AGA poltin- ja sovelluskehityshankkeiden ja . koelaboratorion esittely Tommi Niemi

AGA poltin- ja sovelluskehityshankkeiden ja
koelaboratorion esittely.
Tommi Niemi
V Liekkipäivä, 14.1.2010 Dipoli
1 Linde R&D
2 R&D centre - Metallurgy steel, Stockholm, Sweden
3 R&D activities – combustion development
4 R&D activities – development examples
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The Linde Group worldwide:
Global presence in more than 70 countries.
R&D with 174 employees
Lab Lidingö
Lab Shanghai
Lab Munich
Lab Murray hill
The Linde Group
Sales ( in € million)
Op.profit( in €
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R&D centre. Metallurgy steel, Stockholm, Sweden.
Driven by entrepreneurship
we are steadily working on
new high-quality products
and innovative processes
within industry segment
We give customers
opportunities to increase
profitability, safety, quality
and environment in their
We support them to
introduce new and better
technical solutions.
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R&D centre. Stockholm combustion lab.
Size: 310m2 + 250m2 outdoor area + storage area 250m2
3 test furnaces – max 1MW continuous
Fuel: LPG, NG (limited), light oil and solid fuel possible.
Oxidant: Air, oxygen or enrichment
Furnace atmosphere temperature max 1550 oC
Flow skids for running parallel tests in furnaces.
Atmosphere and flue-gas analysis
Furnace camera for visualization
Furnaces designed both for combustion development and
performing customer trials
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R&D centre. Development activities.
Product development
● Process development appl. (Heating, melting, inerting. etc),
● Burner development (Flameless OF, DFI, lancing etc)
● Customer trials (at customer site – at the lab)
New flameless burner type S2
Sales support – “knowledge providers”
● Support in technical/process issues
● Problem solving/optimization of customer processes
● Calculations
● Feasibility studies
● Customer demos in our lab (lab at subsidiary disposal)
Temperature on plate
● FAT tests (lab at subsidiary disposal)
Basic research together with partners
● KTH, IM, MEFOS, TKS, SMS and other partners
● Heat transfer studies
● Forced living convection (DFI)
DFI development trials
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R&D centre. Development examples.
Direct flame impingement – DFI
Flameless oxyfuel combustion solutions
Flameless oxyfuel using low calorific fuels
Flameless oxyfuel using solid fuels
Low Temperature Flameless oxyfuel for Remelters
High level lancing solutions
New flameless burner type S2
Solids injection solutions (coal)
Solutions for recycling of dust, fines and sludges
LINDARC® flameless ladle pre-heating solutions
REBOX® Oxyfuel solutions in reheating
Temperature on plate
Flameless oxy-blast furnace gas - 400 kW
DFI development trials
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Oxyfuel. No nitrogen ballast.
Effective combustion and heat transfer without nitrogen
● High heat transfer with higher partial pressure of CO2
and H2O
Heating can start immediately since 70-80% less flue
gases due to less fuel consumption and no nitrogen
● Longer residence time for flue gases in furnace to
leave off energy
Possibility to increase furnace power in existing furnace
volume, kW/m3
● Power input can typically be doubled with
economically maintained combustion and heat transfer
● Allows to use high furnace temperatures with
maintained high energy efficiency
8 Molecules of Nitrogen Ballast!
Possible to achieve high flame temperatures when using
low grade fuels.
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Oxyfuel solutions. Energy efficiency.
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Oxyfuel combustion. Conventional and flameless.
Conventional oxyfuel
Flameless oxyfuel
+ Hot furnace gases
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Development. Flameless combustion.
Reduced NOx emissions (less sensitive to N2 presence)
Improved temperature uniformity / hot spot elimination
Increased heat transfer
Facilitates use of higher specific power / faster processes
Steel reheating and annealing
Vessel preheating (ladles)
Aluminium melting
.. And any process above 750°C using solid, liquid and
gaseous fuel incl. low grade gases...
CFD study for optimization (-W and -S version)
SiSiC lance durability and design investigation
REBOX®-W firing 2 MW
Low grade fuels version tested in CO2Red project
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Measured in-flame temperatures,
burner at 200kW, 2% excess O2.
