1 STATION FIRE TELEPHONE COMMUNICATIONS 2 AUGUST 28, 2009 3 c2626_28_08_2009_055920 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 9 10 11 12 Hi. This is (inaudible). Yes. Hi, yes, we actually need our own case number for this, and we’ll call it an (inaudible) assist. OPERATIONS: Okay. So basically just for our purposes create a number for it? CALLER: Yeah, go ahead and create a number for it. You’ll call it an A -- (inaudible) assist. 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 Angeles Operation. Okay. Different agency that -Right. -- is the head of it, so -Okay. We’re going to be on a different radio frequency and all that kind stuff anyway, so -- 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Sure. We can do that. Thank you. All righty. Okay. Thanks. Uh-huh. Bye-bye. Bye. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 1 1 /// 2 c2626_28_08_2009_061558 3 OPERATIONS: 4 AIR 5: Angeles Operation. Hey, Angeles, Air 5 here. 5 is -- is Highway -- I just -- 6 /// 7 c2626_28_08_2009_061612 8 OPERATIONS: 9 AIR 5: 11 From my understanding it is at this time. And it’s going to stay that way all day? OPERATIONS: 10 I don't know yet. I’m just -- from my understanding right now, it is. 12 AIR 5: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 AIR 5: Okay. Okay? Thank you very much. 15 /// 16 c2626_28_08_2009_061957 17 OPERATIONS: 18 ENGINE 51: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 51: 21 Hey, can you tell me Angeles Operation. How are you doing? Okay. My name is (inaudible). I’m with (inaudible) Engine 51. 22 OPERATIONS: 23 ENGINE 51: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 ENGINE 51: Uh-huh. And we are (inaudible). Where are you going to? (Inaudible.) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 2 1 OPERATIONS: 2 ENGINE 51: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 ENGINE 51: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 ENGINE 51: You’re what engine again? (Inaudible) Engine 51. And you were told to contact this office? That’s correct. Standby, okay? Okay. 7 /// 8 c2626_28_08_2009_062059 OPERATIONS: 9 Hello? 10 ENGINE 51: Hello. 11 OPERATIONS: Okay. 12 ENGINE 51: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 51: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 ENGINE 51: -- 723- -- 17 OPERATIONS: -- 2592. 18 ENGINE 51: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 51: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 ENGINE 51: 23 OPERATIONS: Okay. Here’s the number to call, okay? I’m ready to copy. (661) -(661) --- 723- -- -- 2592. That’s expanded -Okay. -- so they should be able to tell you, okay? Okay. Thank you. Yes, sir. 24 /// 25 c2626_28_08_2009_065655 Bye. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 3 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: Angeles Operation. Yes, man, this is the (inaudible) Station. Okay. I’m assisting the on-duty captain to Unit 84. 5 /// 6 c2626_28_08_2009_065712 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 OPERATIONS: Copy. Thank you. All right. 10 /// 11 c2626_28_08_2009_071535 12 OPERATIONS: 13 DAVID 12: 14 Angeles Operation. Hello. route to the Baldy for right now. OPERATIONS: 16 DAVID 12: 17 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 15 12 in-service to -- to Baldy? Yeah, for right now. Mount Baldy -- 19 DAVID 12: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 DAVID 12: 22 OPERATIONS: I mean any -- any specific place, I mean just 18 23 Hey (inaudible), show us in-service en That’s fine. -- the Morris, or what? The Morris. Okay. I’ll put you in-service to the Morris. I’ll put -- I’ll submit you to the Morris, okay? 24 DAVID 12: 25 OPERATIONS: Okay. Sounds good. All right, man. Have a safe day. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 4 1 DAVID 12: All right. 2 OPERATIONS: Bye. 3 /// 4 c2626_28_08_2009_073545 5 OPERATIONS: 6 PATROL 15: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 PATROL 15: 9 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Good morning, Angeles. Can you please show me in-service to Area 20? Area 20. Will do. PATROL 15: Thank you, ma’am. 11 OPERATIONS: You’re welcome. 12 PATROL 15: 13 OPERATIONS: Bye-bye. Bye. 14 /// 15 c2626_28_08_2009_074319 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 OPERATIONS: This is Patrol 15. Uh-huh. 10 16 speaking. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) speaking. it’s (inaudible). Oh, hi. Good morning. Captain 12 just 19 called, and he would like Captain 11 to set up the generator at 20 Clear Creek Station for the residents there because they don’t 21 have any power. 22 CALLER: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 25 I can’t (inaudible) right now, but I’ll call. Oh. Okay. Yeah, well, he -- he just wants somebody to go out there and set up a generator for them. CALLER: Can you hear me? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 5 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: Yes, I can hear you just fine. Okay. (Inaudible) work on that stuff. Say that again. 4 /// 5 c2626_28_08_2009_080244 6 OPERATIONS: 7 ENGINE 77: 8 9 OPERATIONS: ENGINE 77: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 ENGINE 77: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 77: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 ENGINE 77: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 ENGINE 77: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 77: 21 OPERATIONS: I’m coming down Uh-huh. And it said to -Which one? -- give you a call for station assignment. Okay. Which one? Did it -- I’m Engine 77. Engine 77. Yep. Okay. Let’s see here. I’m from Klamath. Klamath? Yes. What’s your recess order say, because I’m not looking in ROSS right now? 23 ENGINE 77: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 Hi, this is (b) (6) on a cover engine. 10 22 Angeles Operation. E-11. Okay. E-11. What’s your -- can you hold on for a second? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 6 ENGINE 77: 1 Yeah. 2 /// 3 c2626_28_08_2009_080416 4 OPERATIONS: 5 ENGINE 77: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 Yeah. Okay. And what’s your instructions say there? ENGINE 77: 8 9 Hello? It says contact Angeles CCC for station assignment. 10 OPERATIONS: 11 ENGINE 77: 12 OPERATIONS: 13 ENGINE 77: 14 OPERATIONS: That’s all? Yep. Engine 77 from the Klamath. We were brought up on Angeles August cover. August cover. 15 /// 16 c2626_28_08_2009_080448 17 ENGINE 77: 18 OPERATIONS: We’re trying to. /// 20 c2626_28_08_2009_080504 OPERATIONS: 22 ENGINE 77: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 ENGINE 77: 25 OPERATIONS: Let me check that telelog. (Inaudible) everything down there? 19 21 Okay. We’re trying to. Do you have a call back number? (b) (6) -- Uh-huh. -- (b) - -(6) Uh-huh. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 7 ENGINE 77: 1 -- (b) -(6) 2 /// 3 c2626_28_08_2009_080513 4 OPERATIONS: 5 ENGINE 77: 6 ways out. 8 Yeah, we’re on the road. North of Sacramento. Okay, and what’s your name again? ENGINE 77: 9 (b) (6) , (b) (6) 10 /// 11 c2626_28_08_2009_080528 12 OPERATIONS: 13 ENGINE 77: 14 OPERATIONS: 15 We’re still quite a We’re north of Sacramento now. OPERATIONS: 7 Are you on the road now or not yet? , (b) (6) , (b) (6) And you’re the captain? Yep. Captain (b) (6) . Okay, I’ll call you back. My name is (b) (6) 16 ENGINE 77: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 ENGINE 77: All right, (b) (6) Okay. Thanks. Bye. Bye. 19 /// 20 c2626_28_08_2009_092556 21 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 22 ENGINE 218: Hi, this is (b) (6) at Mill Creek Station. 23 OPERATIONS: Yes. 24 ENGINE 218: All right. 25 . Mine is going to be Engine 218, engineer in 4. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 8 1 OPERATIONS: 218, engineer in 4. 2 ENGINE 218: Yes. 3 OPERATIONS: At Mill Creek. 4 ENGINE 218: Yes. 5 OPERATIONS: Okay. 6 /// 7 c2626_28_08_2009_092636 8 OPERATIONS: 9 ENGINE 31: Thank you. Angeles Operation. Hey, (inaudible) radio is all screwed up. 10 We’ll be Engine 31, cancel him as 3 (inaudible). 11 /// 12 c2626_28_08_2009_092654 13 OPERATIONS: 14 ENGINE 31: 15 Thanks. All right. And then could you copy me at all or -OPERATIONS: 16 17 Okay. You know, it’s really busy down here and I wasn’t listening to the radio. 18 ENGINE 31: All right. 19 OPERATIONS: So, yeah. 20 ENGINE 31: No problem. 21 OPERATIONS: All right. 22 /// 23 c2626_28_08_2009_092720 24 OPERATIONS: 25 ENGINE 17: I have no idea. Thanks. Bye. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) speaking. it’s Engine 17. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 9 1 OPERATIONS: 2 ENGINE 17: 3 and Engine 112. 4 OPERATIONS: 5 ENGINE 17: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 10 ENGINE 17: the forest. OPERATIONS: Captain Code 4, and you guys are not No. As far as I know, we’re both available on Yeah, that’s affirmative. 14 OPERATIONS: 15 ENGINE 17: Copy. I don’t know where he’s at, but call him. Phone status. He’s -- okay. You know where -- all right. OPERATIONS: 17 I don't know. didn’t give us that information. 19 ENGINE 17: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 ENGINE 17: 22 OPERATIONS: All right, (b) (6) Cool. Okay. /// 24 c2626_28_08_2009_092844 OPERATIONS: You might -- I don't know. He Yeah. you guys busy, huh? A little bit, yeah. 23 25 He called and had -- wanted all the resources on the (inaudible) to call him. ENGINE 17: 18 We are both Captain Code 4. For more understanding do you want us to call 13 16 Right. Battalion 11? 11 12 Hey, just calling in (inaudible) for Engine 17 committed; right? 8 9 Hi. Maybe I’ll talk to you later then. Thanks. Bye. Angeles Operation. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 10 Hello? 1 2 ENGINE 19: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 ENGINE 19: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 ENGINE 19: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 ENGINE 19: 9 OPERATIONS: Angeles? Yes, may I help you? (Inaudible) Engine 19, Captain (inaudible). Captain (inaudible), Engine 19. Okay. Thanks. No problem. Okay. 10 /// 11 c2626_28_08_2009_092956 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: Okeydoke. Angeles Operation. Hey, Angeles, this is (inaudible). 14 want us to cover -- 15 /// 16 c2626_28_08_2009_093013 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER: 23 OPERATIONS: I guess they Okay. -- (inaudible) en route (inaudible). Okay. Okay? Thanks. No problem. Okay. 24 /// 25 c2626_28_08_2009_093227 Bye-bye. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 11 1 OPERATIONS: 2 PATROL 31: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 PATROL 31: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 PATROL 31: 7 Angeles Operation. Hey, this is (b) (6) Patrol 31. Yeah. I’m on the exit to Canyon. Okay, (b) (6) Hey, can you tell me if (b) (6) Patrol 34? 8 OPERATIONS: 9 PATROL 31: 10 OPERATIONS: 11 PATROL 31: (b) (6) All right. Thanks. Was that bad or good, man? I don't know. either. 13 to that side of the -- I guess it -- it could be I guess I better stay -- you know, be ready to go over 14 OPERATIONS: 15 PATROL 31: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 PATROL 31: 18 OPERATIONS: I know. -- district. Are you qualified yet, no? No. Okay. All right. Well, it’ll all work out, man. 20 PATROL 31: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 PATROL 31: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 PATROL 31: 25 -- no. Oh, okay. 12 19 is off today, All right. It’s just -- just a job, man. Yeah. Okay. Bye. All right. Thanks. Bye. /// HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 12 1 c2626_28_08_2009_093604 2 OPERATIONS: 3 ENGINE 19: 4 Hi. This is 19. speaking. (Inaudible) 11 cancelled. (Inaudible) deep, so we’re (inaudible). OPERATIONS: 5 6 Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Okay. You guys are going to be (inaudible) divide then? 7 ENGINE 19: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 ENGINE 19: Yeah. Okay. Thank you. OPERATIONS: 10 Perfect. Thank you. 11 /// 12 c2626_28_08_2009_093633 Bye. OPERATIONS: 14 BATTALION 11: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 BATTALION 11: 17 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) 13 Hey, (b) (6) Hi. speaking. it’s Battalion 11. How are you? Good. Are you guys catching up in there? Yeah, I mean it’s -- you know, usually 18 initially it’s kind of busy in the last couple days, but no, 19 we’re just doing our regular stuff, you know, because we don’t 20 have a lot going on other than the Station. 21 BATTALION 11: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 BATTALION 11: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 BATTALION 11: Cool. So it’s -Can you do me a favor? Sure. I’m going to move Engine 112. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 13 1 OPERATIONS: 2 BATTALION 11: 3 Okay. Can you contact them, move 112 to cover Little T. 4 OPERATIONS: 5 BATTALION 11: 6 They’re going to go to Little T. Yeah, if you can make that notice (inaudible). 7 OPERATIONS: 8 BATTALION 11: 9 OPERATIONS: Yes, I will let them know. Thank you. 10 BATTALION 11: 11 OPERATIONS: You’re welcome. Bye. Bye. 12 /// 13 c2626_28_08_2009_094924 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 (b) (6) (b) (6) Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey -- hey, (b) (6) speaking. it’s (b) (6) Hey, 16 here at Charlie is disbanding. Okay. And -- yeah, that’s it. They were on nightshift last night, so -CALLER 20 (b) (6) Yeah, I just -- I -- yeah. Thanks for the 21 info. I -- yeah, I made that happen because I need to get -- I 22 need to get the Engine 12 people back and the section leader 23 back because we’re evacuating 54 again. 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) Are they really? Yeah. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 14 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: We have to. Okay. (b) (6) Well, I had to get those guys back. Yeah, and -- no problem. calling on the phone? CALLER 8 9 (b) (6) Catching you on Forest then, is that better than 6 7 Nice. (b) (6) Yeah, just -- yeah, that’s fine, just because it’s hit and miss on the phone here. 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER Right. (b) (6) (Inaudible) out. I’m just going to -- I’ll 12 be more available here in a few minutes. 13 transition here to give the briefing, but I’ll be available 14 after that. 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER Okay. (b) (6) Bye. All right. 19 /// 20 c2626_28_08_2009_101346 OPERATIONS: 22 ENGINE 15: 23 24 25 Thank you, (b) (6) Thanks, (b) (6) (b) (6) 21 Sounds good. I’m going to the team Bye. Angeles Operation. Engine 15. We’ve left Area 21. We’re back in the station, so -OPERATIONS: Engine 15 just left Area 21, and you guys are back in -- back in quarters? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 15 1 ENGINE 15: 2 OPERATIONS: Yes, back in quarters. Okay. 3 there. 4 /// 5 c2626_28_08_2009_105310 (Inaudible.) I’ll -- I’ll -- I’ll get you guys on All right. 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) speaking. it’s (b) (6) Hi. Hey, I hate to do this to you guys, but I 10 need you to put out a message for our district. 11 stuff we’ve got to take care of, and we -- we got everyone kind 12 of scattered, so -- anyway, if you could put out a message when 13 you guys are done with (inaudible) or if you get a break, just 14 tone it out for all LA River -- River Ranger District resources 15 to contact either Battalion 11 or Division 1 on their cell 16 phones. 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. We got some Contact Battalion 11 or Division 1 -- Yes. -- on cell. Okay. If you can do it kind of quick because I’m 21 going to be out of cell service in a little bit here. 22 go up to 23, but yeah, if you guys could do that, I would 23 appreciate that. 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. I got to We’ll get it done. Thanks. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 16 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. Bye. Bye. 3 /// 4 c2626_28_08_2009_110340 5 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 6 CAPTAIN 19: Yes, this is Captain 19. 7 I -- I don’t even have their cell phone numbers. 8 OPERATIONS: Which one? 9 CAPTAIN 19: Either Division 1 or Battalion 11. 10 OPERATIONS: Okay. 11 CAPTAIN 19: They told us to -- all the (inaudible) to 12 Are they calling you? call them, either one of them. OPERATIONS: Okay. 15 CAPTAIN 19: Either one. 16 OPERATIONS: You want Division 1? 17 CAPTAIN 19: Yeah. 18 OPERATIONS: Who is Division 1, (inaudible), huh? 13 14 Hold on. (b) (6) Okay. 19 His government cell is (b) (6) 20 CAPTAIN 19: (b) (6) 21 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. 22 CAPTAIN 19: 9-11. /// 24 c2626_28_08_2009_110446 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) . . 23 25 Who do you want though, . HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 17 (b) (6) 1 CALLER: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 10 (b) (6) what? (b) (6) . . (b) (6) -- (b) - -(6) -- (b) (6) . Correct. Thank you. You’re welcome. /// c2626_28_08_2009_111520 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: 13 OPERATIONS: Hi. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Okay. /// 15 c2626_28_08_2009_111557 CALLER: 16 speaking. I’m looking for (b) (6) 14 17 -- Hold on a second. Keep the rotary working down in the bottom and drop the air tanks up there. 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 OPERATIONS: Can I help you? (b) (6) Hold on. 21 /// 22 c2626_28_08_2009_111625 CALLER: 23 Tell her that I called. 24 /// 25 c2626_28_08_2009_111640 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 18 OPERATIONS: 1 (b) (6) 2 /// 3 c2626_28_08_2009_112214 Nobody’s there. 4 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 5 DIVISION 1: Hey, this is (b) (6) 7 OPERATIONS: Who’s this? 8 DIVISION 1: (b) (6) 9 OPERATIONS: Okay. 6 You guys are looking for me. 10 /// 11 c2626_28_08_2009_112230 Division 1. Hold on. 12 OPERATIONS: Hi, (b) (6) 13 DIVISION 1: Yeah. 14 OPERATIONS: Engine 10 would like you to call him. 15 DIVISION 1: Okay. 16 OPERATIONS: That’s it. 17 DIVISION 1: Okay. 18 OPERATIONS: You’re welcome. 19 DIVISION 1: Bye. 20 /// 21 c2626_28_08_2009_113350 Yeah. Thank you. Bye. (No audio recorded.) 22 23 /// 24 c2626_28_08_2009_113701 25 It’s (b) (6) OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) speaking. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 19 1 DIVISION 1: Yeah, (b) (6) 2 OPERATIONS: Hi, (b) (6) 3 DIVISION 1: Can you have Engine 19 call my cell phone 4 this is (b) (6) please? OPERATIONS: 5 Sure. And from Battalion 11, he would like 6 to know if you’re available to brief the engines at Little T 7 because he said it’s going to be about an hour, hour an half 8 till he gets there. DIVISION 1: 9 10 little while. Yeah, I’m -- I’m not going to be there for a I have -- 11 OPERATIONS: Okay. 12 DIVISION 1: -- you know, firefighters taking care of 14 OPERATIONS: Okay. 15 DIVISION 1: Okay. 16 OPERATIONS: I’ll let Engine 19 -- I’ll have Engine 19 13 17 that. Thank you. give you a phone call. 18 DIVISION 1: Thank you. 19 OPERATIONS: You’re welcome. 20 DIVISION 1: Bye. 21 /// 22 c2626_28_08_2009_115933 OPERATIONS: 24 BATTALION 32: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) 23 25 Bye. speaking. Hey, this is Battalion 32. Are you guys trying to get a hold of me? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 20 1 OPERATIONS: Hold on one second. 2 BATTALION 32: Okay. 3 /// 4 c2626_28_08_2009_120005 (b) (6) 5 OPERATIONS: 6 BATTALION 32: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 Let’s see. Hey. Okay. I just talked to CHP. They’re going to do -BATTALION 32: 9 OPERATIONS: Okay. 10 They’re going to do a closure from Angeles 11 Forest Highway -- I mean, excuse me -- from the 14 to the 12 Angeles Forest Highway, going southbound, okay? 13 to do -- 14 BATTALION 32: 15 OPERATIONS: They’re going That’ll work. They’re going to do that right now. And then the other one -- I don't know if you got 16 17 this message yet. 18 to do a hard closure from Big T at Mt. Gleason also, and 19 then -- I called earlier regarding Forest Highway also and Big 20 T Canyon to do a hard closure, but I don't know if that’s in 21 effect yet, but more than likely it should -- should be because 22 I -- 23 BATTALION 32: 24 OPERATIONS: They’re going to do -- Public Works is going 25 Okay. -- put that in early when -- when you called it in early this morning about -- between seven and eight HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 21 1 o’clock. I called it right away. 2 BATTALION 32: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 BATTALION 32: 5 Okay. Yeah, so tell -- All right. I don't know. We’re -- we’re getting there, but -- I guess their bits will be good. OPERATIONS: 6 Yeah. I think at least it will -- it’ll help 7 filter some of the traffic and stuff, but I told them residents 8 only at Big T and that area, but as far as 14 and -- and the 9 Forest Highway, just shut it down I said -- 10 BATTALION 32: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 BATTALION 32: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 BATTALION 32: 15 OPERATIONS: Okay. -- just to make sure. Okay. c2626_28_08_2009_121132 CALLER: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. Can I speak with the Aircraft Desk? (b) (6) To the Aircraft Desk. Oh, hold on. 23 /// 24 c2626_28_08_2009_121155 25 Bye. Bye. 17 19 You’re welcome. Okay. /// OPERATIONS: Thanks, (b) (6) Okay. 16 18 Okeydoke. OPERATIONS: I’m sorry. This is (b) (6) can I help you? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 22 CALLER: 1 2 (b) (6) this is (inaudible). positive contact with 54 Lima Alpha? 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: I have not heard from them yet. Okay. They’re still -- Let me see if I -- are they on AFF? Yes. (Inaudible.) 7 /// 8 c2626_28_08_2009_121218 OPERATIONS: 9 10 Oh, there they are. CALLER: 12 OPERATIONS: Okay. Hold on. 13 /// 14 c2626_28_08_2009_121233 OPERATIONS: 15 Did he tell you he was going to switch over to me? CALLER: 17 Yes. 18 /// 19 c2626_28_08_2009_121300 CALLER: 20 He’s getting just out (inaudible) my range. 21 /// 22 c2626_28_08_2009_121308 23 24 25 Try them on National and see if it will come up for me. 11 16 Did -- did you have OPERATIONS: Well, I’m watching him on AFF. He hasn’t come up with me yet, but -CALLER: He’s going towards Whitesman (sic)? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 23 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 (inaudible). Where’s that near? It’s near Van Nuys. Yeah. I thought it was closer to, like, Lancaster OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: No, huh-uh. Okay. 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: Okay. He’s going -- he’s committed to the station, so -- 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 OPERATIONS: Yeah. He should be making contact with you soon. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. 18 /// 19 c2626_28_08_2009_121842 20 OPERATIONS: 21 ENGINE 17: 22 Give me a -- Oh, okay. 8 12 Yeah, Whiteman Airport. Bye-bye. Angeles Operation. Hey, do you guys have a -- this is Engine 17. Do you guys have anything going to Area 24? 23 OPERATIONS: 24 ENGINE 17: 25 OPERATIONS: Engine -- Engine 17? Yeah. You’re in-service Area 24? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 24 1 ENGINE 17: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 ENGINE 17: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 ENGINE 17: OPERATIONS: Yeah, what’s up, bro? Hey, we thought we heard a call from No, they -- they have a -- a medical going right now. 10 ENGINE 17: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 ENGINE 17: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 Yeah. (inaudible). 8 9 In Area 24? Are you (b) (6) 4 7 Do you guys have anything going on in Area 24? In Area -- what area? Area 1. Okay. Thanks. So you guys are good, all right, bro. All right. 