@w Newsletter Department of Art History S p r i n g

Departmentof Art History
S p r i n g2 0 0 6V o l . 1 1
Chair's Letter
Dear Alumniand Friendsof the Departmentof Art Historyat
the Universityof Delaware,
The academicyear 2005-06marksthe secondyear of my
tenureas Acting Chair. ProfessorBernardHermanhas been
appointedby the Deanas Chairbeginningin September2006.
I use this opportunityto thank the followingamong my
colleaguesfor theirsupportand excellentwork on behalfof our
program:ProfessorLaurenPetersen,AssociateChair and
ProfessorDavidStone,GraduateStudiesDirector. Professor
LindaPellecchiaworkedably and hard as Directorof
I am very happyto announcethe additionof a new memberto
our faculty,ProfessorVimalinRujivacharakul
who will be joiningus in Spring2006 (seep.2). A pre-doctoral
Gettyfellow duringthe past year, Dr. Rujivacharakulis a native
of Thailand.With recentfacultyhiresspecializing
in varieties
of non-westernart historicalfields,includingAfricanand Latin
Americanart, Vimalin'sspecialresearchinterest,Chinese
architecture,expandseven furtherthe scope of our course
offeringsin fulfillmentof our department's
visionof art history.
Lookingahead,we are eagerlyanticipatingthe presence
amongus of ProfessorAlan Wallachas Distinguished
Professorof AmericanArt in Spring2006. As a searchfor a
scholarin Americanart beginsin the Fallof 2006 to replace
professorMichaelLeja,we are delightedto be able to invite
anotherseniorAmericanistto offer a graduateseminarnext
year. ProfessorElizabethJohns, ProfessorEmeritaof the
Historyof Art at the Universityof Pennsylvania,has accepted
our offerto join our departmentin Fall2006 as Distinguished
VisitingProfessorof AmericanArt. ProfessorJohns is known
for her path breakingscholarshipon a numberof subjects
relatingto 19tncenturyAmericanart and culture,includingtwo
books,one on ThomasEakins,the otheron
Americangenrepainting.The topicof her seminarfor our
department,Genre in AmericanArt from the lgth to the Earty
20thCentu4y,taps on researchstemmingfrom that book and
more recentresearchshe is conductingin relationto a major
exhibitionin New York. ProfessorLeja,now at the University
of Pennsylvania,is thankfullynot too far away. He holds an
Adjunctprofessorshipat Delawareand will continueto advise
and co-advisehis DelawarePh.D students.
Our faculty* severalmembersof which were out on
prestigiousfellowshipsfor part of last year - was backfull
steam in the Fall. This generateda nice feelingof "wholeness"
but one that is not going to last for long. Both Ann Gibsonand
PerryChapmanare goingto be away againin Springand Fall
2006 with Guggenheimgrants,and LawrenceNeesis planning
to take a whole sabbaticalyear off to devoteto his researchin
Just as in years past,our currentlectureseries,the resultof
the hard work of a graduatestudentcommitteeadvisedby
MonicaDominguezTorres,featuresa set of
speakers.They include,amongothers,Sarah
Greenough,Curatorand Head of the Departmentof
at the NationalGallerywho offeredthe Williaml.
Homerlecturein Photography
in the Fall,an annualevent
made possibleby the generosityof Charleslsaacsand Carol
Nigro. In the springwe lookforwardto anotherdistinguished
speaker,Oleg Grabar,professoremeritusof lslamicArt at the
Institutefor AdvancedStudy in Princeton. Grabarwill deliver
the Wayne CravenAnnual Lectureon the subjectof "Shared
Objects:7-BthCenturySilverfrom the Atlanticto the Pacificand
the Originsof lslamicArt." We are thankfulto BillAllenfor his
supportover the years for this lecture.
Entering GraduateStudents
Bottom Left to Right: SarahRuhland,JessicaWaldmann,
Tess Schwab,JenniferKozerawskiTop Left to Right:
An exceptionallydynamicgroup of new graduatestudents,
eightin all, havejoinedthe departmentbringingin their
enthusiasmand freshideas. Amongthe moreseasonedgroup
of older graduates,severalare makingtheir mark on the
professionalscene. Janet Dees has been selectedto
representthe departmentin the graduatesymposiumheld at
Museumof Art; lsabelleLachatwill be our
the Philadelphia
speakerat the Mid-Atlantic
Symposiumin April. I am delighted
to announce,moreover,that the recipientof the first SewellC.
Biggsaward- a fellowshipthat partlysupportsstudentswho
will be completingtheir dissertationwithinthe awardyear - is
our very own Teresa Nevins. Terri is finishinga dissertationon
a 9tn-century
illuminatedmanuscriptunderthe supervisionof
It is a pleasure,finally,to announceanotheradditionto our
department,Ms. TracieAlbanesewho joined our officestaff
this semester. Tracie replacesTina Trimblewho moved up to
the full-timeadministrativepositionleft vacant by the retirement
of CarolynRifino. Her presencein the officeadds to our sense
of privilegefor havingsuch an efficientand helpfulstaffto help
headedas alwaysby Eileen
us all along,indeedwonderfully,
Larson. Eileen'schangeof last name,by the way, is the result
of a happyevent: last spring EileenmarriedMarty Larson.
Dawn Morehouseand Dr. PerryChapman
Lastly,on December7 our annualholidaypartybroughtus
togetheronce again with good food, and the warmthand good
spiritthat is so distinctiveof our professionaland intellectual
With warmestwishes,
Nina Athanassog
Holiday Event
EileenLarson,Dr. NinaAthanassoglou-Kallmyer
and Janet Dees
Dr.Wendy Bellionand son Luke
New Faculty Profile
Vimalin RujivacharakuI
join the facultythis
Getty Research
Fellowshipat the
Getty Research
Institutein Southern
area of specializationis the historyand theoryof architecture.
She previouslytaught coursesin the art historydepartmentat
the Universityof Californiaat Berkeleyon the historyof
architectureand urbanism. ProfessorRujivacharakulhas held
researchpositionsat the NeedhamResearchInstituteat the
Universityof Cambridge,the Insti,tute
of ModernChinese
ArchitecturalHistoryand HistoricPreservationat Tsinghua
University,and the lnstituteof East Asian Studiesat the
Universityof Californiaat Berkeley, She also co-organizedthe
BrackefSysfemsat the Universityof
Californiaat Berkeley.
the Game of Heroicization:
The Rise of Architectural
Professionin China, 1840s-1949i in Ciflesin Motion,eds.
ShermanCochran,DavidStrand,and Wen-HsinYeh
(forthcoming); "Rereading Chinese Architectural History:
Cross-CulturalReadingof the Rise of ChineseArchitecture,
1860s-1930s,"in WorldAnthology of ArchitecturalHistory,eds.
PaulaLupkinand ParkerJames (forthcoming);
as well as
entriesfor "TwentiethCenturyArchitecturein Bangkok"and
"Baiyok Tower," in Encyclopediaof Twentieth-Century
2003). She
is currentlypreparingarticlestitled"The Emperor,the Jesuits,
and a Concubine:ContestedMeaningsof 'Chinaand the West'
in Early ModernArchitecture,""Toyo and Dongyang:Japanese
ArchitecturalHistoriansand the Searchfor'Oriental'Rootsin
China,"and "PreserveChina:Meaningsof a Templeand SinoJapanesePoliticsof Historicization."
ProfessorRujivacharakulhas just receivedher Ph.D.from the
Universityof Californiaat Berkeley,where she wrote a
dissertationtitled"The Rise of ChineseArchitecture:CrossCulturalStudiesand the Makingof ModernKnowledge."She
has been awardedfellowshipsfrom numerousinstitutions
besidesthe Getty,includingthe Societyof Architectural
Historiansand UC Berkeley.VimalinRujivacharakul
holds a Master'sin Architecturefrom the Universityof Michigan
at Ann Arbor,and a Bachelor'sin Architecturewith High
Honorsfrom Chulalongkorn
Universityin Thailand.
In April 2006, ProfessorRujivacharakulis co-chairinga session
Anime, and AlternateLandscape"for the
of the Societyof ArchitecturalHistorians.
Delaware'sundergraduatesare lookingforwardto Professor
spring lecturecourse,The Historyof
Architecture,while graduatestudentsare eagerlyawaitinga
seminaron Theoriesand Methodsof Non-Western
Architecturescheduledfor the followingacademicyear. She
will be movingto Newarkin Januaryand is "lookingfonryardto
joiningthe intellectualcommunityat the Universityof
Annie Counter
Faculty News
Nina Athanassoglou-Kallmyer
Nina Kallmyercontinuesfor a secondyear as Acting Chair.
Her impressionsfrom one year of chairingwere positive.
this is a demandingpositionthat taps skillsmuch
differentfrom those traditionallyexpectedfrom a strictly
academicjob. Surprisingly,however,she finds that chairing
and scholarshipare not so far apart,indeedthey have one
(unexpected)featurein common:they are both incentivesthat
rely on imaginativeand creativethinking.
