Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) Generating Bézier Surfaces Based on 8th-order PDE Zongzheng Wang a, b, Guojin Wang b, * a Department of mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P. R. China b State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027 * Abstract-This paper presents a general 8th-order PDE method to generate Bézier surfaces from the boundary with position and tangent vector information. We extend the work on generating biharmonic Bézier surfaces by Monterde to generating Bézier surfaces based on a general 4th-order PDE. And further the results are extended to generate tetraharmonic Bézier surfaces by a general 8th-order PDE. The solution of the general 8th-order PDE is actually the extreme value of the corresponding 4th-order quadratic functional. Furthermore we deduce its complete solution, and provide the concrete algorithm. Finally, we demonstrate that the tetraharmonic Bézier surfaces and the Coons bicubic blending surfaces which have significant application values in CAD are the special cases of our results. Keywords-Bézier surfaces; PDE surfaces; 4th-order quadratic functional; general 8th-order PDE I. INTRODUCTION In Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD), the surface modeling technique based on Partial Differential Equations (PDE) is an important class of surface modeling techniques. This technique is based on solving a set of elliptic partial differential equations to generate a series of surfaces. In fact, the partial differential operator in the equations represents the process of smoothing, and the resulting surfaces are smooth and natural. So the PDE technique is widely used in the shape design, such as ship and plane shape design. In 1989, Bloor first introduced PDE surfaces into CAGD, and caused a research boom. Then many scholars did a deep research on it [1]-[10]. However, the PDE surfaces are not compatible with the traditional CAD systems, and not easy to locally control, and then they are not convenient in practical applications. To overcome these shortcomings, Bloor [2] studied B-spline approximation of PDE surfaces using the finite element method and node configuration, which is called the Bloor-Wilson algorithm. In addition, Bézier curves and surfaces are also commonly used tools in CAD systems. Monterde did a lot of researches on the Bézier approximation of PDE surfaces [11]-[15]. Monterde first studied some special PDE surfaces, such as harmonic, biharmonic Bézier surfaces [13], and then extended the method to general 4th-order PDE Bézier surfaces [14]. Centella and Monterde also presented two C1 methods to generate Bézier surfaces from the boundaries. One is to solve tetraharmonic equations; another is to solve nonhomogeneous biharmonic equations. In this paper, we extend the work on tetraharmonic surfaces to general 8th-order PDE Bézier surfaces. In Section 2, we discuss a class of general 4th-order quadratic functional and its corresponding 8th-order Euler-Lagrange equations. We study the Bézier polynomial solutions of the 8th-order Euler-Lagrange equations, and propose a specific algorithm in Section 3. Section 4 provides some numerical examples and shows that some existing surfaces, such as the tetraharmonic Bézier surface and Coons bicubic blending surface which have significant application values in CAD, are actually special cases of our results. The solution surfaces interpolate both the boundary position and boundary tangent vector conditions, and have eight degrees of freedom which are connoted in the 8th-order PDE as its coefficients, so we can change surface shape by modifying the eight coefficients, and hence they will have more applications in engineering and meet more requirements of the users. II. DISCUSSION OF THE GENERAL FOURTH-ORDER QUADRATIC FUNCTIONAL In this section, we will discuss the general 4th-order quadratic functional and its Euler-Lagrange equation which is an 8th-order PDE. It is well known that finding the extreme values of a functional is equal to solving its corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation. Centella and Monterde [15] studied tetraharmonic Bézier surface, i.e., ∆ 4 r = 0 , its corresponding functional is ) Ftetrahar ( r= ( 1 ruuuu 2 ∫R +4 ruvvv 2 2 + 4 ruuuv + rvvvv 2 2 + 6 ruuvv 2 ) dudv. It is a fourth-order quadratic functional, and the tetraharmonic Bézier surface is the extremal solution of this functional. It is usual for us to write a general fourth-order quadratic functional as the following form: FABCDEFGHIJKL (r ) = + D ruuuv 2 ( 1 A ruuuu 2 ∫R 2 + B ruuuu , ruuuv + C ruuuu , ruuvv + E ruuuu , ruvvv + F ruuuu , rvvvv + G ruuvv + H ruuuv , rvvvv + I ruuvv , rvvvv + J ruvvv + K ruvvv , rvvvv + L rvvvv 2 2 2 ) dudv. The corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation of this functional is: ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r + B + ( C + D ) + E + H ∂u 8 ∂u 7 ∂v ∂u 6 ∂v 2 ∂u 5 ∂v 3 ∂u 3 ∂v 5 8 8 8 8 ∂r ∂r ∂r ∂r +( F + G ) 4 4 + ( I + J ) 2 6 + K +L 8 = 0. 7 ∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v ∂u∂v ∂v A Note that ruuuu , ruuvv and ruuuv 2 can be combined into one term in the abovemetioned equation, 2 2 ruuuu , rvvvv ruuvv , rvvvv , and are treated and ruuvv ruvvv analogously. Therefore, we can rewrite the general fourth-order quadratic functional as follows: C 2012 World Academic Publishing CISME Vol.2 No.1 2012 PP.10-17 ○ - 10 - Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) FABCDEFGHI (r ) = ( 1 A ruuuu 2 ∫R 2 + B ruuuu , ruuuv + C ruuuv + D ruuuu , ruvvv + E ruuvv + G ruvvv 2 2 The Bézier surface r (u , v) can be expressed by the power basis as: n n aij i j (2) r (u , v) ∑ = = Bin (u )B nj (v) Pij ∑ uv . = i , j 0= i, j 0 i ! j ! Then by simple computing, Eq.(1) can be written as: Aai +8, j + Bai + 7, j +1 + Cai + 6, j + 2 + Dai + 5, j + 3 + Eai + 4, j + 4 (3) + Fai + 3, j + 5 + Gai + 2, j + 6 + Hai +1, j + 7 + Iai , j +8 = 0, 2 + F ruuuv , rvvvv + H ruvvv , rvvvv + I rvvvv 2 ) dudv. Its Euler-Lagrange equation is ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r A 8 + B 7 +C 6 2 + D 5 3 + E 4 4 ∂u ∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r +F 3 5 + G 2 6 + H +I 8 = 0. ∂u ∂v ∂u ∂v ∂u∂v 7 ∂v Next we will solve Eq.