College Heights Secondary School 2014-2017 School Improvement Plan “Education That Works” Student Achievement and School Improvement: Mission: Student Well-being, Engagement and Pathways: By improving assessment and evaluation practices, both teaching and learning can be positively enhanced. By focusing on strategies to address literacy, more students will feel confident in reading and writing and achieve greater success in EQAO grade 10 testing. By encouraging ongoing commitment to mathematics and numeracy, students will have greater personal financial stability. By improving and focusing on reading strategies, students will demonstrate increased confidence and enjoyment of reading. As our OSSLT scores improve, there will be a decreased need for the OSSLC course. As our School-to-Work students are provided more “real life” employment opportunities, they will be better able to participate in their communities and contribute to their local economies. By June 2017, enrollment in senior math courses will have increased by 10%. By June 2017, 80% of students in MFM1P will have attained level 3 on EQAO. By June 2017, 60% of Applied level grade 10 students will pass the OSSLT on the first attempt. By June 2017, summative assessments will include a performance task. By June 2017, all grade 10 students will have completed one round of work experience. By June 2017, all senior School-to-Work students will be doing halfday cooperative education placement. Literacy & Numeracy will receive extra attention and will be a school focus. Students will gain employability skills through teachers’ creation of a collegial, co-operative learning and working environment that will reinforce the importance of teamwork, academics and personal management in all classes. A College Heights graduate will be motivated, respectful, productive and confident. Graduates will also be problem solvers, risk takers, team players, good communicators and lifelong learners. Students will have increased opportunities to complete volunteer hours, gain apprenticeships and achieve paid work through staff’s commitment to building links with the community, especially the CHSS Board of Directors. OSSLT results continue to underperform for students in applied-level courses. SEF indicates a need to further develop assessment for, as and of learning. Absenteeism and truancy remain a problem at CHSS and needs to be addressed. Students at CHSS often struggle to complete their community service hours and need to catch up prior to graduation. Credit Success - 2012/13 2013/14 2016/17 85% 85% 87% 103/79 86/92 ?/95 OSSLT - Applied - Essential 53% 9% 37% 5% 55% 15% EQAO Math 75% 79% 85% (% of credits attempted and succeeded) Potential Graduates/actual By providing safe spaces for students, students will feel empowered and encouraged to explore learning. By creating and encouraging extra-curricular participation, students will be more likely to experience improved physical and mental health. By encouraging students to have input into learning goals, students will become better invested in their own learning. By imbedding work-related activities in all subjects, students will be better able to create reflective and detailed resumes/job applications. By providing healthy food choices for students we will encourage a healthier lifestyle and promote the local food industry in our community. Smart Goals (If/Then): Data/Needs Assessment: Data: O:\P\Principal\School Improvement Plan\ Targeted Instructional Strategies: Diagnostic testing Better delineation between formative and summative assessment. Use of performance tasks Emphasis on learning/growth versus evaluation Focus on overall expectations Use of adolescent literacy guide Development of accessible texts for students Vision and Values: Smart Goals (IF/Then): Through practical, technical and service-related education, College Heights Secondary School students will gain: literacy; numeracy; job and social skills; a sense of self-worth; and a positive attitude toward life and learning in a changing society. By June 2017, there will be a 10% reduction in full and part-time absences. By June 2017, all departments will have established one significant community connection. By June 2017, grade 12 grads will have completed 40 hours of community service. By June 2017, all grade 10 students will have completed one round of work experience. Targeted Instructional Strategies: Use of self-assessment Focus on big ideas/enduring understandings Differentiated instruction Co-construction of learning goals More clubs across different departments Silent reading/sharing Use of technology (smart phones/tablets) CELE camp 4 Rachel’s group (now renamed 4 Huskies group) GPP leadership course