In betweengoing to meetingsand signingletters,therefore,
she pursuedher currentresearchon Classicismand modern
art relentlessly.Severaltalks resultedfrom it: a CAA
presentationin February;a presentationat the annualmeeting
of the Associationof Art Historiansin Bristol(England)in April;
a lectureat Brown Universityin May; and a lectureat the
AmericanSchoolof ClassicalStudiesin Athens (Greece)in
November2005. At the same time, two of her essays
appearedin the collectedpapersof past conferences,Repenserla Restaurationand Paris 1820, both held in Paris
(France). She has just sent in the manuscriptfor yet another
paperto be publishedin a volume of essaysfrom a conference
held in Torontoon the theme of the Mediterraneanin the
Exhibitionsalso becamea focus of her activitiesthis year and
for the year to come. Part of her contributionto the exhibition
The Legacy of Homer. Four Centuries of Art from the Ecole
NationaledesBeauxArts,jointlyon displayat the Dahesh
Museum(New York) and the Art Museum(Princeton
includeda talk titled"PossessingHome/'in a
symposiumheld at PrincetonUniversityin October2005. In
2006, she will be offeringlecturesat the SmithsonianInstitution
with the museum's
and at the NationalGalleryin conjunction
majorshow C|zanne in Provenceand will be coordinatinga
relatedsymposium.In Fall2006,she will also be partof a
symposiumcelebratingthe show's Europeanopeningin Aixen-Provence,C6zanne'shome town'
lecturingat the AmericanSchoolfor
Dr. NinaAthanassoglou-Kallmyer
ClassicalStudiesin Athens,November2005
Wendy Bellion
Wendy Bellionenjoyeda busy first year as the newest
Americanistto join the department.Her courseofferingshave
includedan undergraduatesurveyof earlyAmericanart, an
"lllusionismin AmericanArt,"and
"Visionand Virtualityin Eighteenth
two graduateseminars:
"Art and Revolutionin
CenturyBritainand NorthAmerica"and
EarlyAmerica,"for whichshe was awardeda UD Global
CitizenshipFacultyFellowship.She is nearingcompletionon
her book manuscript,Citizen Spectator:Art, lllusion,and
Discernmentin Earty NationalAmerica,which will be published
by Universityof NorthCarolinaPressfor the Omohundro
lnstitutefor EarlyAmericanHistoryand Culture. In addition,
she publishedbook reviews in The Williamand Mary Quafterly
and Common-place.org,plus a state-of-the-fieldessay on
scholarshipin earlyAmericanart in the smithsonianjournal
AmericanArd. She also had the pleasureof workingwith
Winterthurstudentsand staff as part of the executive
committeefor the UD-WinterthurProgramin EarlyAmerican
Culture,and she initiatedand organizeda year-longfaculty
"MaterialCulturesof the AtlanticWorld"for the
Centerfor MaterialCultureStudies.
ProfessorBellionhas also been activebeyondNewarkwith
speakingengagements.Last spring,she was invitedto lecture
on GilbertStuartas part of the Edgar P. Richardson
Symposiumon AmericanArt at the NationalGalleryof Art and
to speak aboutthe futureof the field at the ReynoldHousea
Museumof AmericanArt. She also organizeda session
"FiguringWashington"for the third biennialmeetingof
the Societyof EarlyAmericanists.This fall, she presented
"lnvisibleLady"- a
materialfroma book chapterabout the
wildly popularillusionisticspectaclein JeffersonianAmericato the women's studies departmentat UD and the columbia
Universityseminar on EarlyAmericanHistory. In December,
she was invitedto presentnew researchon iconoclasmduring
the AmericanRevolutionas part of a conferenceinaugurating
the new McNeilcenter for EarlyAmericanstudies buildingat
the Universityof Pennsylvania.This spring,she'llbe speaking
at cAA; as part of the ThomasJeffersonDistinguishedLecture
Seriesat the Universityof Virginia;and as a respondentat the
fourthannualEmergingScholarssymposium,organizedby the
center for Materialculture studies and co-chairedby UD art
historygraduatestudentLori Miller.
Hilton Brown
ProfessorBrowntaught his new course MSSTMOMS 215
Queer Sexual lmageryin the VisualArts for the first time
duringspring, 2005. This coursewill be repeatedfor the first
time duringspring, 2006. ProfessorBrownhas a new website
on the internet. The websitepresentsa selectionof 45 years
of his artwork,his teaching,writing,curating,etc. The URL is:
http://Ww. h.iltonbrgwn.com.
Dr. Brown has exhibitedseven new drawingsin the GALA
VisualArts, 2005 InvitationalGroup Show at the High Wire
duringMay-June,2005' ProfessorBrown
on a commission
completedtwo oil paintingreconstructions
receivedfrom the DelawareArt Museumaftertwo paintingsin
that collectionfor docenteducation. He reconstructioned
"Returnto Tobias"and
sectionsof paintingsby BenjaminWest:
"La Bella Mano." In October,2005
Dante GabrielRossetti:
Brownpresenteda lectureat the DelawareArt Museumabout
the oil paintingmaterialsand techniquesof West and Rossetti'
"BreakingEggs; MakingPaint"
Dr. Brown'sfilm project:
producedby the BrandywineRiver Museumand funded in part
by a $15,000.00grant receivedfrom the NationalEndowment
2005. Completedan egg temperapanel
for the Humanities,
paintingreconstructionof a sectionof an egg temperapanel
paintingby Simone Martiniof S. Andrew in the Collectionof the
MetropolitanMuseumof Art. ProfessorBrowndemonstrated
the materialsand techniquesof egg temperapaintingon
camera. The cd may be purchasedfrom the BrandywineRiver
Monica Dominguez-Torres
In January2005, Prof. Dominguezco-directedthe Winter
BrazilStudyAbroad program,which took27 undergraduate
studentsto Rio de Janeiro,Ouro Preto and JoSo Pessoa. In
April,she presentedtwo papersat the UD campus:
Hieroglyphicson the Road to Salvation"at the Medieval-
Colloquiumorganizedby the English
"ArtisticDis/Placementsin Colonial
Maracaibo"at the LatinAmericanCitiesSymposium,
sponsoredby the GreaterPhiladelphiaLatinAmericanStudies
Consortium(GPLASC). This last paperwas publishedin the
June issue of DelawareReview of Latin American Sfudies
(DeRLAS). In August,she traveledto BogotS,Colombia,to
presentthe paper"A frustratedvision?Mexicanpaintingsand
the Jesuitsin colonialMaracaibo"at the Second International
Symposiumof Colonialistsof the Americas,
organizedby the ColonialAmericasStudiesOrganization
(CASO). ln November2005, she presentedthe paper
lmages,Friarsand lndians:MonasticOrnamentas Spaceof
New Spain"at the
CulturalNegotiationin 1Oth-Century
"ArtS,Scienceand Lettersin Colonial
LatinAmerica"sponsoredby the NationalLibraryin Buenos
Aires,Argentina. In September2005, she was officially
granteda joint appointmentin LatinAmericanStudies. Prof.
Domfnguezwill be on leaveduringthe Spring2006,and during
that time she will be a visitingfellowat the Centerfor
Reformationand RenaissanceStudiesat the Universityof
Toronto,Canada. She is planningto use this time away from
teachingto completeher upcomingbook Arma Indorum:
Chivalric lmagesand Valuesin the MonasticDecorationof
New Spaln(1540-1580).
Ann Gibson
Ann Gibsongave talksin 2005 at the MinneapolisMuseumof
Art, the New York Campusof the State Universityof New York
at Purchase,at the State Universityof New York at Purchase,
Museumof Art.
and in January2006 at the Philadelphia
This springshe published ls: A Magazinefor AbstractArt,"
in NeuzYork School:AnotherView (Albany,N.Y.:The Sage
"On NormanLewis's
Colfeges,Jan.24- Mar. 20,2005 and
Civil RightsSeries,"in CosmopolitanModernisms,ed' Kobena
Mercer,London:Instituteof InternationalVisualArt. She
continueson the editorialboardof GendersMagazine,on the
EducationCommitteeof the WhitneyMuseumof AmericanArt,
and has becomea memberof the editorialboardof the
AmericanArt Journal.
Bernard Herman
In NovemberBernardHermansaw the publication
Townhouse:Architecture and Material Life in the Early
AmericanCity, 1780-1830,Universityof North CarolinaPress
for the OhmohundroInstitutefor EarlyAmericanHistoryand
Culture. The resultof a decadeof fieldworkand documentary
researchin citieson both sides of the Atlantic,Townhouse
interpretsurbandwellingsthroughthe ways in whichpeople
designed,occupied,experienced,and understooddomestic
environmentsrangingfrom servants'quartersto merchant
families'dining rooms and parlors. The book would never
have come into beingwithoutthe many conversationshe
sharedwith students,colleagues,and friendsof the
department. In additionto Townhouse,Dr. Hermanpublished
a chapteron the art of ThorntonDial in ThorTonDiatin the 21't
Century,the book that accompaniedthe show of Dial'swork at
the Museumof Fine Arts in Houston. His essay exploredthe
relationshipbetweenDial'srecentart and the African-American
quiltmakingtraditionsthat the artist knew as a child growingup
in Alabamaand more recentlythroughthe recognitionof the
quiltsof Gee's Bend. Herman'songoingbook projectsinclude
an architecturalhistoryof the first period(c' 1680-1740)
buildingsof the DelawareValley and a collectionof essayson
awakeningthe spatialimaginationin everydaylife (c. 1600"Architectureof Gee's Bend Quilt"will
1800). His work on the
appearin the springof 2006.
ln the fall of 2005 he offeredhis seminarVernacular
Architecture.ln a departurefrom past practice,he encouraged
studentsto undertakethematicallylinkedresearchprojectsthat
the earlybuildingsof the Philadelphia
Althoughmany of these buildingsare well known,the class
soon discoveredthat they were not well understood.The
resultingpresentationsand papersproducedinsightsand
questionsaboutthe region'sformativebuildingtraditions.
Severalseminarparticipantshave continuedto developtheir
researchfor conferencepapers. The previousspringhe
offereda new readingseminarcalledWritingMaterialCulture
that introducedstudentsto a rangeof interdisciplinary
methodologiesand perspectivesthat can be broughtto bear
on all aspectsof art and materialculture' ln the fall 2006 he
will offer his seminaron the arts and architectureof the
PennsylvaniaGermanswith the added opportunityfor students
to work with collectionsand exhibitioninitiativesat both the
Museumof Art'
WinterthurMuseumand the Philadelphia
He is in the final year of his role as Directorof the Centerfor
MaterialCultureStudies,which now offersan interdisciplinary
Ph.D. in PreservationStudies. The big news from the Center,
though,is the publicationof People Were C/ose. Compiled
the 112-pagebook
and designedentirelyby undergraduates,
celebratesthe historyof Newark'shistoricAfrican-American
community.The fourteenstudentswho workedon the book
includedArt Historymajorsand minorsas well as students
from Fine Arts and Visual Communications,
ConsumerStudies. The project,which is beginningto receive
nationalattention,inspireda secondstudent-madevolume,
Food, Poems,and Stories.The new book will be releasedin
May and containsa collectionof recipesand narrativesabout
"rooffood in the community. lf you ever neededa recipefor
top strawberryjam" or sweet potatopie, this will be the source.
