Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Primitivity and unital full free product of residually finite dimensional C*-algebras Francisco Torres-Ayala, joint work with Ken Dykema 2013 JMM, San Diego Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Definition (Push out) Let A1 , A2 and D be C ∗ -algebras and assume there are injective ∗-homomorphisms γi : D → Ai , i = 1, 2. The push out of (A1 , A2 , D, γ1 , γ2 ) is the unique C ∗ -algebra , denoted A1 ∗D A2 , together with ∗-homomorphisms ιi : Ai → A1 ∗D A2 , i = 1, 2, satisfying ι1 ◦ γ1 = ι2 ◦ γ2 and the following universal property D γ2 γ1 A2 / A1 ι2 ι1 = ϕ1 / A1 ∗D A2 = ϕ2 ϕ $ 4B Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Definition (Push out) Let A1 , A2 and D be C ∗ -algebras and assume there are injective ∗-homomorphisms γi : D → Ai , i = 1, 2. The push out of (A1 , A2 , D, γ1 , γ2 ) is the unique C ∗ -algebra , denoted A1 ∗D A2 , together with ∗-homomorphisms ιi : Ai → A1 ∗D A2 , i = 1, 2, satisfying ι1 ◦ γ1 = ι2 ◦ γ2 and the following universal property D γ2 γ1 A2 / A1 ι2 ι1 = ϕ1 / A1 ∗D A2 = ϕ2 ϕ $ 4B Note: we restrict to D = C and unital C ∗ -algebras and unital ∗-homomorphisms. Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Intuition As with groups, what one usually does is to think A1 and A2 as alphabets and construct words, a1 a2 a3 · · · an , where neighboring elements lie in different algebras. Then take linear combinations of words and define a multiplication and adjoint. Regarding multiplication, in situations like (a1 · · · an )(b1 · · · bm ) one have to take care weather an and bn lie on the same algebra. Lastly, one completes taking supremum of norms of ∗-homomorphism into bounded linear operators in Hilbert spaces. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem C2 ∗ C2 Unital Full Free Products are highly abstract and difficult to identify. Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem C2 ∗ C2 Unital Full Free Products are highly abstract and difficult to identify. Fortunately C*-algebra C2 ∗ C2 is very well studied (Pedersen, Raerburn, Sinclair). Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea C2 ∗ C2 Unital Full Free Products are highly abstract and difficult to identify. Fortunately C*-algebra C2 ∗ C2 is very well studied (Pedersen, Raerburn, Sinclair). All irreducible finite dimensional ∗-representations of C2 ∗ C2 are of dimension 1 or 2. Even more n C2 ∗ C2 ' f : [0, 1] → M2 (C) : f is continuous, f (0) and f (1) are diagonal matrices o where a ∗-isomorphism ϕ is given by p t(1 − t) 1 0 t p ϕ(ι1 (1, 0))(t) = , ϕ(ι2 (1, 0))(t) = 0 0 t(1 − t) 1−t Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Definition A C*-algebra A is called primitive if it admits a faithful and irreducible ∗-representation. In other words, there is • (faithful ∗-representation) an isometric ∗-homomorphism into the bounded operators of a Hilbert space with the property that • (irreducible) the only closed invariant subspaces for the image are the trivial ones Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Definition A C*-algebra A is called primitive if it admits a faithful and irreducible ∗-representation. In other words, there is • (faithful ∗-representation) an isometric ∗-homomorphism into the bounded operators of a Hilbert space with the property that • (irreducible) the only closed invariant subspaces for the image are the trivial ones ( or equivalently its commutant consists of just scalar operators). Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Definition A C*-algebra A is called primitive if it admits a faithful and irreducible ∗-representation. In other words, there is • (faithful ∗-representation) an isometric ∗-homomorphism into the bounded operators of a Hilbert space with the property that • (irreducible) the only closed invariant subspaces for the image are the trivial ones ( or equivalently its commutant consists of just scalar operators). Note: The center of any primitive C ∗ -algebra is trivial. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras • Hereditary C ∗ -subalgebras of primitive ones are primitive. Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras • Hereditary C ∗ -subalgebras of primitive ones are primitive. • Any simple C*-algebra is primitive. Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras • Hereditary C ∗ -subalgebras of primitive ones are primitive. • Any simple C*-algebra is primitive. • (Choi ’80) For 2 ≤ n ≤ ∞, the full group C*-algebra C ∗ (Fn ) is primitive. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras • Hereditary C ∗ -subalgebras of primitive ones are primitive. • Any simple C*-algebra is primitive. • (Choi ’80) For 2 ≤ n ≤ ∞, the full group C*-algebra C ∗ (Fn ) is primitive. • (Omland, ’12 ) If G1 and G2 are countable amenable discrete groups with (|G1 | − 1)(|G2 | − 1) ≥ 2 and σ is a 2-cocycle in G1 ∗ G2 . Then C ∗ (G1 ∗ G2 , σ) is primitive. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main result Theorem Let A1 and A2 denote two nontrivial separable residually finite dimensional C ∗ -algebras. If (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2 then A1 ∗ A2 is primitive. Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Main result Theorem Let A1 and A2 denote two nontrivial separable residually finite dimensional C ∗ -algebras. If (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2 then A1 ∗ A2 is primitive. In other words, C2 ∗ C2 is the only (non trivial) separable unital full free product of residually finite dimensional C*-algebras that fails to be primitive. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Some consequences Assume A1 and A2 are non trivial separable C ∗ -algebras with (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2. Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Some consequences Assume A1 and A2 are non trivial separable C ∗ -algebras with (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2. • If A1 and A2 are AF algebras then A1 ∗ A2 is primitive. Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Some consequences Assume A1 and A2 are non trivial separable C ∗ -algebras with (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2. • If A1 and A2 are AF algebras then A1 ∗ A2 is primitive. • If A1 and A2 are residually finite dimensional then A1 ∗ A2 is antilimial. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Some consequences Assume A1 and A2 are non trivial separable C ∗ -algebras with (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2. • If A1 and A2 are AF algebras then A1 ∗ A2 is primitive. • If A1 and A2 are residually finite dimensional then A1 ∗ A2 is antilimial. • Assume D is a matrix algebra, A1 and A2 are separable and residually finite dimensional. If (dim(A1 ) − dim(D))(dim(A2 ) − dim(D)) ≥ 2 dim(D)2 then A1 ∗D A2 is primitive. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Perturbations of representations Definition For a ∗-representation π : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H), let π (i) denote the composition of π with the natural inclusion ιi : Ai → A1 ∗ A2 , i = 1, 2. For a unitary operator u of H, a perturbation of π by u is a ∗-representation of the form π (1) ∗ (Ad u ◦ π (2) ), (Ad u(x) := uxu∗ ). Remark π (1) ∗ (Ad u ◦ π (2) ) is irreducible if and only if B1 ∩ Ad u(B2 ) = C where Bi = π (i) (Ai )0 , i = 1, 2. Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem DPI representations Definition A ∗-representation π : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H) is said to be densely perturbable to an irreducible ∗-representation (DPI) if the set ∆(π) := {u ∈ U (H) : π (1) (A1 )0 ∩ Ad u(π (2) (A2 )0 ) = C} is norm dense in U (H), the unitary operators in H (commutants are relative to B(H)). Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem DPI representations Definition A ∗-representation π : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H) is said to be densely perturbable to an irreducible ∗-representation (DPI) if the set ∆(π) := {u ∈ U (H) : π (1) (A1 )0 ∩ Ad u(π (2) (A2 )0 ) = C} is norm dense in U (H), the unitary operators in H (commutants are relative to B(H)). Remark • DPI representations are stable under perturbations. Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Rank of Central Projections condition Definition Assume A1 and A2 are finite dimensional and let π : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H) denote a unital finite dimensional ∗-representation. We say π satisfies the Rank of Central Projections condition (in short RCP condition) if for both i = 1, 2, the rank of π (i) (p) is the same for all minimal projections p of the center C(Ai ) of Ai . Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Rank of Central Projections condition Definition Assume A1 and A2 are finite dimensional and let π : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H) denote a unital finite dimensional ∗-representation. We say π satisfies the Rank of Central Projections condition (in short RCP condition) if for both i = 1, 2, the rank of π (i) (p) is the same for all minimal projections p of the center C(Ai ) of Ai . For instance, on (M2 ⊕ M3 ) ∗ (M4 ⊕ M4 ⊕ M4 ) take π equal to a a c π (2) (c ⊕ d ⊕ e) = d a π (1) (a ⊕ b) = b e b Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras RCP condition Remarks Assume A1 and A2 are finite dimensional and let π, ρ, σ : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H) be unital finite dimensional ∗-representations. Main Theorem Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea RCP condition Remarks Assume A1 and A2 are finite dimensional and let π, ρ, σ : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H) be unital finite dimensional ∗-representations. • there is a finite dimensional Hilbert space Ĥ and a unital ∗-representation σ : A1 ∗ A2 → B(Ĥ) such that σ ⊕ σ̂ satisfies the RCP condition. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea RCP condition Remarks Assume A1 and A2 are finite dimensional and let π, ρ, σ : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H) be unital finite dimensional ∗-representations. • there is a finite dimensional Hilbert space Ĥ and a unital ∗-representation σ : A1 ∗ A2 → B(Ĥ) such that σ ⊕ σ̂ satisfies the RCP condition. • if π and ρ satisfy the RCP condition then π ⊕ ρ and π (1) ∗ (Ad u ◦ π (2) ) also satisfy the RCP. