The SCA Sustainability Effect Creating value for people and nature

The SCA Sustainability Effect
Creating value for people and nature
Creating value
for people and
For SCA, sustainability is not just a buzz
word. It is an integral part of our business
model and part of our strategy for growth
and value creation.
We are a leading global hygiene and forest
products company with a long tradition
of taking responsibility for people and for
nature. As early as the 1950s, SCA had
established an extensive social program for
its employees. And our origins as a forest
products company have given us a deep
connection with and responsibility to the
All around the world, SCA is involved in
sustainability initiatives based on our core
values: respect, excellence and responsibility. In this brochure, we invite you to learn
more about our efforts to create value for
people and nature.
Welcome to our world
and welcome to SCA!
We do everything we
can to improve our
We help our customers
achieve their sustainability targets
are proud to
work for SCA
We guide
to make the
right choice
SCA impacts
the lives of
millions of
people every
Our people and
Our people and nature ambitions explain our long-term view on the type
of company we want to be and the direction we wish to take.
People ambitions
We build our position as one of the
most trusted companies in the world,
delivering sustainable growth and
value for our stakeholders.
We improve hygiene standards worldwide with our hygiene solutions. For
the millions of existing users of our
products and services, and for the billions of people in emerging markets,
we develop innovative solutions that
make it easier to live healthy, sustainable lives.
We support women’s empowerment
and their freedom to participate fully
in society – socially, educationally and
professionally – across the world by
giving them access to and education
about hygiene solutions.
nature ambitions
Nature ambitions
We deliver sustainable solutions with
added value for our customers based
on safe, resource-efficient and environmentally sound sourcing, production
and development.
We combat climate change and minimize
our impact on the environment through
a combination of new innovations and
technologies, efficiency gains, consumer
initiatives and carbon sequestering in
our forests.
We care for the forests with all of their
biodiversity and we are committed to
managing and utilizing them responsibly.
We aim to maximize the benefits our
forests have on our ecosystem, climate,
customers and society, through a combination of innovation, efficiency gains and
wise and long-term management.
Nature targets
Our people and nature targets are specific and measureable, and
are thus critical to the achievement of our sustainability ambitions.
Climate & Energy
• We will reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and from purchased electricity
and heating by 20% by 2020, with 2005 as reference year.
• We will triple our production of biofuels from the forests
by 2020, with 2010 as reference year.
• The production of wind power on SCA forestland will
increase to 5 TWh by 2020.
• We aim to achieve water sustainability, and we will reduce our water consumption
in water-stressed regions by 10% by 2015, with 2010 as reference year (achieved
in 2013 - two years ahead of schedule).
• All SCA pulp and paper mills will employ mechanical and
biological water treatment plants by 2015.
Fiber sourcing & Biodiversity
• We will achieve and maintain our target of zero fresh fiberbased material, including pulp, from controversial sources.
• We will preserve the biodiversity of our forests. A minimum
of 5% of our productive land will be set aside from forestry
in our ecological landscape plans, and a further 5% will be
set aside as part of our consideration for nature in our managed forests.
Combatting climate change
SCA takes a 360-degree approach to
tackling its climate footprint and has
set targets to reduce carbon emissions.
One way of reducing carbon emissions is
through major investments, such as the
lime kiln installed in Munksund, Sweden
in 2014. The lime kiln replaces fuel oil
with biofuels, thereby reducing carbon
emissions by 75% and generating a cost
saving of SEK 50m (EUR 5.8m) per year.
Our energy efficiency program, ESAVE,
designed to reduce consumption and
carbon emissions, takes a more smallscale approach, yet generates a significant
effect. A typical ESAVE project could
involve reducing electricity consumption
by improving or replacing pumps,
compressors, fans or lighting. Between
2010 and 2013, 1,000 projects were
implemented, resulting in a 3.1%
reduction in energy used per ton of
product produced.
