Simulations in Early-Universe Theory Jan Smit Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Lattice ’05, Dublin 1 end of inflation ? ? LG? EW QCD NS EQ DEC now BG? LG: leptogenesis EW & QCD transitions BG: baryogenesis NS: nucleosynthesis EQ: equal energy in ‘radiation’ and ‘matter’ (non-rel.) DEC: photon decoupling (↔ CMB) This talk: EW and earlier, field theory 2 Plan: 1. Inflation, preheating, defects, baryogenesis, thermalization 2. Classical approximation 3. Φ-derivable approximations 4. Outlook 3 examples, not a review 4 Inflation inflaton field σ, FLRW scale factor a (flat), Hubble rate H, energy density ρ ∂V (σ, · · · ) ∇2 σ 0 = σ̈ + 3H σ̇ − 2 + a ∂σ s ȧ ρ H≡ = a 3m2 P (∇σ)2 σ̇ 2 + ρ = + V (σ, · · · ) + · · · 2 2 2a potential energy dominates, strong damping, ‘slow roll’, exponential expansion 5 V V sigma ‘small-field’ potential σ↑ σ↓ sigma ‘large-field’ potential small-field models, ‘new inflation’ large-field models, ‘chaotic inflation’ e.g. large-field potential (hybrid inflation): V (σ, ϕ) = V0 + 1 2 µ2σ σ 2 + g 2σ 2ϕ† ϕ − µ2ϕ† ϕ + λ(ϕ† ϕ)2 (µσ µ, when g 2σ 2 − µ2 < 0, ϕ†ϕ → (µ2 − g 2σ 2)/λ) 6 Preheating after inflation: universe is cold∗ σ-energy transferred to other d.o.f. V (σ, · · · ) = V (σ) + (g 2σ 2 − µ2)ϕ† ϕ + · · · ∗ different in ‘warm inflation’ Berera & Ramos 7 time-dependent effective ϕ-mass 2 2 2 = −µ + g σ µ2 eff - hσi oscillates → ϕ resonates - µ2 eff < 0 → tachyonic instability σ-modes can also resonate and σ is also tachyonic during ∂ 2V /∂σ 2 < 0 ⇒ large occupation numbers in σ and ϕ in limited momentum range: preheating 8 Zoo of defects domain walls, strings, textures, monopoles, Qballs, I-balls, oscillons, half knots, sphalerons, Chern-Simons numbers, . . . 9 Baryogenesis explain baryon to photon ratio nB ' 6.5 10−10 nγ from nB = 0 after inflation and B, C & CP violation during particle physics processes out of equilibrium very many scenarios proposed here: 10 Cold ElectroWeak Baryogenesis anomaly in divergence of baryon current 1 µν q= trF F̃ µν 16π 2 topological-charge density µ ∂µjB = 3 q, tachyonic EW transition with CP violation ⇒ baryon asymmetry B(t) = 3 ∗ Garcı́a-Bellido, Z t 0 dt0 Z d3 x hq(x, t0)i Grigoriev, Kusenko, Shaposhnikov, PRD 60 (1999) 123504; Krauss, Trodden, PRL 83 (1999) 1502 11 Thermalization redistribution of energies in d.o.f. how long does it take? (in the expanding universe) (re?)heating temperature Trh marks beginning of radiation-dominated universe need Treh & 1 GeV for nucleo-synthesis 12 Classical Approximation real time hO(t)i = Trρ O(t) = Trρ U †(t) O U (t) difficult in field theory classical approximation - reasonable for large occupation numbers - depends on initial conditions 13 coherent-state∗ or Wigner represenation hO(φ, π)i = Z Dφ Dπ ρc (φc , πc) O(φc , πc ) classical approximation∗∗ 1. 2. 3. 