IBC Management: An application of WIP control for a pharmaceutical company MASSACHUSETTS INS TITUTE J by o TECic7 LCG DEC 072008 He Hu LIBRARIES B.Eng. Industrial Engineering and Management Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, 2007 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MANUFACTURING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEPTEMBER 2008 © 2008 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Signature of Author: Department of Mechanical Engineering August 19, 2008 Certified by: Stephen C. Graves Abraham Siegel Professor of Management, Sloan School of Management Thesis Supervisor A Accepted by: Lallit Anand Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department of Committee on Graduate Students ARCHIVES IBC Management: An application of WIP control for a pharmaceutical company By He Hu Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on August 19, 2008 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Abstract An Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) is used to contain raw materials and semi-products in pharmaceutical company ABC. Due to the high price of an IBC, company ABC sought to minimize the number of IBCs needed to support the production of four separate products. In this project, we identify five IBCs drivers that affect or determine the number of IBCs required. The cleaning schedule for IBCs was modified to reuse IBCs as much as possible. In this paper, we analyze the management of 1800L IBCs. Three of the five IBC drivers were analyzed in detail. Integer programming model, deterministic simulation method and Buzacott's formula for zero buffer line were used to solve the problems associated with the three IBC drivers to minimize the required number of the 1800L IBCs. Cleaning schedule for 1800L IBCs was modified under two production scenarios to reuse 1800L IBCs as much as possible. Thesis Supervisor: Stephen C. Graves Title: Abraham Siegel Professor of Management, Sloan School of Management Acknowledgement First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my thesis supervisor Professor Stephen C. Graves for his insightful guidance and patience in discussing and modifying the thesis. I would also like to express my thanks to all the people in ABC for supporting us on this project. I would especially like to thank Mr, Ger, Mr, Kong and Sam for helping us all though the project. Thanks to Chua Wei-Jiea and Kelvin Wong for taking time off their busy schedules to give me guidance on the project. Kind thanks also goes to Teresa Gui for her excellent administration support. Last but not least, I would really like to thank my teammate, Chen Xiaowen. Without your help and encouragement, I will not learn so much from this project. Contents A b stra c t ............................................................................................................................................. 2 A cknowledgem ent ............................................................................... ....... ............ L ist o f Fig ures ................................................................................................ 3 7 ...................... L ist of Tables.......... . . ............................................................................................. 8 Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1.1 6 8 B ackground ................................................................ 1.1.1 Company background .............................................................. 8 1.1.2 M anufacturing Facilities and Products................................................. .............. 8 1.1.3 Production campaign........................................ 1.1.4 Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC)................................. .................... 9 1.2 9 ............................. 1.1.5 Cleaning activities ........................... Project O verview ........................................................ ........................................ 10 10 1.2.1 M otivation .............................................................. 1.2.2 Objective and Project O utline ............................................................................... 10 12 1.3 Organization of the Thesis ......................................... 2.1 Manufacturing process .......................... 14 .................. Chapter 2 Manufacturing Operations in Company ABC ...................... ................. ............. 14 16 Product A................................................... ............ 17 Product B , C .................................................................................... .. Production campaigns for product A, B and C.................................... 2.2 IB C usage.................................. 17 18 2.1.2 Manufacturing process for product D ......................................... ..................... 19 ............................... ............................. 19 2.2.1 IB C usage in Product A ......... ............. ............... 2.2.2 IBC usage in Product B and C ............................................... ............ 20 2.2.3 IBC usage in Product D.......................................................20 21 2.3 IBC cleaning .................................................... Chapter 3: IBC Driver and Problem diagnosis..................................23 3.1 IB C D river..... . . . . ................................................................. 3.1.1 Definition ......................... .................................. 23 23 ................... ............... ..... 24 3.1.2 Allocation of Compression machines in PF ......................................... 3.1.3 IBC Driver of Product B and C .......................................................... 26 3.1.4 IBC Driver of Product D ....................................... 3.2 IBC cleaning activity ...... ................ 27 28 ....................................... 3.5.1 C leaning system .................................................. ........................................ 29 3.5.2 Problem of IBC cleaning....................................................29 Chapter 4: Modeling and Analysis for IBC drivers...................... 4.1 Allocation of compression machines.................... ......... ....... .... 31 .................... 31 4 .1.1 Methodology ....................................................................... 31 4.1.2 Modeling .......................................... 4.1.3 Results Evaluation...................... . .. ........... 32 ...................................................... 37 4.2 IBC Turnover between PF1 and PF2 ........................ ............... 4.2.1 A ssum ptions ..................................................................................................... 42 ...... 43 4.2.2 Deterministic Simulation ....................... 43 ................................... 4.3 WIP Level for Product 1)............................................................45 4 .3.1 M ethod ology .......................................................................................................... 45 4.3.2 Deterministic Simulation by Simul 8....................................................47 4.3.3 Line Efficiency defined by Buzacott........ ............................. 4.3.4 Productivity considering machines down................................ 50 . .................... 51 4.3.5 Results Evaluation by an Example.............................................52 Chapter 5 IB C C leaning .................................................................................................................. 54 5.1 Production campaign scenarios....................................................54 5.2 Capacity constraint and available time slots for automatic washer...................................56 5.3 Cleaning jobs generation....................................................56 56 5.3.1 M ethodology .............................................................................. 5 .3.2 E xam p le .......................................................................... 5 7 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations ...................................... 6.1 Conclusions ..................................................... 6.2 Limitations of the models and future work ........................... R eferences...... A ppendix.... ............................................................ ................................................................ . ............. 67 67 ...................... 68 70 71 List of Figures ........................ ... 11 Figure 1-1 Project outline .................................... Figure 2-1 Manufacturing process of Product A, B and C ............................ 13, 32 Figure 2-2 Manufacturing process of Product D .................................... 17, 45 Figure 2-3 IBC usage in Product A ......................................................... 18 Figure 2-4 IBC usage in Product B, C ..................................................... 19 Figure 2-5 IBC usage in Product D ................. . . ......... ..... .... 19 Figure 3-1 Cleaning process for 1800L IBC ....................................... 22, 28 Figure 4-1 The number of the 1800L IBCs needed versus time by using AP1 ......... 39 Figure 4-2 1 The number of the 1800L IBCs needed versus time by using AP2.......39 Figure 4-3 The number of the 1800L ICBs needed versus time by using API ......... 40 Figure 4-4 T Number of 1800L IBCs needed for product B ........................ 44, 59 Figure 4-5 Number of 1800L IBCs needed for product C ........................... 44, 62 Figure 4-6 Simulation model for product D by Simul 8 ................................. 47 Figure 5-1 Campaign sequence scenario 1.......................... Figure 5-2 Campaign sequence scenario 2 ..................... ..... 54 ............ 54 Figure 5-3 Number of the 1800L IBCs needed for the first product A campaign......37 Figure 5-4 Number of the 1800L IBCs needed for the second product A campaign...42 List of Tables Table I-1 IBC information.................................................. ................... 9 Table 2-1 Cycle time information for Product A ...................................... 16, 34 Table 2-2 Cycle time information for Product B and Product C ......................... 17 Table 2-3 Cycle time information for Product D ............ ................. 18, 47 Table 3-1 An example for a product A campaign ..................................... 24, 31 Table 3-2 Allocation of compression machines based on API ..................... 25, 37 Table 3-3 Allocation of compression machines based on AP2 ....................... 25,38 Table 4-1 Allocation of compression machines based on AP12 .......................... 37 Table 4-2 Performance comparison among API, AP2 and AP12 ........................ 36 Table 4-3 Transportation time of the 1800L IBC for product D ......................... 48 Table 4-4 Relations between the production volume and resources available.........50 Table 5-1 Production Planning for the first product A campaign ........................ 57 Table 5-2 Production Planning for the second product A campaign .................. 58 Table 5-3 The optimal Allocation Policy for the first product A campaign ............ 59 Table 5-4 IBCs release time points for the first product A campaign ................. 59 61 Table 5-5 IBCs release time points for the product B campaign ................ Table 5-6 The optimal allocation policy for the second product A campaign...........62 Table 5-7 IBCs release time points for the second product A campaign ............ 62 Table 5-8 IBCs release time points for the product C campaign .......................... 64 Table 5-9 IBC usage and cleaning scheduling..................... ...... 