(1) and get its Bézier solution. (1) ( 2 )dudv , ( n +1)× ( n +1) , then {Pij }in, j = 0 can be B. Solution of the Problem F104060401 (r ) = Ftetrahar (r ) . When A= B= C= D= F= G= H= I= 0, E= 1 , 1 ruuvv 2 ∫R compute the matrix ( aij ) obtained by a transformation matrix from power basis to Bernstein basis. When A= I= 1, C= G= 4, E= 6, B= D= F= 0, functional is F (r ) = where i, j = 0,1, , n , aij = 0 for i > n or j > n . If we can the 1) Solving the First Two Row/ Column Elements of the Matrix ( aij ) ( n +1)× ( n +1) its Euler-Lagrange Taking u = 0 in Eq.(2), we have equation is n n 0j j =j 0=j 0 The problem can be strictly described by mathematical form as follows: {P } n −1 {P } n −1 n n n − i , cin, j = (−1) j , we i j n n k k 0 = 0k j =j 0=l 0 n l , j −l P0l v j . j = a0 j j= !∑ cln, j −l P0l, j 0,..., n. (4) l =0 Analogously, taking v = 0 in Eq.(2), we have i = ai 0 i = !∑ cln,i −l Pl 0, i 0,..., n. (5) l =0 So we can get {a } 0j n j =0 and {ai 0 }i =0 n from {P } 0j n j =0 and { Pi 0 }i =0 . n On the other hand, we have {P } { Pi1}i =1 { Pi , n −1}i =1 , n −1 v j. Thus and the control points inside: {P } v j! B (v ) P = ∑ ∑∑c r (0, v) = n n n n 0 j j 0= nj j 0 = i 0 i 0= in i 0 = 1 j j 1= n −1, j j 1 = j =0 n i+ j i, j a0 j have Given the control points of the boundaries: {P } n −i ∑c According to Bin (v) = III. BÉZIER SOLUTION of the GENERAL 8TH-ORDER EULER-LAGRANGE EQUATION Monterde showed that given two opposed boundaries, there is a unique harmonic Bézier surface ( ∆r = 0 ) with prescribed boundaries [11], and given four boundaries, there is a unique biharmonic Bézier surface ( ∆ 2 r = 0 ) with prescribed boundaries [13]. Centella and Monterde showed that given the boundary position and boundary tangent vector conditions, there is a unique tetraharmonic Bézier surface ( ∆ 4 r = 0 ) with prescribed boundaries. The problem we need to solve is that given the boundary position and boundary tangent vector conditions, how to construct a Bézier surface satisfying a general 8th-order PDE. {P } n = B (v ) P ∑ ∑ r (0, v) = ∂8 r = 0. ∂u 4 ∂v 4 In section Ⅳ we will show that the Bézier solution of this functional is just the Coons bicubic blending surface. n −1 which are adjacent to the boundary of an n × n net {P } n ij i , j = 0 , to find a Bézier surface r (u , v) satisfying Eq.(1), and its control net includes the abovemetioned control points. A. Analysis of the Problem At first, we need to obtain the unknown control points {Pij }in,−j 2= 2 of the Bézier surface r (u , v) . Here we work with the power basis. * * * a 0k a00 a01 a02 a03 * * a1,k-1 * a10 a11 a12 a13 a20 a21 a22 a23 * a 2,k-2 * * * * a30 a31 a32 a33 a 3,k-3 * * * a k-3,3 * * * * * * * a k-2,2 * * * * * * * * 0 * a k-1,1 * a * 0 0 * * * k0 * a a a a a 0 0 0 n−1,0 n−1,1 n−1,2 n−1,3 n−1,4 a 0 0 0 0 n 0 an1 an 2 an3 Fig. 1 The (n + 1) × (n + 1) matrix C 2012 World Academic Publishing CISME Vol.2 No.1 2012 PP.10-17 ○ - 11 - a0,n−1 a1,n−1 a2,n−1 a3,n−1 a4,n−1 * 0 0 0 0 0 a0 n a1n a2 n a3 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) x = ( a k-4,4 n ∂r = ( 0, v ) n∑ B nj (v) ( P1 j − P0 j ) ∂u j =0 n a j 1j P0l ) v j ∑ v j , = n∑ ∑ cln, j −l ( P1l −= =j 0= l 0 =j 0 j ! n thus j = a1 j j !n∑ cln, j −l ( P1l − P0l= ) , j 0,..., n. (6) l =0 Analogously, we have i ai1 i !n∑ cln,i −l ( Pl1 − Pl 0 )= = , i 0,..., n. (7) l =0 So we {P } , {P } n 0j j =0 1j can n −1 j =1 get and {a } 0j n and j =0 {ai 0 }i =0 n from a 3,k -3 , a 2,k -2 , a1,k -1 and a 0,k are all zeros ( aij = 0 for thus Now we have already obtained the