to as many scholarships that I qualify
because I personally don't have a lot of money just laying around. This past week I put together my
scholarship essay and I had several edit the first version. I also contacted two great people about writing
letters of recommendation and if any of you are planning to ask for letters remember to give the writing at
least two weeks notice. Especially if you want a well written letter.Another thing that should be done before
requesting letters of recommendations are preparing a resume,a copy of your scholarship essay, and most
importantly a copy of tips on how to write a good letter. The last item on the list can be obtained from the
counseling office at any high school. Also remember to thank the great people who wrote the letters of
Moving on to another important topic which is requesting transcripts. Make sure you request plenty of
transcripts ahead of time because the schools may take a while for them to actually print them out. Especially
if anyone is looking to apply to the OSAC Scholarships make sure you have all of the required parts to the
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Doris' Blog
Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (April 08, 2008)
During spring break I mostly slept in everyday and took several naps throughout
the day because I figure that once I got back to school I would not be able to get
my adequate sleep. I spent most of my days with my younger sister and my puppy and all I did was enjoy my
days. It was a long time since I had no responsibilities what so ever and it felt good to just relax and live a
week of worry free life. I enjoyed eating all of my mom's homemade food because at school I personally
dislike the food. You can only eat the dinning food for so long before one starts craving homemade meals.
I am really excited to start this new term. Since I started school since the summer I have actually completed a
full year at the end of winter term. I am thinking about taking the summer again to be able to get some of my
prerequisites for next year's classes out of the way and since summer class are much smaller I will be able to
have a better connection with my professors. If you are a person who doesn't like large classes I would
recommend you to take summer classes. I know that Corvallis get very dead during the summer term but I try
to think of it as a way that will eliminate all of distractions. And the best thing about being in Corvallis during
the summer is that jobs are available everywhere. Even though a few people live at OSU there are many
things to do that are very fun. I volunteered with different organizations and went to Car Mike a lot and made
some occasional trips the beach.
Moving on to a new topic, the past week was very intense for me. I completely forgot that my liberal arts
scholarships were due on Friday the 4th but the good thing was that I finished my cover letter and resume by
Thursday. I approached my writing center supervisor for a few tips on ways to improve my cover letter and
he suggested having my coworkers look over my cover letter. Once I got it back I was really glad that I had
someone look over my cover letter. After I made the corrections I felt more confident about my chances for
winning the scholarship because I wrote about my own experience and qualifications that met the
requirements for the scholarship. From this experience I would suggest that all of you who have a lot of free
time start looking for scholarships as soon as possible. It's so easy to win scholarships if you apply for them.
College can be very expensive but if you do your part and research and write essays it can save you a lot of
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (April 11, 2008)
Well I am really upset at the fact that it’s spring term and it not sunny outside. I
am really excited for this term because I have been assigned to work with a
middle school group of students on a weekly basis. I don’t know if I mentioned that I am a writing assistant
and I will be working with a few middle school students who have demonstrated an interest in writing and
exceed in their respective grade level. I think it great that these kids get to come to OSU and see what it’s
like. It’s very important to instill in our youth the importance of writing and reading.
All I have to do is motivate the students to use their imagination to come up with creative writing. My first
day was this past Wednesday and it was a bit nerve-racking. I had worked with small children before but for
some reason this time was different. I think that the students and myself had no idea what to do but I then
began to ask them a few questions. I was disappointed at first because they gave me one word answers. I
could tell they were very shy but I wanted them to talk to me.
I mean I love talking I could talk for ever but I wanted them to open up and work with me. After a few
minutes of silence my students finally began talking and it was relieved that they weren’t that shy. I began by
asking them to brain storm ideas for the genre of the story but one seemed to know what type they wanted to
write. It was then when I finally suggested mysterious because they were my favorite to read as a child.
Together we all brainstormed ideas for possible characters and their specific characters. It was then realized
that the students just needed to get to know me before participating in my activity.
