2014 Summer/Fall BHSU RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM er! your ting summ t i e m m o It ub Welc for s port. e u R o y s l of gres m to to al eIa d Pro u t n o a e y n r u k rt ea f the Than All o the y ow fo r h ! o s e f r s tee s is ds m hour volun encie emin t r g a a s e y r e not g th alwa such could ll of a s h t e o i i t t w n elp ni put i work mmu our h u o y o c f y r o s . Ou t all hour azing ithou ted! m w a o y l es, recia p ey d p h t a utter hang c s y l a e t a n m er. io re gh so slett t is g funct u i w o e r d n h n t a this ry. oing cessa ter in l be g e a l l i n d t w e your lt, bu cuss RSVP r dis ifficu tinue e d n h o s t c r y you a e as fu ly on s alw pleas i e , r e s y g n e very s the Chan happ y are ncy a e e tever h g t a a h d n ll not ur W at wi at yo eed a h n e t c n i d i serv o an ges. hose chan you d rve t P t e s a V h S njoy o t R w do. E l for ss o f u u e f o l e y d t r ave e a gra and h all th e reg r e g r o n f e a h ch it’s k you than while , r er! n i e a h Ag umm eat s l w u f m ar nder the w a wo Fall Recognition Event It’s time for the RSVP Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. Friday, September 12, 2014, at 11:30 am at the Deadwood Gulch Resort Convention Center and our local favorite, Paul Larson will be our entertainment. Invitations will be coming out shortly, but SAVE THE DATE as we hope to see you there! Nancy Wietgrefe, Program Director Vicki Anderson, Outreach Coordinator Janice Key, Volunteer Staff Volunteer Start Date City Bartels, Betty 03/28/2014 Lemmon PHONE: 605-642-5198 1-877-293-0039 Berg, Mike 03/01/2014 Spearfish FAX: Bixby, Claudia “Suds” 04/28/2014 Sturgis Bostrom, Dorothy 01/01/2014 Sturgis Christiansen, Linda 04/28/2014 Custer/Hermosa Daugherty, Marvin 02/012/2014 Spearfish Doyle, Audrey 03/04/2014 Spearfish Goddard, Betty 01/29/2014 Sturgis Hanes, Coleen 04/15/2104 Sturgis Health, James 01/17/2014 Belle Fourche Helmer, Ardyth 04/07/2014 Belle Fourche Helmer, Larry 04/07/2014 Belle Fourche Hengl, Holly 04/03/2014 Sturgis Johnson, Carol 03/04/2014 Lemmon Kirk, Anne 03/01/2014 Spearfish Kirk, Gerald 03/01/2014 Spearfish Parsons, Judy 05/29/2014 Sturgis Pohlman, Lynn 03/01/2014 Lead Sanderson, Craig 01/08/2014 Sturgis Schuler, Nancy 03/01/2014 Spearfish Sprenger, Maridel 05/29/2014 Spearfish Tetrault, Bev 03/01/2014 Spearfish Tetrault, Todd 03/01/2014 Spearfish Urbaniak, Lisa 04/28/2014 Sturgis Weyrauch, Betty 03/04/2014 Spearfish 605-642-7668 E-MAIL: RSVP@BHSU.edu WEB: www.BHSU.edu/RSVP MAILING ADDRESS: 1200 University St, Unit 9089 Spearfish, SD 57799-9089 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 1120 University Street Spearfish, SD Special Office Hours The office will be closed: August 22 September 1 (Labor Day) October 13 (Columbus Day) November 11 (Veteran’s Day) November 27 & 28 (Thanksgiving) RSVP Garden In the spring of 1981, five RSVP volunteers took it upon themselves to transform a neglected piece of land on Spearfish’s Main Street from an eyesore to a local showcase. Since then, RSVP volunteers and staff have helped to keep the tradition alive by participating in the annual spring planting of this area. We would like to thank all of the volunteers and city employees that contributed to making this year’s planting a success. Thank you also to the City of Spearfish for providing the flowers and the ongoing maintenance of this area. The original five Thank You! Persistent budget shortfalls have led BHSU RSVP to explore all available avenues of fundraising. Proceeds are used for RSVP volunteer recognition, volunteer transportation costs, supplemental volunteer insurance, training, supplies, and operational expenses (telephone, postage, etc.). Over the last three years we have been forced to trim back on several items, National Volunteer Week recognition for example. It’s our goal to prevent further erosion of these benefits and increase our donation revenue. With that said, it is only appropriate to recognize those entities that have supported us through this past year. Thank you to all of our donors and contributors who helped us make it through the 2013-2014 fiscal year. We couldn’t have done it without your support! SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING: BHSU Bookstore City of Belle Fourche City of Spearfish City of Sturgis Greater Area Belle Fourche Foundation John T. Vucurevich Foundation Greater Hometown Shopko Foundation Lead Kiwanis Club MDU Resources Foundation Spearfish Lions Club Sturgis Rally Charities United Way (Northern Hills and Sturgis campaigns) Wal-Mart Foundation And, a very special thank you to private donations from Bob and Kathy Schneider, Clara Potterville and Norma Job, and all of you who purchased items on the online auction! More Training! Up to this point, we have been sponsoring quarterly roundtables for our stations, or agencies, who work with RSVP volunteers. We have recently requested and obtained a small amount of funding from the John T. Vucurevich Foundation that is specifically earmarked for providing training to you, the volunteers. In October, we’ll start this training and concentrate on identifying local, regional, and national information that we can bring to you to improve your volunteer experience. We hope to provide a variety of trainings, some which may be incorporated with the stations or agencies, and some that may be half-day or full-day training opportunities. Of course, in order to make this program a success, we need your input and participation. Let