M.Sc. in High-Performance Computing 5613 - C programming Assignment 1 Rules

M.Sc. in High-Performance Computing
5613 - C programming
Assignment 1
Mike Peardon (mjp@maths.tcd.ie)
School of Mathematics, TCD
To submit, make a single tar-ball with all your code and a pdf of any written part you
want to include. Submit this via msc.tchpc.tcd.ie by Wednesday October 14th.
Marks will be given for the efficiency of your implementation. Late submissions
without prior arrangement or a valid explanation will result in reduced marks.
1. write a C function
int fib(int k)
which writes the k th entry in the Fibonacci sequence to the terminal using
printf. fib should compute the sequence by recursive calls to itself. The
Fibonacci sequence fk is defined by the recursion
fk+1 = fk + fk−1
for k = 1, 2, 3, . . .
and with f0 = f1 = 1. Test the function with a few values and then evaluate
f42 . Why does your program take as long as it does? What is the order of the
algorithm (in k)? Write a second version of the function
int fib2(int k)
which has the same functionality as fib but which uses an O(k) method to
evaluate fk instead of recursion.