Hope College-Howard Hughes Medical Institute Faculty Research Grant Principal Investigators:

Hope College-Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Faculty Research Grant
Principal Investigators: Kenneth L. Brown and Elizabeth M. Sanford
Title: The Development of an Electrochemical Array for Sensing Technology
Projected time period for the study: Summer 2013
Current Undergraduate Research Students:
Brown: Gerardo Ochoa and Tanweer Ismail
Sanford: Caitlin Kozack, Thomas Smeltzer, James Ayers, Brian Mulhern and Robert
1 Abstract:
An artificial or electronic tongue is an electrochemical array of nonspecific sensors that
measure responses to a liquid medium. In the past 15 years techniques in chemistry,
molecular biology and computing have advanced enough that electronic or artificial
tongues have been prepared and some have even been commercialized. That broad
array of responses is then processed based on pattern recognition and/or multivariate
data analysis to identify the substance. This data analysis of electrochemical
measurements is called chemometrics.
To make the biological analogy the
electrochemical sensors are the physical tongue and the data analysis is the brain.
Together they can taste artificially. It is our desire to develop electrochemical sensors
that can be used as artificial tongues when analyzed using chemometrics by preparing
functionalized ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) films on electrodes and then measuring
their response to different stimuli and analyzing the data using known chemometric
2 Project Description
Significance of work:
The significance of this work is to develop electrochemical sensing technology through
collaborative research in organic chemistry and electroanalytical chemistry and to
develop future STEM research leaders through their participation in undergraduate
research. This work also opens a new research area in our groups that will require
preliminary results to succeed in obtaining external funding. If successful it will also
open the possibility of future collaborations with colleagues in computer science.
The Sanford group has been working in the area of highly conjugated polymers for a
number of years. Electropolymerized ethylene dioxythiophene (EDOT/PEDOT) is such
a material (Figure 1). The Sanford and Brown groups have been working on building a
joint research area in which the Sanford group prepares functionalized EDOT
monomers with a variety of sensing groups attached to them.
The Brown group then makes PEDOT films via
electropolymerization and measures and characterizes the
electrochemical response. After reading recent work on the
development of electronic tongues it became clear to us that
we could use many of the existing and planned monomers in
our group to enter the artificial tongue area. For example,
the Suslick group uses a variety of dyes, redox active
compounds like porphpyrins and metal salts, all nonspecific
sensors that are analyzed chemometrically, to sense toxic
industrial chemicals, foods and even bacteria. The Suslick
group does this using color, not electrochemistry. Their
Figure 1. EDOT and PEDOT Structures
work, however, suggests that the color sensitivity would
translate to electrochemical activity. The Sanford and Brown groups have prepared
EDOT monomers attached to both dyes and redox active molecules that are very
similar to the materials the Suslick group uses. We are in a great position to make films
from these monomers on electrodes and prepare an artificial tongue. This work will
provide superb training for future STEM leaders because students will first start
participating during a course based research experience in Organic Independent
Projects (CHEM 256) and then continue to a summer research position in synthesis
and/or electrochemistry. These students will interact with each other and other group
members in a collaborative manner. In addition they will participate in the professional
development activities that are a part of our summer research program in chemistry and
then disseminate the results with posters, talks and publications. This work will also
provide preliminary data for an external grant to support our electronic tongue efforts.
Two undergraduate students will prepare substituted thiophene monomers as part of
our course-based research in CHEM 256, Organic Independent Projects. These
students will be trained in how to search the chemical literature, develop a project and
write a short proposal. They will also be trained in the practical aspects of research by
ordering chemicals, analyzing safety and toxicity of compounds they will be using and
designing the experiments that need to be done. The overall goal of their proposal will
be to execute a three-step synthesis of a thiophene monomer for the electronic tongue
project. One of these students will continue during the summer on the synthetic side of
the project and the other will specialize in the electrochemical side.