Set to boost green power
Access to more renewable energy will reduce greenhouse
emissions, and the EU aims to obtain 20% of its energy from
renewable sources by 2020. SCA commits heavily to wind
power, thereby boosting the production of green electricity and
making SCA less susceptible to fluctuations in energy prices. In
2013, we inaugurated our first wind farm in northern Sweden
as part of SCA’s and Statkraft’s wind power venture. The farm’s
26 turbines will generate 200 GWh, corresponding to the
electricity required by about 40,000 houses. And this is only
the beginning. In total, SCA’s wind power plans include the
construction of 830 wind turbines generating an impressive
7 TWh of green electricity.
Water target achieved two years early
Accessible water resources are distributed
extremely unevenly between regions.
This is why SCA focuses on reducing
water usage in water-stressed regions in
Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Italy, the US and
Australia. At our facility in Allo in Spain, a
water tank was installed enabling process
water to be stored in the event of a surplus
in the system. Previously, all surplus water
was sent straight to water treatment.
Our tissue mill in Sahagún, Mexico has
reduced the volume of water used in
tissue production from 25 to 16 m3 per
ton in just two years. These examples of
innovative thinking helped us achieve
our water reduction target two years
ahead of schedule.
Responsible use of raw materials
SCA promotes sustainable forest management and one of our environmental targets
is to ensure that none of the wood fiber we
use comes from controversial sources*.
To this end, SCA manages its own forests
– the source of about half of our wood raw
material – according to the international
forest management standards established
by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®)
and the Programme for the Endorsement of
Forest Certification (PEFC™). We demand
that our suppliers comply with high
environmental and social standards and
we carry out regular assessments of our
suppliers of fresh fiber-based raw material.
SCA has 100% control over the origin of
its fresh fiber-based raw material.
*Illegally logged timber, timber from high conservation
value forests (HCVF) or timber from areas where human
rights or the rights of indigenous people are violated.
We have a passion for forests
Forests are not only a source of valuable
and renewable raw materials; they also
provide critical ecosystem services that
make life on earth possible. Forests
absorb carbon dioxide, regulate water
flows and offer people opportunities for
recreation, hunting and fishing. As Europe’s
largest private forest owner, SCA has a
responsibility to protect and preserve
the biodiversity of its forest. We have set
aside more than 7% of our productive
forestland for preservation in ecological
landscape plans, which includes
preserving and re-establishing habitats
for sensitive species. In addition, more
than 10% of the forest area is preserved
for nature considerations in connection
with harvesting. As a consequence, more
than one tree in ten will die a natural
death and become part of the life cycle
– and be food for insects, birds and fungi.
People targets
Hygiene Solutions
• We will make our knowledge about hygiene available to
customers and consumers and ensure access to affordable,
sustainable hygiene solutions to help them lead a healthy
and dignified life.
Sustainable Innovations
• We will deliver better, safe and environmentally sound
solutions to our customers. We strive to continuously
improve resource efficiency and environmental performance,
while considering the entire lifecycle of new innovations.
Code of Conduct
• Our SCA supplier standard will be used to drive shared values and
priorities throughout our supply chain. We will use it in all our supply
chain contracts by 2015.
• We will maintain compliance with our SCA Code of
Conduct. All our employees will receive regular training
in the Code.
Employee Health & Safety
• Our aim is zero workplace accidents, and we will reduce
our accident frequency rate by 25% between 2011 and 2016.
• The international OHSAS 18001 standard will be implemented at all
main sites by 2016.
Working together for improved
continence care
Few people talk about incontinence, but
millions are affected by it. Estimates put
the figure at 400 million people affected
globally. As the world’s largest supplier of
incontinence products through the TENA
brand, SCA is working actively to break
the taboos that surround incontinence
and to develop and improve continence
care across the globe.
TENA Solutions is our concept to help
nursing homes find an optimal care
solution by offering in-depth analysis
and training combined with innovative
product solutions. An external study of
four nursing homes in Denmark showed
that using TENA Solutions resulted in
increased resident well-being and an
improved working atmosphere for the
caregivers, freeing up as much as one
third of their working time. The concept
also reduced laundry by 37%, waste by
31% and the total cost per patient and
year by SEK 14,000 (EUR 1,600).