15 ENGINE 17: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 17: 18 OPERATIONS: Thanks, (b) (6) No problem. Late. /// 20 c2626_28_08_2009_122435 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CVSO: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CVSO: All right. Late. 19 25 All right. Angeles Operation. Yes, this is Crescenta Valley SO. Hey, how’s it going? Hey, we have a report of a male hiker and a dog. They need to be evacuated down Angeles Crest Highway at Red HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 25 1 Box. OPERATIONS: 2 Okay. 3 real quick. 4 /// 5 c2626_28_08_2009_122506 I’m going to transfer you Hold on. 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CVSO: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CVSO: Hello. Yeah. Who -- who’s this? This is (inaudible), Crescenta Valley. 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CVSO: 12 OPERATIONS: 13 Hold on. Oh, hey. How -- how are you? All right. Somebody -- did -- somebody called you? Hold on a second. 14 (Inaudible.) 15 Hello? 16 CVSO: Yes. 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CVSO: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CVSO: 21 OPERATIONS: Are you reporting something? Yes, we have a male hiker -Okay. -- and his dog at Angeles Crest and Red Box. Okay. 22 /// 23 c2626_28_08_2009_122552 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CVSO: Hold on. This is (b) (6) Hold on please. how can I help you. Yes, this is (inaudible) from Crescenta Valley HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 26 1 Sheriff’s Station. 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CVSO: 4 We have a report of a male hiker and his dog at Angeles Crest Highway and Red Box. 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CVSO: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 Uh-huh. Okay. We need an evacuation. So Red Box and -- what’s the station again? Red Box and where? CVSO: 9 Angeles Crest. 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CVSO: 12 OPERATIONS: 13 evacuated? 14 CVSO: Angeles Crest Station or -- At the intersection of Angeles Crest and Red Box. Okay. /// 16 c2626_28_08_2009_122634 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CVSO: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CVSO: Okay. We’ll see what we can do. Okay. Thank you. Okay. All right. 21 /// 22 c2626_28_08_2009_123233 24 OPERATIONS: 25 (b) (6) And he needs to be Yes. 15 23 Intersection. Thank you. Angeles Operation. Yeah, this is (b) (6) Who am I -- who am I speaking with? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 27 OPERATIONS: 1 (b) (6) 2 OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) 4 5 Okay. This is Apprentice (b) (6) It’s (b) (6) Hey, how’s it going? Hey, can I -- can I speak to somebody there, please? OPERATIONS: 6 Sure hold on. 7 /// 8 c2626_28_08_2009_123348 OPERATIONS: 9 (b) (6) 10 What? OPERATIONS: 11 (b) (6) 12 (b) (6) 14 Hello? Yeah, who am I speaking with? OPERATIONS: 13 (Inaudible.) Yeah, this is (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) this is (b) (6) I’m over here at the 15 Arroyo residence, and one of the people that live here, (b) (6) 16 (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 17 (b) (6) 18 (b) (6) 20 Okay. OPERATIONS: 21 (b) (6) Okay. /// 23 c2626_28_08_2009_123459 25 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) you’re anchoring too much. Let -- let me call you right back. 22 24 -- (b) (6) -- Yeah. OPERATIONS: 19 (b) (6) he -- he’s on helicopter out there -- Angeles Operation. Yeah, is this (b) (6) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 28 1 2 3 4 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) OPERATIONS: (b) (6) This is (b) (6) (inaudible) (b) (6) Hello. Hold on. Yeah, please. 5 OPERATIONS: Yeah. 6 OPERATIONS: This is (b) (6) 7 8 9 (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) OPERATIONS: (b) (6) okay. it’s (b) (6) Yeah. Hey, one of the firefighters, one of the helicraft 10 crew members of Steven (b) (6) 11 the Arroyo residence. 12 assignment, but due to the fact that his house is (inaudible) 13 here, you might want to get word to him on the Morris 14 (inaudible) or -- or to (b) (6) 15 want to come home here, and then -- 16 17 18 OPERATIONS: he lives -- he lives here in I know he’s over there on the Morris (phonetic). So then just get -- get (b) (6) He -- he might (b) (6) come home? (b) (6) Yeah, I think he needs to come home, (b) (6) 19 They’re doing prep around his house here right now at the 20 Arroyo residence. 21 22 23 24 25 to OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. OPERATIONS: (b) (6) So -- so he lives at the Arroyo residence? Okay. Yeah, so it’s just a matter of time before it gets here, and I don't know how much time that is, but it looked HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 29 1 like it was -OPERATIONS: 2 (b) (6) 3 -- marching downhill pretty good. OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) 5 Yeah. OPERATIONS: 6 (b) (6) 7 (b) (6) 9 (b) (6) 11 (b) (6) 13 Yeah, Helicopter 531. Okay. I’ll get a hold of (b) (6) Thank you. So thank you. OPERATIONS: 12 Okay. Bye. Bye. 14 /// 15 c2626_28_08_2009_124817 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 He’s with a helicopter? Okay. OPERATIONS: 10 Okay. Okay? OPERATIONS: 8 He -- he -- (b) (6) Angeles Operation. Yeah, (inaudible). I’m sorry. Who -- I -- I didn’t -- (b) (6) from where? (b) (6) 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (Inaudible.) Engine -(Inaudible.) Okay. What’s up, what -- what’d you need? (Inaudible.) Headquarters and (inaudible). All right. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 30 1 I’ll -- I’ll -- I’ll double-check on that right now. All right. 2 UNIDENTIFIED: 3 (Inaudible.) Okay. 4 /// 5 c2626_28_08_2009_125251 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 9 Angeles Operation. Hi, yes. I was wondering, are you familiar with the Meadows area in Altadena -- in Altadena OPERATIONS: 10 CALLER: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 Thanks. No. (Inaudible) Canyon (inaudible). No, but let me give you a phone number that -- that can help you out with that. 13 CALLER: Okay. 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: Okay. Okay. It’s area code 626. Okay. You said 626? Yeah. 821- -- Uh-huh. -- 6700. 6700? Yes. And who am I calling again? That’s the fire information center. Oh, okay. I’ve been calling the 818 fire 24 information center (inaudible), and then they somehow hooked me 25 to the sheriff’s, and the sheriff’s thought you might know HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 31 1 (inaudible) the -- the answer to the question I had. Are you real familiar with the Arroyo? 2 OPERATIONS: 3 4 Yes, the -- this number right here will answer all those questions. 5 CALLER: Oh, okay. 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: Okay? All right. Okay. No problem. Uh-huh. /// 11 c2626_28_08_2009_125531 Bye. 10 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CVSO: 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CVSO: 16 out to Red Box? Angeles Operation. Yes, this is CVSO. Yes. We’re calling to see if you were able to get a unit OPERATIONS: 17 For that hiker? Hold on just a moment. 18 19 /// 20 c2626_28_08_2009_125609 OPERATIONS: 21 22 Thank you. This is -- this is (b) (6) How can I help you? 23 CVSO: Yes, this is (inaudible) from Crescenta Valley. 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CVSO: Hi. Hello. We’re calling to see if you were able to get HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 32 1 the unit out to Red Box. OPERATIONS: 2 Yes, we were. I contacted our 1-Charlie-1, 3 our captain, and he’s sending -- we’re sending Edward 12 out in 4 that direction to see if he can -- 5 CVSO: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 10 What’s his ETA? Now, hold -- if you can hold on a second, I’ll see if -- what his ETA is. CVSO: 8 9 Okay. Okay. /// c2626_28_08_2009_125705 OPERATIONS: 11 Okay. He’s at Red Box right now. Hold on one second. 12 13 /// 14 c2626_28_08_2009_125743 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CVSO: 17 OPERATIONS: I’m sorry about that. Yes. (Inaudible.) Okay. He’s actually at Red Box 18 right now with the hiker. 19 down to the nearest station to use the phone because he doesn’t 20 have a phone on him -- 21 CVSO: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CVSO: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CVSO: He’s going to transport the hiker Okay. -- to see if he can get some transportation. All right. Okay. Okay? Thank you very much. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 33 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CVSO: You’re very welcome. Bye. 3 /// 4 c2626_28_08_2009_132650 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 (b) (6) (b) (6) Angeles Operation. Hey, this is (b) (6) (inaudible). Hey, what’s up, (b) (6) (Inaudible) we’re going to be (inaudible) back up (inaudible). 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) So it’s (inaudible)? Yeah. In-service in quarters? Yeah, we’re in quarters right now. Okay. (Inaudible.) Okay. /// 19 c2626_28_08_2009_134344 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) All right. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) speaking. how are you doing? It’s with Angeles (inaudible). 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 I got you. Bye. 18 22 Bye. (b) (6) Good. How are you doing? Not -- not too well. I -- I just got off the Morris Fire, and -- per Division 1 I have to go and protect HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 34 1 my house. 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 tacts are going? 8 OPERATIONS: 10 Yeah, and (inaudible) for the -- the new -- what is it, the Station Fire? 5 9 Oh, I’m -- oh, no, I’m so sorry. Yeah. (b) (6) So can you give me the -- what -- what I (inaudible). What -- okay? (b) (6) Station Fire, he’s dealing with it. CALLER (b) (6) is -- talked about the Hold on one second. Okay. 11 That’s -- that’s (inaudible). 12 (Inaudible) or -- 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER This is (b) (6) (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) (b) (6) Hello? (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Hey, who’s this, (b) (6) (b) (6) Hey -- yeah, (b) (6) Hey, I’m 19 getting pulled off the Morris Fire to protect my house over 20 there at the Arroyo Estates. 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 I know. (b) (6) Hey, I need to get the tact -I’m the one who called you. (b) (6) tactical frequencies. Oh, thank you. I need the tactical -- What -- what are they using? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 35 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER Well, for the fire itself. Tact 2. Tact 2, and then for Command? Well, that -- that I don't know. You got to (b) (6) What -- what about -- what about air to ground? OPERATIONS: 9 10 (b) (6) No. call them and -- I don’t -- 7 8 (b) (6) For aircraft? I don’t -- you’re -- you’re going to have to get with aircraft on that. (b) (6) 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: I’m not handling aircraft. Is aircraft -- will aircraft have the -Well, there is, but it doesn’t mean -- you’re 13 going to -- I’m -- I’m going to have to give you to the 14 aircraft dispatcher to get that, but you just need -- why do 15 you need that? CALLER 16 17 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: 23 Well, I know. I know, but I mean you going to -- by aircraft, by helicopter? 20 22 Because I’m -- I’m going to that incident, dude. 18 19 (b) (6) Well, if I need to drop -Oh, they’re going to drop you over there, huh? CALLER (b) (6) No, no. Dude, I -- I got to go and -- 24 I’m being assigned to the -- to the other part. 25 asking for the frequencies. I’m just HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 36 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) (2) air to ground. OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER One -- Yeah. For Division 5, air to ground. (b) (6) Okay. And -- and -- Air to ground, and then using Tact 2. (b) (6) And then have they -- have they set up the divisions yet or no? 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER Which one? (b) (6) Have -- what -- what -- what division in the Arroyo Seco in? 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) That’s one. Division 1? Uh-huh. And -The IC -- the IC is Division 5, (b) (6) No, sir. Sir, what -- what -- the area of the Arroyo Seco, do you happen to know -- 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 I’m looking at it. (2) (b) (6) 6 20 Hang on a second. Yeah, (b) , yeah. CALLER 13 Hang on a second. I think they’re going to be using (b) . 5 10 Okay. (b) (6) The area --- is in alpha, Division Bravo, Division -- do you have (inaudible) in front of you? 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) Hold on a second. Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 37 1 /// 2 c2626_28_08_2009_134642 OPERATIONS: 3 Hold on. 4 /// 5 c2626_28_08_2009_134652 (No audio recorded.) 6 7 /// 8 c2626_28_08_2009_134726 (No audio recorded.) 9 10 /// 11 c2626_28_08_2009_134740 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (Inaudible.) Hello? So basically, you -- you wanted just the area that’s 15 16 handling it, Bravo or Alpha? (b) (6) 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: Yeah, of -- of the area my house is. Hold on. 19 /// 20 c2626_28_08_2009_134843 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 Let me get the folder if I got one. (b) (6) (b) (6) Can I help you? Yes, ma’am, this is (b) (6) (b) (6) Uh-huh. I was on the Morris Fire, and now I’m getting reassigned to (inaudible) section on my house at the HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 38 1 Arroyo Seco residence. 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 (b) (6) Okay. No. OPERATIONS: Okay. 6 /// 7 c2626_28_08_2009_134929 c2626_28_08_2009_134954 OPERATIONS: Yeah, it’s crazy (inaudible). 12 /// 13 c2626_28_08_2009_135024 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 18 19 20 21 Hold on. /// 11 17 I’m waiting to find out what (Inaudible.) 8 10 No. division that’s going to be on (inaudible). 5 9 Were you waiting to talk to aircraft? (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Yeah. Okay. I don’t have -- which -- which area? You’re in the Arroyo -- Arroyo Seco? CALLER (b) (6) Yeah. It -- it would be -- shoot. It should be right there by JPL. OPERATIONS: Okay. In what (inaudible)? I have the incident radio communications plan here. (b) (6) 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: Okay. But I need to know what -- I -- I don't know 24 where that -- you know, I know where the general area is in 25 Arroyo Seco. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 39 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 (b) (6) CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 7 8 9 ( b CALLER OPERATIONS: Wait, wait. dot For what -- for what area -- 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: CALLER All division, Command. (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 25 (2) what area, what division? 11 24 Yeah, that’s good. The transmit is -- for the receive is (b) (b) (6) CALLER 23 Okay. -- 10 22 I’ll -- why don’t I just give you the all divisions and then you can take it from there. 4 6 Okay. Oh, for Command. I’ll just give you Command. (b) (6) Okay. It’s Tone 8. (b) (6) Okay. Okay. RX -- -- (b) dot ( -- ( b (b) (6) (2) -- ( b -- ( b -- (b) (2) -- dot ( b -- -- b -- ( b (b) (6) Tone 8. And frequency would be RX -- (b) (6) (b) (6) Go ahead. -- -- (b) . (2) -- (b) . (2) Okay. And then transmit? Are you there? OPERATIONS: Yeah, it doesn’t state here. Just that’s receive, but you can just use I guess the (b) -- what did I tell (2) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 40 1 you? (b) (6) 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 10 You gave me Tone 8. Yeah, Tone 8, yeah. (b) (6) Okay. So I got (b) (2) . Uh-huh. (b) (6) Okay. Okeydoke. (b) (6) I copy. Thank you. Good luck. Bye. /// c2626_28_08_2009_140933 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hi. (Inaudible) Officer (inaudible) again. 13 you give me (b) (6) 14 /// 15 c2626_28_08_2009_140944 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) 19 c2626_28_08_2009_140955 21 CALLER: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: -- (b) (6) /// OPERATIONS: Can ? 18 20 speaking. Are you ready for it? Uh-huh. It’s (b) (6) -- Okay. -- (b) - -(6) Uh-huh. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 41 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 OPERATIONS: -- (b) (6) . Thank you. You’re welcome. Bye. Bye. 6 /// 7 c2626_28_08_2009_144021 OPERATIONS: 9 BATTALION 11: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) 8 10 OPERATIONS: 11 BATTALION 11: 12 OPERATIONS: 13 BATTALION 11: Hi, (b) (6) How are you doing? Good. How about yourself? Good. me. 15 /// 16 c2626_28_08_2009_144035 Can you try to call Division 1 for I was disconnected somewhere around (inaudible). 17 OPERATIONS: 18 BATTALION 11: And for him to call you? Yeah, see -- see if he can call me at 19 (inaudible) Station. 20 /// 21 c2626_28_08_2009_144047 23 It’s Battalion 11. Hello. 14 22 speaking. OPERATIONS: Okay. And just to let you know I spoke with him regarding the cover engine. 24 BATTALION 11: 25 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. And he said he has a firefighter already HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 42 1 lined up deal with it. 2 BATTALION 11: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 BATTALION 11: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 BATTALION 11: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 BATTALION 11: 9 10 Okay. Okay. Okay. 12 Hello? Okay. (Inaudible). Thanks. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) 14 c2626_28_08_2009_150816 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 25 (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) speaking. Hello? /// 24 Bye. Bye. 13 23 I’ll (inaudible). c2626_28_08_2009_144150 OPERATIONS: 22 I will call him. /// 11 21 Perfect. Angeles Operation. Yeah, hi. This is (b) (6) (inaudible). Hi. The -- I’m confused (inaudible). Yes. You would go what, off the 210 and go up Osborne? OPERATIONS: Hold on. Let me -- let me get the -- Oh, you know what, yeah, you take the 210 -- where -where are you coming from? CALLER (b) (6) (Inaudible.) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 43 OPERATIONS: 1 2 Osborne. (b) (6) 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 Yeah, take the 210 West, and you would exit (b) (6) Okay. And you would make a left on Osborne. Uh-huh. And you’ll -- you’ll run right into -- into it right there. (b) (6) 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Okay. All right. Okay. Bye. /// 15 c2626_28_08_2009_160229 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CHANNEL 7 NEWS: Angeles Operation. OPERATIONS: 20 CHANNEL 7 NEWS: 22 23 Hey, it’s (inaudible) with Channel 7 news. 19 21 No problem. Bye-bye. 14 18 Thank you very much. Hey, how are you doing? Good. I’m just trying to verify the -- some of the numbers up on the Station Fire. OPERATIONS: Okay. Let me give you the -- the information center. 24 CHANNEL 7 NEWS: 25 OPERATIONS: Okay. It’s area code 626 -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 44 1 CHANNEL 7 NEWS: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CHANNEL 7 NEWS: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CHANNEL 7 NEWS: 6 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. -- 821- -Uh-huh. -- 6700, and -- and they’ll help you out. Thanks. Okay. 7 /// 8 c2626_28_08_2009_161825 9 10 11 OPERATIONS: CVSO: Hey, is this -- this is Sergeant (inaudible) from Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station. 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CVSO: 14 15 16 OPERATIONS: How are you? Is -- is this the number for your For law enforcement, yeah, that -- your reason for calling is law enforcement? 18 OPERATIONS: I’ll direct you over. I’m sorry. I’ll direct you over to law enforcement. Is that your -- your reason for calling? 20 CVSO: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CVSO: 23 OPERATIONS: 25 Good. How are you? guy’s law enforcement as well? CVSO: 24 Hi. I’m doing well. 17 19 Angeles Operation. That’s the number I’m looking for. Okay. Just hold on, okay? Okay. What -- are you looking for a number for, like, a CHP or -- or -CVSO: Well, no, I’m -- I’m in the Emergency Operation HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 45 1 Center at the Hansen Dam, and I -- your -- Captain (inaudible) 2 for law enforcement; right? 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CVSO: 5 Okay. Hold on. Yeah, he -- he gave me his cell phone number earlier, and I (inaudible) it. OPERATIONS: 6 7 Yes. Oh, is that what you wanted? Did you want his cell phone number? 8 CVSO: Yes, please. 9 OPERATIONS: Okay. 10 /// 11 c2626_28_08_2009_161940 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CVSO: 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CVSO: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CVSO: 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CVSO: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CVSO: Here. Hold on. His cell phone number is (b) (6) -- Uh-huh. -- (b) - -(6) Uh-huh. -- (b) (6) . Thank you, and -Okay. That’s a cell phone. That’s a cell phone. Yeah. Now, do you have a direct number for Angeles 22 Forest -- or, you know, the law enforcement? 23 or do they go through you? 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CVSO: Okay. Like a Dispatch, Oh, it would be us. Cool. Thank you. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 46 OPERATIONS: 1 2 number? CVSO: 3 4 Oh, and what is your number, a contact I’ll give you the -- the emergency operation’s trailer here is (323) 979- -- 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CVSO: Uh-huh. -- 7228, and it’s 28 through 32, so 28, 29, 30, 31, 7 32. So if you need to get a hold of the Operation Center, you 8 can call that number and someone will pick up. OPERATIONS: 9 10 CVSO: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CVSO: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CVSO: Okay. All right? All right. Thank you so much. All right. Bye-bye. 15 /// 16 c2626_28_08_2009_165409 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER Angeles Operation. (b) (6) Yeah, this (b) (6) 19 the Morris incident. 20 order for a (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 21 Thank you. (phonetic) down in I’m calling for information. We have an (phonetic), Order No. 0O12. Okay. 22 You -- okay. 23 Hello? Okay. Hold on. I need to give you this number. I -- Hold on. 24 /// 25 c2626_28_08_2009_165454 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 47 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 (b) (6) And you’re Equipment; right? Yeah, we’re Equipment. I just wanted to get a contact number for her so we can call her. 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 Okay. For who? (b) (6) For (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Yeah, O No. 162. Yes, that’s probably -- that’s going to be expanded. (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: Okay. Yeah. (b) (6) Okay. Expanded? The number is (661) -- Uh-huh. -- 723-2592. (b) (6) 2592? Yes. (b) (6) Great. Okay. 18 /// 19 c2626_28_08_2009_174658 Thank you. Bye. 20 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 21 DIVISION 1: Yeah, this is (b) (6) 22 OPERATIONS: Who? 23 DIVISION 1: (b) (6) 24 OPERATIONS: Oh, yeah. 25 DIVISION 1: Hey, I need you guys to get a hold of Captain Division 1. How’s it going, (b) (6) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 48 1 12. 2 OPERATIONS: Captain 12. 3 DIVISION 1: And then he -- he needs to call my cell phone 4 at -- at his earliest convenience. 5 OPERATIONS: Call cell phone. 6 DIVISION 1: Yeah. 7 OPERATIONS: Okay. 8 DIVISION 1: Okay? 9 OPERATIONS: Okay. 10 UNIDENTIFIED: 11 DIVISION 1: Okay. 12 OPERATIONS: Okay. 13 DIVISION 1: Bye. /// 15 c2626_28_08_2009_180212 OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 10: 18 National Parks. 