ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT FOR 2013-2014 ACADEMIC YEAR PLO 1 - Professional Orientation and Ethical Practice Students will be able to articulate the elements related to professional identity including; the history and philosophy of the counseling profession, the value of professional organizations, the need for legal and ethical practice, and advocating for the profession and clients that are served. Measure 1 – Counseling Philosophy Paper Students will address the elements of professional identity and personal philosophy through the completion of a Counseling Philosophy Paper. The instructor will utilize a rubric developed by the faculty to assess the paper. The three-point scale on the rubric includes target, acceptable, and unacceptable ratings. Criterion: Utilizing the Counseling Philosophy Paper rubric which was designed by faculty, students will achieve a acceptable score in all six areas: History of the Profession, Philosophy of the Profession, Ethics, Professional Identity, Counseling Relationships, and Writing. COU 520 enrollment totals for 2013-2014 Clinical Mental Health (CMH) – 14 School (SCH) – 6 Rehabilitation (RHB) – 3 History Philosophy Ethics Prof. Identity Counseling Relationships Writing CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB Target 14 1 1 12 2 1 11 0 1 12 1 1 13 1 1 10 1 1 Acceptable 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 Unacceptable 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Discussion of Results: Sixteen of the seventeen students (94%) were able to articulate an accurate and appropriate counseling philosophy based upon the CACREP Standards. In the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program 10 students (69%) scored in the target range on all elements of the rubric. Because data was not collected for 67% of the SCH students and 67% of the RHB students enrolled during this academic year, there is insufficient data to analyze in order to determine trends. There were several students who did not complete this assessment because they were satisfied with their final grade without the paper. This is a first time occurrence. ACTION PLAN: Faculty will continue to collect data in order to complete a longitudinal analysis and assess trends in student achievement. Faculty will develop a policy requiring all assessment measures to be completed. Measure 2 – Advocacy Letter Students will identify a legislative issue that is relevant to the counseling profession and write a letter to a legislator articulating his or her position on the issue. The instructor will utilize a rubric developed by the faculty to assess the paper. The three-point scale on the rubric includes target, acceptable, and unacceptable ratings. Criterion: Utilizing the Advocacy letter rubric that was designed by faculty, students will achieve an acceptable score in the four areas of the rubric including: topic selection, audience, presentation of the argument, and writing. Results COU 520 enrollment totals for 2013-2014 Clinical Mental Health (CMH) – 14 School (SCH) – 6 Rehabilitation (RHB) – 3 Topic Audience Presentation Writing CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB Target 14 2 1 14 2 1 10 2 1 6 1 1 Acceptable 0 1 1 0 1 1 4 1 1 8 2 1 Unacceptable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Discussion of Results: A total of 23 students were enrolled in COU 520 during the 2013-14 academic period. The enrollment by program included 14 Clinical Mental Health Counseling students, 6 School Counseling students, and 3 Rehabilitation Counseling students. Data collection was completed for 19 of the 23 students. All 19 students were able to correctly identify a counseling related advocacy topic and the correct legislator to address. This indicates students understand the difference between local, state, and national issues. All Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling students (n=14) were able to present an acceptable argument related to the identified advocacy issue, with 10 achieving a target scores and 4 receiving an acceptable score. Two (100% of collected data) of the Rehabilitation Counseling students achieved a target score all elements of the rubric. In the writing section, all of the students (n=19) of the students (14 – CMH, 3 – SCH, and 2 – RHB) achieved an acceptable or target scores. These results indicate all students are aware of current advocacy issues in the counseling field, are able to correctly identify decision makers related to public policy, and are able to articulate an effective argument on the issue. Students were able to demonstrate acceptable letter writing skills, which is an improvement over the previous year. This indicates the professional letter writing module identified in the Action Plan from 2012-13 and added to the course was effective in improving the skills of students in this area. ACTION PLAN: Faculty will continue to monitor students to determine whether the successful attainment of advocacy