Note from Eva

Note from Eva
I hope all of you were able to enjoy
time with family and friends during your
Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving truly is
a time to pause and appreciate all that we
have to be thankful for.
As we proceed through the Christmas holiday please join us in keeping our
troops that are deployed in your thoughts
and prayers.
I have had a busy couple of months
transitioning into my new position and I
want to thank all of you for your patience
and help. I have begun to visit each station and will continue until I have made it
to all stations. It has been so fun to meet
everyone and I feel truly blessed to work
with so many amazing people. I also
hope to start scheduling some quarterly
round table training in the coming months.
MLK Day-2
Martin Luther King Day
Volunteers needed to help make desserts
We encourage everyone to attend the 17th
Annual Chili and Soup Supper. This year the Martin Luther King Day Celebration will be held at the
Seventh-Day Adventist Church located at 290 West
Hwy 14. Please bring canned food items or monetary donations for the Spearfish Food Pantry as your
admission to the event.
RSVP needs volunteers to bake desserts
and sweet treats. We will also be looking
for volunteers to work the event. If interested, please contact Eva Monson at the RSVP
office by calling 605-642-5198.
“Twelve Days of Christmas” a catchy rhythmic pose set to music to celebrate the holiday
season. But this song has story behind its
cheerful Christian based lyrics.
“Twelve Days of Christmas” originated
around 1550s in England. In 1558, King
Henry VIII started the Protestant Church after
his fallout with the Catholic Church.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is ,
‘What are you doing for others?’”
From 1558 to 1829, public and private
practice of Catholic Christianity was illegal.
But many people still practiced Catholicism is
-Martin Luther King
Experiences Are Priceless
Everyone says pictures are worth a thousand words, but words tell stories. RSVP wants to have
college students interview our RSVP volunteers about their life expriences. We welcome any stories from your life, childhood, school, work, or even your first love. Experiences are pricesless,
and RSVP wants to share your stories with Spearfish Community. RSVP hopes to share these stories and have them displayed during the Festival of the Green at BHSU in April.
If you are willing to share a story or know someone who would, please contact the RSVP office at
605-642-5198 or
But, the song may have a dual meaning.
With the abolishment of Catholicism, legend
has it the song was created to secretly teach
about the religion. Each day of presents symbolizes an aspect of Catholic religion.
Day 1: The ‘partridge in a pear tree’ is Jesus
who died on the cross.
Day 2: The ‘two turtle doves’ are the Old and
New Testaments of the Bible.
Day 3: The ‘three French hens’ are faith, hope,
and love (the three gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Day 4: The ‘partridge in a pear tree’ is Jesus
who died on the cross.
Day 5: The ‘four calling birds’ are the four
Gospels in the New Testament of the Bible.
Day 6: The ‘six geese a-laying’ are the six
days of creation
Day 7: The ‘seven swans a swimming’ are
the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Day 8: The ‘eight maids a milking’ are the
eight beatitudes, Jesus’ teaching on happiness.
Day 9: The ‘nine ladies dancing’ are nine
fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Day 10: The ‘ten lords a-leaping’ are the
Ten Commandments in the Bible.
Fun Fact: If you were receive all the presents
in the song, you’d get 364!
Day 11: The ‘eleven pipers piping’ are the
eleven faithful disciples of Jesus.
For more information
Day 12: The ‘twelve drummers drumming’
were the twelve points of the Apostles’ Creed.
Intrepreted from Vicki Hinze
1. The French gave the biggest Christmas present ever in 1886. It was the Statue of Liberty, and they gave it
to the United States of America.
2. Santa Claus was a real Saint. He lived in Myra in the 300s. Myra is in what’s now Turkey. The German
name for Saint Nicholas is Sankt Niklaus.
3. The first artificial Christmas Tree wasn’t a tree at all. It was created out of goose feathers that were dyed.
History of “12 Days of Christmas”
The song refers to 12 Days of Christmas refer
to the period of time starting Christmas Day
until the Epiphany on January 6th. This time
period is for people to spend more than just
one day celebrating the birth of Christ.
Spearfish Churches and Senior Citizen Center will be
bringing roasters full of different chilis and soups. We
will be having a penny war to determine the audience’s favorite, and attendees will be able to vote.