first two row and ( n +1)× ( n +1) T − Aa k0 − Ba k-1,1 − C a k-2,2 − Da k-3,3 − Aa k-1,1 − Ba k-2,2 − C a k-3,3 . b= −Ga k-3,3 − H a k-2,2 − I a k-1,1 − F a 3,k-3 − Ga 2,k-2 − H a1,k-1 − I a 0k Note that the first four and last four elements in vector b are known and other elements are zeros. Then the linear system has k − 7 equations and k − 7 unknowns, and the coefficient matrix M k − 7 is non-singular. So the system has a unique solution. i>n { Pi 0 }i =0 , { Pi1}i =1 . column elements of the matrix ( aij ) a 4,k-4 ) , Remark 1: when k =i + j ≥ n + 4 , a k0 , a k -1,1 , a k -2,2 , a k -3,3 , n −1 n a k-5,5 , a 5,k-5 . or j>n ), b=0 so a k -4,4 = a k -5,5 = = a 5,k -5 = a 4,k -4 = 0 , we , have aij = 0, i + j = k ≥ n + 4 . Actually the lemma is similar to a lemma in [15]. Next, let us complete the computation of the other elements of matrix ( aij ) . ( n +1)× ( n +1) Taking u = 1 in Eq.(2), we have n n n j n j 1 n aij j n = = = r P P v B v c v (1, ) ( ) ∑ v , ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ j nj l j l nl − , Note the k × k matrix M k is as follows and the =j 0 =j 0= l 0 =j 0 j != i 0 i! (n + 1) × (n + 1) matrix is shown in Fig. 1. thus 2) Solving Other Elements of the Matrix (a ) ij ( n +1)× ( n +1) Lemma 1: let k ≥ 8 , assume the matrix M k − 7 is non-singular. If the elements a k0 , a k -1,1 , a k -2,2 , a k -3,3 , a 3,k -3 , a 2,k -2 , a1,k -1 and a 0,k are given, then the other elements (8) Analogously, taking v = 1 in Eq.(2), we have a i, j , i, j ≥ 4 , on the anti-diagonal line i + j = k , can be solved uniquely. That is, the linear system given by Eq.(3) (when i + j + 8 = k ) has a unique solution. E F G H I 0 D E F G H I C D E F G H B C D E F G A B C D E F 0 A B C D E Mk = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Proof: Assume that i + j + 8 = k linear system M k − 7 x = b ,where n a j ij ! ∑ cln, j −l Pnl , j 0,..., n. j= = ∑ ! i =i 0= l 0 n a i ij i= ! ∑ cln,i −l Pln , i 0,..., n. = ∑ j! =j 0= l 0 Also we have n ∂r = (1, v ) n∑ B nj (v) ( Pnj − Pn −1, j ) ∂u j =0 (9) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j n n j 1 n aij j 0 0 0 0 0 = n cn ( P − P = v ) v , ∑∑ ∑ ∑ l , j −l nl n −1, l =j 0= l 0 =j 0 j != i 1 (i − 1)! 0 0 0 0 0 thus 0 0 0 0 0 j n aij = j ! n cln, j −l ( Pnl − Pn −1,l ) ,= j 0,..., n. (10) ∑ ∑ E F G H I (i − 1)! =i 1 = l 0 D E F G H Analogously, we have C D E F G B C D E F n i aij (11) = i !n∑ cln,i −l ( Pln − Pl , n −1 ) , = i 0,..., n. A B C D E ∑ ( j − 1)! =j 1 = l 0 in Eq.(3), then we have the Eq.(8) can be written as a2j a3j j a0 j + a1 j + j ! ∑ cln, j −l Pnl . + + = 2 6 l =0 C 2012 World Academic Publishing CISME Vol.2 No.1 2012 PP.10-17 ○ - 12 - Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) Eq.(10) can be written as j a3j a4 j a1 j + a2j + = + + j !n∑ cln, j −l ( Pnl − Pn −1,l ) . 2 6 l =0 Noticing that the right sides are known in both equations, a0 j and a1 j in the left side can be obtained by Eq.(4) and (6). Thus if a4 j , a5 j , , anj are also known, then we have a linear system formed by these two equations whose unknowns are a2 j and a3 j . We denote by S j this system. This system has a unique solution because the determinant of its coefficient matrix 1 / 2 1 / 6 , 1 1/ 2 involves the computation of elements Ri where k + l = i. (a ) { P } , { P } , { P } , { P } , by anti-diagonal line of matrix 1 ≠ 0 . Analogously, from Eq.