66 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Company background Company ABC is a multi-national pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of innovative health care products. Company ABC was incorporated in the year 1999 and produced its first batch of products in the year 2001. 1.1.2 Manufacturing Facilities and Products Company ABC has three separate manufacturing facilities: Pharmaceutical Facility 1 (PF1), Pharmaceutical Facility 2 (PF2) and Pharmaceutical Facility 3 (PF3). Currently, there are two products families, Product A and B, in production and another two products, Product C and D, are under development. Product A is completely done in PF1. Product D is completely done in PF3. Product B and C have their first half of process done in PFI and finish the second half in PF2. Product A has four kinds of strengths and two batch sizes. Products B, C and D have only one kind of strength and one batch size. 1.1.3 Production campaign A production campaign is a period in which a pharmaceutical facility is only producing one type of product. For example, when PF1 runs a Product A campaign, this means that PF1 will only produce Product A for some period of time into the future. 1.1.4 Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) In the pharmaceutical industry, all the Work-In-Process (WIP) must be stored in Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) to avoid exposure to the air. There are three types of IBCs, which differ in terms of their volume: 600L IBC, 1800L IBC and 2400L IBC. For example "600L IBC" means that the volume of the IBC is 600 liters. These IBCs are used in different places in the production process for different purposes. Information for each type of IBC is summarized in Table 1-1. Table 1-1 IBC information IBC Type Products involved with Location Total Number 600L Product A B C PF1 28 1800L Product A B C D PFI PF2 PF3 30 2400L Product B C PF2 18 1.1.5 Cleaning activities Due to safety and quality requirements, all equipment in contact with one product has to undergo a major cleaning (wet cleaning) before switching to another product. When the equipment switches between different strengths of the same product family, a minor cleaning (dry cleaning) is needed. Just as with the other equipment, an IBC needs a major cleaning before switching to another product and a minor cleaning before switching to a different strength of the same product. 1.2 Project Overview 1.2.1 Motivation When Company ABC launched the production in the year of 2001, it spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on purchasing IBCs. Since ABC had many more IBCs than it needed at the time, management did not pay close attention to the management of IBCs. However currently as Company ABC starts to produce more types of products, the number of IBCs it needs keeps increasing. Based on the productivity report of 2008, there are some machines that were shut down due to IBC unavailability; that is the production process had to stop because an IBC was not available. The management believes that in the future when they launch Product C and D, the management of IBC's will be more complicated and the occurrence of "IBC unavailable" will certainly increase. The motivation of the project is to manage the use of IBCs to make sure they are used efficiently. By doing this, the company also expects us to find out what is the minimum number of IBCs needed when all four products are in production so that they know whether it is necessary to purchase extra IBCs. 1.2.2 Objective and Project Outline The team project is conducted for Company ABC by two MIT graduate students. The objective of this research is to analyze and maximize the utilization of IBCs and then to make recommendations that allow the company to decide whether to buy new IBCs to support the production of Product C and Product D. To help the company answer this question, we need to know whether the current number of IBCs is enough for the company. To determine the number of IBCs actually needed for each production activity was the main objective in the first half of the project. In this stage, we learned about the manufacturing process of products A, B and the coming products C and D. Five production activities were identified as the main IBC drivers, which affect or determine the number of IBCs needed. We collected data on each activity, analyzed the data and found out the actual number of IBCs needed for each activity. However, we cannot just add together these numbers to decide the total number of IBCs needed. The reason for this is that IBCs can be shared between products and between uses. The second half of the project was focused on the reuse of IBCs. IBC cleaning activity affects the number of IBCs needed as well. For example if 4 IBCs are needed for a campaign of Product A and 19 IBCs are needed for a campaign of Product B, then 19 IBCs may be enough for both. The IBCs for the Product A campaign can be cleaned and reused for the campaign for Product B, and vice versa. After the two stages, we can answer the question whether the company needs to buy new IBCs. Along the process of looking for the answer, we also identified the wastes of IBC usage and can provide some suggestions to eliminate these wastes. This is an integral part of the implementation of lean manufacturing in the company. This project is divided into two individual theses. This thesis consists of two parts and focuses on the management of the 1800L IBCs. The first part of the thesis focuses on the three of five IBC drivers and the second part is about the cleaning activities of the 1800L IBCs. The other thesis, written by Xiaowen Chen [ , will analyze the other two IBC drivers and cleaning activities of the 600L IBCs. Figure 1-1 shows the overview of the project and what will be covered in this thesis. Legend: C Content in this thesis I Content in Xiaowen Content in both theses Figure 1-1 Project outline In the production, there are five IBC drivers: Stand-by for Equipment downtime is the main determinant for the number of 600L IBCs needed; the other four IBC drivers will affect the number of 1800L IBCs needed. In the cleaning, the effect of Product C and Product D will be considered. Cleaning orders are generated based on the production plan in 2009 and resource limitations such as water and manpower are considered as the capacity constraints. 1.3 Organization of the Thesis Chapter 2 describes in detail how does the manufacturing operate and the process flow for each of the products in company ABC. Chapter 3 describes the problems we faced in reaching the objective of the project by investigating IBC drivers and cleaning activities. Chapter 4 shows the analysis and calculations we did to minimize 12 the number of 1800L IBCs needed for each IBC driver in chapter 3. Chapter 5 studies the total number of 1800L IBCs needed by considering cleaning and reuse of IBCs. Finally, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made to company ABC in chapter 6. Chapter 2 Manufacturing Operations in Company ABC This chapter describes how the manufacturing of four products operates and how the Intermediate-Bulk-Containers (IBC) are used in the production. 2.1 Manufacturing process There are three pharmaceutical facilities in Company ABC namely PF , PF2 and PF3. Four products (Product A, B, C and D) are manufactured in these three facilities. The manufacturing process of Product A, B and C generally follow the process shown in Figure 2-1. The manufacturing of product D is independent of these three products and will be described later. 2.1.1 Manufacturing process for product A, B and C PFI r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I r I t I I t I I I I I I i ' PF2 I------------------------------ Figure 2-1: Manufacturing process of Product A, B and C From Figure 2-1 we can see that Product A, B and C share the same process of "Charging" and "HSM" in PF1. The "Blending" and "Compression" of Product A is finished in PFI and those processes of Product B and C are done in PF2. The only difference between producing A and producing B or C is that for product B and C 14 there is an extra Charging in PF2. This is because the tablet of product B and C has two layers. The first layer's "Charging" is done in PF1 and the second layer's "Charging" is done in PF2. The two layers get combined at the "Blending" step in PF2. The materials in the two "Charging" are different. Production volume in Company ABC occurs in batches. The duration of a campaign is expressed in terms of a number of batches. The batch size is in kilograms. For "Charging" at PF1, one subpart (equal to one quarter of a batch) is produced each time. After subpart I to subpart 4 are finished, they are sent to "HSM" as batch 1. "HSM" processes one subpart at a time, similar to Charging. After subpart 1 to subpart 4 are finished, they are sent together to blending as batch 1. The production of blending and compression are both in batches. After blending and compression, the production of batch 1 is finished. When PF1 starts a campaign for product A or B, C the Charging step will start one day ahead of the other steps. During that day, three to four batches (12 to 16 subparts) of products get charged and serve as standby inventories between the Charging and the HSM step. This is because the company wants the HSM to run at its maximum capacity so that it could finish the campaign for one product as quickly as possible and switch to the campaign for another product. When all of the standby products are ready, the HSM will start to produce and run continuously through the campaign. Meanwhile, instead of continuously running, the Charging will produce a new batch only when the HSM completes the production for one batch. In this way, the company attempts to maintain a buffer of between two to four batches between Charging and HSM. As mentioned in section 1.1.3, the production of Company ABC runs in campaigns. Only one product is produced during one campaign. "Product A Campaign" means that "Charging" and "HSM" in PFI produces Product A and two compression machines in PF1 are running to produce Product A. "Product B or C Campaign" 15 means " charging" and "HSM" in PFI produces Product B or C and two compression machines in PF2 are running to produce Product B or C. Product A Product A has four levels of strengths (a, b, c and d) and two batch sizes (x and y). Strength a and b only have one batch size x. For the other two strengths, each has two batch sizes. The cycle time of each process in Table 2-1 is different for each level of strength. Table 2-1 is a summary of the cycle time for four strengths of Product A. The cycle time for compression is the cycle time of one compression machine. All of the cycle times here are target cycle times, which are the production targets; the practical cycle time may be longer or shorter than target, but the difference is not significant. Table 2-1 Cycle time information for Product A Charging HSM Blending Compression a 4h 7hr Ih 26hr30min b 4h 7hr 1h 9hr Batch size x 4h 7hr 1h 8hr Batch size y 4h 7hr 1h 8hr Batch size x 4h 7hr lh 9hr Batch size y 4h 7hr 1h 9hr Process Strength c A minor changeover is needed for the HSM and Compression to switch from producing on level of strength to another. It takes 3 hours to do the minor changeover for the HSM and 16 hours for compression. In order to minimize the changeover of compression, Company ABC schedules the two compression machines in PF1 so that each compression machine is dedicated to two levels of strengths. For example, compression machine 1 will produce strength a, b and compression machine 2 will produce strength c, d. Product B, C Product B and C follow the same process. They both have one batch size and one level of strength. The cycle times for each process of Product B and C are in Table 2-2. The compression cycle time is the cycle time for one compression machine. Table 2-2 Cycle time information for Product B and Product C From Table 2-2 and Table 2-1, we can see that the compression cycle time for Product B and C are generally longer than that of Product A. The cycle time for other processes are more or less the same as that of Product A. Production campaigns for product A, B and C The longer compression cycle time for Product B and Product C determines that the total campaign length of "Product B or C Campaign" (in PFI and PF2) will be longer than that of "Product A Campaign" (only in PFI). When the HSM in PFI finishes "Product A Campaign", it can run a "Product B or C Campaign". When "Product B or C Campaign" in PF I finishes, the intermediate or semi-products of Product B or C are sent to PF2 for blending and compression. The HSM in PFI can start another "Product A Campaign" after a campaign changeover. The campaign changeover is about 7 days. During these days, the equipment is major cleaned and some quality tests are done. At some times, the compression machines in PF1 and PF2 are running at the same time. It is possible that the compression machines in PF1 are producing Product A and the compression machines in PF2 are producing Product B or C. Currently, the campaign sequence is Product A Campaign - Product B Campaign Product A Campaign - Product B Campaign in PFI. When Product C is introduced into production, the production sequence in PF1 can either be Product A Campaign Product B Campaign - Product A Campaign - Product C Campaign (Scenariol) or Product A Campaign - Product B Campaign - Product C Campaign - Product A Campaign (Scenario 2). 