1 STATION FIRE TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS 2 SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 3 c2626_01_09_2009_033902 (No audio recorded.) 4 5 /// 6 c2626_01_09_2009_053125 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 8 /// 9 c2626_01_09_2009_064927 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: 12 Hi (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 /// 15 c2626_01_09_2009_064947 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 25 Angeles -- Angeles Operations. is (b) (6) at her desk or how can I talk to (b) (6) real quick? 13 23 Angeles Operations. Hi, (b) (6) (b) (6) ’s right here. Hold on. This is (b) (6) I talked to (b) (6) Yes. I got permission from (inaudible). I’m sorry, what was that? They got permission from the (inaudible). Okay. They have permission to be in there. CALLER: I’ve already called (inaudible). Who -- who called you while you called me and said HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 1 1 he’d be coming out? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 Well, because when I called you to 3 tell you that he was up there and I waited a few minutes to 4 hear back if he was going to get out or not. 5 see if he was heading out. 6 talked to you and -CALLER: 7 8 (Inaudible) call you and was bitching about it or ANGELES OPERATIONS: CALLER: 10 13 CALLER: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. CALLER: (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: was raining. 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 24 25 No, nobody called or complained that It’s got to be (inaudible) up there right now, 19 22 No. he was in there. 16 18 I’m sorry. there or anything? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 What was that? (Inaudible) called you to complain that he was in 12 15 That’s why I thought maybe he had nothing. 9 11 I just wanted to That’s what he told me. He said it (Inaudible.) He said it was actually coming down hard for a little bit, he said. CALLER: (Inaudible) well, (inaudible). He’s been (inaudible) and (inaudible) so -ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 2 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 (Inaudible) something to write with here ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. You’re ready? 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hold on (b) (6) CALLER: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: Okay. (b) (6) (b) (6) -- --- (b) (6) -- . (b) (6) -- (b) (6) . . All right, (b) (6) 15 Are you ready? (Inaudible.) 10 (inaudible) is working on his end to try to get (inaudible). 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 (inaudible) here. back. Okay. We’ll see what the hell happened to the missing ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 21 Yeah, I can get it for you. just a second. 7 16 Okay. (inaudible) phone number or cell phone? 5 6 Well, see what the hell we can do. Okay. well, thank you for calling Let me know what he’s doing. (Inaudible), (b) (6) 22 CALLER: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 /// 25 c2626_01_09_2009_065206 Okay. Bye. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 (b) (6) 2 Yeah, it’s (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 (b) (6) 6 (b) (6) 8 10 /// 11 c2626_01_09_2009_065809 Bye-Bye. (No audio recorded.) 12 13 /// 14 c2626_01_09_2009_070128 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 BATTALION 11: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 BATTALION 11: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 BATTALION 11: 21 All right. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 All right, well -- Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 Yeah. Myself and Battalion 13, we’re in service. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 Angeles Operations. Angeles Operations. Hey, (inaudible) Battalion 11. Hi, Battalion 11. How are you doing this morning? Okay. Good, how are you? Things quieted down for you guys a little bit yet? 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 BATTALION 11: No. Could you try to (inaudible) -- 24 /// 25 c2626_01_09_2009_070207 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 minute? 3 BATTALION 11: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. 5 /// 6 c2626_01_09_2009_070254 (b) (6) 7 (b) (6) 9 Yes. Good morning, (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. BATTALION 11: 13 (b) (6) 14 Okay. How are you? All right (inaudible). Hold on. Okay. 15 BATTALION 11: 16 And the nature of the call is (inaudible). 17 /// 18 c2626_01_09_2009_070322 20 21 22 23 24 25 how are you doing, sir? 12 19 Hold on. Yes, it’s (b) (6) BATTALION 11: 10 Okay. Battalion 11? BATTALION 11: 8 11 -- can -- can you hold on just a (b) (6) Where are they at? BATTALION 11: (b) (6) Okay. BATTALION 11: (b) (6) Thanks, (b) (6) You’re welcome. BATTALION 11: (b) (6) (Inaudible.) Okay. (Inaudible.) Thank you. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 5 1 /// 2 c2626_01_09_2009_073522 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 Angeles, this is (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: 11 CALLER: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. /// 17 c2626_01_09_2009_074016 23 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. Thank you. 16 22 Have a good day. of the bed. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 Okay. I just noticed that I woke up on the wrong side 13 20 Have a good day. (Inaudible) I’m sorry. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 You’ll be in service in Baldy? Yes, sir. 10 18 I’ll be in service in Baldy. 6 12 Angeles Operations. Hey, (b) (6) Bye-Bye. Angeles Operations. it’s (b) (6) Hey, (inaudible). Do you know 9-11’s location? I don’t exactly. He had called on the air to see if you were in service earlier. (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. I can raise him, though. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 6 1 (b) (6) Yeah. If you can find out his location, I’ll 2 (inaudible) plan with him. 3 phone or anything. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Let me see if I can -Okay. -- find out where he’s at here. Yeah, I want to plan (inaudible) I can’t figure out where he’s at. (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Yeah, he’s the busy bee, that’s for sure. Yeah, he’s all over the place. He’s awesome as a -- as a Battalion. Yeah. That is great. He’s real good, yeah. He’s a good employee. Let’s see. That’s for sure. 16 17 I just couldn’t get him on the There goes (inaudible) with her hand up in the air (inaudible) going up here. (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. Let me see if I can find him here. Okay. (b) (6) Okay. -- (b) (6) on the admin side. (b) (6) I’m going to put you on hold and have -- Okay. pick this one up. (b) (6) I’ve got some traffic has actually got (inaudible) today. No problem (inaudible). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 7 (b) (6) 1 And hold on one second, we’ll track down the I’ll have (b) (6) 2 Battalion 11. 3 Hold on a second. (b) (6) 4 (b) (6) 5 (b) (6) 6 Yeah. Stand by. (Inaudible.) 12 (b) (6) 13 14 Okay. (inaudible). (b) (6) 15 (b) (6) 16 Thanks (inaudible). I’ll -- I’ll try I appreciate it. Okeydoke. Bye. Bye. 17 /// 18 c2626_01_09_2009_074145 (Inaudible.) 19 20 /// 21 c2626_01_09_2009_074156 22 BATTALION 11: Battalion 11. 23 /// 24 c2626_01_09_2009_074206 25 Just need to know his location. (Inaudible.) (b) (6) 11 stand by, okay, I’m trying to -- Yeah. (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) No problem. (b) (6) 9 Thank you. -- get him. (b) (6) 8 Okay. Okay. (b) (6) 7 pick up the phone (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Please, stand by. Okay. I’m trying HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 8 1 to get him. 2 CALLER: No problem. 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: /// 7 c2626_01_09_2009_074226 c2626_01_09_2009_074306 CALLER: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: (Inaudible.) Okay. . I’ll try (inaudible). I appreciate it. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: /// 18 c2626_01_09_2009_075059 19 20 Okey doke. Bye. Bye. 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations, (b) (6) (b) (6) this is (b) (6) (inaudible) get a hold Hello, (b) (6) 21 of Battalion 11. 22 /// 23 c2626_01_09_2009_075111 25 (b) (6) Thanks, (b) (6) 15 24 Stand by. /// 11 14 Yeah. (Inaudible.) 8 10 Yeah. (Inaudible.) 6 9 Just need to know his location. ANGELES OPERATIONS: speaking. Battalion 11 to call (inaudible) Engine? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 9 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 (b) (6) 5 Okay. In the engine office? Yes. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 Okay. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 7 Yeah. Yeah, we’ll copy that. I’ll try and get a hold of him. (b) (6) 8 Thank you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 10 /// 11 c2626_01_09_2009_080340 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 (b) (6) 13 Bye. Angeles Operations. (b) (6) Hey, I’m looking for (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 All right, (b) (6) 15 /// 16 c2626_01_09_2009_080410 Hold on. Hold one a second. (Inaudible.) 17 18 /// 19 c2626_01_09_2009_080421 (Inaudible.) 20 21 /// 22 c2626_01_09_2009_080431 (Inaudible.) 23 24 /// 25 c2626_01_09_2009_080509 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 Hello? 3 /// 4 c2626_01_09_2009_081921 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 7 I run the mine I’m sorry, what -- what -- I’m sorry, one more time. (b) (6) Yeah, my name is (b) (6) I run the mine up (inaudible) for -- for N32 -ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 (b) (6) 13 (b) (6) 15 Uh-huh. -- it’s the (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 16 Yes, this is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 11 Angeles Operations. off of (inaudible) 32 up in -- up south of -- 8 9 Are you still holding for (b) (6) Uh-huh. You know when they’re going to -- when they’re going to open that back up? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 I sure don’t. The -- probably the 18 best people to call would be the fire information line. 19 probably have more time to deal with it than we do. 20 of trying to evacuate people from buildings that are burning. 21 So that -- that number is (626) -(b) (6) 22 We’re kind Just -- just -- just one second. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 They’d 24 /// 25 c2626_01_09_2009_082014 Sure. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 11 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 (b) (6) Yeah, there’s actually nothing here. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) Yeah. 8 /// 9 c2626_01_09_2009_082036 (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) 12 (b) (6) 14 -- 6700. 6700. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 821 -- 821. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 Yeah, that’s the fire information line. (b) (6) 17 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 (b) (6) 19 And they should -- they should be -- (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 -- they should be able to find out for you when roads are opening and closing. (b) (6) 22 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 (b) (6) 24 25 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 21 I know except for big trucks running -- running into each other in the smoke. 7 16 Your place is probably the safest -- safest place out there. 4 6 (Inaudible) I can write on here. Thank you. Okay. You’re welcome. Bye. /// HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 12 1 c2626_01_09_2009_082133 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 /// 4 c2626_01_09_2009_084846 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 Angeles Operations. Angeles Operations, (b) (6) (b) (6) hi, this is (b) (6) 7 (inaudible) officer (inaudible). 8 /// 9 c2626_01_09_2009_084943 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 11 (b) (6) 13 (b) (6) 15 (b) (6) 17 Okay. Okay. I wasn’t actually pulled on officially -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 I’m acting as a resource adviser -- -- on the station fire. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 Hi, (b) (6) . Hi. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 speaking. (b) (6) Okay. -- (inaudible) but I -- I’m just here. 18 But, I don’t know, maybe it’s time to pull me on officially as 19 well. 20 21 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: to -- Hold on a second, (b) (6) (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 Hi, (b) (6) . (b) (6) You’re going to have to talk just for second. Okay. 23 25 Okay. (Inaudible.) Hi. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 (b) (6) (b) (6) 5 8 9 10 too. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (Inaudible.) And I need to order a few other people That’s the -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. -- main reason why I’m calling. ANGELES OPERATIONS: This number, they can help you out over there. Are you ready? 11 12 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 7 I have a phone number for you to call so that you can get ordered. 3 6 Okay. (b) (6) Yes. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Or last four digits, 2596. 96? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- 2594. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- 723 -- Uh-huh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) The area code is (661) -- I will -- And that’s -- -- try. ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- that’s expanded dispatching and HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 14 1 they’re doing -- or handling all the orders. (b) (6) 2 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 6 /// 7 c2626_01_09_2009_090640 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 DEPUTY (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 DEPUTY 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 15 (b) (6) Angeles Operations. (b) (6) Hello, Angeles Operations. is this forestry? This is the U.S. Forest Service. What can I do for you? DEPUTY (b) (6) Okay. This is Deputy (b) (6) over at the command post. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 DEPUTY 19 Bye. Hey, (b) (6) 16 18 You’re welcome. Hello. 10 13 All right. Bye. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 Thank you. (b) (6) Yes, sir. I was wondering is this your general number or is this the law enforcement number or what is this? ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Well, what you’ve reached is 20 the Angeles National Forest Emergency Communications Center. 21 We’re a 24/7, 365 Federal Interagency Communications Center. (b) (6) 22 DEPUTY 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 DEPUTY 25 forestry? (b) (6) What’s the (inaudible) -And we’re -- we’re in Lancaster. What’s the number to (inaudible) general Who -- who’s handling like road closers and all HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 15 1 that? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 (b) (6) DEPUTY 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. ones did you dial? DEPUTY (b) (6) How you guys got this number? Well -- 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 DEPUTY 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (Inaudible.) -- change the last four digits of Anyways, that’s a good number. 15 number. 16 here. (b) (6) DEPUTY 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. But if you need to reach the law enforcement unit at the incident -DEPUTY 20 (b) (6) I actually need to reach somebody who can talk to me about road closers and (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 Okay. That would be most likely the 23 communications unit at the incident. 24 here. 25 It’s not a general That’s like the main number to our dispatch floor 17 21 Do you -- yeah -- what you just dialed the 2703 and there’s also 04, 05, 06. 14 19 Okay. So you can hold on to the number (inaudible) which 9 13 -- I -- I kind of know where we’re going with this but I need to know. 7 8 Are you at the base camp? Because I’m going -- 4 6 Okay. DEPUTY (b) (6) And I have their number Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 16 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 DEPUTY 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (818) 897-4696. Okay. And their general one is the -- the 4 number I just gave you is their -- their commute leader. 5 general one for them, though, is -- I’m sorry, I gave you 6 (818) -- I’m sorry. 7 number for Stations Communications. I gave you (818) 897-4696. (b) (6) 8 DEPUTY 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 13 14 Okay. didn’t get word of the whole little Tujunga Canyon area -DEPUTY (b) (6) (Inaudible) the one we’re getting (inaudible) -ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 DEPUTY 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 DEPUTY (b) (6) (b) (6) Yes, (inaudible). They’re located right there on (inaudible) Highway. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 DEPUTY 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 DEPUTY 25 Uh-huh. -- (inaudible) Station (inaudible). 20 24 And they -- the main communications We are currently -- I’ll tell you right now, if you 15 19 That is the for the whole incident. 11 12 The (b) (6) (b) (6) Yeah, what’s going -- (Inaudible.) Okay. And people can’t get in and out of that house. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 17 (b) (6) 1 DEPUTY (Inaudible.) 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I understand. Go ahead and contact that communications unit and 3 4 they’re kind of -- just seems like sometimes I call -- well, I 5 talk to them a lot but it seems like sometimes they have 6 helpers that are answering the phone. (b) (6) 7 DEPUTY 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 Okay. So see if you can get through to somebody that will understand what you mean. I know the information does get relayed, even though 10 11 it seems kind of slow in there. 12 hub, I -- I -- I hope that they’re -- they’re pretty on the 13 ball but. Give them a call -(b) (6) 14 DEPUTY 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 DEPUTY 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 And so the main communication (b) (6) Okay (inaudible) --- I understand what you’re -- -- (inaudible) number? The (818) number (inaudible), yes, 4696. (b) (6) 19 DEPUTY Yeah. 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: And they can -- that way your law 21 enforcement side and their law enforcement side with the 22 incident can communicate. 23 But I -- I will tell you right now that Little 24 Tujunga Canyon, that lower end by Little Tujunga Canyon Ranger 25 Station where the fire station is at et cetera, just up above HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 18 1 Osborne, we are evacuating that entire station and the 2 residents there as we speak. (b) (6) 3 DEPUTY Okay. 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 DEPUTY 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) /// 8 c2626_01_09_2009_091147 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 10 12 /// 13 c2626_01_09_2009_094849 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 (b) (6) 15 (b) (6) 17 18 Angeles Operations. Hello? Angeles Operations. Good morning. Hi, good morning. I am at (inaudible) en route to Arcadia to pick up some other LEO’s, so that’s where I’ll be. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 (b) (6) 20 (b) (6) 22 Okay. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 Uh-huh. Okay. Talk to you later. Bye-Bye. Bye. 23 /// 24 c2626_01_09_2009_113629 25 Bye. Hey, this is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 Bye-Bye. Oh, sorry, dialed the wrong phone number. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 Thanks, man. Thanks. 7 9 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 19 CALLER: 1 2 Hey, I think someone just (inaudible). I don’t know if that’s you guys or not. 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 1231: 1231. Who’s this? There’s an open (inaudible) out on 5 (inaudible) and just making sure it’s not you guys just so you 6 know. 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 1231: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right. 1231: 10 /// 12 c2626_01_09_2009_113732 14 15 16 17 18 Thank you. Thank you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Angeles Operations -- (Inaudible.) -- (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Hi. Is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 nightshift. Is -- is (b) (6) 21 phone call. Go (inaudible) -- 24 25 (b) (6) around there or She is -- I -- can you hold on a second. 23 speaking. (inaudible) anywhere? 19 22 All right. Bye. 11 13 Okay. (b) (6) She -- I don’t know if she’s working dayshift or Oh. She has a Is she in her office? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) an (inaudible). No, she’s in expanded. Oh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: But she’s not over there right now. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Can I take a message and have her call you? (b) (6) Yeah, if you would. Can you -- can you have her call (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh, hi, (b) (6) . Hi. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) It’s (b) (6) I’m sorry. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Who is this? (b) (6) (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Patrol 14. Oh, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. Patrol 15? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Fourteen, yeah. Fourteen. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. I don’t know (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Have her like -- is this an ASAP thing or -(b) (6) It’s not urgent but I have a -- a question. A -- a (inaudible) question for her. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. I will give her the message. Thank you. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 (b) (6) 2 /// 4 c2626_01_09_2009_114413 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 Bye. Bye. 3 CALLER: 10 All right. Angeles Operations. (b) (6) Yes. Hey, can you do me a favor? Uh-huh. Get a hold of COM26 and have him landline Texas Canyon Station. 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: Yeah. COM26? That’s -- that’s (inaudible); right? Right. Beautiful. Okeydoke. Thank you, sir. Texas Canyon, huh? Yeah. Okay. Bye. Okay. 22 /// 23 c2626_01_09_2009_114447 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Angeles Operations. Hi, is this the number I can get information on HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 22 1 (inaudible) Canyon? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 No. This is a dispatch floor but we do have a fire information number. 4 CALLER: Oh, good. 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. (626) -- Pardon? (626) -- (626) --- 821 -- 10 CALLER: 821 -- 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- 6700. 12 CALLER: Thank you so much. 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Very good. 14 /// 15 c2626_01_09_2009_115717 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 You’re welcome. Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. Hey, this is (inaudible) 19? Yeah. Can you guys try to get a hold of (inaudible)? Can’t get him on the radio? I tried earlier (inaudible). Yeah. (Inaudible.) Okay. Wonder -- wonder what it is? (Inaudible) there? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 23 1 CALLER: Yeah, here (inaudible). 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okeydoke. Thank you. 5 /// 6 c2626_01_09_2009_115817 Okay. 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 11 CALLER: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. Angeles Operations. (b) (6) is trying to get me (inaudible). Hey, it’s (b) (6) Hold on. (Inaudible) your brother? Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Call Engine 19. 15 trying to get a hold of you for some reason. 16 in touch with you for some reason. 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 20 21 They couldn’t get Yeah, (inaudible) you don’t have any (inaudible). Oh, they -- oh, really? That’s right. CALLER: Yeah. For some reason you can’t get us (inaudible) station (inaudible), yeah. 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 They are Right. Yeah, (inaudible). So did it -- where did the fire go? Did (inaudible) yet? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 24 CALLER: 1 2 It’s -- it’s backing down in there just above the station. 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: /// 7 c2626_01_09_2009_120029 8 UNIDENTIFIED: 10 Okay. All -- all right, bud. 6 9 Oh, gees. Thanks. Hi Mom? /// c2626_01_09_2009_120046 (No audio recorded.) 11 12 /// 13 c2626_01_09_2009_120839 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 ENGINE 24: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 24: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 ENGINE 24: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 ENGINE 24: Angeles Operations. Yeah, hi, this is (inaudible) Engine 24. Yeah. I’m just -Can I help you? -- returning your call (inaudible). Hold on a minute, please. Okay. 22 /// 23 c2626_01_09_2009_120910 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 ENGINE 24: 24? Yeah. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 25 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 ENGINE 24: Stand by. Okay. 3 /// 4 c2626_01_09_2009_120922 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 ENGINE 24: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hi, it’s (b) (6) 5 Hi. Yeah. Can I help you? ENGINE 24: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: This is (inaudible) Engine 24. 10 12 13 14 Yeah. I need your contact information. ENGINE 24: Oh, all right. What do you want, just my phone number? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 ENGINE 24: Yeah. Name and cell number. Yeah, my name is (b) (6) cell phone number is (b) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 ENGINE 24: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 ENGINE 24: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- (b) (6) . And it’s -- my -- (6) 18 23 Oh, hey. (Inaudible) a call? 15 17 Okay. (b) (6) . Okay. -Uh-huh. -- (b) (6) . Okay. And you guys are at (inaudible); right? 24 ENGINE 24: Right now we are up at actually Big Pine. 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Oh, okay, you’re at Big Pine. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 26 Is that where you -- 1 ENGINE 24: 2 (Inaudible) we’ve been -- we’ve been stationed 3 out at Valley (inaudible) but they’ve just -- moving in some 4 kind of camps for some -- they’re moving in -- moving in a 5 bunch of resources from the fire so. 6 a little ways. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 8 Okay. ENGINE 24: Yeah. 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 ENGINE 24: Kind of? We’re (inaudible) well; we’ve been spending nights in Palmdale. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 Okay. type (inaudible) that came on. 16 ENGINE 24: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 ENGINE 24: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 24: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 ENGINE 24: They’re all here now so. Okay. All right, (b) (6) Okay. thank you. That’s it, huh? That’s all I needed, yes, Thanks. All right. All right. Okay. 23 /// 24 c2626_01_09_2009_122715 25 Right. I’m just trying to put together a list of all the 14 15 You haven’t had any direction on -- you guys are basically staying out of Yuma; right? 9 12 We just drove up the road Bye. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Bye-bye. Angeles Operations, (b) (6) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 27 Hey, (b) (6) 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 have (b) (6) (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 call him at (inaudible). CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPREATIONS: CALLER: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Hello (b) (6) Hey, Division 1 would like you to Yeah. Yeah. Will do. 12 /// 13 c2626_01_09_2009_123434 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Angeles Operations. Hey, there’s -- it’s (b) (6) at (inaudible) 11. Hey, what’s up, (b) (6) Not much. Hey, can you do me a favor and (inaudible) call 18 22 Hold on a second. (Inaudible.) 10 21 Okay. Yes. 8 20 I’ll put you on hold and we on the line. 4 19 Yes. Engine 18 and have him call me at (inaudible) Engine Station. ANGELES OPERATIONS: You’re at -- you’re at the Engine Station? CALLER: Yeah. Have Engine 18 call the (inaudible) 11 at 23 Little T Engine Station. 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Okay. I’ll pass the message. Thanks. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 28 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 /// 3 c2626_01_09_2009_123647 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPREATIONS: Okay. Thanks. 6 Fire Station’s number? 7 /// 8 c2626_01_09_2009_131308 How do I get -- what’s Little T’s Uh-huh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) 12 Hey, (b) (6) It’s (b) (6) Yeah, (b) (6) hold on. Hold on, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) your location for (b) (6) 14 (b) (6) 15 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 Okay. 17 (b) (6) 18 (b) (6) (b) (6) 20 TC (inaudible). is going to call you at TC right now. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 Okay. Bye. (Inaudible.) 21 /// 22 c2626_01_09_2009_133237 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 Angeles Operations. is calling me? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 Angeles Operations. Hello? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 Shoot. Angeles Operations. Hi, this is 31 (inaudible). /// HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 29 1 c2626_01_09_2009_133248 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. This is Engine 31. 6 /// 7 c2626_01_09_2009_134337 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 CAPTAIN 16: ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CAPTAIN 16: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 CAPTAIN 16: Angeles Operations. Yeah. This is (b) (6) Hey, what’s up, (b) (6) (inaudible) around today? Yeah, she stepped out. You want me to get her? CAPTAIN 16: 17 Oh, you don’t (inaudible) could have her call me at the Little T Engine Station. 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CAPTAIN 16: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CAPTAIN 16: Okay. All right. Thank (inaudible). All right. Bye. Bye. 23 /// 24 c2626_01_09_2009_134413 25 Bye. Not much. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 Got you. Hey, how are you doing? Is a -- is (b) (6) 14 All right. All right, man. Hey, (b) (6) 10 18 So you’re in quarters, Texas Canyon? 4 16 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Are you holding for someone? Hello? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 30 1 Hello? Good-bye. 2 /// 3 c2626_01_09_2009_135534 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CAPTAIN 16: 6 Angeles Operations. Yeah, I’m looking for (b) (6) He’s trying to call me. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 8 /// 9 c2626_01_09_2009_135545 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CAPTAIN 16: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Hold on. (b) (6) Yeah. Yeah, that’s (b) (6) (b) (6) 13 got the (inaudible) with him at the (inaudible). 14 sees -- he’s getting ready to hit up short cut. 15 CAPTAIN 16: Okay. 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CAPTAIN 16: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: /// 20 c2626_01_09_2009_140041 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER: 23 (inaudible). 25 And he Thanks a lot. Bye. Okay. Bye. Angeles Operations. Angeles, this is REC 27. ANGELES OPERATIONS: He’s Okeydoke. All right. 19 24 Copy that. . I’m going out REC 27 going down to service. Okay. Copy that. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 31 1 CALLER: Thank you, sir. 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: Bye-bye. 4 /// 5 c2626_01_09_2009_140319 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 CAPTAIN 16: Hey, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 10 CAPTAIN 16: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 CAPTAIN 16: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 16 17 18 it’s (b) (6) Okay. Have them give me a call at Engine 10. Yeah. Okay. At Engine 10 office? It’s not urgent (inaudible). I’m sorry. To call you -- who was it? CAPTAIN 16: Call Captain (inaudible) Captain 16 calling (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Captain 16, I’m sorry. Okay. Got it (inaudible). 19 CAPTAIN 16: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CAPTAIN 16: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 Angeles Operations, (b) (6) Can you try to raise (inaudible)? 8 14 Okay. Okay. And -Got it. -- like I said, it’s not urgent (inaudible). Okay. And he’ll -- he’ll know where to reach you at Engine 10? 24 CAPTAIN 16: Yeah. 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Copy. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 32 1 CAPTAIN 16: Thanks. 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 /// 4 c2626_01_09_2009_143342 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 (b) (6) Angeles Operations, (b) (6) Okay. Thanks. (Inaudible.) you (inaudible) I copied. CALLER: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I heard the double click (inaudible) Okay. Yeah. He said about 10:00. Cool. 13 /// 14 c2626_01_09_2009_144427 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: Sorry it took so long. Bye. Angeles Operations. Hi, this is (b) (6) (inaudible) from Mount Baldy. How are you doing? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 19 Bye. I copied that. 11 17 Okay. (b) (6) (inaudible), how are you -- how’s it going? CALLER: 20 I’m -- I’m doing great. I’m -- well, I just -- 21 I’m calling (inaudible) but I (inaudible). 22 /// 23 c2626_01_09_2009_144447 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: (Inaudible.) A message from (b) (6) (phonetic) (inaudible) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 33 1 would be closed (inaudible). 2 /// 3 c2626_01_09_2009_144457 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: Okay. And I just wanted to know what that means because 6 we have a town hall meeting tonight at 7:00. 7 /// 8 c2626_01_09_2009_144517 9 10 11 12 13 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: CALLER: I -- I left a couple of messages. ANGELES OPERATIONS: anything. It seems like Yeah. Because we don’t know I don’t know anything about that. 16 voice mail and -- Okay. Yeah, I left a message with (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: on her What about -- have you called 821-6700? 19 CALLER: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 Let me see. every -- I know everybody is very busy so -- CALLER: 18 You know what. Have -- have you called the information -- information number? 15 17 Okay. Whoa. Whoa. Let me get that. Okay. (Inaudible.) 6700. Is that 621 or 626? Oh, 626. Yeah, call this number and it -- and it -- and I’m HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 34 1 pretty sure they can help you, guide you in the right direction 2 because right now we don’t (inaudible). 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 All right. I just want to -- since we’re having a big ANGELES OPERATIONS: CALLER: Okay. 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Thanks a lot. /// 16 c2626_01_09_2009_144618 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER: 25 All right. (Inaudible.) 15 24 If anything, call us back and we’ll see if -- we’ll see what -- what we can do. 9 23 Okay. meeting tonight, I want to make sure that (inaudible). 7 8 Okay. Bye. Angeles Operations. Yeah, this is (inaudible) 291. Okay. You got -- what’s the incident Web site? Incident Web site? Yeah, I’m trying to get the information on where the (inaudible) the Saint Gabriel guys are. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Where -- where the -- where the rest of the Saint Gabriel guys are at? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 35 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 Yeah. Yeah. I’m looking for (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: /// 8 c2626_01_09_2009_144713 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 10 CALLER: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 second here. 13 CALLER: Hold on. Okay. 7 Hey, you’re looking for (b) (6) Yeah. Okay. I don’t think I had (inaudible). Either (b) (6) 15 fire. 16 me to do (inaudible) -- or the other one. So I’m like, okay, (inaudible) in service or they need 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: Let’s see here. -- (inaudible) they’re supposed to tell me that stuff but I don’t know. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. Yeah, I don’t have them in 21 service but -- and I was kind of looking through this whole 22 thing here while you were saying that. What’s the actual thing you need? 23 24 25 One I was supposed to pick up a CPR card right before the 14 20 he’s supposed to be in Saint Gabriel (inaudible). 5 19 Is that what you want to know? CALLER: Gabriel. I -- I need to pick up my CPR card at the Saint Basically, they called me and said my CPR card was HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 36 1 ready for pickup because of the fire -- 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 Oh. -- (inaudible) shut down. It’s -- it’s a weekday right now and it’s before 4:30 -- 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 (b) (6) -- so call the district office -- Okay. -- and who’s at the front desk? Just ask her and I don’t know, you know, but that’s on the district level. CALLER: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 there at Recon, maybe -- That’s the only thing I can recommend. 13 Okay. 16 CALLER: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 Is still out there these days? 11 12 Uh-huh. Call the (inaudible) office over Yeah, (inaudible). -- (b) (6) is there but, yeah -- (Inaudible) no one is answering. Yeah, I don’t think anybody is on on purpose. 21 CALLER: Okay. 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: Or like -- (Inaudible) I -- I -- I know. I was just -- the 24 only phone number I had, so I’m not trying to (inaudible) or 25 anything, you know, so -- okay. That -- that’ll work. I’ll HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 37 1 try calling the district office. 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. 3 CALLER: Thanks a lot. 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: You’re welcome. 5 CALLER: Bye-bye. All right. All right. 6 /// 7 c2626_01_09_2009_145323 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: 11 CALLER: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah, no problem. Okay. Bye. 16 /// 17 c2626_01_09_2009_151332 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: All right. Angeles Operations. Hi, Angeles, this is (b) (6) (inaudible) we’re going to be faxing over the Manchester 276. 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER: Okay. (Inaudible) the resource orders to the fax. 23 /// 24 c2626_01_09_2009_151351 25 Hey, Captain 18 was -- wants you to give him a -- a phone call (inaudible). 12 20 Angeles Operations. Hey, it’s (inaudible) 11. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 Very good. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Spit it out, lady. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 38 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 (inaudible)? 3 CALLER: 4 UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: 5 Nothing. Sorry. Go ahead with (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: What’s -- what’s your fax number? It is Area Code (626) -Uh-huh. -- 821-6785. 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6785? Yeah. 13 /// 14 c2626_01_09_2009_153123 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Got you. Angeles Operations, (b) (6) How are you doing Angeles (inaudible) 76. Yes. Sent you a fax a little bit ago (inaudible). 20 expanded. 21 that’s correct. Let me see. It probably went back to How long did you send -- well, it (inaudible) 76, We -- we did get it. 22 CALLER: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 What’s -- what’s your Shut up, (b) (6) 6 24 Okay. They have it. Oh, perfect, thank you. Right on. Hey, is that -- let’s see, 76, that’s (b) (6) ’s -CALLER: No, that’s (inaudible). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 39 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 right. Okay. CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 Oh, okay. (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 14 wondering (inaudible). 16 /// 17 c2626_01_09_2009_155037 23 24 25 Okay. All right. Disregard. Bye. Forest Service Angeles. (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 22 . How are you doing, Angeles, this is (b) (6) 21 (b) (6) Okay. 13 20 Hold on (inaudible). c2626_01_09_2009_154956 12 19 Hold on. /// 11 18 That’s Yeah, they did receive it. 3 9 (Inaudible) that’s right. ANGELES OPERATIONS: I was just (inaudible) and I was Stand by. This is an order for the crew (inaudible). (b) (6) Yeah, 276. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. I need you to call this number. (b) (6) (Inaudible.) Okay. Go ahead. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (661) -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 40 (b) (6) 1 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 -- 723-2595. 2595. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) 5 That’s expanded. Expanded? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 (b) (6) 7 Uh-huh. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 (b) (6) 9 Okay. Thank you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 What number is that? 11 /// 12 c2626_01_09_2009_160945 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: Yeah. Angeles Operations. Who am I speaking to? (b) (6) Oh, (inaudible) your voice. That’s okay. Hey, you guys get a call about a semi truck on 19 fire (inaudible) about a mile and a half, two miles 20 (inaudible). 21 22 It’s a guy (inaudible) over -- overheated brakes. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. If we get a call, it’s just overheated brakes? 23 CALLER: Yeah. 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Yeah. Okay. Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 41 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. /// 5 c2626_01_09_2009_175754 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 ENGINE 237: ANGELES OPERATIONS: ENGINE 237: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 ENGINE 237: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 237: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 ENGINE 237: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 ENGINE 237: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 237: Engine 237? Yes. Where you guys from? Spring Valley. Twin Valley, all right. Yeah. Okay. Got you. All right. All right. (Inaudible.) /// 22 c2626_01_09_2009_191500 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Who is this again? Engine 237. 21 25 Angeles Operations. Yeah, Hi, Engine 237 and Apache Engine 11 are 10 24 Bye. in Service Area 3. 9 23 All right. Bye. 4 8 Okay. Angeles Operations. Hey, this is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 61. Hey, (b) (6) what’s up? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 42 (b) (6) 1 2 Canyon. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 5 Hey, we’re seeing a fire over, like, near Bouquet Well, we think that’s where it’s at. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 8 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) 12 (b) (6) 14 All right. 15 /// 16 c2626_01_09_2009_191553 20 21 22 He’s about to put it out, man. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 All right. All right, dude. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 19 (Inaudible.) They got it at (inaudible). 7 18 We’re up here on (inaudible). 6 17 A fire in Bouquet Canyon? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) All right, (b) (6) Bye. Angeles Operations. Hi, is this (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Bye. ? It is. It’s (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) How are you doing (b) (6) You know what, I’ve had better days in my life 23 but I am -- I am glad to be alive and -- and, you know, what 24 else can I say. 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 43 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 4 I’m -- I’m here. But I just want to say that I’m out of service. I’m in quarters and I’m (inaudible) show me done for the night. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 (b) (6) 8 (b) (6) 10 /// 12 c2626_01_09_2009_193319 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 8: Have a goodnight. Bye-bye. Angeles Operations, can I help you? Hey, how are you doing? This is (inaudible) Engine 8. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 Okay. We got you in service. We got another fire going on right now. 18 ENGINE 8: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 8: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 ENGINE 8: Okay. Perfect. We got you, though. All right (inaudible). Bye. Bye. 23 /// 24 c2626_01_09_2009_194918 25 All right. (Inaudible.) 11 17 All right. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 Okay. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 15 Yep. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 44 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 Hey, (inaudible) 11. (Inaudible.) CALLER: Okay. 7 /// 8 c2626_01_09_2009_194941 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Oh, that was (b) (6) I’m sorry. Hold on. 6 9 Yes. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (Inaudible), yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) What’s going on, man? How are you doing? ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hey, what -- what are you guys going to do over there at Solano right now? (b) (6) I see I got you -- (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: I’m looking right at you right now. You don’t see me in the sky? (b) (6) I never said I was at (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) I’m on -- I’m on the eastside of (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (Inaudible.) We’re going to stay on until 10:00 up here. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh -- oh, where are you then? Okay. And we’re going to go out of service (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. So those -- you, 12, and 15 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 45 1 are going to stay there until 2200 hours? (b) (6) 2 12, 15, (inaudible) go off about 10:00. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 Okay. (Inaudible) said he’s not going out 6 of service until about ten o’clock. 7 and see what -- see what it’s doing. (b) (6) 8 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 He’s going up to the fire So I just want to make sure because I 10 guess all the other engines we’re going to start putting out of 11 service. (b) (6) 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 14 (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. If he doesn’t (inaudible). We’ll work either-or. I mean (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 (b) (6) 20 I know. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 I hear you. Some interior stuff; huh? All right, man, so, yeah, I’m here if you need me. 23 25 It’s no biggie. whatever -- it ain’t like you guys got anything to go to now. 18 24 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 22 I guess he will when you go out of service. 15 17 (Inaudible.) So -- all right. (b) (6) Later. All right, man. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 46 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 /// 3 c2626_01_09_2009_195859 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 PATROL 31: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 PATROL 31: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 Oh, okay. I have an updated Latin log and I have a legal We’ve got that unless you’ve got a different one. PATROL 31: Well, I can -- I can give you the new Latin log and then you can (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 17 Who is this? (Inaudible) Patrol 31. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 15 I’m sorry. for you. 12 13 I’m on the I have some information for you. 7 PATROL 31: Angeles Operations. Hi, this is (inaudible) Patrol 31. (inaudible) incident. 10 Bye. All right. Go ahead. What do you got? 18 PATROL 31: 342854. 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 PATROL 31: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 PATROL 31: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 PATROL 31: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. 118, 22, 16. Okay. And did you need the legal or -- or -I’m sorry, what? Did you need that legal? Yeah, give me the legal if you got HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 47 1 it. Just -- 2 PATROL 31: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 PATROL 31: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 PATROL 31: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 PATROL 31: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 PATROL 31: Okay. 5 north -Uh-huh. -- 14 west -Uh-huh. -- Section 32. Uh-huh. Northwest of the northeast. Okay. And do you know (inaudible) Battalion 31 11 wanted to generic on this. 12 or because it was a structured fire and if we have a unique 13 P-Code? 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 PATROL 31: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 PATROL 31: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 Do you know if -- if we can do that Okay. No, that’s his call. So then we’re going to go generic. Yeah, I believe -- (Inaudible.) -- I believe that’s what we already got here. 20 PATROL 31: Oh, okay. 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 let me check right here. 23 another incident here. Let’s see. Hold on. I’ve got a -- I think -I’m doing something -- 24 PATROL 31: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hold on a second. Okay. Yeah, it looks like I got the generic HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 48 1 here. 2 right here. 3 4 Let me -- let me just see to make sure we do this thing Hold on a second. forest; correct? 5 PATROL 31: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 PATROL 31: 8 9 10 No, it’s -- so it’s not on the No. So it’s -- so it’s -- It’s about a mile on the path, two miles outside the course. ANGELES OPERATIONS: It’s two miles, outside. I think -- I think -- okay. Okay. Yeah, it’ll be generic. 11 Somebody put in -- put in already a -- a P, a specific P 12 number, I don’t know why but -- 13 PATROL 31: Well, because I think they (inaudible)-- 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: No. No. No. No. I don’t know why 15 they did it. I know why -- why we’re doing it. 16 why they went so fast and -- and -- and generated a P number, 17 that’s what I’m saying. 18 PATROL 31: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 PATROL 31: I don’t know Oh. No. No. It’s not an issue with you guys. No. I was just saying -- I know one 21 of the dispatchers told me like -- for instance, on every 22 vehicle fire that they have to generate a union P code, so I 23 don’t know if, you know, maybe it’s the same thing with 24 structure fires or not. 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Well, I tell you what. Right now we HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 49 1 do have a generic -- we do have a unique P code and if that 2 changes, we’ll go to the generic. 3 PATROL 31: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 Okay. But I’ll have to talk with my supervisor on that. 6 PATROL 31: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 PATROL 31: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 6, David, Robert. 11 override of 1502. PATROL 31: 12 13 Can you -- can you give me that -Sure -- -- (inaudible) --- it’s Paul -- Paul, Nora, Edward, Paul, Nora, Edward, 6, David, Robert with an And we -- do you have time to give me the S.O. and D.O. (inaudible) number? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 15 Okay. The S.O. is 141, the district number is 86, incident number is 3687, time out 1926. 16 PATROL 31: All right. 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 PATROL 31: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 PATROL 31: All righty. Thank you. Okay. All right. 21 /// 22 c2626_01_09_2009_200719 Bye-bye. 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Bye. Angeles Operations. Hey, (inaudible). Yes. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 50 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 (Inaudible) number for (inaudible)? (Inaudible.) 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: CALLER: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: S.O. No. 141, -- P, Nora, Edward, 6 -- (Inaudible.) -- David, Robert. (Inaudible.) With an override of 1502. (Inaudible.) Okay. Thank you. 18 /// 19 c2626_01_09_2009_202902 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 25 Okay. P -- 10 24 Time out 1926. District No. 86, P Code is P, Paul, Nora, Edward, 6, Paul -CALLER: 23 87. 87. 8 22 Yeah, incident number is 3687. Sure thing. Bye. Angeles Operations. Engine 237 is out of service (inaudible) Valley (inaudible) Apache Engine 11 (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Apache 11. That’s that ASF? CALLER: Yes, it’s an Apache (inaudible). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 51 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. 9 c2626_01_09_2009_203931 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 BATTALION 11: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 BATTALION 11: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 BATTALION 11: 18 Okay. This is Battalion 11. Hi Battalion 11. Good. How are you? (Inaudible) (b) (6) (b) (6) (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: I can call him at home and give him a number where he can contact you. 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 Angeles Operations. How are you doing? BATTALION 11: 22 Later. Hi there. 19 21 All right, brother. All right, (inaudible). /// 17 Got 11 and 237 out of service. Yes. 8 16 Okay, man. Oh, okay. Yeah. I’m not supposed to give out home numbers. BATTALION 11: Okay. Yeah, can you contact him at home and have him call (inaudible). 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 BATTALION 11: You’re at (inaudible). Okay. Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 52 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 /// 3 c2626_01_09_2009_204036 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) 5 (b) (6) 7 Hey, this is (inaudible) 31. (Inaudible) out of service. (b) (6) (b) (6) 12 All right, man. Thank you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 14 /// 15 c2626_01_09_2009_204646 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CAPTAIN 16: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CAPTAIN 16: Bye. Angeles Operations. Hey, (b) (6) it’s (b) (6) What’s up, (b) (6) Hey, can you get a hold of (inaudible) over (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 41? Hold on, man. Okay. And (inaudible) Archeologist 41? 23 CAPTAIN 16: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 Have a good Okay, you too. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 22 All right, brother. night. 10 20 What’s up, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 9 All right. Yeah. Yeah. And you want him to do what, contact you? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 53 1 CAPTAIN 16: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 Call me at (inaudible). (inaudible). All right, man. 4 Thanks, (b) (6) 5 CAPTAIN 16: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 CAPTAIN 16: All right. Later. Bye. 8 /// 9 c2626_01_09_2009_205836 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 BATTALION 11: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 BATTALION 11: 14 I’ll have (b) (6) call you at Okay. Angeles Operations. Hey, (inaudible) this is Battalion 11. Yeah. Can you try to get a hold of one more person for me? 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 BATTALION 11: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 BATTALION 11: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 BATTALION 11: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 BATTALION 11: 23 me at (inaudible). Sure. (Inaudible.) Who? (b) (6) (b) (6) . (b) (6) ? , (b) (6) . Oh, okay. And if you get a hold of him have him call 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 BATTALION 11: Who is he? (Inaudible.) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 54 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 BATTALION 11: He’s a forestry employee. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Oh, okay. And I don’t even -- I’m 6 not aware of anything. 7 Is -- is he out in the field or is he home? BATTALION 11: 8 This is the first time I’ve heard. (Inaudible) you can call him at home (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 11 BATTALION 11: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I can see. Let me -- let Okay. -- a lot of times that doesn’t turn out that way. BATTALION 11: 15 16 Oh, okay. me check because -- 12 14 I think he’s the one that works in Archeologist (inaudible). 5 9 I mean I -- is he a firefighter? 3 4 He’s someone what now? (b) (6) (b) (6) Worse case scenario, just call at home (inaudible). 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 BATTALION 11: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 BATTALION 11: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Let me -- hold on a second. (Inaudible.) Dance -- (Inaudible) I’ll call you back. 22 /// 23 c2626_01_09_2009_210328 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CAPTAIN 16: Oh, okay. Angeles Operations. Hey -- hey, (inaudible), it’s (b) (6) again. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 55 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. 2 CAPTAIN 16: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CAPTAIN 16: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 and I also gave him (b) (6) (b) (6) Any luck? Yeah. (Inaudible.) 7 CAPTAIN 16: Okay. 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 CAPTAIN 16: Yeah, I gave him the number for you . Thanks. Yeah. Okay. 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CAPTAIN 16: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right. Bye. 13 /// 14 c2626_01_09_2009_210453 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CAPTAIN 16: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CAPTAIN 16: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CAPTAIN 16: Bye. Angeles Operations. (Inaudible.) Yeah. (Inaudible.) Sure. Hold on just a second. Oops. (Inaudible.) 21 /// 22 c2626_01_09_2009_210531 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 CAPTAIN 16: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. His is (b) (6) -- -- (b) -- Okay. (6) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 56 1 CAPTAIN 16: Okay. 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CAPTAIN 16: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CAPTAIN 16: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Perfect. /// 8 c2626_01_09_2009_233420 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) 12 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 21 22 Hey, (b) (6) You’ve got four more Yes. Let me go into my log. /// c2626_01_09_2009_233450 19 Angeles Operations. Hey, just double checking. 16 18 Bye-bye. (inaudible); right? 14 15 Sure. Hey, this is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 Thanks. Okay. 7 9 -- (b) (6) . (b) (6) Okay. Yes. I believe Edward 19 and 10 are staying out all night, have you heard that? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) I -- I did hear that. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: But I -- at one time (b) (6) canceled 23 that but until they call me and tell me what they’re doing, 24 I -- I don’t want to, you know, step on nobody’s toes. 25 (b) (6) All right. All right. Well, I’m going to go HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 57 1 (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 4 5 quarters. (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) know he was even around. 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 14 yeah. 15 they -- they -- 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 I heard Edward 15, and I didn’t Yeah. Those that -- those are like those -- The -- the 15 Edward 1 and 15 -- 13 Edward, whatever (b) (6) Right. Those are from (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Get that for me, (b) (6) yeah. 13 Edward 1. 18 19 And where is (b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 Okay. I don’t know. 10 12 Uh-huh. They should be going out soon too. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 9 And Edward 15 something and 13 something (inaudible). 6 7 Edward 12 is going out of service in (b) (6) Right. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (Inaudible) I’ll -- I’ll get my book out (inaudible). But Edward 15 (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: give us a call. (b) (6) And -- Affirmative. Yeah. They’re going to They went out of service. All right. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 58 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 Okay. And I got you out of service. 2 And I don’t know what the deal is with (b) (6) 3 put him in there mistakenly. (b) (6) 4 5 (b) (6) Okay. Because it sounded like they were talking together. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) 12 Huh? I got 13 Edward 1 and 15 Edward something else. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 Okay. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 They just went out of service and they’re going to give us a landline. (b) (6) 15 16 (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 14 Maybe call (b) up and have him give I think so. you a (inaudible). 6 8 Somebody probably Oh, okay. (Inaudible.) All right. (Inaudible.) Good night. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 (b) (6) 18 All right, man. All right. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 Good night. (Inaudible.) Bye-bye. 20 21 /// 22 c2626_01_09_2009_001812 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations. Angeles, this is info 3 (inaudible) the PIO. Uh-huh. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 59 1 CALLER: I am out of service in Arcadia. 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: Okay. Okay. 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: Bye. Angeles Operations. Hi, (b) (6) (Inaudible) show me (inaudible) service? Okay. Sure. All righty. Thank you. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. /// 21 c2727_01_09_2009_064736 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations, could I help you? What’s going on, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) All right. Hey, (inaudible). 20 25 You have a good -- sleep well. Bye. c2727_01_09_2009_064604 24 Okay. See you. 11 (b) (6) Yeah. Have a great morning, I guess. /// 23 Have a good night. Thanks. 10 22 Okay. What’s up, (b) (6) What the hell is going on down the world this HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 60 1 morning? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fucking devil is breathing on us, man. (b) (6) What’s up with the clouds, man, is this -- is that crap coming up from that hurricane already? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah, uh-huh. Wow. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. I’m looking south, man, and I’m seeing nothing but clouds. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh, wow. It’s clear over me but it -- it’s got clouds all 13 the way over -- it -- looks like they’re all the way over -- 14 shits all the way over to (inaudible). 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh, yeah, wow. So, hey, just letting you know I’m in service. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah, I got you. And what you guys have planned today over there? (b) (6) I think -- hopefully, my plan is going to be mellow again. You heard me. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) I was all mellow yesterday, huh? Yeah. I was staying out of business after I got my ass chewed. ANGELES OPERATIONS: What -- what happened? Why he chewed your ass? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 61 1 (b) (6) Because we’re not supposed to be out trying to 2 save our freaking stretchers. 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 his spot, you know that? 5 6 7 (b) (6) Well, you know (b) (6) is up at Oh, I know. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. Fucking -- I -- I -- I -- I -- I heard a little. Was that 8 true that they threatened those guys with their damn job if 9 they didn’t get out of there? 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 No, they didn’t because he’s still there. (b) (6) Well, I’m -- for -- I heard that the (b) (6) threatened those guys with their job. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Wow. I didn’t hear none of that but I know I didn’t -(b) (6) They didn’t leave there last night. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) I know he’s there right now. Huh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: And looks like -- I think they said they lost some stuff up in (inaudible). (b) (6) Oh, they lost up in (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah, I don’t know exactly what but -(b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: Was it (inaudible)? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 62 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 (b) (6) 5 (b) (6) 7 There’s a -- there’s a -- there hasn’t been any ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) 12 (b) (6) 14 (b) (6) (b) (6) 19 All right. 20 /// 21 c2727_01_09_2009_070134 25 I got you, and we’ll see you later on Okay, man. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 24 Well, I’m in service. and talk to you later on today. 17 23 But -- okay, man. All right, man. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 No, no other injuries. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 No. -- yesterday or last night (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 22 Yeah, so -- but (inaudible) -- other injuries that you guys have heard of with (inaudible) -- 9 16 Yeah, they (inaudible). Oh, really? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 (Inaudible.) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 8 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) All right, brother, later. (Inaudible.) Angeles Operations. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) give me -- (b) (6) give me a second. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 63 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 Okay. Can you give me a lineup, (b) (6) (b) (6) 5 (b) (6) 7 (b) (6) 9 (b) (6) 11 Where are you guys at? (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 Okay, (b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 Captain and what? Captain (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 -- I mean (b) (6) Yeah, (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 Okay. Okay. Thanks. Okay. Thanks. Okay, (b) (6) 13 All right. 14 /// 15 c2727_01_09_2009_070304 (No audio recorded.) 16 17 /// 18 c2727_01_09_2009_072847 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 (b) (6) (b) (6) Angeles Operations. Hey, it’s (b) (b) (6) Can you direct me to (6) whoever’s in charge of (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 23 (b) (6) 24 to be in there. 25 We got -- just change the -- change the watch right now. 4 21 I just got here. (inaudible) operation? Chief 2. It’s -- if you want -- is up at (inaudible) and Chief 2 gave him the permission (b) (6) (b) (6) Oh, he’s (inaudible). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 64 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 permission for us to put our resources back in at (inaudible). (b) (6) 3 4 The fire actually gave Chief 2 (b) (6) Okay. So what -- what are -- what is our mission (inaudible) just to go (inaudible) -ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 Hold on. what do they want 509 to go do, just to go 7 check it out at this point, just to be the eyes for him right 8 now? (b) (6) 9 Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 They just want you to get up and go 11 over there and just check him out right now and see what’s 12 going on, see where the fire is at and what it’s doing. (b) (6) 13 14 (b) (6) Okay. hell out of here. get the This is just to see where the fire is? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 So this isn’t like, hey, (b) (6) That’s correct. (b) (6) went back in 16 last night and he stayed in there and talked to the Chief 2 17 this morning and then they got permission from the team to be 18 in there, so they just need -(b) (6) 19 20 (b) (6) Is it just (b) (6) people (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 22 now. 23 heading back there. 24 25 or is there a whole bunch of It -- it’s -- (b) (6) is there right Captain 16 and Engineer 16 is en route from Big Pines (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. So (inaudible) -- so if -- if we need to fly on out of there, there’s not 80 people like yesterday? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 65 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. And -- and if he -- do you have contact with (inaudible) going to be on 170 (inaudible)? 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 (b) (6) 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 (b) (6) 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. Thank you. We’ll be launching here shortly. (b) (6) 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) He’s going to be on 170 for you. All right, cool, (inaudible). 10 Thanks. All right. 12 /// 13 c2727_01_09_2009_075458 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Bye. Bye. Angeles Operations, (b) (6) speaking. Hello. Hello. Who’s this? (b) (6) (b) (6) let me talk to (inaudible). Yes, (b) (6) Yeah. 23 /// 24 c2727_01_09_2009_075555 25 All I know is three of them that’s in there. 3 4 Not as of right now. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yes. Hold on a second. She’s talking to (b) (6) (inaudible). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 66 CALLER: 1 2 Who -- who else is in there, (b) (6) there? 4 She’s right here. 5 CALLER: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Please. 7 /// 8 c2727_01_09_2009_075623 This is (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) CALLER: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 with (inaudible). Hello. (Inaudible.) Engine 15. Engine 18. Engine 18. You need to make sure that (b) (6) (inaudible) is 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 25 Just a second. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 24 Yeah, you want to talk to (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 9 is (b) (6) Okay. And send them to (inaudible). Right now? Yes. Okay. I will do that for you. Do not start either one of those without counseling with 18. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. (b) (6) (inaudible) with 18. I HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 67 1 got it. Thank you. 2 3 /// 4 c2727_01_09_2009_080833 ANGELES OPREATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 (b) (6) 8 (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) 12 (b) (6) 14 Okay. I copy. Okay. I copy that. the residence right now. (b) (6) 18 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 So, anyways, I got you available at district. (b) (6) 21 Thanks. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 23 /// 24 c2727_01_09_2009_082109 25 I’ll try (inaudible). Hey, we’re -- they’re evacuating Little T Stations, 16 20 By cell phone or? -- I won’t be on for about a half hour. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 No problem. And -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 Yes, sir. I’ll be on and off. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 this is (b) (6) Put me available (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 17 Hey, (b) (6) Angeles Operations, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Bye. Angeles Operations. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 68 1 CALLER: Yes, can I have dispatch, please. 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: This is dispatch. 3 CALLER: Okay. 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: Oh, it is. Uh-huh. Can you tell me how close are the fires to 6 (inaudible) and off of 14? 7 I’m off of Shadow Pines, kind of (inaudible). 8 /// 9 c2727_01_09_2009_082133 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Well, not (inaudible) but I’m -- (Inaudible) I can’t. We don’t have the Intel right now, but I do know that 11 12 the county sheriff are doing all evacuations and making all 13 notifications. 14 for -- for up-to-date information on that kind of stuff. So it -- probably they would be your best bet 15 CALLER: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 19 20 23 Because I called the United States (inaudible) ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. But the sheriffs do the evacuations and they’re keeping track of who needs to leave. We’re -- we’re -- we’re trying to just deal with the fire and the -- the stuff within the boundaries. CALLER: Uh-huh. Where’s the fire right now? 24 25 We have -- service desk and they didn’t (inaudible). 21 22 Okay. Could you tell me where that is? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 69 1 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: You know, we’ve got three heads. It’s really difficult to tell at this moment that we have -- 3 CALLER: Well, is anything going towards (inaudible) Lake? 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I don’t know. We’re not getting the 5 information on that at this particular moment. 6 problems down in the Tujunga area -- 7 CALLER: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: They’ve got Uh-huh. -- with our own facilities that are 9 in -- in danger, so they have their biggest (inaudible) on the 10 radio on that and I can’t break in to ask them what’s going on 11 in the Shadow Pines area. 12 CALLER: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 station. Okay. Thank you very much for your help. Okay. I appreciate it. Yeah, call -- Have a good --- call (inaudible) -- -- have a good day. Yeah, call -- call the sheriff’s They -- the (inaudible) sheriff. 23 CALLER: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 Sorry. Uh-huh. They would be in charge of all the evacuations and they should be keeping track of -- of -- when HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 70 1 they have people out there in the field that they can talk to 2 on different radios than we can -- 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 Uh-huh. tell you. 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Well, thank you very much. You’re welcome. Bye-bye. 10 /// 11 c2727_01_09_2009_082502 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. Hi, I need to talk to (b) (6) real quick. 15 /// 16 c2727_01_09_2009_090941 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 (inaudible)? Hold on. This is (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Yes. (Inaudible) to come around. 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 -- and they -- they should be able to Can I let him I wouldn’t see -- (Inaudible.) I wouldn’t see why not if he’s feeling okay to set up. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 71 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 6 CALLER: now. Okay. Pulse is coming around. It is probably back up to normal. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 10 11 Okay. It was way more rapid. was earlier, though. Okay. That’s normal. Is his -- he’s definitely better than he So I can let him sit up? ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah, he should be okay to sit up. It’s -- does he -- 12 CALLER: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 It’s stronger His eyes are still a little bit glassy. 7 9 Yeah, if he’s feeling okay, he can sit up. 4 5 What’s that? (Inaudible.) -- want to sit up? Anything else I need to know? No, that’s about it. You just let him come back around from the seizure. 17 CALLER: Beautiful, that’s what I’ve been doing. 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: And then when you’re done with your 19 medical aid, if you can call (b) (6) you -- they’ve got quite a 20 few questions. 21 22 23 CALLER: Okay. You know they just had a wreck about a quarter mile in front of me but I can’t (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Now, I’ve got (b) (6) here, do 24 you want all of (b) (6) ’s questions to go through the fire and 25 have the fire and the resource needs or do you want that to HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 72 1 come through us? CALLER: 2 You know, how -- how -- I don’t know how 3 (inaudible) is going to work this shit out, so I -- I -- I 4 really don’t know. (b) (6) 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 7 CALLER: I’ll have (b) (6) call his Okay. That’s all I can tell you. Now (inaudible) I got to go to the camp (inaudible) 9 on some fucking (inaudible). 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 c2727_01_09_2009_090941 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 19 (b) (6) 21 Okay. Thank you. Bye. Angeles Operations. Hey, Angeles, this is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 Well, I’ll just -- All right. /// 18 Okay. (Inaudible) and I’ll call him back. 16 Hello, (b) (6) I have a quick question for you. 22 (inaudible)? 23 /// 24 c2727_01_09_2009_091002 25 Okay. (inaudible) friend. 8 10 has contact with one of the (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Do you have I -- it -- I do. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 73 1 (b) (6) 4 5 (b) (6) 10 13 (b) (6) 16 (b) (6) 21 22 23 24 25 Anybody who’s in Roth, if they’re Can you do a report (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: but (b) (6) or (b) (6) (b) (6) I don’t know. I can’t do a report or somebody probably knows how to do it. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Hold on. How do you spell her last name? (b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) And her first name is (b) (6) ? Uh-huh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 20 Magical, huh? signed in Roth. 17 18 Yes, I do. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 15 Do you have a way of looking up ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 12 Okay. (inaudible)? 8 9 I can but (Inaudible) sort of querying something else, so it may take a few minutes. 6 7 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 Okay. (b) (6) is at the Station Fire. (b) (6) Yes, (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) S-a- -- (inaudible) specialist. It just says -- Is it J-i-f-f? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Awesome. ANGELES OPERATIONS: “trainee.” (b) (6) But I can print it and see if it says Should be a trainee? I think that’s what it is (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Because if she’s -- if she’s not -- let’s see what her qualifications are. Yeah, she is only a trainee so that (inaudible) it’s 8 9 Okay. It’s just saying GIF specialist. the only way it would have filled her. (b) (6) Okay. Thank (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Well, I can give you (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Anybody else? Oh, okay. (Inaudible) a report or anything (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: I’m sure there is a way. ask -- let me ask (b) (6) while she’s standing right here. (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Is there a way to do a report in Roth 19 that will tell you who’s assigned to incidents? 20 mean just Angeles employees? 21 22 23 24 25 I can (b) (6) Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) You -- you Angeles employees? (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: Oh, okay. (b) (6) will work on it for you. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 75 (b) (6) 1 know. Oh, All right. (b) (6) 8 Thanks, (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 10 /// 11 c2727_01_09_2009_092236 13 Well, if it’s possible to do. she’ll take whatever you can get out of the system. 7 12 Well, I don’t Well, I’ll take whatever they can give me. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 Oh, just trainees. Well -- (b) (6) 4 6 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. Bye. Angeles Operations. Hi, I have two people that need to go into service 14 but they -- one person is (inaudible) and they’re going to be 15 working on (inaudible) fire. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Who is this, please? My name is (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. (b) (6) , what -- what -- what are you telling me? (b) (6) There are two people that need to go out in the field for the (inaudible) for the marsh fire. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. So they just need to go into service. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Are you going to tell me that or you’re going to -HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 76 1 (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 (b) (6) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 Yeah. Okay, one, is (b) (6) How do you spell his -- his last name? (b) (6) (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: What’s his callback number or what’s his call sign? (b) (6) Oh, he doesn’t have one. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) Is he going to go with you? Or they going to go with you? No? No, huh-uh, no. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) He’s -- No. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. But they’re on the Bear Team? Yeah, uh-huh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Where they’re going to go, Okay. Are they -- are they in Morris? (b) (6) Yes. ANGELES OPERATIONS: touch -- are you guys in touch with the Morris IC? (b) (6) (Inaudible.) Yeah, they will. 22 23 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 5 Yeah, you want their names? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. And what’s the other one? . ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) ? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 77 (b) (6) 1 (b) (6) Uh-huh. 2 /// 3 c2727_01_09_2009_092411 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) 5 /// 7 c2727_01_09_2009_092419 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 9 (b) (6) Yeah, yep. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Okay. Just tell them to call us (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 (b) (6) 18 know. Okay, cool. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 So that the other dispatchers would Okay. (b) (6) 21 I’ll put it in the daily log. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 23 /// 24 c2727_01_09_2009_092808 25 They just wanted (inaudible) in again. 16 20 And they get it -- they’re going to service that (inaudible). 