Ohio Northern University Faculty 2014 - 2015 Minutes of the September 23 Meeting I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. President DiBiasio called the meeting to order at 11:01 AM. Invocation was offered by Chaplain MacDonald. Always ready to offer a blessing on a moment’s notice! Minutes from April 15, 2014 were approved. Election of Officers: Ray Person was elected Chair Pro Tem and Leslie Riley was elected Secretary. Lou Lobenhofer was appointed Parliamentarian. Unfinished Business: None. Report from University Council: Jeff Allison announced that University Council held their first meeting last Tuesday at 5:30 PM. Melissa Eddings was elected Vice Chair; Jenny Donley was elected Secretary and Lou Lobenhofer was appointed Parliamentarian. Committees provided many substantive reports. Council received a proposed resolution from the Office of Student Conduct regarding the term length for faculty members on the University Disciplinary Board. Council unanimously approved the resolution for one year terms as opposed to two. Recognition of Endowed Chairs for 2013 – 2014: President DiBiasio presented recipients of endowed chairs with a certificate in recognition of their award. Some recipients were absent. The endowed chairs for 2014 - 2015 are: a. LeRoy H. Lytle Chair: David Mikesell, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering b. George W. Patton Chair: David Savino, Associate Professor of Management c. Sara A. Ridenhour Chair: John Paul Kanwit, Associate Professor of English d. Ella and Ernest Fisher Chair: Michael Lewis, Professor of Law e. Eleanor H. and Robert W. Biggs Chair in the Sciences: Terrence Sheridan, Professor of Physics f. Eleanor H. and Robert W. Biggs Chair in Chemistry: Jake Zimmerman, Associate Professor of Chemistry g. Eleanor H. and Robert W. Biggs Chair in Arts: Melissa Eddings-Mancuso, Associate Professor of Art h. Mary Reichelderfer Chair: Ryan Rahrig, Assistant Professor of Mathematics & Statistics i. Kernan Robson Chair: Kofi Nsia-Pepra, Associate Professor of Political Science j. Engineering Alumni Chair: Bryan Boulanger, Professor of Civil Engineering k. Herbert F. Alter Chair of Engineering Sciences: Firas Hassan, Assistant Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering l. Wilfred E. Binkley Chair: Michael Loughlin, Professor of History m. Irene Casteel Chair in Education, Professional & Social Sciences: Kristie Payment, Associate Professor of Psychology Questions for the President: President DiBiasio made a few comments before opening the floor to questions. Ohio Northern University Faculty IX. 2014 - 2015 a. Enrollment Issues. There has been some stability with regards to FTE and headcounts and international students have increased. There was also an impressive 88% retention rate from the freshman class last year to the sophomore class this year. Other indicators are providing mixed signals. For example, the College of Arts and Sciences has seen increased enrollment, while the College of Business and the College of Law have declined. Our incoming students are still high quality (e.g. average 26 ACT). The university is moving in the right direction with an increased number of new students this year, but there was some disappointment that there was not a higher level of increase. For next year, we are encouraged by the addition of the men’s and women’s lacrosse teams. Students that have committed to attend ONU are coming from some new areas. Also, application numbers are higher for next year in some areas of the university (e.g. College of Engineering). We plan to continue with international initiatives and to keep broadening our prospective student base. This summer, a consulting firm provided some interesting feedback for getting ONU applications to a wider audience. As enrollment numbers are transferred to the budget, there are still some areas of concern. Net tuition revenue continues to be a problem and will result in a budget shortfall again this year. Even with increased enrollment, we are not yet seeing that translate into budget increases. Details are not available yet, but I will continue to keep you informed. b. The university reduced expenditures very successfully in the spring of 2014. We reduced expenditures by $2 million, closing a substantial portion of the $3.5 million gap. Voluntary retirement contributed to this reduction. The changes that were made in tightening the budget did not affect the students. Looking to this year’s budget, compensation and salary increases might not happen given the remaining gap in the budget. We will still push for this at the Board meeting on October 10 when the budget gets approved. c. Lisa Robeson asked about the discount rate. President DiBiasio responded that the rate is down in almost every college by 5 – 7%. The university is moving in the right direction. d. President DiBiasio reminded everyone about the Master Planning Forum next week. There are some exciting opportunities to think about our next campaign and the physical manifestations of our strategic plan. Questions for the Provost: David Crago made a few comments before opening the floor to questions. He noted that many of these items were also discussed at University Council. a. Two position changes were missed at opening session. Kathleen Baril, previously serving as Interim Director of Heterick Library, has now been named Director. Chris Yanai is now the Director of the PMCP