(9) and (11) we have a 12 system denoted by Si with unknowns ai 2 and ai 3 . Notice that we know aij = 0, i + j ≥ n + 4 from Remark 1 and aij = 0 for i > n or j > n from Eq.(3). Step Qn + 3 . From nj At first, we solve S and S n . Note that we have already known a0n , a1n , an 0 and an1 , and a4= a5= = ann= 0 , n n an= an= = ann= 0 (by Remark 1), so a2 n , a3n , an 2 , an 3 4 5 Step Qn + 2 . From {P } S n −1 and S n −1 . Note that we know , , , and an−1,0 an−1,1 a5, n −= a6, n −= = an , n −= 0 , an −1,5= an −1,6= = an −1,= 0 1 1 1 n by Remark 1, and a4, n−1 , an−1,4 are obtained from the above step, so a2, n −1,,, a3, n −1 an −1,2 an −1,3 can be obtained by S n −1 and . As we know S n −1 an= a= 0 , an 2 , an −1,3 , a3, n −1 , a2 n , a= a= 0 , + 2,0 n +1,1 1, n +1 0, n + 2 according to Lemma 1, we can obtain aij for i + j = n + 2 . Remark 2. In the abovementioned solution process, according to Lemma 1, M k is non-singular for 0 < k ≤ n − 4 , so E ≠ 0 is required. The algorithm for computing aij can be summarized as follows: {P } , {P } , {P } {a } , {a } , {a } n 0j j =0 n i 0 i =0 n i 0 i =0 1j , { Pi 0 }i = 0 , { Pi1}i =1 and n −1 n j =1 and n j =0 { Pi1}i =1 , and n −1 we can {ai1}i =0 n n −l + 6 , {al − 3, j } n −l + 6 j =4 n {P } n −1 and i , n −1 i =1 , by solving S l −3 and Sl −3 , we can compute a2,l −3 , a3,l −3 , al −3,2 and al −3,3 . Step Rl . By Lemma 1, solving the linear system for k = l , we can compute aij for i + j = l. Q7 . From Step n −1 i ,4 i = 4 {P } nj 4, j n −1 j =4 n j =0 , { Pn −1, j } n −1 j =1 , { Pin }i = 0 , { Pi , n −1}i =1 and n −1 n , by solving S 4 and S 4 , we can compute Step Q6 . From {P } {a } , {a } ,by solving S 3 and S3 , we can compute n i ,3 i = 4 3, j n j =4 nj n j =0 , { Pn −1, j } n −1 j =1 , { Pin }i = 0 , n {P } n −1 i , n −1 i =1 and a23 , a33 , a32 and a33 . Step Q5 . Notice that now only a22 is unknown, thus it can be computed by S 2 or S 2 . Actually the two results are the same. Note that in Step Q6 , a33 can be obtained by both S 3 and S3 . We must check for compatibility. We first compute a33 by S 3 . S 3 is as follows: n ai 3 3 = 6 ∑ cln,3− l Pnl ∑ i! i 0= = l 0 , n 3 a i3 6n∑ cln,3− l ( Pnl − Pn −1,l ) = ∑ (i − 1)! l 0 = i 1= with two unknowns a23 and a33 . From the abovementioned system we have 3 3 1 −= a33 12∑ cln,3− l Pnl − 6n∑ cln,3− l ( Pnl − Pn −1,l ) 6 l 0=l 0 = n 2−i − 2a03 − a13 − ∑ ai 3 . i! i =4 by Eq.(4),(5),(6),(7). We introduce the notations Qi and Ri . Qi involves the computation of a2,i −3 , a3,i −3 , ai −3,2 , ai −3,3 , n −1 n By this way, starting from k = n and working recursively backwards until k = 2 , we can obtain all aij . compute n −1 Step Ql . From { Pnj } , { Pn −1, j } , { Pin }i = 0 , j =0 j =1 a24 , a34 , a43 and a42 . j =1 , { P1 j } according to Lemma 1, we can obtain aij for i + j = n + 3 . 