Minutes, February 18, 2014
Roll: (Absentees Underlined) President Daniel DiBiasio, VP David Crago, VP William Ballard, VP Ken Block, VP
Larry Lesick, VP Adriane Thompson-Bradshaw, Dean Catherine Albrecht, Dean Eric Baumgartner, Interim Dean
Thomas Kier, Dean James Fenton, Dean Richard Bales, Chaplain David MacDonald, Dr. Alisa Agozzino, Dr. Jeffery
Allison, Dr. Joanne Brant, Dr. Denise D’Arca, Prof. Jennifer Donley, Dr. Kami Fox, Dr. Firas Hassan, Dr. David Kisor,
Prof. Kelly Kobiela, Dr. Lou Lobenhofer, Dr. David Mikesell, Dr. Sue Montenery, Dr. Michelle Musser, Dr. Brian
Myers, Dr. Kristie Payment, Dr. Ronald Peterson, Mr. Joseph Railey, Dr. Susan Schertzer, Dr. Sandy Schroeder, Dr.
Jenny Walton, Dr. Dexter Woods
Jeff Allison, Chair of Council, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. in Dicke Hall 230.
Minutes of January 21, 2014 meeting approved as distributed.
Reports from Constitutional Committees
Budget & Appropriations: Budget preparation is underway. There will be a meeting next week.
Academic Affairs: One item each in Unfinished and New Business.
Student Activities: There will be a meeting on February 28th.
Personnel: No further report.
Reports from Operational Committees
Athletics: Nat St. Laurent, currently the assistant coach at Washington and Lee, has been hired as the
head coach for the men’s lacrosse team. A women’s lacrosse coach has been hired as well, but because
the individual is currently a sitting head coach, ONU will not be able to disclose the name until the end
of the lacrosse season. Academic year 2015-16 will have the first ONU lacrosse season.
Information Technology: No report.
Cultural & Special Events: Committee has met.
International Affairs: Committee has met. Please contact the Dean’s office if you know of an
international student who would be a candidate for the Shuhaibar Scholarship competition. The Karen
Condeni award is a new award for a student (domestic or international) who has made extraordinary
efforts to help international students acclimate to our campus. The Bruce Burton award is for an
international student who exhibits great campus involvement.
Religious Affairs: No further report.
General Education: Committee is grateful for the capstones that have come in for tagging and
processing. Students will hopefully be notified this week of their streamline progress. Advisors can find
the printable information in faculty folders or the folder for all of the students on the P drive.
Other Reports
Academic Affairs: Many ongoing searches right now and they are actively interviewing
faculty. Three finalists for the Dean of the College of Pharmacy will be on campus next week.
Catalog updates will be released next week on Monday.
Financial Affairs: Budget preparation under way. Working with Marc Staley on deferred
maintenance report and a multi-year plan. Revamped the student employment process.
Announcements about that will be coming out later this week. Adriane Thompson-Bradshaw
and Bill Ballard will be meeting with Sodexo dining services to finalize meal plans for next
year. They are aiming to create flexibility in pricing.
University Advancement: Tomorrow is Student Philanthropy Day in the Activities Room. This
is an opportunity for students to see the results of gifts by way of scholarships and funding
donations to encourage them to give back after they have graduated. The department will be
meeting with the 160over90 team soon.
Admissions and Financial Aid: Report submitted by Larry Lesick:
1. Fueled by increased attendance at our open houses, the number of visitors to campus
this academic year is now about 10% higher than this time last year.
2. Through February 14th, the number of freshman applications is down only 1%
compared to this time last year, while the number of accepted freshmen is up in every
college except business administration. A series of recruiting initiatives are being
implemented to increase interest in DCBA.
3. The financial aid regimens for freshmen are being prepared with input from Human
Capital Research. For us to be able to significantly reduce our discount rate and
achieve our new student enrollment goals, we need to have a larger pool of accepted
students than currently. This is especially of concern due to the increase in pharmacy
4. The Mathile Scholarship competition will be held this Saturday. Instead of inviting
only 16 students as we did last year, we have opened the competition to all accepted
freshmen who meet the minimum academic standards for the scholarship (3.5 gpa and
30 ACT composite). The purpose in increasing the pool is to provide us with the
opportunity to recruit those who will not be awarded the Mathile Scholarship. We have
been overwhelmed with the interest in this program and currently have over 120
students registered. We need faculty and staff to serve as members of interview teams;
please contact Deb Miller (ext. 2464) if you can help.
Student Affairs: The Greek awards ceremony for academic excellence and service was on
Sunday. Next week there will be three opportunities for students to attend the Good Neighbor
Off-campus Housing Meeting. This is a requirement for students who want to live off-campus
next year. The deadline for Debow Freed Outstanding Leadership nominations is March 5th.
Arts and Sciences: Tomorrow and Thursday the Ohio Board of Nursing will be on campus as
part of the accreditation process. Several upcoming performances and cultural events:
filmmaker Ya’Ke Smith, the Steel Band, Measure for Measure, the ONU Symphony, and the
Wind Orchestra.
Engineering: The Spotts Lecture, “The Disruptive Force of Robots in the Home and Beyond,”
will be next Wednesday.
Pharmacy: Hoping to select a Dean for the College of Pharmacy next week.