19 OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 10: 21 Thank you. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey, this is (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 23 ENGINE 10: 24 OPERATIONS: okay. speaking. with the Redwood Hello. And my order number, and I’m supposed to call you for station assignment. 22 25 Bye. And you -- 14 16 Okay. Okay. I’m in Castaic right now. Hold on one second. Okay. Okay. So you’re supposed to call us for -- Hold on one second. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 49 ENGINE 10: 1 Okay. 2 /// 3 c2626_28_08_2009_180308 4 OPERATIONS: 5 ENGINE 10: 6 Hi, this is (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) (b) (6) with the Redwood National Park. 7 OPERATIONS: 8 ENGINE 10: 9 OPERATIONS: 10 ENGINE 10: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 ENGINE 10: 13 OPERATIONS: Oh, hi. Hi. Engine 10? Engine 10. All right. Good. How are you? So I’m in Castaic right now. Okay. I’m coming up on my drive hours for the -Yeah. We -- we -- we’ll probably place you 14 somewhere right around where you’re at. 15 put, give me about ten minutes, and I’ll contact the division 16 and find out where he wants you. 17 ENGINE 10: 18 OPERATIONS: 19 ENGINE 10: 20 OPERATIONS: So if you could stay Sounds good. And -You got my number; right? Yeah -- let me get it. 21 Can I use your -- your pen here? 22 And I’m sorry. 23 ENGINE 10: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 ENGINE 10: What was your name? (b) (6) And -I’m from Redwood National Park. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 50 1 OPERATIONS: 2 ENGINE 10: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 ENGINE 10: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 And it’s a Type 3? It’s a Type 3 engine, yeah. And you got what, five folks? Five people, yeah. Okay. Cool. And -- Redwood. All right. What’s the designator, R -- 7 ENGINE 10: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 ENGINE 10: 10 OPERATIONS: 11 ENGINE 10: 12 OPERATIONS: 13 ENGINE 10: RWP. WP, as in -Yeah, RWP. -- as in park? Yeah. Okay. Phone number? Area code (b) , (b) -(6) (b) (6) 14 OPERATIONS: 15 ENGINE 10: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 10: 18 OPERATIONS: 19 ENGINE 10: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 ENGINE 10: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 ENGINE 10: Okay. 24 OPERATIONS: Bye. 25 ENGINE 10: (6) -- -- ( - -b Uh-huh. -- (b) (6) . (b) (6) . That’s it. Okay. All right. Okay. I’ll wait for you. Thanks. Bye. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 51 1 /// 2 c2626_28_08_2009_180540 OPERATIONS: 4 BATTALION 11: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 BATTALION 11: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) 3 Hi, (b) (6) Hi. it’s Battalion 11. Hold on once second. Okay. 7 /// 8 c2626_28_08_2009_180605 Hey, (b) (6) it’s (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 9 speaking. 10 BATTALION 11: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 BATTALION 11: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 BATTALION 11: 15 OPERATIONS: (Inaudible.) Yeah, a couple things. One -- I have one -- No, not -- not -- not a couple things. How about one or five. Okay. That’s fine. We got one more cover engine. 16 (b) (6) 17 probably going to -- and you’ll probably only have them a 18 couple days according to (b) (6) BATTALION 11: 19 20 won’t take anymore. So we -- we’re Should we (inaudible) for now maybe, and then we’ll -- we’ll put them up in Palmdale? Yeah, I can -- I can ask (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 21 22 two. (b) (6) I already gave if he wants to do that. BATTALION 11: 23 See if (b) (6) 24 to have my hands full with -- 25 /// is okay with that. I’m going HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 52 1 c2626_28_08_2009_180650 2 BATTALION 11: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 BATTALION 11: We got some folks coming back and -Right. -- I -- I already have two. Let’s see if 5 we can put (inaudible) -- do -- do we know what else is coming 6 in? 7 OPERATIONS: 8 BATTALION 11: 9 This is the last one as far as cover engines. Gotcha. (inaudible) if (b) (6) Yeah, let’s put them at is okay with that, and then we’ll put them 10 in Palmdale for the night, and then -- then I’ll -- I’ll try to 11 get with him in the morning to see if we have places to plug 12 them in. OPERATIONS: 13 Yeah, (b) (6) Okay. took the Klamath 14 engine and the Plymouth engine -- oh, no, you have the Klamath 15 engine. BATTALION 11: 16 17 OPERATIONS: Yeah. (Inaudible) 251, yeah. Anyway, okay, yeah, (b) (6) took the Tahoe and the 19 Plymouth engine. 21 BATTALION 11: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 I got Klamath 77 and (inaudible) down here. 18 20 Yeah. one. Gotcha. So -- okay, and like I said, (b) (6) won’t take He said no. BATTALION 11: 25 OPERATIONS: (Inaudible) (b) (6) 24 I know. And then also, somebody else HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 53 1 wanted -- (b) (6) 2 yeah. -- (b) (6) 3 BATTALION 11: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 Okay. Here -- here she is. BATTALION 11: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 BATTALION 11: 10 Hold on. Thanks. And -- and -- 6 9 wanted to talk to you -- to (b) (6) Okay. Here she is. Okay. /// c2626_28_08_2009_180759 Hey, (b) (6) 11 OPERATIONS: 12 BATTALION 11: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 BATTALION 11: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 BATTALION 11: 17 OPERATIONS: Hey, I got a question for you regarding (b) (6) and (b) (6) (phonetic), the apprentices we have right now. 18 (b) (6) old buddy, old pal. Uh-oh. What are you doing? How’s it going? (Inaudible.) Yeah. 19 BATTALION 11: 20 OPERATIONS: Yeah. Yes. They are -- tomorrow is their last day of -- 21 of official time that they have to complete for their 22 apprenticeship. 23 24 25 BATTALION 11: Hang on, let me guess. They want to get out early so they can come out here and make money? OPERATIONS: Actually, no. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 54 1 BATTALION 11: 2 OPERATIONS: Oh, okay. They want to stay, and we would like to keep 3 them if that’s okay with you and the districts, and we’ll 4 even -- we’ll even pay for their base and their overtime as 5 long as we can -- 6 BATTALION 11: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 Well --- or until you guys need them back, because they’re off -- they’re both off on Sunday and Monday, so -BATTALION 11: 9 10 OPERATIONS: 11 BATTALION 11: 12 OPERATIONS: 13 BATTALION 11: Yeah. -- if -For now, keep them for their days off. Okay. I’ll -- I’ll -- I’ll get back. 14 to go talk to Captain (b) (6) 15 residences now. 16 OPERATIONS: 17 BATTALION 11: (phonetic). (Inaudible.) 19 not short or anything, but yeah -- Let me -- let me make sure it’s cool with (b) (6) OPERATIONS: He’s in the Arroyo Okay. 18 20 I’m going because he -- and then -- as long as their Yeah, no. Yeah, and that’s what -- that’s 21 why we wanted to ask first before we made any plans, but 22 they’ve been -- just so you know and you can tell (b) (6) 23 and -- and (b) (6) 24 good job for us, so we wouldn’t ask if they weren’t helping us 25 out. and -- captain also, they’ve been doing a really HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 55 1 BATTALION 11: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 BATTALION 11: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 (Inaudible.) Okay. (Inaudible.) Okay. Monday then. 6 BATTALION 11: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 BATTALION 11: 9 OPERATIONS: Okay. 10 (Inaudible.) Okay. Okay. Thanks. /// 12 c2626_28_08_2009_183045 13 OPERATIONS: 14 PATROL 13: OPERATIONS: 17 PATROL 13: 18 OPERATIONS: 19 PATROL 13: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 PATROL 13: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 PATROL 13: 25 Thanks, (b) (6) Yeah. Bye. Angeles Operation. Hey, Angeles. This is Patrol 13. Can you hear me? 16 24 Cool. (Inaudible.) 11 15 So we’ll talk -- we’ll talk again on Yeah, what’s up, Patrol 13? What’s up? Who is this? This is (b) (6) What’s up, dog? Hey, what’s going on, man? Chilling, brother. All right. Hey, man, if you would, please, put me out of service for the remainder of the day. OPERATIONS: Out of service for the -- for the remainder HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 56 1 of the day. All right. 2 PATROL 13: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 PATROL 13: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 Are you just coming off the fire? What? Are you just coming off the fire right now or what? PATROL 13: 7 8 Yeah. No, dude, I’m, like, on Day 17 right now, and I don’t feel like playing anymore. OPERATIONS: 9 10 PATROL 13: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 PATROL 13: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 PATROL 13: All right, bro. All right. Okay. Have a good one. All right, man. All right. Late. 15 /// 16 c2626_28_08_2009_184519 17 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) 18 DIVISION 1: Yeah, (b) (6) 19 OPERATIONS: Hi. 20 DIVISION 1: I’m not -- I’m not anywhere near my office, 21 speaking. it’s (b) (6) but I never got a -- a number for that (inaudible) -- 22 OPERATIONS: Okay. 23 DIVISION 1: -- Engine 22 because we had the fire 24 25 response. OPERATIONS: Right. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 57 1 DIVISION 1: And -- and I went directly to the fire and 2 never -- the only thing is they were on the fire, and I never 3 tied in with them and got a -- a number for them. 4 OPERATIONS: Okay. 5 DIVISION 1: But were they assigned to the fire? 6 OPERATIONS: They should -- we think they are, but we’re 7 not sure because I don't know when they would come back on 8 shift. 9 switch over? 10 11 It’d be tonight sometime; right? DIVISION 1: You guys are going to Well, they already did the nightshift, and I didn’t see those guys -- 12 OPERATIONS: That’s where we were -- 13 DIVISION 1: -- at the incident (inaudible). 14 OPERATIONS: You -- you did see them? 15 DIVISION 1: No, I didn’t see them. 16 OPERATIONS: Yeah, that’s it exactly. 17 they are really. 18 DIVISION 1: 19 20 21 Nobody knows where So we’re trying to track them down. And they didn’t -- when they checked in with you guys, they didn’t give any cell phone number? OPERATIONS: No, huh-uh. the log or anything. I don’t have any information on Let me -- 22 DIVISION 1: (Inaudible.) 23 OPERATIONS: Let me go into expanded and see what their 24 25 order is -DIVISION 1: Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 58 1 OPERATIONS: -- and I’ll do that. 2 DIVISION 1: Okay. 3 OPERATIONS: If I need any more help from you, (b) (6) 4 I’ll -- 5 DIVISION 1: Yeah, just give me a call. 6 OPERATIONS: I will. 7 DIVISION 1: And I’ll see what I can do. 8 OPERATIONS: All right. 9 DIVISION 1: Okay? 10 OPERATIONS: Thanks. 11 DIVISION 1: Bye. 12 OPERATIONS: Bye. 13 /// 14 c2626_28_08_2009_190816 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation (b) (6) Hi. /// 19 c2626_28_08_2009_190839 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER 22 (b) (6) (inaudible)? This is (b) (6) (b) (6) this is (b) (6) over at Van Nuys. 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 (6) Standby. 18 20 May I speak to (b) (b) (6) (inaudible). Hello. Hey, I’m kind of running the heavy So I tried to get a hold of (b) (6) I guess that’s HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 59 1 who’s in charge of us now, Air (inaudible)? 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) yes. Yep, (b) (6) I haven’t had any luck 4 with that. I did leave him a message on his phone, but I 5 wanted to notify somebody that both aircrafts are on the ground 6 over here. 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: Which aircraft is that? The 792 and 734. Oh, okay. (b) (6) 10 12 Okay. And so -So you guys moved over there from the bracket? (b) (6) 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER Yes. Okay. (b) (6) I’ll let him know. Okay. Okay. (b) (6) And just -- I guess could you just tell 18 (b) (6) 19 I’ll have the heli guys briefing here at 7:00 a.m. we’ll be -- we’ll be at briefing in the morning, and then 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER 22 A 07 briefing down at Van Nuys. (b) (6) Yeah. Okay. Yep, and if he could call me back that’d be great, but I know he’s busy. 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 OPERATIONS: He has your number? (b) (6) I left it on his message -Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 60 CALLER 1 2 (b) (6) -- but if you can give it to him again. That’d probably be a good idea. 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: Okay. (b) (6) It’s (909) -Uh-huh. (b) (6) -- 723- -Uh-huh. (b) (6) -- 2057. 2057. (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: Cool. (b) (6) Bye. Bye-bye. /// 15 c2626_28_08_2009_192526 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Angeles Operation. Hello. (b) (6) This is (b) (6) what’s going on? Not much, man. (Inaudible) answer a phone -- What can I do for you? -- that would answer a phone call. Hold on. 23 /// 24 c2626_28_08_2009_192548 OPERATIONS: Thank you very much. Thank you. 14 25 Okay. Hey, (b) (6) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 61 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Hey. Two things. We’re looking for CNS Engine 22. Okay. And also LPS -They were on the initial attack; correct? Yeah. They were first (inaudible)? Yes. They’re still on this fire. 10 know what they’re on, day or night. 11 they’re on day right now. 12 13 14 15 OPERATIONS: I think they’re -- I think We haven’t -- we didn’t hear from them all day. CALLER (b) (6) Yeah, I think they’re assigned to the fires since the first initial attack. 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 Okay. I just don’t (b) (6) Okay. You don’t know if they’re -- What’s the other one? And the other one was LPS 55. We know LPS 51 is assigned. (b) (6) 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. So we’re -Did (inaudible) check on the fire at all? It’s, like, from -- at the camp? Uh-huh. We don’t have any way to get a hold. We HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 62 1 don’t have a number. 2 of that. (b) (6) 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 10 We don’t have an IAP. Oh. I’ll get the IAP and see if I can them. Okay. Okay. Bye. c2626_28_08_2009_194408 PATROL 31: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 PATROL 31: 17 Thanks. Okay. 12 14 Cool. And I’ll -- I’ll call you back. /// OPERATIONS: Okay. Yeah. 11 13 We don’t have any Angeles Operation. Hi, this is (b) (6) Patrol 31. Hey. Hi, man, quarter -- (inaudible) canyon out of service. 18 OPERATIONS: 19 PATROL 31: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 PATROL 31: All right. You too. Bye. Bye. 22 /// 23 c2626_28_08_2009_200646 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Have a good night, brother. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) speaking. 22 is (inaudible) out of service. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 63 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: Two? Two-two. 4 (inaudible). 5 CALLER: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: Two-two, okay. Sorry. Okay. Bye. Bye. /// 11 c2626_28_08_2009_203513 12 OPERATIONS: 13 INFORMATION 3: Angeles Operation. Hey, this is Information 3, (b) (6) (b) (6) Hey, what’s up, (b) (6) 15 OPERATIONS: 16 INFORMATION 3: 17 Two-two is -- Yeah. 10 14 Sounded like you said Hey, I’m leaving the Crest Highway area of the Station Fire en route back to Arcadia. 18 OPERATIONS: Okay. 19 INFORMATION 3: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 INFORMATION 3: Now how long -- That’s it. How long are you going to be on tonight for? Probably till 10:00, 10:15. (b) (6) 22 is still -- our other PIO is up on the Crest Highway still. 23 There’s about probably four or five media there. 24 had 15 or 20 all afternoon, so it was pretty crazy. 25 OPERATIONS: Is (b) (6) We probably just going as patrol -- what is HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 64 1 he -- what’s his -- 2 INFORMATION 3: 3 over there. Now, he’s actually working in Rec, so -- 4 OPERATIONS: 5 INFORMATION 3: 6 Oh. OPERATIONS: 8 INFORMATION 3: 9 OPERATIONS: 10 in-phone number? 14 INFORMATION 3: So he’s not going by any, like, Well, yeah, he’s not on our info staff at Right. I think he’s a fully qualified 3, and he might be a Type II trainee next or something. OPERATIONS: 16 Yeah. Well, I’ll just call him by his Rec name. 18 INFORMATION 3: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 INFORMATION 3: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 INFORMATION 3: 23 OPERATIONS: 25 I -- I’m not sure. Arcadia, but he’s kind of a district level. OPERATIONS: 24 Yeah, he -- he’s still fire-qualified for Okay. 13 17 I -- Okay. INFORMATION 3: 11 15 Okay. PIO, but -- 7 12 You know, yeah, he -- he’s not the patrol Yeah. If I need him for something. Yeah. All righty. I think he’s Rec 24; is that right? What’s that? How’s it -- how -- how’s it looking in -- in La Canada? INFORMATION 3: There’s some pretty -- pretty hot-and- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 65 1 heavy activity this afternoon. 2 OPERATIONS: I’m -- I’m just curious -- 3 INFORMATION 3: 4 above the community. 5 tonight. 6 7 OPERATIONS: all deal with the Arroyo residences? INFORMATION 3: 9 OPERATIONS: 11 12 13 14 They’re really putting on a flame show I’m -- I’m just curious, did -- did you at 8 10 It’s jumping around in some of the canyons Not yet, no. Okay. INFORMATION 3: That’s on the -- I was -- because I lived down there -- That’s one of the horizons for this weekend. OPERATIONS: I lived down there for 12 years, and I was just wondering how they feared. INFORMATION 3: Well, I was talking to (b) (6) at 15 the Crest Station last night about that because he’s down there 16 now, and, you know, it seems to not be going downhill very 17 quick in there. It’s more contouring around the front. 18 OPERATIONS: 19 INFORMATION 3: 20 Right. actually got up into the lower part of Switzer Canyon. 21 OPERATIONS: 22 INFORMATION 3: 23 If you look at the evening map, it Uh-huh. And it’s into Bear Canyon, and it’s probably maybe a mile and a quarter northwest of (inaudible). 24 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. 25 INFORMATION 3: Okay. Maybe -- maybe a mile and a half, so it, HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 66 1 you know, is going to burn to the east, and we’re trying to 2 keep it from really being established on the slope below Mount 3 Wilson -- 4 OPERATIONS: 5 INFORMATION 3: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 Uh-huh. -- and -- and above Altadena, so -- Hey, what -- in your travels about, do you have anything like an incident-action plan at all? 8 INFORMATION 3: 9 OPERATIONS: Yeah. Yeah. You need something? Hey, we don’t have anything here. 10 What we’re really short of is we need a -- we need an incident- 11 action plan for both fires, but what we really need -- 12 INFORMATION 3: 13 OPERATIONS: (Inaudible) -- -- but what we really need is we -- we need 14 communication numbers and stuff, and usually the -- the action 15 plan will have that. 16 INFORMATION 3: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 INFORMATION 3: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 21 Yeah. But we need, you know, like, the I -Yeah. -- how to get a hold of the IC and all this other stuff. INFORMATION 3: You -- do we want to set up a thing where 22 you guys want to have one faxed to you from camp every day or 23 something? 24 25 OPERATIONS: Oh, if you -- if you could -- it’d be instrumental and that, that’d be great. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 67 1 2 3 INFORMATION 3: Yeah, who -- I’m -- who would normally do that within the team structure? OPERATIONS: Well, you see that’s -- that’s where it gets 4 kind of -- don’t they -- they -- God, who do they -- when you 5 go to a fire, who’s -- who’s the person that’s in charge of the 6 public affairs? 7 8 9 10 11 What -- INFORMATION 3: Well, the -- yeah, Information is one whole unit. OPERATIONS: Yeah. INFORMATION 3: I would work with the team information people, but -- 12 OPERATIONS: A lot -- 13 INFORMATION 3: 14 OPERATIONS: 15 INFORMATION 3: 16 OPERATIONS: -- I would think that the -- The resource unit leader might -Yeah. -- might be somebody that’s instrumental 17 in -- in -- but it always happens with a team though. 18 just a whole bunch of -- you know, once our district turns it 19 over to city -- the big guys when they come in -- 20 INFORMATION 3: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 There’s Okay. -- we get -- we get kind of out of the loop -- 23 INFORMATION 3: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 INFORMATION 3: I know. -- but it really helps -- it really helps -I -- I remind our PROs of that. I tell HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 68 1 them sometimes -- I tell them whatever your information is, 2 share it, because don’t assume that Dispatch -- you know, if 3 you guys know the evening acreage -- now we’re up to 5,100 4 acres. 5 OPERATIONS: 6 INFORMATION 3: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 INFORMATION 3: 9 OPERATIONS: 10 11 12 Uh-huh. Yeah. And one -- and five percent contained. Yeah. So I would think -- But when you get to the SO -- INFORMATION 3: -- the would think the (inaudible) unit leader possibly, but -OPERATIONS: If -- if you -- if you have any -- any -- 13 when you get to the SO, if you have any -- any kind of stuff 14 that you could fax us, even if it’s like a -- a morning IAP, if 15 you could do that, that’d be great. 16 INFORMATION 3: Yeah, well, I’ll -- I’ll -- I’ll grab you 17 one and make sure you’re -- you have one at least tonight and 18 just -- (661) 723-2910 -- 19 OPERATIONS: 2710. 20 INFORMATION 3: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 INFORMATION 3: Or 20 -- oh, 2710. Yeah. Maybe that’s why (inaudible) go through. 23 2710, okay. 24 be probably little -- 10:15 or so. 25 Okay. Yeah, I’ll try to send that to you around -- it’ll OPERATIONS: Oh, okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 69 INFORMATION 3: 1 2 But I can call you back when I’m off at Arcadia. 3 OPERATIONS: All righty. 4 INFORMATION 3: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 INFORMATION 3: 7 OPERATIONS: Yeah. Yep. 9 c2626_28_08_2009_205204 11 ENGINE 77: 12 OPERATIONS: 13 14 15 Bye. Angeles Operation. This is Engine 77. Hey, we don’t have a contact number for you guys. ENGINE 77: I just gave it to (b) (6) -- or (b) (6) or whatever. 16 OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 77: 18 OPERATIONS: 19 Thanks. Bye. /// OPERATIONS: Okay. Thanks a lot. 8 10 Cool. Oh. But it’s (b) -(6) Apparently, she didn’t put it on a piece of paper, sir. 20 ENGINE 77: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 ENGINE 77: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 ENGINE 77: 25 OPERATIONS: Oh, no problem. (b) (6) -- You’re area code (b) ? (6) Yep. (b) (6) (b) (6) - -- - -- -- (b) (6) . -- (b) (6) . And who’s the leader? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 70 1 ENGINE 77: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 , (b) (6) Okay. , (b) (6) , (b) (6) . And you guys are out of service or what? 4 ENGINE 77: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 ENGINE 77: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 (b) (6) Yep, we’re out of service. We were told we -- Okay. Do -- do we need to call you? Yeah, we need to know when you guys are out of service. ENGINE 77: 9 10 OPERATIONS: 11 ENGINE 77: 12 OPERATIONS: Okay. Well -They told us we didn’t need to, but we will. Well, I mean you guys are like a -- maybe 13 after tomorrow, but we just have to confirm at least for the 14 day. 15 ENGINE 77: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 ENGINE 77: 18 Okay. No problem. Okay. And the Tahoe engine and the Shasta T engine are here too. 19 OPERATIONS: 20 ENGINE 77: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 ENGINE 77: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 ENGINE 77: 25 OPERATIONS: Do you know about the Klamath? No, they -- No Klamath. And the Tahoe 42 you said? Yeah, Tahoe 42. Okay. Thank you. They’re all at the Hampton Inn. Okay. Thank you, man. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 71 1 ENGINE 77: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 ENGINE 77: You betcha. Bye. Bye. 4 /// 5 c2626_28_08_2009_214528 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: Yes, standby. 9 OPERATIONS: How can I help you? CALLER 10 11 (b) (6) (b) (6) Angeles Operation, could I help you? Is (b) (6) Hi. Hi, (b) (6) in? This is (b) (6) (inaudible) from LA County Air Ops. 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER (b) (6) Hi. I just got a call from our Dispatch saying 14 you wanted a Type -- two Type Is on the station at eight 15 o’clock? OPERATIONS: 16 17 (b) (6) CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) The Firehawk and the Helitanker Uh-huh. Yes. Okay. Out there ready to go or to deploy? No, to be available from their home base at 0800. (b) (6) 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 Yes. 732. 18 22 Yes. Okay. And that came from who? That came from (b) (6) (b) (6) who is the AOBD on the station. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 72 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: CALLER 9 (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. He was just here. Okay. Do you have his contact number? Yes, I do. What is it? (b) (6) -- Uh-huh. -- (b) - -(6) (b) (6) - -- -- (b) (6) . -- (b) (6) . Uh-huh. Okay. And it’s (b) (6) (b) (6) Uh-huh. Okay. Thank you very much, (b) (6) Thank you. Bye. Bye-bye. 19 /// 20 c2626_28_08_2009_215413 21 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 22 INFORMATION 3: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 INFORMATION 3: 25 OPERATIONS: Hey, this is Info 3. Hey. Look on your fax machine. Yeah, something just came through. Let me HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 73 1 2 3 just check for it. INFORMATION 3: Look at that, man. I actually had some information. 4 OPERATIONS: 5 INFORMATION 3: Oh, cool. Hold on a second. I had one of the PIOs over at the camp and 6 had (inaudible) take care of that. 7 Morris one too? 8 OPERATIONS: 9 INFORMATION 3: 10 Look at that. OPERATIONS: Let me see. Did they send you the Looks like -- You should have a (inaudible) -- Well, let’s see, I’m looking -- looking at -- 11 I’m looking at the IAP, the nightshift for the Morris, and I’m 12 looking -- basically the Morris. 13 14 INFORMATION 3: Shoot, it might take the next half hour or so, but -- 15 OPERATIONS: 16 INFORMATION 3: 17 Oh, okay. OPERATIONS: 19 INFORMATION 3: Cool. Yep. I just drove by, and it’s sure putting on a show tonight, Jesus. 21 OPERATIONS: 22 INFORMATION 3: 23 Yeah, she -- she’s sending the Morris and the -- and the Station too. 18 20 Yeah, the next one should be there too. Cool. Yep, we -- we probably have two -- two- and-a-half-mile flame front. 24 OPERATIONS: Wow. 25 INFORMATION 3: Yeah. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 74 1 OPERATIONS: Wow. 2 INFORMATION 3: Stretching from probably a mile and a half 3 northwest of Altadena, clear around the other side toward La 4 Crescenta. 5 I’ll call you back when I’m in Arcadia. So -- all right. 6 OPERATIONS: 7 INFORMATION 3: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 INFORMATION 3: Okay. Okay. /// 11 c2626_28_08_2009_224656 OPERATIONS: 13 INFORMATION 3: 14 OPERATIONS: 15 INFORMATION 3: 16 OPERATIONS: Okay. You got it. Thanks. All right. Bye. 10 17 Thanks a lot, (b) (6) Okay. 12 Well, I’m just about out of here. Angeles Operation. Hey, this is (b) (6) PIO. Hey, (b) (6) I’m out of -- out of service in Arcadia. All right, sir. Hey, thanks for those two IAPs. 18 INFORMATION 3: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 INFORMATION 3: Yeah, you guys got both of those? Yeah. Also, just a heads-up we -- here at the 21 info center, we just got a call from the IPT, and per the 22 sheriff’s department, we’re to standby. 23 tonight sometime they’re going to order some mandatory 24 evacuations. 25 OPERATIONS: They’re going to -- You don’t know how many? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 75 1 INFORMATION 3: No. They -- they didn’t tell us exactly 2 what area. They just said to standby. 3 hour or two, they’re going to call us. 4 OPERATIONS: 5 INFORMATION 3: 6 Wow. Tell us some areas that are going to be mandatory. 7 OPERATIONS: 8 INFORMATION 3: 9 Like, within the next Wow. And I’m -- I’m curious because I don’t -- I don’t think (inaudible) needs to be evacuated, but it could 10 possibly be some of the same areas of La Canada that have been 11 (inaudible) -- 12 OPERATIONS: Where, like Ocean View and Briggs? 13 INFORMATION 3: Possibly. Well, I don't know. That 14 Briggs side over on the west didn’t look like it was cooking as 15 much as the southern and eastern part. 16 OPERATIONS: 17 INFORMATION 3: 18 Huh. That was just kind of backing down towards Briggs too, but -- 19 OPERATIONS: Yeah. 20 INFORMATION 3: -- the access is an issue up there. 21 That’s really -- narrow, like, you’re the end of the world 22 there, but -- 23 OPERATIONS: 24 INFORMATION 3: 25 Huh. -- I don't know. We’ll see. You know, some of these different sheriff’s department branches have HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 76 1 different -- they’re -- I’ve found they’re not really talking 2 to each other for one, so -- 3 4 OPERATIONS: Well, for that area there though, they LASO is going to be Crescenta Valley. 5 INFORMATION 3: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 INFORMATION 3: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 INFORMATION 3: 10 OPERATIONS: Right, for that area. Yeah. But -- but then it’s the Altadena -- Oh, I see what you’re saying. -- Substation (inaudible). Yeah, yeah. You start going that way and you 11 get into the different jurisdictions, and they don’t always 12 talk, yeah. 13 INFORMATION 3: Yeah. It’s looking like it’s about a mile 14 and a quarter northwest of Altadena right now, just southwest 15 of Brown Mountain, so -- 16 OPERATIONS: Huh. 17 INFORMATION 3: 18 OPERATIONS: 19 INFORMATION 3: 20 OPERATIONS: Yep. Wow. (Inaudible) -- Because I was looking at the -- I was looking 21 at the burn on the -- on the IAP, and according to that it -- 22 it -- it -- it got down to Golden Mesa, but it still seems it 23 quite a ways -- 24 INFORMATION 3: 25 OPERATIONS: Right. -- from the Arroyo residences. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 77 1 INFORMATION 3: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 4 5 Right. You know, because Golden Mesa is about a mile and a half. INFORMATION 3: Yeah, it’s still probably even three- quarters of a mile from JPL and that I’d say. 6 OPERATIONS: Yeah. 7 INFORMATION 3: Huh. So -- I was hesitant to tell the media to 8 even say Arroyo -- I made sure to say upper Arroyo Seco, 9 because as soon as you say that then people are like, “Oh, it’s 10 going to get into” -- 11 OPERATIONS: 12 INFORMATION 3: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 15 16 Oh. Yeah, the bridge down there and all that -- yeah, yeah, yeah. INFORMATION 3: OPERATIONS: 18 INFORMATION 3: 20 I would think that we would be able to pick it up sooner than there, but -- 17 19 -- over by the Rose Bowl. Huh. I don't know. We’ll see. They’re getting the camp set up and -OPERATIONS: Yeah, the only thing, just -- just for 21 general information, the one think we just lack here, and I 22 went through both the IAPs -- 23 INFORMATION 3: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 INFORMATION 3: Uh-huh. -- there’s just no phone numbers. Right. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 78 1 OPERATIONS: There’s not -- 2 INFORMATION 3: There’s no hard landlines set up over 3 there. Do you want me to give you the two PIOs cell phone 4 numbers for the (inaudible)? 5 OPERATIONS: 6 INFORMATION 3: 7 OPERATIONS: They’ll be at the camp all night if Now, you’re talking the camp at -- you’re talking in Hansen; right? 10 INFORMATION 3: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 INFORMATION 3: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 INFORMATION 3: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 INFORMATION 3: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 INFORMATION 3: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 INFORMATION 3: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 INFORMATION 3: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 INFORMATION 3: 25 Why don’t -- why don’t -- there’s (inaudible) -- 8 9 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. (b) (6) Okay. (b) (6) . Uh-huh. (b) (6) (b) (6) like (b) (6) -- Yeah, I got it. (b) (6) (b) (6) -- Okay. -- (b) - -(6) Uh-huh. -- (b) (6) . Okay. And (b) (6) the former LA County Fire PIO. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 79 1 OPERATIONS: Yeah. 2 INFORMATION 3: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 INFORMATION 3: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 INFORMATION 3: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 INFORMATION 3: 9 OPERATIONS: -- (b) - -(6) Uh-huh. -- ( -- (b) (6) . b (b) (6) . Yeah. Oh. INFORMATION 3: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 INFORMATION 3: And one, actually a third one -- Uh-huh. -- I’ll give you the LA County Fire, what they call a CSR, community service rep. 14 OPERATIONS: 15 INFORMATION 3: 16 -- Uh-huh. 10 13 (b) (6) Uh-huh. It’s basically a hybrid between, like, assistant PIO and prevention patrol. 17 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. 18 INFORMATION 3: She’s a civilian that kind of deals 19 exactly with -- with these kind of things, like evacuations. 20 It’s (b) (6) -- 21 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. 22 INFORMATION 3: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 INFORMATION 3: 25 OPERATIONS: -- (b) - -(6) Uh-huh. -- (b) (6) . Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 80 1 2 And her name is (b) (6) INFORMATION 3: , (b) (6) So those three folks are -(b) (6) 3 OPERATIONS: 4 INFORMATION 3: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 INFORMATION 3: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 INFORMATION 3: what? (b) (6) . Oh. (b) (6) . Okay. And also, I’m going to fax you our media 9 advisor about the -- they’ll be a press conference at the 10 command post at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow just to talk about the 11 update on the fire -- 12 OPERATIONS: 13 INFORMATION 3: Okay. -- (inaudible) service announcements, some 14 area-wide closures, and probably telephones, talk about how we 15 do that kind of stuff. 16 OPERATIONS: 17 INFORMATION 3: Oh, okay. 18 the evacuations. 19 OPERATIONS: 20 INFORMATION 3: 21 . The sheriff’s department will speak about Okay. Okay. So yeah, so they’ll have plenty to talk about if this happens overnight. 22 OPERATIONS: Yeah. 23 INFORMATION 3: So I -- it’s always, you know, better to 24 pull the trigger early, at least make an area precautionary 25 evacuation before you go ahead and -- it’s kind of sudden if HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 81 1 you make an area that you haven’t been talking to already 2 mandatory, so -- 3 OPERATIONS: 4 INFORMATION 3: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 INFORMATION 3: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 INFORMATION 3: 9 10 Yeah. But it’s all dictated by the fire, so -- Yeah. Okay. But (inaudible). Cool. Okay. Well, I’ve got my cell charging all night here, and if things get really crazy out there, I can certainly come back in, but -- 11 OPERATIONS: Okay. 12 INFORMATION 3: -- it sounds like it’s just backing down, 13 and it’s just the proximity to some other areas that -- that’s 14 what driving these new evacuations. 15 OPERATIONS: 16 INFORMATION 3: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 INFORMATION 3: 19 Yeah. So -- Okay, (b) (6) Okay. Look on your fax. I’ll send you that media advisory here. 20 OPERATIONS: All right. 21 INFORMATION 3: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 INFORMATION 3: Thanks a lot. Yep. Bye. Bye. 24 /// 25 c2626_28_08_2009_002134 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 82 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. Hey, Angeles, (inaudible). Where were you at? I was on the Station Fire all day. Oh, no, I meant like the -- the -- were you 6 involved with any of the stuff involving evacuations or 7 anything? CALLER: 8 9 10 No, that was over on the -- the Morris Fire a couple days ago, but tonight it was just making sure that stuff wasn’t going to happen that quickly. 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: 13 Oh. It looks pretty calm, but I got to get some sleep sometime, so (inaudible). OPERATIONS: 14 Yeah. All righty, sir. 15 16 CALLER: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 OPERATIONS: You have a good night now. We’ll see you. Bye. Bye-bye. 20 /// 21 c2727_28_08_2009_031614 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 25 Okay. Edward 12. Angeles Operation. Hey, do you know where the fires burning? I’m in Acton, California (inaudible). OPERATIONS: Pardon. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 83 CALLER: 1 2 Do you know where the fire is burning right now? I’m in Acton, California. 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 OPERATIONS: Yeah, it’s not now near Acton. Where’s it exactly right now? It’s off the Angeles Crest Highway. And -- and -- and -And one up off of Highway 39. Well, I know that. Okay. What else do you need to know? 10 telling you where -- you asked me where it’s at, and I’m 11 telling you. 12 CALLER: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 So it’s up all the way from Azusa Canyon? There’s another one off the Angeles Crest Highway, Highway 2. 15 CALLER: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 18 And -- and -That’s the location of the fire. Right. Well, I’m near -- off of Aliso Canyon, right off of Aliso Canyon. OPERATIONS: 19 I can’t -- I’m familiar -- you’re going to 20 smell smoke. 21 been having smoke way in the valley. CALLER: 22 There’s smoke even in the valley. Okay. /// 24 c2727_28_08_2009_033039 OPERATIONS: People have Thank you. 23 25 I’m Angeles Operation. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 84 1 CALLER: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 Yeah, how are you doing? How are you doing? Do you know exactly where the fire is right now? The fire is on the Angeles Crest Highway. Right. And -- and -- and how far from Acton? Acton? Yes, sir. How far from Acton that is, is probably -- you know where the 210 and the 2 is at? 10 CALLER: Yeah. 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: 13 OPERATIONS: Okay. Okay. Thank you. Let me give you another number. 14 821-6700. 15 /// 16 c2727_28_08_2009_042619 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER (b) (6) 22 couple of things. 23 (inaudible) team. 25 Angeles Operation. Hey, good morning, (inaudible). This is (inaudible). 20 24 It’s Okay. 17 19 Well, it’s right there at the 2. OPERATIONS: sitting in there. Hey, good morning, (b) (6) I’m doing just fine. How are you doing? Hey, a couple -- My team has been activated, Team 1, Yeah, I saw that they had -- you got an order So you got -- you want to talk to expanded HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 85 1 since we got expanded going for your overhead? CALLER 2 (b) (6) Sure. Also, if, for you, the second thing 3 is that I had the night call and (b) (6) 4 take the night call the rest of the morning. 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 9 speak right now. I’ll -- I’ll -- I’m switching it as we Division 2 has the rest of the call for the (b) (6) CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. And that’s taken care of, and I’m taking it you -- you’re headed to your destination; right? (b) (6) 14 CALLER 15 big meadow fire. 16 OPERATIONS: Yeah, I’m headed up to Yosemite. Yeah. There’s a So do you want to call overhead and take it from there? CALLER 18 19 Okay. evening. 11 17 So he’ll be the -- the on-call duty officer until he goes and comes up (inaudible). OPERATIONS: 13 Okay. (b) (6) 8 10 will -- will (b) (6) Sure. What -- you -- you don’t have the ability to transfer me to them; right? 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER (b) (6) No, we can’t transfer from here. Oh, shucks. I’m driving now. Isn’t -- 22 are -- are they in the same room you’re in or they’re in 23 another building? OPERATIONS: 24 25 They’re in the -- they’re in the expanded room. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 86 CALLER 1 2 (b) (6) have them give me a call? 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 the (inaudible)? 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 (b) (6) Yeah, I can do that. Hold on, (b) (6) Okay. Hold on one second for me, man. Are you guys busy in there? Huh? Are you guys busy in there this morning? Not right now. But you will be. How big is the fire up on 800 acres was the last we heard. 800, boy it was blowing. Yeah, it’s going -- I think it’s going to really move today. (b) (6) 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 Can you give them my cell phone number and Uh-huh. Yeah, I think it’s really going to move today. CALLER 19 (b) (6) Okay. 20 /// 21 c2727_28_08_2009_042852 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. And give them the 626 number? Yeah, it’s -- if it’s 388-7 -6723? Yeah. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 87 OPERATIONS: 1 2 Okay. give you a call right now. (b) (6) 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Thank you. Okay, sir. All right, brother. /// 8 c2727_28_08_2009_043642 OPERATIONS: 9 Bye. Angeles Operation. COUNTY FIRE DISPATCH: 10 Have a safe trip, man. All right. 7 11 I’ll -- I’ll go do that and have them This is (b) (6) Hi. with County Fire Dispatch. 12 OPERATIONS: Yes. 13 COUNTY FIRE DISPATCH: Just need to know where are they 14 holding that six o’clock briefing for the Station incident this 15 morning? 16 OPERATIONS: Hansen dam. 17 COUNTY FIRE DISPATCH: 18 OPERATIONS: 19 COUNTY FIRE DISPATCH: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 COUNTY FIRE DISPATCH: It is at Hansen dam? Yes. Okay. I’ll let our guys know. Okay. 22 /// 23 c2727_28_08_2009_051625 Thanks. 24 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 25 LA 78: This is LA 78. Hi. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 88 1 OPERATIONS: 2 Hello? 3 Hello? Yes. Are you there? 4 /// 5 c2727_28_08_2009_051708 6 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 7 LA 78: How are? 8 OPERATIONS: 9 LA 78: Hi. This is LA 78. Hi. How are you doing? 10 OPERATIONS: 11 LA 78: Good. Good. I’m just calling to let you know that I’m 12 with LA 7 (inaudible), and we’re going to be out with a 13 (inaudible) on a -- going in on a marijuana grow. OPERATIONS: 14 15 Do you have a -- a -- a what do you call it, an incident number to relate that to or -LA 78: 16 (Inaudible.) 17 /// 18 c2727_28_08_2009_051743 LA 78: 19 Once we get to it, we can give you guys a call 20 back and let you know what the incident number is going to be 21 for it. OPERATIONS: 22 23 Okay. And who -- who will it be besides you two? 24 LA 78: It’s just us two. 25 OPERATIONS: Oh, okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 89 2 Us two, and then it’s, like, (b) (6) and -- and some LA 78: 1 (inaudible). OPERATIONS: 3 Right. Okay. 4 Yeah, just if you could give us the incident number 5 to -- to tag it so we can at least -- if any kind of dialogue 6 goes on or whatever, we can fill in the -- the incident. 7 LA 78: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 Sounds good. about? 10 LA 78: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 LA 78: 13 We’re all meeting around 6:00. Uh-huh. And we don’t even know how long it will go. OPERATIONS: 15 LA 78: Okay. All right. OPERATIONS: 18 LA 78: 19 OPERATIONS: Sounds good. Well, we’ll give you a Sounds good. All right. /// 21 c2727_28_08_2009_055900 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER (b) (6) Thank you. Thank you. 20 25 Okay. call back with that incident -- incident number. 17 24 It will probably go until 5:00 or so. 14 16 What time for this -- what time will this be Bye-bye. Angeles Operation. Good morning. Can I have the aircraft desk please? OPERATIONS: Yes, standby. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 90 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER Aircraft. (b) (6) Good morning. (b) (6) (b) (6) Hey, this is (b) (6) 5 helibase. 6 Station incident. 7 any -- 8 /// 9 c2727_28_08_2009_055934 11 (b) (2) I’ll give you what we have. The Victor is (2) (b) (6) CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: Okay. Air tactics is (b) (2) (b) (6) dot (b) (2) . Okay. And what’s another one you need, air to ground? (b) (6) 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 Do you guys have any new frequencies or dot (b) . 12 16 at the (inaudible) We’re going to be moving over to Van Nuys on the OPERATIONS: 10 Is this (b) (6) CALLER (b) (6) Air to ground. (b) (2) dot (b) . (2) Okay. And I think that’s probably -- 20 hey, do you know the air office direct support? 21 their number? 22 23 OPERATIONS: Yes, his name is (b) (6) Do you have (phonetic), and his phone number is (661) -(b) (6) 24 CALLER 25 OPERATIONS: Okay. -- 400- -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 91 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 10 Thank you. Okay. All right, (b) (6) Talk to you later. Okay. (b) (6) Bye. Bye-bye. /// c2727_28_08_2009_061233 12 CALLER Angeles Operation. (b) (6) Yeah, can I have aircraft desk again, (b) (6) 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 20 Okay. (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 19 -- 4742. (b) (6) 11 13 All right. Who’s -- who’s this? (b) (6) (b) (6) It’s (b) (6) (b) (6) hold on one second, okay? All right. Hey, Aircraft is gone for the moment. Do you want to try back in, like, five minutes? CALLER (b) (6) Maybe you could help. I got the 21 frequencies for the new Station incident, the victor and the 22 air to ground and the air tactics. 23 a command on the Station? 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) What are you guys using for The command is the Admin Net. Okay. It doesn’t have the (inaudible) -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 92 1 it doesn’t have no command then, huh? 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: It’s the Admin Net as of right now. (b) (6) Okay. (b) (6) All right. All right. /// 8 c2727_28_08_2009_061659 OPERATIONS: CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 Angeles Operation. (b) (6) 10 Thanks. All right. 7 9 All right. Hey, (b) (6) It’s (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) (b) (6) Hey, I just got a call from Division Bravo. 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER Uh-huh. (b) (6) He’s trying to get information to 16 Operations in the IET, but he can’t get them on the radio. 17 you have Ops come up on the radio for Division Bravo? 18 OPERATIONS: Hey, (b) (6) 19 OPERATIONS: Huh? 20 OPERATIONS: Can you have Ops come up on the radio for 21 Can Division Bravo? (b) (6) 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: (Inaudible) -That’s what we’re trying to do right now, but 24 he’s not -- he’s not acknowledging that he -- he needs to be on 25 admin. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 93 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 He -- he’s calling over Forest Net. (b) (6) OPERATIONS: -- (inaudible) fire (inaudible) between Yeah, he’s calling from Forest Net, and (b) (6) has been trying to call him to reach -- to go over to admin. CALLER 7 8 (b) (6) You can tell him on Forest Net to come up on -- to come up on (inaudible) -OPERATIONS: 9 That’s what (b) (6) (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER Okay. Anything else? (b) (6) No. Okay. (b) (6) 18 c2727_28_08_2009_062313 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) That’s it. Thanks, (b) (6) Bye-bye. Okay. /// OPERATIONS: Okay. He’s been doing that. (b) (6) 19 has been doing, (b) (6) -- admin. 