3 Synthetic Methods: The synthetic portion of the project involves preparing monomers
for electropolymerization. Each monomer involves a multistep synthesis. Some
monomers have been completed and others are in process. The student involved in
this research will either begin a new monomer or finish an existing monomer depending
on the success of syntheses undertaken as part of CHEM 256. Each monomer
preparation involves training in multistep organic synthesis. This training is critical for
success in graduate school in organic chemistry.
Figure 2 shows the compounds that we plan to
prepare and use to fabricate an electronic tongue.
These compounds are redox active compounds,
dyes and ion sensitive compounds. We have taken
EDOT-substituted ferrocene
such compounds and attached them to an
electropolymerizable EDOT moiety so that we can
form a sensing film of each compound on an
electrode. Allthough none of these compounds is
selective for a particular substrate together as an
array they can become selective just as the tongue
becomes selective with only a few nonselective
sensors. Compounds 2 and 3 are redox active
compounds. Compound 2 has been made but not
electropolymerized. Compound 3 is in the process
of being synthesized. Compound 4 is a fluorescent
dye that is also electrochromic. This compound has
been made, and stable films have been formed from
it. Variations of its design are being explored for
new targets. Compound 5 is a solvatochromic dye
that changes color depending on the polarity of the
environment that is in. A synthetic route has been
worked out to prepare this compound, but its
synthesis is not complete. Compound 6 has been
made, but not electropolymerized. It is capable of
binding cations. Our goals is to use four of these
compounds, polymerized on 4 different electrodes,
to demonstrate the proof of principle for the
electronic tongue. The fact that these compounds
range in readiness for electropolymerization from
EDOT-substituted diketopyrrolopyrrole
“done” to “in preparation” will allow the synthesis
student and the electrochemistry student to push the
project forward simultaneously. As we explore the
electrochemistry of these compounds, we will
inevitably need to design and prepare new
monomers as well.
Electrochemical Methods: The student in charge of
the electrochemical side of this project will need to
EDOT-substituted Brooker's Merocyanine
work out conditions to electropolymerize each of
these monomers on a variety of electrode types
using cyclic voltammetry. Once a film is formed it
needs also needs to be characterized. Students will
first use glassy carbon and platinum electrodes as
the platform to make the polymer coatings.
EDOT-substituted polyether
Ultimately these sensors will then need to be
Figure 2. Monomers for individual electrode sensors
arranged in an array interfaced with appropriate
in an electronic tongue array.
software and then tested for sensitivity. Our goal for
4 this grant periods is to do sensing of an analyte or group of analytes of interest with
each of the electrodes separately and overly their responses. If there is a difference in
the overlay of the responses and this is successful, the students will begin to develop
the sensor arrays on ceramic-based platinum and gold platforms like that shown in
Figure 3. We also have access to a 4 channel potentiostat at Gentex Corporation. A
key interest is in the optimization of the polymer film to be used as the sensing element.
Cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry will be used as the primary
instrumental methods for preparing and characterizing the polymer films respectively.
These techniques will provide both qualitative and quantitative information on the
performance of the sensor array in response to different analytes.
Figure 3. Ceramic-based platinum electrode from Pine Research Instruments.
The electrochemistry student will gain experience in analytical chemistry, experiment
design, electrochemistry and chemometrics. This training will prepare this student to
begin graduate work at a very high level in analytical and materials chemistry.
Both the synthetic organic student and the analytical student will be cross trained in
synthetic organic chemistry and electrochemistry. The cross training in synthesis will
occur during the Independent Projects in CHEM 256. During the summer the organic
student will support the electrochemistry efforts by doing the first round of
electropolymerizations to test the suitability of the monomers. Having both synthetic
organic experience in addition to electrochemistry training will make these students very
attractive as potential graduate students for top research groups in applied materials.
Both students will be expected to interact throughout the project with each other, both
mentors and other group members. Each will prepare and give a poster and talk
internally this summer and also give a poster externally to Hope. Each will also be
required to participate in an outreach activity with Holland Public Schools (HPS).
Expected Outcomes:
After the sequence of Independent Projects in CHEM 256 followed by a summer of
research students will be at the level of a first year graduate student in chemistry. As
such with additional work they should have adequate experience to gain admission to a
highly ranked graduate program in chemistry. Students will be encourage to complete
an additional summer of research either at Hope or a research focused university to
further prepare for graduate school.