Dr. Herman also worked with studentsto curate Quiltvoices,
an exhibitionof contemporaryquiltsand quiltmakers'words
about their work. Producedin partnershipwith the University
Museumsand The Alliancefor AmericanQuilts,the exhibition
also presentedpublicprogramsthat includedgallerytalks,a
symposium,a two-daycampusvisit by Mary Lee Bendolphof
Gee's bend and filmmakerMatt Arnett,and a one-day"quilt-in"
where studentsand facultypiecedand quiltednearlytwo
dozenquiltsfor hospitalized
He also participatedin symposiaand presentednumerous
talks. These includeda visit to the campusof Texas Christian
Universityas the Green HonorsScholar,James Madison
Universityto keynotetheir undergraduateart history
symposium,the Universityof Bonnto give a paperat an
internationalconferenceon contemporaryvisualand material
culture,and the Yale Centerfor BritishArt for a workshop
feadingto the publicationof Gender, Taste and Material
Culture in Britain and NorthAmerica.
Lawrence Nees
Duringthe springterm ProfessorNees offeredan
undergraduatecourseon Arts of the lslamicWorld and a
graduateseminaron "lmagesand Cult,"from whichhe learned
a great deal, reportsand papershavingbeen offeredon a
fascinatingrangeof topicsincludingSalvadorDaliand
monumentalrecentsculpturein Brazilamongothers. He also
taughta graduatecourseon early lslamicart at Temple
University,standingin for Prof. ElizabethBolmanwhile she
held a researchfellowshipat DumbartonOaks. Duringthe fall
term he taughtthe large introductorysurveycourse,and
enjoyedworkingwith a terrificgroup of teachingassistants,
and also offereda new FreshmanHonorsColloquiumon
Rulers'lmagesfrom Augustusto the Present. He was very
proudwhen one of the recentPh.D.sin the medievalarea,
Audrey Scanlan-Teller,
won the Adele DalsimerPrizefor the
outstandingAmericandissertationin any area of lrishstudies.
Two other medievalists,Terri Nevinsand lsabelleLachat,are
makingsplendidprogresson their dissertationsin the medieval
area,for the completionof which duringthe currentyear Terri
was awardedthe first Biggs Fellowshipin the Departmentof
Art History. LauraCochranecompletedher pre-doctoral
examinations,and is gettingstartedon her dissertation,and
for winningthe Alison
GoddardElliotAward at the annualconferenceof graduate
studentsfrom the northeasternUnitedStates,at Brown
University.LynleyHerbertis workingtoward her M.A. degree
with a specialfocus on medievalart, and expectssoon to
completeher thesison the spectacularnew paintingby Duccio
recentlypurchasedand exhibitedat the MetropolitanMuseum
of Art. lt is great that they are all workingso well togetherin a
mutuallysupportiveand beneficialway, includingextensive
car-poolingwhile drivingto lecturesand conferencesin
and Baltimore,and
teachingProfessorNees a good deal alongthe way. In
addition,he was the outsideexaminerfor Ph.D.oral and
writtenexaminationsfor Andrew lrving,a studentin The
MedievalInstituteat Notre Dame University,and will be
workingwith Andrewon his dissertation.Finally,Ellen
Seagraves(nee Tweed)completeda fine undergraduate
HonorsThesison the BayeuxTapestry.
ProfessorNees continuedto serve on the Boardof Directorsof
the InternationalCenterof MedievalArt, and also on the
Councilof the MedievalAcademyof America,and expectsto
serve each of these scholarlyorganizationsfor two more years
in this capacity. He also continuedto serve on the special
advisorycommitteefor the reinstallationof the Medievaland
Renaissancegalleriesat the Victoriaand Albert Museumin
London,a projectnow literallytakingshape with the
involvementof architectsand the reallydetailedand difficult
questionsof installationbeing addressed. He began a term of
service as Co-Editorof the journal Sfudiesin lconography,
which is now publishedat the lndex of ChristianArt at
Still in press but scheduledto appearearly in 2006 are the
followingarticles:"The JonathanGospels(Vatican,B.A.V.
cod. Pal. Lat. 46)," in Susan L'Engle,et al., eds., Tributeto
Jonathan J.G. Alexander: Making and Meaning in the Middle
Ages and the Renaissance,and "Godescalec'scareerand the
Problemsof 'lnfluence',"in Alixe Bovev,ed., Underthe
lnfluence: The Conceptof 'lnfluence'and the Studyof
llluminatedManuscnpfs,the latter having been extensively
revisedfor publicationthis year. Articleswrittenthis year and
now in press,scheduledto appearin 2006,are the following:
"Alcuinand manuscriptillumination,"
in ErnstTremp,ed.,
Alkuin von York (um 730-804) und die geistige Grundlegung
Europas;"WeavingGarnets:Thoughtsabouttwo 'excessively
rare' belt mountsfrom SuttonHoo," in RachelMoss,ed.,
Making and Meaning. Proceedings of the Fifth lnternational
Conferenceon lnsular Art; and "Peoplesor Persons? Ethnicity
as a paradigmfor the study of early medievalart,"to appearin
Celia Chazelleand FeliceLifschitz,eds., Paradigmsand
Methods in Late Ancient and Early MedievalSfudies:A
(DublinIreland]. He also publisheda book
review in The CatholicHistoical Review, and several reviews
in Choice. He is also workingon a book'manuscript,
tentativelyentitled llluminatingthe Word: On the beginningsof
medievalbook decoration,which he hopesto completeduring
the next academicyear.
He presentedconferencepapersat the DumbartonOaks
Centerfor ByzantineStudiesin Washington,D.C.;at the
AmericanAcademyof Religion/Society
of BiblicalLiterature
joint annualconferencein Philadelphia;
at the Fifth
Conferenceon InsularArt, "Makingand Meaning,"
in Dublin(lreland),in this case the invitedkeynotelecturefor
the conference;and at "The Cambridgellluminations:
Centuriesof Book Productionin the MedievalWest,"
FitzwilliamMuseumand CambridgeUniversityLibrary.He
was chosenas the third ChaneyLecturerin MedievalStudies
at LawrenceUniversity(the first two havingbeen faculty
membersat the Institutefor AdvancedStudy in Princetonand
at HarvardU.) In additionhe attendedmany conferences,
includingthe MedievalAcademyof Americaand the
lnternationalMedievalCongress at Kalamazoo. Professor
Nees presenteda lecturein the series Researchon Race,
Ethnicityand Culture sponsoredby the Women'sStudies
Departmentat the Universityof Delaware.
lkem Okoye
This year was a most interestingand successfulone for
Professorlkem StanleyOkoye,havingcompleteda term as
AssociateChair of the Department,given three paper
presentationsat majorscholarlyevents,publishedan
importantpaper,and participatedin colloquia(bothscholarly
related)here and abroad. He
and professional-service
presented"The Ends of Worlds are with Twinning"at a
symposiumheld lastJanuary(2005)at TulaneUniversity,
"DoubleTime: Narrativesof Similarityand
in November
ArchitecturalInfluencein a SoutheastNigerianChristianmilieu
c 1930"at the AfricanStudiesAssociationannualconference
"Lingeror Flee?:PieterAertsen,
(WashingtonDC). His paper
'lgueghaUhe,' MichelLeiris"was publishedin Anthropologies
of Art (editedby MaridtWestermannand publishedout of the
ClarkArt lnstitute).
"Courtyards,Staircases,and Renaissance
in Londonon
Reliefs:the Exampleof GiulianoGondi'sQuattrocentoPalace."
One of the hiEhlightsof her stay abroad,however,was getting
to know Frank Gehry and taking him around Florencefor three
days. Throughhim,she also met DavidChildsof SOM and
HarryCobb of l.M.Pei. The three architects,of nationaland
internationalfame, were delightful. Frank has a wonderfulwry
sense of humor. Davidand Harrywere stimulatingto be
around. The experienceof seeing Michelangelo'sLaurentian
library,arguablethe most exceptionalwork of Renaissance
architectureever built,with three of the top architectsliving
today was extraordinary.
ProfessorPellecchiacontinuesto be Directorof
UndergraduateStudiesand to have a secondaryappointment
withWomen'sStudies. In the fall,she taughther
undergraduatelecturecourseon ltalianRenaissance
well as her undergraduateseminaron
RenaissanceWomen, Art, and Society.
Okoyewas a participantat a Mellonfundedworkshop
convenedat ColumbiaUniversity,part of a researchproject
investigatingthe natureof the recentdifficultiesencountered
book publishingclimate
by art historiansin the contemporary
(a preambleto doing somethingto changeit). At the University
he was partof a groupof
of lllinoisUrbana-Champaign,
first ever text book,
on a
a memberof the
on African
ProfessorOkoye contributedto the first phases of the
implementationof the Society'spush to activelycourt and
embracea more diverseset of scholarlyand professional
interests,foci and agendasthan it has tendedto in the recent
Okoyehas alsotaughttwo new graduateseminars.
Art Congo/ArtKongo"
Mode, Histories,Representation:
art and visualculture
as a prefaceto a fresh engagementwith Congoleseand
"Art and Ethnicity:the
Angolanart in the 20thcentury,while
Bightsof Beninand Biafra"set the stage for new ways of
imaginingthe backgroundsto the art of Africa priorto the
Europeanpresenceas an entryto describingalternative
constellationsof Africanart.
Linda Pellecchia
DuringMarchthroughJuly,ProfessorPellecchiawas in
Londonand Florencedoing researchon Renaissancefables.
Duringthis period,she was ableto use the unparalleled
collectionsof the Warburg Instituteand the BritishLibraryas
well as those in Florence.In Marchshe gave a paperin the
internationalconferenceat the Henry Moore Institutein Leeds
that was jointlysponsoredby the Victoriaand Albert Museum
Lauren Hackworth Petersen
On sabbaticalleave in spring2005, ProfessorPetersen
compfetedher book manuscript,The Freedmanin Roman Art
and Aft History,forthcomingfrom CambridgeUniversityPress.
"Beyondthe'Villa as Model':
Lastyear,she alsogave a paper,
Simulacrain Roman Houses,"at the CollegeArt Association
Annual Meetingin a sessionon new approachesto domestic
architecturein the ancientMediterranean.With a General
UniversityResearchgrant, ProfessorPetersenspent part of
the summerat the AmericanAcademyin Rome beforeheading
to Naplesto undertakeresearchfor her new projecton religion
in ancientRomansociety. She presentedher latestwork on
lsis and things Egyptianin Romanart this past fall at the
"lsis Unveiled:
lnstituteof Fine Arts in New York with a paper,
The Meaningsof an EgyptianGoddessin RomanSociety."