17 25 Yeah, because -- 75 acres in the lowest of the (inaudible). 5 6 Okay. Bye. Angeles Operation. Hey, this is (b) (6) This is (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Who’s this? Who’s this? It’s (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Can you give me the number over at (inaudible)? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 94 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: Yes, it’s (661) -Yeah. -- 723- -Yeah. -- 2594, 2596, or 2592. -- 2596, 2, and what was the other one? 96, 92, or 94. Got it. All right. All right. /// 13 c2727_28_08_2009_070449 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 (b) (6) (b) (6) Bye-bye. Bye. 12 14 Thanks, (b) (6) Angeles Operation. Hey, this is (b) (6) Who’s this? (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Can you do me a favor? I’ve been trying to get a hold of CHP. 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER (b) (6) Uh-huh. Can you contact them. We’re going to get a 21 road closure at the Crest Highway, 2 Highway, on the north end 22 by Wrightwood. 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 (b) (6) Oh, I see what you’re saying. They left a representative here, but we’re trying to get a road closure on -- on Crest Highway, up on top. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 95 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 10 Can you guys contact CHP for me, and could you get that done? 4 9 Okay. (b) (6) (b) (6) Sure. Hey, thanks, (b) (6) All righty. Okay. We’ll see you. c2727_28_08_2009_071221 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Angeles Operation. Hey, (b) (6) it’s (b) (6) What’s up, (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. I’m -- I’m going to give you over to (b) (6) Okay. Standby. /// 21 c2727_28_08_2009_071308 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER (b) (6) call me back? Yeah, hold on one second, okay? 20 25 Bye-bye. /// 11 24 Bye. Good morning, (b) (6) Hey, good morning, (b) (6) How are you doing? OPERATIONS: (Inaudible.) Fine. Hey, you’re requesting a HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 96 1 road closure of SR-2 from Wrightwood? (b) (6) 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: Yes, the Crest Highway, Highway 2, up in -They’re -- well, CHP is just asking. There’s 4 other ways to go to, you know, the -- from the SR-2 if it was 5 closed. 6 they’re just asking the -- So is there any other places or what -- because (b) (6) 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 Okay. -- details on the closure. Is it going to be a major closure or -- or what, and if so where -- excuse me -- 10 where in -- where, you know, little roads and stuff, and then 11 we’re going to have to involve LA County also in that, LA 12 County roads. So I guess maybe -- (b) (6) 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 16 17 CALLER (b) (6) 19 CALLER (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 25 So have they told -I’m being told -- I’m being -- I’m being told the Forest Highway is already closed. 21 24 Yeah, sheriff’s are here, and they confirmed with CHP for the Highway 2. OPERATIONS: 23 -- they’re -- they’re going to ask they’re commander. 18 20 Yeah, sheriff’s -- (b) (6) Oh, LASO closed the Forest Highway? That’s what I was told, and if not we need -- we need to get that going. OPERATIONS: Okay. So it’s at the request of the sheriff’s basically to close SR-2? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 97 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 (b) (6) Okay. It’s our request, but the CHP has jurisdiction. 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 Yes. (b) (6) (b) (6) Well, okay. On the Crest -So -- so --- and -- and I’ve been told if it’s not being done, I was told that Forest Highway is also closed right 10 now to media as well. 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 southbound. 14 It’s -- 15 16 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 18 OPERATIONS: 21 22 23 24 25 So you can’t access the Crest Highway coming So from -- from -- from the very top, close it all the way, all the way from -CALLER 20 Okay. There’s rocks and everything else in the road. 17 19 All right. Correct. Okay. Correct. And the Forest Highway is closed already by CHP and sheriff’s? CALLER (b) (6) Well, that’s what I’m being told, but we probably need to confirm that if you can. OPERATIONS: Okay. I’ll get with -- I’ll get with LASO and ask him where and where? OPERATIONS: Is Big T closed? They can’t access it through Big T. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 98 OPERATIONS: 1 2 How about Big T? Do you know for -- for sure, (b) (6) CALLER 3 (b) (6) Big T (inaudible) I’m told was closed, but 4 I’m not -- I don't know for sure or not. 5 close it as well, and actually we’re getting ready to do a 6 special protection group for Big T Canyon right now. 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 (b) (6) either, (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) So we get -- if -- if that’s not closed (Inaudible) --- we can close that one to residents only. Residents only. In Big T Canyon. Correct. Okay. Thanks, (b) (6) Okay. We’ll -- I’ll let you know what I find out from CHP. (b) (6) 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. Okay. Bye. Thank you. Bye. 23 /// 24 c2727_28_08_2009_071732 25 We’ll verify with Big T. which I’m being told it is, if not -- 10 17 Okay. If not we need to OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 99 1 REC 17: Yeah, good morning. 2 OPERATIONS: 3 REC 17: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 REC 17: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 REC 17: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 REC 17: REC 17. How’s it going? Okay. Yeah, just show me in-service in (inaudible). Okay. In-service (inaudible). Thank you. All right. Bye. Have a good day. OPERATIONS: 10 This is Rec 17. You too. 11 /// 12 c2727_28_08_2009_074916 13 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 14 DIVISION 2: Division 2 for the (inaudible) district. 15 OPERATIONS: Okay. 16 DIVISION 2: All right. 17 OPERATIONS: Bye. 18 /// 19 c2727_28_08_2009_075420 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: Good morning. Thanks. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Yeah, (b) (6) speaking. There is (inaudible). Uh-huh. There’s a hiker, camp -- red camper with a dog -- 24 /// 25 c2727_28_08_2009_075446 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 100 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 4 Uh-huh. -- and I guess he needs assistance to get out of there. OPERATIONS: Okay. He’s up near Red Box. Okay. Let me 5 give you -- the best I can do is give you the number for the 6 fire information center and they could help you with that 7 because they’re dealing with all the fire (inaudible). 8 We’re -- we’re dealing, you know, with everything, the forest 9 and stuff, but they’re dealing a lot with the fire, so I think 10 maybe they could help you a little bit more. 11 CALLER: Oh, okay. 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: 14 OPERATIONS: (Inaudible). Okay. (Inaudible.) Okay. It’s (626) 821-6700. Yeah, and they should have -- let me double-check. 15 16 We should have, like -- we had law enforcement and stuff up 17 that way. 18 enforcement on that, so I think they have a little bit more 19 information and they can help you trying to get the guy out. Yeah, we should have a couple law Did -- is he aware that he shouldn’t have been in 20 21 Let’s see. there? 22 CALLER: I think he’s been there for a while. 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 OPERATIONS: Oh. Yeah. Oh. He (inaudible) I think. Okay. Hopefully that helps. If it HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 101 1 doesn’t just give us a call back. 2 CALLER: All righty. 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 OPERATIONS: All right. Thank you. You’re welcome. 6 /// 7 c2727_28_08_2009_083006 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: 13 Angeles Operation, (b) (6) (b) (6) 10 Hey, (b) (6) What’s happening? Oh, you know, this, that, and the other, (b) (6) 15 OPERATIONS: I was told to give you guys a call. Yeah, (b) (6) wanted to speak to you. 16 believe she’s on the other line. 17 Station or are you -(b) (6) 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 23 24 25 It’s (b) (6) chaos. CALLER 22 speaking. Hi. (b) (6) 14 21 Bye. (b) (6) I Are you committed to the I’m committed to the Forest Service. Oh, nice answer. We -- Nah, I’m -- I just came back on today. I had the first nightshift, and then -- then they lost it. OPERATIONS: Oh, oh, oh, I see. Yeah, I was reading the log about that. CALLER (b) (6) How’s -- how is it over there? Is it pretty hectic? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 102 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 5 6 (b) (6) CALLER (b) (6) 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER (b) (6) There’s, like, tons of orders out. How -They just want to know what your status is That’s why she -- she wanted me to call? Yeah. Okay. Well, no, I’m -- no one has asked me to do anything out of the ordinary, so I’ll be available. 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Except come on at 8:00? At 8:00? 0800, is that what time you came on this morning? (b) (6) 19 CALLER 20 OPERATIONS: 21 Is there an order out for crews or today, if you’re committed or if you’re -- 11 18 Yeah, especially now with all the residents something or -OPERATIONS: 14 A little crazy. calling in here and the people -- 7 10 Yeah, it’s a little crazy. 8:30. Oh, okay. Let me send you over to (b) (6) so that she can ask you the same question. (b) (6) 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Thanks. Have a good day. You too. Okay. Be safe. Thank you. Here she is. Hold on. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 103 CALLER 1 (b) (6) Yeah, (inaudible). But I’m -- I’m glad you -- 2 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: This is (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Hi. It’s (b) (6) Put you on 16? Yes, ma’am. Okay. I just wanted you to call because I 8 know you said you’re in Service Area 23, but we have you 9 showing that you are committed to the Station Fire, so are you 10 available or are you committed? CALLER 11 12 (b) (6) I haven’t heard anything out of the ordinary since I went out of service yesterday morning, so -- 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. So you’re available then? I am available. Okay. Then I’ll take you off committed, so 16 if we get -- we get something that you can be on response then. 17 That’s the only thing I just wanted to make sure. (b) (6) 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye. All right. 23 /// 24 c2727_28_08_2009_092218 25 OPERATIONS: Thank you. Bye. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) speaking. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 104 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) (Inaudible) show me (inaudible). Okay. All right. Okay. /// 9 c2727_28_08_2009_093455 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 (b) (6) So you’re on and (inaudible) 34 is on. Yep, yep. 8 10 It’s (b) (6) Sounds good. Thanks. Bye. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) speaking. Yes, my name is (b) (6) (inaudible) support -- 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Uh-huh. -- in the Morris Fire. Uh-huh. What’s the conditions today? For what’s going on with the fire? Yes. The only information we have, I can give you 20 a fire information center. 21 the fire. (b) (6) 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) They have all the information on Oh, do they? Yes. Their phone number is (626) -- (626) --- 821- -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 105 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER -- 821- --- 6700. (b) (6) -- 6700. Uh-huh. (b) (6) That’s great. You’re very welcome. (b) (6) /// 9 c2727_28_08_2009_093856 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER: 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: Bye-bye. Bye. 8 10 Thank you very much. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hi. speaking. I’m a resident (inaudible) -Uh-huh. -- with -- how -- how the containment is going 14 and should we expect to have road closure -- 15 /// 16 c2727_28_08_2009_093920 17 OPERATIONS: Okay. Let me give you -- let me give you the 18 number to the fire information center because they handle all 19 that information. 20 CALLER: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 Okay. Okay. Which fire? Are you talking about the Morris Fire or the Station Fire? 23 CALLER: The Morris. 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Okay. Up in -- yeah, San Gabriel mountains. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 106 OPERATIONS: 1 2 Okay. Are you ready to copy the phone number? 3 CALLER: Yes. 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: 821- -Yeah, 6700. -- 6700. That’s it. Okay. OPERATIONS: 10 (626) 821- -- Thank you. You’re welcome. 11 /// 12 c2727_28_08_2009_095017 Bye-bye. 13 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) 14 DIVISION 2: Hi, (b) (6) speaking. Division 2 will be available by 15 telephone only (inaudible) Morris (inaudible) approximately one 16 hour. 17 OPERATIONS: Okay. 18 DIVISION 2: All right. Thanks. 19 OPERATIONS: Thank you. Bye. 20 /// 21 c2727_28_08_2009_100357 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER Angeles Operation, (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) speaking. It’s (b) (6) Hi. Hey, I didn’t know if you guys knew or HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 107 1 not, but there’s no power (inaudible) -- 2 /// 3 c2727_28_08_2009_100430 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER I don't know. (b) (6) I’ll give him a call. 6 here, and there’s no power. 7 /// 8 c2727_28_08_2009_100439 OPERATIONS: 9 10 I can call him. Okay. Do you know how to turn on the generator? CALLER 11 (b) (6) (b) (6) showed me where it was at. 12 haven’t (inaudible) with a generator. 13 (inaudible). OPERATIONS: 14 Yeah. 15 that on at some point. 16 (b) (6) (b) (6) CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER You’re probably going to want to turn What I would do -- man, I wonder if (b) (6) Who’s (b) (6) Oh, yeah, (b) (6) Yeah, (b) (6) ’s kid. Hey, hold on a second. 21 /// 22 c2727_28_08_2009_100525 25 (Inaudible) big old Hey, do you know (inaudible) -- 20 24 I knows how to do it? 17 23 I just got up OPERATIONS: Okay. So I guess (b) (6) probably knows there’s no power there; right? CALLER (b) (6) Yeah, I’ll -- you know what, I’ll go by HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 108 1 there and -- 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 the status of -- 5 /// 6 c2727_28_08_2009_100539 OPERATIONS: 7 8 (b) (6) Yeah. -- and see if -- if they maybe -- what’s They left on the 14th, so they should be back here any day. CALLER 9 (b) (6) 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 13 (b) (6) 14 hold of him -- Oh, they left the 14th? Yeah. Okay. (Inaudible.) And, you know, I would say maybe try and give a call on his cell phone, but you probably can’t get a (b) (6) 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: Yeah. -- but I know -- I know that they like to 17 fire up the generator right away, but when you do that, you 18 have to keep gas in it. 19 hours. (b) (6) 20 CALLER 21 no fuel up here. 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 (b) (6) You have to fill it up every couple Yeah. Oh, great. Oh, that’s another thing. You didn’t order fuel? I don't know. Man, (b) (6) There’s (Inaudible.) you’re supposed to be, like, a backup. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 109 CALLER 1 (b) (6) Actually, I heard someone turned off the 2 pump because it’s not even -- 3 /// 4 c2727_28_08_2009_100623 5 OPERATIONS: 6 power went down. 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) It might have tripped a breaker when the Possibly, yeah. Yeah. (Inaudible.) 10 (inaudible) -- 11 /// 12 c2727_28_08_2009_100639 OPERATIONS: 13 (Inaudible.) Yeah. So hey, everything is off Go talk to (b) (6) See if (b) (6) 14 they need you to figure out how to turn the generator on. 15 know it’s a pain in the ass, but it’s not real hard. CALLER 16 (b) (6) Yeah, (inaudible). 17 could be (inaudible) -- 18 /// 19 c2727_28_08_2009_100654 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER 22 23 24 25 (b) (6) if I The generator was -- Yeah. Everything is already hooked up to the generator; right? OPERATIONS: Oh, yeah. Alls you have to do is turn it on. There’s a sequence to turn it on. CALLER (b) (6) Oh. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 110 OPERATIONS: 1 You got to flip the main off of the main 2 power to (inaudible) into (inaudible) so that when you turn the 3 generator on it doesn’t blow out all the circuits going to the 4 main line from the street, from the city. (b) (6) 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. So there’s a big old -- there’s a pole out 7 around the wall, on the inside of the generator building on 8 the -- on the left-hand side. CALLER 9 10 (b) (6) And you have to turn that off -- you pull that to turn it off? OPERATIONS: 11 Yeah, it -- it says right on it, like, you 12 know, Edison, and then it says generator or whatever. 13 flip it over to generator, and then the starting mechanism is 14 over on the back side, on the right-hand side of the generator, 15 like, behind the wall on the -- if you’re facing the generator 16 at the door, it’s on the right-hand side between the -- between 17 the two walls kind of in the corner, but it’s actually on the 18 end of the generator. 19 all, you know, the -- the directions are on it. 20 old, like, from the 50s. (b) (6) 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: There’s a whole starting sequence. But I would ask and see if (b) (6) to do it and -- or (b) (6) 24 it. CALLER (b) (6) It’s It’s really Yeah. 23 25 So you knows how because they probably know how to do Do -- do you know how (inaudible) -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 111 1 /// 2 c2727_28_08_2009_100821 OPERATIONS: 3 4 It’ll take -- it -- it runs for about two hours, and inside the generator house, there’s a jerrican. (b) (6) 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: Yeah. I seen it. Yeah, and that’s what you want to use. 7 use that jerrican. 8 to keep -- it’s a five-gallon jerrican. CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: 10 11 (b) (6) Just It takes about 20 gallons, so you just have Yeah. So check it to make sure that it’s full, and also make sure it has oil before you fire it up. (b) (6) 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. If you so dare to attempt that -Yeah. -- if you look at it and it looks like too 16 weird, it’s kind of a weird deal, like, you have to turn a 17 switch and press a button and -- it’s kind of trippy. (b) (6) 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 Yeah. I don’t remember exactly how to do it, otherwise I’d tell you. (b) (6) 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER (b) (6) Gotcha. But -Right on. I’ll -- I’ll go to -- go to 24 Terry’s house right now and see what’s going on. 25 /// HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 112 1 c2727_28_08_2009_100915 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER Yeah. (b) (6) And then I’ll head to (inaudible) -- 4 /// 5 c2727_28_08_2009_100923 OPERATIONS: 6 7 Okay. Yeah, and just keep in mind if you do the generator thing, it’s kind of a commitment. (b) (6) 8 CALLER Yeah, that’s what it sounds like. 9 OPERATIONS: Yeah, so I would just, you know -- I mean 10 they’re going -- they’ll be fine or whatever. I think (b) (6) 11 might even have some small ones at her house. I don't know. 12 You’d have to ask her. (b) (6) 13 CALLER Yeah. 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) So all right. (Inaudible.) (b) (6) Okay. Thanks, (b) (6) All right. 19 /// 20 c2727_28_08_2009_104400 21 OPERATIONS: 22 RED CROSS: the Red Cross. 24 dam, (inaudible)? Bye. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) 23 25 Sounds good. This is (b) (6) speaking. with, you know, with Which line is the (inaudible) at the Hansen OPERATIONS: we don’t have that information. I can give HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 113 1 you the fire information center’s phone number. 2 RED CROSS: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 RED CROSS: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 RED CROSS: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 RED CROSS: 9 OPERATIONS: 10 RED CROSS: 11 OPERATIONS: Okay. That’d be great. Okay. That’s area code 626. 626. 821- -821- --- 6700. Okay. Thank you very much. Uh-huh. Bye. Bye. 12 /// 13 c2727_28_08_2009_105640 14 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 15 DIVISION 2: Hey, Division 2 is back on the air. 16 (b) (6) 17 office or cell. was trying to get a hold of me. Also, I can’t get him on his Do you know if he’s around? 18 OPERATIONS: Hold on. He’s walking around here somewhere. 19 DIVISION 2: Okay. 20 OPERATIONS: You got his cell number? 21 DIVISION 2: Yeah, I tried it. 22 OPERATIONS: Yeah, he’s -- he’s on it -- he’s -- he’s been 23 on the phone the last few minutes walking around. 24 to try to get him -- have him call you back? 25 DIVISION 2: You want me Yeah, he just -- when he can, yeah, he can HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 114 1 give me a call. 2 OPERATIONS: Can I get your number just -- 3 DIVISION 2: Division 2. 4 OPERATIONS: Okay. He should have the number. And then you wanted to get -- did you 5 want to get in contact with somebody, did -- is that what you 6 said? DIVISION 2: 7 8 I was just letting you know I’m back on the air -- 9 OPERATIONS: Okay. 10 DIVISION 2: -- and I was trying to get a hold of him 11 because he was calling me earlier. 12 OPERATIONS: Okay. 13 DIVISION 2: All right. 14 OPERATIONS: Bye. 15 /// 16 c2727_28_08_2009_110639 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER I’ll -- I’ll let him know. Bye. Angeles Operation. (b) (6) Yes, this is Ms. (b) (6) 19 please tell me if Highway 39 -- 20 /// 21 c2727_28_08_2009_110653 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER Highway 39. (b) (6) 24 /// 25 c2727_28_08_2009_110823 Can you Let me just check, ma’am. Yes. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 115 OPERATIONS: 1 2 Mrs. (b) (6) (b) (6) CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER Okay. I need you to (b) (6) -- 821- --- 6700. -- 6700. and it -- 11 /// 12 c2727_28_08_2009_110852 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER Okay. -- 821- -- (b) (6) OPERATIONS: (Inaudible.) (626) -- (b) (6) 13 Hold on. (626) -- 10 Okay. (b) (6) I think I dialed that number I’ll give you another number, (626) -Okay. -- 334- -- (b) (6) 334- --- 3717. (b) (6) -- 3717. Who’s this? This is the information officer. (b) (6) Okay, then. Okay, then. Thank you very much. 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 Okay. get a paper and pencil and write this number down. 3 21 Hello? You’re welcome. (b) (6) Bye. Bye. /// HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 116 1 c2727_28_08_2009_111219 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) Sure. /// 7 c2727_28_08_2009_111247 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: How many do you want? Call -- call your aircraft. /// 13 c2727_28_08_2009_111311 OPERATIONS: 14 Five. Hurry up. Here. No, he’s on the fire on the ground, wasn’t he? Look for one that says AG. 16 I don’t -- I forgot how to do that and the BB guy hooked me up. CALLER: 18 (Inaudible.) 19 /// 20 c2727_28_08_2009_111344 OPERATIONS: 21 22 (inaudible). 