Document 10418023

525 Grange Road, Guelph, Ontario N1E 7C4
Tel. 519.836.4545 Fax 519.836.9612
Principal: S. Marquis; VP: T. Drohan
Office Coordinator: L. Smith
Ken Danby has been a bustle of activity within our classrooms and the community! Scientists in the School
visits, chess club, homework club, tech club, volleyball tournaments, basketball tournaments, Skills Canada,
and high school visits are just some of the many activities students have enjoyed recently. A special thank you
goes to all staff members, who work hard to enrich the learning experiences for our students.
Our School Council has been very busy preparing for their big fundraiser of the year. They are reaching out to
the community to help support the annual Dance-A-Thon. This is a fun and energetic way for students and
families to raise funds for the school. The funds raised will support the Greening Committee, Scientists in the
Schools program, trips and other school based activities for the students. A pledge form
with information regarding the Dance-A-Thon was sent home with each student the 3rd
week of January. You can also find the form on the School website under the forms tab.
Please help support this wonderful event.
As we continue to promote our Character Traits throughout the year and encourage all
students to “fill someone’s bucket” daily, February’s Character Trait is “Honesty”: the
quality that involves actions, thoughts and feelings that are sincere, trustworthy and truthful. “If you tell the
truth you don’t have to remember anything”. We ask parents to assist us with encouraging this trait by
recognizing it at home as well.
Kindergarten registration will run from February 1st - 5th. If you know of any little ones who might be of age,
please let parents know to come to the school during this week.
Saskia Marquis and Trisha Drohan
Our School Website has monthly newsletters, events and information.
Our School Calendar (which is continually updated) can be found on the School Website with ongoing weekly
school events.
We will continue to send Aizan phone messages home to inform parents of upcoming events.
We also share our daily and weekly learning, events and activities on twitter.
You are welcome to call your call your child’s teacher or office if you have any questions or concerns.
The Ken Danby Dance-A-Thon will be held on February 12th. Pledge forms were sent home with the children
3rd week in January. If you do not have a copy you can find it on the school website under the form tab.
Thank you in advance for supporting the School Council fundraiser.
We are looking for you! If you are interested in participating in School Council please join us on
Thursday, March 10th at 6:30 pm. All are welcome to attend. If you are interested in helping out “behind the
scenes” by volunteering during fundraising events, writing proposals, donating items to our silent auction or
with any other skills or talents you possess please contact us at
Room 103 is selling Kernels Popcorn ($2 a bag) on Day 1 until March Break! Flavours include
Buttersalt, Dill Pickle and Salt and Vinegar. Proceeds from the sales will be used to support Room
103 field trips. Thank you for your support!
Every day the Ken Danby Student Nutrition Program feeds hungry students nutritious snacks. On Friday,
March 4, we are asking if you can give up a small luxury and donate $2 (or more!) to the snack program.
Could you live free of a chocolate bar/gum/TV time or something else to help feed a hungry child? All money
raised stays in our school to purchase food. Online donations are already being accepted at Thank you for helping keep tummies full and minds ready to learn!
Just a reminder to parents to please drive slowly when entering and exiting the parking lot.
The roads tend to be slippery at the driveway entrance and many times in the morning the sun
is blinding which is making it difficulty for drivers to see if anyone is crossing. It is important that
all drivers are aware of the patrols and students crossing. Thanks for your assistance with this.
Remember to thank crossing guards in your community for helping our students arrive and leave school safely.
Crossing guards ensure elementary school children cross safely at designated school crossing locations in the
City of Guelph.
Kindergarten registration for the 2016/17 school year will take place this week, Feb. 1st – 5th. Eligible students
for the Junior Kindergarten program must be four years of age on or before December 31, 2016 and students
must be five years of age on or before December 31, 2016 to register for Senior Kindergarten. Students who
are already attending Ken Danby for the Junior Kindergarten program are not required to register again. If you
know of anyone with a child who will be four or five years of age by Dec. 31st, 2016 and who wants to register
their child at our school, please ask them to call or stop in at our office.
To register parents are required to complete the “STUDENT ADMISSION FORM” which can be found on the
Board website in PDF version – and provide the following:
Proof of Birth Date – ie Birth Certificate/Canadian Citizenship, Permanent Resident Card
Proof of Date of Entry, if born outside of Canada
Proof of and full address – driver’s license, purchase/rental agreement, bank statement, hydro bill.
Immunization Record
Custody Order documentation (if applicable)
The Upper Grand District School Board has adopted a new approach to the development of policies and
procedures, important documents that guide the board, staff and activities of our school system. Our goal is to
improve policies and procedures at the draft stage, with your help. By providing an opportunity for input from
parents, the community and stakeholders we are aiming for greater openness and transparency in our
The first policy, procedures and guidelines to be posted for public consultation are related to “Equity and
Inclusive Education”. You are invited to review the draft documents and submit online feedback at The deadline for public input is April 13, 2016. Persons without internet access may
call 519-822-4420 ext. 723 to request a printed copy of the draft documents.
Reduce the risk of serious infections - proper hand-washing is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick.