She continuesto serve on the EditorialBoardfor the University
of DelawarePressand on the SteeringCommitteefor the
Chandra L. Reedy
Professor,MuseumStudiesand Art History,Dr' Reedy
continuesto teach two coursesfor the departmenton a regular
basis:Art of Tibet,and Scienceand the Detectionof Art
Forgeries(the only Art Historycourseto meet a Group D
for the college!).Bothare usuallytaught
in an on-lineformat. For the designof thesecourses,Dr.
Reedyrecentlywon UD's lnnovativeTeachingAward in
DistanceEducationand an ExemplaryApplicationof WebCt
award. Duringthe past year she gave lectureson her research
in technicalart historyof Asian art at the Walter'sArt Museum
in Baltimore,the Los AngelesCounty Museumof Art, and the
Galleriesin Washington,D.C. She had three
book chaptersand one journalarticlethat went into presson
varioustechnicalart historytopics:technologicalstyle and
changein Sri Lankanbronzes;provenancestudiesof
Cambodianbronzesthroughanalysisof castingcore materials;
multiplefunctionsand historiesof Tibetanvotiveclay tablets
(tsa-tsas);and new applicationsof digitalimageanalysisin art
conservationresearch. She receiveda grantfrom the Center
for InternationalStudiesto initiatea new projecton
preservationand changein traditionalTibetancraft
technologies,for which she is preparinga seriesof fieldwork
tripsto northernIndia,Tibet,China,and Mongolia'
David Stone
In February,2006 (in collaborationwith Prof. KeithSciberras,
Universityof Malta),ProfessorStone publisheda book entitled
Caravaggio: Art, Knighthood,and Malta. Printed by Midsea
Bookson behalfof the Historyof Art Programme,Universityof
Malta,this monographpresentstwo new chapterson
Caravaggio'slate periodin additionto two revisedand greatly
expandedessaysoriginallypublishedin Caravaggio,The Final
Years,the catalogueof the popularexhibitionheld at the
NationalGallery,London,in Spring2005. The StoneSciberrasexhibitionessayswere singledout for praiserecently
in the New York Review of Books,the BurlingtonMagazine,
Simiolus,and the TimesLiteranJSupplemenf.The exhibition
"Exhibitionof the
itselfrecentlywon Apollo magazine'sprizefor
Thanksto generousgrantsfrom UD's Centeffor International
Studiesand the Departmentof Art History,six graduate
studentswere able to fly to Londonfor a week to visit the Final
Yearsexhibitionwith ProfessorStone in March2005 (see
photo). ErikaSuffern,ChristaAube,ScottMangieri,Molly
Zillman,SarahBavelliand LorenaBainesalsogot a private
tour of the show by the NationalGallery'sltalianPaintings
curatorDawsonCarr,one of the exhibition'sorganizers.
With ProfessorBeatriceBuscaroli(Universitddi Ravenna),
Stone editedan exhibitioncatalogue,llGesfo Trattenuto:
Tornaa Bologna un affrescodel Guercino(Bologna:Bononia
UniversityPress,2006) and wrote the main essay:
Riluttant6:Gli affreschidel Guercinogiovanee la Madonna
che offre un bocciotodi rosaal Bambino." ln January 2006 he
presenteda lecturein ltalianon Guercinoas a Muralistat the
exhibitionopening(FondazioneCassadi Risparmioin
Bologna,Casa Saraceni)in Bologna.
In November2005, Stone presenteda lectureat the Universi$
"Art, Crime,and Self-Mutilation
in the
of Maltaentitled
to the
forthcomingexhibitioncatalogueon the Painter-Etcheledited
by MichaelCole,LarrySilver,and MadeleineViljoen,to be
publishedin $pring 2006 by Penn State UniversityPress. A
"Self and Myth
revisedand expandedversionof Stone'sessay,
in Caravaggio'sDavid and Goliafh,"will appearshortlyin
Caravaggio: Realismand Rebellion,ed. GenevieveWanryick,
publishedby the Universityof DelawarePress.
In September2005, Professorstone was appointedDirectorof
Margaret Werth
As Directorof GraduateStudies,FacultyAdvisorfor the
department'slectureseries,and also teachingthe Introduction
to Art History(154) in springsemester,Margaretwerth had a
very busy academicyear in 2004-05! Among the lecturesfor
the serieswere Leah Dickermanof the NationalGallery
(speakingon Dada,the exhibitionopensthis spring)and Tom
cummins of HarvardUniversity.Last springwe also had our
first-evergraduateTeachingRoundtable,attractinglots of
graduatestudentparticipantsfor a livelydiscussionof teaching
issuesand strategies. Despitethe busy year, Margaretfound
time to write an essay on Mafisse for Matisse Masterpiecesaf
"Nudewith a
sfafens Museumfor Kunst,copenhagenentitled
whichwas publishedin
WhiteScarf:A Thickand FullMaterial,"
August. She continuesto work on her book on representations
of the face between1870-1930,and gave lectureson the
projectat Bryn Mawr'sVisual culture cqlloquiumin December.
She took time out from that projectto visit Giverny,Francelast
summerwhereshe gave a publiclecture
Visionsof Landscapeat Giverny"-at the
Mus6ed'art am6ricainGivernyand a seminaron late 19th
centuryportraiturewith an emphasison Americanexamplesas
VisitingScholarat the Terra Foundationin Give'rny'(A
delightfulpart of that trip includedtravelingto partsof
Normandyshe had nevervisited!)This academicyear her
coursesand researchhave focusedon connectionbetween..
literatureand art, text and image in the late 19thand early 20'n
century. she had a great time teachinga new undergraduate
seminaron the subjectthis fall that includedlotsof media
film, poetry,drama,novels,
criticism),a class trip to the.Redonexhibitionat MoMA and to
the Mark SamuelsLasnerCollectionand SpecialCollectionsat
UD, and seminarvisitsfrom Art Historygraduatestudents
Pepperstetler and Kerry Roeder,who sharedtheir research
and interestin early photobooksand early comics.
Emeritus Faculty
* . ?
.,:aa *4
Maurice Gope
ln retirementProfessorMauriceCope continuesto collect
printsand drawingsof the sort which he often used as adjuncts
to his teaching. Some of these are now being lent to an
exhibitionof etchingsfrom the sixteenthto eighteenthcenturies
to open this April at the Universityof Pennsylvaniaand travel
to the RinglingMuseumin sarasotaand smith college, He is
delightedthat one of his recentRenaissanceacquisitionsis
from the famousseventeenthcenturyPierreMariette
which is beingstudiedby one of our current
graduatestudents,KristelSmentek,for her dissertation.
Recentlyhe has enlargedthe scope of his collectionto include
Cubistand even such modernworks as the first
book by Max Ernst,the photographsby
Mapplethorpeused as illustrationsfor Rimbaud'sA Seasonln
Hell, and printsby Frank Stellaand EllsworthKelly'
Wayne Graven
wayne craven's book stanford white: Decoratorin opulence
and Deaterin Antiquifleswas publishedby ColumbiaUniversity
Press in May. He is now completingthe writingof his next
book,which will be titled: Gitded Mansionsand Marble Halls.
W i l l i am H omer
william L Homer,H. Rodneysharp EmeritusProfessorof Art
History,retiredsince 2000, remainsactivein the field. He is
continuinghis work on his book of Thomas Eakins'letters,
which is being supportedby a 2005 grantfrom the Wyeth
Foundationfor AmericanArt. He has recentlyput the finishing
on GeorgiaO'Keeffe,which will
toucheson an interview-article
on the artistto be publishedby
serve as one of several
AmericanArt. The cataloguingand conservationof his
extensiveEarlyAmericanModernismarchive,now housedat
the GeorgeO'KeeffeMuseum,Santa Fe, has been supported
by a $100,000grantfrom the HenryLuce Foundation'In
additionto his researchand writing,he is advisingseveral
Universityof Delawaredissertationsand consultingwith
studentsand professionalson variousart historicalproblems.
Much of his time is spent organizinghis researcharchivesfor
donationto publicinstitutions.In 2005, gifts have been made
of pictorialphotographsto the PhiladelphiaMuseumof Art,
photographicephemeraand periodicalsto the Universityof
DelawareLibrary,and originalcolor transparenciesof soHo
and the East Villageart scene to the Department'sSlide
collection. In his spare time he enjoysthe tranquillife of
Greenvilleand centreville(no billboards),closeto the idyllic
settingsof the Winterthurand Hagleylibraries.
Damie Stillman
AlthoughDamieStillmanis no longerEditor-in-Chief
Buildingsof the Unitedstates, having retireda secondtime,
first from the Universityand then from this position,he has
continuedto read manuscriptsfor the series,includingthat for
the forthcoming Buildingsof Delaware. He is also continuing
to work with his remainingPh.D.students.Duringthe year he
was appointedchair of the Developmentcommitteeof the
society of ArchitecturalHistorians;and he continuesto serve
on the Governor'sconsultingcommitteeon the National
Registerof HistoricPlacesfor Maryland,the Boardof Directors
of the BaltimoreArchitecturalFoundation,and the advisory
committeefor a Getty-fundedproject on a survey of
architecture,planningand landscapeon the Americancollege
campus,sponsoredby the councilof Independent
He has also continuedto read manuscriptsfor the
Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography and to
reviewbooksfor that journal,as well as for cHolcE. In 2005
he publishedtwo articles:
"The United States Capitol: lcon of the Republic"ln Capital
Drawings:Deslgns for Washington,D.C., from the Library of
Congress,ed. C. Ford Peatross,pp. 59-86. Baltimore:Johns
"Six Housesfor the
President," PennsylvaniaMagazine of History and Biography
129, No. 4 (Oct.2005): 411-31. Both of these are relatedto
in America:
his continuingwork on his book on Neo-c/assiclsm
The Architectureof the Young Republic. Also relatedto this
"The Emergenceof the
projectis a lecturehe gave in october:
Villain the New AmericanRepublic,"savannahcollegeof Art
a n d Des ign,O c t . 6, 200 5 .
He and his wife have continuedto travel,havingvisitedGreece
in May and Northernltaly in Septemberof 2005.