This year the winner will be receive a new traveling
trophy for best chili or soup.
5 Fun Christmas Facts
Tis’ the Season
4. The Christmas Stocking got its start when three unmarried girls did their laundry and hung their stockings on
the chimney to dry. They couldn’t marry, they had no dowry. But St. Nicholas, who knew of their plight, put
a sack of gold in each stocking and in the morning the girls awoke to discover they had dowry’s. They could
5. Riga, Latvia was home to the first decorated Christmas tree. The year was 1510. About 36 million
Christmas trees are produced each year on Christmas tree farms.
What Smells so Good?
All Counties
Black Hills Special Services. (FGP)
West River SHIINE
Butte County
Belle Fourche Area
Community Center
Belle Fourche Arts Council
Belle Fourche
Chamber of Commerce
Belle Fourche Health Care Center
Belle Fourche Public Schools
Belle Fourche Senior Center
Butte County Historical Society
Center of the Nation
Concert Association
St James Episcopal Guild Hall
Tri State Museum
Custer County
Custer Rotary
Custer Senior Center
Custer YMCA
The Storehouse
Haakon County
Bad River Senior Center
Haakon 27-1 School District
Haakon County Public Library
Philip Area AARP/RTA
Harding County
Harding County C.A.T.
Harding County Public Schools
Harding County Senior Center
Northwest Regional Library
Jackson County
Jackson County Library
Kadoka Area School District
Kadoka Nursing Home
Lawrence County
Artemis House
BHSU - RSVP Spearfish
BHSU Campus
BHSU Child Care Center
Black Hills Area
Habitat for Humanity
Black Hills Center of Hope
Lawrence County Continued
Black Hills Mining Museum
Canyon Hills Center
CASA of the Northern Hills
Children First
City of Spearfish
Community Action Team
David M. Dorsett
Healthcare Center
Deadwood History Inc
Downtown Business Association
Edgewood Vista Senior Living Inc
Evergreen Management
Services, Inc
Grace Balloch Memorial Library
High Plains Western
Heritage Center
Hospice of the Northern Hills
Lawrence County
Emergency Management
Lead Chamber of Commerce
Lead City (City of Lead)
Lead/Deadwood Hosp
Nutrition Services
Neighborworks Dakota
Home Resources
Northern Hills Retired
Teachers Assn
Northern Hills Training Center
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church
Phoebe Apperson Hearst Library
Salvation Army
Sandstone Manor Assisted Living
Spearfish Center for Arts
Spearfish Chamber of Commerce
Spearfish Community Pantry
Spearfish Kiwanis Club
Spearfish Police Department
Spearfish Public Schools
Spearfish Regional Hospital
Spearfish Senior Service Center
Spearfish Veteran’s Monument
Spirit of the Hills Wildlife Sanctuary
St Joseph Catholic Church
Lawrence Country Continured
Tuk R Inn
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
US- D. C. Booth Historic
Fish Hatchery
Visit Spearfish
Western Hills Humane Society
Meade County
ABC Action for Betterment of Comm.
Black Hills Special Services. (FGP)
Faith Community Action Team
Faith Public School Library
Faith Senior Center
First Presbyterian Church, Sturgis
Fort Meade Museum
Grace Lutheran Church, Sturgis
Hillsview High-Rise
Meade County Senior Center
Meade School District
St Francis of Assisi Church
Sturgis Arts Council
Sturgis Center for the Arts
Sturgis Chamber of Commerce
Sturgis Kiwanis Club
Sturgis Nutrition Program
Sturgis Public Library
Sturgis Regional
Hospital & Senior Care
Sturgis Regional
Hospital and Auxiliary
Sturgis Regional Senior Care
US-VA Black Hills Health
Care System
Western Dakota Antique Club
Perkins County
Bison Nutrition Site
Dakota Prairie Helping Hands
Five Counties NH/Thrift Aux
Grand River Museum
Lemmon Nutrition Site
Lemmon/Bison Community
Food Pantries
Do you have a recipe everyone raves about? We are
looking to put recipes in our e-newsletters and quarterly
newsletters. Please feel free to submit your recipes to
be published to Eva Monson at or mail:
University Street Unit 9089
Spearfish, SD 57799-9089
RSVP Needs Your Help
RSVP needs your help. Our newletter will now have
obtituaries section. If you know of a voluteer that has
passed away, please contact us, so we can honor their
life. Please call the office at 605-642-5198.