14 15 So they’re with the Bear Team? get in touch with the IC? 12 13 Okay. Yes, uh-huh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 11 And yourself? And I’m -- I’m not going in, I’m just (inaudible). 6 8 . ANGELES OPERATIONS: Thanks. All right. Thank you. Bye. Angeles Operations. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 78 CALLER: 1 2 I need to (inaudible) Captain (b) (6) (inaudible) Angeles Operations (inaudible). 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: Okay. All right, sir. I need to -- apparently it’s a request 5 from one of our fire chiefs and battalion commanders to go up 6 and look at some of the (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 8 regarding (inaudible)? CALLER: 9 Yes, (inaudible). 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: One moment, sir, please. Yeah. 12 /// 13 c2727_01_09_2009_092840 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: It’s (b) This (b) (6) can I help you? (inaudible) with (inaudible) Operations. (6) What? I have a request by our fire department 18 (inaudible) is (b) (2) 19 /// 20 c2727_01_09_2009_092857 21 (Inaudible) Captain (inaudible) -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: They’re using both but they do have a 22 TFR in effect there, so or have you spoken with the air opts 23 already? 24 CALLER: That I haven’t, no. 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Let me give you his number HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 79 1 because he’s going to need you -- give you approval to get in 2 there. His number is (805) -- 3 4 CALLER: Okay. 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 (inaudible) so -- Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Bye-bye. 14 /// 15 c2727_01_09_2009_095629 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 21 22 23 24 25 Hi, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. All right. Thank you. Angeles Operations, (b) (6) Uh-huh. this is (b) (6) Okay. speaking. (inaudible). Hold on a second. This is (b) (6) 19 20 . Okay. 13 17 His name is (b) (6) -- 6422. I just saw this number come out on the new TFR 10 16 -- 551 -- (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) Oh, yeah. So I released them all. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 80 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 (b) (6) Yes. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 (b) (6) 8 (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) 12 14 /// 15 c2727_01_09_2009_095814 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 (b) (6) 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: /// 21 c2727_01_09_2009_095842 25 Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. Hi, this is (inaudible), can I speak to the 20 24 Thanks. aircraft desk, please? 19 23 Yeah, I’ll do that. Bye. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 I’ll do that. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 Okay. So released it and then send me another request. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 22 Should I release the helicopter and you want to put them on the roster? 6 18 Okay. And -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 5 (Inaudible) released them all. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Hold on just a minute. This is (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) this is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Sure. Yes. I don’t know if we’ve ever met. I come HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 81 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 down to all the California Dispatcher Workshops. ANGELES OPERATIONS: that you -(b) (6) 13 14 15 16 17 18 You have? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. (Inaudible) where are you from? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) From the Angeles. Oh, okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. (Inaudible.) Well, I’m here at (inaudible). 11 12 I have been to your -- some training ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. I just thought I’d let you know that I’ve been talking to the (inaudible) stretchers at -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- the fires? Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. Found out that they’re flying above the TFR 19 (inaudible) Station, so I went and worked with the FA. 20 negotiated a higher altitude. 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 23 Oh, okay. I’ve So do I need to -- just reorder that then? (b) (6) Yeah. But what I told (b) (6) (inaudible), 24 you know I -- I’m so -- I’m -- I -- I dispatched for 14 years 25 so I know. I -- so I told (b) (6) it has to go through official HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 channels, so he will be -- I told him (inaudible) -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh, he’ll call me. -- (inaudible) -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Exactly. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. So I just -- I just didn’t want you to think that we -- that you weren’t in the loop. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh, well, thank you very much. So -Okay. -- good deal. And are you getting any phone calls from anyone about the TFR or -ANGELES OPERATIONS: Just in different entities wanting to fly and who -- at police agencies and what have you -(b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- so -- and I’ve been -- And how are you -- how are you doing with those, any problems? ANGELES OPERATIONS: Well, I just have them talk to the air opts -(b) (6) Very good. ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- and tell them they have to get permission. (b) (6) Very good. All right. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 83 Hey, let me give you my phone number in case you have 1 2 any questions. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 Cell phone is (503)-- ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 -- 780-0097. (b) (6) 8 And I’m at South (inaudible) right off ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 11 /// 15 c2727_01_09_2009_100554 20 21 22 23 24 25 Thank you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Hey, it’s (b) (6) Yes. (inaudible). Yeah, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Good morning. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Bye. 14 19 Thank you, (b) (6) Okay. (b) (6) 13 18 All right. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 17 Okay. the -- the main floor. 10 16 Uh-huh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 9 Okay. Good morning. I don’t know if you have (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. No, I don’t, actually. I’ll put you in Service Area 7. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 84 (b) (6) 1 Okay. Because that was -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 -- -- (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 Oh, good for you. Hey, (b) (6) stand by. 5 (b) (6) 6 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 8 /// 9 c2727_01_09_2009_100629 10 UNIDENTIFIED: 11 (b) (6) (b) (6) Hi, is this (b) (6) Hey. UNIDENTIFIED: 12 Stand by. Yeah. Let’s see. I think -- what did I 13 just get Edward (inaudible) to S.O. to pick up other LEO’s at 14 10:00 a.m. 15 (inaudible) 12 Edward 1, they’re up at the point of origin with 16 the David Unit from the (inaudible) (b) (6) 17 So I don’t have anything special going on, 80th Paul, he was 18 up -- 19 I don’t know of anything else (inaudible) 14 and (b) (6) , I believe. (Inaudible.) 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 help them set up. 25 there. Go ahead. Go ahead. (Inaudible.) Okay. And now we’re going to go over to (inaudible) to I guess we’re setting up another fire camp HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 85 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 Okay. Okay. I understand. (Inaudible) if you guys know if you had some other need for me, you know, let me know, give me a call. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 Yeah, I’ll give you a call because 5 I’m presuming you’d be available from that incident if we get 6 something? 7 CALLER: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 Yeah. Okay. What we were experiencing if you don’t already know all over, is just basically people going 10 into the closers. 80th Paul, an S.O. unit, he decided, I gave 11 him a state site 21367, vehicle for, basically, just road 12 closers or obeying the warning signs, lights, et cetera, and 13 other traffic regs, and so we gave him a state site on that, 14 but that seems to be most of the business going on because 15 of -- with the closers. 16 have anything. I know (b) (6) is on the air. 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 So to answer your question, I don’t Okay. (Inaudible.) Okay. All right. Well, talk to you later then. Okay. Thanks, (b) (6) 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 /// 23 c2727_01_09_2009_103043 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Okay. Bye. Hey, (inaudible). (Inaudible.) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 86 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hey. (Inaudible.) That is awesome. (Inaudible.) (b) (6) is here. 6 off the floor, though. 7 you guys working those crews, I think. But I -- oops -- I know she’s -- what 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 (Inaudible.) CALLER: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 15 16 17 CALLER: Well, I Oh, (inaudible) you guys are firing I imagine out there or -- No, we’re not (inaudible). I don’t know what (inaudible) fire up there but (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Because they were talking about evac Little T -- the station -- the residence earlier. CALLER: 19 (inaudible). Yeah, I think they were working on that 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 Hey, (b) (6) I understand. Okay. Very good. is back in the room here. 22 CALLER: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 Okay. (Inaudible.) out and -- or whatever you can. 18 24 Yeah, let me see. will let her -- how’s it looking over there right now? 11 13 She just stepped Okay. Hey, (b) (6) is back at the office. Did you need to speak with her at Little T -- Little T? In fact, here -- here she comes. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 87 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 I’m going to put you on hold. Sure. Hold on one second. Hi, (b) (6) 4 5 Okay. (b) (6) Hi. Sorry my cell phone cut out on you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (inaudible). (b) (6) Oh, that’s okay. I figured Lots of (inaudible). Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: So what did you -- you -- you just need the list of trainees off the force to have what -(b) (6) Yeah, I was just wondering if you guys could 12 (inaudible) how many people or who is actually out on the scene 13 (inaudible). 14 15 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Well, the -- the Roth didn’t do that. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Because -- because it gave me a -- a 17 list of overhead and it gave me a list of equipment and crews 18 but not who were on the engines and crews. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (b) (6) Oh, okay. But the list of overhead you have, though; right? ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah, but it’s not -- it’s not very inclusive. (b) (6) Oh, okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: But if you -- if you just -- do you have the list of trainees that you could just e-mail me? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 88 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 That’s okay. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 5 Yeah, I have a huge list (inaudible). I’ve got time. I -- I’m here for ten hours. (b) (6) 6 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 (b) (6) 8 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 Or is it 12? How ever -- and so what information 10 do you need off of that -- of what information do you need for 11 them? (b) (6) 12 Who was actually out on a training assignment on 13 that (inaudible) because there’s a lot of people -- like I know 14 a lot of the fire people but there’s like -- 15 /// 16 c2727_01_09_2009_103239 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- you know -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. Yeah. -- (inaudible) and all that stuff. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Well, you send it to me and then I’ll have to go in and do a search for resource. (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: And then I can do a -- I’ll view it and I can get -- jot it down for you or put it into a Word HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 89 1 Document and e-mail it back to you. (b) (6) 2 (b) (6) 4 Okay. Did you need to know anything about the crews yet or -ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 (b) (6) 7 (b) (6) 9 Somebody else would be handling that. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 Me? (Inaudible) or someone else handles that? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 11 Thanks. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 5 Okay. Probably (inaudible) or somebody in expanded. (b) (6) 12 Okay. I’ll e-mail this to you right now then and 13 you can probably ignore like the -- the upper (inaudible) -- 14 /// 15 c2727_01_09_2009_103311 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 (b) (6) 17 (b) (6) 19 (b) (6) 21 You’re welcome. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 Okay. Thank you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 23 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 Okay. Bye-bye. /// 24 c2727_01_09_2009_104020 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 90 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 (Inaudible.) I don’t know if I talked to you last week about slight restrictions (inaudible) for (inaudible) on this -ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 6 to aircraft. 7 /// 8 c2727_01_09_2009_104053 (b) (6) 10 This is (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) (b) (6) with Del Monte Police Air Support. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 (b) (6) 13 14 If it’s aircraft, let me transfer you Hang on a second. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 11 Yeah, (inaudible). Yes. (Inaudible) extended the CFR for the station fire in (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 (b) (6) 16 Uh-huh. And I was just wondering if you guys had a 17 frequency for (inaudible) Del Monte Airport (inaudible) at 18 least some of that air space or -- 19 /// 20 c2727_01_09_2009_104115 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I can tell you the frequency but also 22 you need to have your quality of air option if you’re going to 23 fly in there -- 24 25 (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- at the time. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 91 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 (Inaudible.) And his number is Area Code (805) 551 -(b) (6) 4 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 (b) (6) 8 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 (b) (6) 10 (b) (6) 12 (b) (6) 14 , (b) (6) . (Inaudible.) Okay. And the frequency is (b) (2) . It’s a VHF, air to air. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 His name is (b) (6) (b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 -- 6422. Yeah. Yeah, just (inaudible) the reason I’ll be 15 able to call them on the phone prior to operation (inaudible) 16 already, so -- 17 /// 18 c2727_01_09_2009_104157 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. I have a (inaudible) to the station from the helicopter. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Well, if you’ve made arrangements with him. (b) (6) Yeah, I’ll call and remind him again we’re (inaudible). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 92 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 (b) (6) 2 (b) (6) 4 (b) (6) 6 8 /// 9 c2727_01_09_2009_105943 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: 12 (inaudible). (b) (6) 14 /// 15 c2727_01_09_2009_110050 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 21 22 Okay. Bye. Thank you. Bye. Angeles Operations, (b) (6) speaking. can I speak to somebody in equipment ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 I’ll call him. Thanks. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 Okay. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 Okay. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 Yeah. Sure, please hold. Okay. Yes. You need overhead or equipment? What I want to do is swap out a person on (inaudible), so -ANGELES OPERATIONS: Crews and supplies. Okay. It’s Area Code (661) -- 23 CALLER: Okay. Say it again? 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: (661) -- (661). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 93 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 723 -- 723. -- 2595. 2595 is what? Crews and supplies in expanded. It’s expanded (inaudible)? Okay. Yep. Thank you. 10 CALLER: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: You’re welcome. Bye. 12 /// 13 c2727_01_09_2009_112347 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 ENGINE 38: Bye. 16 (b) (6) Angeles Operations. Hey, how are you doing? , Engineer 38. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 ENGINE 38: Hey, how’s it going, (b) (6) 17 19 Good. ? I’d like to go ahead and start an incident at Valley Yermo -- 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 ENGINE 38: Yeah. -- (inaudible). And we have a -- a patient with mild to moderate 22 23 This is sickness. Right now we have (inaudible) -- 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. 25 going to transfer you to (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) , hold on. I’m man. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 94 1 ENGINE 38: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right. 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hi, this is (b) (6) 4 ENGINE 38: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 ENGINE 38: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 ENGINE 38: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: ENGINE 38: 10 11 Okay. Sounds good. Hey, how are you doing, (b) (6) Hey, this is (b) (6) Right now we have (inaudible). 14 c2727_01_09_2009_112443 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 ENGINE 38: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 ENGINE 38: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 38: 24 25 Okay. A walk-in patient with mild to moderate /// 23 . We have a (inaudible) fire (inaudible). 13 22 Yeah, (b) (6) (inaudible). sickness. 12 21 Doing great. Okay. We have -- Okay. -- which is an airlift unit. Okay. But we have no (inaudible) ground transport. Okay. And we’re going to need a ground transport out here (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. And you’re at Station 38; right? ENGINE 38: No, we’re -- we’re at Valley (inaudible) Station. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 95 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 ENGINE 38: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. And let’s see one second. Goodyear 187, they’re advance life support. ENGINE 38: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 ENGINE 38: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: And They’re like a -- Yeah, they’re (inaudible) --- they’re part of the fire, kind of? -- (inaudible). They’re kind of a fire; right? And they have a patient that’s a -- or one of their guys? ENGINE 38: 11 12 Okay, (Inaudible.) 6 10 At Valley (inaudible). cool. 3 5 Okay. It -- it’s one of the -- one of the guys (inaudible). 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 38: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. The guys (inaudible). Okay. That’s cool. Let me get a 16 county -- get with the county and they’ll send a -- a transport 17 out there to Valley (inaudible) Station and let’s see -- 18 ENGINE 38: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 (b) (6) 21 That’s right. 22 loud here. 23 24 25 (Inaudible) medics on (inaudible). Okay. And there’s -- oh, my God, -- and there’s what -- let’s see, that’s L.A. County. Hold on (inaudible). Hold on. I’m speaking out What station -- what engine is there right now or medic engine or? ENGINE 38: It’s Goodyear 1 -- 187. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 96 1 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: are already there. I meant the county medics that Oh, they have their medics -- 3 ENGINE 38: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 ENGINE 38: 6 No. (Inaudible.) -- my bad. My bad. (Inaudible) county medics on. from -- 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 ENGINE 38: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: From -- -- (inaudible) fire. 10 ENGINE 38: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I understand. Okay. Yeah. Well, don’t freak out if the engine 12 shows up with the transport. 