;: I lL r-*;t,.......,.l,.;,,i.t.*
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Department of Art History Incomitg
Graduate Students
lsabellegrew up in san Franciscoand movedto the Boston
area to attendBra.ndeisUniversity.She was very disappointed
to find that she couldn'tmajor in everything,and eventually
settledon Art History,Englishand AmericanLiterature,and
Europeanculturalstudies. In 2003 she internedat childs
Gallery,where she researchedand cataloguednineteenthcenturyprintsaboutNapoleon.Duringthis internshipshe also
came to be in chargeof tracingloanedartworksthat the gallery
"misplaced."ln 2004lsabelleinternedat the
had temporarily
Rose Art Museumas a curatorialassistant' She had the
wonderfulopportunityto plan the contemporaryart show
,,DomesticArchaeology,"help write the exhibitioncatalogue,
and take part in a performancepiece. In 2005 she was offered
to TA an Art Historysurveycourseat Brandeis,which she
countedas one of her most rewardingexperiences.Besides
studyingall that is nineteenth-century
Originallyfrom Warsaw,Poland,Jenniferimmigratedto
Canadawith her familyas a childand grew up in Toronto.
Along with her Europeanrootsand the influenceof her
mother'sgreat enthusiasmfor travel and adventure,Jennifer
developedan earlywanderlust,takingher throughoutEurope,
the MiddleEast,and northernAfrica. An earlytrip o Greece,
and laterto ltaly,provedparticularlypersuasive,and eventually
led Jenniferto the world and studyof art history,particularlyin
the areas of Greek and Roman art. As an undergraduateat
the Universityof Toronto,Jennifercompletedher honors
degreein ArchitecturalDesignand Art History. Since her
graduationlastJune,Jenniferhas spenther time working,
volunteeringwheneverpossibleand whereverneededat the
Royalontario Museum,taking additionalcoursesin art history
her French. Duringher spare
and German,and strengthening
time, Jenniferenjoysmakingjewelry,MiddleEasterndancing,
tryingto grasp the vast expanseof Roman history,and tending
to the whims of her two small dogs. Jenniferis excitedand
very gratefulfor the opportunityto study art history at the
Universityof Delaware. She looksforwardto confrontingnew
and makingnew friends.
StephanieLambewas born and raisedin Raleigh,NC' She
first fell in love with Art Historyduringan Art Historycoursein
her senioryear of highschool. LeavingRaleigh,she
developedher passionat Lake Forestcollege. Her junior
year,stephaniestudiedin Parisand Greece. While in Paris,
she internedin a smallart gallerycalledFOOD. Returningfor
her senior!ear, Stephaniecombinedher experiencesabroad
with her interestin eighteenth-and early nineteenth-century
Frenchpainting. Her seniorthesisexploredthe relationship
betweenFranceand Greeceduringthe GreekWar of
as shownin EugdneDelacroix'spaintings.she
graduatedfrom Lake Forestcollege in May 2005 with a double
major in Art Historyand French' Stephanieis excitedto
immerseherselfin Art Historyscholarshipwith the facultyand
studentsat the Universityof Delaware'
Sarah Rector,a Denvernative,graduatedfrom Yale University
with a degreein Historyof Art in 2004 after havingswitched
her majorfrom architecturethe year previously.Since then
she has movedon to the DallasMuseumof Art for a dual
internshipin the Americanand DecorativeArts departments.
For the past year she has concentratedon industrialAmerican
silverproductionof the last centuryfor the DMA's upcoming
exhibition,Modernismin American Silver. Sarah looks fonruard
to continuingher dual interestsin Americanart and
architectureat the Universityof Delawarein the fall, as well as
pursuingher interestsin Medievalart and turn of the century
Germanart and architecture.Besidesart, sarah enjoystennis,
golf,playingpiano,reading,and fishing.
Catherinegrew up in Texasand Georgia,althoughher
Northern-bredparentsensuredthat she speakwithoutan
accent. she attendedYale as an undergraduate,majoringin
art history,and returnedto schoolthe followingyear to pursue
a Ph.D. at RutgersUniversity.She intendedto becomea
modernist,exploringtopics like the early rootsof abstraction
ties to Cold War politicsbefore
and AbstractExpressionism's
realizingthat her true interestlay in Americanart of the
nineteenthcentury,thanksto the teachingof wendy Bellionat
Rutgersand John Wilmerdingat Princeton. Her Master's
thesis, picturemusica:The changingNatureof Visionin
scientificand poeticconnectionsbetweensight and hearing.
She has spent the past year teachingthe art historysuryey,
and spentthe summerteachinga seminaron nineteenthart at Rutgers. She thinks
that moving,startingat Delaware,and gettingmarried(in
October2005) should be enoughexcitementfor the
foreseeablefuture,but she is thrilledaboutthe prospectsof all
to CAA conferencesand also createdand implementedthe art
historydepartment'sfirst honorsprogram. Jessieis looking
fonrvardto beginningher graduatecareerat the Universityof
Delawarewith a concentrationin eighteenth-and nineteenthcenturyFrenchart. She also hopesthat someoneat the
she will be
Universitycan teach her how to cook othenrvise
livingon pizzaand peanutbuttersandwichesfor the rest of her
Tess Schwabgraduatedfrom the Universityof lllinoisin May of
2005 with her BFA in Art History. Since graduationshe has
been workingat the DallasMuseumof Art, as a curatorial
internfor the SeniorCuratorof Paintingand Sculpture.
Althoughconstantlybombardedwith projects,she has been
concentratingon an exhibitionentitled,Dialogues:Duchamp,
Cornell,Johns,and Rauschenberg,which opens in September
2005. This exhibitionhas increasedher interestin modernart,
specificallyAmericanart that dealswith issuesof race and/or
gender. Tess looksfonrvardto movingto Delaware,as she
was born in San Antonio,Texasand raisedin lllinois,and has
yet to live anywhereon the east coast. When she has free
time, Tess enjoysreadingbooks,going to concerts,taking
and sleeping.
JessieWaldmannspentthe majorityof her earlyyearsin
Loveland,OH, beforereceivingher BA in Art Historyfrom
MiamiUniversityin Oxford,OH (not Florida!).Jessiebegan
her collegecareeras a pre-medstudentbut drastically
changedher goals after takingan introductoryart historyclass.
Sincethen, Jessiehas pursuedher interestin art historyby
at variousCincinnatimuseums,workingas an
Assistantto the Curatorof Educationat the Miami University
Art Museumand by beinginvolvedin Miami'sArt History
Association.Whileat Miami,Jessieworkedas an editorfor
the University'sart historicalmagazine, organizedgroup trips
Sarah Ruhlandoften receivedstrangelooks by visitorsat
CarlsbadCavernsNationalPark after explainingthat she, as a
cavingpark ranger,had a degreein Art History. She
graduatedfrom the Collegeof Williamand Maryin 2003 and
drove2,000milesto New Mexico,and then back
to Virginia,and then to Kansas,then backto New Mexico,....
Eventuallyall that drivinggot to her, as well as the desert
summers,and she will now be pursuingher master'sin art
history,neverhavingbeen ableto shakea nagginginterestin
the subject. She plansto concentrateon Americanart,
materialculture,and museumstudies. Her hobbiesinclude
bakingdisasters,irresponsiblecraftingwith crazy glue, and
walkingpainfullyslow up the sidesof mountains.
I lrr*q\I-t
Ph.D. Degrees
Kelly Baum, Spring 2005
The Politicsof Pleasure:Gender,Desire, and Ddtournementin
the Art of the SituationistInternational,1957-1972
Audrey Scanlan-Teller,Winter 2005
Bishops,Abbots,Kings,and Crosses:Twelfth-Centurylrish
High Crossesin Munsteras Monumentsof Ecclesiastical
PamelaWarner,Winter 2005
Word and lmage in Art Criticismof the ConcourtBrothers
M.A. Degrees
Lorena Baines,Summer 2005
The Artists'sDevices:lllusionismand lmaginationin Gerrit
Dou's"Painterwith a Pipeand Book"
Janet Dees,Summer 2005
Rewritingthe Body:Carl and Karen Pope's
Ryan Dougherty, Summer 2005
StagingSensationand ArchitecturalAbsorption:Theatrical
and Eighteenth-Century
Theory (Kallmyer)
Andrea Renner,Summer 2005
A Nationthat BathesTogether:FindingClass in Turn-of-theCenturyNew York City PublicBaths
Adam Rudolphi, Spring 2005
Manifestoin Fire and Air: A New lnterpretationof Paris
Bordone'sAthena Scorningthe Advancesof Hephaestus
_ -
/ : e * ' e
Graduate Student Awards, Papers,
Publications & News
In March,2005,ChristinaAube presentedher paper
and the Politicsof Paul Rand:lDirectionl1938-45"at the
"Collageas CulturalPractice"ObermannHumanities
Symposiumat the Universityof lowa.
Jobyl Boone
JobylA. Boonechairedan Americanart open sessionat the
SoutheasternCollegeArt Conferencein LittleRock,Arkansas
in late October. In early Octobershe beganworkingas a parttime researchassistantin the Departmentof Printsand
Photographsat the NationalPortraitGallery,Smithsonian
Arthur DiFuria
ArthurDiFuriaconductedresearchin Berlin,Brussels,London,
Besancon,and Rome,courtesyof a Kress FoundationTravel
Fellowshipin the Historyof Art.