The second thing we worked on was the setting and all of the basic idea of the plot and I made sure that I
recorded everything. In order to have a well developed story one must always have an outline. I figured out if
we had the outline done by the first day the next time we meet we can begin writing our mystery. This is the
first times where my groups of students are actually getting along and they have great suggestions for the
story. I have never been interested in becoming a teacher but I do enjoy volunteering at elementary school
because I want to make a different in the student’s education. I had the privilege to have a mentor when I was
growing up and now I think it’s my turn to give back to my community
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (April 20, 2008)
As I got back from home I began to realize that my suite was very cold. I had to
wear my coat and gloves because it was too cold. I then began to do my
homework but all I could think about was that I didn’t want to get sick. My worst nightmare came true. When
my roommate got back from home she told me she was sick. She has the stomach flu and hasn’t been feeling
good at all. All I could think was “great now I am going to get sick” but I am making it my goal that I don’t
get sick. However, with the crazy weather going on in Corvallis I highly doubt I won’t get sick.
I am really excited because I have been accepted as an RA (resident assistant) for the summer term and that
is going to be minimizing the cost for school. I am going to be taking six credits during and I am going to gain
some experience as being an RA. I am so happy that all of my plans are coming together and I am glad that
things are working out because I am going to be able to afford college now. I would have to tell everyone who
is thinking college is too expensive that it is but money is out there. You just have to look for scholarships and
other opportunities such as internships or jobs on campus that will lower the cost of school.
9/21/2009 12:39 PM
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (April 29, 2008)
This weekend was amazing some of my friends and others went on a school trip
to the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland. The trip was super long but luckily I had
an ipod that I used and once I was tired I took a really long nap. The road trip took roughly 3 and ½ hours
because we made several stops for food or bathroom stops. Once we arrived at Ashland we checked in to our
hotel rooms and to my surprise the rooms were decent. My friend and I shared our room and we were both
really excited to have our own queen bed. Our room had a nice view and we had our own bathroom, TV area
and patio. I was really excited to have a weekend where I could just relax and pretend like I am living a stress
free life even if it’s was only for the weekend. After we checked in we walked to the theater and got our
tickets but since were early we went to the gift shop. The store had some pretty amazing things such as mask
from previous plays, quotes by Shakespeare and many other great things that would make good gift. My
friends and I tried on a few of the mask that were sold at the gift shop and they all looked very pretty but they
where quite expensive. One of the store employees asked us what school we were attending and then we
began talking about the war and politics. I thought she was a very nice lady but I had to tell her we needed to
watch our play.
The first play we watched was “Fences” and it took place during the 1950s and it showed the struggles of
blacks during this time period. I am not really into plays but this one was good but in my opinion it was too
long for my attention span. Hal way through the movie I wanted to leave because I was tired of just sitting I
think I almost passed out. I was somewhat tired and the play had some slow parts that made me want to take
a nap. I was happy once the play was over because that meant we would go out for dinner.
We all walked down town Ashland trying to find a play to eat dinner but most of the places were very tiny
and we needed a place that could server 24+ people at once. But we walked and walked for a good 20
minutes without finding anything. Finally we found a Mexican place and the place looked very authentic. But
the service was not the fastest. My order was one of the last ones and they had my order wrong. Once they
brought it out the second time I realized that my food had cheese and this was a big problem. I am lactose
intolerant and I didn’t know what to do but then I remember that there was a store in front of the store. I ran
to Ride Aid and bought some pills that would allow me to enjoy my meal but I must say after going through
some much trouble to be able to eat my meal at the end I didn’t enjoy my food.
After we had dinner my friends and I decided to go watch Maid of Honor and it was a hilarious movie. We
had a great time at the movies especially since we went with one of our friend’s mother and she asked us to
explain some adult topics discussed in the movie. Once the movie was done we all walked back to the hotel
and we all began doing our homework.
I am actually a pretty good multitasker that night I was able to watch another movie on TV and finish my
philosophy paper. I also managed to study for my midterm for the same class. I am the biggest procrastinator
you will ever meet but I am always able to finish everything. I finished by midnight and then I went to sleep
but I was not looking forward to having to wake up early the following morning. My roommate came in really
late and she thought I was missing because she couldn’t seem me under the covers. The following morning
she woke me up too early. I was so mad because it was 6 am and I was not ready to wake up. I ignored her
and went back to sleep but then dumb people were knocking our door and it was then that I actually woke up.
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It took me forever to get out of bed but once I did I was ready for breakfast. We got some coffee and bagels
and then we went for a walk downtown Ashland.
