1 Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modeling in Gas Combustion Ville Tossavainen, Satu Palonen & Antti Oksanen Energy and Process Engineering Tampere University of Technology Funding: Tekes, Metso Power Oy, Andritz Oy, Vattenfall R&D AB (Sweden) Network: ÅA University (Combustion and Materials Chemistry), HUT (Laboratory of Applied Thermodynamics), Stanford University (Computational Energy Sciences) Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 2 Outline of Presentation • Motivation • Goals and contribution • Measurements • Computations • Conclutions • Plans for future research Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 3 Motivation for Research • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) already powerful design tool in many engineering fields & Provides compete information on flow conditions & Modifications quite easily performed ' Accuracy limited by models and computer capacity • Computational power increases exponentially according to Moore’s law and single CPU load can be reduced using computer clusters • Comprehensive models can be applied to even more complex and larger applications Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 4 Motivation for Research (…continues) • Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) remains in academic realm for a long time → “Intermediate” approach so-called Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) technique gotten more attention • LES promising tool for combustion studies and academic research work is very active • Industry has great interest to lower emissions in combustion processes (burners, internal combustion engines, turbines, furnaces…) Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion Why a Crossflow Reactor? What is SNCR process? • Jet-in-crossflow common phenomenon in combustion applications • Staged combustion and good mixing → lower emissions • Selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) process a secondary method to reduce NOx emissions • Nitric oxide + Ammonia → Nitrogen + Water • SNCR process sensitive to temperature: • Too high temperature → more NO formed • Too low temperature → NH3 passes unreacted Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 5 6 Goals and Contribution of Research • Predict emission formation (NOx) and unburned fuel using LES technique with appropriate turbulence-chemistry interaction closure • Contribution to study SNCR process with LES technique • Detailed measurements with crossflow pilot reactor: • 1) Cold flow + secondary air, 2) propane flame + secondary air, 3) Case 2 + ammonia injection • Different crossflow-to-jet velocity ratios studied Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 7 Measurements Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 8 Crossflow Pilot reactor • OSBOURNE built in 2003-2004 • Burner: • Oilon GP-6.20 H • Power: 60-160 kW • Liquefied Petroleum Gas, LPG (98% propane, 2% butane) • Dimensions: • Inside width: 400 mm • Outside width: 760 mm • Total height: 2830 mm Energy and Process Engineering OSBOURNE pilot reactor Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 9 Crossflow Pilot Reactor (continues...) Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 10 Crossflow Pilot Reactor (...continues) • Air splitting • Primary air : 70% • Secondary air: 30% • Secondary air system • 8 nozzles on both sides • 3 nozzle diameters: 8, 10, 12 mm Modified Oilon LPG burner Energy and Process Engineering Secondary air pipe lines Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 11 Feedings • Seeding particles for LDA measurements: • Ceriumoxide (CeO2), dp = 1 µm • Secondary air: one inlet on both sides • Compounds in measurement Case 3: • NO in primary air • NH3 in secondary air Energy and Process Engineering Particle flow to the reactor Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion Pressurized air 12 Measuring parameters • Velocities with Laser-Doppler Anemometer (LDA) • Two velocity components • Concentrations with emission analyzers • CO, CO2, O2, NO, NO2, HC • Temperature