23 CALLER: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 We got five. You need air tankers, don’t you? 12 17 Hold on one second. (Inaudible.) OPERATIONS: 11 15 Can I talk to (b) (6) (b) (6) 6 10 speaking. That is weird, dude. People live on (Inaudible.) I don’t know if I’ve lost my signal now or -- /// HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 117 1 c2727_28_08_2009_111422 OPERATIONS: 2 Nothing. 3 /// 4 c2727_28_08_2009_111429 5 OPERATIONS: 6 to hit a button. CALLER: 7 You have to go and try do it all. (Inaudible.) 8 /// 9 c2727_28_08_2009_111457 OPERATIONS: 10 Hey, someone is in your rig. 11 One of the locals getting in. 12 I’m starting over. 13 /// 14 c2727_28_08_2009_111520 OPERATIONS: 15 This is (b) (6) 16 /// 17 c2727_28_08_2009_113147 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER: 20 OPERATIONS: 21 You have Oh, the keys are in -- Nobody. Angeles Operation. (Inaudible) find out (inaudible) yet? Hold on. Let me give you a number that -- that can answer those questions. 22 CALLER: Okay. 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 OPERATIONS: It’s area code 626. Let me get a pen. Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 118 1 CALLER: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 (Inaudible.) will -- will -- 4 CALLER: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 10 (Inaudible.) Area code 626, 821-6700. Thank you. No problem. All right. /// c2727_28_08_2009_115042 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) speaking. It’s (b) (6) Hi. Hey, did you a copy a transmission between myself and Battalion 11? 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 on the incident. 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 21 Yeah. Okay. 11 15 This -- this number right here will -- (b) (6) (b) (6) Yeah. Okay. We -- we had no CHP rep here right now Uh-huh. Can you guys -- can you guys call and get that accomplished for us as road closures? OPERATIONS: 22 Yeah, you know, they were working on that 23 this morning, and they said that they were going to have that 24 done. 25 from -- through the Forest Highway from Upper Big T? I -- I did hear you guys. They have traffic coming HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 119 CALLER 1 (b) (6) Yeah, we need all that blocked off pretty 2 much. 3 Highway, and the Crest is already done I think. OPERATIONS: 4 5 That whole area pretty much, Upper Big T, Big T, Forest Okay. (b) (6) is on the phone with CHP right now it sounds like. (b) (6) 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: Okay. Hang on one second, (b) (6) Okay. Yeah. 8 CALLER 9 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 10 This (inaudible). Yeah. 11 /// 12 c2727_28_08_2009_115143 (b) (6) 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 right now? 16 to do it? Yeah. (Inaudible.) Do you have -- do you have CHP on the phone Are they finding out the closures? (b) (6) 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: Are they going (Inaudible) contact then? (Inaudible) (b) (6) I got (b) (6) on the phone. Can you get that for me? 19 20 /// 21 c2727_28_08_2009_115213 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Are you there, (b) (6) Okay. Yeah. Okay. (b) (6) is just talking to CHP. Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 120 OPERATIONS: 1 I’m not sure what his status is. 2 Did we get an ETA, (b) (6) 3 Yeah. 4 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 5 Yeah. 6 One hour -- one hour ETA for -- for Big Tujunga at 7 Mount Gleason for LA Public Works, an hour for that. (b) (6) 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: Okay. And -They’re still working on it then (inaudible). Yeah, that’s down at Mount Gleason and Big T. 12 I don't know what’s going on on the Forest Highway and the 14 13 though. CALLER 14 (b) (6) Yeah, trying to alleviate the access. 15 can’t get onto Forest Highway. 16 pretty quick here. 17 OPERATIONS: 18 through Summit, yeah? CALLER 19 (b) (6) Okay. They The fire is going to be there So they must be sneaking around They come from the -- the, like, Palmdale 20 side. They come on the Forest Highway, and then they’re 21 staying on all these (inaudible), yeah. 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. Okay. You know what I’m saying? Yeah, yeah. I got you. We’ll call -- They closed it on the north side. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 121 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) They -- okay. Okay. Okay. /// 6 c2727_28_08_2009_115913 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 OPERATIONS: CALLER: 10 11 Hi. OPERATIONS: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 now. 17 there. Yes. I was just curious to know is Highway 2 No, ma’am. It is completely closed right Oh, boy. Yeah, we had the fire, and it’s closed right They’re not -- don’t -- don’t even attempt to go up 18 CALLER: 19 OPERATIONS: 22 Angeles Operation. now. CALLER: 21 Bye. Yes, is this Dispatch? 14 20 Bye. opened up (inaudible) camping? 12 13 Thank you. You’re welcome. 5 7 We’ll call AVSO. southbound. CALLER: Oh, Highway 2 is closed? Yes, from -- from -- northbound and It’s very dangerous. Yeah, been watching. We have a fire up there. Okay. Do you think it’d be under control around Labor Day or (inaudible)? 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 OPERATIONS: It’s hard to say, ma’am. Oh, okay. Hard to say. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 122 1 CALLER: Thanks for your help. 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER: 4 OPERATIONS: You’re welcome. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. 5 /// 6 c2727_28_08_2009_120521 7 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 8 LA 78: This is LA 78. 9 OPERATIONS: LA 78: 10 11 Hi. Hi. Hey, can I get the case number that they gave us for this operation (inaudible)? OPERATIONS: 12 Okay. 13 /// 14 c2727_28_08_2009_120743 OPERATIONS: 15 Hello? 16 /// 17 c2727_28_08_2009_121114 (b) (6) 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 24 25 (b) (6) (b) (6) Hold on. Hello? Does (b) (6) know about this? Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) speaking. This is (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) Hey, we need to order -- it’s -- it’s Type Is; correct? Yeah. OPERATIONS: For -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 123 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER (b) (6) Three -- hang on one second, (b) (6) No problem. Okay. 4 /// 5 c2727_28_08_2009_121142 CALLER 6 7 (b) (6) from LA County. 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER 10 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: And if we can’t get that, then we’ll go to Okay. Let me have you talk to equipment. They’ll be -(b) (6) 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 Okay. Type IIIs, (inaudible). 11 12 Three (inaudible) engines, preferably Type Is Okay. They usually have a (inaudible), (661) 723- -(b) (6) 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. Okay. -- 2592. 2592? Uh-huh. Okay. Thank you. You’re welcome. Bye. Bye. 24 /// 25 c2727_28_08_2009_122149 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 124 1 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 2 LA 78: This is LA 78. 3 OPERATIONS: Hi. 4 LA 78: I think I lost you guys on the phone there. 5 OPERATIONS: 6 LA 78: 7 OPERATIONS: Hi. Hi. Yeah. Do you have a case number? Let me see. You know what, on the log it’s 8 showing that -- that we have our own case number, SO just gave 9 me a new NCS incident. 10 LA 78: 12 OPERATIONS: (Inaudible.) Yeah, they’re -- yeah. So I just got the incident number, but let me 13 double-check right now. LA 78: 15 /// 17 c2727_28_08_2009_122350 18 OPERATIONS: 19 LA 78: 20 OPERATIONS: number? Hello? Yeah. Okay. The -- do you need the incident It’s 517. 22 LA 78: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 LA 78: 25 Hold on. Okay. 16 21 Is that -- 11 14 This is with the conservancy folks. Okay. 517? Yes. And at this time we’re heading to the dump, and we’ll let you know when we’re clear, okay? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 125 OPERATIONS: 1 2 Heading to -- hold on. Okay. 3 LA 78: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 LA 78: Okay. Thanks so much. No problem. Bye. Bye. 6 /// 7 c2727_28_08_2009_123121 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER: 10 Heading to the dump. Angeles Operation. Hey, (b) (6) It’s (inaudible). Oh, I’m sorry. Who -- 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER: 23 OPERATIONS: This is (b) (6) Oh, sorry, (b) (6) It’s okay. (Inaudible) 34. Hey, how’s it going? (Inaudible.) Good. Pretty good. Can you show me back en route to Area 4? En route, Area 4. Okay. Okay. I got you. Thank you. Okay. Bye. Bye. 24 /// 25 c2727_28_08_2009_124031 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 126 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 (b) (6) 6 important. Angeles Operation. Hey, this is (inaudible). Hey, pretty good. Good. call my cell phone please. (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 8 over there right now. CALLER: Okay. It’s real I’ll go -- I’ll go Thanks. OPERATIONS: 10 Yourself? Could you walk over to expanded and have 7 9 How are you doing? Okay. 11 /// 12 c2727_28_08_2009_125217 (b) (6) 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Bye-bye. (Inaudible.) Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) speaking. This is (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) Hey, I was just curious forest and admin, 18 man, are pretty sapped. 19 what we’re going to do if we break another fire today? 20 going to be frequency, man? 21 OPERATIONS: Have you guys given any thought to Are we You know what, I’m going to -- you’re going 22 to have to talk to (b) (6) 23 about, like, because law enforcement and everybody is going to 24 be on -- is on Forest Net right now, so if something happens -- 25 CALLER (b) (6) or (b) (6) about that. We talked Yeah. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 127 1 OPERATIONS: -- you know, the fire is going to take 2 precedence over it. 3 to call over the phone with their incident, but in terms of, 4 like, a tact tone and stuff, I don't know what they exactly 5 want to use since everybody -- everything is completely -(b) (6) 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 (b) (6) You know, they’re just going to maybe have Yeah, I know what (inaudible) --- taken. Yeah. Yeah. I’m asking if you guys have given it any thought because -- like break a new fire, we’re going to -- 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Yeah. -- do competition for air time and -Oh, no, definitely understandable. I -- I 13 know if we break a new one, we’re going to have it on, you 14 know, Forest Net, that, I mean, and that -(b) (6) 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. -- that -- so if that help you (inaudible) -Yeah. -- we definitely (inaudible). So it’s not 19 going to not be on any of the frequencies. 20 one, then I’ll do the response on forest and everything like -- 21 like normal, (inaudible) what I’m going to use. 22 23 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. I mean if we get Hopefully we don’t have to go there, but I’m just kind of thinking ahead because -- 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. -- everything is so wrapped up. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 128 OPERATIONS: 1 Everything is, yeah, and -- and some of the 2 fire trucks waiting on the Forest Net and -- and -- but that -- 3 I mean that’s what I’m going to do later because I’m doing 4 forest today. 5 Forest Net. 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: I’ll have -- yeah, and aircraft is also on (b) (6) Okay. I’ll have -- maybe I’ll have (b) (6) or 8 (b) (6) 9 exactly they want the tact channels and stuff, because that’s those guys can call and talk to you about what 10 kind of confusing with us too. 11 want to use if it’s on our fire -- on our forest?” So let me have -- are you going to be in your office? 12 (b) (6) 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 Cell. (b) (6) CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER Okay. I’ll have one of them call you You know, my question isn’t a high priority. Yeah. (b) (6) But ten minutes from now we might have wished that we at least discussed it so -OPERATIONS: 20 21 My cell -- cell will be the easiest. and talk about if we do get one what’s going to happen. 16 19 It’s like, “Well, what do you Oh, I understand it. I’m going -- I’ll have -(b) (6) 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: 24 (b) (6) 25 second. All righty. Actually, you know what, hold on one second. is here. Let me have you talk to here. Hold on one Sorry about that. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 129 1 /// 2 c2727_28_08_2009_125446 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 10 11 (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) This is (b) (6) Hi. Hey, (b) (6) How can I help you? It’s (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) You’re -- you’re not busy, are you? A little bit. What’s up? Hey, I -- I had a question out of curiosity. Do we have a command channel available to break a new start, and do we still have empty tacts available? OPERATIONS: We have -- we do not have a command channel 12 as far as Forest Net or Admin Net. 13 have Forest Net available. 14 Station Fire, and we have the City Tact 2 available for new 15 starts, and I believe also Tact 3. 16 17 18 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. Those are both -- well, we Admin is still being used by the I just wanted to make sure I knew what we might be doing. OPERATIONS: Yeah, so any -- any new starts that we have, 19 we’ll run it off of Forest Net, and any of the -- the 20 frequencies will either be two or three. (b) (6) 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: All right. Depending on where the fire is at. If it’s 23 on your side, it’s probably going to be using Tact 2 because 24 the Morris may still be using 3, but as far as command we’ll -- 25 we’ll use Forest Net. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 130 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. Hopefully we don’t have to go there. Hopefully not. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Thanks. Thanks. Bye. Bye. 8 /// 9 c2727_28_08_2009_131207 10 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 11 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Hi, Angeles Operation. This is (b) (6) 12 Public Affairs. Hey, I need to put in an order for some PIOs 13 for the Station Fire out there, and I got three name requests 14 (inaudible). 15 OPERATIONS: Okay. 16 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 17 OPERATIONS: Sure. Okay. 18 /// 19 c2727_28_08_2009_131231 20 21 OPERATIONS: Can you hold on? Okay. Can you call this number, area code 661 -- 22 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 23 OPERATIONS: 24 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 25 OPERATIONS: Okay. -- 723- -Uh-huh. -- 2595. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 131 1 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Thank you. Okay. Bye. 4 /// 5 c2727_28_08_2009_131712 6 OPERATIONS: 7 LA CITY FIRE: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 LA CITY FIRE: Angeles Operation. Is this Angeles? Yes. OPERATIONS: 11 LA CITY FIRE: LA City Fire. 10 12 Good. Yourself? that recently started here in the last couple hours -OPERATIONS: 14 LA CITY FIRE: Yeah. -- what -- you guys are on (inaudible) Track 2; right? OPERATIONS: 16 The -- the frequencies? 17 that out for you. 18 /// 19 c2727_28_08_2009_131846 20 OPERATIONS: 21 LA CITY FIRE: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 How are you? Just requesting a -- of the La Canada Fire 13 15 Bye. Hold on. I’ll find Hello? Hello. Are you looking for some frequencies for the Station Fire? 24 LA CITY FIRE: 25 OPERATIONS: (Inaudible) -Are -- are you there? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 132 1 Hello? Hello? 2 That person was on a cell phone. 3 Hello? 4 /// 5 c2727_28_08_2009_132015 OPERATIONS: 7 LA CITY FIRE: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 LA CITY FIRE: Angeles Operation, (b) (6) 6 Yeah, hi, Angeles, LA City Fire. Uh-huh. OPERATIONS: 11 LA CITY FIRE: How are you? 10 12 Good. 14 LA CITY FIRE: 17 18 19 Good. Good. Listen, we’re sending out a strike team to the -- this latest fire. OPERATIONS: 16 How are you doing? Good. 13 15 speaking. Okay. I -- I understand that initial response -- are you guys using Nifty Tact 2 for initial attack? OPERATIONS: For -- is this for the Station one or is this -- is it the Station Fire that’s out -LA CITY FIRE: Yeah, this is the one that just started in La Canada. 20 OPERATIONS: 21 LA CITY FIRE: 22 OPERATIONS: Okay. Let me have you talk to -- I just need the channel plan. Okay. Let me have you talk to equipment 23 because they can give you that information for an expanded 24 because they have all that information. 25 LA CITY FIRE: Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 133 1 OPERATIONS: 2 LA CITY FIRE: 3 OPERATIONS: Okay. Their number is going to be (661) -- Hold on because I’m driving. No -- oh, no problem. Or you know what, actually for equipment you just 4 5 need -- actually, no, let me give you another one. 6 be the information center. 7 actually. LA CITY FIRE: 9 OPERATIONS: Hold on a second. LA CITY FIRE: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 LA CITY FIRE: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 LA CITY FIRE: 15 OPERATIONS: No problem. 10 Okay. Okay. So theirs is (626) -- Yeah. -- 821- -821- -Yep. -- 6700, and if that doesn’t help just call us back and we’ll see what we can do. 17 LA CITY FIRE: 18 OPERATIONS: 19 LA CITY FIRE: 20 OPERATIONS: Thank you. You’re welcome. Okay. /// 22 c2727_28_08_2009_133248 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER office. (b) (6) Bye-bye. Bye. 21 25 That will probably be better That’s (626) -- I’m sorry -- (626) -- 8 16 This will Angeles Operation. Hey, this is (b) (6) (inaudible) supervisor’s I’m trying to get the number to where I can get HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 134 1 standard -- 2 /// 3 c2727_28_08_2009_133302 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. Okay. 6 /// 7 c2727_28_08_2009_133311 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER (b) (6) 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Hold on. Hello? Hi. Okay. It’s area code 661 -- Uh-huh. -- 723- -Okay. -- 2594. (b) (6) (inaudible)? Yes. All right. Okay. Thanks a lot. Bye. Bye. 20 /// 21 c2727_28_08_2009_134252 22 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 23 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: (Inaudible.) Hello? Hello. Hi. This is (b) (6) Public Affairs. How HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 135 1 are you? 2 OPERATIONS: From where? 3 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 6 OPERATIONS: 7 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Public Affairs. Public Affairs. Pretty good. Yes, hi. How are you doing? Who’s this? This is (b) (6) 8 for the Station Fire? 9 OPERATIONS: Hi, (b) (6) I need it for our records here. Okay. 10 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 11 OPERATIONS: Hold on. Let me give you my fax number. Okay. 12 /// 13 c2727_28_08_2009_134331 Hold on -- hold on real quick. Hi, (b) (6) 14 OPERATIONS: 15 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Can you fax me a run sheet It’s (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) Good. How are you doing? How are you? Good. You know, I -- I’m going through 18 the records from both fires, and I noticed I don’t have a run 19 sheet for even the start of the Station Fire. 20 can you guys, when you get a moment, fax over one to me? 21 22 OPERATIONS: Okay. At some point Are you -- you’re not going to use it for resources, are you, because it probably would be -- 23 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Nah. -- (inaudible). No, I just want it for documentation. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 136 OPERATIONS: 1 2 now. OPERATIONS: 6 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: (b) (6) here. Great. I know you guys are busy. What’s your -- what’s your fax number? My fax number, send it to the one at It’s 8 -- it’s area code 626, 821-6777. OPERATIONS: 8 9 Okay. We are too. 5 7 I will actually send it to you right I’ll print it out and send it over. PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 3 4 Okay. All right. Coming your way in about five minutes. 10 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 11 OPERATIONS: 12 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 13 OPERATIONS: Thank you, (b) (6) You’re welcome. Bye. Okay. 14 /// 15 c2727_28_08_2009_134429 Bye. (No audio recorded.) 16 17 /// 18 c2727_28_08_2009_135626 Angeles Operation, (b) (6) 19 OPERATIONS: 20 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 21 OPERATIONS: 22 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 23 OPERATIONS: Could I speak to (b) (6) Hi. Sure. speaking. please? May I ask who’s calling? This is (b) (6) Public Affairs. Hold on one second. 24 /// 25 c2727_28_08_2009_135657 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 137 1 OPERATIONS: 2 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 9 access denied. again. Question. We have been unable to pull up the 209 -- Oh. -- on the Famweb, and I keep getting this Did they change the password? 11 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 12 OPERATIONS: They sure did. Oh. And if you -- if you haven’t changed in the last couple months, then you’re probably locked out. 14 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 19 OPERATIONS: wild cast? I’m locked out. Would you like me to send it to you? Would you please? Yeah, I could do that. No problem. Thank you very much. Sure. Did you get the -- did you get the I -- 21 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 22 OPERATIONS: 23 It’s (b) (6) Yeah. OPERATIONS: 20 Hi, (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) 10 13 This is (b) (6) Hi. I hear it coming through right now. Okay. Let me know if you need anything else, and I’ll send you the 209 here in just a minute. 24 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 25 OPERATIONS: Thank you. You’re welcome. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 138 1 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 2 OPERATIONS: Bye. Bye. 3 /// 4 c2727_28_08_2009_141754 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 OPERATIONS: 11 OPERATIONS: Okay. I’m -- I’m sorry. I -- I can barely understand you. CALLER: 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: 20 You need to speak -- It’s (inaudible). 13 19 With who? Is this the station? CALLER: 18 speaking. Is this the station? 10 12 Angeles Operation, (b) (6) (Inaudible) station. Okay. (Inaudible.) Oh, okay. Yeah, we have power at the station. We have phone line service as well. OPERATIONS: So you guys do have power and stuff. Now, are you guys -- 21 CALLER: (Inaudible.) 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Now, are you guys on today? Excuse me? Are you guys on today? I’m -- I’m not sure. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 139 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: Okay. Yeah, (inaudible). Yeah, because we didn’t hear it when we 4 talked this morning. 5 we haven’t heard if you guys are on or not, so -- 6 CALLER: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER: 9 (inaudible). I just wanted to make sure. Okay. So you guys have power and phone line. Yeah, we have power and phone line and OPERATIONS: 11 letting us know. 12 CALLER: 13 OPERATIONS: That’s good. All right. Thank you for No problem. Bye. 14 /// 15 c2727_28_08_2009_143816 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER (b) (6) Angeles Operation. Hi. I’m trying to reach my husband. a forest technician, (b) (6) 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER 21 Yeah, Yeah. 10 18 Okay. (b) (6) He’s (b) (6) And -I don't know if I can have him paged or -- or radioed I mean. 