In our walk we explored the Unicorn gift shop and they also had some amazing things but everything was so
expensive. But it was very upsetting that many of the shops didn’t open on Sunday. A few hours later I
realized it was time to head back to the hotel for our lunch. I had the most delicious brunch. I was starving
and I decided to order a short stack of pancakes and vegetarian Benedict eggs. I had no idea that my
pancakes would be huge but I managed to eat all of my food. I was not ready to watch another play but we
had the tickets already but I was planning to take a nap during the play. But to my surprise the play was a
comedy and it was very loud. It was an ok play but I didn’t enjoy it that much because it was a bit creepy.
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (May 7, 2008)
Well this week was a very difficult week because I had a paper due on Tuesday
and I didn’t start it until 10 p.m. Must say it is one of my best midnight papers I
have created within this school year. I would not recommend anyone to leave homework or projects to the
last minutes but I must say that with determination and some caffeine pulling an all-nighter is a possibility. My
paper had to be on the choices the U.S. has in regards to the situation with Puerto Rico but I was upset that
the professor did not offer the option that I felt more compelled to write about. Once I had inspiration to
begin my paper I was on a roll the paper itself was very easy but sitting down and typing the paper out was
the difficult part. I worked on my paper for several hours and I regretted not having marked quotes in my
book that could ease the process of writing the paper. But luckily I am fast reader and I was able to find
quotes that emphasized my point of view in regards to the island.
It was about midnight and I decided to call it a night however I was not quite done with my paper. But I
figured I needed to get some sleep and I did but I woke up really early the following morning. I personally
hate morning but since I had procrastinated I need to sacrifice my sleep time to finish my paper. I was able to
finish my paper around 10 a.m. and then I headed to the writing center where one of my favorite coworkers
looked over my paper. Once she read it she reassured me that I had a very strong paper that showed and not
told the reader what my point of view was. Hearing this from her made my day and I realized that losing sleep
for the paper was worth it. I may say that I am not going to procrastinate again but I know I am just lying to
myself. I can’t seem to do homework ahead of time because I always pull off better grades when I have the
pressure of knowing the assignment is due in a couple hours.
I would like to give you guys some tips that I don’t follow myself but can be helpful when writing papers or
summaries. Make sure you read and write your paper and then have someone read over it and ask them what
was unclear and what was the strongest component of the essay. I would also recommend everyone to use the
resources on campus, like I mentioned before I work at the writing center and help people with their papers
for various classes.
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (May 13, 2008)
I have a midterm this Tuesday and I have not started studying yet but I have been
keeping up with the reading and I have attended all of the classes. I tried studying
this past weekend but I went shopping and obviously I did not study. Now that I am a college student I have
not been shopping as often as I had in the past and it feels so weird to actually shop for several hours
Once I got home from the mall I began reading my lecture notes for human sexuality and began reading the
text but I soon was distracted by some show on tv. I did however manage to read 4 chapters in my book and I
had some discussions on some of the topics with my mom and I began to realize that my mother did not
receive any sexual education when she was in school and it shocks me that a several years later, within a
different culture sex is an ok topic. But going back to my class I learned a lot of different culture traditions on
circumcision which I thought are crazy actions towards the youth.
The following day I studying for several hours and I decided that I needed not to worry about the test because
I had done really well on the last test and I had extra credit. However, I did study with a few friends and they
appreciated my help because they claim I have the ability of a teacher to make things easy to understand. I
hope I did well on the midterm because as I was taking the midterm I felt very confident and so did my
friends and they said that they learned so much more after studying with me. With that said I am questioning
whether or not I should consider becoming a teacher but I guess that is going to be another topic of one of my
weekly blogs.
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (May 20, 2008)
Well this past weekend was very relaxing and fun at the same time. I was able to
have some quality time with my dog during the sunny days. I tried to give a bath
to my dog but I was unsuccessful because she was running around. I figured if I chased her with the water
hose I would get her wet and be able to apply her shampoo it did work for a bit but later she realized she
could just get away. I turn on the sprinkler and my dog was extremely happy running in and out of the water.
But as soon as she saw me approach her with the hose she started running away from me. Since this method
didn’t work I chased her with buckets of water and it worked for a while but the dog was really cold and
scared of the water. I guess my dog was traumatized for while because I caught her hiding behind the garbage
cans in the back yard. As I got closer to her she would hide and pretend like she wasn’t there. I thought was
funny but then I realized I was being too mean to her. I then dried her and we just played in the yard. I am so
happy that dogs forgive you really fast because after a while she just got next to me and wanted me to pet her.