1j j =0 Step Rn + 2 . By Lemma 1, solving the linear system for k= n + 2 , we can compute aij for i + j = n + 2 . {a } , {a } j =0 n 0j can be obtained by S and S n . As we know a= a= 0, an 3 , a3n , a= a= a= 0 , a= 2, n +1 1, n + 2 0, n + 3 n + 3,0 n + 2,1 n +1,2 0j i , n −1 i =1 a4, n−1 , an−1,4 (by Step Rn + 3 ), by solving S n −1 and S n −1 , we n Step 0. From n −1 n in i = 0 j =1 Step Rn + 3 . By Lemma 1, solve the linear system for k= n + 3 , we can compute aij for i + j = n + 3 . i ,l − 3 i = 4 n n −1 n −1 n −1, j j =0 solving S n and S n , we can compute a2n , a3n , an 2 and an 3 . {a } We can solve the system S k and S k by starting from k = n and working recursively backwards until k = 2 . n ij ( n +1)*( n +1) n can compute a2, n−1 , a3, n−1 , an−1,2 and an−1,3 . is Next, we solve , a0, n−1 a1, n−1 in the akl From Eq.(4) and (6), we have C 2012 World Academic Publishing CISME Vol.2 No.1 2012 PP.10-17 ○ - 13 - (12) Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) 3 3 = a03 6∑ = cln,3− l P0l , a13 6n∑ cln,3− l ( P1l − P0l ) . (13) =l 0=l 0 −6n∑ cln,3−l ( Pl1 − Pl 0 ) − 6∑ ( (2 − n)δ ln + nδ ln −1 ) ( (2 − n) P0l 3 By solving Si , we have i a= 6 2ai 0 + ai1 − i !∑ cln,i − l ( (2 − n) Pln + nPl , n −1 ) i3 l =0 n 2− j +∑ aij , i ≥ 4. j! j =4 n 2−i n i3 i 4=i 4 n =l 0=l 0 3 3 + nP1l − (2 − n) Pnl − nPn −1,l ) + 6∑ ∑ (2 − i )cln, j −l ( (2 − n) P0l =l 0= j l n n (2 − j )(2 − i ) + nP1l − (2 − n) Pnl − nPn −1,l ) − 6∑∑ aij j !i ! =j 4=i 4 (14) Thus a = ∑ ∑ i! 3 3 3 1 a33 12∑ cln,3−l Pln − 6n∑ cln,3−l ( Pln − Pl , n −1 ) − 12∑ cln,3−l Pl 0 −= 6 = =l 0 l 0=l 0 i 2−i 6 2ai 0 + ai1 − i !∑ cln,i − l ( (2 − n) Pln i ! =l 0 By comparing the coefficients of each Pij in the abovementioned two equations, it is easy to know that both a33 are the same. Analogously, we can check the compatibility of a22 in Step Q5 by the similar way. 2− j aij + nPl , n −1 ) + ∑ j! j =4 n i i n 6∑ (2 − i ) 2∑ cl ,i − l Pl 0 + n∑ cln,i − l ( Pl1 − Pl 0 ) = =i 4= l 0 =l 0 n 3) 1 n 2− j aij ∑ i ! j ! l 0=j 4 n i n = 6∑ (2 − i ) ∑ cl ,i − l ( (2 − n) Pl 0 + nPl1 − (2 − n) Pln =i 4= l 0 n n (2 − i )(2 − j ) aij − nPl , n −1 ) + 6∑ ∑ i! j! =i 4=j 4 i −∑ cln,i − l ( (2 − n) Pln + nPl , n −1 ) + Solving the Unknown Control Points We have obtained all the coefficients (a ) n ij i , j = 0 of Bézier surface in the power basis, by a transformation matrix from power basis to Bernstein basis, we can obtain all the control ) points {P } n ij i , j = 0 . ( ) n n = 6∑ ∑ (2 − i )cln,i − l ( (2 − n) Pl 0 + nPl1 − (2 − n) Pln from power basis The transformation matrix f ij ( n +1)× ( n +1) =l 0= i l to Bernstein basis [16] is 3 3 − nPl , n −1 ) − 6∑ ∑ (2 − i )cln,i − l ( (2 − n) Pl 0 + nPl1 =l 0= i l i < j, 0 n n (2 −= i )(2 − j ) f = i, j 0,1,..., n. n − j n aij . − (2 − n) Pln − nPl , n −1 ) + 6∑ ∑ ij (15) i ≥ j, i! j! i − j i =i 4=j 4 n −i Using Bin (v) = ∑ cin, j v i + j , we have So we can easily obtain j =0 n ∑ (2 − i)c = n −l ∑ ( 2 − (i + l ) ) c= n l ,i − l =i l =i 0 n l ,i 2 Bln (1) − = 2 Bln (1) − n ( Bln−−11 (1) − Bln −1 (1) ) (P ) ∂ n Bl (1) ∂v ij ( n +1)× ( n +1) (16) = 2δ ln − n (δ ln−−11 − δ ln −1 ) = (2 − n)δ ln + nδ ln −1 . Using Eq.(16), Eq.(15) can be written as n 2−i ai 3= 6∑ ( (2 − n)δ ln + nδ ln −1 ) ( (2 − n) Pl 0 + nPl1 ∑ i! i 4= l 0 n 3 3 (17) −(2 − n) Pln − nPl , n −1 ) − 6∑ ∑ (2 − i )cln,i −l ( (2 − n) Pl 0 =l 0= i l n n (2 − i )(2 − j ) + nPl1 − (2 − n) Pln − nPl , n −1 ) + 6∑∑ aij . i! j! =i 4=j 4 Thus by Eq. (13) and (17), Eq.