
© Scarborough
Spring 2014
Math 167
Quiz 1
NAME: _____________________________________
MATH 167 SECTION (Circle one):
502 503 505
Circle First Letter of Last Name:
After folding this side should be visible.
© Scarborough
Spring 2014
Math 167
Quiz 1
(5pts) NAME (printed neatly): ________________________________
(5pts) Section Number (circle correct section): 167-502 (9:10am)
167-503 (10:20am)
167-505 (1:50pm)
Quiz Grade: ______________
Directions for taking quizzes: Print out this quiz, staple the pages together, and fill in your name, section number, and first letter of
last name category, where indicated on the first two pages. After you have completed this quiz, fold this paper lengthwise so that this
side is on the inside of the fold and the smiley face is showing. Turn your quiz in on the appropriate pile as determined by the first
letter of your last name. This individual quiz is to be done on your own and is due in your Math 167 class on Wednesday January
22nd. Follow the Aggie Honor Code!
Hint: Answers to some of these problems can be found on Dr. Sherry’s Math 167 First Day Handout, on Dr. Sherry’s Math 167
http://www.math.tamu.edu/courses/eHomework/, and from your chapter 1 text and class notes.
1. (9 pts) What is the appropriate title, first name, and last name of your Math 167 instructor? Spelling
2. (6 pts) What 3 things are you to put in the subject line of any email you send to Dr. Sherry?
3. TRUE or FALSE (5 pts) In WebAssign I can view a homework assignment, including the answers,
after its due date, and thus there will be no late homework assignments.
4. TRUE or FALSE (5 pts) In WebAssign I can choose to be notified by email a certain number of hours
before an assignment is due. [P.S. Dr. Sherry highly recommends you setting up this notification.] Hint:
5. TRUE or FALSE (5 pts) The recommended browser for WebAssign is Firefox and I must have the
most recent version of Flashplayer and Java loaded on my computer for WebAssign to work properly.
Hint: http://www.math.tamu.edu/courses/eHomework/studenthelp.html
(5 pts) Sterling Evans Library does NOT have a hard copy of my Math 167 text on
7. TRUE or FALSE (5 pts) If I have any trouble with WebAssign, I am to fill out a Student Help Request
Form found on http://www.math.tamu.edu/courses/eHomework/.
8. TRUE or FALSE (5 pts) “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.” I
understand that class notes, online material, online homework problems, exams, quizzes, handouts, or
subsets thereof may NOT be posted on Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!Answers, YouTube, blogs, wikis,
forums, videos, podcasts, or any other social media. I understand what constitutes cheating and
copyright violations, and I understand the penalties of cheating and copyright violations. I understand
my responsibilities as a student and as an Aggie. It is a violation of the Aggie Honor Code to continue
writing or taking the exam after time is called. It is a violation of the Aggie Honor Code to discuss the
exam contents before the exams are returned in class.
© Scarborough
Spring 2014
Math 167
Quiz 1
9. TRUE or FALSE (5 pts) For every exam, I must bring my TAMU student ID, a Scantron form 882E,
a #2 pencil, a simple non-programmable calculator, and an eraser.
10. TRUE or FALSE (5 pts) Once I leave class with my graded exam, quiz, or assignment, I accept its
grade unless there is a totaling error. If the grade was not totaled correctly, I have one week from when
the paper was first returned to the class to get the correction made.
11. TRUE or FALSE (5 pts) Due to privacy issues, grades cannot be discussed over email or phone. Also
due to privacy issues, I may only pick up my own graded papers. I may not pick up anyone else’s paper,
even if the person tells me I can pick up his/her paper. Otherwise, I am in violation of FERPA, a federal
12. TRUE or FALSE (5 pts) An absence for a non-acute medical service or regular check-up does not
constitute an excused absence. To be excused, I must notify Dr. Sherry Scarborough in writing prior to
the date of absence if possible. Consistent with Texas A&M Student Rules, students are required to
notify their instructor by the end of the second working day after missing an exam; otherwise, they
forfeit their rights to a make-up. For injury or illness too severe or contagious to attend class, I must
provide confirmation of a visit to a health care professional affirming date and time of visit. If I am
allowed to take a make-up exam, then I must provide documentation of my absence and must attend the
scheduled make-up date and time provided on the Math 167 First Day Handout.
13. Use the given graph to answer the following questions.
a. (6 pts) Name two vertices that have
even degree.
b. (5 pts) What is the valance of vertex
c. (4 pts) Is this graph connected?
14. (10 pts) Draw an Euler circuit on the following vertices such that vertex A is degree 2 and vertex B and
vertex C are degree 4.