4. draw initial configuration from ρc (φ, π) solve classical e.o.m. for φ and π evaluate O(φ, π) average over initial configurations ∗ Sallé, JS, Vink, PRD 64 (2001) 025016 ∗∗ perturbative analysis: Aarts, JS, PLB 393 (1997) 395; NPB 511 (1998) 451 ; this meeting: Yavin 14 occupation numbers 1 (ω φ + iπk), ak = √ 2ωk k k † nk = hak aki generalize to time-dependent (quasi)particle energies ωk and numbers nk: 1 1 † hφk φk i ≡ nk + , 2 ωk i † hφk πki ≡ ñk + 2 1 † ωk hπkπki ≡ nk + 2 15 tachyonic transition at t = tc , µeff (tc ) = 0 gaussian approximation 2 φ̈k + (µ2 eff + k )φk = 0 3 µ2 eff = −M (t − tc), M 3 = −2g 2 σcσ̇c quench: 2, t < t , = +µ µ2 c eff = −µ2, t > tc 16 reproduce quantum h· · · i with classical distribution " !# + 2 − 2 X |ξk | |ξk | 1 0 exp − + 2 nk + 1/2 + ñk nk + 1/2 − ñk k where 1 ξk± = √ (ωk φk ± πk) 2ωk nk and ñk grow faster than exponential∗ and nk + 1/2 − ñk → 0, for k . kmax q M 3(t − tc) kmax = = µ, for the quench P0 : k . kmax p ∗ for the quench: n ∼ exp[ µ2 − k 2 (t − t )] c k 17 initial distribution for classical approximation: gaussian ensemble at time ti > tc when nk , ñk 1 and non-linear terms in e.o.m. still small, or ‘just the half’ at ti = tc kmax cutoff, or kmax = cutoff 18 milestones in preheating: ‘re-scattering’ effects after parametric-resonance∗ and tachyonic∗∗ preheating lead to efficient mixing ∗ Khlebnikov, ∗∗ Felder, Tkachev, PRL 77 (1996) 219 Garcı́a-Bellido, Greene, Kofman, Linde, Tkachev, PRL 87 (2001) 011601 19 Example∗: ‘new inflation’ with Coleman-Weinberg potential∗∗ V (σ) = ! |σ| 1 1 1 4 λσ ln − + λv 4 4 v 4 16 λ = 10−12 , v = 10−3 mP , with expansion initial hσi ≈ 0, it rolls into minimum of V and oscillates, energy decays into σ-particles tachyonic & parametric-resonance preheating ∗ Desroche, Felder, Kratochvil, Linde, PRD71 (2005) 103516 ∗∗ questionable in real time! 20 10 nk 20 t=801 10 1010 t=839 1010 1 0.01 0.1 nk 1020 nk 20 1 10 k 1 0.01 0.1 nk t=876 1020 1010 1 10 k 10 k t=903 1010 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 k 1 0.01 0.1 1 occupation numbers nk , resonance visible at t = 876 t and k in λv-units 21 with φ, V = V (σ) + 1 2 g 2σ 2φ2 (non-tachyonic for φ) number densities nσ , nφ 10 25 n g2 =Λ 10 1015 105 800 25 n g2 =Λ10 1015 1400 t 2000 105 800 1400 t 2000 inefficient resonance, nφ nσ σ → φφ perturbatively, p Trh ≈ mP Γσ→φφ (≈ 107 GeV for g 2 . λ) 22 Example∗: large-field inflaton-‘Higgs’ SU(2) model 1 µ2 σ 2 + g 2σ 2ϕ† ϕ + λ(ϕ† ϕ − 1 v 2)2 V (σ, ϕ) = 2 σ 2 fit k-dependence of initial distribution at ti to gaussian, kmax cutoff, no expansion next slide: ‘mixing’ through scattering of waves λ = 0.11/4, g 2 = 2λ, M = 0.18 m, m = √ λv σ → χ, tc → 0, no expansion, ∗ Garcı́a-Bellido, Garcı́a-Pérez, González-Arroyo, PRD67 (2003) 103501 23 mt = 23 mt = 24 φ1 1 40 0.5 0.5 30 0 10 30 0 y 20 40 10 20 x 20 20 10 30 10 30 40 40 mt = 25 mt = 26 1 1 40 0.5 30 0 10 20 20 40 0.5 30 0 10 20 20 10 30 40 10 30 40 24 mt =27 mt =32 φ1 1 40 0.5 0.5 30 0 10 30 0 y 20 40 10 20 x 20 20 10 30 