(12) can be expressed as 3 3 3 1 −= a33 12∑ cln,3−l Pnl − 6n∑ cln,3−l ( Pnl − Pn −1,l ) − 12∑ cln,3−l P0l 6 = =l 0 l 0=l 0 = ( f ij ) T aij ( f ) . ij ( n +1)× ( n +1) i ! j ! ( n +1)× ( n +1) ( n +1)×( n +1) IV. EXAMPLES In this section, we show that some existing surfaces, such as Coons bicubic blending surfaces and tetraharmonic Bézier surfaces, are the special cases of our results. Then we provide several examples from different aspects. In all the figures, hollow points are the boundary control points, and solid points are those adjacent to them. When A= B= C= D= F= G= H= I= 0 , E = 1 , the matrix M n is the identity matrix, thus according to Lemma 1 we know that the problem has a unique solution, and aij = 0 if i > 3 and j > 3 . So the surface can be expressed in power basis as follows: − 6n∑ cln,3−l ( P1l − P0l ) − 6∑ ( (2 − n)δ ln + nδ ln −1 ) ( (2 − n) Pl 0 3 n l 0=l 0 3 3 + nPl1 − (2 − n) Pln − nPl , n −1 ) + 6∑ ∑ (2 − i )cln,i −l ( (2 − n) Pl 0 =l 0= i l n n (2 − i )(2 − j ) + nPl1 − (2 − n) Pln − nPl , n −1 ) − 6∑∑ aij . i! j! =i 4=j 4 Analogously, from system S3 , we have (18) For Coons bicubic blending surfaces which interpolate boundary location and boundary tangent vector, we introduce the following notations. Denote by uv the surface r (u , v) , and 0v , 1v; u0, u1 four boundary curves on u and v direction. And let C 2012 World Academic Publishing CISME Vol.2 No.1 2012 PP.10-17 ○ - 14 - Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) ∂r (u , v) ∂u 0vu , 1vu ; u0v , u1v ( 0vu = tangent curves. u =0 ) be the four boundary Example 1, but the endothecium control points are lower than in Example 1, thus the central part of the surface will sink. Then the Coons bicubic blending surface can be expressed as (19) P1 ⊕ P2 r (u , v) = P1r (u , v) + P2 r (u, v) − P1 P2 r (u, v), where P1r (u , v) = ( F0 (u ), F1 (u ), G0 (u ), G1 (u ) )( 0v , 1v , 0vu , 1vu ) , T P2 r (u , v) = ( u0, u1, u0v , u1v )( F0 (v), F1 (v), G0 (v), G1 (v) ) , T P1 P2 r (u , v) = ( F0 (u ), F1 (u ), G0 (u ), G1 (u ) ) 00 10 ⋅ 00u 10u 01 11 01u 00v 10v 00uv 11u 10uv 01v F0 (v) 11v F1 (v) , 01uv G0 (v) 11uv G1 (v) ( F0 (u ), F1 (u ), G0 (u ), G1 (u ) ) =( (u − 1)2 (1 + 2u ), u 2 (3 − 2u ), u (u − 1) 2 , u 2 (u − 1) ) . . By comparing the coefficients of the same terms in Eq.(18) and (19), it shows that these two equations are the same. Thus we know that the Coons bicubic blending surface r (u , v) satisfies ∂8 r = 0. ∂u 4 ∂v 4 When A= I= 1 , C= G= 4 , E = 6 , B= D= F= 0 , the PDE is ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r ∂8 r + 4 + 6 + 4 + = 0, ∂u 8 ∂u 6 ∂v 2 ∂u 4 ∂v 4 ∂u 2 ∂v 6 ∂v8 i.e. ∆ 4 r = 0 , thus the solution surface is the tetraharmonic Bézier surface [15]. Fig.3 The boundary and endothecium control points and the corresponding Bézier surface. Example 3. The coefficients of the 8th-order PDE are A= I= 1 , B = H= 2 , C= G= 3 , D= F= 4 , E = 5 , n = 9 . See Fig.4 and Fig.5. In Fig.4, from top to bottom, the 1-st, 3-rd and 5-th sub-figure shows the given control nets respectively, in which the boundary control points are same each other, and the endothecium control points can be regarded as that the boundary control points are moved upwards by the fixed length a , a = 0.5, 1, 2 correspond to the top, mid, bottom figure, respectively. From the 2-nd, 4-th and 6-th sub-figure, it is easy to know that the top part of the surface is flatter