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea RCP condition Remarks Assume A1 and A2 are finite dimensional and let π, ρ, σ : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H) be unital finite dimensional ∗-representations. • there is a finite dimensional Hilbert space Ĥ and a unital ∗-representation σ : A1 ∗ A2 → B(Ĥ) such that σ ⊕ σ̂ satisfies the RCP condition. • if π and ρ satisfy the RCP condition then π ⊕ ρ and π (1) ∗ (Ad u ◦ π (2) ) also satisfy the RCP. • if π satisfies the RCP then it is DPI. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Fundamental Difference with C2 ∗ C2 Proposition Assume A1 and A2 are nontrivial separable residually finite dimensional C ∗ -algebras with (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2 and let π : A1 ∗ A2 → B(H) be a unital finite dimensional ∗-representation. There is a finite dimensional Hilbert space Ĥ and a unital ∗-representation π̂ : A1 ∗ A2 → B(Ĥ) such that π ⊕ π̂ is DPI. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Main technical theorem Take C B1 , B2 ( MN . Denote ∆(B1 , B2 ) := {u ∈ U(MN ) : B1 ∩ Ad u(B2 ) = C}. Assume one of the following holds 1. B1 and B2 are simple. 2. B2 is simple and for some k ≥ 2, B1 ' MN/k ⊕ · · · ⊕ MN/k . | {z } k−times 3. B1 ' MN/2 ⊕ MN/2 and B2 ' MN/2 ⊕ MN/(2k) where k ≥ 2. 4. For i = 1, 2, there are integers k1 ≥ 2, k2 ≥ 3 such that Bi ' MN/ki ⊕ · · · ⊕ MN/ki . | {z } ki times Then ∆(B1 , B2 ) is dense in U(MN ). Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Why so many cases ? Under RCP condition A1 is simple A2 is simple k := dim(C(A1 )) ≥ 2 A2 is simple A1 ' Mn1 (1) ⊕ Mn1 (2) A2 ' Mn2 (1) ⊕ Mn2 (2) , n2 (2) ≥ 2 k1 := dim(C(A1 )) ≥ 2 k2 := dim(C(A2 )) ≥ 3 B1 B2 B1 B1 B2 B1 B1 B2 B2 B1 B1 B2 B2 = π (1) (A1 )0 is simple = π (2) (A2 )0 is simple = π (1) (C(A1 ))0 ' MN/k ⊕ · · · ⊕ MN/k = π (2) (A2 )0 is simple = π (1) (C(A1 ))0 ' MN/2 ⊕ MN/2 = π (2) (C ⊕ Mn2 (2) )0 ' MN/2 ⊕ MN/2k , k = n2 (2) ≥ 2 = π (1) (C(A2 ))0 ' MN/k1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ MN/k1 , k1 ≥ 2 = π (2) (C(A2 ))0 ' MN/k2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ MN/k2 , k2 ≥ 3 Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Sketch Assume (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2, and let A := A1 ∗ A2 . • Let {πn : A → B(Hn )}n≥1 be a separating family of unital finite dimensional ∗-representations (Exel and Loring). Main idea Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Sketch Assume (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2, and let A := A1 ∗ A2 . • Let {πn : A → B(Hn )}n≥1 be a separating family of unital finite dimensional ∗-representations (Exel and Loring). • We may assume that for each k ≥ 1, ⊕kn=1 πn is DPI and the image of their direct sum, denoted by π, contains no nonzero compact operators. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Sketch Assume (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2, and let A := A1 ∗ A2 . • Let {πn : A → B(Hn )}n≥1 be a separating family of unital finite dimensional ∗-representations (Exel and Loring). • We may assume that for each k ≥ 1, ⊕kn=1 πn is DPI and the image of their direct sum, denoted by π, contains no nonzero compact operators. • For each k ≥ 1, we can perturb ⊕kn=1 πn into θk , an irreducible ∗-representation, such that σk := θk ⊕ ⊕n>k πn is faithful. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Sketch Assume (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2, and let A := A1 ∗ A2 . • Let {πn : A → B(Hn )}n≥1 be a separating family of unital finite dimensional ∗-representations (Exel and Loring). • We may assume that for each k ≥ 1, ⊕kn=1 πn is DPI and the image of their direct sum, denoted by π, contains no nonzero compact operators. • For each k ≥ 1, we can perturb ⊕kn=1 πn into θk , an irreducible ∗-representation, such that σk := θk ⊕ ⊕n>k πn is faithful. • If we control each perturbation on a suitable set of the unit ball, we can find a ∗-representation σ such that limk σk (x) = σ(x) for all x in A1 ∗ A2 . Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Main Theorem Main idea Sketch Assume (dim(A1 ) − 1)(dim(A2 ) − 1) ≥ 2, and let A := A1 ∗ A2 . • Let {πn : A → B(Hn )}n≥1 be a separating family of unital finite dimensional ∗-representations (Exel and Loring). • We may assume that for each k ≥ 1, ⊕kn=1 πn is DPI and the image of their direct sum, denoted by π, contains no nonzero compact operators. • For each k ≥ 1, we can perturb ⊕kn=1 πn into θk , an irreducible ∗-representation, such that σk := θk ⊕ ⊕n>k πn is faithful. • If we control each perturbation on a suitable set of the unit ball, we can find a ∗-representation σ such that limk σk (x) = σ(x) for all x in A1 ∗ A2 . • we show σ is faithful and irreducible. Full free products Definition Primitive C ∗ -algebras Examples of Primitive C ∗ -algebras Thank you Main Theorem Main idea