Innovating for success
Customer and consumer-based innovation drives growth and profitability
and is key to SCA’s business success.
Working with sustainability and
resource efficiency drives innovation,
and an innovative culture leads to more
sustainable solutions.
Since the 1990s, life cycle assessments
have become central to the way SCA
designs and innovates toward sustainability. Life cycle assessments examine
the environmental impact of every
phase of a product’s life cycle, from raw
materials to manufacture, transport, use,
reuse and disposal. The carbon footprint
of Libero’s open diapers, for example,
decreased by 24% between 2008 and
The Tork Xpressnap dispenser system
guarantees a reduction in napkin use of at
least 25% when compared to traditional
napkin dispensers. The Tork Xpress
Countertop guarantees a reduction in
hand towel use of at least 25% over a
stack of loose towels. The one-at-a-time
dispensing function improves hygiene
and reduces consumption and waste.
Zero-tolerance approach to corruption
A company’s reputation is based on trust – trust
the company earns by managing its operations
and relationships in a responsible manner. At
SCA, corrupt business conduct is not tolerated
in any form, and we have developed a spectrum
of methods to evaluate compliance with
business ethics. In 2013, SCA adopted a new
anti-corruption policy and assessed potential
corruption risks. Anti-corruption is also included
in our Code of Conduct and we have developed
extensive training programs in the area. Our
Business Practice Reviews, conducted by the
internal audit function, are an effective way to
identify risks in our daily operations. In 2013,
reviews were conducted in the Czech Republic,
Spain and South Korea. SCA’s whistle-blower
system offers opportunities for all employees to
confidentially report Code of Conduct breaches.
We aim for zero workplace accidents
We care deeply about our employees,
which is why we make sure our
workplaces are healthy and safe. We
use the health and safety standards
mandated by national legislation,
international regulations and industry
standards as a starting point. To these
we add SCA’s own requirements, which
typically exceed mandated requirements.
We work tirelessly to identify workplace
risks and try to eliminate them before
they cause accidents. This dedication
to safety has paid off. In 2013, our
accident frequency rate declined by
13% and we are well on track toward
achieving our target of a 25% reduction
by 2016.
Securing a responsible supply chain
With a large and increasingly complex global supply chain, the ability to monitor
performance and risks and to manage social and environmental impacts among
suppliers is of utmost importance. Our shared commitment to responsible sourcing
rests on a three-pronged platform: signing of our Global Supplier Standard,
performance disclosure through Sedex (the world’s largest database for sharing
ethical supply chain data) and supplier audits. In 2013, we carried out about 60
supplier audits focused on ethics and social responsibility in China, Mexico, India,
Russia and Turkey.
Reaching out to make a difference
Around the world, SCA is actively engaged in
hundreds of community relations initiatives that
benefit the well-being of these communities.
Handwashing programs
Educating girls
SCA delivers educational programs to
girls through schools that teach them
about physiological and emotional
changes associated with puberty and
menstruation. In Latin America alone,
more than 1,500,000 girls have completed the programs.
Working to improve school
hygiene through handwashing
programs is a key activity
across many countries in
Europe and Latin America.
Improved hand hygiene can
prevent the spread of viruses
and contribute to lower
sickness absences.
Tree planting
As Europe’s largest private forest owner,
SCA is committed to the environment.
The Tree Pool program supports
employees in planting trees where they
live, providing their communities with
a piece of nature.
Improving healthcare
In China, an aging population
poses a challenge to the healthcare system. SCA helps by
providing senior citizens with
at-home nursing services carried
out by professional caregivers
and by educating nurses
in incontinence care.
A leading global hygiene
and forest products company
SCA is a leading global hygiene and
forest products company. The Group
develops and produces sustainable
personal care, tissue and forest products. Sales are conducted in about
100 countries under many strong
brands, including the leading global
brands TENA and Tork, and regional
brands, such as Libero, Libresse,
Lotus, Nosotras, Saba, Tempo and
As Europe’s largest private forest owner, SCA places considerable emphasis
on sustainable forest management.