measurements • K-type thermocouples • Flow rates • Primary and secondary air • Fuel Optical measurement inlets Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 13 Combustion case - LDA measurements MEASUREMENT POINTS: • Secondary air: Width of the reactor: 400 mm • Nozzle diameter: 8 mm x X=0 • Temperature: 150°C LINE 3 • Mean velocity: 30 m/s 260 mm LINE 2 • Primary air: • Mean velocity: ~1 m/s 130 mm LINE 1 Secondary air level • LDA: • 11 measurement points • Sample limit: 50,000 → measurement time 300 s in each point • Measurements started when temperature reaches 1100°C in the reaction zone • Temperature of the reaction zone increases to the 1300°C during the measurements Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 14 Velocity Vector Fields • First LDA measurements were done at the centerline of two opposing jets (1.6 and 2.6 at the picture) Jet 1.1 Jet 2.1 Jet 1.2 Jet 2.2 Jet 1.3 Jet 2.3 Jet 1.4 Jet 1.5 Jet 2.4 LDA measurement line 2 (Between) Jet 1.6 Jet 1.7 Centerline Jet 2.5 Jet 2.6 LDA measurement line 1 (Centerline) Jet 1.8 Jet 2.7 Jet 2.8 Measurement window • Measurements between two opposing jet pairs were done to find out the behavior of jets better • The jets seems to be interlaced ! Between Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 15 Velocity Histograms on Jet Centerline • Horizontal velocity histograms on line 1 Mean horizontal velocity Histogram x = 50 mm 800 120,00 % 700 100,00 % 40 700 120,00 % 30 600 100,00 % Frequency 20 60,00 % 300 40,00 % 200 20,00 % 100 0 0,00 % 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 0 -10 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 20,00 % 100 0,00 % -30 Bin Frequency Distance [mm] Cumulative % Histogram x = 250 mm 120,00 % 50 100,00 % 40 80,00 % 30 60,00 % 20 40,00 % 10 20,00 % 0 0,00 % 120,00 % 90 80 100,00 % 70 Frequency 60 60 80,00 % 50 40 60,00 % 30 40,00 % 20 20,00 % 10 0 0,00 % -2 -10 -18 -16 -14 -12 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Frequency 40,00 % 200 -20 Histogram x = 150 mm Bin Bin Energy and Process Engineering 60,00 % 300 0 Cumulative % Frequency 80,00 % 400 -40 Bin Frequency 10 500 -4 45 2, 5 -3 40 7, 5 -3 35 2, 5 -2 30 7, 5 -2 25 2, 5 -1 20 7, 5 -1 15 2, 5 -1 -7 0 ,5 -2 5 ,5 0 2, 5 5 7, 5 10 400 Velocity [m/s] 80,00 % 500 -2 -10 -18 -16 -14 -12 0 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Frequency 600 Histogram x = 350 mm Cumulative % Frequency Cumulative % Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 16 Concentration measurement points • 9 below the secondary air jets • 18 above the secondary air jets side front top Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 3D 17 Concentration Profiles (8 mm Nozzle) • Concentration profile 380 millimeters below secondary air feeding CO concentration, 380 mm below CO2 concentration, 380 mm below 7 14 6 12 5 10 4 8 CO [%] CO2 [%] 3 6 2 4 300 1 200 0 100 200 mm 100 300 2 mm 200 0 100 THC concentration, 380 mm below 300 200 mm 100 mm NO concentration, 380 mm below 300 50 120 40 100 80 30 THC [ppm] NO [ppm] 60 20 40 • O2 ~ 0 10 300 200 0 100 200 mm Energy and Process Engineering 100 mm 20 300 200 0 100 200 300 mm Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 100 300 mm 18 Concentration Profiles (8 mm Nozzle) • Concentration profile 68 millimeters above secondary air feeding CO concentration, 68 mm above CO2 concentration, 68 mm above 30000 14 25000 12 20000 10 8 CO [ppm] 15000 CO2 [%] 6 10000 0 30 100 200 mm 300 4 300 266 200 mm 133 100 5000 0 O2 concentration, 68 mm above 370 300 266 200 mm 133 100 NO concentration, 68 mm above 2 30 100 mm 200 300 370 120 4 3,5 100 3 80 2,5 O2 [%] 2 NO [ppm] 1,5 • THC ~ 0 40 1 300 266 200 mm 133 100 0,5 0 30 100 mm Energy and Process Engineering 60 200 300 370 300 266 200 mm 133 100 20 0 30 100 200 mm Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 300 370 19 Concentration Profiles (8 mm Nozzle) • Concentration profile 188 millimeters above secondary air feeding CO concentration, 188 mm above CO2 concentration, 188 mm above 3000 14 2500 12 10 2000 8 CO2 [%] CO [ppm] 1500 6 1000 4 500 266 200 0 132 200 mm 266 2 mm 200 0 132 133 200 O2 concentration, 188 mm above 268 mm mm 133 268 NO concentration, 188 mm above 4,0 120 3,5 100 3,0 2,5 80 O2 [%] 2,0 NO [ppm] 1,5 • THC ~ 0 40 1,0 266 0,5 200 0,0 132 200 mm Energy and Process Engineering 60 133 268 20 266 mm 200 0 132 200 mm Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 133 268 mm 20 Concentration Profiles (8 mm Nozzle) • Concentration profile 230 millimeters above secondary air feeding CO concentration, 230 mm above CO2 concentration, 320 mm above 14 3000 12 2500 10 2000 8 CO2 [%] CO [ppm] 1500 6 1000 4 500 300 200 0 100 200 mm 300 2 mm 200 0 100 100 O2 concentration, 320 mm above 300 200 mm mm 100 300 4 NO concentration, 320 mm above 120 3,5 100 3 80 2,5 O2 [%] 2 NO [ppm] 60 1,5 • THC ~ 0 40 1 300 0,5 200 0 100 200 mm Energy and Process Engineering 100 300 mm 20 300 200 0 100 200 mm Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 100 300 mm 21 Concentration Profiles (8 mm Nozzle) • Concentration profile 308 millimeters above secondary air feeding CO concentration, 308 mm above CO2 concentration, 308 mm above 3000 14 2500 12 2000 10 8 CO [ppm] 1500 CO2 [%] 6 1000 0 30 100 200 mm 300 4 300 266 200 mm 133 100 500 0 O2 concentration, 308 mm above 370 300 266 200 mm 133 100 NO concentration, 308 mm above 2 30 100 mm 200 300 370 120 4 3,5 100 3 80 2,5 O2 [%] 2 NO [ppm] 1,5 • THC ~ 0 40 1 300 266 200 mm 133 100 0,5 0 30 100 mm Energy and Process Engineering 60 200 300 370 300 266 200 mm 133 100 20 0 30 100 200 mm Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 300 370 22 Concentration Profiles (8 mm Nozzle) • Concentration profile 720 millimeters above secondary air feeding O2 concentration, 720 mm above CO2 concentration, 720 mm above 14 4 12 3,5 NO concentration, 720 mm above 120 100 3 10 80 2,5 8 CO2 [%] O2 [%] 6 NO [ppm] 2 1,5 4 60 40 1 300 2 200 0 100 200 mm 100 300 mm 300 0,5 200 0 100 200 mm 100 300 mm 20 300 200 0 100 200 mm • THC ~ 0 • CO ~ 0 Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 100 300 mm 23 Computations Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 24 What Is LES? • In LES technique, Large (energy-containing) turbulent scales solved while the smallest scales modeled • Large scales geometry-dependent while smallest scales universal → good approximation log(E(k)) solved in LES modeled in LES modeled in RANS solved in DNS solved in LES modeled in LES ine rtia l energy containing integral scales large scales sub -ra nge ,s lop e filter length ~ grid size ~5/ 3 viscous sub-range dx log(k) Turbulence energy in wave number space Energy and Process Engineering Schematic of scale separation in LES Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 25 Why to Use LES in Reactive Flows? • Accurate turbulence modeling needed describing interaction between turbulence and chemical reactions • Large scale mixing fully solved → LES able to outperform RANS turbulence models that can employ more sophisticated chemistry models • Chemical reactions occur mostly in the smallest scales • LES scale separation approximation acceptable • Thermal NO formation slow but highly temperature sensitive process and hence strongly influenced by flow field Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 26 Turbulent Non-Premixed Models • Real propane-air flame consists of several hundred species and thousands of reactions — How to model it properly? • Reaction rate approach comprehensive but unpractical in LES → approach limited to one- or two-step reactions • Conserved scalar (mixture fraction) based methods usually chosen in LES computations • Decouples chemistry (mixture fraction) and mixing (scalar dissipation) • Solutions can be based on several methods: flameletbased presumed PDF, conditional moment closure, transport equation PDF Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 27 Non-Premixed Flamelet-Based PDF Method • Turbulent flame composed of sheet of laminar flames called “flamelets” where solutions pre-computed from 2D flames • Model applicable if turbulent