13 call will go out. 14 ENGINE 38: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I guess that’s usually how the Okay. But I’ll tell them there’s medics on 16 scene from -- where -- where are they from? 17 they from like Arizona or something? 18 ENGINE 38: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 21 22 We have medics Goodyear 180, are Yeah, it’s Arizona. All right, man, I -- I copy that. I’m going to have them respond. And the -- the condition is mild to moderate sickness? ENGINE 38: Yeah, mild to moderate sickness. 23 I’ll give you an update. 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 ENGINE 38: And I’ll -- I (inaudible) -Well, that -- that -- -- off the air (inaudible). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 97 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 ENGINE 38: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 sickness. (Inaudible.) ENGINE 38: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 ENGINE 38: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 ENGINE 38: Okay. (Inaudible) -Is sick like -- -- last set of vitals that we had on him ANGELES OPERATIONS: No. That’s cool. I’ll just get them rolling. But he’s stable, though, or whatever? 13 ENGINE 38: 14 15 A 22-year-old male. (inaudible)? 11 12 Not a problem, mild to moderate It’s a male? 5 10 I understand. Yeah, he’s stable. (Inaudible) ongoing for (inaudible) -- 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 38: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Oh, okay. So -- -- two to three days. 19 I need to give them. 20 ENGINE 38: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 ENGINE 38: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Two to three days. Okay. That’s all Okay. Okay, (b) (6) . All right. 24 /// 25 c2727_01_09_2009_113610 Bye-bye. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 98 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 ENGINE 38: 3 Angeles Operations. Hey, how are you doing? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 ENGINE 38: Uh-huh. Just to let you know (inaudible) -- 6 /// 7 c2727_01_09_2009_113623 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hey, it’s (b) (6) 10 ENGINE 38: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 ENGINE 38: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 38: Hold on. Hey, (b) (6) . Hey -Yeah. -- just to let you know they’ve got line in the pavement (inaudible) -ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 38: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 ENGINE 38: 21 Hold on a second. Hey, what’s going on? 16 20 , Engine 38. 4 15 This is (b) (6) Sweet. -- (inaudible) and everything. Sweet. They’re -- they were coming wondering ETA for the ambulance? ANGELES OPERATIONS: Well, I’ve already -- right up -- 22 right as I got off the phone with you I called them. 23 have -- 24 ENGINE 38: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I don’t Okay. -- an ETA. I can check the county HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 99 1 cad here, one second, hold on here. What’s the closest station right there? 2 3 ENGINE 38: Probably 79. 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Here it is right here. I got it. 5 All right, this -- the -- this is a different one. 6 (Inaudible) okay this is something different here. 7 ENGINE 38: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 10 (Inaudible.) Okay. I mean you know where the closest station is more than I do over on that side. But they have the call. 11 ENGINE 38: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 I don’t have an ETA. Okay. looked in the IP. I do understand. I -- because I I had reported it to the COM Unit -- 14 ENGINE 38: Yeah. 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- because they are attached to the 16 fire but apparently they’re off -- they’re -- they’re Goodyear 17 brush on 87. 18 crew or something? I don’t know if -- is there like one medic on the 19 ENGINE 38: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 Yeah, (inaudible). Cool. Well, anyways, I -- I know they’re from Branch 2, 22 Division R. So I -- I called it into the COM Unit so they can 23 let Branch 2, Division R know. 24 ENGINE 38: Okay. 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Perfect. And otherwise it’s all good. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 100 Let me know when -- when it all -- when it all turns 1 2 out. 3 ENGINE 38: Okay. 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Thank you. Otherwise (inaudible) they’ve had the 5 call within a minute of me getting off the phone with you last 6 time. 7 ENGINE 38: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 Yeah. I -- yeah, I had you call into the -- I don’t know if you heard me on the air on admin (inaudible) 10 but I wanted to see if they knew what branch and stuff they 11 were on but I (inaudible) in the IP. 12 ENGINE 38: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 Okay. ENGINE 38: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right. 17 /// 18 c2727_01_09_2009_114404 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 38: Bye. Angeles Operations. This is (b) (6) , Engine 38. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 ENGINE 38: 25 Sounds good (inaudible). Hey, how are you doing? 22 24 Well, talk to you in a little bit. 15 21 Okay. Yeah, how’s it going, (b) (6) ? Oh, good. We’ve got County on the scene right now. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 101 1 ENGINE 38: (Inaudible.) 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 who’s handling that. 4 ENGINE 38: Let me transfer you over to (b) (6) Bye. Oh, sorry, I couldn’t distinguish your voices. 5 /// 6 c2727_01_09_2009_114423 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 ENGINE 38: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 7 Hey. Yeah. Hey, (b) (6) 10 ENGINE 38: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 ENGINE 38: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 38: 15 Yeah. . Yeah. County 79 is on the scene right now. Okay. And I’ll give you an update when (inaudible) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 stable, though. 18 some notes here. Okay. Let’s see. I don’t’ -- because -- yeah. Okay. He’s I’m just making That sounds cool. Man, was he just all like dehydrated or what? 19 ENGINE 38: 20 Yeah. He -- he -- I think he’s got the flu or something. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 23 Hey. it’s (b) (6) tomorrow. 16 21 (inaudible). And then he’s just out in the heat. Yeah. 24 ENGINE 38: Yeah, (inaudible). 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: There’s a guy at the tanker base the HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 102 1 same way. We’re like, dude, you got to -- we got (inaudible). 2 He’s in like (inaudible), like really. 3 are you trying to be here for. 4 state. And he’s from like some other It’s like, Jesus -- 5 ENGINE 38: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 ENGINE 38: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 It’s like, dude, what Yeah. -- go home, bro, it’s okay. (Inaudible.) Well, anyways, give us a call. (Inaudible) let’s get him moved on and -- and then the branch, 10 like I told you, they’re -- they’re aware of it. 11 COM Unit passes it on. 12 ENGINE 38: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 38: Yeah. But, yeah, it’s all good. (Inaudible) mistake on my part because at 15 first I said no, no medics needed (inaudible). 16 /// 17 c2727_01_09_2009_114524 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 ENGINE 38: I -- it -- (Inaudible) I figured they were going to be 20 going out to the hospital with him. 21 we can’t go to the hospital. 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 ENGINE 38: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 I hope the Right. And then they’re like, no, Right. Right. (Inaudible.) Well, with -- with county’s response, like (inaudible) well, how come every time like, you know, we HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 103 1 recall like -- or what was it -- oh, it was my grandfather a 2 long time ago. 3 (Inaudible) he said, “All -- all this big giant fire truck 4 rolled up and another fire truck.” 5 about?” He goes, “We had to call the paramedics.” I said, “Well, it’s just -- that’s their car.” 6 7 ENGINE 38: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 He said, “What was all that Yeah. That’s what they drive, you know, so all the equipment is on there so. And he said, “Oh, that makes sense.” 10 11 ENGINE 38: Yeah. 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Anyways, if -- if medics weren’t to 13 show up for some odd reason, that’d really be weird. 14 us know what they do. 15 ENGINE 38: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 38: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. All right. Talk to you later. (Inaudible.) 19 /// 20 c2727_01_09_2009_115120 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER: 23 But let Hi there. Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. I was wondering if you had a location for Division 9 (inaudible). 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Division 9? Hold on. Yeah, thank you. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 104 1 /// 2 c2727_01_09_2009_115147 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hello. Yeah. Yeah, she’s at the training center. (Inaudible) the training center? Yes. Okay, then. 10 CALLER: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: All right. Thank you very much. Okay. Bye-bye. 13 /// 14 c2727_01_09_2009_115629 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 ENGINE 38: 17 with Engine 38. Angeles Operations. This is (b) (6) Hey, how are you doing? Is (b) (6) 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 ENGINE 38: there? Okay. Sure, (inaudible). 20 /// 21 c2727_01_09_2009_115718 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 ENGINE 38: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 ENGINE 38: Thanks. Hey, what’s up? Okay. Hey, (b) (6) Yes. what’s going on? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 105 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 ENGINE 38: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 ENGINE 38: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 ENGINE 38: 7 8 9 10 Hey, we have everyone on the scene now. We have L.A. County Engine 79. Okay. L.A. County Medic (inaudible) ALS. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Air That’s all -- that’s all good. It was just AMR, you said? ENGINE 38: Yeah, AMR and their unit number is 08-955. And you guys are transporting to Lancaster still (inaudible) Valley? 13 UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: 14 ENGINE 38: 15 Okay. (inaudible) and then we have (inaudible) 08-955. 11 12 Yeah, not much. (Inaudible.) And they’re transporting to (inaudible) Valley. 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 38: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. All right, cool, man. All right. Do me a favor if they haven’t thought 19 about it already, have the rest of the other guys that are with 20 that brush engine -- 21 ENGINE 38: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 ENGINE 38: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 ENGINE 38: Okay. -- have them call their division. (Inaudible) -Like what is it -- -- on the scene, I believe. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 106 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 ENGINE 38: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 ENGINE 38: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 ENGINE 38: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 ENGINE 38: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- oh, the division -- Yeah. Oh, sweet. So -Okay. So everybody is in the loop. We have division here. We have -- Okay. -- pretty much everyone is here (inaudible). 10 ENGINE 38: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. That’s -- (Inaudible.) -- awesome. Okay. And then, like I 12 said, I had spoken to the COM Unit, so just as long as 13 everybody is on the same page that, you know, we’re losing an 14 overhead, technically. 15 ENGINE 38: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 38: 18 Yeah, (inaudible). They were assigned to the fire. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 38: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: rolling. Totally. (Inaudible) see how he wanted to start this. Yeah, well, we got the medics Everybody is all in the loop, so -- 23 ENGINE 38: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 We didn’t want to start it (inaudible) fire, so we (inaudible). 19 22 Or -- or an E dot, dot, dot. Yeah. That’s -- I think that’s about the best we can all do. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 107 1 ENGINE 38: Okay, perfect. 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 ENGINE 38: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: /// 6 c2727_01_09_2009_120704 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 ENGINE 38: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right. Bye. ENGINE 38: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- Uh-huh. -- Engine 38. Hi, (b) (6) Okay. Angeles Operations. Hi, how are you doing? 10 Is (b) (6) there? Yeah, hold on a second. . Hey, (b) (6) 13 ENGINE 38: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 ENGINE 38: 16 . All right. 5 12 All right, (b) (6) how are you doing? Yes, good. Everyone cleared the scene (inaudible) a few minutes ago. 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 ENGINE 38: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. And can I get (inaudible)? Yeah. Well, you know what, I 20 attached it to the -- or to the -- the station fire incident 21 because it’s technically attached to that. 22 the same (inaudible). 23 ENGINE 38: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 So, yes, it’d be Okay. Let me make sure I got it all in the right one here. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 108 Yeah, it’s going to be the Station Incident 3622. 1 2 Because it -- 3 ENGINE 38: 3622? 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah, if it was like just another 5 walk-in, I would have made it a different one but I’m attaching 6 it to the station incident and that’s 3622. 7 ENGINE 38: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 10 Okay. But you can make it even just today’s date if you -- if you’re making a note of it, even though it started back on the 26th. 11 ENGINE 38: 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 ENGINE 38: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 Okay. Sounds good. But that’s it. (Inaudible.) And then -- and -- and it was -- Ellison is the division out there; right, in fact? 16 ENGINE 38: What’s that? 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Here, let me check. 18 is the division out there; right? 19 ENGINE 38: Yes. 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Let’s see. Cool. I was just putting 21 that the division was on scene. 22 R. 23 division (b) (6) ’s there but he’s not the division for that -- 24 that particular division. 25 Okay. Here it is. ENGINE 38: And why can’t I find division Let’s see. Yes, that of the -- no, the I meant for the incident -- Uh-huh. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 109 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 -- that those guys need to contact on their frequency that they roll on. 3 ENGINE 38: Uh-huh. 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: They need to, you know, branch to 5 Division R, you know, Goodyear Brush 187 or -- or whatever -- 6 whatever their frequency is. 7 ENGINE 38: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 And let them know what happened on that level too. I went -- I went through the back or through the 10 11 Uh-huh. incident to get to them. 12 ENGINE 38: Okay. I’ll make sure that it’s -- 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 38: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: But -- -- (inaudible) the incident (inaudible). Well -- well, I mean they -- well, 16 it’s kind of -- there are supervisors, the division, so just as 17 long he knows that they’re, you know, one down or whatever but 18 it -- it’s all good. 19 ENGINE 38: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 ENGINE 38: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I think it’ll all come together. All right. Okay. Thank you for the update. Thank you. 23 /// 24 c2727_01_09_2009_123440 25 Sounds good. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 110 (b) (6) 1 Hi, may I speak to aircraft, please? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 /// 4 c2727_01_09_2009_123503 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 (b) (6) 8 (b) (6) 10 12 (b) (6) (b) (6) I go to the FAA site, I Which one, FAA.gov or -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 19 my favorites. 20 /// 21 c2727_01_09_2009_123533 25 Let’s see. believe. 17 24 I can go in and print it out That a girl. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 23 Okay. You to (inaudible)? 14 22 All right. actually. 13 16 You have a new TFR. (Inaudible) numbers. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 Hello. Hello. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 This is (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 One moment. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) I’ll go in there to it. I have it in FAA.gov. Okay. And sometimes if that ever fails you on evenings and weekends -ANGELES OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 111 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 4 -- do you know how to get into (inaudible)? Do you want me to show you? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 6 (b) (6) 8 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 (b) (6) 10 to do the S like in Sam. 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) 15 this. Okay. Hold on, https. Okay. Uh-huh. Colon, slash, slash, www.notams with an S -- (b) (6) 18 Uh-huh. Actually, I think you’re going to like ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 From your computer -- Colon, slash, slash. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 No, go ahead. -- go to this Web site, https and you got 11 13 Sure. -- or you’re busy? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 Uh-huh. -- .faa.gov. Kind of a secret FAA Web site. 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 (b) (6) 21 Yeah. But wait until you see what you can do with 22 this. 23 /// 24 c2727_01_09_2009_123621 25 Do you have a second -- 5 16 Not really, I don’t think so. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah, cool. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 112 1 2 3 (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Did it come up? I’m in there (inaudible). Across the top you’re going to see 4 locations and you just have to click on KCLA and it takes you 5 straight to the (inaudible). 6 sorry. Oh, wait. Wait. Wait. Click on ARTCCTFR, it’s the middle box on the left- 7 8 hand-side and it pulls up all the TFR’s in the nation. 9 And there’s a reason why you go in this way. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I’m ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. If you don’t -- if you go in any other way and there’s like 20 other different ways to get in -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- it won’t pull up the maps. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. So now you’re in there. Uh-huh. Click on KZLA. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. -- it pulls up the map. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh. Go in with that button -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. Uh-huh. It says locations. Uh-huh. Click on KZLA. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 113 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (b) (6) And see where it says (inaudible) Canada? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yes. See the little box there? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. You can -- you can click on that box. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Okay. Then pull the scroll all the way down to the bottom. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. And say display, print, select, and notice. Now you only got one to look at. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. So you don’t have to worry about the other crap in the United States. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Now there’s your TFR. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Map it? Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. Now click on the map (inaudible) -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Okay. You’re going to love this. 23 I’m in here a thousand times a day. 24 This is how I get my picture (inaudible). 