Ohio Northern University Faculty 2014 - 2015 Minutes of the April 28 Meeting I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. President DiBiasio called the meeting to order in fine fashion at 11:00 AM. Invocation was offered by Kathie Fleck. Minutes from March 24, 2015 were approved. Unfinished Business: None. Approval of Spring Term Graduates (Melanie Hough): Requested approval of the spring term graduates. The list was distributed via email prior to the meeting on April 24th. Spring term graduates were approved. Report from University Council (Jeff Allison): Council had their final meeting last Tuesday (April 21st). Council passed an action item from the Personnel Committee that revised faculty expectations in seven areas. The second action item came from Academic Affairs clarifying the use of terms in the Faculty Handbook related to enrollment in a college, enrollment in a course and registration definitions related to the semester transition. Jeff Allison thanked Jennifer Kunkler Donley for all her work as Secretary and Lou Lobenhofer for serving as Vice Chair. a. Elections to Faculty Committees and Council i. University Council Chair (1): Melissa Eddings ii. University Council At-Large (2): Mark Cruea, Jed Marquart iii. Operational Committee – Athletics (1): Alisa Agozzino iv. Operational Committee – Religious Affairs (1): Diana Garlough v. Operational Committee – Undergraduate Promotion & Tenure Appeals (3): Laurie Bell, Firas Hassan, Mary Ellen Hethcox vi. Operational Committee – Grievance (2): Rich Miller, Henning Schroeder vii. Operational Committee – Academic Conduct (5): Laurie Bell, Heath LeBlanc, Michelle Musser, Tammy Schakett, Erin Peterson viii. Operational Committee – University Disciplinary Board (3): Mano D’Souza, Firas Hassan, Ryan Rahrig ix. Operational Committee – University Board of Appeals (2): Nesreen Alsbou, Brian Sage Reports from Constitutional Committees: a. Budget and Appropriations: No report. b. Academic Affairs: No report. c. Student Affairs (Jenny Walton): At the last meeting, the committee approved the following student organizations: ONU Society of Resource Management and Northern Nurses without Borders. d. Personnel: No report. Reports from Operational Committees: a. Athletic Events: No report. b. Cultural Events: No report. Ohio Northern University Faculty IX. 2014 - 2015 c. International Affairs (Brian Keas): The committee met last month and selected several award winners. One student was chosen for the Karen Condeni Scholarship and three students were chosen to receive Shuhaibar Scholarships. d. Religious Affairs (Chaplain MacDonald): The committee met last month and continued policy work that will carry over into the summer. Baccalaureate is planned for May 9th at 4:30 PM. The speakers are as follows: Reverend Jay Rundell, President of the Methodist Theological School in Ohio (keynote speaker), Cody Hay, PharmD Candidate at ONU (student speaker) and Harold Putt will give the blessing prayer from the faculty to the graduates. e. Information Technology (Jeff Rieman): The password program is in place and IT is currently working on some policies to support its use. A side note: The university has printed 5.5 million pages so far this year. Questions for the President: President DiBiasio first thanked Jeff Allison for the past two years of service as Chair of University Council and Lou Lobenhofer for his many years of service as Parliamentarian. a. The President highlighted some items from the recent Board of Trustees meeting. i. The Board thanked Ken Block for his many years of service as VP of University Advancement. ii. Hanley Wheeler will be joining the Board of Trustees in August. Hanley graduated from the College of Pharmacy in 1982 and is currently a Senior Vice President at CVS. iii. There was a focus on raising funds for the new engineering building. The goal for the first phase of fundraising is $15 million. The Board is looking to contribute 20% of that ($3 million). $1.2 million was donated at the meeting. iv. McIntosh had been slated for extensive renovation prior to budget cuts. The last campaign raised funds that could be used to renovate a few of these spaces in the very near future. v. The investment policy was changed slightly with respect to assets related to the endowment. vi. An extensive topic of discussion was next year’s budget (FY 16). This year’s budget (FY 15) will have a cash balance of over $0.75 million. However, there were several personnel vacancies. Next year’s budget will have added pressure from a few areas: filling these vacancies, changes to health benefits, and the gap that remains in net tuition revenue. The President encouraged everyone to attend one of the budget forums on May 5th to hear more details. b. The President thanked everyone that played a role in the very successful HLC visit. The outcomes have been very positive. Ohio Northern University Faculty 2014 - 2015 c. There are a number of retirement receptions this week. Be on the lookout for notices. d. Firas Hassan inquired whether all open faculty positions for 2015 – 2016 were filled. The President replied that not all were filled, as there were a few failed searches, but that the overwhelming majority (about 2 dozen) had been filled. X. Questions for the Provost: Provost Crago shared a few items before opening the floor to questions. a. There is still discussion with high schools regarding ONU’s College Credit Plus program, but it is hard to compete against the public higher education institutions that can offer the program to schools at no cost due to state funding. b. The HLC site team draft report found that ONU had met all five criteria and has been submitted to HLC. The final report from the site team and the federal compliance review has been submitted to HLC in final form. The IAC (Institutional Actions Council) will meet in the fall to make the final recommendation for reaffirmation. There will be a selection on which pathway we will choose for reaffirmation, but we will submit a written self-study in Year 4 and should expect a site team visit in Year 10. c. The Senate from NASCUMC (National Association of Schools & Colleges of the United Methodist Church) will perform a site visit in November to assure the Methodist Church that we are maintaining institutional integrity, well-structured programs, sound management, and clearly defined Church relationships. XI. Other Reports: None. XII. New Business: None. XIII. Announcements: a. The Symphony Orchestra will perform Saturday, May 2nd at 7:30 PM in the Freed Center. b. Michael Loughlin announced that Martin Sieff, a prominent international journalist will present “Dangerous Ignorance: Why U.S. Policymakers Get the Middle East Wrong” on Tuesday, April 28th at 7 PM in Dicke Forum. c. The Jazz Ensemble will perform Thursday, April 30th at 7:30 PM in the Freed Center. XIV. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:05 PM. Respectfully submitted by, __________________________ Leslie Riley, Secretary Juliet Hurtig, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs