ART HISTORY DEPARTMENT FUNDING REQUEST For academic year 20 to 20 Please fill in the following information indicating whether you are, or are not, interested in financial support for the next academic year. Please return the form to Linda Magner by February 4. This will serve both as a survey and as an application. Name: Telephone: Email: nd rd 1. Next Fall I will be entering my (2 , 3 , etc.) SEMESTER in the _______________ (MA, PhD, Direct PhD) program in Art History at the University of Delaware. Indicate the SEMESTER and YEAR you entered your current graduate program (the one listed above) (example: Fall, 2010): Please indicate any PREVIOUS Art History graduate programs you were in at the University of Delaware, including dates begun and completed (example: MA, Fall 2008 – Spring 2010): Are you in the Curatorial Track PhD program? Check one: Yes No 2. Please cite (in chronological order, oldest first) the financial support you have held from the University of Delaware or elsewhere, during your entire career in the Art History program. Do not include loan programs. Type of Support (ex: TA) Program supported (ex: Dir PhD) Semester & Year (ex: Fall, 2010) 3.Examinations: Language exam I: _________________Month and year you have taken or plan to take Language exam 2: ________________ Month and year you have taken or plan to take Major exam: _____________________ Field and month and year you have taken or plan to take Minor exam: _____________________ Field and month and year you have taken or plan to take 4. Month and year you expect to complete your M.A. (including MA Paper) or your Ph.D. (not including dissertation) 5. Indicate whether you want financial support next year (either the full academic year or one semester of that year). Yes No (If no, do not proceed any further. Please return the form to Linda Magner) 6. Please indicate one or more: a. The type of support you prefer: Fellowship ; TA ; RA ; No preference b. What is your expected course load next year, by semester? Fall: Spring: c. At what date (month and year) will you expect to complete your course work for the degree in question? 7. If you are in the Ph.D. program, please indicate whether you will be spending one or more terms next year writing a doctoral dissertation. 8. Ph.D. Students Only: Planning for next year, will you be eligible (completion of all work, but the dissertation by fall) to apply for CASVA, NMAA, LUCE, ACLS, Metropolitan, and similar fellowships? Yes: No: Please be sure to keep a copy of this form for your own records Please return the form to Linda Magner Thank you for your cooperation