when a is bigger. In Fig.5, from top to bottom, the 1-st sub-figure is for a = 4 , and 2-nd sub-figure is for a = 8 . We can see that when a is big enough, the top part of the surface will sink. The following are several examples. Example 1. The coefficients of the 8th-order PDE are A= I= 1 , B = H= 2 , C= G= 3 , D= F= 4 , E = 5 , n = 9 . See Fig.2. It is a cylinder-like surface. Fig.2 The boundary and endothecium control points and the corresponding Bézier surface. Example 2. The coefficients of the 8th-order PDE are A= I= 1 , B = H= 2 , C= G= 3 , D= F= 4 , E = 5 , n = 9 . See Fig.3. The boundary control points are the same as in C 2012 World Academic Publishing CISME Vol.2 No.1 2012 PP.10-17 ○ - 15 - Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) Boundary control points and endothecium control points. = A 0,= E 4 Fig.4 The boundary and endothecium control points and the corresponding Bézier surface. a = 0.5, 1, 2 correspond to the top, mid, bottom. = A 0.5, = E 4 The abovementioned three examples are based on the same PDE with different conditions for boundary location and boundary tangent vector. When the PDE keeps unchanged, the shape of Bézier surface depends on the boundary conditions. In Example 3, we keep the boundary location unchanged and change the boundary tangent vector, many shapes can be obtained. = A 1,= E 4 A= −0.2, E = 4 Fig.5 The corresponding Bézier surface for a = 4 and the corresponding Bézier surface for a = 8 . Example 4 shows the problem in another aspect, that is, keep the boundary conditions unchanged and change the coefficients of the PDE. Here, we change only one coefficient. A= −0.2, E = 4 Fig.6 The uppest figure shows given control net. The other five figures show the corresponding surfaces to different PDEs. The coefficients of PDE are all zeros except A and E with only A changed. C 2012 World Academic Publishing CISME Vol.2 No.1 2012 PP.10-17 ○ - 16 - Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering (CISME) V. CONCLUSION In this paper, we present a general 8th-order PDE method for generating Bézier surfaces from boundary curves and tangent conditions along the boundary. We study the general 4th-order quadratic functional, and present the Bézier solution of the corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation, and provide a specific algorithm for generating Bézier surfaces satisfying the Euler-Lagrange equation. Furthermore we point out that several existing surfaces, such as Coons bicubic blending surfaces and tetraharmonic Bézier surfaces are the special cases of our results. Finally we present several examples to show that our method has more degrees of freedom to change the surface shape. = E 4,= I 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This Project is supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (No.60933007 and 61070065) REFERENCES = E 4,= I 3 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] E = 4, I = −1 [7] [8] [9] [10] E = 4, I = −1.5 Fig.7 The four figures have the same given conditions with Fig.6. They correspond to different PDEs with coefficients under them. All the coefficients are zeros except E and I with only I changed. [11] Example 4. See Fig.6 and Fig.7. 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