I guess this is one of the reasons for why I love animals and dogs especially because they don’t hold grudges
and are always willing to play with you.
I spent several hours just playing fetch with my dog and then it was time for me to get ready for a party. I
have not really kept in contact with old friends from high school but one of my old friends had called me
during the week and invited me to a Baptism and since I had not see her in a while I decided to go. It was
actually pretty we got to eat a lot of food and the play some games and the fun part was catching “El bolo”
which is money that Godparents throw and everyone else can catch it. I only caught a few coins but it was
better than not getting anything. I got to hold the Freddy the baby that was being baptized and I was fine until
he began crying. I then held another baby and she was pretty calm but she kept on drooling on me. It was
then that I decided that babies are not that great I had my doubts but they are so demanding. I think the
closest I will get to being a parent is having my dog and that’s all.
When I got home I was contemplating doing homework but just like every other weekend I never seem to get
anything done when I am at home. I don’t get why I always bring home all of school stuff but never seem to
touch it. I guess I shouldn’t go home so often because I never do anything at home but I miss my family. With
this said I would recommend everyone to do homework ahead of time which would leave weekends free to
just relax and enjoy the weekend with the family.
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (May 27, 2008)
I am pretty much done with school, well at least this term. I have three papers I
have to write and two finals on Thursday of Finals week. But I just want to be
done with these classes and I am ready for my summer classes and maybe working out. I know that since I
started school I have not visited Dixon more than five times this school year and I have noticed some weight
change in my body. It’s so hard to work out especially for me because I am really lazy but I am really scared
of gaining more weight. I would recommend everyone to create a working out schedule and sticking to it. I
have noticed a few people who have actually gained the freshman fifteen and I definitely don’t want to be
one of them.
I have decided that this summer I am going to focus on getting good grades and getting in shape. It’s so easy
to pack on some weight when one is surrounded by junk, greasy and fatty food but I have actually bought my
own food and cooked for myself. It’s more effort but I feel better knowing what I am eating and how it is
prepared. I love not having to worry about making food or cleaning up but I have to pay the high price of not
receiving the best quality food and gaining some weight.
But anyhow I am really excited about having my own room and being able to wake up really late. I do wish I
had the money to be able to take a real vacation but since that is not possible I am taking advantage of
summer classes. Like I mentioned before summer classes are small and you get to interact with the professors
in a better way. If anyone has the will power to go through the summer term go ahead and take some classes.
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Doris from Forest Grove, Oregon - (May 27, 2008)
I am pretty much done with school, well at least this term. I have three papers I have to write and two finals
on Thursday of Finals week. But I just want to be done with these classes and I am ready for my summer
classes and maybe working out. I know that since I started school I have not visited Dixon more than five
times this school year and I have noticed some weight change in my body. It’s so hard to work out especially
for me because I am really lazy but I am really scared of gaining more weight. I would recommend everyone
to create a working out schedule and sticking to it. I have noticed a few people who have actually gained the
freshman fifteen and I definitely don’t want to be one of them.
I have decided that this summer I am going to focus on getting good grades and getting in shape. It’s so easy
to pack on some weight when one is surrounded by junk, greasy and fatty food but I have actually bought my
own food and cooked for myself. It’s more effort but I feel better knowing what I am eating and how it is
prepared. I love not having to worry about making food or cleaning up but I have to pay the high price of not
receiving the best quality food and gaining some weight.
But anyhow I am really excited about having my own room and being able to wake up really late. I do wish I
had the money to be able to take a real vacation but since that is not possible I am taking advantage of
summer classes. Like I mentioned before summer classes are small and you get to interact with the professors
in a better way. If anyone has the will power to go through the summer term go ahead and take some classes.
Blog Archives
Doris - 05.27.08
Doris - 05.20.08
Doris - 05.13.08
Doris - 05.07.08
Doris - 04.29.08
Doris - 04.20.08
Doris - 04.11.08
Doris - 04.08.08
Doris - 02.13.08
Doris - 02.10.08
Doris - 02.04.08
Doris - 01.20.08
Doris - 01.12.08
9/21/2009 12:36 PM