Flameless combustion cut peak flame
Conventional Oxyfuel combustion gives very
high peak flame temperatures
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Flameless oxyfuel. Ultra-low NOx emissions.
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CO2Red (European project). Low calorific fuels.
Joint research effort with MEFOS(Sweden), BFI(Germany), CSM(Italy).
Steel companies involved are Feralpi (Italy), Aceralia (ArcelorMittal,
Focus is to investigate CO2 reducing technologies, Oxyfuel and
regenerative burners (2 types).
Linde focus is enabling the use of low calorific gases in steel reheating
processes. Influence on NOx and product quality to be studied.
Semi industrial test in MEFOS box furnace (spring 2008) and walking
beam furnace (spring 2009).
Will feature a new flameless burner for combination of low grade and
high grade fuels.
A CFD benchmark study will be done with three techs simulated in the
same grid, models and boundary conditions.
“With oxygen a fuel of 3.2 MJ/m3n is
“upgraded” to be like a 7.7 MJ/m3n
fuel used with air.”
Initial burner test has been made with synthetic NG/Blast Furnace Gas
Results indicate very low NOx levels for high N2 fraction fuels and
decent thermal efficiency.
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Use of a Low Calorific Fuel.
For Coke Oven Gas, Blast Furnace Top Gas, BOF Gas,
and other in-house gases.
Used individually or in different combinations.
Air/BFG Flame:
- Diffuse
- bad definition
- T = 1,300°C
Combusting Low Calorific in-house gases with
oxygen provides the flame temperature needed in
reheating and annealing operations.
- efficiency <5%
LHV 3.2 MJ/Nm3
With oxygen a fuel of 3.3 MJ/Nm3 (0.9 kWh/Nm3)
is “upgraded” to be like a 7.7 MJ/Nm3
(2.1 kWh/Nm3) fuel combusted with air (i.e.,
roughly like conventional air-fuel combustion).
Oxyfuel Flame: - stable and compact
- T = 1,900°C, efficiency >35%
LHV 3.2 MJ/Nm3
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Use of a Low Calorific Fuel.
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Development. High Level Lancing – HLL.
New app. for low NOx O2 injection.
Enabling flameless comb. for big standard
airfuel burners.
Full use in typical 300tph walking beam is
about 10’000 nm3/h oxygen.
There is around 500 walking beam furnaces
within our reach…
1/3 scale test (4000 nm3/h) performed
1st installation in use since April 2009.
Main target are NOx and CO2 reduction.
Could be suitable for Chem, Petro/Ref and
4 MW Air-Oil burner with 500 nm3/h O2 lance.
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HLL. Taking a closer look.
High Level Lancing (substochiometric air, separate O2 injection)
CH4 + ~4N2 + 2O2 + Hot furnace gases => CO2 + 2H2O + ~4 N2 + HEAT
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HLL. Summary of results.
Summary of results of REBOX® HLL installation, according to presentation by SSAB Borlänge
”Flameless” High Level Lancing Oxyfuel solution has proven an excellent method for reducing NOx emissions and
improving temperature uniformity.
HLL U302 zone 1.
● NOx reduction 14%
● Oil savings (energy) of ~3 kWh/Nm3 O2, corresponding to 25-30% savings in burners equipped with HLL (or 710% of total energy from combustion)
● Increased productivity, reduced production restrictions
● Improved temperature distribution
● Reduced smoke in the production hall
● Robust and reliable on/off
● Needs oxygen, but can be switched to air any time
● Consumes 4800 Nm3O2/h
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Flameless combustion. A cross-functional growth
Use advantages in flameless oxyfuel combustion to generate ideas:
● Volume combustion with low peak temperatures
● Low NOx formation
● Low temperature in flame but high thermal density (kW/m3)
● Uniform temperature profile in combustion zone, able to fire in narrow
● Reflow of combustion chamber gases into flame, good mixing
For processes with temperature ranges above 750oC.
Ideas of parallel processes where flameless combustion could be
Processes where selective combustion/oxidation is needed
Processes where good mixing is essential – Chemical and energy sector
Processes where NOx or SOx formation is an issue
Processes of gasification
Processes for syngas
Cooperation partners: LINDE engineering, Chemistry, Energy, Pulp
and paper, universities and institutes.
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Thank you for your attention.