Policy Name: Academic Freedom and Responsbility
Policy Number: 7.3
Is this policy new, being reviewed/revised, or deleted?
Date of last revision, if applicable: 4/23/2013
Unit(s) Responsible for Policy Implementation: Provost and Vice President for Academic
Purpose of Policy (what does it do): Communicates the protected rights and privileges of
faculty to pursue scholarly inquiry without undue restrictions and to voice and publish individual
conclusions concerning the significance of evidence that they consider relevant. Frees faculty
from fear that others, inside and outside the university community, may threaten their
professional careers or the materials benefits accuring from it.
Reason for the addition, revision, or deletion (check all that apply):
Scheduled Review
Change in law
Response to audit finding
Internal Review
Other, please explain:
Please complete the appropriate section:
Specific rationale for new policy:
Specific rationale for each substantive revision: Clarification of when faculty are free from
institutioinal censorship or retribution based on recent legal clarification. Clarified that faculty
are "expected" to adhere to principles of academic responsibilities based on recent legal
Specific rationale for deletion of policy:
Additional Comments:
Academic Affairs Policy Committee; Judy Abbott, Chair
Steve Bullard, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Damon Derrick, General Counsel
Academic Freedom and Responsibility
Original Implementation: August 1, 2000
Last Revision: April 23, 2013April 12, 2016
Institutions of higher education are operated for the common good, requiring an uninhibited
search for truth and open expression. Faculty have legally protected rights and privileges. They
are free to pursue scholarly inquiry without undue restriction, and to voice and publish individual
conclusions concerning the significance of evidence that they consider relevant. Faculty must be
free from the fear that others, inside or outside the university community, may threaten their
professional careers or the material benefits accruing from it.
Faculty are entitled to freedom in the classroom to discuss relevant topics. Topics introduced in
the classroom should be related to the course subject. Faculty must be free from institutional
censorship or retribution when speaking, writing, or acting in a public capacityas a citizen of
the nation, state and community, subject to the principles of academic responsibility. Faculty
should make it clear that they are not speaking for the institution. Even in public discourse,
however, fFaculty should are expected to adhere to principles of academic responsibility.
The principles of academic responsibility include:
1. Faculty must Mmaintaining competence in their fields of specialization and professional
behavior. Evidence of this competence should be displayed in teaching, scholarship, and
service, including on-campus and off-campus contexts.
2. Faculty should be judicious in the use when using of controversial material in the
classroom and should introduce such material only if it has a clear relationship to the
subject field.
3. Faculty should strive to communicate accurately and respectfully; however, faculty who
make erroneous or critical statements are may still be protected.
4. When speaking or acting as private persons, faculty must avoid creating the impression that
they speak or act on behalf of the university.
5. Faculty statements are not protected free speech if they either substantially impede the
performance of their daily duties or materially and substantially interfere with the regular
operation of the institution.
Cross Reference: Faculty Code of Conduct (7.11); Ethics (2.6); Tex. Educ. Code § 51.354(5)
Responsible for Implementation: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Contact for Revision: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Forms: None
Board Committee Assignment: Academic and Student Affairs
7.3 Academic Freedom and Responsibility
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