We expect to be able to prepare four stable electrodes by the end of the summer and
demonstrate cooperate sensing. At this stage a proof of principle is the goal.
Preliminary results will be used to apply for external grants.
Potential Difficulties:
It is possible that one or more of the monomers will fail to electropolymerize or that films
once formed will not be stable. Because each synthesis is not very long and more than
four monomers are planned we expect we will overcome this inevitable barrier.
5 Demonstrating the array without a true array by overlaying spectra could be a
challenge. We are prepared to collaborate with other groups with electrochemical array
technology in place to better demonstrate proof of principle. Because this project is
very new and meant to provide preliminary data, there will be significant work to do after
the grant period.
Connections to other HHMI 2012 Programs:
The students involved in this project will be trained to become future STEM research
leaders. They will begin their research during an existing course based research
experience in CHEM 256. If they are interested in academic careers they will be
encouraged to participate in the mentoring workshops run by the HHMI Research
Scholars Program. In addition the faculty and students supported by this proposal will
do an outreach program (50 minute demonstration) for middle school students at
Holland Public Schools Jefferson K-7 and offer on site “afternoon in the lab” experience
for a 6th and a 7th grade student who has shown aptitude and interest in the sciences
but lacks exposure to such opportunities. This school has a large underrepresented
minority student body and serves a large number of economically disadvantaged
students. This experience will teach these future leaders about how to communicate
science to younger students and allow them to see the needs of our K-12 community.
Our experience in taking many of our Hope students to volunteer at HPS is that they are
amazed at the ethnic and economic diversity in HPS and the enthusiasm of the students
encourages them to participate in other K-12 outreach. We hope that including this in
our research plan shows that K-12 outreach should be a lifetime commitment of a future
STEM researcher.
Future Funding:
The Sanford and Brown groups intend to apply for an NSF RUI to support this work in
the fall of 2013. We are also looking into EPA support.
March 26: Independent Synthesis Projects: Students begin the preparation of
May 13-July 19: Summer Research: Synthetic student prepares monomers after
assessment of feasibility from Independent Synthesis; Electrochemistry student
prepares 4 electrodes for array. Demonstration of array planned to begin by the end of
the summer research period and into the following school year. Students will participate
in professional training program that is part of summer research and present both
papers and posters internally
July 19-October 31: Preparation of proposal for NSF RUI/Continuation of both the
synthetic and electrochemistry projects
Students will also present at an external to Hope research meeting such as the Van
Andel Institute or the Midstates Consortium in the fall of 2013 or an equivalent meeting.
6 Bibliography
Del Valle, m. “Electronic Tongues Employing Electrochemical Sensors” Electroanalysis
2010, 22(14), 1539.
Pigani, L, Foca, G. Ulrici, A., Ionescu, K., Martina, V., Terzi, F., Bignali, M. Zanardi, C.
Seeber, R. “Classification of red wines by chemometric analysis of voltammetric signals
from PEDOT-modified electrodes” Analytica Chimica Acta 2009, 643, 67.
Feng, L., Musto, C. J., Kemling, J. W., Lim, S. H., Zhong, W., Suslick, K. S.
“Colorimetric Sensor Array for Determination and Identification of Toxic Industrial
Chemicals” Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 9433.
Smyth, H., Cozzolino, D. “Instrumental Methods (Spectroscopy, Electronic Nose, and
Tongue) As Tools to Predict Taste and Aroma in Beverages: Advantages and
Limitations” Chem. Rev. available online: dx.doi.org/10.1021/cr300076c, not yet in print.
7 Budget Page
Faculty Stipends
Student Stipends
Faculty Stipends: A faculty stipend is requested by both Sanford and Brown in the
amount of $1000 each (2 * $1000= $2000) minus the appropriate FICA and MQFE. If
this funding cannot be taken as salary due to regulations on other pending funding, it
will be used for additional supplies.
