Wallpaper Groups Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Geometric Transformations and Wallpaper Groups Groups of Isometries Lance Drager Department of Mathematics and Statistics Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas 2010 Math Camp Wallpaper Groups Outline Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries 2 A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Wallpaper Groups Outline Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries 2 A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Wallpaper Groups Symmetries of a Triangle Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries • Problem. Find all the symmetries of an equilateral triangle. C A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries A B Wallpaper Groups All the Symmetries Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries • There are six, the identity, (call it e), rotation by 120◦ , call it r , r 2 and the reflections SA , SB and SC = s in the mirror lines MA , MB and MC C A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries MB MA r A MC B Wallpaper Groups Comparing Products 1 Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries • Here’s SB . C Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A SB A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries A B C B • Here’s rs. C C A r s A B B A C B Wallpaper Groups Comparing Products 2 Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries • Here’s SA . C Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries B SA A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries A B A C • Here’s r 2 s. C C B r2 s A B B A A C Wallpaper Groups Find the Product Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries • What is sr ? Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries C B A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries B r A B s C A A C Wallpaper Groups Find the Product Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries • What is sr ? Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries C B A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries B r A B s C A A C • Answer: SA = r 2 s C B SA A B A C Wallpaper Groups Lance Drager Multiplication Table Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries • The set of symmetries is D3 = {e, r , r 2 , s, rs, r 2 s} and we have the relations r 3 = e, s 2 = e and sr = r 2 s. • Multiplication table: (Row label) × (Column label) e r r2 s rs r 2 s 2 e e r r s rs r 2 s r r2 e rs r 2 s s r 2 2 r r e r r 2s s rs 2 s s r s rs e r2 r 2 rs rs s r s r e r2 2 2 2 r s r s rs s r r e Wallpaper Groups Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Relations and Multiplication Examples Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries • The table is completely determined by the relations r 3 = e, s 2 = e and sr = r 2 s. • Examples from the Multiplication Table • Example: (r 2 s)(rs) = r 2 srs = r 2 (sr )s = r 2 (r 2 s)s = r 4 s 2 = r 4 e = rr 3 = re = r . • Example: (rs)(r 2 s) = rsr 2 s = r (sr )rs = r (r 2 s)rs = r 3 srs = srs = (sr )s = (r 2 s)s = r 2 s 2 = r 2 . Wallpaper Groups Outline Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries 2 A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Wallpaper Groups Groups of Isometries Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries • D3 is a group of isometries. In math, this means three things 1 2 3 D3 contains the identity. D3 is closed under taking products D3 is closed under taking inverses. • Dn is the group of symmetries of a regular n-gon. It is generated by a rotation r and a reflection s, with the relations r n = e and sr = r n−1 s. It has 2n elements. Exercise Verify that the group of symmetries of a square is D4 . If you have the endurance, write down the multiplication table. Verify that the group of symmetries of the pentagon is D5 . (Don’t write down the multiplication table, unless you insist.) Wallpaper Groups Examples of Groups of Isometries Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Other Groups of Isometries • The group E of all isometries of the plane • The group O of all orthogonal matrices Exercise Let θ = 360/n where n is in the set N = {1, 2, 3, . . .} of natural numbers. Let r = R(θ). Show that set G = {r k | k = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .} of nonnegative powers of r forms a group with n elements. Wallpaper Groups Outline Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries 2 A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Wallpaper Groups What is a Group? Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Definition Abstractly, a group is a set G equipped with a binary operation G × G → G : (g , h) 7→ gh, that has the following properties. Associative Law g (hk) = (gh)k for all g , h, k ∈ G Identity There is an element e ∈ G so that ge = eg = g for all g ∈ G . (This element turns out to be unique). Inverses For every g ∈ G , there is an element h ∈ G so that hg = gh = e. This element can be shown to be unique and is denoted by h = g −1 . • Warning! The group operation need not be commutative, i.e., it may be that gh 6= hg . Wallpaper Groups Outline Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries 2 A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Wallpaper Groups Lance Drager Group Terminology 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries • We usually just write a single letter like G for a group. The binary operation is not explicitly listed. • If the group operation in G is commutative, we call G a commutative group or an abelian group. • If G is commutative, we sometimes write the binary operation as +, in which case the identity element is denoted by 0 and the inverse of g is denoted by −g . Which notation to use is a matter of choice. Example: The group of integers Z = {0, ±1, ±2, ±3, . . .} with addition. Wallpaper Groups Group Terminology 2 Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Definition If G is a group, a subset H ⊆ G is said to be a subgroup of G if it is a group in its own right with the same operation as G , i.e., 1 e ∈ H. (The identity is in H.) 2 h1 , h2 ∈ H =⇒ h1 h2 ∈ H (H is closed under taking products.) 3 h ∈ H =⇒ h−1 ∈ H (H is closed under taking inverses.) • By a group of symmetries of the plane or a group of isometries of the plane we mean a subgroup of E, the group of all isometries of the plane Wallpaper Groups Group Terminology 3 Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries • If G is a group, the subsets {e} ⊆ G and G ⊆ G are always subgroups. If H ⊆ G is a subgroup, we say it is a proper subgroup if H $ G . • If g ∈ G we can define the powers of g by • g 0 = e. • If n ∈ N, then g n = gg . . . g . | {z } n factors • If n is a negative integer, say n = −p, where p > 0, then g n = (g −1 )p . • If g ∈ G , the set hg i is a subgroup of G called the cyclic subgroup of G generated by g . Wallpaper Groups Outline Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries 2 A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Wallpaper Groups Group Maps Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Definition Let G and H be groups. A transformation φ : G → H (it need not be one-to-one or onto) is a Group Homomorphism or Group Mapping if it satisfies • φ(e) = e. • φ(ab) = φ(a)φ(b) for all a, b ∈ G . It follows that φ(g −1 ) = φ(g )−1 . Definition If a ∈ G is fixed the mapping φa (g ) = aga−1 is a group map G → G called conjugation by a. Check: ψa (e) = aea−1 = aa−1 = e ψa (g )ψa (h) = (aga−1 )(aha−1 ) = ageha−1 = a(gh)a−1 = ψa (gh) Wallpaper Groups Outline Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries 2 A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Wallpaper Groups Group Maps and Subgroups 1 Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Theorem Let φ : G → H be a group map and let A ⊆ G be a subgroup. Then φ(A) = {h ∈ H | h = φ(a) for some a ∈ A} is a subgroup of A. In particular, φ(G ) is a subgroup of H. Proof. We have to check the three properties of a subgroup. (1.) e ∈ A, so e = φ(e) ∈ φ(A). (2.) Suppose h1 and h2 are in φ(A). Then there are elements a1 , a2 ∈ A so that h1 = φ(a1 ) and h2 = φ(a2 ). But then h1 h2 = φ(a1 )φ(a2 ) = φ(a1 a2 ). Since a1 a2 ∈ A, we have h1 h2 ∈ φ(A). Thus, φ(A) is closed under taking products. Wallpaper Groups Group Maps and Subgroups 2 Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Proof Continued. (3.) We have to show that φ(A) is closed under taking inverses. But, if h = φ(a) for some a ∈ A then h−1 = φ(a)−1 = φ(a−1 ) ∈ φ(A), since a−1 ∈ A. Theorem Let φ : G → H be a group map. Define ker(φ), the kernel of φ by ker(φ) = {g ∈ G | φ(g ) = e}. Then ker(φ) is a subgroup of G . Proof. Exercise! Wallpaper Groups Group Maps and Subgroups 3 Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Definition Let N be a subgroup of G . We say N is a normal subgroup of G if gng −1 ∈ N, for all n ∈ N and g ∈ G . In other words, ψg (N) ⊆ N for all g ∈ G , where ψg is the map given by conjugation by g . We can say that N is closed under conjugation by elements of G . Theorem If φ : G → H is a group map, then ker(φ) is a normal subgroup of G . • If G is abelian, all subgroups of G are normal. There are lots of subgroups of nonabelian groups that are not normal. Wallpaper Groups Outline Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries 2 A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Wallpaper Groups Exercises on Groups 1 Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Exercises • Let φ : G → H