8% Percent of people
are successful in achieving
their resolution
Stats from Statistic Brain Research Institute
The Artemis House is seeking Crisis Line volunteers. The individuals will be working out
of the Spearfish station anwsering calls to the
Crisis Line. If interested please contact Mary
at or 605-642-7825.
The Meade County Elementary Schools need a
volunteer to help with assisting children in the
libraries. Sturgis, Piedmont Valley, and Whitewood elementary school offer an opportunity
perfect for lovers of children and books. If
interested,contact Marilyn at
The Happy Times Band (Senior Citizens Band)
is in need of a piano player/director. The
band plays at several locations including local
Assisted Living Homes and Dorsett Nursing
Home throughout each month. They also meet
once a every month from September through
May to practice. If interested for, contact Elsie
New Year
Set SMART Goals
45% Percent of
Americans Set new year’s
of people over 50
achieve their resolution
each year
ReStore Spearfish is looking for Habitat ReStore greeters, cashiers, donation ambassador, and a donation inventory or processor.
Volunteers would work 4 hour shifts 2-3 times
a week. Orientation will be held on the first
day of work. For information on any of the
positions, please contact Nick at Black Hills
Habitat for Humanity at either or 605-348-9196.
Are you creative? Habitat for Humanity is
seeking volunteer to help coordinate their
annual Builder’s Breakfast. Some skills needed include building positive relationships, edit
and design promotional materials, and coordinate logistics. For more information, contact
Debbie at or
Welcome New Volunteers
Jill Anderson
Connie Haselhorst
Victor Schaefer
Ken Anderson
Harlene Hill
Elenor Schweitzer
Dode Boder
Karen Johnson
Robert Suwyn
Paul Christensen Dennis Martius
Denise Deaver
Myrna Ragels
Sharon Thorman
Lynette Wyatt
Holiday Office Hours
Lead with Experience
Eva Monson, Program Director
Bailey Sadowsky, Program Coordinator
Vicki Anderson, Outreach Coordinator
Janice Key, Volunteer Staff
Helen Friedt, Volunteer Staff
PHONE: 605-642-5198
FAX: 605-642-6119
1200 University Street Unit 9089
Spearfish, SD 57799-9089
Black Hills State University
David B. Miller Student Union
Office 211A
1200 University Street Unit 9089
Spearfish, SD 57799-9089
December 24
(closing at noon)
January 18
(Martin Luther King Day)
December 25
February 15
(President’s Day)
January 1
Program Director
Eva moved from Rapid City in February. She is a grandmother of seven
and is getting married in June. Eva
spends her free time decorating cakes
and baking other goodies for her
grandchildren.She can’t wait to make
Spearfish her home, because she loves
the community.
Program Coordinator
Bailey is a junior at BHSU studying
Corporate Communications and Graphic Design. Orginially, Bailey is from
Hettinger, North Dakota. She is very
active in Campus Activities Board and
Enactus. She loves that she can improve existing programs at RSVP and
implement new ones.
Housekeeping JANUARY
RSVP volunteer hours will need to come
directly from the station, or agency, that
you serve whenever feasible. Therefore,
if there is no “sign in” sheet where you
are serving, please ask for one for you
to complete. If one is not available, I
will be happy to provide one for that
agency to use. If you serve hours providing transportation for someone, assisting
veterans, or serving where a “sign in”
sheet isn’t available, please be sure your
signature is on the timesheet.
Please remember to sign in every time
that you volunteer to assist the station in
getting accurate reports.
We will be collecting volunteer hours
from you, the station, rather than individual volunteers, whenever feasible. Each
volunteer will need to sign in with name,
number of hours and a brief description
of the activity completed. If you have a
form you’re currently using, that is acceptable for RSVP and you can submit
that form by fax to 642-6119 or email
to or regular mail to the
address listed at the left. If you currently don’t have a form to track individual
volunteer hours, please let me know as
we have several types available for you,
or you can create your own. Individual
volunteer timesheets will only be accepted if the station manager has verified
that time by signing on the volunteer
timesheet. Therefore, you may be asked
to sign individual timesheets in some
Again, please submit volunteers’ hours to
RSVP at the end of every month, no later
than the 10th of the next month.
