STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY P.O. Box 13053, SFA Station Nacogdoches, Texas 75962 DISPOSITION OF GENERAL DEPOSIT DATE: ___________________ TO: SFA BUSINESS OFFICE I, _________________________ ________________________ ________________________, First Middle Last do not intend to pursue my education at Stephen F. Austin State University. I understand that my deposit will be used to reduce any amounts owed to the University. I hereby request that the balance of my general deposit be: ______1. Paid to the SFA Alumni Association for my first year’s dues and that the balance be a contribution for Alumni programs including Student Loans. ______2. Be sent to Higher One and disbursed through my refund preference. I understand my refund will automatically be sent Higher One. If the university is unable to process my reimbursement through Higher One, I request that my deposit be mailed to the address indicated below. Street or Box No. _________________________________ City ____________________________________________ State _______________________ Zip Code ____________ Signature ________________________________ Student ID # ____________________