OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY COUNCIL MINUTES Minutes, March 15, 2011 Roll: (Absentees Underlined) President Kendall Baker, Dr. David Crago, Dr. Robert Ruble, Mr. Ken Block, Dean Karen Condeni, Ms. Adriane Thompson-Bradshaw, Dean Catherine Albrecht, Dean Eric Baumgartner, Dean Jon Sprague, Dean James Fenton, Rev. Vernon LaSala (dinner for ONU preseminarians), Dr. Jeffery Allison, Dr. Khalid Al-Olimat, Dr. Nathaniel Bird, Dr. Bob Carrothers, Dr. Keith Durkin, Dr. Kevin Hill, Dr. Brian Keas, Prof. Laurie Laird, Ms. Marsha McMunn, Dr. Michael Milks, Prof. Sue Montenery, Prof. Traci Moritz, Mr. Clyde Pickett, Dr. Harold Putt, Dr. Lisa Robeson, Dr. Sandra Schroeder, Dr. David Smith, Dr. Amy Stockert, Dr. Bryan Ward, Dr. Rob Waters, Dr. Dexter Woods, Dr. Kay Zekany Dr. Lisa Robeson, Chair of Council, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. I. II. III. IV. Minutes of the February 15, 2011 meeting were approved as distributed (Motion by Traci Moritz, second by Sue Montenery, motion carried.) Reports from Constitutional Committees: a. Budget & Appropriations: No report. b. Academic Affairs: has three items under Unfinished Business. Additionally, the committee is meeting every Friday. Last week the committee heard a complaint from the College of Business Administration regarding the use of “Staff” during course registration instead of listing names of those teaching the courses. The committee also heard from representatives of the departments who use this designation the most (Physics, English). They stated that it often is used when their staffing levels are unknown at the time of advance registration. The departments seemed willing to make accommodations for students retaking a failed course if needed. The issue is complex and a broad policy across colleges may not be feasible. c. Student Activities: No report. d. Personnel: No report. Reports from Operational Committees: a. Athletics: No report. b. Information Technology: No further report. c. Cultural & Special Events: met last week and finished planning for the remainder of the academic year. A poet and novelist from Nigeria, Chris Albani, will speak Wednesday, March 16 at 7:00 p.m. at the Freed Center. d. International Affairs: No report. e. Religious Affairs: No report. f. General Education: No further report. Student Center Task Force: Michael Milks provided an update and also expressed disappointment with the process to date. For example, a meeting was planned to provide input to the architects and no advance notice was given to the faculty representatives (Milks and Roecker) or others on the committee. Bob Ruble apologized for the oversight stating that the meeting dates were sent out as final dates rather than as suggested dates as they should have been. Catherine Albrecht asked if the academic representatives were being incorporated in the meetings with architects. V. VI. VII. VIII. Bob Ruble replied. Yes, the architects will meet with all who have a stake in the new facility, including faculty representatives, to confirm space requirements in the new building. Planning Council: No report. Other Reports: a. Adriane Thompson-Bradshaw reported that a search committee was formed for the position of university chaplain and resumes are being solicited. b. Eric Baumgartner reported on a new major in the college of engineering for fall 2011. In conjunction with the math and education departments, the college will offer a major in engineering education. The annual Spotts Lecture will occur on Monday, March 21 in the Freed Center. Dr. Paul Polak, a social entrepreneur, will speak on Design for the other 90%. c. Catherine Albrecht stated that it is an active time in the college of arts and sciences. Over spring break, Lloyd Butler and ONU music students performed in Central Mexico to a sold out show of over 1400 attendees and thirteen students and faculty from the technological studies department participated in a tour of industry in Germany. ONU will host a District Science Day on Saturday, March 19. The annual Kritzler lecture will occur on Tuesday, March 22 and a student research colloquium on Saturday, April 9. Additionally, fourteen ONU students from Japan have been in contact with their families following the earthquake and would likely appreciate a friendly word from faculty and students. The Japanese students plan to do some fundraisers with all proceeds going to the Red Cross for aid in Japan. d. Student Senate: No report. e. Health Services Advisory Committee: No report. Announcements: Lisa Robeson stated that the nominating committee for at-large positions on council and other university committees have a March 21, 2011 deadline. The list of candidates will need to be approved at the next council meeting. Julie Hurtig noted that with electronic voting still going on, results so far show the change to the faculty constitution passing (to account for the change from quarters to semesters). Questions for the President: Dr. Baker announced that Kim Badertscher, daughter of Sharon Badertscher, an administrative assistant in engineering, received a lung transplant on March 12. Kim has cystic fibrosis. The ONUSA group held a fundraiser for the Badertscher family. Dr. Baker also expressed his appreciation for the fabulous turnout for Dr. DiBiasio and his wife at the last faculty meeting and the reception that followed. Dr. DiBiasio hopes to return to ONU prior to his official start date if his current job allows it but either way he and Dr. Baker are staying in contact. This is a busy travel time for the president and Toby with several alumni meetings planned in Florida, Chicago, Texas and Ohio. Lisa Robeson asked the president what stage the student center is in and expressed concern about the meetings not including faculty input. The president, with assistance from Bob Ruble, replied. The current meetings are follow-up meetings and will include faculty input. The concept of the center is evolving. For example, recreation facilities may now be incorporated. The architect meetings with various stakeholders will be used to eventually