New Haven Public Health Department Complete Report Mario Garcia, MPH Director of Health ! " #$%&%# #''(% ) *+,&-'' . "/&%'(%0'%12 3 )/&%'(%0'%12 .!'4'1%(% ) 5-%''+ ' /+,&&%6 %&%7#%%8&#9 3'% ''%' '6, ,$%7'' '%&#''%%$'7% %% :$%%$'', %'$''%'&%' $%''''''%%$'''' '$%%+$' %% % '''$;,' %%%/%, ' +,&&%%'&#'$$ '<''' $'$'$' /''=''$>'''$2%,','% $ %% ## &!&# '+,&% %%#$,%? -''%'''% %%#$@%? ,'$ 6 %'%%+,&:' ,'$'%',%%''%%%' '' '2%:%' ''$%' /' % %''%%"&%*)8&19%% $- #''6'&%%%''$,'% '$'%''%%''/&1'' '%8' '%%9'%''%%'% ''%%7% $%' !" 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($ :" * ; / 8&" #6 %'-+,&8- '9 #$6!%6- ?+,&86&9 /'26!:+,&&%6 -6 6L%;?!'- J'6+,&&%7#%% J,'%J$6+,&&%6 %DIN6D-&%L%%$%&% A''!%'6#%'L%;?!'- 6Network for Community Engagement Coordinator,-1 #' ',&%7#%%%''$7''$ ,' :%',% '%'' &%7#%%6%&%'+&T,$%%8B. 9B.3;B553 " Appendix4:NewHavenUniformCrimeReportStatistics MV Theft Larceny Buglary Agg. Assault Robbery Rape Murder 21,012 19,492 17,483 15,553 16,215 15,173 15,037 13,950 13,254 12,009 3,459 9,086 4,476 2,008 1,784 168 31 1990 3,780 8,041 4,146 2,018 1,355 118 34 1991 2,726 7,852 3,672 1,845 1,227 131 30 1992 1,873 7,719 3,417 1,154 1,238 130 22 1993 3,167 7,439 2,961 1,364 1,150 102 32 1994 2,515 7,465 2,965 1,157 953 98 20 1995 2,345 7,139 2,936 1,269 1,207 120 21 1996 1,748 7,348 2,510 1,136 1,094 93 21 1997 1,497 7,510 2,147 1,194 825 66 15 1998 1,368 6,762 1,962 1,018 831 56 12 1999 9,785 1,315 5,269 1,488 973 659 63 18 2000 9,949 1,412 5,256 1,359 1,075 769 62 16 2001 9,527 1,264 5,002 1,516 977 680 79 9 2002 9,388 10,152 10,418 1,245 4,817 1,517 947 782 72 8 2003 1,394 5,244 1,485 1,138 806 70 15 2004 1,597 5,323 1,317 1,106 972 87 16 2005 9,868 1,267 4,901 1,533 1,112 945 86 24 2006 9,792 10,267 1,493 4,478 1,507 1,257 970 74 13 2007 1,373 4,994 1,688 1,228 906 55 23 2008 9,226 1,080 4,533 1,430 1,207 906 58 12 2009 UCR PART 1 CRIMES - 1990 THROUGH 2009 Total Source: City of New Haven Audited Data March2011 Neighborhood(s) in which tract falls Downtown Long Wharf / The Hill The Hill The Hill The Hill The Hill Dwight / Downtown West River Edgewood Westville Westville Amity West Rock / Beaver Hill Beaver Hill Newhallville Dixwell Downtown Prospect Hill East Rock East Rock / Downtown Wooster Square / Mill River Wooster Square / Mill River Fair Haven Fair Haven / East Rock Fair Haven / East Rock Quinnipiac Meadows Fair Haven Heights Annex / East Shore East Shore Population in 2004 2169 1834 2545 3274 3385 4879 6757 4428 4816 3656 2910 4728 5169 5064 6621 4979 6072 4282 4831 3203 1455 1548 4607 4738 5688 5452 6782 5451 4655 Total number of violent crimes 627 327 641 528 763 938 1158 806 910 113 41 579 567 570 1412 1112 237 286 205 198 352 321 984 1174 845 560 431 508 89 Average annual violent crimes 63 33 64 53 76 94 116 81 91 11 4 58 57 57 141 111 24 29 20 20 35 32 98 117 84 56 43 51 9 Annualized rate of violent crimes 29.1 18.0 25.2 16.2 22.5 19.3 17.2 18.3 18.9 3.0 1.4 12.3 11.0 11.3 21.3 22.3 4.0 6.8 4.1 6.2 24.1 20.7 21.3 24.7 14.8 10.3 6.3 9.4 1.9 UNIFORM CRIME REPORT PART 1 CRIMES BY CENSUS TRACT - NEW HAVEN - 2000 THROUGH 2009 Tract Number 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 142601 142602 1427 1428 March2011 References CenterforDiseaseControl.CDCInjuryResearchAgenda–2009to2018.Availableat,2010. 1 2 HealthEquityAllianceWebsite.Availableat,2010. 3 CollinsEnglishDictionary. 4 UCRPart1dataprovidedbytheNewHavenPoliceDepartment.SeeAppendix4. 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