Supplies/Equipment. Funds for supplies are requested for the Brown group and
Sanford group. The Brown group will use the funds to purchase electrodes and
electrochemical supplies. The Sanford group will use funds to purchase chemicals to
synthesize compounds (approximately 1 g each product is needed for testing to be
completed). The thiophene building blocks are expensive compounds. For example
hydroxymethyl-EDOT, a building block for all of our monomers is currently $70.00/g.
Student assistants: Stipends in the amount of $4600 is requested for two students (2
x $4600= $9200-- FICA deducted from this amount).
8 Biographical Sketch
Kenneth L. Brown
A. Professional Preparation
Oral Roberts University
Oklahoma State University
B.S., 1993
Ph.D., 1999
B. Appointments
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Hope College, 2006-Present.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Hope College, 2002-2006.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry (Term Position), Hope College, 1999-2002.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, Oklahoma State University, 1995-1999.
Research Assistant, Dowell Schlumberger, 1994-1995.
Analytical Chemist, Lab One Analytical, 1993-1994.
C. Recent Significant Publications (* indicates undergraduate authors)
1. K. Klunder*, F.A. Hekman, K.L. Brown, and G.F. Peaslee, “A Study of Dissolved Gas
Dynamics in Mixed Stream Electrolyzed Water,” Electrochemistry: The
Electrochemical Society of Japan, 2012, 80(8), 1-4.
2. K.L. Brown, X. Hou*, O. Banks*, K.A. Krueger*, J. Hinson*, G.F. Peaslee, P.A.
DeYoung, S.A. Alger*, J. Benzer*, and T.L. Neils, ”Characterization of Tris(5-amino1,10-phenanthroline) Ruthenium(II/III) Polymer Films Using Cyclic Voltammetry and
Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry,” International Journal of Chemistry, 2011,
3(4), 12-19.
3. K.L. Brown, and S.B. Gray*, “Cyclic Voltammetric Studies of
Electropolymerized Films Based on Ruthenium(II/III)Bis(1,10 phenanthroline)(4methyl-4’vinyl-2,2’-bibyridine),” International Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 2, 2,3-9.
4. D.J. Gonthier*, T.J. Sullivan, K.L. Brown, B. Wurtzel*, R. Lawal*, K.
VandenOever*, Z. Buchan*, and T.L. Bultman, “Stroma-forming endophyte
Epichloe glyceriae provides wound-inducible herbivore resistance to it grass
roots”, Oikos, 2008, 177, 629-633.
5. J.S. Pinter*, K.L. Brown, P.A. DeYoung, and G.F. Peaslee, “Amperometric Detection
of Hydrazine by Cyclic Voltammetry and Flow Injection Analysis Using Ruthenium
Modified Glassy Carbon Electrodes,” Talanta, 2006, 71, 1219-1225.
6. Brown, K.L.; Pinter, J.S*.; Ewing, K.*; Ruch, T.R.*; Ambrose, M.* and
Hesselsweet, I.*; “Amperometric Detection of Glucose Involving Electropolymerized
Tetraaminophthalocyanine and Ferrocene Films.” Analytical Letters, 2005, 38(5), 769780.
7. Brown, K.L.; Shaw, J.*; Ambrose, M.* and Mottola, H.A. “Voltammetric, Chronocoulometric and Spectroelectrochemical Studies of Electropolymerized Films Based
on Co(III/II)-and Zn(II)-4, 9, 16, 23-Tetraaminophthalocyanine: Effect of High pH.”
Microchemical Journal, 2002, 72, 285-298.
8. Brown, K.L. and Mottola, H.A. “Voltammetric, Chronocoulometric, and Spectroelectrochemical Studies of Electropolymerized Films Based on Cu(II/I)- 4, 9,16, 23Tetraaminophthalocyanine.” Langmuir, 1998, 14(12), 3411-3417.
9 D. Synergistic Activities
(i) Talks
1. Kenneth L. Brown, “The Development of New Electrochemical Probes: Three
Dimensional Macroporous Electrodes,” Gentex Corporation, April 20, 2010.
2. Kenneth L. Brown, “Research Opportunities at Hope College: From
Electrochemistry to Plant Physiology and Beyond,”Harold Washington College, March
2, 2007.