Business Administration: Report submitted by James Fenton:
Saturday, February 22, we will have the Dicke Scholarship competition. The Dicke
Scholarship is a full scholarship including full tuition and fees and a $1000 annual book
stipend. This scholarship is for four years. We will fund four of these scholarships at any
point in time with one opening up every year.
Currently, we are searching for two faculty openings – one in Management and one in
Risk Management and Insurance.
Law: Received an overall positive preliminary report from the inspection team.
Student Senate: Joseph Railey, new Student Senate President, was introduced. The new Student Senate
officers, cabinet, and college representatives have been sworn in and/or have begun meeting.
Health Services Advisory Committee: Human Resources and Bill Ballard will meet with Anthem on
Friday to look at the 2013 report and synopsis. The committee will meet on February 26th.
Chair/Faculty Comments: Jeff Allison: Need to start encouraging interest in the at-large council positions. The
elections will be in April at the Faculty Meeting. Jenny Walton announced that Alisa Agozzino will take over her
liaison position.
President Comments/Questions: The President thanked Julie Hurtig and her colleagues for their help during
David Crago’s absence. David is doing well and looking forward to coming back to campus for his light duty
period. Board update from January: 100% of promotion and tenure applications were approved and formal letters
have gone out. A lot of time has been spent on the Engineering Building and the USDA grant. Still planning to
move forward with the project but might be looking at funding sources other than the USDA grant at this time.
As a result of policy initiatives and not spending underwater endowment funds, the underwater funds have been
reduced from 6 million in December 2013 to 3.5 million today. This will allow over $500,000 additional to be
added to next year’s budget. Working with Julie Hurtig and Brian Keys to make some specific plans in regards
to the Health Services Report. The CIC, Council of Independent Colleges, has several professional and grant
opportunities that members can get involved with. David McDonald and Bill Mancuso have both been accepted
by two of the programs. One of the main events at the April Board Meeting will be the budget, so they are
working hard on that. DegreeWorks, a new tool that is being developed and tested, will help advisors and
students plan for graduation. It is under the advisor menu in Banner.
Unfinished Business:
a. Academic Affairs: Common Syllabus Content Policy (Attachment A): Lou Lobenhofer asked whether or not
there was too much information required to be included, which would make the syllabus too long and students
would be unwilling to read it. Discussion followed, and the overall consensus was that most people felt that more
was better. The syllabi will continue to be kept on file in the Academic Affairs office and this additional
information will need to be available for the HLC when requested. Denise D’Arca motioned to approve the
policy and David Mikesell seconded. Motion passed. (See Attachment B for voting record.)
New Business:
a. Academic Affairs: Mark of ‘I’ Policy: Discussion concerning the time limit of the extensions and the need to
clarify the definition of an active student followed. Joanne Brant suggested a friendly amendment for
clarification, but it was ultimately decided to leave the policy as is, since it is up to the Dean to make the final
decision in regards to incomplete grades.
Announcements: None.
Adjournment at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Donley, Secretary
Attachment A
Common Syllabus Content Policy
1. Catalog information: class name, number, number of credit hours, prerequisites, general education tags,
course description, meeting time(s), meeting place.
2. Instructor information: name, contact information, available office hours
3. Course materials & resources (plus where they may be obtained)
4. Course goals, objectives, outcomes
5. Course calendar (includes major assignments & due dates, dates of major exams, date & time of final exam)
6. Grading policy, attendance policy, rules concerning late assignments, missed tests, excused absence policy
7. Policy regarding academic dishonesty
The University expects its students to conduct themselves in a dignified and honorable manner as mature
members of the academic community and assumes that individually and collectively they will discourage
acts of academic dishonesty. The University also expects cooperation among administrators, faculty, staff,
and students in preventing acts of academic dishonesty, in detecting such acts, reporting them, and
identifying those who commit them, and in providing appropriate punishment for offenders. The
University Code of Academic Student Conduct is found in Appendix C of the Student Handbook:
Additional information regarding the faculty member’s policy for academic dishonesty can be added here.
8. Special accommodations policy:
Students requiring particular accommodations because of physical and/or learning disabilities should
contact their Dean’s office prior to or during the first week of classes. For additional information, see:
9. Other policies unique to course/instructor (laptops, cell phones, leaving during a class, etc.)
For an example course syllabus check the following link:
Attachment B
University Council Attendance and Voting record Attendance x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 02/18/14 Council Member President Daniel DiBiasio Provost/VP David Crago VP William Ballard VP Ken Block VP Larry Lesick VP Adriane Thompson‐Bradshaw Dean Catherine Albrecht Dean Eric Baumgartner Interim Dean Thomas Kier Dean James Fenton Dean Richard Bales Rev. David MacDonald Dr. Alisa Agozzino Dr. Jeffery Allison Dr. Joanne Brant Dr. Denise D'Arca Prof. Jennifer Donley Dr. Kami Fox Dr. Firas Hassan Dr. David Kisor Prof. Kelly Kobiela Dr. Lou Lobenhofer Dr. David Mikesell Prof. Sue Montenery Dr. Michelle Musser Dr. Brian Myers Dr. Kristie Payment Dr. Ronald Peterson Mr. Joseph Railey Dr. Susan Schertzer Dr. Sandy Schroeder Dr. Jenny Walton Dr. Dexter Woods Academic Support Staff Rep Voting Issue: per agenda Att. A yes no x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Shading denotes non‐voting member Totals
21 1 abst