Human Services Advisory Council Meeting Agenda April 7, 2011

Human Services
Advisory Council Meeting
April 7, 2011
Rachel Jane Kelly received the John Lynn Bailey Human Services Award (O & M) and her name
will be submitted for the College of Education Award.
Kristi Sitton-Furnival was selected to receive the Marilyn Odom Outstanding Graduate student
Award and will receive a framed certificate and check (SLP).
Kayla Blevins, nomination for the Marilyn Odom Outstanding graduate Student Award (SLP)
Lindsey Wise, nomination for the Marilyn Odom Outstanding graduate Student Award (SLP)
Megan Wiggins, nomination for the Marilyn Odom Outstanding graduate Student Award (SLP)
Megan Tong, nomination for the Marilyn Odom Outstanding graduate Student Award (SLP)
Thank you for Program Director Evaluations----compilation of results and discussion (some
without names, which cannot be used for the program, but will be used in overview of
Chairs early evaluation, training environment, and alumni’s perception of readiness for work
evaluations will occur before the next Advisory meeting. The strategy of contacting alumni by email to assess their perception of their readiness to assume job responsibilities and to request
permission to contact their employers was the strategy selected to use. All forms will be
reviewed by faculty prior to distribution.
TracDat meeting (research and service) updates (SACS urgent message with dates)
Professional Development funds—how the remaining will be used.
Fall Schedule progress.
Planning for upcoming Dean’s visit—informational meeting
V-brick replacement request update.
Departmental Budget update----Paper and Copying: How do we manage this? This was announced at
the last meeting, but over-use, (beyond the budget line allocated), persists. Strategies for consideration
included: use of codes to identify use by faculty and establish limits; and restricting each faculty to one
ream of paper.
Update on contact with Eric Steigal @ Head Start: opportunities for service delivery collaborations with
training programs and clinics and research.
University Clinical Practica/Internship Policy—recommendations for revision, discussion about varied
credit hours; and load assignment. Dr. Bergan in her leadership role with the Rotary Club invited
academic programs and clinics to present to the Rotary during the Month of June for the purpose of
fund raising and informing the community of SFASU services.
Updates on Searches
Reports from programs