program. Ohio Northern University Faculty X. 2014 - 2015 b. A variety of health science initiatives are being discussed. The top three initiatives are: 1) an RN-BSN online program, 2) a public health major and 3) a bioinformatics program. Faculty committees are underway and will be providing reports on their progress. c. By next academic year, there will only be one dual enrollment, post secondary option in the state of Ohio. Currently, ONU has 480 high school seniors that are receiving college credit. We will not be able to offer this option next fall until we redesign our dual enrollment program to meet the new state guidelines. Every high school is now required to have a relationship with a college in the state. We need to work quickly to set up these partnerships. d. On July 1st, the Ohio Supreme Court recently changed a rule stating that a bachelor’s degree had to precede a law degree. Now, the Court has adopted a 3 + 3 program. The pre-law committee is looking into what changes could be made at ONU to adopt a 3 + 3 program. e. ONU was invited to join the New American Colleges & Universities (NAC&U). This is a group of 15 – 20 schools that resemble us. Enrollment ranges from 2500 to about 6000. These schools have a commitment to professional programs, but also to liberal arts education and civic engagement. The first Provost conference call with the NAC&U occurred last Friday. This group will provide ONU with more visibility. f. Preparation for the HLC continues. Working drafts are being consolidated and comments of chairs and deans are being incorporated. g. A question was asked about whether state schools were the only ones involved in the new dual enrollment program. The Provost responded that every high school must have a contract with a state school and every state school has to offer 15 hour and 30 hour programs. Private schools can participate, but are not required to do so. We will have to market ONU as a dual enrollment option to be involved. The President added that this new policy creates mandatory competition with the state schools, but we still have a place to navigate, stay current and maybe even expand our current options. h. President DiBiasio added that a textbook is in the works that will discuss high impact learning at NAC&U schools. ONU will be included in that textbook. This book is being modeled after “Colleges that change lives.” Other Reports: a. Personnel: Bryan Boulanger announced that the committee has met twice. Michele Govekar was elected chair and Joanne Brant was elected secretary. Letters of intent for sabbatical are due October 1st. Packages are due October 15th. The committee will meet again on October 2nd. Feel free to address questions to members of the committee. Ohio Northern University Faculty XI. XII. 2014 - 2015 b. Academic Affairs: Firas Hassan announced that the committee is working on expanding the intellectual property policy. Please share any input with the committee. c. International Affairs: Brian Keas announced that the Study Abroad Fair will happen next Thursday, October 2nd from 10 AM – 2 PM in the McIntosh Activities Room. d. General Education: The committee is integrating new individuals, tagging and revisiting notes from last year’s retreat to work on areas that need to be changed. e. There were no other committee reports. Announcements: a. Phillip Zoladz is now serving as chair of the Institutional Review Board (IRB). There will now be an online submission process for IRB proposals. Please read the distributed email for further details. b. Forrest Clingerman announced that the Philosophy & Religion department and the chapel will be cosponsoring a conversation on religion and science with Carl Helrich and Paul Keim, both of Goshen College, on October 22nd at 8 PM. This is also the first year ONU will be participating in CIC Wilson visiting fellow program. Janice Ray, a creative nonfiction writer, will be joining us in February. Her work focuses on sustainability and memoirs of growing up in Georgia. Please let Forrest Clingerman know if you would like more information or are interested in staying in the loop regarding her visit. c. A musical performance on Monday, September 29th at 8 PM will feature a violinist, pianist and cellist. d. The Keiser Lecture is on Tuesday October 7th at 7:30 PM in the Freed Center. Dr. Reed Noss will discuss “Wilderness, Wildness and Biodiversity.” e. The English Department and Heterick Library are hosting a banned books reading and discussion at 7 PM on the first floor of Heterick Library this evening. f. Matt Phillips announced that he replaced Paul Govekar as the ONU representative on the Board of the United Way for Hardin County. This year’s campaign is seeking increased participation and all faculty and staff are encouraged to please consider donating at least $1. Everyone that gives more than $1 will be entered into drawings for prizes. Viva Maria’s will also be sponsoring an event for the United Way this evening. All proceeds will go to the United Way of Hardin County. g. Andy Roecker noted that distributing print versions of the faculty handbook may not be the best use of resources. Many people use electronic versions. It might be worth only printing handbooks for those that prefer that medium. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:44 AM. Submitted by, Ohio Northern University Faculty __________________________ Leslie A. Riley Secretary 2014 - 2015