Lorraine Klinger
Shirley Parsons
Coleen Hanes
Marcella Skinner
Sue Whitford
Jim Voorhees
Delores Colgrove
Frances Sanders
Jean Somers
Adolph Kauk
Beth Walker
John Lundin
William McDonald
Donald Petersen
Gloria Spitler
Sharon Burd
Roy Anderson
Gary Hansen
Freda Wilson
Donna Oliver
Joanne Goodrich
Michael West C.
Eileen Raforth
Sue Caplin
Emolyn Rollin
Vina Dodson
Liz Haanstad
Casey Bunner
Harry Haivala
Kathy Schneider
Ardith McFarland
Nancy Schuler
Willie Kunerth
Sharon Powers
Sandi Nauman
Judy Parsons
Dorothy Bostrom
Donald Miller
Vera Dutton
Kay Jacobsen
Charlotte Kvale
Maridel Sprenger
Carol Johnson
Sallie Palmer
Sharon Coyle
Ada Henninger
Helen Auer
Susan Mitchell
Melvin Hanes
Denise Deaver
Shirley Aman
Lynn Gilzow
Carol Dale
Bernell Gardner
Irene Haivala
Sheryl Panye
Oren Summers
Naomi McClurg
Daniel Zeiner
Robert Steeves
Rita Ramsey
John Kari
Eleanor Richards
Lola Killam
Claudia Bixby
Violet Zwickl
Larry Helmer
Kathy Wannarka
Ramona Hultman
Fern Giannonatti
Betty Weyrauch
Candace Laursen
Scott Stewart
Joe Bride
Ivan Hovland
Shirley Jones
Sharon Oliver-Tilus
Mary Parsons
Mike Berg
Myrna Collins
Robert Grams
Janet Friedel
Donna Juran
Velma Collins
Ronald McCormick Donna Lister
Elaine Perry R.
Ken Hansen
Carol Woods
Frances Tallman
Larry Bride
James Heath
Ralphy Riemer
Chris Davis
Barry Furze
Ernestine Ledyard
Ernest Miller
Marguerite Kleven
Lois Jones
Myrna Ragels
Kay Simons
Nancy Peep
Collette Wheeler
Chris Mechling
Darlene Matt
Dick Tinker
Jerry Neville
Elmer Preszler
Nora Anderson
Gary Goodrich
Roger Chaplin
Doyle Busby
Shirley Ridgeway
Anne Kirk
Mary Jane Nelson
Michael Reade
Ruth Smit
Nancy Tipton
Romona Zeiner
Jeanne Lawler
Dennis Dahl
Jeanne Bachand
Marlene Adolph
Lonnie Weidenbach
Earl Neumeyer
DeWayne Hayes
Donna Erhard
Ree Reich
Marie Feickert
John Rilk
Todd Tertrault
Chuck Valades
Robert Schneider
Martha Patterson
Jo Kallemeyn
Marna Bergstrom
Linda Weidlein
John Hughes
Jill Olson
Doris Workentine
Ruth Mechling
Ester Ackerman
Norma Merkel
Cliff Hanson
Black Hills State University
Back Cover-8
1200 University St. Unit 9089
Spearfish, SD 57799-9089
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage
Permit #58
Spearfish, SD 57783
Advisory Council Members
Sherry Scudder
Director, Meade County Housing Authority
Michael Reade
Retired Educator, Spearfish
Kara Graveman
Project Director of ABC, Sturgis
Deb Loobey
Tenant Services Officer, Meade County Housing
Arlene Termes
Retired Military, Belle Fouche
Nick Gottlob
West Elementary Principal, Spearfish
Sheila Powell
Retired Educator, Sturgis
Marcy Urban
Community Center Coordinator, Belle Fouche
Jill Kettle
Senior Center Director, Custer
Vicki Anderson
Librarian/ RSVP Outreach Coordinator, Buffalo