2.1.2 Manufacturing process for product D The manufacturing of Product D will be done in PF3. Figure 2-2 is the manufacturing process of Product D. We can see from Figure 2-2 that the raw materials first get charged at the First Charging step and transferred to the Pre-blending step to mix with the solutions. After that the semi-products go to the Roller Compaction step and get pressed. From Roller Compaction the semi-products are transferred to the Second Charging step where a new ingredient is added. After Final Blending step where the semi-products mix with the solutions again, the semi-products get compressed into tablets which are the final products at the Compression step. The production in each step is done in batches. There is only one level of strength and one batch size of Product D. The target cycle time is listed in Table 2-3. Figure 2-2 Manufacturing process of Product D Table 2-3 Cycle time information for Product D First Pre- Final Compression Charging blending 4h Second Roller Compaction Charging blending 4h 4.5h Ih 45min 4.5h 2.2 IBC usage 2.2.1 IBC usage in Product A 600L IBC and 1800L IBC are used in Product A. Figure 2-3 shows IBC usage in Product A. --- I Figure 2-3 IBC usage in Product A One 600L IBC is needed at the start of "Charging" in PFI as well as the product is being charged. Each time "Charging" produces one subpart. After "Charging", this subpart is sent to "HSM" by this 600L IBC. After unloading the material, it can be sent back to "charging" to reuse. Once the HSM starts to process the first subpart of one batch, one 1800L IBC is needed. After four subparts (equal to one batch), are finished, they will be sent to Blending by this 1800L IBC. After the Blending step the semi-product is transferred by this 1800L IBC to one of the two compression machines to do the compression. 19 When "compression" finishes the batch, thel800L IBC is released and will be sent back to the HSM for reuse. 2.2.2 IBC usage in Product B and C 600L IBC, 1800L IBC and 2400L IBC are used in Product B and C. Figure 2-4 shows IBC usage in Product B and C. - - - - - - PF2 - - - - - - - i I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I, Figure 2-4 IBC usage in Product B, C The usage of 600L IBC and 1800L IBC in PF 1 are the same as the usage in Product A. After "HSM", the 1800L IBC is sent to PF2, where it is matched at "blending" with one 2400L IBC charged of materials in PF2. After "compression", the empty 1800L IBC will be sent back to PF1 for reuse. 2.2.3 IBC usage in Product D 1800L IBC is used in Product D. Figure 2-5 shows IBC usage in Product D. w I Figure 2-5 IBC usage in Product D At the start of "First Charging", one 1800L IBC is needed. After the First Charging step, this 1800L IBCs is used to transport the product to Pre-blending to mix with the solution. It is empty after the completion of roller compaction and can be sent back to "First Charging" for reuse. At the start of roller compaction, a second 1800L IBC is needed. During "Roller Compaction", materials are transferred from one 1800L IBC to another. This second 1800L IBC can be released after compression and sent back to "Roller Compaction" for reuse. 2.3 IBC cleaning IBC requires a minor cleaning (dry cleaning) before switching to another level of strength of the same product and a major cleaning (wet cleaning) before switching to another product. Since minor cleaning can be done very quickly, in 15 minutes, in this thesis we only study IBC major cleaning issues. IBC's major cleaning requires manpower, water, solution and washer. The company's production runs in campaign. During one campaign, only one product is manufactured in each facility. After the campaign, equipment such as HSM needs to be cleaned as well. The major cleaning of HSM consumes a lot of water; IBC cannot be cleaned during the HSM major cleaning period (2 days). In regard to manpower, two people are needed to load IBCs onto the washer, and then cleaning can be done automatically by the washer for about three hours. After the cleaning, IBCs need to be unloaded by two people. Currently in the company, there are no people specifically responsible for IBC cleaning. People who help clean IBCs are quite flexible. Whoever is idle in the manufacturing process can do the IBC cleaning. The 600L and 1800L IBCs are currently cleaned in PF1 and share the same washer WA-900. The 2400L IBCs are cleaned in PF2 using two washers WA-2900 and WA-2940; one is for part washing, the other is for body washing. The WA-2900 and WA-2940 washers can be redesigned to clean 1800L IBCs if necessary. Chapter 3: IBC Driver and Problem diagnosis To support the production for four types of products with a minimum number of IBCs, we need to achieve two goals. First, use a minimum number of IBCs to support production for each of the product. Second, schedule the cleaning of IBCs well so that IBCs can be shared as much as possible among different products. This chapter describes in detail what are the problems we will address to achieve the two goals. This chapter contains two parts. First, we introduce the concept of an IBC Driver. Details of three IBC Drivers are provided and each IBC driver corresponds to a problem. Solving the three problems enables us to achieve the first goal mentioned above. Second, we describe the IBC cleaning system and the problem we face. The answer to this problem builds on the answers to the problems of the three IBC Drivers and it is the key to achieve the second goal mentioned above. 3.1 IBC Driver 3.1.1 Definition We define an "IBC Driver" to be the element that we can control in production and that affects or determines the number of IBCs needed. For example, in a production campaign for product B, the number of batches that need to be produced determines the number of IBCs needed. However, we do not treat this as an IBC Driver. This is because we cannot control the production requirement which is driven by the customer demands. After investigating the manufacturing operations in company ABC, we found out five IBC Drivers in total. Since this thesis focuses on the management of the 1800L IBC, we only describe three of the five IBC Drivers. Please refer to my teammate Xiaowen Chen' thesis ['l for the other two IBC Drivers. For the use of the 1800L IBC, the three IBC Drivers are: Allocation of Compression Machines in PF1, IBC Turnover between PFI and PF2, WIP Level for Product D. 3.1.2 Allocation of Compression machines in PF1 The IBC Driver of Product A is "Allocation of Compression Machines in PFI". Figure 2-1 in chapter 2 shows the manufacturing process of product A and we know that there are two compression machines in PFI to produce product A. Product A has four levels of strengths; a production plan for a product A campaign is shown in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 means that this product A campaign will start by producing 4 batches of strength a, followed by 14 batches of strength b and so on. Given this production plan we consider two ways to schedule the production to the two compression machines and the way of using them will affect the number of 1800L IBCs needed. Table 3-1: An example for a product A campaign Production Sequence Strength Number of batches I a 4 2 b 14 3 c 2 4 d 31 5 c 15 6 b 16 7 a 2 The first Allocation Policy (AP1) which is also what the company executes currently is that one kind of strength is only assigned to the same compression machine during the whole production campaign. Under the guide of API, the two compression machines will be used in the way shown in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 shows that for this 24 product A campaign, the strength a and c are assigned to compression machine I and the strength b and d are assigned to compression machine 2. Table 3-2: Allocation of compression machines based on API Production Sequence Strength Number of batches Compression machines assigned 1 a 4 Compression machine 1 2 b 14 Compression machine 2 3 c 2 Compression machine 1 4 d 31 Compression machine 2 5 c 15 Compression machine 1 6 b 16 Compression machine 2 7 a 2 Compression machine 1 The second Allocation Policy (AP2) uses two compression machines to do each of the strengths in one campaign. Under the guide of this policy, the two compression machines will be used in the way shown in Table 3-3. Unlike AP1, Table 3-3 shows that the two compression machines are used to produce all the strength. The entire production requirement is approximately equally distributed to the two compression machines. Table 3-3: Allocation of compression machines based on AP2 Production Sequence 1 2 Assignment for compression machine 1 2 batches of strength a 7 batches of strength b Assignment for compression machine 2 2 batches of strength a 7 batches of strength b 3 5 6 1 batch of strength c 16 batches of strength d 7 batches of strength c 8 bathes of strength b 1 batch of strength c 15 batches of strength d 8 batches of strength c 7 1 batch of strength a 4 8 batches of strength b 1 batch of strength a The two allocation policies differ in terms of the utilization of the two compression machines. We know that Product A has four levels of strengths and the compression machines need a minor changeover, which takes about 16 hours to switch to another 25 strength. API minimizes the number of changeovers needed for compression machines during the whole campaign. Since each changeover means a 16 hours' capacity loss for compression machines, API minimizes the capacity loss due to changeover. This is why the company currently executes API. However, if we use the API schedule, there will be a lot of idling of the compression machines. One of the compression machines could be idle when the HSM is producing the strength which is assigned to the other compression machine. We do not want the machines to idle and from this perspective AP2 is better at minimizing the capacity loss of compression machines due to idling. We want a high utilization of compression machines. This is because higher utilization means overall the two compression machines release the 1800L IBCs faster which means fewer 1800L IBCs (WIPs) will be needed between the HSM and Compression. We can see that both API and AP2 are extreme policies. One is to minimize changeover with the cost of more idling and the other one is to minimize idling with the cost of a lot of changeovers. The optimal policy is probably a mix of these two policies. Given a production plan, one problem is to decide how to use the two compression machines to minimize the number of 1800L IBCs needed. In chapter 4, we propose an integer programming model to solve this problem. We also use a deterministic discrete event simulation to compare the new mixed policy AP12 with both API and AP2. 