scales larger than flame thickness → satisfied in most industrial applications Instantaneous stoichiometric turbulent flame front Fuel Oxidizer Instantaneous 2D laminar stagnation point flame flamelet Fuel temperature PDF look-up table Energy and Process Engineering Laminar flame solutions sca lar d issip atio n on racti ure f t x i m Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion Oxidizer 28 LES Flamelet PDF Solver LES solver • Pressure • Velocities • Mixture fraction • Density • Viscosity • (Temperature) • (Species mass fractions) •… p(z) p(χ) z Presumed PDF for mixture fraction from flamelet solutions Model for scalar dissipation rate Energy and Process Engineering Presumed PDF of stoichiometric scalar dissipation from flamelet solutions z Model for stoichiometric scalar dissipation rate Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 29 Computational Tools • Experimental cases simulated using CFD using LES technique and steady-RANS • LES simulations performed with structured solver by Charles Pierce (Stanford University, USA) • Restrictions for grid size and time step apply → only center section of pilot reactor simulated • Steady-RANS simulations performed with commercial ANSYS FLUENT 6.2/6.3 solver • Laminar flamelets pre-computed with FlameMaster (by Heinz Pitsch) using elemental reaction mechanism files Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 30 LES and RANS Computation Geometries Side view of pilot reactor Top view of pilot reactor RANS simulations LES simulations Earlier LES cold flow investigation by Kari Koskinen (2004) Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 31 Steady-RANS Simulations • Block-structured mesh with several Chimera (nonconformal) grid interfaces → Best compromise between grid size (~3M) and accuracy • Computations being performed with commercial FLUENT 6.2/6.3 software • Non-premixed Flamelet-based PDF • Realizable k-e turbulence model Non-conformal grid interfaces Closer look on secondary air grid interface Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 32 Progress on LES Computations Özcan & Larsen (2001) – single jet-in-crossflow Propane-air flame test case Pilot reactor Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 33 PDF Chemistry Table Tabulation Process Table optimization PDF look-up table Second mixture fraction tabulation Chemistry look-up table LES computations Flamelet Library Interface to FLUENT RANS simulations temperature sca lar d issip atio n ion fract e r u mixt Chemical mechanisms: • C3H8 + NO • Ammonia + NO Energy and Process Engineering Radiation Lewis number effect: • Le=1, Le≠1, Le unequal Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 34 Stoichiometric temperature [K] Flamelet Computation Results 1 / Stoichiometric Scalar Dissipation Rate [s] Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 35 Pilot Reactor Run • Dimensionalized by primary air flow conditions: • Re=36700, Lref=0.10 m, Uref=5.45 m/s, t=0.001T, djet=8 mm Axial velocity on centerline (z=0) Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 36 Conclusions • Measurements with 8 mm secondary air jet performed and preliminary LDA and concentration results are satisfactory • Flow field complex due to instabilities (jets interlaced) • CO and TCH ~0 in the highest concentration measurement points • NOx level raise 20ppm → 80ppm near the secondary air feeding and remain unchanged • With 12 mm secondary air nozzle, burner power reduced 160 kW → 90 kW due to too high temperatures (>1300 K) Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion 37 Conclusions (continues…) • Only small differences found between propane elementary reaction mechanisms… • Differences between different chemical species need to be studied • Pilot reactor computations started in November and will be performed till end of March 2007 • Results will be reported on project home page: • ”http://webhotel.tut.fi/~tossavav/” Energy and Process Engineering Ville Tossavainen & Satu Palonen, Advanced Turbulence Models for Emission Modelling in Gas Combustion