10 30 40 40 mt =36 mt =40 1 1 40 0.5 30 0 10 20 20 40 0.5 30 0 10 20 20 10 30 40 10 30 40 25 Example∗: equation of state (p/ρ) in large-field inflaton-‘Higgs’ U(1) model 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 † † 2 V = 2 µσ σ + g σ ϕ ϕ + λ ϕ ϕ − 2 v ϕ = r eiα / √ 2, pressures: 2 − 1 (∇r/a)2 + 1 λ(r 2 − v 2)2 pH = 1 ṙ 2 6 4 2 α̇2 − 1 (∇α/a)2 pG = 1 r 2 6 1 σ̇ 2 − 1 (∇σ/a)2 + 1 (µ2 + g 2r 2 )σ 2 pσ = 2 σ 6 2 ∗ Borsányi, Patkos, Sexty, PRD 68 (2003) 063512 26 8 Goldstone Higgs Inflaton ρ /3 7 6 pressure 5 t=140 4 3 t=160 t=85 2 1 0 t=85 -1 -2 0 5 10 15 20 25 ρ g 2 = 10−2 , λ = g 2/2, µσ = 4 1011 , mH = 9 1014 GeV, with expansion 27 Example∗: strings and hot spots V (σ, ϕ) = 1 2 µ2σ σ 2 + g 2σ 2ϕ†ϕ + λ(ϕ† ϕ − v 2)2 √ g 2 = 10−4 , λ = 10−2 , m ≡ 2λ v = 3 1015 GeV constant expansion rate H = 3.6 10−3 m µ2eff = g 2σ 2 − m2 = 0 at σ = σc all modes (kmax = cutoff) initialized with ‘just the half’ next two slides: global strings decay, overshoots to σ < −σc ⇒ hot spots, good mixing ∗ Copeland, Pascoli, Rajantie, PRD65 (2002) 103517 28 transparant surface: σ = −σc at time tm = 130; strings: |ϕ|2 = v 2 /10 at time for which spatial average σ = 0 for the first time 29 transparant green surface: |ϕ|2 = v 2/10; blue: σ = σc; yellow: σ = −σc; time tm = 270 30 Example∗: tachyonic electroweak quench SU(2)-Higgs model 1 µν +(D ϕ)† D µϕ−µ2ϕ†ϕ+λ(ϕ† ϕ)2 trF F −L = µν µ 2g 2 ‘just the half’, kmax = µ, Ainit = 0, A0 = 0, Gauss’ law ∗ Skullerud, JS, Tranberg, JHEP 0308 (2003) 045 31 A A 1 A A A A A nk 0.01 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0.0001 A A A A A A A A 1e-06 t= 1 t= 2 t= 3 t= 4 t= 5 t= 6 t= 7 t= 8 t= 9 t = 10 A t = 11 t = 12 A A t =A 20 A t = 30 t = 40 t = 50 t =100 A A 1e-08 0 1 2 k/mH 3 4 5 Coulomb-gauge W-particle numbers as a function of momentum, time in units of m−1 H 32 approx. gauge-independence of transverse nW k (Coulomband unitary-gauge) after t = 50 m−1 H not much happens in 50 . tmH < 100 temperature T ≈ 0.4 mH chemical potential µch ≈ 0.7(0.9)mH for W(H) longitudinal modes settle at slower rate - suggests continuing with inclusion of lighter d.o.f. of Standard Model, e.g. through Boltzmann eqns. & quantum scattering rates 33 Example: kinetic turbulence and self-similar scaling∗ in electromagnetic field after tachyonic electroweak transition∗∗ inflaton + SU(2)×U(1) model mW = 6.15 GeV, mH/mW = 4.65, M ti = 5, g/g 0 as in SM ∗ Micha, Tkachev, PRD 70 (2004) 043538 ∗∗ Diaz-Gil, Garcı́a-Bellido, Garcı́a-Pérez, González-Arroyo, poster this meeting 34 Inflaton NS=48 NS=64 Higgs NS=48 NS=64 1.2 1 HIGGS 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 INFLATON 0 -0.2 0 50 100 150 200 Higgs hϕ†ϕi and inflaton hσi vs time 250 1 Inflaton NS=48 NS=64 Higgs NS=48 NS=64 -2/5 0.1 Inflaton variance t 0.01 Higgs variance t-2/7 10 100 mt turbulent scaling of Higgs hϕϕ†i and inflaton hσσi ∝ t−ν , ν = −2/(2m − 1), m = 3 (σ), m = 4 (H) SU(2) electric