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. Hold on, okay? Sure. Have you tried his work number? Yes, I did, over at Big Pines, and he was HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 140 1 down by Valyermo, but I don't know what the number is in 2 Valyermo. 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Is this an emergency? Yeah, it’s urgent. Okay. 6 /// 7 c2727_28_08_2009_143927 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER 10 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 17 Hello. (b) (6) (b) (6) Can I help you? This is (b) (6) This is (b) (6) (b) (6) Hi. locate my husband, (b) (6) 11 Hold on. (b) (6) I’m trying to He’s a Forest Service worker. Uh-huh. Are you familiar with him? No, I don't know him, but what’s his name? (b) (6) Okay. (b) (6) (b) (6) . What’s his -- what does he do for the Forest Service? CALLER (b) (6) He -- he works out Big Pines, but I know 18 he was down in Valyermo, and I don't know what the -- what the 19 number is. 20 OPERATIONS: 21 does he do? 22 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. Is he a firefighter or what -- what No, he -- he’s just a Forest Service 23 technician, like, he -- like a -- he just -- he does patrol and 24 stuff like that. 25 OPERATIONS: Patrol? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 141 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: CALLER 8 10 (b) (6) 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 20 21 (b) (6) (b) (6) huh? Yeah. Hold on a second. Let me check his name. ? Yes. c2727_28_08_2009_144034 CALLER 19 Yeah. /// 12 18 Okay. (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 17 Yeah. (b) (6) 11 16 Is he a Rec unit? (b) (6) 7 9 Well, like, he checks on the trails and -- (b) (6) (b) (6) Yes. (b) (6) (b) (6) ? Yes. Okay. He’s Rec 34. Do you have an emergency for him or -CALLER (b) (6) I have -- yeah, this is wife, I -- and to reach him urgently. OPERATIONS: Okay. Hold on a second. You didn’t call him on his cell phone? CALLER (b) (6) I tried, and it -- I couldn’t get through. 22 So I don't know if he doesn’t reception, but he -- he has a 23 radio with him. 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. (Inaudible.) I was wondering if you could radio him. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 142 OPERATIONS: 1 Hello? Hello? (b) (6) 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: Yes. So, (b) (6) CALLER (b) (6) No, just tell him to call me urgently. He -- he -- he’s expecting me to call at some point. 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: 13 UNIDENTIFIED: 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER (b) (6) Call home? (b) (6) Yeah. Okay. Stay on the line. Is it a family emergency or -Well, just call home she said. Yes, it’s a family emergency. 16 /// 17 c2727_28_08_2009_144223 (No audio recorded.) 18 19 /// 20 c2727_28_08_2009_144634 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 what kind of emergency do you got? Do you want me to tell him or what? 8 9 Hold on a second. you got? 4 7 Let me see. What -- do you have a -- what kind of emergency do 2 3 Okay. (b) (6) Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hey, this is (b) (6) speaking. (b) (6) over at the supervisor’s office -- 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) Uh-huh. -- (inaudible). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 143 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER And I was given (b) (6) phone number that’s disconnected. OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER name and a Do you know who (b) (6) is? Yes, he is detailing in as a center manager. (b) (6) Okay. What’s his -- can I -- can you transfer me to him? OPERATIONS: 10 11 Okay. (b) (6) 7 9 And I have (inaudible) to the fire, the Morris Fire. 4 6 About -- No, I can’t transfer you, but I can give you his direct phone number. (b) (6) 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER Oh, that’d be great. It’s 723-2707. (b) (6) Okay. Yeah. (b) (6) -- 723-2707. Yep. (b) (6) All right. You’re welcome. (b) (6) /// 22 c2727_28_08_2009_154550 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER: 25 OPERATIONS: Thank you very much. Bye. Bye. 21 23 (661) -- Angeles Operation. Yeah, hi. Hi. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 144 CALLER: 1 (Inaudible.) I was actually ordered by Public 2 Affairs, and they’re having me call to check on the status of 3 my order. I’m a PIO I out of Arizona. 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER: Okay. Thanks. 6 /// 7 c2727_28_08_2009_154631 8 9 10 OPERATIONS: Now, the last thing we have is he was en route to Little T at 1343. CALLER: 12 OPERATIONS: Okay. That was the last time we heard from him, but I’m trying him on the radio and -- 14 CALLER: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 I’m trying to get a hold of him the radio. He’s not answering. 11 13 Hold on. You got the wrong line I think. Oh, I’m so sorry. Hold on. Hold on. I’m like, oh, all right. Hello? Yeah. Let me give you the -- the number to -- to expanded. 21 CALLER: Oh, okay. 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER: 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Okay. Beautiful. Thank you. It’s (661) -- Uh-huh. Oh, wait, no -- yeah, (661) 723- -- 723- -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 145 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER: 7 OPERATIONS: 8 Just talk to overhead or -Yeah, that’s our overhead. Okay. And I -- hold on. CALLER: Yeah. The second number is the same, except the Is what? OPERATIONS: 10 A six. Instead of a four, it’s a six, last number. 12 CALLER: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER: 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER: Beautiful. Uh-huh. You’re great. All right. All right. 17 /// 18 c2727_28_08_2009_161103 20 PATROL 15: Hey, (b) (6) 21 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. 22 PATROL 15: 25 Bye. Angeles Operation, (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 24 Thank you. Bye-bye. 19 23 There’s a second number. last number is a six instead. 9 11 -- 2594. This is (b) (6) speaking. Patrol 15. Hey, I’m going to be attached to 16-09 Charlie as (inaudible) leader (inaudible). OPERATIONS: Okay. So you’re -- you as official are going to be out of service then? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 146 1 PATROL 15: 2 OPERATIONS: 3 PATROL 15: 4 OPERATIONS: 5 PATROL 15: (Inaudible) I’m -- I’m with the strike team. Okay. All right. All right. /// 7 c2727_28_08_2009_172953 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER (b) (6) Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Mountain (inaudible). 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER (b) (6) This is (b) (6) Hi. 10 (b) (6) Bye. Bye. 6 8 Thanks. speaking. with the (inaudible) Uh-huh. I work in the youth facility. Uh-huh. Our air conditioner is not working, so I 15 was wondering can you notify one of our maintenance? 16 /// 17 c2727_28_08_2009_173014 18 19 20 21 OPERATIONS: Okay. I don't know who your maintenance folks are. CALLER (b) (6) Oh, you don’t have that kind of information? 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Well, I mean do you have a name? (b) (6) (b) (6) (phonetic). For the Park Service? Yeah. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 147 OPERATIONS: 1 Let me -- let me look and see. I -- I mean 2 we’ve never -- we don’t usually know who your folks are to deal 3 with it. What’s his name again? (b) (6) 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 have his number. 7 CALLER 8 (b) (6) (b) (6) -- it starts with a ( ? b OPERATIONS: (b) (6) -- (b) (6) A cell number would help, and I could call Let’s see. (b) (6) Let’s see. 11 How do you spell his last name, ( b (b) (6) 13 up. 14 /// 15 c2727_28_08_2009_173122 ? Let me see if we have anything, No. 12 16 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: Okay. We don’t have it in our phone directory. 18 the park and see, but yeah, we don’t -- we -- 20 21 Let me look up with your information in terms of CALLER (b) (6) You don’t have a maintenance, like you have -OPERATIONS: We have, like, a maintenance guy who we call 22 for you guys. 23 the ones in the forest. 24 25 what, Just so I have an idea what I can look for when I look it 17 19 Let’s see if we him myself, but -- 9 10 (b) (6) CALLER We -- I mean we have -- it’s hard to even find (b) (6) Do you have, like, a (inaudible) from maintenance, like, his name is -HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 148 1 /// 2 c2727_28_08_2009_173152 (b) (6) (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 3 4 see what I can find. 5 /// 6 c2727_28_08_2009_173208 OPERATIONS: 7 Nope. Let me look up that name and We don’t have that name. 8 just -- hold on one second. 9 up -- if I can find -- (inaudible). Okay. 10 11 for you guys. 12 interpretation. I’m looking up -- trying to look Let me look and see if we have it in this book Okay. Maintenance, let’s see, headquarters, Okay. Let’s see. We have -- let’s see. We have a -- well, we do have a list. 13 Let me We have, 14 like -- there’s a (b) (6) (b) (6) -- we have the call number. 15 see if there’s -- because that’s the only information. 16 There’s, like, two engineer techs. 17 which facilities. 18 have anything with them. 19 /// 20 c2727_28_08_2009_173322 OPERATIONS: 21 That guy is not in here. /// 23 c2727_28_08_2009_173334 25 OPERATIONS: directory. I don't know what they do, Let me look up their numbers and see if we 22 24 Let me Okay. Let’s see. Let’s see. We don’t have anybody in our phone I’m just looking through all the HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 149 1 information we have for you guys to see if we have anything, 2 Dispatch, (inaudible), law enforcement, law enforcement. 3 /// 4 c2727_28_08_2009_173404 OPERATIONS: 5 We don’t have any phone numbers for your 6 maintenance guys. 7 for -- there’s some of the area, like, Rancho Sierra Vista. 8 have -CALLER 9 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 10 The only phone numbers that we have are We Like for the interpreter center there? I don’t -- I don’t -- well, like, Peter 11 Strauss Ranch, you know, that kind of stuff. 12 have the phone numbers for everything, but that kind of stuff 13 we have phone numbers for. 14 all the fire staff. CALLER 15 16 (b) (6) I mean we don’t We have phone numbers for, like, It’s strange that we have never had a maintenance issue. OPERATIONS: 17 Oh, no, that’s okay. I’m just seeing what we 18 have. We have -- you know, we have stuff for aviation, 19 sheriff, coast guard, all of law enforcement, but we don’t have 20 any other numbers. 21 stuff for you guys in our folder, but no, I’m so sorry. 22 don’t have any, and I looked all those guys up in the phone 23 directory too, and we don’t have any phone numbers to them. 24 Just, you know, for future -- well, obviously there’s 25 maintenance, office building, and would building utilities I mean we have tons of, like, maps and We HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 150 1 be -- be the same? (b) (6) 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Let me look up some of these guys and 4 see if we have anybody, because we don’t have anybody -- any 5 phone numbers in the book, but let’s see. 6 have one of these guys, but if we don’t that’s something that 7 would be good to get for future reference. Okay. 8 9 He isn’t. /// 11 c2727_28_08_2009_173608 OPERATIONS: 12 Okay. 13 /// 14 c2727_28_08_2009_173637 OPERATIONS: 15 16 I’m just going to get a whole list real quick if you don’t mind. 10 Okay. We -- maybe we’ll Let me see what I can find. He’s not. So far I’m having no luck. But yeah, no, I mean for -- you guys don’t have any phone numbers either? (b) (6) 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER (b) (6) I’ve (inaudible) -Hold on one second. -- but -- all right. Well, I -- could you 20 maybe have them make (inaudible) call here? 21 /// 22 c2727_28_08_2009_173658 23 OPERATIONS: 24 CALLER 25 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. And where -- The number here? Oh, your -- the center you’re at? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 151 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER (b) (6) OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: I want to leave soon, but I’ll -- I’ll Well, let me see -- let me see for the law Uh-huh. You only have LA 711 still on. (b) (6) The research in (inaudible). The research. Research in museum building. Yeah. Research. CALLER (b) (6) Okay. Just hold on -- hold on one Yeah, I (inaudible). 19 /// 20 c2727_28_08_2009_173816 CALLER 21 (b) (6) And (inaudible). 22 /// 23 c2727_28_08_2009_173844 25 Let me give a second while (inaudible). 18 24 And how late are you guys going to be quick call, and what’s your location? 13 17 Okay. enforcement who we have. 10 12 -- 0167. wait. 8 9 Uh-huh. open till, or are you guys already closed? 6 7 (b) (6) Yeah, it’s (818) 879- -- OPERATIONS: Okay. She’s going to give us a phone call, and I’ll give her your number, and I’ll -HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 152 1 /// 2 c2727_28_08_2009_174014 3 OPERATIONS: 4 LA 711: 5 OPERATIONS: 6 LA 711: 7 Angeles Operation. Hey, Angeles. (b) (6) This is (b) (6) LA 711. Okay. you please give me a phone number? Was somebody trying to call Resource or what was going on? 8 OPERATIONS: Hold on. 9 OPERATIONS: This is (b) (6) 10 LA 711: Hi. 11 OPERATIONS: How can I help you? This is (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) LA 711. Well, I just got a phone call 12 from the research museum building and apparently their air 13 conditioner is broken, and I’ve looked everywhere, and we don’t 14 have any maintenance phone numbers, and -LA 711: 15 16 Oh, wow. available. 17 OPERATIONS: 18 LA 711: 19 OPERATIONS: 20 There’s not going to be anybody Do you -- they were just -- I’ll try -- I can try (b) (6) Okay. Because they were just wondering if you -- if you knew of any phone numbers that they could call. LA 711: 21 The -- God, the only thing to do -- they could do 22 is call (b) (6) but they’re not going to come out until tomorrow 23 if -- 24 OPERATIONS: 25 LA 711: Yeah. Probably Monday more likely. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 153 OPERATIONS: 1 2 weekend. I’m sorry. LA 711: 3 Oh, yeah, forget -- yeah, I forgot the I -- I work. (Inaudible.) But let me see -- see, I don’t 4 think I’ve got his number right on me. 5 phone (inaudible). OPERATIONS: 6 Oh, no, that’s okay. It -- it’s inside my She -- the -- the girl 7 was about to leave. 8 around for a little bit, but she just had some questions 9 because they’ve never had a maintenance issue, and I looked in 10 all of our resources, and we don’t have any of those numbers. LA 711: 11 12 Yeah, (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 14 LA 711: 17 LA 711: to have them. OPERATIONS: 20 LA 711: (b) (6) Oh, yeah, because I was kind of wondering -- Okay. Well, I think -- I’ll give (b) (6) -- it was right? 22 OPERATIONS: 23 LA 711: 25 Oh. -- (inaudible), so -- yeah, see, it’s always good 19 24 Okay. house -OPERATIONS: 21 number -- of course my air conditioner goes out at my 16 18 -- I just happen to have (b) (6) because -- 13 15 I don't know if she -- she said she’d stay You know what, I don’t remember her name. It was -- it -- it’s the person down at our museum (inaudible)? OPERATIONS: Yeah, the research museum building. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 154 1 LA 711: 2 still there. I’ll -- I’ll try that number and see if she’s 3 OPERATIONS: 4 LA 711: 5 Okay. And if not she just lives up the street here, so I’ll contact her (inaudible). 6 OPERATIONS: 7 LA 711: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 LA 711: Okay. Okay. Thanks. Thanks. Bye. 10 /// 11 c2727_28_08_2009_174530 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER: 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER: 16 Bye. Angeles Operation. Hey, (b) (6) Hold on. Oh, I’m sorry. No, it’s fine. (inaudible) 4. 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER: Hi. Hey, can you show me back in Area 4. 19 trying to get a hold of you guys, and 31. 20 trying to get a hold of you too. 21 22 Hey, it’s OPERATIONS: And 31. Okay. I’ve been (Inaudible) both And you are (inaudible) 34. What area? 23 CALLER: Yeah. 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER: Area 4. Available Area 4? Yeah. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 155 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER: 3 OPERATIONS: Okay. Thank you. Okay. 4 /// 5 c2727_28_08_2009_180200 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 (b) (6) Angeles Operation, (b) (6) Hi. speaking. Can I have your aircraft dispatch please? OPERATIONS: 9 Sure. 10 /// 11 c2727_28_08_2009_180345 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER 14 station manager. 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 there, huh? (b) (6) (b) (6) 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER (b) (6) One moment. This is (b) (6) Hey, (b) (6) This is (b) (6) (b) (6) aviation How are you doing? Good. How are you doing? I’m fine. Things are going okay over Yep, busy, but okay. I bet, so -- hey, I was wondering for your 20 Morris Fire, I know you guys are using Brackett and then San 21 Gabriel dam. 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 25 (b) (6) Uh-huh. But what heli place are we using for the Station Fire? OPERATIONS: Well, right now they’re using Whiteman HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 156 1 Airport for the Type II and IIIs. (b) (6) 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER Okay. And Van Nuys for the Type Is. (b) (6) Okay. All right. I had heard -- some 5 employee was talking about them looking at the Rose Bowl or 6 something. OPERATIONS: 7 8 Yeah, they were talking about it yesterday, but I think they decided against it. CALLER 9 10 I didn’t know if they set anything up or not. (b) (6) Okay. So Whiteman and Van Nuys for that one? 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER Yeah. (b) (6) All right. Great. All right. Thanks. 13 Well, I’ll probably be over there tomorrow afternoon and I’ll 14 stop in and see you, so if you get some issues or questions or 15 something, write them down or -- 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER Okay. (b) (6) -- ring my bell. All right. (b) (6) All right. All right. (b) (6) All right. All righty. All right, sweetie. 22 /// 23 c2727_28_08_2009_190134 24 OPERATIONS: 25 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: See you later. Bye-bye. Bye. Angeles Operation. Hi, this is (b) (6) Public Affairs. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 157 Hi, (b) (6) 1 OPERATIONS: 2 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Can you guys check and see if you -- 3 you -- do you have the new 209s from six o’clock at the Station 4 Fire? OPERATIONS: 5 6 New 209. Okay. Let me -- let me ask someone. 7 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 8 OPERATIONS: 9 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: And Morris Fire. Okay. 10 OPERATIONS: 11 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 12 OPERATIONS: 13 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 14 OPERATIONS: So you need the -- the 209 -- Yeah. -- for the Morris and Station. (Inaudible.) I’m -- I’m going to get somebody right now. Okay. Okay. 15 /// 16 c2727_28_08_2009_190246 Great. Bye. Hello, (b) (6) 17 OPERATIONS: 18 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: 19 OPERATIONS: Uh-huh. Okay. (b) (6) said she -- she’s working on 20 it, and she’s going to call and fax you one when she’s done 21 with it. 22 23 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Thank you very much. Tell her I -- I appreciate it. 24 OPERATIONS: I will. 25 PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Bye. Bye. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 158 OPERATIONS: 1 Bye. 2 /// 3 c2727_28_08_2009_194614 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 (phonetic). (b) (6) 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 10 here. (b) (6) Angeles Operation. Yes, hello. Yes, ma’am. (b) (6) (b) (6) Yeah, I have some annoying emergency up was going to come up Highway 39 yesterday to bring some supplies. 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER Hold on once second, ma’am. (b) (6) /// 14 c2727_28_08_2009_194708 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER Okay, ma’am. (b) (6) Yes, do you have a supervisor there? Yes, I do. (b) (6) Could I talk to him or her? OPERATIONS: Who’s your Standby. 21 /// 22 c2727_28_08_2009_194747 OPERATIONS: 23 25 How could I help you? supervisor tonight? 20 24 Hold on. Yes. 13 19 This is Ms. (b) (6) Hi. This is (b) (6) How could I help you? CALLER (b) (6) Yes, (b) (6) this is (inaudible). HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 159 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER supplies. (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. I tell you what’s Okay. (b) (6) (b) (6) was going to come up and bring Okay. He can’t get into the canyon even though the fire has all cleared. 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER 14 Pretty upset. That’s already three days in a row. 7 9 How are you tonight? the problem, okay? 4 6 Hi. (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. So he went over (inaudible). Okay. The day before yesterday and brought some supplies to us. 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 out of dog food. 18 and there’s a Highway Patrol and he went let him turn onto 19 Highway 39 even though (inaudible) has the keys to the gate. (b) (6) 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Uh-huh. Now my generator is broken down, plus I’m Well, he tried to come back over (inaudible), Right. So what’s going on? We are still under mandatory road closures on 23 Highway 39 at this time, so that is correct. 24 up. 25 CALLER (b) (6) So -- oh, God. He cannot come That is (inaudible), but HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 160 1 how about coming over (inaudible)? 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 day before. (b) (6) It -- it wasn’t like this yesterday or the I mean we need supplies. OPERATIONS: 5 Same thing. I -- you know what, let me give you -- let me 6 give you the number to the fire information office, and they 7 may have a better idea of when those roads are going to be 8 open. 9 CALLER (b) (6) Yeah, I don’t want to know when the roads 10 are going to be open. 11 OPERATIONS: I want my supplies (inaudible). Well, I -- I can’t -- I can’t help you with 12 that right now. 13 over that. 14 assigned to the fire, and they’re the ones that make the 15 decisions regarding the road closures based on the current and 16 expected fire behavior. 17 If the roads aren’t open, I have no control It’s -- we’ve got an incident command team on -- CALLER (b) (6) But listen, we have no fire up here, okay, 18 and (inaudible) over here. 19 have to leave my (inaudible), and the people (inaudible). 20 don’t have to leave their place. 21 OPERATIONS: I mean I need supplies. I don’t They I mean (inaudible) -- I understand that. I -- no, I -- I 22 understand that, but I can’t -- at -- at this point in time, 23 unfortunately, my hands are tied, and if the Highway Patrol 24 is -- is not letting them in, it’s under direction from the 25 incident command team that has -HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 161 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: Who’s that? It’s -- (b) (6) Incident command team. Yeah, it’s the incident command team. 5 They’re responsible for everything that has to do with the 6 fire, and I can give you the number to the information center 7 there who can direct you to somebody on the fire who you can 8 speak to. 9 Because basically what happens, Ms. (b) (6) when we 10 have a fire this magnitude on the forest, and now we have two 11 of course, those teams -- the incident command teams come in 12 and basically take all of the responsibility from this office 13 and assume it themselves when they assume command, and so 14 the -- the decisions like evacuations and road closures and 15 when they’re open and being -- or when they’re being closed and 16 reopened aren’t -- that aren’t the decision of the forest. 