skills is a trend. Faculty will continue to collect data in order to complete a longitudinal analysis. PLO 2 - Human Growth and Development Students are able to demonstrate an understanding of development across the lifespan and the impact on normal and abnormal functioning. Measure 1 – Introspective Journals Students will analyze and apply a theoretical framework to their own development through the writing of introspective journals for each developmental stage. The instructor of COU 585 will utilize a faculty-designed rubric to assess the fifth and final journal entry. The three-point scale on the rubric includes target, acceptable, and unacceptable ratings. Criterion: Students will achieve a cumulative score of acceptable in all areas of the rubric by the final journal entry. Results COU 585 enrollment totals for 2013-14 CMH – 5 SCH – 4 RHB – 1 Measure 1 – Introspective Journals Stage Analysis Application CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB Target 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 4 0 Acceptable 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 Unacceptable 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Discussion of results: Ninety percent (n=9) of Counseling students who were enrolled in COU 585 during the 2013-14 academic year achieved an acceptable cumulative score on all areas of the grading rubric, which was designed by the faculty. This measure includes 5 separate journal entries, each covering a specific stage of development. Students are given feedback on each journal prior to proceeding to the next journal. While some students initially struggled with the application of knowledge and theory, all but one was able to utilize the feedback from the professor and demonstrate mastery by the final journal. This measure indicates that students have appropriate knowledge regarding lifespan development and are able to apply it through the analysis of their own development. Of the CMH students, 80% (n=4) achieved a target score in all areas of the rubric. Target scores were achieved by all (n=4) of the SCH students. Given that only two RHB students were enrolled during the past two years, this data may not be an indication of the students in the program and longitudinal data will need to be analyzed in future years. Due to the confidential nature of personal information shared in the journals, examples of student work cannot be shared for this measure. ACTION PLAN: Faculty will monitor RHB students to identify trends in achievement. Faculty will continue to collect data in order to complete a longitudinal analysis. Measure 2 – Developmental Interview Students will complete a comprehensive analysis of the development of an individual over the age of 65. The instructor of COU 585 will utilize a facultydesigned rubric to assess student performance. The three-point scale on the rubric includes target, acceptable, and unacceptable ratings. Criterion: Students will achieve an acceptable rating in all areas of the rubric including: selection of a subject, question design, factors affecting human behavior, self-esteem and self concept, normal development, and crises impacting development. Interview Questions Human Beh Self-concept Normal Dev Crises CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB Target 5 4 1 5 4 0 3 3 0 4 4 0 4 4 0 5 3 0 Acceptable 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 Unacceptable 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Discussion of results: A total of 10 Counseling students were enrolled in COU 585 during the 2013-14 academic year. The enrollment by program included 5 CMH students, 4 SCH students, and 1 RHB student. Students were asked to complete an interview of an adult over the age of 65 and complete a thorough analysis of development across the lifespan in order to demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills learned in the course. Papers were analyzed utilizing a faculty-designed rubric. Eighty percent (n=8) of the students achieved at or above the minimum acceptable score on all elements of the rubric. Target scores were achieved in all areas by 30% (n=3) of the CHM students, 75% (n=3) of the SCH students, and none of the RHB students. One CMH student received an unacceptable rating in 1 of the 6 rubric areas, and one RHB student received an unacceptable rating in 2 of the 6 rubric areas. This data is not consistent with data for RHB students from the previous years. However, only two RHB students have taken this course in the last two years, which does not provide sufficient data for analysis of this group. Overall, this data indicates that Counseling students are successfully acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze developmental factors relevant to working with potential clients. This assessment measure is the culminating assessment for the course. The five introspective journals (Assessment #1) are designed to prepare students for this assessment. It appears the journals are