3.1.3 IBC Driver of Product B and C The IBC Driver of Product B and C is "IBC Turnover between PFI and PF2". From section 2.1.1 we know that the production of A, B and C shares the same HSM in PF1 and therefore the company tries to keep HSM running, even though sometimes it is not the bottleneck of the process. The benefit of doing so is that HSM can finish one product campaign as quickly as possible and switch to another production campaign. When PFI and PF2 runs a campaign for product B or C, the compression step in PF2 is the bottleneck; this can be seen by checking the cycle time information for product B and C in Table 2-2. This is because two of the four compression machines in PF2 are dedicated for product B and the other two are for product C. In this situation, since the company still does not want to lose the capacity for HSM, we need many 1800L IBCs to store the intermediate product between the HSM and the compression machines in order for HSM to run continuously. However, even though compression step in PF2 is much slower than HSM in PFI, it could still release some of the 1800L IBCs during the production. Therefore we can infer that the number of 1800L IBCs needed would be less than the number of batches in the campaign produced, because of the reuse of some 1800L IBCs. In the past, the company was not aware of the importance of estimating how many 1800L IBCs are needed between PFI and PF2. This was because the company had more 1800L IBCs than it needed and thus it would just use whatever it had regardless of how many were actually needed. However, as the production rates increase, 1800L IBCs gradually become a critical issue and therefore the company has asked a question: Can we reduce the number of IBCs used for product B and C? How many can we reduce? In chapter 4, we will analyze how many 1800L IBCs are needed to support an X batch campaign of product B or C. 3.1.4 IBC Driver of Product D The IBC Driver of Product D is "WIP Level for Product D". Product D is a new product which will be launched in the year 2009. One problem the company faces now is to determine how many 1800L IBCs are needed for the production of D. As we know from Figure 2-2 which shows the process flow of product D, the manufacturing process for product D requires at least two 1800L IBCs, since the step called Roller compaction transfers the product from one 1800L IBC to another. All the 1800L IBCs involved in this process will be divided into two groups. One group of IBCs will serve the first three steps and the other group will serve the last four steps. Obviously as we increase the number of 1800L IBCs involved in the production, we will increase the productivity of the whole production line. However there is a tradeoff between the cost of WIP inventory and the benefit of production line's productivity. How to distribute the 1800L IBCs in the system is also a problem that needs to be addressed. Do the first three steps need more IBCs than the last four steps? Or putting more IBCs for the last four steps will bring us more benefits in terms of productivity of the whole line. In chapter 4, we will describe how to use simulation to approach this problem and get to know the relationship between the WIP level and productivity of the production line in PF3. We also present a way to use Buzacott's Line Efficiency [2] concept to estimate the productivity considering machines' failure. 3.2 IBC cleaning activity An IBC requires a minor cleaning (dry cleaning) before switching to another strength of the same product and a major cleaning (wet cleaning) before switching to another product. Since minor cleaning can be done very quickly, in 15 minutes, in this thesis we only study IBC major cleaning issues. 3.5.1 Cleaning system Cleaning system for IBCs includes only one machine called automatic washer. Both 600L IBC and 1800L IBC are cleaned by this automatic washer in PFI. Since company ABC faces more pressures from 1800L IBC currently, the cleaning priority of 1800L IBC is higher than that of 600L IBC. Therefore in this thesis, we will not consider the impact due to 600L IBCs on cleaning section. The cleaning process for one 1800L IBC is shown in Figure 3-1. This system can only clean one 1800L IBC at a time. Since there are some manual operations in the process, the total processing time varies and the mean of the total processing is 3.3 hours. The automatic washer can run at anytime that it is not down. However, due to the labor and water constraints in PFI, the cleaning system cannot process cleaning jobs all the time. Details about the capacity and available slots for the system to handle cleaning jobs are described in chapter 5. - ug pd W t i as Maulula Figure 3-1: Cleaning process for 1800L IBC 3.5.2 Problem of IBC cleaning Currently there is no IBC cleaning management system in company ABC and no one on the floor is specifically in charge of IBC cleaning. This impedes the ability to share IBCs among different products as much as possible. To understand this, let's assume that IBC number 1 finishes its production assignment for product A at time ti. If it could be cleaned before time t2 it can join the production for B. However, there is no awareness of this opportunity and therefore the company may choose to clean IBC number I when they have less workload. To have a clear IBC cleaning schedule, two things need to be further investigated. The first thing is the details about the pattern of cleaning jobs. For example, how many IBCs are needed to be cleaned per campaign? Is that different for different product campaigns? When are the IBCs released from production and ready to be cleaned? The second thing is automatic washer's capacity and available time slots to clean IBCs. In chapter 5, we first give the available slots for automatic washer to clean IBCs and analyze its capacity. After that we present a deterministic discrete events simulation method to show the cleaning jobs' pattern. This builds on the results of chapter 4. Finally we give the cleaning scheduling by an example to achieve the objective of the thesis: support the production of four types of products with a minimum number of 1800L IBCs. Chapter 4: Modeling and Analysis for IBC drivers From chapter 3 we know that there are three IBC Drivers and each of them corresponds to a problem. To solve the three problems enables us to answer the question for each of the products, what is the minimum number of IBCs needed. In this chapter we describe the models we used to solve the three problems respectively. Results analyses are also provided to show what we can learn from the outputs of the models. 4.1 Allocation of compression machines 4.1.1 Methodology From section 3.1.2, we know that the problem corresponding to the IBC Driver "Allocation of Compression Machines in PF 1" is that given the production plan for a product A campaign, how should we use the two compression machines in PF1 to minimize the number of the 1800L IBCs needed. Table 3-1: An example for a product A campaign Production Sequence Strength Number of batches I a 4 2 b 14 3 c 2 4 d 31 5 c 15 6 b 16 7 a 2 Given a production plan as shown in Table 3-1 (reproduced and shown above), we 31 know that one product A campaign consists of several sub-campaigns (7 sub-campaigns for the case shown in Table 3-1). In each sub-campaign, only one kind of strength is produced. For example, for the case shown in Table 3-1, the first sub-campaign is to produce 4 batches of strength a. Next we will first introduce an integer programming model to solve this problem. The decision variables of our model are the manufacturing state for the two compression machines for each sub-campaign of product A. The machine has to choose either to join this sub-campaign (1) or not to join this sub-campaign (0); when a machine "joins" the sub-campaign then it will be setup to produce the strength for the campaign and will continue to produce until the sub-campaign is finished. The objective of the model is to minimize the number of 1800L IBCs needed in this process. After that, we will present a deterministic discrete event simulation method to evaluate the solution obtained from the integer programming model. We will compare the mixed allocation policy that is determined by the integer programming model with both API and AP2 mentioned in section 3.1.2; we will then provide the analyses of the results. 4.1.2 Modeling Input and output The input for the model is the production plan for a product A campaign including the product strength and volume for each sub-campaign. An example can be seen in Table 3-1. The output of the model is a plan about how to use the two compression machines in PF1 to complete this campaign for product A, which we call the Allocation Policy 12 (API2). 4.1.2 .2 Assumptions We make the following assumptions to solve this problem. Figure 2-1 and Table 2-1 are reproduced and shown below for convenience. 1. All the machines in the process of producing A (shown in Figure 2-1) are reliable which means machines' failures will not happen. 2. Cycle time for each production step is fixed as shown in Table 2-1. 3. Transportation and setup time is ignored in the model. 4. The compression machine can start the production for one batch whenever it is available for production and does not need to wait for HSM to finish that batch. Compression machines are not available for production when they are doing minor changeover for strength change. 5. Changeover of compression machine is only considered when it does two consecutive sub-campaigns. 6. The compression machines are fixed for each of the sub-campaigns. This means once a compression machine joins a sub-campaign, the machine is dedicated to this production assignment until the sub-campaign is finished. 7. The product strength for two consecutive sub-campaigns is different. This assumption is valid because if two consecutive sub-campaigns produce the same product strength the two sub-campaigns can be combined into one sub-campaign. PFI I I I I I I I I I 1 I I i I I I i i I I I I I Figure 2-1: Manufacturing process of Product A, B and C Table 2-1 Cycle time information for Product A Charging HSM Blending Compression a 4h 7hr 1h 26hr30min b 4h 7hr 1h 9hr Batch size x 4h 7hr 1h 8hr Batch size y 4h 7hr Ih 8hr Batch size x 4h 7hr 1h 9hr Batch size y 4h 7hr lh 9hr Process Strength c d The assumptions are made to make this problem easier to model without sacrificing the performance of the solutions. We note here that by making the assumption number four, we allow the WIP between HSM and the compression machines to be negative. We know that in reality the compression machines cannot start to produce a batch until the HSM finishes the production of the batch. Therefore, the WIP we calculate in this problem is not the actual WIP. Nevertheless, the WIP, as calculated by the model, provides a relative measure of what WIP might be needed in reality. As such, we expect that this assumption will be fine, given the intent of the model is to determine the schedule of the two compression machines that can minimize the amount of WIP. The evaluation of the solution is given in section Variables xi h Manufacturing state for compression machine 1 for the i sub-campaign xi=1 if the compression machine 1 joins the ith sub-campaign and xi=O if not yi Manufacturing state for compression machine 2 for the ith sub-campaign if the compression machine 2 joins the ith sub-campaign and yi=O if not Ci Cycle time of one compression machine for the ith sub-campaign in hours It is known when the strength for the ith sub-campaign is given as input. Hi Cycle time of the HSM for the ith sub-campaign in hours ni th Number of batches