1 Stephen F. Austin State University Richard and Lucille DeWitt School of Nursing Student Evaluation of Course Faculty, Course, Faculty as Clinical Instructor Face-to-Face Courses Form 38A Instructions: Please rate your Course Faculty, Course, and Faculty as Clinical by using the following Likert Scale to answer the questions. (5) Strongly agree (4) Agree (3) Neutral (2) Disagree (1) Strongly Disagree (0) Non-applicable A. Course Faculty: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The instructor’s course objectives were clear and concise. The instructor’s content was built on previous knowledge. The instructor provided an opportunity to analyze future trends in nursing, when applicable. The instructor followed the grading procedure outlined in the course syllabus. The instructor presented course content in an organized and informative manner. The instructor encouraged students to think critically. The instructor was available for assistance during the course. The instructor responded in a timely manner with assignments. The instructor provided opportunities for questions during the course. The instructor was interested in and enthusiastic about the material presented. Overall, I would rate this instructor as: B. Course: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The course objectives were clear and concise. The course content was reflected in the objectives. The course content was built on previous knowledge. The course content addressed ethical and legal issues in nursing, when applicable. The course content addressed responsibilities under the nurse practice act, when applicable. The course content provided opportunities to analyze future trends in nursing. The textbook was applicable to the course content. The grading procedure was outlined at the beginning of the course. The syllabus was followed during the course. The course content was presented in an organized and informed manner. Students were encouraged to think critically. There were opportunities to ask questions during class. Class usually began on time. Class was seldom dismissed early or cancelled. Extra assistance was available outside regular class hours. Library resources were available for meeting course objectives. Overall, I would rate this on-line course as: Committee: Evaluation: Forms: Forms: April, 2012 2 Instructions: Please rate your Course Faculty, Course, and Faculty as Clinical by using the following Likert Scale to answer the questions. (5) Strongly agree (4) Agree (3) Neutral (2) Disagree (1) Strongly Disagree (0) Non-applicable C. Faculty as Clinical Instructor: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The instructor usually began clinical on time. The instructor seldom dismissed early or cancelled clinical. The instructor facilitated learning in the clinical setting. The instructor provided opportunities for questions during clinical hours. The instructor was available for assistance outside regular clinical hours. Overall, I would rate this clinical instructor as: Committee: Evaluation: Forms: Forms: April, 2012