"The 'SerlianBackdrop'inthe
Arthurgave a paperentitled
Print Designsof Maertenvan Heemskerck"at a conference
"RepresentingSpace in the Renaissance"at the
Universityof Warwick,July 2005. He also reviewedLisa Pon's
new book'. Raphael,D1rer, and MarcantonioRaimondi:
Copyingand the ltalian RenalssancePrint (New Haven: Yale
'05 issueof the
UniversityPress,2004)for the Winter
Adrian Duran
Adrian Duranhas taken a post as AssistantProfessorof Art
Historyat the MemphisCollegeof Art. He has recentlygiven
papersat "All-Over:AbstractExpressionism's
at SUNY Stony-Brook,Manhattanand the Associationfor the
"ltalyat war 1935Studyof Modernltaly's2005 conference
2005"in Edinburgh,Scotlandand will delivera paperat the
27tnAnnual Meetingof the SouthwestTexas Pop Culture
Association/AmericanCulture Association in Albuquerque,
New Mexicoin February2006. Adrian can now be reachedat
N i kki G r eene
This pastsummerNikkiGreenereceiveda SamuelS. Fels
Fund grantto updatethe inventoryon the African-American
Museumof Art. Nikkiwill also
collectionsat the Philadelphia
"Explorationsin Africanbe teachingan art historycourse
AmericanArt and ldentity"in conjunctionwith the Beauford
Delaneyexhibitionin January2006 at the PMA. Additionally,
Nikkiis an invitedspeakerin honorof BlackHeritageMonthat
and she will
the ThomasJeffersonUniversityin Philadelphia,
"RhythmNationfrom Jazzto Hip Hop:
delivera paperentitled
Musicand its lmpacton African-American
Jeff Jara
Jeff Jara will teach an upper level undergraduatesurvey
coursein AmericanFolk and OutsiderArt at the Universityof
Ellen Menefee
Ellen is in her secondyear of a full'timetenuretrack positionat
HarfordCommunityCollegewhere she teachesSurveyand
AmericanArt and Architecture.Ellenwill be designingan
HonorsSurveyCoursethat she will teach beginningnext Fall.
for the ChesapeakeGalleryat
Ellenis alsothe Coordinator
HarfordCommunityCollege,whichshowswork of regional,
"The Rhetoricof
In January,Ellenwill presenta paperentitled
the FurnishedModelHome at the Turn of the 21" Century"in
Honoluluat the HawaiilnternationalConferenceon Arts and
Humanities.She presenteda paperlastspringat MIT's
conference,The Work of Stories;Storytellingas Cultural
"The StoriesEmbeddedin Today's Model
Ellen is tryingto find a few more hours in each day in order to
finalizeher dissertation.The final editsto the last two chapters
and insertingillustrationsare all that is betweennow and the
Ellenis now a singleparent(her name is legallyEllenAvitts
now) raisingtwo wonderfulbut tryingteenagedaughters.
Jessica Murphy
In March2005, JessicaMurphypresenteda papertitled
"Breakingthe Traditions'of Modernism:KatharineRhoades
and MarionBeckettat291 FifthAvenue"at the symposium
held at the BrighamYoung
UniversityArt Museum. ln October2005, she acceptedthe
positionof ResearchAssociatein the Departmentof Modern
and ContemporaryArt at the MetropolitanMuseumof Art,
where she is researchingthe Museum'sAlfredStieglitz
Collectionand contributingto the writingof an accompanying
Mark Parker Miller
This fall, in additionto teachingAmericanArt Since 1865,Mark
co-taughtUNlV601Pedagogyin the UniversityClassroom,
part of UD's HigherEducationTeachingCertificationProgram
(for graduatestudentswho plan to becomeprofessors).
Kristel Smentek
KristelSmentekwas awardedan AndrewW. MellonCuratorial
Fellowshipat the FrickCollectionin New York (Sept.2005
throughSept. 2007),where she is finishingher dissertation
includinga show
and workingon a few upcomingexhibitions,
on the eighteenth-century
opensin June 2006. ln April,Kristelwill presenta paper,
Paris"at the
Printsellerand his Clientsin Pre-Revolutionary
AmericanSocietyfor Eighteenth-Century
in Montreal,
Outstanding Senior Award
Kathrvn LaPrad
Erika Suffern
ErikaSuffernwas the 2005-2006Recipientof the American
Friendsof the MauritshuisFellowship.
Trudy Vinson Award
for Outstanding |unior
Amanda Antonucci
Jeroen van den Hurk
Jeroenreceivedthe inauguralQuinn FoundationDissertation
for the studyof New Netherlandand the Dutch
AtlanticWorld,throughthe McNeilCenterfor EarlyAmerican
Studiesat the Universityof Pennsylvania.He spentthe fall
semesterin Albanyworkingon his dissertationat the New
Netherlandlnstitute,which is locatedin the CulturalEducation
Center,acrossfrom the State Capitolin Albanyat the opposite
end of the EmpireState Plaza. In the spring he will be
commutingback and forth to Philadelphiafrom Newark,and
plansto finish his dissertationat the end of the spring
semester. At the end of March he will presenta papertitled,
Origins and Suruival of Netherlandic Building Traditionsin
NorlhAmerica,basedon his dissertationresearch,at the
second InternationalCongresson ConstructionHistory,at
Queens'College,in CambridgeEngland.
Woman of Promise
Danielle Delaney
Arts and Humanities Scholarship
Robert T. and Anne R. Silver Award
Outstanding Achievement In
Graduate Studies In Art History
Melody Deusner
Melvin P. Lader,Ph.D. 1981
Roxanna Cummings, 2001
David Meschutt, Ph.D. 2006
Art History Club
The Art HistoryClub has had an excitingand eventfulyear.
The club's presidents',Jenny Stettlerand AmandaAntonucci
keptthe membersbusywith tripsto localmuseums,including
the Guggenheimin November,and the DelawareArt Museum
in October. There were plentyof fun filledactivitiessuch as a
trip to Philadelphia
Old City,the GhostWalk at the University
of DelawareCampus,as well as othercampusevents. The
membersgraciouslyhostedthe annualAd HistoryClub
Luncheonwhich was enjoyedvery much by the Faculty,Staff,
and studentsof the Art HistoryDepartment.
Alumni News
Jody Abzug (M.A. 1994)
Thoughstill professionallyin the developmentworld Jody's
passionand interestsremainin the art world. Jody is on the
boardof the WallingfordSymphonyOrchestraand is a
memberof the Arts Councilof GreaterNew Haven.
Jody has seven-year-oldtwins who are in the first grade. Her
husbandis directorof Summerprogramsat Choate Rosemary
Hall where Jody is Directorof the ParentsFund.
Allan Antliff (M.A.,1995; Ph.D. 1998)
Allan Antilffis the Canada ResearchChair in ModernArt at the
Universityof Victoria,Canada.
Art HistoryClub FacultyLuncheon
ln 2004 he publishedOnly a Beginning:An Anarchist
Anthology(ArsenalPulp Press,406 pgs.). This book is a
compendiumof anarchisttheoryand practicein Canadafrom
1976 to the presentand includesa sectiondevotedto the arts
(music,fine art, installations,
film, poetryand literature).Only a
Beginninghas attractedconsiderablemediaattentionin
Canada, Allan has appearedon television("lnterview
DanielRichler,"CBC TV and "NoamChomsky,AllanAntliff,
and Susan Sontag":Big ldeasTV Ontario-lecture
discussion).A sample radio interviewcan be accessed
throughthe Internet("TheAnarchyin You and Me: Interview
with Lisa Christiansen"
CBC Radio3. Aired December2-9,
com/issuls). Allan
2004. Web page article:www.cbcradio?.
has also giventalks relatedto his book in Montreal,Toronto,
Edmonton,Vancouver,Los Angeles,and New York.
In additionto Only a Beginninghe has publishedfour essays:
"The PublicHumiliation
AllanAntliffand MarcusMilwright,
Saddam Hussein,"AnarchistSfudlesNo. 1 (2005):78-82;
"VisionarySeer for a Post-lndustrial
Age: Anada
Coomaraswamy'sNietzsche,"I am Not a Man, I am Dynamite!:
Friedrich Nietzscheand the AnarchistTradition,ed. John
"Lucy PullenOn the
Moore. Autonomedia(2005):39-47;
Marginsof Art and Life,"CanadianArt Magazine21 no. 4
(200a):66-69;and "Pop AgainstPop,"SubversivePop: Robert
Dowd'sPaintingsfrom the 1960's(exhibitioncatalogue)
He also has been activewritingart reviews:
Art, New York, CanadianArt Magazine22 no.3 (2004): 14748; "Dax Morrison:Day by Day," WindsorArt Gallery,C
Magazineno. 83 (Fall, 2004\:46; "Silver,Dreams,Screens,
and Theories,"Att Gallery of Greater Victoria,CanadianArt
"Memoirsof Water,"
Magazine21 no. 2 (200$:93-94; and
Station,HoustonC Magazineno. 46 (Summer,2004):84.
Allan'sessay,"PalestineWithout Borders,"Made in Palestine,
ed. Jim Harithas(exhibitioncatalogue)StationArt Gallery
Q00a):86-87,meritsmention.This controversial
openedin Houstonand has since traveledto San Francisco.lt
will soon be openingin New York City and is slatedto go to
Montrealand Toronto.
He has given a numberof scholarlypresentations.In 2004 he
gave a paper"lnterrogatingFascistOrganism,"at the
ModernistStudiesAssociation6tnAnnual Conferenceand
"HerbertRead and the Abstractlmperativein
spoke on
AnarchistArt" at Tate Britain,London(this paperwas
presentedat a conferenceon the Englishart criticHerbert
Read). He continuesto serve as art editorfor the UK journal
AnarchistSfudiesand is on the editorialboardof the
Press Review. allan@uvic.ca
Ju l i e Ar ons on ( P h. D.1 9 9 5 )
JulieAronson,Curatorof AmericanPaintingand Sculptureat
the CincinnatiArt Museum,is the co-curatorwith Betsy
of the upcomingexhibition
American Portrait Miniatures
from the CincinnatiArt Museum(opensMarch4). This
contextualexhibitionprovidesa windowonto the most intimate
and personalof artworksand their exquisitecraftsmanship.
Julieand Betsyjointlyauthoredthe catalogue,to be published
by Yale UniversityPress. In other projects,Julie oversawthe
acquisitionof Arthur Dove'spaintingSowingWheat of 1934
and the Cincinnatipresentationof Strokesof Genius:
Mastenvorksfrom the New BritainMuseumof AmericanArt.
She also wrote a successfulgrant applicationto the Henry
Luce Foundationin supportof BessiePotterVonnoh:Sculpture
of Women,an exhibitionand publicationplannedfor 2008
drawnon her dissertation.iaronsan@cincvart.org
Kelly Baum
Kelly Baum is assistantcuratorof Americanand Contemporary
art at the BlantonMuseumof Art at The Universityof Texas in
Austin. She co-editedher department'scollectioncatalogue
for the
and is helpingto organizeprogramsand exhibitions
museum'snew building.Her independent
includean exhibitionof work by CarolBove,to open in July
2006, as well as a group show on contemporaryart tentatively
anotheron contemporarypainting
currentlytitled\Siren'sSong,"both to open in 2007.
Jack Becker (M.A. 2002; Ph.D. 20021
In 2005 Jack Beckerwas appointedPresidenVCEO
CheekwoodBotanicalGardenand Museumof Art in Nashville,
TN. Beckeralso completedhis MBA from the Universityof
Michiganin May 2005. His essay
Painting:The LotosClub,"was publishedin the exhibition
catalogue, The Poetic Vision: American Tonalism,for
SpaniermanGallery,in November,2005.