3. "Fungi, Alkaloids, and Differential Equations: A Multidisciplinary Undergraduate
Program at Hope College,” Council on Undergraduate Research, Depauw University,
Greencastle, IN, 2006.
4. "Developing the Next Generation of Scientific Leaders Through a Dynamic Trio:
Mentoring, Research, and Education," PEW Capstone Experiences Workshop,
Chicago, March 4, 2006.
5. Kenneth L. Brown, “Cyclic Voltammetric Studies of Metal(II) Tetraaminophthalocyanine Polymer Thin Films: Electrochemistry at Hope College,” Calvin College,
December 2, 2004.
E. Collaborators and other Affiliations
Professor Tom Higgins (Harold Washington College, Chicago, IL)
Professor Tom Neils (Grand Rapids Community College)
Dr. Marc Wirtz (PPG Industries, Electrochemical Group, Pittsburgh, PA)
Professor Phillip Buhlman (University of Minnesota)
Professor Graham Peaslee (Hope College)
Professor Thomas Bultman (Hope College)
Dr. Jeffrey Hendricks (Biotectix, LLC)
Dr. Sarah Richardson-Burns (Biotectix, LLC)
Dr. Elizabeth M. Sanford (Hope College)
F. Graduate Advisor
Horacio A. Mottola (Oklahoma State University-Retired)
G. Undergraduate Students Supervised: 45
Elizabeth M. Sanford
A. Professional Preparation
Smith College
University of California, Los Angeles
Cornell University
B.A., 1987
Ph.D., 1992
Organic/Polymer Chemistry
B. Appointments:
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Hope College, 2000-present
Visiting Research Associate (sabbatical), Gentex Corporation, Zeeland, MI, 2000-2001
Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Hope College, 1994-2000
C. Significant Publications: (* indicates undergraduate author)
1. M. R. Roslaniec, E. M. Sanford, “Benzoylation of Ergosterol through Nucleophilic Acyl
Substitution and Subsequent Formation of Ergosterol Benzoate Endoperoxide by
Reaction with Singlet Oxygen Generated by Photosensitization” J. Chem. Ed. 2011,
88(2), 229-131
2. E. M. Sanford, C. C. Lis*, N. R. McPherson*, “The Preparation of Allyl Phenyl Ether
and 2-Allyl Phenol Using the Williamson Ether Synthesis and Claisen Rearrangement”
J. Chem. Ed. 2009, 86(12), 1422-1423.
3. E. M. Sanford, T. L. Smith, “The Preparation and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of a Library of
Esters” J. Chem. Ed. 2008, 85(7), 944-945.
4. T. S. Guarr, K. E. Roberts, R. Lin, K. L. Baumann, D. A. Theiste, P. Giri and E. M.
Sanford (Gentex Corporation, Zeeland, Michigan) “Controlled Diffusion Coefficient
Electrochromic Materials for use in Electrochromic Mediums and Associated
Electrochromic Devices” U. S. Patent 6 710 906, 2004.
5. E. M. Sanford, A. L. Perkins*, B. Tang*, A. M. Kubasiak*, J. T. Reeves*, K. W.
Paulisse*, “A Comparison of 1,4-Bis(halomethyl)benzenes as Monomers for the
Modified Gilch Route to Poly[2-methoxy-5-((2’-ethylhexyl)-oxy)-p-phenylenevinylene]”
Chem. Comm. 1999, 23, 2347-2348.
6. E. M. Sanford, H. Hermann*, “Bromination, Elimination and Polymerization: A 3Step Sequence for the Preparation of Polystyrene from Ethylbenzene” J. Chem. Ed.
2000, 77, 1343-1344.
7. E. M. Sanford, K. W. Paulisse*, J. T. Reeves*, “A Computational Study of 2,5Dibenzylidenecyclopentanone and 2,6-Dibenzylidenecyclohexanone, Model
Compounds for Poly(arylidenecycloalkanones)” J. Appl. Poly. Sci. 1999, 74, 2255-2257.