Scaled 0.45 0.12 0.4 0.35 0.08 0.3 3 |k| |E(k)| 0.04 0.25 0 0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 0.15 0.1 mt=55 mt=105 mt=155 mt=205 mt=255 0.05 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |k|/m self-similar spectrum: n(k, t) = t−q n0(kt−p), q = (7/2)p, p = 1/(2m − 1) Example∗: cold electroweak baryogenesis SU(2) Higgs model with effective CP violation L = LSU(2)H − k ϕ† ϕ q, 2 mW q= 1 µν trF F̃ µν 16π 2 √ quench, ‘just the half’, kmax = µ = mH / 2 = 0.25/as R 3 0 µ q = ∂µjCS, NCS = d x jCS, Chern–Simons number B(t) = 3hNCS(t) − NCS(0)i Nw : winding number in the Higgs field NCS ≈ Nw , expected at low temperature *Tranberg, JS, JHEP 0311 (2003) 016; Tranberg, this meeting 38 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 hϕ† ϕi(black), hNCSi(red), hNw i(green) Higgs winding num√ ber, versus time; k = 3, mH = 2 mW 39 3 2e-05 1.5e-05 Nw/VmW 2.5e-05 1e-05 5e-06 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 k 2 2.5 3 3.5 dependence of nCS on k, mH = 2mW 40 resulting in √ nB −5 = (4 ± 1)10 k, mH = 2 mW nγ = −(4 ± 1)10−5 k, mH = 2 mW 41 Thermalization classical: Rayleigh-Jeans effects at large times - need quantum description approach equilibrium through scattering and damping nonperturbative, e.g. e−γt cos(ωt), γ = cλ2 , e−γt = 1 − cλ2 t + · · · need summing infinite series of diagrams 42 e.g. use Dyson-Schwinger hiearchy Phi-derivable∗ i i δ 2S(φ) Γ(φ, G) = S(φ)− Tr ln G+ Tr G+Φ(φ, G) 2 2 δφδφ i Φ= + + + ... sum of all 2PI diagrams ∗ revived simulation-wise by Berges, Cox, PLB 517 (2001) 369 43 equations of motion δΓ(φ, G) = 0, δφ(x) δΓ(φ, G) =0 δG(x, y) typical form h 2 −2 2 2 ∂ − µ − 3λφ − 3λG(x, x) G>(x, y) = Z x0 0 Z y0 0 2 i dz 0 Z d3z Im[Σ>(x, z; φ, G)]G>(z, y) dz 0 Z d3z Σ>(x, z; φ, G) Im[G>(z, y)] 44 δΦ selfenergy Σ(x, y) = 2i δG(x,y) + − iΣ = + + + ... 45 Φ-derivable: - ‘thermodynamically consistent’ - global symmetries → WTIs - renormalizable∗ ∗ Van Hees and Knoll, PRD 65 (2002) 025010 & 105005; PRD 66 (2002) 045008 Blaizot, Iancu, Reinosa, PLB 568 (2003) 160; NPA 736 (2004) 149 Cooper, Mihaila, Dawson, PRD 70 (2004) 105008; hep-ph/0502040 Berges, Borsányi, Reinosa, Serreau, hep-ph/0409123;hep-ph/0503240 46 - truncate Φ by order in coupling- or 1/N expansion - put Γ on space-time lattice (at as), or use spatial lattice and solve e.g. with RungeKutta - initial conditions in terms of φ and G results directly for average h· · · i - numerically challenging ‘memory kernels’ Σ 47 Example∗: chiral quark-meson model 1 (∂ σ∂ µσ + ∂ π a∂ µπ a) −L = ψ̄γ µ∂µψ + 2 µ µ 2(σ 2 + π aπ a) + g ψ̄(σ + iγ τ aπ a)ψ +1 µ 5 2 iΦ= spectral function ρ, statistical function F G(x, y) ∼ F (x, y) − iρ(x, y)/2 e.o.m. discretized in terms of components, e.g. µ µ µν ρ = ρS + ρP iγ5 + ρV γµ + ρAγµ γ5 + ρT σµν /2 ∗ Berges, Borsányi, Serreau, NPB 660 (2003) 51 48 0.3 initial fermion distributions 0.8 nf0 A 0.25 B 0.4 0.2 0 FV(t,t,p) 0 p [m] 2 