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Oh, cool. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 114 1 /// 2 c2727_01_09_2009_123757 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 Wow. It’s taking awhile, yeah. Yeah (inaudible) the map didn’t come up. 5 Sometimes I map it -- let me try it a second time. 6 it’s -- 7 /// 8 c2727_01_09_2009_123814 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (b) (6) There it’s coming up. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Did it come up to you? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Sometimes Not yet. Close -- close -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: I’m only about half way according to my bars. (b) (6) You can (inaudible) -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: I bet my computer is not as fast as yours. (b) (6) Well, you can close it out and pull it up again. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Because I noticed the second time it comes up a lot quick -- a lot quicker (inaudible) like, oh, this one. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. (Inaudible.) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 115 1 2 3 4 5 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) There it is. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) All right. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah, uh-huh. Okay. You’ve got the -- the button 7 highlighted between two men. 8 middle of the TFR. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Okay. There, look at that. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Take your cursor and click in the Wow, that is really cool. Okay. Now click on the TAN button, highlight the TAN button -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- and click to the right of your TFR’s. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. Okay. If so -- maybe you wanted to do a map that had your TFR and the Morris TFR in it at once. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) You can TAN around. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh. And then you can click the zoom out -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. Uh-huh. -- and click anywhere on the screen -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 116 (b) (6) 1 -- and click, once, twice, three times. 2 /// 3 c2727_01_09_2009_123932 4 (b) (6) All of the TFR’s in southern California and 5 then you can zoom in on them. 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 8 9 10 (b) (6) Oh, yeah. The only thing is when you zoom in on them -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. -- they -- this is my only problem and I’ve 11 got lots of problem. 12 you entered the system in remains as the tech. 13 14 My problem with this one is the TFR that ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh, I see. (Inaudible) you go zoom in on a TFR in 15 Washington but it’s going to say at the bottom (inaudible), 16 California. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah, I see. And those yellow dotted lines that you see, those are the ARTCC boundaries. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. If you ever get in a (inaudible) between Oakland Center and L.A. Center -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. This one, it can actually tell you -- this is the maps that (b) (6) (b) (6) (phonetic) and the map that I look HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 117 1 at when we’re in the (inaudible) system. 2 it looks like. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) This is exactly what Oh. And so what I do every morning, is I get a -- I do a map of the entire United States. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) I’m like, oh. Uh-huh. You know, like right now I’ve got my eye on Utah, Arizona or whatnot, so -- but, yeah, you can zoom in -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. -- (inaudible) around and -- and the good news is is that this Web site -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. -- is collocated at the U.S. (inaudible) 14 Office in Herndon, Virginia which means it’s updated 24 hours a 15 day in real-time. 16 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Oh, wow, okay. Where as the other Web site you’re going 18 to, sometimes they don’t have the images on the evenings and 19 the weekends. 20 21 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 25 So -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: Very cool. Is that going to let me print this map out? 23 24 Okay. (b) (6) Yeah, you should be able to print it and you can also do a right-click and save it as a (inaudible) tag. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 118 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 (b) (6) 2 3 So (inaudible) old aircraft arsenal you’ve ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 5 name? (b) (6) 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 13 15 /// 16 c2727_01_09_2009_131304 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A couple times. All right. -- talk to you later. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 . (inaudible) -- (6) 12 , (b) (6) I remember that name. Okay, (b) 11 (b) (6) You’ve been in my classes. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 Hey, (b) (6) what’s your last I was trying to remember. (b) (6) 8 All right. All right. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 17 All right. got. 4 6 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Hello. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Thank you. Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. Hello? Hey, my name is (b) (6) and -- Yeah. -- (inaudible) checked out earlier with Paul Gregory. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. To the field and we’re backed to the (inaudible) service. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okeydokey. Thanks for calling. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 119 (b) (6) 1 Thank you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 Yep, bye. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 5 /// 6 c2727_01_09_2009_140142 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: CALLER: 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations. Hello. Sorry about that I had a mouthful of hamburger. You know, been there, done that. Hi, (b) (6) CALLER: 13 14 Bye. Hello. 10 12 Appreciate it. I didn’t think you were going to answer so quick (inaudible) inside of my mouth. Hey, I just called up Engine 36. 15 16 (inaudible) -- 17 /// 18 c2727_01_09_2009_140204 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: He’s going to Uh-huh. -- (inaudible). 22 /// 23 c2727_01_09_2009_140213 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: (Inaudible.) Okay. I figured I’d get them going so if you guys want HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 120 1 to fill (inaudible). 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: Okay. Okeydoke. 7 c2727_01_09_2009_142940 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 ENGINE 72: Angeles Operations, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) this is Engine 72 (inaudible) How are you? 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 ENGINE 72: I’m good, thank you. Hey, we’re going to be traveling North on the 13 5 to get up to (inaudible) -- 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 ENGINE 72: 16 18 ENGINE 72: 21 We’ve got an operation going (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 Okay. -- and then out to (inaudible). 17 19 Bye-bye. Bye-bye. /// helicopter. We will. All righty? 6 10 Okay. I understand. And it looks like the TFR (inaudible) just (inaudible) -ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Sir, I’m going to have to have you speak to our aircraft -- 22 ENGINE 72: Okay. 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 ENGINE 72: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- or dispatch over here. Sure. Her name is (b) (6) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 121 1 ENGINE 72: Okay. 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 ENGINE 72: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Sure. 5 /// 6 c2727_01_09_2009_143028 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 11 CALLER: Good. I’m going to be flying one of our helicopters in 12 (inaudible) 500. 13 /// 14 c2727_01_09_2009_143108 The call sign is -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: It’s in the (inaudible) TFR is what you’re saying? 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 This is (b) (6) can I help you? you? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 -- she’ll pick right up. Hi, (b) (6) this (inaudible) with the TEA, how are 10 15 Hold -- hold on one second, sir -- Yeah. Yeah. I need to have you contact the air opts. 20 CALLER: Okay. 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: And his number is (805) -- Hold on just a second, (805) --- 551 -- 551 --- 6422 -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 122 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 6422. (b) (6) Okay. Okay. (b) (6) (b) (6) . (b) (6) . -- (b) (6) ? Yes. And who’s he with? He’s the air (inaudible) director with the team that’s running the fire. 10 CALLER: Okay. Is he with the (inaudible) department? 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I’m not sure what agency he works for 12 but he’s with the full-service team that’s -- that’s on the 13 fire. 14 CALLER: Okay. 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. 16 CALLER: I’ll give him a call. 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right. /// 21 c2727_01_09_2009_143515 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 23 24 25 (b) (6) Thank you. Thank you. 20 22 All right. Uh-huh. Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. Hi, this is (b) (6) (b) (6) Is there today? ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yes, she is. Hold on. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 123 (b) (6) 1 Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 This is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 5 /// 6 c2727_01_09_2009_143628 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 8 (b) (6) 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 Well, she’s not -- she’s not in her -- let me -- can I write down your number? (b) (6) Yes. (b) (6) Have her call me at . ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) And your name, again? It’s (b) (6) (b) (6) 18 19 Let me give you a number that Oh, I don’t have anything to write right ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 16 Hello. (inaudible). 12 15 Okay. It’s Area Code (626) 4 -- 10 13 (inaudible). you -- that you can get a hold of her right now. 9 11 Who’s this again? was here working in expanded dispatch and we just need to make sure you guys want him back again tomorrow. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: message. (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. . She knows me. Okay. I’ll -- I’ll pass the Okay. Thank you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: No problem. Bye. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 124 (b) (6) 1 Bye. 2 /// 3 c2727_01_09_2009_150240 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) 5 (b) (6) 7 (b) (6) 9 (b) (6) 11 (b) (6) Well, for the aircraft desk Yeah. Hey, can you guys try to get a hold of (b) (6) (Inaudible.) 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 (b) (6) 18 (b) (6) 20 (b) (6) 22 Uh-huh. (Inaudible) whatever it is. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 (Inaudible.) Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 Uh-huh. And ask him to give me a call either on my cell -- 23 /// 24 c2727_01_09_2009_150313 25 Yeah. anyway. 14 15 Hey, all right. A little bit of action going on? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 Hey, (b) (6) How’s it going in there? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 Yeah. Hey, (b) (6) it’s (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 13 Hey, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 Angeles Operations. ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- on your cell phone. Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 125 1 CALLER: 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 3 Yeah. Okay. All righty? Thanks. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) 5 Thank you. Uh-huh. Bye-bye. Bye. 6 /// 7 c2727_01_09_2009_153540 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 RESEARCH 21: Angeles Operations. Yes, hi, I’m calling to -- signing out. 10 (b) (6) 11 o’clock, down the mountain at one o’clock, so I’m just 12 calling -- signing out -- out of service. called me because I was supposed to come down by one 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 RESEARCH 21: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 Research 21. RESEARCH 21: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 RESEARCH 21: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yes. /// 22 c2727_01_09_2009_160018 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Thank you. Thank you. 21 24 Research 21 is out of service? Okay. 17 23 Who is this? Bye. Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. Who’s this? ANGELES OPERATIONS: This is (b) (6) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 126 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 (b) (6) 5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 (b) (6) No, I don’t know you. right there? ANGELES OPERATIONS: She’s with -- yeah. She’s next door. Hold on. (b) (6) 8 9 Hey, is (b) (6) 6 This is (b) (6) You don’t know me, huh? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 7 What’s up, (b) (6) Okay. /// c2727_01_09_2009_160135 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Hello. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Hello. Hey, I was looking for (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (Inaudible.) Well, she’s at the -- (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- she stepped out -- she stepped out for a minute. (b) (6) You’re fine, though. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Thank you. Hey, we’re still extending the 2000? I’ve been hearing vicious rumors floating around here. ANGELES OPERATIONS: I haven’t heard anything about 24 extending to 2000 but I can check because I have lots of, like, 25 breath behind me. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 127 1 2 3 4 5 (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Are we extended 20 to -- are we extending to 2000; do you know? (b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (Inaudible) has not made the -- the 6 decision according to Chief 5 -- I mean Division 5. 7 I just gave him a raise. 8 9 (b) (6) Yeah. rumors. 11 notice; correct? 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Because that’s what -- I -- oh, I’m just trying to figure it out because I’ve been hearing a bunch of 10 12 I just -- I mean what originally went out was until further ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Until further notice. So unless we hear differently, we’re going -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. 07 -- one more time. (b) (6) Okay. What I heard the -- originally was (inaudible) -ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 7 to 2000 until further notice. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) That’s what (b) (6) just said. 0700 to 2000 until further notice. There we go. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Right. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 07 to 2000 -- Okay. That’s all I need to know. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 128 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 (b) (6) 2 Okay. All right. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 All right. Bye-bye. See you. 5 /// 6 c2727_01_09_2009_160939 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations. Hey, can I talk to (b) (6) 10 /// 11 c2727_01_09_2009_161047 12 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Sure. please? Hold on. This is (b) (6) Hello. Hello, yes. What do you know? Okay. I know that (b) (7)(A) is just 17 now, right as we speak, tying with Superintendent 17. 18 looks like it’s probably going to be at the Rincon Red Box Road 19 from Rincon there off -- 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 25 And it Uh-huh. -- off of (b) , not the (b) (7)(A) (7) . (Inaudible.) Because that’s where they’re signing in right now and that’s it. They’re just signing in now, so it sounds like HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 129 1 they’re powwowing as we speak. If he’s able to handle, do you need to go? 2 Basically, it’s a (b) (7)(A) (b) (7)(A) I don’t 3 know. 4 assaulted and he’s been walking around in the sticks for two to 5 three days. 6 7 CALLER: Well, I think (inaudible) because he needs to go to a hospital (inaudible). 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: 10 11 12 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: CALLER: know (inaudible) happens. CALLER: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 25 But -- Okay. I copy that. And I’ll let him know -CALLER: 23 Okay. (Inaudible) I’ll head that way anyway. 18 22 And if he has to go to a Oh, if he has to go to the hospital, just let me 15 21 Okay. hospital then what was the last part? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 I’m -- I’m (inaudible). (Inaudible.) 14 17 that was (b) (6) (Inaudible.) (Inaudible) Vehicle he’s looking for? ANGELES OPERATIONS: it, (b) (6) (b) (6) Yeah, the Indiana, I haven’t even ran I -- I -(Inaudible) I’m telling you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Go ahead, (b) (6) Yes. And I went back and I got the registration on it. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 130 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) And so I found it and I came back to (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) But I just wanted to let you know I found it off the -- off the (inaudible). 12 you need me -- if you -- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Nice. And that’s about it. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 Okay. And it’s (inaudible) like I thought. 11 13 Okay. (Inaudible) for two years. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 10 Oh, sweet. (b) (6) Okay. Super duper. All right, if And the -- and the DMV is Bureau of -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- Motor Vehicle. -- Motor Vehicle. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) So when you (inaudible) -- Department of Motor Vehicles. ANGELES OPERATIONS: I was thinking Boating Motor Vehicles but (inaudible) -(b) (6) Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) All right. (Inaudible) Motor Vehicles. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Well, okay. Good deal. I’ll disregard -(b) (6) (Inaudible) Saint Gabriel. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 131 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 Okay. And I’ll let them know that you’re still en route, when I get back -(b) (6) 3 All right. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 -- up in the area. If I find out anything more and (inaudible) the 5 6 actual location and central will get back to you on the air, 7 otherwise, it looks like it’s the Rincon Red Box Road off 39. (b) (6) 8 (b) (6) /// 13 c2727_01_09_2009_164158 14 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 DIVISION 2: Angeles Operations. It’s Division 2. I’ll be unavailable en route to the station (inaudible) a couple of hours. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 Yes, sir. I’ll show you available by cell or -- or unavailable? 19 DIVISION 2: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 DIVISION 2: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 DIVISION 2: 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 Talk to you in a little bit. Bye. 12 18 Okay. Bye. 11 16 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 10 All right. Yeah. Okay. That’ll be fine. Okay. Okay, (b) (6) (Inaudible.) Okay. Bye. /// HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 132 1 c2727_01_09_2009_170524 (No audio recorded.) 2 3 /// 4 c2727_01_09_2009_170537 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) Good. 11 CALLER: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) in Battalion 14. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. (Inaudible.) 21 c2727_01_09_2009_170804 ANGELES OPERATIONS: You’re welcome. Angeles Operations. Hi, this is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) All right, Chief. -- he might be at his residence. /// (b) (6) Okeydoke. (Inaudible) -- 20 25 when you contact phone. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 How are you? -- and ask him to give me a call on my cell 13 23 Okay. in Battalion 14 -ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 how are you doing? (b) (6) 10 12 Angeles Operations. Hi. Hi, hey, I made it to -- to -HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 133 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 (b) (6) 2 Yes. (Inaudible.) I’m sorry (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 That’s okay. (Inaudible) I’ve completed the programming 5 probably (inaudible). 6 /// 7 c2727_01_09_2009_170826 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 (b) (6) 9 Uh-huh. Can you show me now (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 (b) (6) 11 I sure can. (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 (b) (6) 13 I know. -- and be careful on that road. I know. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 (b) (6) 15 (b) (6) 17 Okay. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. 18 /// 19 c2727_01_09_2009_175757 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 I hate that road. Thank you. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 To (inaudible) -- 21 /// 22 c2727_01_09_2009_175846 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hello? Angeles Operations. Yeah, I’m looking for (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) , please. she stepped -- she stepped out HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 134 1 right now. Can I take a message? 2 CALLER: No, that’s okay. 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: /// 7 c2727_01_09_2009_180447 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: ANGELES OPERATIONS: They launched all the air tankers to go out to the fires. CALLER: 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: Beautiful. Yeah. Hey, could you see if Captain 16 can call my cell phone for me, please? 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: /// 23 c2727_01_09_2009_185121 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Sure can. Thank you, ma’am. 22 25 Oh, same old, same old. You -- you -- are you dispatching any aircraft 15 24 Angeles Operations. anywhere? 13 18 Okay. Hey there, (inaudible), what’s going on? 10 14 She -- Thank you. 6 12 Okay. I’ll call her back. Okay. Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. Hi, (inaudible)? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 135 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 know? (b) (6) 4 This is (b) (6) from Riverside. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 strike team (inaudible). 8 /// 9 c2727_01_09_2009_185143 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 it. Area Code (b) (6) (b) (6) 12 (b) (6) 14 (b) (6) 16 (b) (6) 18 (b) (6) (b) (6) 20 22 c2727_01_09_2009_190035 25 Yes. Okay. Bye-bye. /// 24 -- (b) (6) . Thank you so much. 21 23 -- (6) ? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 -- (b) I got Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 Let me get a number. Uh-huh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 Okay. -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 Okay. They released one of our (inaudible) that’s on the 7 11 Hold on. What -- who are you trying to get a hold of, do you 2 3 Sure. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations. (b) (6) this is (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: Hi, (b) (6) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 136 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (b) (6) Code for a station? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The P Code for a station? Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Sure. It’s Paul, 5, Edward, 5, Victor (inaudible). (b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. (b) (6) 3622. (Inaudible) 0501. You don’t (inaudible) do you? ANGELES OPERATIONS: I do. It’s 3622. All right. How are things going for you guys down there? 12 13 Hey, could you give me the (inaudible) number and P ANGELES OPERATIONS: It’s -- slow -- slowed down a little bit today, not quite so hectic. (b) (6) (Inaudible) that’s good. ANGELES OPERATIONS: What -- but it’s kind of scary because you’re waiting for the other shoe to fall, you know. (b) (6) Yeah. Well, I think we’re going to be busy but I think (inaudible) maybe we’ll calm down a little bit. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. Well, we were just waiting for that -- the thunderstorms with the -- with the wind. (b) (6) Oh, I know. ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) You know, and -- Did we -- did we happen to get anything? ANGELES OPERATIONS: No, we didn’t. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 137 (b) (6) 1 That’s good. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 (Inaudible) the Internet (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) 5 Okay, (b) (6) 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 /// 9 c2727_01_09_2009_191549 11 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 13 (b) (6) 15 (b) (6) 18 19 20 21 (b) (6) What’s up, (b) (6) Hold on. Let me tell you. It’s not working. working, (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) 23 at (b) (6) 24 Road. (b) (6) so I can -- Hold on a second. It’s not (inaudible) but I -- nothing pops up. They just said something about (inaudible). (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 25 Angeles Operations. Print another one for me, (b) (6) 17 Good night. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 You’re welcome. (Inaudible) that county (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 thank you very much. Hey, what’s going on, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 Yeah. Good to know. 6 10 Yeah. Yeah. You want to -- it’s at -- it’s Kelly Vista, between Kelly and Bonita and Davenport (Inaudible.) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 138 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 getting into the (inaudible) vegetation. (b) (6) 3 4 Okay. Is that in the -- is that like (inaudible) or Green Valley area? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 6 (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 (b) (6) 9 (b) (6) 11 is putting out a -- Battalion 31. Hold on. (b) (6) 14 All right. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 (b) (6) 16 /// 18 c2727_01_09_2009_191734 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) He’s trip -- he’s tripping. What’s going on, (b) (6) 17 Can you hear me? Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah, I’ve just got off the phone with Division 3. 23 requested a rush response of five engines so -- 25 (b) (6) Hello? Battalion 31? 22 24 Hold on. Let him talk to you. 13 21 -- I think (b) (6) Who are you talking to? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 And -- (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 20 That’s right there off of -- looks like between (inaudible) and by Mint Canyon area. 7 19 It’s (inaudible) fire with some -- Okay. He’s going to be responding to this and he I’ll be headed there too then. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 139 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 (b) (6) (b) (6) 8 (b) (6) 10 12 /// 13 c2727_01_09_2009_192408 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) (b) (6) is gone. How can I help you? Who’s this? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Angeles Operations. Can I talk to (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) All right. Hey, this is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) All right. Good. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 Okay. All righty. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 16 -- Calla, Benita, and Davenport Road Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 15 Cava vista between -- in the vicinity of (inaudible) and Mint Canyon. 6 14 (b) (6) Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 5 It’s off of Sierra (inaudible). (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Listen, I’m still interviewing the guy that got picked up over at (b) (7)(A) ANGELES OPERATIONS: Canyon. Okay. Edward (inaudible) still interviewing the suspect. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 140 (b) (6) 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 3 (Inaudible) Mint Canyon, structure that started a little bit of brush. (b) (6) 6 (b) (6) Yeah, got it. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 (b) (6) (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 (b) (6) 14 Okay. (b) (6) 16 (Inaudible.) Okay. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 Uh-huh. All right, man. /// 18 c2727_01_09_2009_193502 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations. Yes, (inaudible). Yes, ma’am. (Inaudible.) Okay. Can -- I’ll give you a number that -- that -- that’s (inaudible). CALLER: Bye-bye. Bye-bye. 17 25 Hey, so you’re -- and you’re -- what location you’re at? 12 24 It’s up in Mint Canyon (inaudible). (Inaudible) right off of (inaudible). 9 11 (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 8 They just broke a little fire, Area 7. 4 5 (Inaudible.) Oh, okay. Okay. (Inaudible.) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 141 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 It’s (626) -- (Inaudible) (626) --- 821 -- 821 --- 6700 -- 6700 (inaudible). Well, ma’am, I’ve -- I’ve got another little fire going on right now. CALLER: 9 Okay. 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: 12 13 I’m sorry. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right. Thank you. CALLER: Bye-bye. It’s okay. Thank you. 14 /// 15 c2727_01_09_2009_195105 16 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. (Inaudible.) Okay. (Inaudible.) 21 /// 22 c2727_01_09_2009_195820 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 Okay. You too, man. Bye. Angeles Operations, can you hold? Yes. /// HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 142 1 c2727_01_09_2009_195901 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 Yes, hi, my name is (inaudible) (b) (6) with Cane Water Tenders, and we are home now. 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: dispatch. 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 2592. /// 16 c2727_01_09_2009_201704 20 21 22 23 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yes, ma’am. Bye-bye. Okay. 15 19 25 -- that’s expanded, this is Those are the people that -- CALLER: 18 Here’s the number to call, 8592? 12 17 Here’s the number to call. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 Okay. (Inaudible.) (661) 723-2592. 9 11 How can I help you? Angeles Operations. Hey, this is (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) My (inaudible) in here (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. Can I get a time-out? ANGELES OPERATIONS: (Inaudible) (b) (7)(A) male? (Inaudible) was assaulted and found (b) (7) , is that you? (A) CALLER: That’s correct. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 143 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 2 one you’re on? 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: Yeah, that’s correct. You’re supposed to laugh, man. I -- I -Okay. Time out was 1551. 1551. Yes, sir. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 11 That’s not you exactly, that’s the And confirming you’re still there; right? 12 CALLER: Yes. And what time did (inaudible)? 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right. 22 CALLER: Bye. Uh-huh. Okay. All right. And what’s our ANF number? 3686. 09-3686. Yes, sir. Okay. All right. 23 /// 24 c2727_01_09_2009_211157 25 1648. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Bye-bye. Angeles Operations. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 144 ( b 1 CALLER: . 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (Inaudible) back in quarters. 5 service, brother? 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 All right. In quarters out of Yeah. All right, man. If anything -- are you going to be there all night? 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: 12 What’s up, (inaudible)? Okay. I’m here all night. If anything happens, I told (b) (6) staying at the station tonight. 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right, brother. 16 CALLER: See you. 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: All right. /// 19 c2727_01_09_2009_211428 20 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 25 Okay. I made a note of it. Excellent. 18 24 that we’re Later. Angeles Operations. What’s going on, (b) (6) What’s up, (b) (6) Hey, not much. Hey, can you do me a favor? ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yes. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 145 CALLER: 1 2 Can you get a hold of Battalion 11, he’s up at (inaudible) and -- 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay, man. 6 CALLER: Appreciate it. 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 10 12 All right. All right. Later. (Inaudible.) Hey, (b) (6) Yeah. You’re out of service now? What’s your status? (b) (6) 13 14 Yeah, have him call my cell. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 And have him call you on your cell? Yeah, I’m out of service. I’m -- I’m off all the night. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 (b) (6) 16 (b) (6) 18 I got you. Okay, man. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 Okay. Okay. All right. Later. (Inaudible.) 19 /// 20 c2727_01_09_2009_212237 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CAMP 37: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 CAMP 37: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Angeles Operations. How are you doing? This is Camp 37 (inaudible). Uh-huh. Can you do me a huge favor? What’s that? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 146 1 2 3 4 Can you call (inaudible) and see if (b) CAMP 37: is there and give him my cell phone number? ANGELES OPERATIONS: you need (b) 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: we’ve been talking to (b) 8 need his number? (6) 12 CAMP 37: 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 16 17 (6) all day on his cell. -- (b) (6) -- You -- do you phone isn’t -ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 You -- do you want (b) Well, right now I’m driving and (inaudible) my 11 14 to get your cell? Yeah. 7 CAMP 37: (b) (6) (6) CAMP 37: 10 I think -- what -- do -- do you -- do to get your -- (b) (6) 5 9 (b) (6) (6) Yeah. -- isn’t acting right. Okay. He’s at (inaudible) right now, Battalion 11 is. CAMP 37: Yeah. I just don’t -- I don’t have (inaudible) number with me. ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. So who do you want to contact 18 at (inaudible) now? Who do you want me to give what -- well, 19 just say the whole thing all over again because who -Could you give (b) 20 CAMP 37: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 CAMP 37: 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 24 CAMP 37: 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (6) -- Uh-huh. -- up at (inaudible) -Your cell phone? -- (inaudible) cell phone number, Captain 37. Okay. All right. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 147 1 CAMP 37: Okay. 2 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 CAMP 37: 4 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 CAMP 37: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Okay. Uh-huh. Bye. Bye. Thank you. Uh-huh. 7 8 /// 9 c2727_01_09_2009_214104 10 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: Angeles Operations. I’ve got a question for you. 12 (inaudible) and I wanted to find out. 13 possible backfire being set over there. 14 15 16 17 18 ANGELES OPERATIONS: I live up at I heard rumor of a I have no idea. You have to call the information number. CALLER: Okay. How about Fire Station 97, you think they might know? ANGELES OPERATIONS: I -- I just refer all public calls. 19 We have strict orders to refer all public calls to the Station 20 Fire Info Center or the Morris Fire Info Center. 21 CALLER: Okay. 22 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 23 same number, actually. 24 regarding everything. 25 CALLER: Okay. Do you have the number? It’s the They’re handling all kinds of calls Let me try and find a pen. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 148 (Inaudible) answering it? 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 They should be 24/7 as far I know. 3 But we’re not answering at -- at -- at the emergency center 4 here -- 5 CALLER: 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 Okay. -- there’s just too many calls and -- Right. -- and, frankly, we’re hundred miles away from where that is and we don’t monitor the fire. They’re 10 on their own frequencies and I couldn’t tell you what it’s 11 doing moment by moment. 12 CALLER: Okay. I’m (inaudible). 13 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 /// 15 c2727_01_09_2009_214229 Okay. 16 CALLER: What is it? 17 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 ANGELES OPERATIONS: -- 6700. 22 CALLER: Thank you much. 23 ANGELES OPERATIONS: (626) -- Okay. -- 8 -- 821 -- Okay. All right. 24 /// 25 c2727_01_09_2009_215801 Uh-huh. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 149 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 (b) (6) 2 Angeles Operations. Hey, is this (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 (b) (6) Yes. this is (inaudible). What’s up, (b) (6) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) 6 How are you doing? Oh, nothing much, man. Hey, I was wondering if you 7 had the -- I need to fax some (inaudible) to the air office and 8 I was wondering if you had a phone number for the ICP for the 9 (inaudible)? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 (b) (6) 12 (b) (6) 14 (b) (6) 16 (Inaudible.) On Mount Wilson? Yeah. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 17 (b) (6) 18 Sure. Hold on one second. How are you doing? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 second. (b) (6) 21 How’s things? It’s all right, man. Hold on one Give me a second. No problem, brother. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 22 25 Oh. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 24 Oh, (inaudible) with the (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 23 Let me go see. What’s going on, man? 11 20 The Station ICP. We got a fax for the ICP, I can’t see it. (b) (6) Or just a phone number, I can call them. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: (Inaudible.) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 150 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 1 I can -- I can give you the incident and command 2 3 number. (b) (6) 4 (b) (6) 6 (b) (6) 8 Yeah. -- I’ll call them. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 9 Okay. Just the phone number is (inaudible) -- ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 I can do that. It’s all right, man, you know. 10 I -- it’s still hard digging in the dispatch world. (b) (6) 12 Oh, you know. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 13 (b) (6) 14 You know, but what can you do? That’s it. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 15 16 That’ll work. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 5 11 Yeah, Station 9. Just got to bear down and go through the motion. (b) (6) 17 Do the best you can, you know. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 18 Yeah. I got it for the Central Park, 19 I don’t have it for the Hanson Dam; so let me go back over here 20 to expanded and see if I can get a better one for you. (b) (6) 21 Okay. Great. 22 /// 23 c2727_01_09_2009_215955 24 25 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Do you know if we have the number for the ICP? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 151 UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: 1 2 For Hanson Dam or -- or Central Park? ANGELES OPERATIONS: 3 What if I give you the -- to the COM 4 Unit and then he can put you in touch with who you may need? 5 That’s the -- probably the best -(b) (6) 6 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 7 (b) (6) 8 9 (Inaudible.) -- thing I can do? Hey, anything -- anybody I can get a hold of on the phone will work (inaudible). ANGELES OPERATIONS: 10 (b) (6) 11 (b) (6) 13 -- 897 -- Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 14 (818) -- (Inaudible.) ANGELES OPERATIONS: 12 Okay. -- 4696. Man, that’s the best I can do. 15 I could COM -- the 16 COM person should have the direct number and all the fax 17 numbers you may need. (b) (6) 18 That’ll work. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 19 (b) (6) 20 All right, bubba. All right, man. Okay. ANGELES OPERATIONS: 21 Thank you. All right. 22 /// 23 ????????(Unsure of audio file number.) Later (inaudible). 24 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Bye. Angeles Operations. (b) (6) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 152 1 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 ANGELES OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 ANGELES OPERATIONS: Yeah. Hey, it’s (inaudible). Yeah. Hey, show 31 south Captain and 4. Captain plus 4. Okay. All right, thanks. Thank you. Yeah. Bye-bye. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 153