Alan Braddock (Ph.D. 2OO2l
Alan Braddockis now in the fourthyear of a tenure-track
positionin AmericanArt Historyat SyracuseUniversity.He
"Art and
recentlycreatedtwo new undergraduatecourses:
Environmentin AmericanCulturesince 1800"and
"'Jeff CollegeBoys':Thomas
NorthAmericanArt." His article
Eakins,Dr. Forbes,and AnatomicalFraternityin Postbellum
appearedin the June 2005 issueof American
"Shootingthe Beholder:Charles
Schreyvogeland the Spectacleof Gun Vision,"will appearin
the journalAmerican Aftin 2006. He continuesto revisehis
book No Lrnesin Nature:Thomas Eakinson the Thresholdof
Culture,which is under reviewat the Universityof California
Press. He has also begunwork on a new book entitledGun
Vision:AmericanArt and LogisticalPerception,1861-1918.ln
"The Environmental
November,2005,he chaireda sessionon
lmagination:Towarda Green Historyof AmericanArt" at the
AmericanStudiesAssociationconferencein Washington,DC.
GatherineGhudzik (M.A. 1989)
CatherineChudzikworked as an editorat WinterthurMuseum
beforebeginninga careerin teachingat GlasgowHigh School
in Newark. She receivedNationalBoard Certificationin
Adolescentand Young AdulthoodSocialStudiesin 2001 and
currentlyteachesAP EuropeanHistoryand World Civilizations.
She is elated to be offeringthe first AP Art Historyclass at
Glasgowthis year and revivingher electiveclass,Art
Humanitiesnext year. She also plansto returnsoon to finish
her Ph.D.work as retirementapproaches.
Linnea Dietrich (Ph.D.1972)
LinneaDietrichhas becomevery interestedin contemporary
art in the near and middleeast and has beenteachingcourses
to learn more.
"HudaLutfi:A Contemporary
Artist in Egypt,",in Woman'sArt Journal,Fall 2000Minter
pp. 12-15." P rehi stori A
20C I1,Y o| .21,#2,
Eastern,and EgyptianArt', Boulder,CO.: Ihe Reindeer
Company, 2002. The Art Historian Pocket Reference Series,
Book 7.
Photography",Editedby Jill Beaulieuand Mary Roberts.Duke
University,2002.Reviewin Woman'sArt Journal,Fall
2004/Winter2005, Volume 25, #2 pp. 31-33.
Arab Women'sArt: Dialoguesof the Presenf',Editedby Fran
Lloyd. London:Women'sArt Library,1999. Reviewin
Woman'sAft Journal, Spring/Summer,2005, Volume26, #1,
pp. 56-57."Changein EgyptianArt,"MiamiUniversity,Nov.4,
FeministArt: Open Doorsand
1996. "lssuesin Contemporary
GlobalFamilies,"The AmericanUniversityin Cairo,Egypt,
Pedagogiesfor Ancient
March 11, 1997.
EgyptianArt and Architecture,"AmericanResearchCenterin
Egypt'sInternationalConference,Ann Arbor, April12, 1997.
Otherness: Egypt,Educationand
EgyptianArt and lts Other(s),"
the AmericanResearchCenterin Egypt'sInternational
Conference,Los Angeles,April 25, 1998. "ContemporaryArab
and PersianWomenArtists,"ARLIS,CincinnatiArt Museum,
October3, 2003. di.etrjls@
Marjorie Hall (M.A. 1975)
MarjorieJ. Hall (Ph.D.Universityof Michigan,1984)is the
Associate Professorof Art Historyand the Chair of the Arts
Departmentat WheelockCollegein Boston,MA. She recently
published:"NarrativeStrategiesin Medievallmagesof the
Journeyto Emmaaus,"Arfe MedievaleXIV (2000),pp. 1-13.
Cynthia Fowler (Ph.D. 2002)
CynthiaFowleris AssistantProfessorat WentworthInstituteof
Technologyin Boston,MA. Her articles,Gender
Representationin the Art of Jaune Quick Io See Smlfh, was
publishedthis year in Aurora: The Journal of the History of Art
vt (2005).
Peter Kaellgren(Ph.D.1987)
Petercontinuesas curatorin the EuropeanSectionof the
Departmentof World Culturesat the RoyalOntarioMuseum,
Toronto. While servingas Curator-in-Charge
of European
he headedthe team that createdthe southwing
of the Samuel EuropeanGallerieswhere periodrooms and
decorativearts from the ROM collectiondocumentthe
evolutionof stylefrom c. 1100 to 1940. He has been
responsiblefor developingan annual DecorativeArts
Sympo$ium,now in its 16thyear,which bringstogether
speakersfrom NorthAmerica,Britainand Europe. The
upcomingprogram is lhe History of Dining: Reflectionsfrom
the Decorative Arts, April20-22,2006. In recent years, Peter's
researchhas focusedon the silvercollectionat the Royal
OntarioMuseum. Since 1981, numerousgiftsand bequests
have createdone of the top ten museumcollectionsof British
and Europeansilver in NorthAmerica. A new state-of-the-art
SilverVaultwas openedin 2004. An annualscholarlylecture
for silverhas been established,and Peterhas pursued
researchon early Englishsilvertoys and the Lee Collection.
Lord Lee of Fareham,one of the foundersof the Courtauld
lnstituteand a leadingfigure in the Londonart world duringthe
1920sand 1930s,donatedhis collectionof silver,gold and
manuscriptsto Torontoin 1947. Peterwas appointedchair of
the Art & ArchaeologyEditorialBoard last fall. His exhibition
Ddco Lalique,drawn from the ROM collection,showcases
Laliqueglassand its imitations.lt is on view untilJanuary,
2007. Recentpublicationsincludecatalogueentriesfor A.
Duncan,High Style:Masterworksfrom the Bernard and Sylvia
Ostry Collectionin the Royal OntarioMuseum (ROM, Toronto,
2005: distributedby the AntiqueCollectors'Club). You can
contactPeterat the Royal OntarioMuseum,100 Queen's
Park,Toronto,OntarioMsS 2C6, Canada.Tel.416-586-5706
Peter and his partnerJohn Alexander
or peterk@.rom.on.ca
just purchaseda largerhome in the east end of Toronto.
Cynthiawas awardeda one-monthfellowshipto researchthe
hookedrug collectionof Henry FrancisDupontat the
WinterthurMuseumthis year.
She presentedthe followingpapers:
in ContemporaryAmericanlndian
Art" presentedat the annualconferenceof the Women's
HistoryNetwork,SouthamptonSolent University,
Southampton,UK . "Batikas Art in EarlyTwentiethCentury
New York",at the InternationalBatik Conference,
MassachusettsCollegeof Art, Boston,MA. She will co-chaira
panel "lnterrogatingBostonas a Site for ContemporaryArt," at
the 2006 annualconferenceof the CollegeArt Associationin
An Exhibitionof batikart of Belgiancontemporarybatikartist
RitaTrefoiswas held at Wentworth's CasellaGalleryduring
the monthof June. The Exhibitionwas part of the lnternational
Batik Conferencesponsoredby the MassachusettsCollegeof
Art. Cynthiais organizingan exhibitionwith the Bostonbranch
of the Women's Caucusfor Art titled"LocalWomen in a Global
World: Perspectivesof BostonWomen Artists"to be held at
Wentworth'sCasellaGalleryin conjunctionwith the annual
conferenceof the Women'sArt Caucus,which runs at the
same time as CAA. Wentworthaffiliatesare invitedto the
openingreception,date and time TBA. fo,wlprp@ryit.edU
RandaltG. Griffin (Ph.D.1994)
RandallC. Griffinis Chair of the Art HistoryDepartmentat
SouthernMethodistUniversity.He has a forthcoming
monograph,WinslowHomer: An American Vision,which
PhaidonPressis publishingin the Springof 2006. His book,
Homer, Eakins,and Anshutz: The Search for American ldentity
in the GildedAge, was awardedthe DallasMuseumof Art's
VasariAward for the best art historybook authoredby a
scholarin Texas. randallq@mail.smu.edu
E l l en Landau,(P h.D .1981)
Ellen Landauwas a visitingscholarat the AmericanAcademy
in Rome:July 2005. She publishedand editedvolumewith
extensiveintroductoryessay, Reading AbstractExpressionism:
Contextand Critique(Yale UniversityPress, 2005). Currently
Ellen is curating"PollockMatters":internationaltouring
exhibitionset to open August,2006; accompanyingbook to be
publishedby Harry N. Abrams.exl3@case.edu
Joan Marter (Ph.D. 1974)
of Woman's
Joan Marterhas recentlybecomeEditor-in-Chief
Art Journal,which is now co-sponsoredby RutgersUniversity
and Old City Publishing,Inc. Martercontinuesas a memberof
the Boardof Directorsof the CollegeArt Association,and has
recentlybeen appointedChair of the ExhibitionsCommittee.
Evolutionof DavidSmith and DorothyDehner'sWork in Bolton
Landing"in Reading AbstractExpresslonism,Contextand
Critiqueeditedby Ellen G. Landau(Yale UniversityPress,
2005). At the annualconferenceof the CAA in 2005, Marter
presented"science Fictionand TechnologicalInterface:
ConstructivistSculptureof the 40s and 50s". LastApril she
organizeda symposiumentitled
Expressionism'sInternationalContext"at Stony Brook
University.Marteris DistinguishedProfessorof Art Historyat
RutgersUniversityand Directorof the CertificateProgramin
CuratorialStudies. ioanmarter@aol.cam
W. BarksdaleMaynard(M.A. 1994; Ph.D. 1997)
W. BarksdaleMaynard'sbook, Walden Pond: A History
(Oxford,2004) has receivedtwo awards, a Certificateof
Commendationfrom the AmericanAssociationfor Stateand
Local Historyand the BostonAuthorsClub JuliaWard Howe
SpecialAward. wbmaynard@lvsrldnet.att.net
David McGarthy,(M.A. 1988; Ph.D. 1992)
David McCarthywas promotedto professorin the spring2005
and currentlyholdsthe James F. RuffinProfessorshipof Art
and Archaeologyat RhodesCollege.This pastsummerhe
participatedin a six-weekNEH seminaron the Vietnamwar,
and recentlypublishedan essayon JamesGill'sVietnam
paintingsin UncommonPlaces:The Art of James FrancisGill
(SanAngelo,Texas:San AngeloMuseumof FineArts,2005).
