College of Liberal and Applied Arts Chair Council Minutes December 6, 2010

College of Liberal and Applied Arts
Chair Council Minutes
December 6, 2010
The meeting began at 2:30pm in room 273D of the Ferguson Building. The people in attendance included the following:
Dr. Rick Abel (Government)
Dr. Ron Anderson (Psychology)
Dr. Freddie Avant (Social Work)
Dr. John Dahmus (College Council)
Dr. Troy Davis (History)
Ms. Dixie Groll (Assistant to Dean)
Dr. John Hendricks (Communication)
Dr. Brian Murphy (Dean)
Jeana Paul-Urena (Modern Languages)
LTC Todd Reichert (Military Science)
Dr. Mark Sanders (English)
Dr. Jerry Williams (Sociology)
Associate Dean Mark Barringer provided an update on the status of budget reductions for the current fiscal year. He
reported that an ad hoc committee is reviewing several alternatives and that a final decision should be made before
semester’s end. Dr. Barringer also noted that another 2-3% in budget reductions is likely to be imposed before year’s end.
Dean Murphy solicited input from chairs on the possibility of a college-wide honors banquet. No department would be
required to participate if an existing event is already planned. The chairs endorsed the idea and a committee will be
formed next semester to determine a format.
Dean Murphy thanked the chairs and the College Council for their assistance in supplying feedback on the assessment
data. This input is designed to “close the loop” on the assessment process. A draft summary of the complete report will be
circulated within a week for review and, if no objections, the results will be entered into TracDat by December 22.
Dean Murphy informed the chairs that new seating would be installed in LA 102 and LA 142 during the holiday break.
Funds for the project were a separate allocation to the College earmarked exclusively for this purpose.
Ms. Shannen Williams from the Design Center presented seating schematics and cost estimates for all departments that
requested room renovations. This information will enable departments to make informed decisions on how to spend their
capital improvement funds. A meeting will be held next Tuesday to submit formal spending proposals.
The chairs reviewed a draft faculty evaluation instrument as amended by the College Council. The chairs recommended a
few amendments and the instrument will again be considered by the College Council. Dean Murphy announced that
former astronaut Alan Bean would be the next speaker in the Archie McDonald Speaker Series on April 14, 2011.
Dr. Jerry Williams discussed a service-learning program that will be launched in the College next academic year. Dr. JB
Watson will serve as coordinator of the project and he will hold an information meeting in the Spring Semester. Dean
Murphy asked for opinions about conducting a networking event to match students with alumni for career development
discussions. The chairs supported the concept but recommended delaying the event until the following year.
Dr. Williams proposed that the College reconsider the writing intensive requirement because it is administratively difficult
to administer. It was agreed that a committee would explore the issue next semester.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.