that need to be produced for the i sub-campaign 34 yi= 1 This is given as input. k Number of sub-campaigns in the whole product A campaign t Time needed for a minor changeover of compression machine in hours Pi WIPs accumulated during the production period for the ith sub-campaign in batches Oi WIPs accumulated during the minor changeover period after the ith sub-campaign in batches Wj WIPs accumulated after the jth sub-campaign Modeling Min z s.t. Pi= (~- Hi Ci i -- Ci *Yi)* ni[xi * yi * Ci/2 + (1 - xi * Yi) * Hi] (1) for i=1,2,..., k --------------------------------------Oi=[± -(l-xi * xi+ 1 ) * - - (1 - yi * Yi+1) * ]*t*[L1-(1-xi*xi+l)*(1-yi*yi+l)] Hi C1 Ci (2) for i= 1,2,...,k ----------------------------------------Wj = Pi + i=, Oi for j=1,2,...,k------------------------------------- z_ Wj for all j=1,2,3,...,k --------------------------------------xi+yi> 1---------------------------------------------- (3) ---------------- (4) -------------------------------------- (5) xi=O0,1 ---------------------------------------------------------------- (6) yi=0,1-------------------------------------------------------------------- (7) The objective function is to minimize the maximum amount of WIP that is accumulated after any sub-campaigns. Constraint (1) defines the WIP that is accumulated during the production period for the ith sub-campaign. ( - * xi- * Y) is the difference between the HSM production rate and the compression machine production rate, which is the WIP 35 accumulating rate. According to cycle time information in Table 2-1, when two compression machines both produce the same strength (except for a strength 10/10), the WIP accumulating rate is negative. This is valid because of the assumption 4 which assumes that the compression machines can start producing a batch even when the HSM has not finished that batch. ni[xi * Yi * 2 + (1 - xi * Yi) * Hi] is the time needed for the faster step between HSM and compression to finish the ith sub-campaign. From the expression we know that when two compression machines are running for the same sub-campaign, compression is the faster step and therefore the time needed for the i'' sub-campaign is ni*Ci/2. Otherwise, HSM is the faster step and therefore the time needed is ni*Hi. Constraint (2) defines the WIP that is accumulated during the minor changeover period after the it h sub-campaign. According to the assumption 5, changeover is only considered when the compression machine does two consecutive sub-campaigns. The factor 1-(1-xi*xi+l)*(1-yi*yi+1) means that if neither of the two compression machines has a changeover (xi*xi+l=0 and yi*yi+1=O) there is no WIP accumulated due to 1 1 changeover (Oi=O). t is the time needed for changeover and - -(1-xi * xi+1) * - Hi 1 (1 - yi * Yi+1) * Ci is the difference between the HSM production rate and the compression machine production rate. We can see that if the compression machine I does two consecutive sub-campaigns (xi * xi+, = 1), it loses the production capacity for t hours. Constraint (3) defines the WIP that is accumulated after the j sub-campaigns and constraint (4) introduces a variable z which is larger than or equal to Wj for all j. Constraint (5) shows that for the ith sub-campaign, at least one compression machine should be assigned to it. Constraint (6) and (7) show that xi and yi are binary variables. 4.1.3 Results Evaluation Example Assume that the production schedule for a product A campaign is given in Table 3-1. For this example, fixed variables include: Hi= 7 for i=1,2,...,7 [Ci, C2, C 3, C 4, C5, C6 , C7] T= [26.5, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 26.5] [ni, n2, n 3 , n4 , n 5, n 6] T= T [4, 14, 2, 31, 15, 16, 2] k=7 Let the time needed for one compression machine to undergo a minor changeover be 16 hours, which means t= 16 hours. Decision variables are xi and yi. We built the integer programming model in Excel and solve the problem by the Excel Solver. The optimal solution AP12 is shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1: Allocation of compression machines based on AP12 Production Sequence Strength Number of batches Compression machines assigned 1 a 4 Compression machine 2 2 b 14 Compression machine I and 2 3 c 2 Compression machine 2 4 d 31 Compression machine I and 2 5 c 15 Compression machine land 2 6 b 16 Compression machine I and 2 7 a 2 Compression machine 1 and 2 We also know that under the guide of API and AP2, the two compression machines will be used in the way shown in Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 respectively. Table 3-2 and 3-3 are reproduced and shown below for convenience to compare. Table 3-2: Allocation of compression machines based on API Production Sequence Strength Number of batches Compression machines Compression machines I a 4 Compression machine 1 2 b 14 Compression machine 2 3 c 2 Compression machine 1 4 d 31 Compression machine 2 5 c 15 Compression machine 1 6 b 16 Compression machine 2 7 a 2 Compression machine 1 assigned Table 3-3: Allocation of compression machines based on AP2 Production Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Assignment for compression machine I 2 batches of strength a 7 batches of strength b 1 batch of strength c 16 batches of strength d 7 batches of strength c 8 bathes of strength b 1 batch of strength a Assignment for compression machine 2 2 batches of strength a 7 batches of strength b I batch of strength c 15 batches of strength d 8 batches of strength c 8 batches of strength b I batch of strength a In section 3.1.2, we mentioned that currently the company executes API to guide how to use the two compression machines to produce product A. However, both AP2 shown in Table 3-3 and API2 shown in Table 4-1 are feasible to implement. First, the minor changeover of compression machines costs nothing other than the 16 hours' capacity lost. If the people on the floor know that the compression machine would join the i+ls' sub-campaign, the machine can be cleaned after the ith sub-campaign. Second, sometimes when the number of batches of a sub-campaign is so large, such as more than 30 batches, then the people on the floor do use two compression machines during one sub-campaign to release the 1800L IBCs faster. Otherwise the 1800L IBCs would not be enough to support the production of product A. Next we will compare the performance of the three Allocation Policies on saving the 1800L IBCs. Deterministic Discrete Event Simulation We will use a Deterministic Discrete Event Simulation method to compare for this example, how these three policies (API, AP2 and AP12) perform. We make the following assumptions to do the simulation: 1. All the machines in this process are reliable which means machines' failure will not happen. 2. Cycle time for each of the step is fixed as shown in Table 2-1. 3. Transportation and setup time is ignored. 4. The HSM starts at time zero for this campaign Given the production plan shown in Table 3-1, we know that the first sub-campaign is to produce four batches of strength a. According to the assumption number 4, the HSM starts at time zero. Since the cycle time for the HSM is 7 hours, we know the HSM finishes the first batch of strength a at time 7 (0+7). Meanwhile, one of the compression machines will start to produce the first batch of strength a and finish it at time 33.5 (7+26.5). The HSM of the second batch finishes at time 14 (7+7). If both the two compression machines join this sub-campaign, the other compression machine will start the compression at time 14 and finishes at time 40.5 (14+26.5). If only one of the compression machines join the sub-campaign, it can only start the compression for the second batch at time 33.5 and finishes at the time 60 (33.5+26.5). We simulate the production for all the batches of this product A campaign under the guide of API, AP2 and AP12 for how to use the two compression machines. We determine the number of the 1800L IBCs needed as follows: the number increases by one whenever the HSM starts to produce a batch and it decreases by one when one of the compression machines completes the compression. We can plot the number of 1800L IBCs needed over time for API, AP2 and AP12. The plot is shown in Figure 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3 respectively. AP1 en M ~ ll0<UiL O0 ~LM 1N" LA zr4,IN O r- m 4-4 F14o 4 4q N 00e w 0'7% r 0 W Ln 0 0 n 0 t Time (h) Figure 4-1: The number of the 1800L IBCs needed versus time by using AP1 AP2 a -4 M 0 " r" f4 M M M A 1-4 V N 4 4 0vM r 4 (4 0 M r" 4 M 4 Mw rn v e -w n N Ln Time (h) Figure 4-2: The number of the 1800L LBCs needed versus time by using AP2 (D AP12 7 m Lnr -________ - - 'r Oii~~ k6 0 T -4 r 4 t".4enL m (h ) - m U -k Time (h) Figure 4-3: The number of the 1800L ICBs needed versus time by using AP12 Results Analysis The maximum number of the 1800L IBCs needed and the campaign length for this production plan under the guide of AP1, AP2 and AP12 are summarized in Table 4-2. The campaign length starts from time zero and finishes when the compression of the last batch of the campaign completes. Table 4-2: Performance comparison among AP1, AP2 and AP12 Campaign Length Maximum Number of the 1800L IBCs Allocation (hours) needed Policies 656 10 API 640.5 8 AP2 640.5 6 AP12 We can see from Table 4-2 that the minimum maximum number of the 1800L IBCs needed for this production plan is 6, which can be achieved by implementing AP12. Comparing Figure 4-1, 4-2 and 4-3, we can find that the plot corresponding to AP12 actually combines the better part of API and AP2 together. In terms of campaign length, for this production plan, AP2 and API2 perform equally. Therefore, we can conclude that for this production plan, AP12 performs best among the three allocation policies. According to the company's production plan for the year 2008, during a product A campaign, there may be more than one sub-campaigns producing the same strength. For example, in the example shown in Table 3-1, the strength a appears twice and the strength d only appears once. We compared the performances of API, AP2 and AP12 by using five production plans available from company for this year and obtained the following observations. 1. For the strengths b, c and d the maximum number of the 1800L IBCs will not exceed a certain value if we use two compression machines, regardless of the number of batches required to be produced in a sub-campaign. According to the cycle time information in Table 2-1, for the strength b, c and d if we use two compression machines the bottleneck for the system will be the HSM step. Therefore the WIP does not accumulate between the HSM and compression machines as the production volume increases for the sub-campaign. 2. It is better to not use two compression machines to produce the strength a together. We know that the cycle time of compression for the strength a is 26.5 hours which is much longer than that of the HSM. If we use two compression machines to produce the strength a together, this will result in many 1800L IBCs accumulating between the HSM and the compression step. Under this situation, it is better to assign one of the compression machines to start producing the next sub-campaign for some strength other than strength a. This reduces the maximum number of the 1800L IBCs needed. 4.2 IBC Turnover between PF1 and PF2 From section 3.1.3 we know that the problem corresponding to the IBC Driver "IBC Turnover between PFI and PF2" is how many 1800L IBCs are needed to support an X batch campaign of product B or C. From Figure 2-1 we know that product B and C follow the same manufacturing process. According to the cycle time information in Table2-2 when PF1 and PF2 run a product B or C campaign, the Compression step in PF2 is the bottleneck. Therefore to prevent the HSM in PFI from being blocked, we need some amount of the 1800L IBCs to store the product between HSM and the compression machines. However, we know that during the process, the compression machines in PF2 can release some 1800L IBCs; hence the number of 1800L IBCs required will be less than the batch size of X. We now provide a deterministic simulation method to analyze this problem. 