In Octoberhe gave a paperon Americanartistsand mass
mediaduringthe Vietnamwar at the SECACconference.He
is currentlyresearchinga book entitledAgainstlmperium:
AmericanArtlsfs in an Age of Global War, 1936to the Present.
William Morgan, (Ph.D.1971)
WilliamMorganhas beenwritingfull time followinghis last
teachingjob as a sabbaticalreplacementat Wheaton. Two
books came out in 2004: American Country Churches
(Abrams) and The Abrams Guide to American House Sfy/es.
ln the Springof 2006, PrincetonArchitecturalPresswill publish
The Cap e Cod Cottage. d_iv
fantasticChicagocourtesyof a Mellonfellowshipat the
NewberryLibrary. Upon his return,he establisheda threeweek summerfieldschoolin Falmouth,Jamaica,as a means
of integratinghis teachingand his researchinterestsin the
architecturesand culturesof the GreaterBritishCaribbean.
His volumeof editedessaysentitledAmericanSanctuary:
UnderstandingSacredSpaces is due out from lndiana
UniversityPressearly in 2006. In6n@cms'mail'virqinia'edu
MichelineGelestineNilsen (Ph.D.2OO3)
MichelineNilsenis in her secondyear of a tenure-trackart
historyteachingpositionat IndianaUniversitySouth Bend.
She has also been appointedCampusTheme Directorfor the
2005-2006academicyear, for which she has been awardedan
IndianaUniversityNew PerspectiveGrant. Thanksto a
FacultyResearchgrant,she spent the Summer2005 doing
additionalresearchon her dissertationtopic in London,Paris,
Berlinand Brussels.She is hopingto spendnextsummer
revisingher dissertationfor publication.ln the past year, she
deliveredpapersat Hagleyand CAA and is preparinganother
for a nationalconferencein April. She contributedseveral
entries to a forthcomingEncyclopediaof Urbanism. A proposal
for a Minorin Art Historyat IUSB has just been approvedand
for extensivecurriculumrevisionand a
work is undenruay
Major. New coursesare providingexcitingresearchand
PenelopeO'Sullivan(M.A. 1999)
PenelopeO'Sullivan,the former Penelope Bass Cope, is a
gardenwriterand designernear Portsmouth,NH. She finished
her 1Othbook, Miracle Gro's Beautiful Perennials Made Easy,
last summer and has two books scheduledfor publicationin
2007. p.ii@comcast.net
Marina Pacini (M.A. 1988)
MarinaPacini,ChiefCuratorat the MemphisBrooksMuseum
"ErnestWithers& Memphis:Capturinga City,"
of Art, curated
"Un/Bound:A Surveyof Artists'Books,"and "From Byzantine
lcons to Nefertiti:The Jewelryof William Bartholomew."She
"Pop Art and Religion:Marisol's
also delivereda paper entitled
The [Holy]Family,"at the SoutheasternCollegeArt
Conferencein LittleRock,Arkansas.
marina .p aelni@bro okqnLuseum.orq
Joyce Hill Stoner (Ph.D.1995)
Dr. JoyceHill Stoner(Ph.D.1995)is the Directorof the new
PreservationStudiesDoctoralProgramat the Universityof
"Art HistorianDelawareand is chairinga sessionat CAA on
Art ConservatorAlliances."She finishedher term as Vice
Presidentof CAA in May 2005. ihstoner@udel.edu
L o u i s N els on( P h. D.20 0 1 )
Louis Nelsoncontinuesto enjoy his positionas Assistant
Professorof ArchitecturalHistoryat the Universityof Virginia.
He and his family havejust returnedfrom a sabbaticalleave in
ThayerTolles (M.A. 1990)
ThayerTolles delivereda paperat CAA last Februaryin
Atlantain the sessionon Americansculpturehistoriography.
The paperwas titled,'Writingfor a Cause: Late-NineteenthCenturyCritics,AugustusSaint-Gaudens,and American
Sculptures."ln the SpringThayerpublishedan articlefor
AmericanArt, "The Saint-GaudensNationalHistoricSite,"and
currentlyis co-curatinga show at the UBS Galleryin New
Sculptors:Fellowsof the SaintGaudensMemorial."thayer.tol|es@metmuseum.arg
CatherineTurrill, (Ph.D.1986)
CatherineTurrillis now in her secondthree-yearterm as Chair
of the Art Departmentat CaliforniaState University,
Sacramento.She also is the chair of the StudentAffairs
Committeeof the AcademicCouncilon InternationalPrograms
for the CSU system (thiscommitteehas the delightfultask of
selectingstudentsfor the year-longforeignstudy programs
sponsoredby CaliforniaState University).In Spring2006, she
will be teachinga shortseminaron Dan Brown'snovel,/The
Da Vinci Codei,for the Collegeof ContinuingEducationat
2005. She is continuingresearchon the Goncourtbrothersin
view of publishinga book basedon her dissertation.
Judith Zilczer (Ph.D.1975)
Judith Zilczer,CuratorEmeritaat the HirshhornMuseumand
SculptureGarden,co-organizedthe exhibition,VisualMusic,
1905-2005,on view at the Museumof ContemporaryArt, Los
Angeles,from February13-May22, 2005 at the Hirshhorn
Museumfrom June 23-September11, 2005. Her essay"Music
for the Eyes:AbstractPaintingand LightArt" servedas the
leadessayfor the accompanying
Thamesand Hudson. In addition, Dr. Zilczercontributed
entrieson RaymondDuchamp-Villon
for the catalogue
Collecting Modernism: European Masterworks from the
Munson-Williams-ProctorAris lnstitute (2005). She was
invitedto contributean essay,"L'universsymboliquede
RichardLindner,"to the cataloguefor the exhibition,Richard
Lindner: Adults Only, at the Musee de Ia Vie Romantique,
Paris (2005). Currently,Dr. Zilczeris workingon a monograph
on the art of Willemde Kooningfor PhaidonPress,London..
SacramentoState. This last task was acceptedin the spiritof
mountinga crusade,as she has fairlystrongopinionsabout
the book and its.presentation
of Renaissanceart and culture.
Beth Venn (M.A. 1998)
Beth Venn recentlyacceptedthe positionof Curatorof Modern
and ContemporaryArt and SeniorCuratorof the Departmentof
AmericanArt at the NewarkMuseumin New Jersey.
PamelaWarner (M.A. 2004;Ph.D.2005)
PamelaWarner beganteachingart historyfull'timeat the
Universityof Massachusetts-Dartmouth
in September,2005.
She marriedin Parisin Januaryand will shareher time
betweenthe UnitedStatesand France. Her translationof Max
Ernst letterswas publishedin a new catalogueraisonneedited
by Werner Spies,Max Ernst:Life and Work Cologne:Dumont,
Departmentof Art History Newsletter
Faculty Coordinator: LawrenceNees
Production: EileenLarson.Tina Trimble. Tracie Albanese
Pleasedirect any inquiries,comments,suggestionsor contributionsto: EileenPrybolsky,Department
ofAd History,
Universityof Delaware,318Old College,Newark,Delaware19716.
Telephone302.831.8416;Fax 302.831.8243
*, n*.*r ;:
Donors and Friends
We wish to thankthe Friendsand
Alumni listedbelowwho have made
generouscontributionsover the past
year. Your gifts are used for many
worthwhileProjects: to create
researchand dissertationfellowships,
to enhanceinternshipopportunities,to
supportlectureseries and colloquia,to
aid studentswith sPecialneeds or
emergencysituations,and other
educationalactivitiesthat benefitthe
department.We hoPeYouwill
considermakinga gift again.
To do so, pleasecontact:
Departmentof Art History
Universityof Delaware
3 1 8 Ol d College
Fax 302.831.8243
Giftsof $100-$999
Dr. JulieAronson
Mr. and Mrs. DennisE. Banks
Mr. and Mrs.WilliamA. Bizjak
Mr. and Mrs. MichaelP. BoYle,Sr.
Dr. Jeanne K. BrodY
Ms. Jane A. Hudson
Dr. EllenG. Landau
Mr. and Mrs. RobertP. LathroP
Mrs. Randil. Lehrfield
Ms. DeborahA. Reinholz
Mr. and Mrs.WilliamA. Russell
Ms. RachelSadinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Savage
Dr. Aline G. Sayer
Dr. Audrey K. Scanlan-Teller
Ms. ThayerTolles
Mrs.Tina H. Trimble
D r. Judi thK .Zi l czer
Giftsof $1000or more
Mr. CharlesT. lsaacs
New GardenTownshiP
The Leo and KarenGutmann
yes, I want to help the Art History Department with a contribution of:
$500 tr
$100 tr
other $
I want mY gift to be used for:
n Other (pleasespecify)
General Departmental Fund
S E N DT O :
Department of Art History
University of Delaware
Art History Department
Lecture Series
Associate Professor
Departmentof Art History
Universityof Delaware
'Wit and Wisdom:Aesop'sFablesand the
Kalilawa-Dimnaon a Rennaissance
Thursday,September29,2005at 5:30p.m.
PeterX. Feng
Associate Professor
Departmentof English
Universityof Delaware
Ethnicity,and Masculinity:
Businessof Syndication"
Thursday,October12,2005 at 5:30 p.m.
WilliamL HomerLecturein Photography
Curatorand Head, DePartmentof
"Mystery,Melancholyand Nostalgia:
Andr6 Kert6sz'sView of Paris"
Thursday,November3, 2005 at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday,March2,2OOOat 5:30 p.m.
Helen Langa
AssociateProfessorof Art History,
VisualCulturein the 1930's"
Thursday,March16, 2006 at 5:30 P.m.
GulnarK. Bosch Professorof Art History,
FloridaState UniversitY
"MedievalTreasures:Legendsand Relics"
Thursday,April6, 2006 at 5:30 P.m.
Wayne CravenannualLecture
Oleg Grabar
ProfessorEmeritusof lslamicArt and
Architecture,Schoolof HistoricalStudies,
Institutefor AdvancedStudy,Princeton
"shared Objects:7-BthCenturySilverfrom
the Atlanticto the Pacificand the Origins
of lslamicArt"
Thursday,April20, 2006 at 5:30 p.m'
of Delaware's
in partbytheUniversity
ol thelecture.
Departmentof Art History
Universityof Delaware
3 1 8 Ol d College
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