Stay home when you are sick and limit contact with others -Children should not
be in school with a fever, undiagnosed rashes, vomiting, or diarrhea and should stay
at home at least 24 hours following the end of symptoms.
Cover your mouth and nose - when you sneeze or cough; use a tissue or the bend
of your elbow.
You can prevent many serious illnesses by keeping immunizations up-to-date for you
and your children. Call 1-800-265-7293 for more information.
Being grateful is a simple thing that we can do every day, but it has a powerful effect on our positive
mental health. Being grateful increases positive feelings, makes us more stress resistant and increases our
sense of self-worth.
Here are some simple grateful exercises that you can do with your family:
1. Every night at dinner each person in the family says three things they are grateful for that day.
2. Make a February gratitude jar, every day each family member writes down one thing they are grateful
for and at the end of the month, open the jar and read all the things you are grateful for.
3. Leave sticky notes for each family member to thank them for something you appreciate about them.
Each family member has a different day of the week that they are in charge of making the thank you
4. Think about volunteering and include your children and youth. There are lots of opportunities at your
school or in your neighbourhood to help others.
5. Have fun together as a family. Play a game, watch a movie, eat a meal, go for a walk, read a book
together. Be grateful for time together and creating new, happy memories.
Wishing everyone a great and grateful February.
Dr. Lynn Woodford, Psychologist, is the Mental Health and Addiction Lead for Upper Grand District School
Follow me on twitter: @drlynnwoodford
Because many of our energy sources cause pollution and damage our Earth, energy conservation is
about finding ways to reduce or eliminate unnecessary energy usage. We all know to turn off the lights
when not in the room, turn down the heating or cooling and buy energy efficient appliances. But do you
know about Energy Vampires? Energy Vampires are electronics that use energy even when you think
they are turned off. Many "Vampires" have LED lights, clocks or digital displays that are powered
continually. Cell phone chargers, TVs, DVD players and gaming devices all draw current even when not
in use. We can unplug these or plug them into smart power strips that stop idle energy currents.
But what about the future? What types of energy can we use that are renewable energy sources that
don't damage the planet? Let's put solar energy to work! When it is sunny outside, let your laundry dry
on a clothesline. Or open the curtains in the winter and let the sun heat your home naturally.
Or, let's be Eco-Smart in our choices. Design new houses that are angled to use the maximum warmth
and light from the sun's rays in the winter and have a roof overhang designed to decrease sun
penetration in the summer. Install lights that only turn on by using a sensor that monitors brightness.
Plant trees to strategically provide shade. In your community, ask local governments to support more
solar panels and more wind turbines in Ontario. We can use these great ideas ourselves to slow down
Global Warming and keep our planet healthy.
Slogan of the month: Conserve our energy - we are using more of it than you think!
Yep! It’s true!
We have heard a lot about how exercise is important for children to remain healthy but research from Harvard
Medical School (and many other studies) has shown that children do better in school if they get plenty of
exercise. As it turns out, exercise has a positive influence on concentration, memory, behaviour, sequencing,
and making priorities.
According to one study in the Journal of Pediatrics, “school-age youth should participate daily in 60 minutes or
more of moderate to vigorous physical activity that is developmentally appropriate, enjoyable, and involves a
variety of activities”. But other studies have found that even 20 minutes of activity such as walking can increase
brain functioning.
There are so many fun physical activities to do in the winter, tobogganing, skating, snow-shoeing, hockey. Why
not build a snow man, a snow fort or make snow angels? Whatever you and your family decide it is important
for children to exercise every day, the more, the better.
It’s good for the brain and the body!
(Information adapted from Journal of Pediatrics, Edutopia, and Globe and Mail online)
As you know, Ken Danby P.S. is almost entirely a walking school and therefore bus cancellations do not affect
our daily instructional practices. When buses are cancelled, school continues as normal and students are
expected to be in attendance.
If you feel it is unsafe for your child to get to school, please call the school to report your child’s absence. This
will save the office many hours of trying to call parents to comply with our Ministry mandated Safe Arrival
program. If your child is absent, we will get them caught up on the work they missed when they return.
The Upper Grand and Wellington Catholic District School Boards operate a joint transportation system
STWDSTST: Inclement weather cancellations and delays will affect students attending
both Boards’ schools.
A decision to cancel transportation or close schools is made by the Board by 6:00 a.m. to give all parents - and
drivers - sufficient notice. The decision is based on a number of factors, including the actual weather and road
conditions, as checked first-hand by designated bus operators in each area, and weather predictions made by
Environment Canada. When you hear the radio announce that “South Wellington or City of Guelph” school
transportation is cancelled – this means that buses are cancelled but Ken Danby P.S. IS OPEN TO
STUDENTS. The only time the school would be closed is during extreme severe weather when the radio
announcements would be that ALL schools are closed.
During times of inclement weather, please listen to 1460 AM CJOY, 106.1 Magic FM, 900 AM CHML, 105.3
KOOL FM, News talk 570 AM, or 96.7 FM CHYM for school transportation cancellations or school closures.
Current information will be posted on the Board website starting at 6:00 a.m.: (yellow bus at
top of home page)
(Please note that Ken Danby P.S. is included in the yellow bus card area.)