4.2.1 Assumptions We make the following assumptions to run the deterministic simulation. 1. All the machines in this process (shown in Figure 2-1) are reliable which means machines' failures will not happen. 2. Machines' process time is constant 3. The 1800L IBC will be sent to PF2 immediately after the HSM in PF 1I completes the production of each a batch. The situation is the same for PF2, which means the 1800L IBC will be sent back to PFI immediately after the compression is completed and the IBC is released. 4. Both PF1 and PF2 are running at 24 hours/day and 7 days/week. 4.2.2 Deterministic Simulation The deterministic simulation in this section is similar with what we have done in the section We know that the cycle time of the HSM is 7 hours/batch for both product B and C. The cycle time of one compression machine for product B is 22 43 hours and 35 hours for product C. We assume that the transportation time of the 1800L IBC between PF1 and PF2 is 0.75 hours. In the following we use a product B campaign as an example to illustrate the process of simulation we have done. Assume the product B campaign starts at time zero. The HSM step for first batch of product B is finished at time 7 (0+7). One 1800L IBC will transport the semi-product to PF2 and the compression of the first batch will start at 7.75 (7+0.75) and finish at 29.75 (7.75+22). The HSM starts the second batch at 7 and finishes it at 14 (7+7). Since there are two compression machines in PF2 for product B, compression for the second batch will start at 14.75 (14+0.75) and finish at 36.75 (14.75+22). We can see that the third batch will arrive at PF2 at the time 21.75 (14+7+0.75); however the compression can only start at 29.75 when the compression of the first batch finishes. Using this method, we can simulate an X batch campaign of product B and determine the number of the 1800L IBCs required for the campaign. We can do the simulation for any value of X; by varying the value of X, we can get the plot that shows how the IBC requirements vary with the size of the campaign. This is shown in Figure 4-4. 33 - - ---- -- __ 31- -o ) 29 -- - - - -- 27 r 25 I, 00 - 0 - -----------~--------------- - --~-----~------~-~----------~------- 21 S19 17 4041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465666768697071 727374757677787980 Campaign Size (number of batches) Figure 4-4: Number of 1800L IBCs needed for product B Figure 4-4 shows that as we vary the campaign size from 40 to 80, the 1800L IBC requirements increase from 17 to 32. Currently company ABC has 30 1800L IBCs 44 and therefore the company needs to purchase extra 1800L IBCs to support a product B campaign whose size is larger than 76 batches. Since product C follows exactly the same manufacturing process as product B, we can also generate the same plot for product C which is shown in Figure 4-5. i a 31 a) 29 U S27 25 c 23 00 0 21 19 d 17 Z 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Campaign Size (number of batches) Figure 4-5: Number of 1800L IBCs needed for product C In Figure 4-5, we vary the campaign size from 25 to 50 and the number of 1800L IBCs increase from 17 to 32. We can also see that the maximum campaign size the current 30 1800L IBCs can support is 48. 4.3 WIP Level for Product D 4.3.1 Methodology From section 3.1.4 we know that the problem corresponding to the IBC Driver "WIP Level for Product D" is: the relation between the WIP level (number of the 1800L IBCs) in the system and the productivity of the system shown in Figure 2-2 and how to distribute those IBCs to gain maximum benefits in terms of productivity of the system. Figure 2-2 Manufacturing process of Product D We will first describe how to use Simul 8 to build a deterministic model to study the relation between the WIP level and productivity of the system and how to distribute the IBCs. In the deterministic model we will assume all the machines are perfectly reliable which is different from the real case. Therefore we will propose a method to estimate the real productivity of the system considering the effects caused by machines' failures by using Buzacott's Line Efficiency concept. There are two reasons why we do not use simulation to analyze the real productivity of the system directly accounting for the unreliability of the machines. First, product D has not been launched yet and therefore we do not have downtime information for machines. To use simulation to get the productivity of the system considering machines down, we need to assume the MTTR (Mean-Time-To-Repair) and MTTF (Mean-Time-To-Fail) for each of the machine. However, by using Buzacott's Line Efficiency concept to estimate the productivity of the system, we only need to know the ratio of MTTR and MTTF for each of the machines. We can get the ratio by assuming the efficiency of each of the machines, which is easier. Second, we can put the results obtained from the deterministic simulation model and Buzacott's Zero-Buffer Line Efficiency formula into an Excel spreadsheet model that will be much more flexible for the company. The company can change the efficiency of the machines in the future when they have downtime information. 4.3.2 Deterministic Simulation by Simul 8 In this section, we use simulation to study the relation between the WIP level and the productivity of the system shown in Figure 2-2. Following assumptions are made to build the model. 1. All the machines in this process (shown in Figure 2-2) are reliable which means machines' failure will not happen. 2. Machines' process time is constant as shown in Table 2-3. 3. Transportation time of the 1800L IBC is constant as shown in Table 4-3. 4. Setup time is not considered Table 2-3 Cycle time information for Product D First Pre- Roller Second Final Charging blending Compaction Charging blending 4h lh 4.5h 4h 45min Compression 4.5h Table 4-3: Transportation time of the 1800L IBC for product D From First Charging Pre-Blending Roller Compaction Roller Compaction Second Charging Final Blending Compression To Pre-Blending Roller Compaction First Charging Second Charging Final Blending Compression Roller Compaction Transportation time of IBC (h) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 Assumption 1 and 2 tell us that the model we are going to build is deterministic and nothing in the simulation is subject to random variation. To simulate the process shown in Figure 2-2, we built a system with Simul 8 shown in Figure 4-6. Resource A First Charging 00 Preblending trahsportati Resurce B Roller Compaction 0 nspotatio2 Second Charging Transportation3 0 Final Blending 0 Transportatior Compression 0 Transportation5 Figure 4-6: Simulation model for product D by Simul 8 From Figure 4-6 we can see that there are six Work Centers: First Charging, Pre-Blending, Roller Compaction, Second Charging, Final Blending and Compression. (For the icon meaning and other details about Simul 8 such as Work Center and Resource, please refer to the appendix.) Since in Simul 8, the transportation between two Work Centers is set to be zero, we treat the transportation as a work center also. The input cycle time for the transportation steps in the model is the same as shown in Table 2-3. Based on the characteristic that the 1800L IBCs are used at the start of one process and released after the completion of that process, we consider the impacts of the 1800L IBCs by adding two kinds of Resources. Resource A is required for First Charging, Pre-Blending and Roller Compaction and Resource B is required for Roller Compaction, Second Charging, Final Blending and Compression. These Work Centers can only operate when the resource they need is available. (Roller Compaction can only operate when both of the two resources are available.) Resources will be released after the work is completed. The purpose of this simulation is to investigate the relation between the number of the 1800L IBCs used in the system and the productivity of the system. Therefore we varied the number of each resource in the system and determine the production volume for the system. We assume that any machine in the system will start a batch whenever it can and the objective is to produce as many batches as possible. The simulation length is one year and the production volume is counted in batch. The results are summarized in Table 4-4. From Table 4-4 we can see that when the number of resource A reaches 3, any additional resource A does not bring benefits to the production volume of the system. For example, the annual production volume that corresponds to (3, 4) and (4, 4) is the same and equal to 1942 batches. The same situation happens to resource B when the number of resource B reaches 4. For example, the production volume that corresponds to (3,4) and (3,5) is the same, and equal to 1942 batches. Therefore, we set the maximum number of the 1800L IBCs in the system equal to 7 since three resources A and 4 resources B already enable the system to achieve the best performance. Table 4-4: Relations between the production volume and resources available Total number of resources 2 Number of resources(Resource A, Resource B) (1,1) Production Volume for one year (batches) 635 3 (2,1) 3 4 (1,2) 635 944 (1,3) (3,1) 944 635 4 5 5 (2,2) 1270 (1,4) (4,1) 944 635 5 (2,3) 1884 5 (3,2) 1270 6 6 (1,5) (5,1) (2,4) 944 635 1884 (4,2) (3,3) 4 6 6 6 7 (1,6) 1270 1905 944 7 (6,1) 636 7 (2,5) 1884 7 (5,2) 1270 7 (4,3) 1905 7 8 (3,4) (3,5) 1942 1942 8 (4,4) 1942 9 (4,5) 1942 4.3.3 Line Efficiency defined by Buzacott Buzacott (1967) [21 defined the line efficiency for a zero buffer line. Assume that we have a flow line with k machines. Machines are assumed to have constant operation times. Machines can only fail while they are working. Both down times and up times are distributed geometrically. Let ti be the operation time for machine i. Define the probability of Machine Mi failing during a time unit when it is operating be pi=ti/MTTFi Define the probability of Machine Mi being repaired during a time unit when it is down be ri=ti/MTTRi The efficiency of the line is defined as the ratio of the number of units produced over some long interval to the number that would have been produced in the same time with no stoppages. According to Buzacott (1967) [2] the efficiency of the line EODF can be expressed as: 1+z 1+i=1r ii --- ---------------------------------------- (8) In section 4.3.2 we obtained the one year's production volume of the system by varying the WIP level (number of the Resources). Note the fact that the maximum number of resources is 7 and one of the six machines needs two resources. This system performs similarly to a zero buffer line. In Buzacott's model he assumed that whenever a machine in the line fails the whole line stops. For the system shown in Figure 4-6, although the whole line does not stop immediately when a machine fails, since we restrict the number of the 1800L ICBs in the system, the whole line will stop soon after any one of the machines fails. Therefore we use zero buffer line to approximate the performance of the line shown in Figure 4-6. 