0 p [m] 2 p=0.16, A B p=0.48, A B p=0.78, A B 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 500 -1 t [m ] memory loss 1/γFdamp ≈ 15 m−1 , m = thermal mass 49 3.5 mt = 4 mt = 6 mt = 12 mt = 24 mt = 60 mt = 120 mt = 240 mt = 600 3 log (1/nf - 1) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 p [m] thermalization: ln(−1 + 1/np) → p/T , Fermi-Dirac 1/γFtherm ≈ 95 m−1 , g = 1 50 thermalization, relatively fast no fermion doubling seen∗ ∗ differs from Aarts &JS, NPB555 (1999) 355; PRD61 (2000) 025002, who used lattice fermion techniques in real time 51 Example∗: electroweak quench −L = (1/2)∂µφa ∂ µφa−(µ2/2)φa φa+(λ/4)(φa φa)2 a = 1, . . . , N , λ ∝ 1/N , approximate Φ to Nextto-Leading-Order in 1/N expansion∗∗ , N = 4 next two slides: comparison of nk in NLO with two ‘just the half’ classical approximations: (a) only unstable modes initialized (kmax = µ = 0.7/as) (b) all modes initialized (kmax = cutoff) ∗ Arrizabalaga, ∗∗ Berges, JS, Tranberg, JHEP 0410 (2004) 017 NPA 699 (2002) 847 52 1000 Classical, unstable initialized Quantum, NLO Classical, all initialized 100 10 nk 1 0.1 0.01 0 1 k/µ 2 3 particle numbers at time tµ = 14; λ = 1/24, Lµ = 22.4 53 1000 1000 Quantum, NLO Classical, unstable initialized Classical, all initialized 100 100 10 10 nk nk 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.01 0 Quantum, NLO Classical, all initialized Classical, unstable initialized 1 k/µ 2 3 0.01 0 1 2 k/µ particle numbers at time tµ = 100 (Left) and 700 (Right); λ = 1/4 (mH = 174 GeV), Lµ = 11.2 54 3 furthermore Kibble-Zurek vs Hindmarsch-Rajantie∗ scaling in formation of topological defects in gauge theories ... ∗ Hindmarsch, Rajantie, PRL 85 (2000) 4660 55 Outlook • lots to do in the Big Bang • quantum fields out of equilibrium: approximations unavoidable • classical approximation can be well motivated and is very useful up to intermediate times in tachyonic preheating, topological-like terms in e.o.m. and -observables appear feasible with kmax 1/as need more experience with non-abelian gauge fields∗ ∗ Moore, JHEP 0111 (2001) 017 56 • Φ-derivable approximations good for later times three-point interactions (non-zero range) are efficient for thermalization (broken symmetry phase, Yukawa, gauge fields), but difficult to incorporate in Φ beyond two loops Nambu-Goldstone boson mass is still an issue gauge fields not simulated yet (?) dependence on gauge fixing parameter admissable∗ as part of controlled approximation? fermion doubling? need to gauge fix: a blessing for the chiral case? real-time approach∗∗ to finite density? ∗ Arrizabalaga, JS, PRD 66 (2002) 065014 ∗∗ Sallé, JS, Vink, NP Proc.Suppl. 94 (2001) 427 57 Example∗: development of winding and ChernSimons number densities in tachyonic EW transition same parameters as before next two slides: nW , tmH = 1, . . . , 15 nCS, tmH = 7, . . . , 15 ∗ Van der Meulen, Sexty, JS, Tranberg, to be pub. 58 59 60