17 They have to come from the incident command team based on the 18 objectives of the fire, and I -- I can’t tell you why it’s 19 still closed, but -- 20 21 CALLER (b) (6) is no fire here on Highway 39. 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 Yes, but it’s closed back here, and there (b) (6) Yeah. I mean there -- there’s no reason for. Okay. And I -- and I can’t answer that. All I can -- I can direct you to the number that I have and they HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 162 1 can maybe help you out or get you to somebody on the team. 2 This person that I’m going to give you the number, they’re 3 assigned to that team, and they have -- they have the authority 4 to give you more information if they have it, where if I don’t 5 because, for one, I don’t have the authority to give the 6 information and I don’t have the information that you’re 7 looking for. 8 can’t help you because I don’t have that information. 9 10 11 CALLER I understand your frustration, but I can’t -- I (b) (6) OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 No, there’s no fires up here anywhere. The only thing I can do for you, Ms. (b) (6) is give you the other number. 15 18 I -- I understand that, but conditions may have changed. 12 14 Yeah, (inaudible). (b) (6) I know you’re frustrated -- Okay. -- and I don’t want -- I -As long -- as long as this not a game, I don’t want to -- or somebody not answering the phone. OPERATIONS: No, there should be somebody there. There should be somebody there, okay. CALLER (b) (6) (Inaudible) voluntary folk doesn’t know what they’re -OPERATIONS: No, no. This person -- this person is somebody who they do this for a living. CALLER (b) (6) That’s their job. Okay. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 163 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER (b) (6) Okay. Maybe I could call our ranger supporter. 3 She gave me her cell phone number. 4 about it. 5 6 7 8 9 OPERATIONS: Well, I can’t advise you on -- I can’t advise you either way on that, so -CALLER (b) (6) Okay. Let me have this number (inaudible). OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 Maybe she can do something (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. It’s area code 626 -- (626) --- 821- --- 8 -- (inaudible). Sure. That’s no lie. -- 821- -- -- 6700. -- 6700. Yes, ma’am. I call this number today and (inaudible). Yes, and they will -- and you can give them your information and they will be able to further assist you. (b) (6) 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: Okay. Okay. Thank you. And I -- again, I apologize. I know 23 it’s frustrating to get passed off from -- from place to place, 24 but unfortunately, this office, we don’t have -- we just don’t 25 have that information. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 164 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 Yeah. Okay. (Inaudible.) Okay. (b) (6) (Inaudible.) It’s -- you know, I don’t want to (inaudible), but it’s (inaudible). 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER I know. (b) (6) Plus we don’t have the fire near here. 7 Our highway is clear. 8 that (inaudible). 9 guess if I got to get out if I need to. 10 OPERATIONS: 11 CALLER 12 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) It’s not (inaudible) the fire code and You know, this is our only escape route. Yes. Yes. But we need supplies. I understand that. I understand that, and 13 I -- you know, I can’t -- there’s nothing else that I -- I 14 can’t -- there’s nothing else I can do at this point. (b) (6) 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: Okay. And -- okay. So call that number, see if 17 they can help you out, and if not then we’ll try something 18 else. (b) (6) 19 CALLER 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. Okay. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 23 /// 24 c2727_28_08_2009_200234 25 OPERATIONS: I Bye-bye. Angeles Operation. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 165 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: This is (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) from Los Alamos. from where? Los Alamosa. Los -- where’s that? (b) (6) Near the pine trees and the redwoods. And where is the pine tree near? What’s up ( ? 7 b (b) (6) 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: Not much. Okay. Just going (inaudible). Out of service? That’s what I (inaudible) anyways. Okay. You said you’re going to call out of 12 service. 13 call back when you’re out of service or what are -- are you 14 going to do? 15 16 What -- what do you want me to do? CALLER (b) (6) Well, yeah, you can put us out of service now, yeah. 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. What’s going on? Nothing, man. have you got down there? 22 engine assigned to Area 5. 24 25 OPERATIONS: Nothing much. How many more -- how many more engines 21 23 You’re going to You got a Phoenix -- or a Tahoe Well, I know five -- I just -- I just got in here, and all I see is five engines. CALLER (b) (6) Really? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 166 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER (b) (6) Yeah. Well, I know that there’s a -- okay. 3 many (inaudible) you got down there? 4 what engines they are? 5 /// 6 c2727_28_08_2009_200334 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 (b) (6) c2727_28_08_2009_200343 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER (b) (6) (Inaudible) tomorrow. Yeah. And we got a Klamath engine that’s Oh, there’s going to be a Klamath CNS at Little T? 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER 20 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Engine 77. Seventy-seven. Then we got Tahoe 72 is going to be at lowest end. (b) (6) 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: 25 (Inaudible) -- going to be at Little T. 16 24 And then there’s going to be a Plumas engine. 11 21 See, I got a Tahoe -- -- 42. /// 17 You got -- or do you know Tahoe 42. 10 15 How CNS 72? Yep. Then we got a couple that came, and we got a -- you already got the 77. CALLER (b) (6) -- 42. Then we got the -- I got Plumas -- I think it’s HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 167 1 2 3 Plumas 10 or something. OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 20 21 (Inaudible) -It looks like we got a --- Redwood Park Service. Yeah. It looks like we got a -- a Plumas 23. Oh, Plumas 23. And right now we’re showing them in (inaudible). 12 19 They’re en route. Then we got -- 5 11 Yeah, we don’t know what it -- we -- I mean we don’t have nothing on them right now. 4 10 I don't know. (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Yeah, they’re going to be at (inaudible). Then we got a 51 Shasta. Shasta? Where the hell are they going? They’re -- it’s showing them at Little T. At Little T? Uh-huh. Then -- I thought they had -- I thought they had the Klamath at Little T. OPERATIONS: CHF, that’s -- what’s -- SHF is Shasta; right? (b) (6) 22 CALLER 23 OPERATIONS: Yeah, SHF is Shasta. Yeah, and -- so -- I’m just telling you from 24 what I see on the log CAD is Shasta 51, they’re -- it looks 25 like they’re out of Little T. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 168 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 Yeah. Okay. over the Tahoe one. (b) (6) 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 CALLER 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: CALLER 10 (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Then we got -- we went over the Klamath. Yeah. And -(Inaudible.) -- then we got a 72. Who’s 72? Yeah. four, five -- 12 /// 13 c2727_28_08_2009_200543 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 20 21 (b) (6) (b) (6) CALLER (b) (6) And -- and -(Inaudible.) Yeah. Seven. Yeah, because you got the -- you got the Two Tahoes, a Plumas, and a Redwood Park Service. OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 25 So that should be one, two, three, Engine 10 too. 22 24 Is that (inaudible)? That’s all I show right now. Okay. 11 14 Then we got -- oh, you already went (b) (6) Uh-huh, and a Klamath and a Shasta. Shasta, yeah. Okay. All right. (Inaudible.) OPERATIONS: Yeah. I -- I think a lot of those resources HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 169 1 on the Morris are probably going -- hopefully by tomorrow I 2 guess. I mean at least the engines. CALLER 3 (b) (6) Yeah, Redwood State Park -- or Redwood 4 Park Service -- 5 /// 6 c2727_28_08_2009_200629 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 (b) (6) over to (b) (6) Okay. I -- -- they were just -- they were just sent I (inaudible) -- 10 /// 11 c2727_28_08_2009_200638 12 OPERATIONS: 13 CALLER (b) (6) And they said they’re going to Valyermo? Yeah, (b) (6) wants them to. (Inaudible) and 14 I didn’t mind, and then use them at eight o’clock in the 15 morning (inaudible) -- 16 /// 17 c2727_28_08_2009_200646 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER 20 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Okay. (Inaudible.) Yeah, we don’t have no -- okay. I’m -- I’ll 21 put -- I’ll write them down assigned going to Valyermo 22 tomorrow. CALLER 23 (b) (6) 24 the Cobra 3. 25 /// And the only twos I know about is that or HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 170 1 c2727_28_08_2009_200708 OPERATIONS: 2 3 Yeah, well, I’m just coming in, so I don't know anything except of the engines right now. CALLER 4 (b) (6) Yeah, you got a Cobra 3 out at Texas 5 Canyon, because they came out (inaudible). 6 there (inaudible). 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 11 Cobra, they’re Porterville. Oh, Porterville. (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER Okay. They’re on days off? Seventy-four is strike team to San Oh, okay. (b) (6) -- to the Cottonwood Fire. They left early this morning. 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER (b) (6) Oh, okay. And hopefully (inaudible) guys will come 18 in. 19 /// 20 c2727_28_08_2009_200745 21 OPERATIONS: 22 CALLER 23 Oh, that’s right. Bernardino -- 13 15 Where they’re from? What’s -- what happened to 74? 10 12 Where they’re from? He wants me to get (b) (6) Oh, from -(Inaudible.) They’ve been milking that -- that La Brea fire. 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) Wow. (Inaudible.) HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 171 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: CALLER That’s right. The strike team should be (b) (6) Yeah, because (b) (6) (b) (6) is on (inaudible) 35. OPERATIONS: 8 9 It’s been out for coming back. 6 7 Because it’s 14 days. seven. 4 5 (b) (6) Yeah. Yeah, they need to release those engines up to Morris because they got enough resources. They just -- I 10 don't know why they’re not letting those guys come off because 11 the longer they keep them, the longer it’s going to be -- to 12 get back on duty. (b) (6) 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 (b) (6) You know. For the Morris? Yeah. Who was that, the -- you mean the regular (inaudible)? OPERATIONS: 19 20 (b) (6) Yeah. You got -- well, you got -- you got three -- you got 27, 111, and Engine 11 still committed. (b) (6) 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: Oh, on Morris? Yeah. And they ain’t really doing much, and, 23 you know, the weather is going to get worst for the next couple 24 days. 25 CALLER (b) (6) I know. It’s fucking hot out. Don’t you HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 172 1 know fire. 2 Wait till it cools down.” OPERATIONS: 3 4 I told the guys, “(Inaudible) fire. (b) (6) CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: Yeah. Yeah. So we’re working 12 hours everyday, no days off right now. CALLER 8 9 Yeah, well, it’s supposed to cool down by Monday. 5 7 (b) (6) Yeah, we were covering till 8:00, so I leave (inaudible) before -- I leave, like, a few minutes before 10 8:00 and head back to the station. 11 /// 12 c2727_28_08_2009_200902 13 OPERATIONS: 14 CALLER 15 (b) (6) Uh-huh. So -- but I got to cover those spots, so (inaudible) travel back (inaudible) -- 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER 20 OPERATIONS: 21 It’s too hot. (b) (6) (b) (6) Yeah. -- (inaudible). Yeah. That’s good then, brother. Yeah, yesterday and today is my day off. Yeah. Yesterday and today was my day off too. CALLER 22 (b) (6) Tomorrow at ten o’clock in the morning 23 (inaudible). 24 /// 25 c2727_28_08_2009_200926 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 173 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) (b) (6) CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: 7 CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 9 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 10 Fuck, man. CALLER (b) (6) OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER (Inaudible.) Yeah. (Inaudible.) Yeah, but I better go, man -Okay. -- and get -- so I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Okay. See you later, man. You on (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Yes. Okay. All right, brother. All right. 21 c2727_28_08_2009_214803 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER (b) (6) You too. Bye. /// 22 Have a good night. Bye. 20 25 It should be tomorrow? 14 24 Look right there. brother. 12 13 (Inaudible.) on your right somewhere. 5 11 Who kept it? Angeles Operation. Yes, hello. I’m sorry to bother. This is Ms. (b) (6) OPERATIONS: Yes, ma’am. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 174 1 CALLER (b) (6) Yeah, could you please give me the phone I called (b) (6) 2 number of our fire department? 3 (phonetic) regarding the road closure. 4 OPERATIONS: 5 CALLER 6 7 8 9 10 (b) (6) OPERATIONS: Which fire department are you talking about, ma’am? CALLER (b) (6) First of all, they gave me the -- the number of Los Angeles Fire Department. OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER 14 And they say I have to speak to the fire department people. 11 13 Yes, ma’am. Okay. (b) (6) And then they gave me the number of our Forest Service fire department. OPERATIONS: So which one do you want? Because the Forest 15 Service one, no one is there. 16 right now would be the LA County Fire Department. 17 18 19 20 21 CALLER (b) (6) The only department that’s open Yeah, and they say they don’t have nothing to do with it, with our fire up here or with our road closures. OPERATIONS: So who -- the -- the CHP is in charge of the road closure, ma’am. CALLER (b) (6) I spoke to a commanding officer there, and 22 he say they have nothing to do with it. 23 but it is the fire department that requested it that the road 24 is still closed. 25 They just do the job, So you see, everybody is passing the key around and HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 175 1 2 3 (inaudible) the same people. OPERATIONS: the -- we’re only the Dispatch office. (b) (6) 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 (b) (6) CALLER 8 OPERATIONS: 10 (b) (6) 12 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: ma’am. (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: 25 I did? Yes. Remember you called earlier and asked Yeah, okay. So I mean -(Inaudible) something. Yes, ma’am. Yes, ma’am. Yes, okay. So I don't know what to -- to tell you, I mean I want to help you -- 21 24 I mean I don’t know what to tell you, ma’am. to speak to the supervisor here? 14 23 No. this matter previously. CALLER 20 So I don't know -- I mean I don’t have a I mean because you -- you already spoke with my supervisor on 11 13 I know. number to the ICP to tell you who to go to. 7 9 Yes, but you’re calling the wrong -- we’re I know. -- but I -- I don't -- if my supervisor couldn’t help you, I don't know what to do. CALLER (b) (6) I know. Well, I was just hoping, you know, that you could (inaudible) this one fire department HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 176 1 number, the one who ordered the road to be closed, you know, 2 because Highway Patrol says it’s not their doing. 3 just, you know, doing their job. 4 /// 5 c2727_28_08_2009_215030 6 OPERATIONS: Yeah. No, I understand. They’re I guess they called 7 and asked the request for the road closure, and that -- that 8 number goes to -- that comes from the, you know, the fire being 9 at a dangerous stage right now. (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: 12 13 Yeah. So I mean didn’t they ask you guys to evacuate? CALLER (b) (6) It was voluntary, and (inaudible) stay, 14 and also the family (inaudible) are staying because the fire is 15 nowhere near us. 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER Yes. (b) (6) Plus now, the highway is clear. The 18 telephone people came up and they got our line fixed, and they 19 told us there is no -- nothing going on on the highway. 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: 23 (b) (6) Oh. It’s clear on both sides. Oh, yeah, I understand that, but there’s still a -- a potential for, you know -(b) (6) 24 CALLER 25 OPERATIONS: Yes. -- the fire to make a run and -- HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 177 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 -- you know, then you got to look at the safety matter of it. (b) (6) 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: 6 Yes. Sure. I mean so I don't know what I could do to help you anymore. CALLER 7 (b) (6) No, but you know what, I apologize. I 8 usually (inaudible). 9 down, so -- and well, I need some additional supplies, you 10 It’s just, you know, my generator broke know. 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER Uh-huh. (b) (6) I just wonder how long I have to wait till 13 somebody can get through from the top or from the bottom to 14 bring some stuff up. 15 OPERATIONS: I don't know. Maybe -- I don't know. I mean 16 there’s -- there’s people up -- up and down the Crest right 17 now, you know, making sure it’s safe for -- but I -- I can’t -- 18 I -- I do not really know what -- what to tell you and even how 19 to help you, ma’am. 20 21 CALLER (b) (6) out, aren’t they? 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 25 No, it’s okay, but the fires are almost (b) (6) Which fire are you live -- you near? Well, any one near Highway 39, like the Morris Fire. OPERATIONS: Yeah, the Morris Fire is almost out. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 178 (b) (6) 1 CALLER 2 OPERATIONS: 3 CALLER 4 OPERATIONS: 5 (b) (6) Yeah. And you live up in that area; right? Yes, way, way up. Yeah, that -- that one is -- okay, ma’am, can I put you on hold? CALLER 6 (b) (6) Oh, sure. 7 /// 8 c2727_28_08_2009_215330 OPERATIONS: 9 (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: 12 Ms. (b) (6) Yeah. Okay, ma’am, like I said -- I don’t even know -- I -- I can’t even find a number to lead you on. (b) (6) 13 CALLER 14 OPERATIONS: 15 CALLER (b) (6) No. Let -Well, I could ask the sheriff’s 16 (inaudible) because (inaudible), and they say there’s nothing 17 they can do, it’s not in their hands to do anything. 18 /// 19 c2727_28_08_2009_215356 20 OPERATIONS: Yeah, I mean, we -- I don’t even have a 21 number in the -- the -- the incident-action plan to even 22 contact, you know. (b) (6) 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) Right. Because I mean -- I -- I don’t. No. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 179 OPERATIONS: 1 2 No, ma’am, and I’m looking through each page, and I don’t see a number, you know, for any type of assistance. CALLER 3 (b) (6) No. Well, I don’t really need assistance. 4 I just need one of the officers to make an exception when (b) 5 (b) (6) 6 (inaudible). (6) shows his driver's license that states his residence 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) (b) (6) 10 CALLER 11 OPERATIONS: Yeah. But those officers don’t want to listen. Yeah, and I understand that. Yes. And those -- and -- and to be honest the -- 12 the officers that live -- that’s down there are not Forest 13 Service people. (b) (6) 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: Yes. They’re CHP, so they don’t know -- I -- I 16 mean if -- they should see that -- that he is a local, and I 17 don't know why they’re not, and I don’t know why the road 18 closure still is there for the Morris Fire. 19 tell you none of these things. (b) (6) 20 CALLER 21 OPERATIONS: 22 I mean I can’t No. This -- this is the -- that is the incident commander who’s running -- who’s in charge of the fire. (b) (6) 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER (b) (6) And who’s that? I don't know him. Yeah, is he from the Forest Service? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 180 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 (b) (6) I mean you say you know you have the number (b) (6) CALLER 6 OPERATIONS: Yes. So I mean maybe those are the people that you should be trying to talk to. CALLER 8 9 Oh, okay. to the ranger and all of that; right? 5 7 Yeah, but he’s not, like, locally. phone. (b) (6) I tried to, but nobody answers their I left messages for Ms. (b) (6) she is our district 10 ranger, and then I left messages for Mr. (inaudible). 11 he’s a wonderful gentleman, you know. 12 OPERATIONS: 13 because we’re busy -(b) (6) 14 CALLER 15 OPERATIONS: 16 CALLER 17 OPERATIONS: 18 CALLER 19 OPERATIONS: 20 CALLER (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Okay. -- and I don’t want to -- okay? I apologize (inaudible). That’s okay, ma’am. Okay. c2727_28_08_2009_221619 CALLER 25 OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Thank you. Bye-bye. 22 24 Okay. Bye-bye. /// OPERATIONS: But, ma’am, I have to really go Yes, (inaudible). 21 23 Now, Angeles Operation. Hey, Captain (b) (6) here. Uh-huh. HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 181 CALLER 1 2 (b) (6) I got a call from (b) (6) requesting a helitanker for tomorrow. 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER Hold on one second. (b) (6) Thank you. 5 /// 6 c2727_28_08_2009_221644 7 OPERATIONS: 8 CALLER 9 OPERATIONS: 10 11 12 13 14 15 earlier CALLER How could I help you? (b) (6) Hi, (b) (6) here at OCD. Hi. (b) (6) Hey, I was looking for your fax and I haven’t got it yet. OPERATIONS: (b) (6) Did you send one? I sent it once, and I’m sending it again right now. CALLER (b) (6) Okay. Are you ready to double-check the numbers? 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER 18 OPERATIONS: 19 CALLER 20 OPERATIONS: 21 CALLER 22 OPERATIONS: 23 CALLER 24 OPERATIONS: 25 CALLER Yes. (b) (6) That’s it. Okay. (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) (b) (6) Let me see, (213) 485-4782. Okay, (b) (6) Okay. Bye. Bye-bye. Oh, well -Uh-huh. What’s the agency requesting? HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 182 1 OPERATIONS: 2 CALLER 3 OPERATIONS: 4 CALLER 5 OPERATIONS: U.S. Forest Service. (b) (6) Forest Service. Okay. (b) (6) 7 c2727_28_08_2009_222725 9 CALLER: 10 Angeles Operation. Yeah, I’m looking for the number for expanded overhead. 11 OPERATIONS: 12 CALLER: 13 OPERATIONS: 14 You’re welcome. Bye-bye. /// OPERATIONS: Overhead is -- the last four digits. Uh-huh. 2594 or 2596. Either one of those will be -- get you to where you need to go. 15 CALLER: 16 OPERATIONS: 17 CALLER: Thank you, sir. You’re welcome. Bye-bye. 18 /// 19 c2727_28_08_2009_224748 20 OPERATIONS: Angeles Operation. 21 DIVISION 2: Hey, (b) (6) 22 OPERATIONS: Yes, (b) (6) 23 DIVISION 2: I’m doing all right. 24 25 Thank you. Bye. 6 8 Okay. It’s (b) (6) How are you doing? Division 2 is in quarters. OPERATIONS: In quarters. Okay, man. You have a good HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 183 1 night, all right? 2 DIVISION 2: All right. Thanks. 3 OPERATIONS: All right. Bye-bye. 4 5 6 7 c2828_28_08_2009_182736 (No audio recorded.) (Conclusion of Recorded Material.) -o0o- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 HUNTINGTON COURT REPORTERS & TRANSCRIPTION, INC. (800) 586-2988 184