4.3.4 Productivity considering machines down We know that the availability of one machine for production is defined as: A E[Uptime] [ E[Uptime]+E[Downtime ] --------------------------------------- (9) Therefore we define the availability for machine Mi as Ai MTTF i - T------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTTF i + MT T R i (10) We have that Pi -r ri MTTRi MTTF-------------------------------------------------------(11) MTTFi According to equation (8), (10) and (11), we have EODF k 1-Ai 1i=1 Ai -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (12) Let Pij be the production volume of the system for a year with i resource A and j resource B without considering machines down. We can find the values for Pij from the Table 4-4. Finally we determine the production volume of the system for a year with i resource A and j resource B and with unreliable machines as follows: 1 Pi=PijxEODF=Pij x k 1-A ------------------------------------------------------- (13) 1+zi=1 Ai 4.3.5 Results Evaluation by an Example Suppose that company ABC plans to produce 150 batches of product D for the next year. Since this is a new product, the company estimates that the effective production time of the next year will only be 4 months. The rest of the year will be spent on testing and experiments. We assume the availability for the six machines in the system are the same and equal to 80%, which means AI=A 2=...=A6 =0.8. If we use only two 1800L IBCs in the system, based on the Table 4-4, we have P (1,1 = 635 We use the equation (19) to get P(1, 1 =635x k1-A = 254 i=1 T- Since there are only four months available for production, the actual batches we expect to produce is 254*4/12=84.7 which is smaller than the 150 batches' production requirement. Let's use four 1800L IBCs in the system. Probably we will choose that two of them are for the first three machines and the other two are for the last four machines. From the Table 3-3, we know that P 1 P (2,2)= 1270 -k 1-Ai 1+i=1" Ai = (2,2) = 1270. We use the equation (19) to get 508 Considering the effective time for production, finally we see that we are able to produce 508*4/12=169 batches which can meet the production requirement. None of the combination in the Table 3-3 can meet the production requirement with less than 4 1800L IBCs; thus for this example the minimum number of the 1800L IBCs needed is 4. Chapter 5 IBC Cleaning In this chapter we focus on the cleaning issues of the 1800L IBCs. First, capacity constraint and available time slots for automatic washer are provided to determine the upper bound on cleaning capacity. Second, a deterministic simulation method is proposed to generate the cleaning jobs for two different production scenarios. Finally, we use an example to show how we can determine the minimum number of the 1800L IBCs to support the production for four types of products. 5.1 Production campaign scenarios In chapter 2, we have described the manufacturing process for product A, B, C and D. We know that the manufacturing process for product D is independent of the other three products. Moreover currently the production planning for product D has not been fixed. Therefore we choose to analyze product A, B and C first and later will add the impact of product D. From the description in section 2.1.1 we know that product A shares the same Charging and HSM steps with product B and C. From the perspective of the HSM step, there are two production campaign scenarios which are shown in Figure 5-1 and 5-2. In Figure 5-1, the HSM follows a campaign sequence which is Product A-Product B-Product A-Product C. In Figure 5-2, it follows the sequence Product A-Product B-Product C-Product A. Time Charging & HSM in PF1 Compression Machines in PF1 Compression Machines Numberl&2 in PF2 Compression Machines Number3&4 in PF2 In campaign for one product SMajor changeover between campaign * Machine idling period In PF2, compression machines 1 & 2 are dedicated for product B compression machines 3 & 4 are dedicated for product C Figure 5-1: Campaign sequence scenario 1 Time Charging & HSM in PF1 Compression Machines in PF1 Compression Machines Numberl&2 in PF2 Compression Machines Number3&4 in PF2 SIn campaign for one product [-' Major changeover between campaign l Machine idling period In PF2, compression machines 1 & 2 are dedicated for product B compression machines 3 & 4 are dedicated for product C Figure 5-2: Figure 5-1: Campaign sequence scenario 2 5.2 Capacity constraint and available time slots for automatic washer In section 3.5.1, we described the cleaning system in PF1. The whole cleaning process includes manual setup, operation in automatic washer and manual unload. The system can only handle one cleaning job (one IBC) at a time and the whole processing time lasts approximately 3.3 hours for each IBC. There are some time slots that the system cannot process cleaning jobs due to the labor and water constraint of PF1. These slots include: 1. When PF1 is in campaign for one product, there are no extra people to clean IBCs. These slots are indicated with blue color in the first row of Figure 5-1 and 5-2. 2. When the HSM in PF1 is undergoing a major changeover, there is not enough water to clean IBCs. These slots are included in the major changeover between campaign periods which are indicated with yellow color in the first row of Figure 5-1 and 5-2. The major changeover between campaign periods for PF1 is 7 days. During these 7 days, the first two days are spent on the major changeover for the HSM. Therefore we can conclude that each time when PFI finishes the campaign for one product, there are 5 days=120 hours available to clean the IBCs. Let e be the availability of the automatic washer which means the percent of the time that the washer is ready to use. Let n be the maximum number of the 1800L IBCs that can be cleaned during each available slot. Then we have: n= 120 hours * e / 3.3 hours ---------------------------------------- ------ (14) 5.3 Cleaning jobs generation 5.3.1 Methodology We use the Deterministic Discrete Event Simulation method which is used in chapter 56 4 to calculate the following time points: 1. When does one production campaign start (end)? 2. When is the 1800L IBC released from production? To achieve this we need to use the models mentioned in section 4.1.2 and 4.2 in following ways: 1. Given the production plan for product A, use the model in section 4.1.2 to find the best way to use the two compression machines in PF1 to minimize the IBC requirements. 2. Given the production requirement for product B or C, use the model in section 4.2 to get the minimum number of the 1800L IBCs needed to support the production. 5.3.2 Example First scenario: A-B-A-C We assume that the company runs the production campaign in the way Figure 5-1 shows. The HSM in PFI first runs a product A campaign (The production plan is shown in Table 5-1.), switches to a product B campaign (63 batches), switches to another product A campaign (The production plan is shown in Table 5-2) and then runs a product C campaign (39 batches). Let the availability of the automatic washer be e=0.9. Table 5-1: Production Planning for the first product A campaign Production Sequence Strength Number of batches 1 10/80 8 2 10/40 17 3 10/20 25 4 10/10 2 Table 5-2: Production Planning for the second product A campaign Production Sequence Strength Number of batches 1 10/80 14 2 10/40 34 3 10/20 17 4 10/10 2 The first product A campaign For the first product A campaign, we use the integer programming model in section 4.1.2 to find the way to use the two compression machines in PF1 to minimize the number of the 1800L ICBs needed. The optimal way to use compression machines is summarized in Table 5-3. We assume that for this campaign, the HSM starts at time zero. By doing the same deterministic simulation as did, we can obtain the plot of the number of 1800L IBCs needed versus time shown in Figure 5-3. The simulation can also tell us that the HSM finishes this campaign at time 373=0+7 hours/batch * 52 batches+3 hours/minor changeover * 3 minor changeovers. After the HSM finishes this campaign, PF1 is in the major changeover between campaign periods. The first 48 hours (from 373 to 421) will be spent on the major changeover of the HSM, and the rest 7*24-48=120 hours (from 421 to 541) is the available slot to clean the IBCs. From Figure 5-3 we can see that in this campaign 4 1800L IBCs are involved in production. Assume these four IBCs are called IBCI, IBC2, IBC3 and IBC4. Table 5-4 shows the time points when these four IBCs are released from production. Table 5-3: The optimal Allocation Policy for the first product A campaign Assignment for compression Assignment for compression Production machine 2 machine 1 Sequence 4 batches of 10/80 4 batches of 10/80 1 8 batches of 10/40 9 batches of 10/40 2 batches of 10/20 13 12 batches of 10/20 3 1 batch of 10/10 1 batch of 10/10 4 0M LAn L' 000 Ch 0 0 (i V-1 NNNN M NM LA '-4 4 r1 N M Time (h) Figure 5-3: Number of the 1800L IBCs needed for the first product A campaign Table 5-4: IBCs release time points for the first product A campaign IBC IBC1 Release Time points 211 IBC2 351 IBC3 IBC4 400.5 407.5 Notice that the available slot to clean IBCs is from time 421 to 541. According to equation (14), the maximum cleaning capacity in this slot is 120 hours* 0.9/ 3.3 hours=32.7. Therefore IBCI to IBC4 can be easily cleaned in this slot and used in the next campaign. Product B campaign The HSM will start the product B campaign from time 541 and end at the time 982=541+63*7. Assume two compression machines are used to produce B and the number of working days per week in PF2 is 7. According to Figure 4-4 in section 4.2, to support a 63 batches of product B campaign, 25 1800L IBCs are required. Figure 4-4 is reproduced and shown below for convenience. In this campaign 25 1800L IBCs are involved in production, which are denote as IBC1 to IBC25. The deterministic simulation can also tell us when these IBCs are released which is shown in Table 5-5. 33 o 0 31 29 27 U - ------- S25 C 23 00 - 21 4 0 - -.-- _- ____ _______ - ~-- - 19 E Z: 17 15 - I -, T-7- 1F 7- ----- -T-- T- r7-7 I -1 4041 42 434445464748 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 596061 6263 6465 66 67 68 69 7071 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Campaign Size (number of batches) Figure 4-4: Number of 1800L IBCs needed for product B Table 5-5: IBCs release time points for the product B campaign IBC IBC 1 Release Time points 989.5 IBC2 996.5 IBC3 IBC4 IBC5 IBC6 1011.5 1018.5 1033.5 1040.5 IBC7 1055.5 IBC8 1062.5 IBC9 1077.5 IBC10O IBC 11 1084.5 1099.5 IBC12 IBC13 1106.5 1121.5 IBC14 1128.5 IBC15 IBC16 1143.5 1150.5 IBC17 1165.5 IBC18 1172.5 IBC 19 1187.5 IBC20 1194.5 IBC21 1209.5 IBC22 1216.5 IBC23 1231.5 IBC24 1238.5 IBC25 1253.5 The HSM finishes this campaign at the time 982. The available slot to clean IBCs is from 982+48=1030 to 1030+120=1150. Notice that IBC1 to IBC 15 are released and can be cleaned during this slot. Therefore these 15 1800L IBCs can be used in the next campaign. The other 10 IBCs, which are IBC16 to IBC25, have to wait and get cleaned the next time that it is available to clean IBCs. The second product A campaign The production plan for this campaign is shown in Table 5-2. We repeat what we have 61 done in section The optimal way to use compression machines is summarized in Table 5-6. The plot of the number of 1800L IBCs needed versus time shown in Figure 5-4. From Figure 5-4, we can see that four 1800L IBCs are involved in production. We assume we use IBC1 to IBC4 to support the production. Table 5-7 shows the time points when these four IBCs are released from production Table 5-6: The optimal allocation policy for the second product A campaign Assignment for compression Assignment for compression Production machine 2 machine I Sequence 7 batches of 10/80 7 batches of 10/80 1 17 batches of 10/40 17 batches of 10/40 2 8 batches of 10/20 9 batches of 10/20 3 1 batch of 10/10 1 batch of 10/10 4 o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 000 0 0 0O0 0 0 00 0 0.0R0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time (h) Figure 5-4: The number of the 1800L IBCs needed for the second product A campaign Table 5-7: IBCs release time points for the second product A campaign Release Time points IBC 1522 IBC1 1606 IBC2 1655.5 IBC3 1662.5 IBC4 The HSM finishes this campaign at the time 1628=1150 + 7 hours/batch *67 batches 62 + 3 hours / minor changeover * 3 minor changeovers. Therefore the available slot starts from 1628+48=1676 to 1676+120=1796. During this slot the maximum cleaning capacity is 32.7 as mentioned in section; therefore we can clean IBC1 to IBC 4 that were used in this product A campaign and IBC 16 to IBC 25 that were used in the previous product B campaign. At this time, IBCI to IBC 25 are all ready to be used in the next campaign. Product C campaign The HSM will start the product C campaign from time 1796 and end at time 2083=1796+41*7. We repeat what we have done in section According to Figure 4-5, we know that to support a 39 batches product C campaign, 25 1800L IBCs are required. Figure 4-5 is reproduced and shown below for convenience. We assume IBC1 to IBC 25 are used in this campaign. Table 5-8 shows when these IBCs are released. Q) 31 ) 29 tA 27 _ 25 _ _ _ _ 23 O 19 17 15 Z . . .. _ __ I- _ _--_---T-- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Campaign Size (number of batches) Figure 4-5: Number of 1800L IBCs needed for product C Table 5-8: IBCs release time points for the product C campaign Release Time points 2084.5 IBC IBC 1 2090.75 IBC2 IBC3 IBC4 2119.5 2125.75 IBC5 IBC6 2154.5 2160.75 IBC7 2189.5 IBC8 IBC9 2195.75 2224.5 IBC10 IBC 11 2230.75 2259.5 IBC12 IBC13 2265.75 2294.5 IBC14 2300.75 IBC15 IBC16 2329.5 2335.75 IBC17 2364.5 IBC18 2370.75 IBC19 2399.5 IBC20 IBC21 2405.75 2434.5 IBC22 2440.75 2469.5 2475.75 IBC23 IBC24 Since the HSM ends the campaign at time 2083, the available cleaning slot is from 2083+48=2131 to 2131+120=2251. Notice that Table 4-8 shows that IBC1 to IBC 10 can be cleaned in this slot and be ready for the next campaign. Product D We assume the company plans to produce 150 batches of the product D in the whole year. Assume the effective production time during the year is four months and the availability for the six machines in the system are the same and equal to 80%, which means AI=A 2 =...