Dear Colleagues, The Center of Excellence for the Elimination of Health Disparities (CEEHD) is inviting you to submit a poster and roundtable abstract for our Community Conference: Sustaining and Strengthening Communities to Improve Health Outcomes. The conference will be held on Thursday, September 17, from 8:00 am until 3:00 p.m. at The Millennium Center, 101 West 5th Street, Winston -Salem, NC 27101. The cost is 125.00 and students 75.00. We are inviting posters and round table discussions related to: Raising Community Awareness about Health Disparities/Health Equity Social Justice and Health Inequities Eliminating Health Disparities through Public Policy The Role of Business in Eliminating Health Disparities Effects of Employment Policies on Health and Health Disparities Effects of the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and SNAP in Achieving Health Equity The Role of Affordable Care in Eliminating Health Disparities Church-Based Health Promotion Programs Faith-based community projects The Role of Culture in Eliminating Health Disparities Perspectives on Health Disparities from African, Hispanic, Asian and Native American Communities Perspectives on health disparities in rural and urban communities Social Structural and Economic Influences on Healthcare Disparities Understanding Disparities in Mental Health and Clinical Services Impact of Provider Patient Centeredness on Eliminating Health Disparities Engaging the Community as Partners in Improving Health Outcomes The Use of Media to Educate the Public about Health Disparities/Health Equity Educating the Community about Healthy Strategies through Creative Innovations Advancing Health Equity through Digital Applications If you are interested in presenting, please submit your abstract or title of your presentation name of your organization/university and credentials, no later than Friday, August 28, 5:00 pm to Leslie Gaynor at The abstract should include first author’s name, position and title, followed by the other authors, presentation title and abstract. The abstracts will be published in the program booklet. Include the background, purpose, method, and conclusion. The abstract text must be NO more than 250 words highlighting the main points. Clearly indicate the topic that you are addressing. The Planning Committee reserves the right to only accept abstracts that conform to the requirements. Poster Requirements: 1. Scientific posters professionally prepared. Posters should be no smaller than 3.5’ by 3.5’ and no larger than 4' high x 8' wide. The poster can be a single large poster or smaller pages that together are no smaller than 3.5’ by 3.5’ or larger than 4' x 8'. Posters and pages should be affixed to the poster board using push pins and/or Velcro. 2. The poster should contain a title, an introduction to your research question, an overview of your approach, your results, a discussion of results including lessons learned, suggested policy changes and acknowledgements, citations and other pertinent information. (Do not add the abstract to your poster) 3. You may prepare your poster for display on the evening of September 16, after 1:00 or the morning of the 17th before 8:00 am. They should be taken down immediately after the conference on the 17th. Round table Discussions Requirements: If you are interested in presenting in the round table format, please submit your abstract or title of your presentation, name of your organization/university and credentials, no later than Friday, August 28, 5:00 pm to Leslie Gaynor at The Round table abstract should include first author’s name, position and title, followed by the other authors’ names, presentation title and abstract. The abstracts will be published in the program booklet. The abstract text must be NO more than 250 words highlighting the main points. Clearly indicate the topic that you are addressing. The Planning Committee reserves the right to only accept abstracts that conform to the requirements. Round table discussions of your project or research will take place in 15 minutes intervals from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. A table chairs and a sign for the title of your project will be provided. You may provide handouts or other materials. We are expecting over 300 participants. In the two hour period you should be able to speak to at least 8 groups. Thank you. Sylvia A. Flack