us know how we can better serve you. Send us an e-mail or call the office with your suggestions on topics, information, or questions you have about volunteering in our communities. *Be looking for the notice of this training in October! Please call our office for more information: 605-642-5198/1-877-293-0039. Spearfish The Western Hills Humane Society needs volunteers to help at the shelter to walk dogs, clean kennels, help in the office, mow the lawn and a variety of projects. This can be a one time assistance, daily, weekly, or monthly. ANY help would be greatly appreciated! Please call Becky at 642-1576 or 569-6293. Sturgis Ft. Meade Museum needs volunteers for the summer months. Training is provided and this will be flexible scheduling to be worked out for a couple of hours during the day, one day a week, or a couple of times a month. Please contact Bob at 347-1173 or support@ftmeademuseum.org for details. Multiple Locations Meals on Wheels needs volunteers to help with food delivery. This can be on a regular basis, fill-in basis or even just once a month. Any assistance will greatly help our food program! Please call our office for the name and contact person applicable to your community; Belle Fourche, Lead/Deadwood, Sturgis and Spearfish. BHSU welcomes a new President, Dr. Tom Jackson, Jr.! Dr. Tom Jackson Jr., vice president for student affairs at the University of Louisville, will become the 10th president of Black Hills State University, the South Dakota Board of Regents announced Wednesday. Tom Jackson has dedicated his professional life to improving the student experience, and that kind of student-centered focus is very important to the success of Black Hills State University and our public university system as a whole,” said Regent Kathryn Johnson, chair of the search committee. “The search committee was also very impressed with Dr. Jackson’s experience in leading large and small teams through strategic planning and organizational change, as well as his demonstrated record of cultivating strong relationships on the campuses where he has worked and with local communities and business partners,” Johnson said. “We look forward to Tom’s leadership as BHSU continues on its course of growth in enrollment, resources, and research.” RSVP Proposed Changes March 4th, RSVP offices across the country received an e-mail notifying everyone of the proposed changes to Senior Corps programs, including RSVP. This is only a proposal and must have Congressional approval before anything can be enacted. If approved, it would be a significant reduction for RSVP. Here is some of that e-mail. “Today President Obama is sending his Fiscal Year 2015 Budget proposal to Congress, including proposed funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). Overall, the President’s Budget requests $1.05 billion for CNCS and its programs, which is slightly above the FY 2014 enacted level. At a time of fiscal constraint, this Budget demonstrates the President’s continuing commitment to national service and community solutions. The Budget includes a proposal to reorganize Senior Corps programs, by transitioning the existing Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program models into AmeriCorps; Foster Grandparents will become AmeriCorps Foster Grandparents, and Senior Companions will become AmeriCorps Senior Companions. Each program would retain its specific historical focus and program model, so AmeriCorps Foster Grandparents and AmeriCorps Senior Companions will continue to engage in the same types of activities under the competitive framework of AmeriCorps with valuable new benefits. The Budget also proposes to integrate the most competitive RSVP projects into the Volunteer Generation Fund. The Budget supports the growth of innovative, evidence-based programs through the Social Innovation Fund. The Social Innovation Fund generates significant non-federal funds to support effective programs that improve the lives and expand economic opportunity for low-income individuals. The Budget maintains the high level of funding enacted in 2014, and continues to reserve up to 20 percent of funds for innovative Pay for Success initiatives. The Corporation for National and Community Service” What this means for RSVP is yet unknown. However, at the very least, it will reduce funding available to continue RSVP, if it remains at all. As budgets are discussed in August/September, we will know more about the proposal and the implications. Right now, RSVP is continuing as it always has and will do that until instructed to change. However, I wanted you to be aware that changes will be coming and hopefully, we will have clarity of what changes and a time frame in the weeks to come. If you would like to read the e-mail in its entirety, just call the office and I will send it to you. Until then, continue with the great work that you do for our communities! Non-Profit Org BHSU RSVP Black Hills State University 1200 University St. Unit 9089 Spearfish, SD 57799-9089 U.S. Postage PAID Permit #58 Spearfish, SD 57783 Sherry Scudder Deb Looby Director, Meade County Housing Authority Tenant Services Officer, Meade County Housing Mary Buchholz Arlene Termes BOD- Pioneer Bank, Tri-State Museum Dan Olson Principal, East Elementary, Spearfish Michael Reade Retired Educator, Sturgis Marcy Urban Volunteer Coordinator, Belle Fourche Retired Army Veteran , Belle Fourche Kara Graveman Sheila Powell Director, ABC (Action for the Betterment of the Community), Sturgis Retired Teacher, Spearfish