successful in developing the knowledge and skills necessary for the final course assessment. Due to the confidential nature of personal information shared in the papers, examples of student work cannot be shared for this measure. ACTION PLAN: Faculty will continue to collect data in order to complete a longitudinal analysis. Students will be monitored during Practicum and Internship to ensure the ability to utilize developmental information in working with clients. PLO 3 - Helping Relationships Students are able to demonstrate the skills necessary to engage in an effective and therapeutic helping relationship. Measure 1 – Skills Videotape Student will demonstrate basic counseling skills through videotaped sessions with a classmate. The instructor of COU 533 will utilize a faculty-designed rubric with a three point scale to assess student performance. Criterion: Students will achieve a minimum score of 2 in all areas of the rubric. Results COU 533 enrollment totals for 2013-2014 Clinical Mental Health (CMH) – 8 School (SCH) – 6 Rehabilitation (RHB) 5 Measure 1 – Overall mastery of counseling skills CMH SCH RHB Target 2 0 1 Acceptable 6 6 4 Unacceptable 0 0 0 Discussion of Results: The total enrollment in COU 533 during the 2013-14 academic year was 19, with 8 CMH students, 6 SCH students, and 5 RHB student. Students videotaped three counseling sessions with a classmate and the professor evaluated the tape using the faculty designed grading rubric. The rubric for the third taped session is utilized for this assessment as it occurs at the end of the semester. Two CMH students and one RHB student achieved (16%) the mastery criteria for this assessment measure. Six CMH students, 6 SCH students, and 5 RHB students (84%) achieved the acceptable criteria. This measure indicates that all (100%) of the students are able to demonstrate at least an acceptable level of microskills required to successfully engage in a helping relationship with clients. The data for the 2013-14 academic year is consistent with longitudinal data collected over the past 4 years. ACTION PLAN: The assessment measure has consistently demonstrated successful student outcomes. For the 2014-15 academic year, the rubric data will be disaggregated to analyze mastery of the individual skills rather than reporting the cumulative score. Measure 2 – Practicum Videotape Students will demonstrate basic counseling and case conceptualization skills through videotaped sessions with a client. The instructor of COU 594 will utilize a faculty-designed rubric with a 3 point scale to assess student performance. Criterion: Students will achieve a minimum score of 2 on all elements of the Counseling Session Rubric including: identification of the problem, therapeutic relationship, treatment planning, and interventions. Results The faculty member responsible for collecting this data did not utilized the online system to maintain data. There is no data available for this measure for the 2013-14 academic year. ACTION PLAN: Accountability measures will be developed to ensure consistent collection of data and input into the LiveText system. Students will continue to be accessed in COU 595 to determine the success of transitioning to a field placement site. PLO 4 Assessment and Treatment Planning Students demonstrate the ability to identify effective assessment strategies in order to facilitate treatment planning. Measure 1 – Test Critique Students will be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of assessment instruments. The instructor of COU 559 will utilize a faculty-designed rubric to assess student achievement. Criterion: Students will achieve a minimum rating of a 2 in all areas of the grading rubric including: content and organization of the paper, readability and style, and writing mechanics. Results Measure 1 – Test Critique COU 559 enrollment totals for 2013-2014 CMH – 4 SCH – 3 RHB – 2 Content/Organization CMH SCH RHB Readability/Style CMH SCH RHB Mechanics CMH SCH RHB 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Discussion of results: The total enrollment for COU 559 during the 2013-14 academic year was 9, which includes 4 CMH students, 3 SCH students, and 2 RHB students. The aggregate results indicate 100% of the students met the criterion of a 2 or higher on all areas of the professor-designed rubric. The disaggregated data reveals 100% of CMH and RHB students met the criterion, as did 100% of SCH students. This measure indicates that students can successfully select an assessment instrument and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of using the instrument with a client population. This is the second academic year in which this measure has been used. Therefore, no longitudinal data is available. ACTION PLAN: This is the second academic year in which these assessment measures were utilized to collect data. Faculty will continue to collect data in order to complete a longitudinal analysis. Measure 2 – Treatment Plan Students will be able to