be a group map. Suppose that φ is one-to-one and onto, so there is an inverse map φ−1 : H → G . Show that φ−1 is a group map. We say that φ is a group isomorphism. • We say that two groups G and H are isomorphic if there is a group isomorphism between them. This means the groups can be put into one-to-one correspondence so the group operations match up. • If a ∈ G , show that ψa is group isomorphism with −1 ψa = ψa−1 . • Let φ : G → H be a group map. Show ker(φ) is a subgroup of G and a normal subgroup of G . Wallpaper Groups Exercises on Groups 2 Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Exercises Continued • Let φ : G → H be a group map and let B ⊆ H be a subgroup of H. Show that φ−1 (B) = {g ∈ G | φ(g ) ∈ B} is a subgroup of G . Note ker(φ) = φ−1 ({e}). • Find some subgroups of D3 . Find some normal subgroups of D3 and some nonnormal subgroups. • Compute the conjugations ψr and ψs on D3 . What kind of element do you get when you apply ψr to a rotation and to a reflection? What kind of element do you get when you apply ψs to rotations and reflections? Wallpaper Groups Lance Drager Exercise on Groups 3 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Harder Exercises for Later Thought • What are the subgroups of Z? (Hint: every nonempty subset of N has a smallest element.) • Find, up to isomorphism, all groups that have 2, 3 and 4 elements. Hint: Consider the possible multiplication tables. Wallpaper Groups Outline Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries 1 Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries 2 A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries Wallpaper Groups Conjugation in E Lance Drager Introduction to Groups of Isometries Symmetries of an Equilateral Triangle Groups of Isometries A Little Group Theory What is a Group? Group Terminology Group Maps Group Maps and Subgroups Exercises Conjugation in the Group of Plane Isometries • We divided the elements of E into 5 classes or types: the identity, translations, rotations, reflections and glides. • Every element T ∈ E can be written T = (A | a) where A is an orthogonal matrix and a is a vector. A computation shows (A | a)(B | b)(A | a)−1 = (ABA−1 | a + Ab − ABA−1 a) Theorem Conjugation in E preserves type. In other words, if P, Q ∈ E then PQP −1 has the same type as Q. • The proof is to just check all the cases. We omit the details, but some of them will come up later. I insist on the details! Wallpaper Groups Lance Drager The Details of Conjugation in E Conjugations in E, Part 1 • Conjugation by a translation (I | a) • Conjugating (I | b) gives (I | b) back. (Translations commute.) • Conjugating a rotation translates the rotocenter by a. • Conjugating a Reflection [resp. glide] (S | αu + βv ), where Su = u and Sv = −v by (I | a) = (I | su + tv ) gives (S | αu + βv + 2tv ). This again a reflection [glide, same translation] with the mirror [glide] line shifted by tv in the perpendicular direction. • Conjugation by a Rotation (R | a) • Conjugating (I | b) gives (I | Rb). • Conjugating (R 0 | p − R 0 p) gives (R 0 | Rp − R 0 (Rp)) i.e., it changes the rotocenter from p to Rp, but does not the angle of rotation. Wallpaper Groups Lance Drager The Details of Conjugation in E Conjugations in E, Part 2 • Note in general that (A | a) = (I | a)(A | 0) and so (A | a)(B | b)(A | b)−1 = (I | a)(A | 0)(B | b)(A | 0)−1 (I | a)−1 . so it suffices to consider just conjugation by (A | 0). • Conjugation by Rotation, continued. • Let S be a reflection matrix with Su = u and Sv = −v . Set S 0 = RSR −1 , u 0 = Ru and v 0 = Rv . Then S 0 u 0 = u 0 and S 0 v 0 = −v 0 . Thus, S 0 is a reflection matrix with the mirror line rotated by R. If we have a reflection or glide (S | αu + βv ) then conjugating by (R | 0) gives (RSR −1 | αRu + βRv ) = (S 0 | αu 0 + βv 0 ), which is of the same type with the mirror or glide line rotated around the origin. Wallpaper Groups Lance Drager The Details of Conjugation in E Conjugations in E, Part 3 • Conjugation by a reflection or guide. • If we conjugate (I | b) by (S | a) we get (I | Sb). • If R is a rotation matrix SRS = R −1 . Hence conjugating (R | b) by (S | 0) gives (R −1 | Sb) another rotation with the opposite angle. If p is the original rotocenter, the new rotocenter is Sp. • Let T be a reflection matrix with Tx = x and Ty = −y , let S be a reflection matrix, and let T 0 = STS, x 0 = Sx and y 0 = Sy . Then T 0 x 0 = x 0 and T 0 y 0 = −y 0 . Thus T 0 is a reflection with the mirror transformed by S. If we conjugate (T | αx + βy ) by (S | 0), we get (STS | αSx + βSy ) = (T 0 | αx 0 + βy 0 ), which is of the same type. So the mirror or glide line is transformed by S. • Consider it an exercise to check the computations above. Good for the soul.