8. K. Pollack, E. M. Sanford, J. M. J. Frechet, "A Comparison of Two Methods for the
Preparation of Dendritic Porphyrins: Core Functionalization vs. Porphyrin Assembly" J. Mater.
Chem. 1998, 8(3), 519-527.
9. P. J. Dandliker, F. Diederich, A. Zingg, J.-P. Gisselbrecht, M. Gross, Louati, Alain and E.
Sanford, "Dendrimers with Porphyrin Cores: Synthetic Models for Globular Heme Proteins"
Helvetica Chimica Acta 1997, 80(6), 1773-1801.
10. J. M. J. Frechet, I. Gitsov, R. B. Grubbs, C. J. Hawker, M. Henmi, M. Leduc, E. Sanford
11 K. Yui, "New Approaches to Dendritic Macromolecules" Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng. 1995, 73, 271272.
D. Synergistic Activities
•Participant in NSF SSTEM program to transition 2YC students transferring to Hope
through a research experience the summer between the 2YC and Hope.
E. M. Sanford, M. G. Tori, K. L. Brown, X. Hou, “The Preparation and
Electropolymerization of Thiophene-Substituted Diketopyrrolopyrroles,” Bioinspired
Materials Gordon Research Conference, Davidson, North Carolina, June 2012
K. Brubaker, E. M. Sanford, M. Tori, R. Muterspaugh, "New Applications for High
Performance Dyes," National Organic Symposium, Princeton University, Princeton, New
Jersey, June 2011
E. M. Sanford, A. R. Ketchum, E. P. Lauzon, K. L. Brown and X. Hou, “Thiophene
Derivatives for Device Applications,” The 33rd Reaction Mechanisms Conference,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, June 2010
E. M. Sanford, “The Preparation of Highly Conjugated Compounds for Device
Applications and the Preparation of Functionalized Sol-Gels for Control of Cell Growth,”
Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan, March, 2010
E. Collaborators and other Affiliations
Dr. Thomas Neils and Dr. Jennifer Batten (Grand Rapids Community College)
Dr. Desmond Murray (Andrews University)
Dr. Sarah Richardson-Burns, Dr. Jeffrey Hendricks (Biotectix LLC, An Allied Minds
Dr. Kenneth Brown (Hope College)
F. Graduate and Postgraduate Advisors
Graduate Thesis Advisor, Dr. François N. Diederich (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
Post-doctoral advisor, Dr. Jean M. J. Fréchet (University of California, Berkeley)
G. Undergraduate Research Students Supervised: 65
12 Current and Pending Support
Kenneth Brown
Collaborative Research: Testing Mutualism Theory Using Endophytic Fungi and Their
Host Grass
NSF-CRUI; DEB-Pop & Community Ecol. Cluster
$280,290; 09/01/11 – 08/31/14
Co PI with Thomas Bultman
REU Site: Professional Excellence and Development Through Undergraduate
$185,000: 05/01/09 – 09/30/13
Co PI with Graham Peaslee and Elizabeth Sanford
REU Site: Achieving the Next Level—Research Experiences for Underserved
$285,732: 05/01/13 – 04/30/16
Co PI with Graham Peaslee and Elizabeth Sanford
GOALI: Probing Interfaces—A Collaboration Between Academics and Industry
$446,816: 05/01/13 – 04/30/16
Co PI with Elizabeth Sanford
Elizabeth Sanford
REU Site: Professional Excellence and Development Through Undergraduate
$185,000: 05/01/09 – 09/30/13
Co PI with Graham Peaslee and Kenneth Brown
Faculty/Student Development Grant: The Development of an Artificial Tongue for
Sensing Applications
Nyenhuis Faculty Development Grant
13 $7000: 05/13/13 – 08/19/13
(Student collaborator: Brian Mulhern)
REU Site: Achieving the Next Level—Research Experiences for Underserved
$285,732: 05/01/13 – 04/30/16
Co PI with Graham Peaslee and Kenneth Brown
GOALI: Probing Interfaces—A Collaboration Between Academics and Industry
$446,816: 05/01/13 – 04/30/16
Co PI with Kenneth Brown