utilize assessment data in order to develop a treatment plan. The instructor of COU 591 will utilize a faculty-designed rubric to assess student achievement. Criterion: Students will achieve a rating of 2 on all areas of the grading rubric including: formulation of the problem, diagnosis, developmental context, therapeutic process, and treatment plan. Results Measure 2 – Treatment Plan COU 591 enrollment totals for 2013-14 CMH – 14 SCH – 13 RHB – 2 Formulation of Problem Diagnosis Developmental Context Therapeutic Process Treatment Plan CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB CMH SCH RHB 3 9 10 1 10 8 1 6 9 1 5 4 0 10 10 0 2 5 3 0 4 5 0 8 4 0 9 9 1 4 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Discussion of Results: The total enrollment in COU 591 for the 2013-14 academic year was 29 students, which includes 14 CMH students and 13 SCH students and 2 RHB students. The aggregated and disaggregated data both indicate that 100% of students for whom data was collected met the criterion of achieving a rating of 2 or higher in all areas of the professor developed rubric. All students demonstrated mastery of the knowledge and skills related to case conceptualization, diagnosis, and treatment planning. The treatment planning process is the area in which most students excelled. The area of therapeutic process is the lowest area of achievement. This is the second academic year in which this measure has been used. Therefore, no longitudinal data is available. ACTION PLAN: Additional emphasis will continue to be placed within the course content on the therapeutic process. This is the second academic year in which these assessment measures were utilized to collect data. Faculty will continue to collect data in order to complete a longitudinal analysis. PLO 5 Research and Program Evaluation Students will demonstrate an understanding of research methods to inform evidence-based practice. Measure 1 (All programs) Students will complete a research proposal focused on a topic related to counseling practice. The instructor of COU 541 will utilize a faculty-designed rubric with a fourpoint scale to assess student achievement. Criterion: Students will achieve a minimum rating of 3 on all areas of the grading rubric including: purpose and focus, development of ideas, references, analysis, participants, language, and grammar/formatting. Results COU 541 enrollment totals for Spring 2014 CMH – 2 SCH – 2 RHB – 3 *the faculty member who taught the course in Fall 2013 retired and data is not available for that semester. Measure 1 – Research Proposal (All programs) 4 Purpose/Focus CMH 1 SCH 0 RHB 1 Dev of Ideas CMH 1 SCH 0 RHB 1 Reference CMH 2 SCH 1 RHB 1 Analysis CMH 2 SCH 0 RHB 1 Participants CMH 2 SCH 0 RHB 1 Language CMH 2 SCH 0 RHB 0 Grammar/Formatting CMH 2 SCH 0 RHB 0 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 3 0 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Discussion of results: The total enrollment in COU 541 for the Spring 2014 semester was 7 students, with 2 CMH students, 2 SCH students, and 2 RHB students. Students are required to complete a research proposal focused on a topic related to counseling practice which incorporates evidence of quantitative and qualitative research articles in counseling and related fields. The proposal is an indication of the student’s ability to apply research literature to practice (e.g., to choose appropriate interventions, to plan assessments), the development and implementation of meaningful program evaluation, provide a rationale for the importance of research activities and the improvement of counseling services, and apply knowledge of ethical, legal, and cultural issues in research and evaluation to counseling practice. Students are evaluated utilizing a rubric written by the professor of the course. All students, 100% (n=7) met the criteria of a minimum score of 3 on all areas of the rubric. Rehabilitation and school counseling students tended to score slightly lower on the rubric than clinical mental health counseling students. This is the second academic year in which this measure has been used. Therefore, no longitudinal data is available. ACTION PLAN: The instructor will take a close look at the content and identify elements that demand strengthening within the context of the curriculum to garner greater success. Examples specific to rehabilitation counseling and school counseling will be incorporated into the lectures. Special attention will be given to collecting longitudinal data to determine if the results from the 2014-2015 academic year to determine if there are trends. Measure 2 (School) Students will identify a problem on a school campus, research and implement an intervention, and analyze pre- and post-intervention data in order to determine effectiveness. The instructor of COU 534 will utilize a faculty-designed rubric to access student performance. The three-point scale on the rubric includes ratings of target, acceptable, and unacceptable. Criterion: Students will achieve a minimum rating of acceptable in all areas of the grading rubric including: identification of the problem, review of literature, methodology of interventions, data analysis, and discussion of results. Results Measure 2 –Action Research Project (SCH) COU 534 enrollment totals for 2013-14 SCH – 9 (This course is specific to this major) Identification of Problem Review of Literature Methodology of Intervention Data Analysis Discussion of results Target 3 4 3 1 4 Acceptable 3 5 5 8 4 Unacceptable 3 0 1 0 1 Discussion of results: There were 9 SCH students enrolled in COU 534 during the 2013-14 academic year. This course is specific to School Counseling majors only. Of the 6 students (67%) received acceptable or above ratings in all areas of the rubric, which was designed by the professor. Students were asked to identify an issue on their school campus and research, design, and implement an intervention designed to make a positive impact on the data surrounding the issue. Three of the students (33%) failed to clearly articulate the identified problem and/or the pre-intervention data. Eight students (91%) were able to complete a review of literature in order to identify an evidenced based practice, develop an intervention, and analyze post intervention data. One student (9%) was unable to sufficiently design and describe the identified intervention. Not all student projects had a positive impact on the identified issue; however, ninety-one percent of the students (n=8) were able to make that determination based upon the analysis of the data. The results of this measure indicate some pre-service School Counselors need assistance in being able to demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary to design and implement prevention and intervention plans, analyze outcome data, and identify best practices in school counseling. This is the second year in which this measure has been utilized. Data from the previous year indicated all students were successful on all areas of the rubric. ACTION PLAN: Additional checkpoints during the project will be included in the class to ensure students are on track. Faculty will continue to collect data in order to complete a longitudinal analysis. Measure 2 (Clinical Mental Health) Students will write a research based grant proposal in order to address a counseling related issue. The instructor of COU 539 will utilize a faculty-designed rubric with a three-point scale to assess student performance. Criterion: Students will achieve a minimum rating of 2 on all areas of the rubric including: project goal, project purpose, project design, project time line, detailed budget, sustainability, grant guidelines, and oral presentation. Results For this assessment measure, students are required to do research necessary to complete a grant proposal for a community based project and give an oral presentation over the proposal. This assessment is an indication of the student’s ability to conduct research, design a project with a detailed time line and budget, and comply with grant application guidelines. Student work is assessed using a grading rubric designed by the professor of the course. This course is specific to CMH students only. Measure 2 – Grant Proposal (CMH) COU 539 enrollment totals for 2013-14 CMH – 5 (This course is specific to this major) Project Goal Project Purpose Project Design Project Time Line Detailed Budget Sustainability Grant Guidelines Oral Presentation 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Discussion of Results: There were 5 CMH students enrolled in COU 539 during the 2013-14 academic year. Sixty percent of the students achieved a 2 on all areas of the rubric, which reflects a twenty seven percent improvement rate. The areas of weakness are in sustainability of the project and project time line. Students also demonstrated consistency in establishing the goal and purpose of the project. This is the second academic year in which this measure has been used and data suggest significant improvement ACTION PLAN: The instructor of the course will analyze the course content to determine how to strengthen performance in the areas of sustainability and project time line. Faculty will continue to collect data in order to complete a more comprehensive longitudinal analysis. Measure 2 (Rehabilitation) Students will complete a comprehensive case study in which they provide effective counselor responses to working with individuals with disabilities through the development of a patient education module based upon evidence-based practice. The instructor of COU 526 will utilize a faculty-designed rubric to access student performance. The rubric is a three-point scale with ratings of target, acceptable and unacceptable. Criterion: Students will achieve a minimum score of 3 in all areas of the rubric including: general presentation and comprehension of the subject. Results There were no students enrolled in this course during the 2013-14 academic year.