determine a cost estimate. Eric Baumgartner stated the various stages that building planning goes through (program requirements; schematic design phase; cost estimate; final design; bidding). We are currently in the program requirements phase. Bob noted that this is an evolving process and the goal is to get to preliminary blueprints. IX. Unfinished Business: a. Agenda attachment A from the Academic Affairs Committee providing an academic calendar proposal for 2012-13 and forward was brought to a vote. The changes were passed unanimously and without further discussion. b. Agenda attachment B from the Academic Affairs Committee laying out changes to the final examination schedule for 2011-12 and forward was brought to a vote. During discussion, a friendly amendment was made by Rob Waters to add a phrase to modify the Faculty Handbook 3.18.8 and bullet point #6 of the proposed final examination schedule. Sandra Schoeder seconded the motion. The new statement will read as follows: “A student with three (3) or more final examinations scheduled on one day may seek relief through the Registrar’s Office. The Registrar’s Office, after consultation with the affected faculty members, shall reschedule the appropriate exams to ensure that a student has no more than two (2) exams in one day.” (addition underlined) Brian Keas commented that he appreciates the inclusion of the phrase. The amendment was passed unanimously. i. Under further discussion, Nathaniel Bird stated that he is still not convinced that changing from no more than three exams in one day to two exams in one day is a good idea. He ran some numbers for his own majors and determined that the chance for an exam conflict occurring under semesters would change from 1% of students (no more than three exams in one day) to 5% (no more than two exams in one day). John Lomax commented that 5% is still pretty low and his committee and the registrar found that ONU is unique in requiring students to take three exams in one day. Additionally, he feels that we should think about the students instead of ourselves in making this decision. ii. The changes to the final examination rules, including the above referenced friendly amendment, passed. c. Agenda attachment C from the Academic Affairs Committee making changes to the Faculty Handbook, section 3.27.7 was brought to a vote. During discussion, Kay Zekany asked when the change would become effective. John Lomax stated that it would be in effect when the 2011-12 Faculty Handbook is updated; in other words, in effect for the 2011-12 academic year. Kay asked if it would only apply to incoming students or to students who graduate in 2011-12. John stated it would apply to those who graduate in 2011-12. Catherine Albrecht asked if there was a list available of the standards used by our peer and aspiration schools. John stated that he does have a list but not with him. More than half of the peer and aspiration schools have exactly the same standards as his committee is proposing. He stated that two schools have lower standards and a few schools (maybe ¼?) have higher standards than proposed. Catherine commented that Dartmouth and Brown, which had come up in John’s comments, are very different from ONU and we may not want to compare ourselves to them. John stated that Dartmouth and Brown are indeed different and use very different schemes to determine their degrees with distinction and so were not included in the committee’s list. He went on to state that schools we can reasonably compare ourselves to, Bucknell, Lehigh, Wake Forest, Drake plus a good number of our peer schools, are the ones the committee primarily looked at for guidance. Catherine stated that she doesn’t want to disadvantage students. Eric X. XI. Baumgartner stated that normally students follow the rules and curriculum as described in the catalog they entered ONU under. Why are we making this change for all students and not just for new students? John stated that some rules in the past have been grandfathered and others have not. He is not sure this language is in the catalog but his committee feels that the sooner this change is implemented the better. Ken Baker stated that the university reviews the faculty handbook annually and makes changes as needed with changes going into effect as the changes are made. Julie Hurtig commented that the catalog does have language explaining the university’s standards for degrees of distinction but it also states that the standards are subject to change. In this situation, the university cannot abide by the catalog a student came in under because it would be very confusing at graduation. Not only for Adriane – as she announces each student – but for the registrar trying to maintain multiple rules. She expressed desire to have the change take effect immediately if passed. The changes to the standards for degrees of distinction passed. New Business: a. None. Adjournment: Lisa Robeson adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m. Council will next meet on March 29, 2011. Respectfully submitted, Laurie K. Laird, Secretary University Council Attendance and Voting record VotingIssue: Agenda Att. A Yes No Abst Attend Council Member X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X March 15, 2011 Dr. Kendall Baker VP David Crago VP Robert Ruble VP Ken Block VP Karen Condeni VP Adriane ThompsonBradshaw Dean Catherine Albrecht Dean Eric Baumgartner Dean Jon Sprague Dean James Fenton Rev. Vernon LaSala Dr. Jeffery Allison Dr. Khalid Al-Olimat Dr. Nathaniel Bird Dr. Bob Carrothers Dr. Keith Durkin Dr. Kevin Hill Dr. Brian Keas Prof. Laurie Laird Ms. Marsha McMunn Dr. Michael Milks Prof. Sue Montenery Prof. Traci Moritz Mr. Clyde Pickett Dr. Harold Putt Dr. Lisa Robeson Dr. Sandra Schroeder Dr. David Smith Dr. Amy Stockert Dr. Bryan Ward Dr. Rob Waters Dr. Dexter Woods Dr. Kay Zekany Totals Shading denotes non-voting member Voting Issue: Amendment Yes No Abst Voting Issue: Voting Issue: Agenda Att. B Agenda Att. C Yes No Abst Yes No Abst X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 19 0 0 19 X 0 0 18 X X X 1 0 15 1 3