=A6 =0.8. According to the analysis we did in the section 4.3.5, at 64 least four 1800L IBCs are needed to support the production. Since the planning for production D is very flexible, these four IBCs can be cleaned whenever the automatic washer is available. Summary Given the production requirement of product A, B and C in section, with the help of the models described in chapter 4, we can calculate that product A, B and C require 4, 25 and 25 1800L IBCs respectively. Given the production requirement for product D is section, according to the analysis in section 4.3.5, four 1800L IBCs are needed. However, the total number of the 1800L IBCs needed is 29=25+4, instead of the 4+25+25+4=58, as we have shown the feasibility of this by checking the capacity of the cleaning system and the available slot to clean IBCs. In section 1.4 we mentioned that the company has 30 1800L IBCs in total and therefore we find that the company could support this production scenario I with the current amount of the 1800 IBCs given our assumptions. Till now we have achieved the objective mentioned in chapter 1 which is to support the production of four products with the minimum number of the 1800L IBCs. Second scenario: A-B-C-A We assume that the company runs the production campaign in the way Figure 5-2 shows. The HSM in PF1 first runs a product A campaign (The production plan is shown in Table 5-1.), switches to a product B campaign (63 batches), switches to a product C campaign (39 batches) and then runs another product A campaign (The production plan is shown in Table 5-2) Again, let the availability of the automatic washer e=0.9. We repeat what we have done in section and the summary is shown in Table 5-9. Table 5-9: IBC usage and cleaning scheduling Production campaign First product A campaign Product B campaign 1800L IBCs used IBC 1 to IBC4 IBC1 to IBC15 IBC 16 to IBC25 Product C campaign IBC I to IBC 10 IBC11 to IBC15 IBC26 to IBC36 Second product A campaign IBC1 to IBC4 When to clean IBCs After the first product A campaign After the product B campaign After the product C campaign After the product C campaign After the second product A campaign After the second product A campaign From Table 5-9, we can see that in this production scenario, the total number of the 1800L IBCs needed is 36, which is more than that of the production scenario one. If we assume the production requirement for product D is the same as in production scenario one, the total number of the 1800L IBCs needed is 36+4=40. We know that the company only has 30 1800L IBCs which means the company has to buy extra 10 1800L IBCs to support a production plan like this. Chapter 6 Conclusions and Recommendations 6.1 Conclusions The objective of the thesis is to support company ABC's production with the minimum number of the 1800L IBCs. There are four types of products whose manufacturing process requires the usage of the 1800L IBCs and therefore we divide the thesis into two parts. The first part focused on studying the manufacturing process of four types of products and three IBC drivers which affect or determine the number of the IBCs needed. The second part addressed the cleaning issues of the 1800L IBCs to see how and which parts of the 1800L IBCs can be reused. Following are the key findings of this thesis and the recommendations we made to company ABC: 1. How to use the two compression machines in PFI influences the number of the 1800L IBCs needed to produce product A. Currently company ABC executes Allocation Policy 1 to guide how to use these two compression machines. We showed an integer programming model in section 4.1.2 to get a new policy called AP12 which may provide better performance in terms of saving the 1800L IBCs and shortening the campaign length. Therefore we recommend that after making the production plan for a product A campaign, company ABC could use the model in section 4.1.2 to generate the proposed policy AP12 and use the deterministic simulation method in section to compare the performance of API, AP2 and AP12. Choose the best policy of the three to minimize the number of the IBCs needed for product A. 2. Section 4.2.4 proposed a deterministic simulation method to calculate how many 1800L IBCs are required to support an X batch campaign of product B or C. Currently company ABC uses whatever 1800L IBCs they have to support the production of B or C regardless of how many are actually needed. Therefore we propose that company ABC could use the model in section 4.2.4 to get an understanding of how many 1800L IBCs are needed to support a X batch campaign of product B or C and use the amount of the 1800L IBCs they need. The extra 1800L IBCs could be used for the new product D or could serve as stand by. When something unexpected happens to the in use 1800L IBCs such as IBC broken, those stand by IBCs could be used. 3. Section 4.3 proposed a deterministic simulation method plus Buzacott's Formula to estimate the relation between the WIP level of the system producing product D and the productivity of the system. Since product D has not launched yet, we recommend that company ABC could estimate the machines' efficiency in the system based on the historical data of other machines in PFI or PF2 and set the WIP level according to the forecasted demands by using models in section 4.3.4. 4. In chapter 5, we examined under two different production scenarios how many 1800L IBCs are needed for the production of four products considering the cleaning and reuse. According to the labor and water constraint in PF1 not all the 1800L IBCs can be cleaned in time to join the next campaign that requires them. We found that given the same production volume of each product, the campaign sequence of the HSM for the four products influences the total number of the 1800L IBCs. The total required number of the 1800L IBCs is less for the campaign sequence: Product A-Product B(Product C)-Product A-Product C (Product B) than the sequence: Product A-Product B(Product C)-Product C(B)-Product A. Therefore we recommend that if possible, it is better for the company ABC not to run the campaign for product B and C consecutively. 6.2 Limitations of the models and future work Following are the limitations of the analyses in the thesis and the future work we recommend. 1. The analyses of the IBC driver Allocation of Compression Machines and IBC Turnover between PFI and PF2 were built on the assumption that all the machines in the process are perfectly reliable and all process times are known constants. 68 Because of this assumption, the deterministic model shown in section 4.2 and the deterministic simulation we used to evaluate the results in both section and 4.2.5 are valid. However, in practice the machines are not reliable and the process time also varies from batch to batch. Thus there is a difference between the number of the 1800L IBCs needed from our calculation and that of the real case. Therefore we recommend that in the future, we consider the fact that machines could be down and the process times are not constant so that the results obtained will be more meaningful to the company. 2. In section 4.3.4 we multiplied the results we obtained from the deterministic model by the Buzacott's Line Efficiency formula of the zero buffer line. However the system we simulated in section 4.3.2 does not perform exactly the same as the zero buffer line, as defined by Buzacott. Buzacott's model assumes that whenever a machine fails the whole system stops. However for our system, when one machine fails, the other machines will keep running till all of the 1800L IBCs in the system are filled. Since there are only a few 1800L IBCs in the system (from 2 to 7), the performance of our system, although not the same as, should not be far away from the zero buffer line. In the future, when product D is launched, we recommend company ABC to collect the machine downtime information and use simulation to study the relation between the WIP level in the system and the productivity of the system. References [1] Chen, Xiaowen, Master of Engineering Thesis, August 19, 2008, unpublished work; [2] J.A.Buzacott(1967), "Automatic Transfer Lines with Buffer Stocks," International Journal of Production Research, Vol.5, No.3, pp 183-200 Appendix Introduction to Simul 8 SIMUL8 is a computer package for Discrete Event Simulation. It allows you to create a visual model of the system under investigation by drawing objects directly on the screen. Typical objects may be queues or service points. The characteristics of the objects can be defined in terms of, for example, capacity or speed. Once the system has been modeled a simulation can be undertaken. The flow of Work Items around the system is shown by animation on the screen so that the appropriateness of the model can be assessed. When the structure of the model has been confirmed, then a number of trials can be run and the performance of the system described statistically. Statistics of interest may be average waiting times, utilization of Work Centers or Resources, etc. Shalliker and Ricketts [2002]. Following are some icon meanings for you to better understand the model in section 4.3.2. Work entry point This is where Work Items (Job orders) arrive into the system. How they arrive can be controlled by the arrival distribution and parameters associated. The Work Items can arrive singly or in batches (multiple Work items together). ' Work Center This is where the Work is performed on the Work Items by either machines or Workers. You control the time and distribution that the Work takes at each machine, and can collect a certain number of Work Items from different areas within the simulation and give probabilities or specific Routing out after processing. It is used mainly to change the state of the Work item. 8 Resources These are only necessary when processes at Work stations compete for Resources, such as when there is only one operator for several machines and can only operate one at a time. Work Exit Point This is where the Work leaves the system. There can be multiple Exit points for different produced Work Items, i.e., scrap and finished products or happy and unhappy customers.