傳統發電方法 與 再生能源發電 戴明鳳 傳統發電方法 -現階段國際使用最廣、最經濟的發電方式 水力發電 火力發電 核能發電 風力發電-替代能源之一 Animation: 1. Energy-Animation & Multimedia\Best- Animation for 4 Power Generation Methods-SaskPower Company.swf 2. Energy-Animation & Multimedia\Best-Complete Wind Power Introdtuction Story-EERE-US.swf 風力發電 -成長最快速的替代能源 Overview of Energy Energy is considered as almost being alive, from its birth at the creation of the universe, in its evolution as it constantly changes from one type into another type, and finally as it ages and loses its ability to be used efficiently. The energy topic is always broken down into three sections. I. The Energy Story II. The Energy Problems III. The Energy Solution I. The Energy Story Definition of energy Many various types of energy that exist in nature Energy's ability to change from one type into another, and How we use these energy changes to generate the types of energy that we need. II. The Energy Problems The difficulties involved in providing all of the energy that our civilization requires not only are the supplies of energy finite as our energy use continues to climb, but there are economic and political difficulties as well. And along with energy use comes pollution. The content leads up to a series of sometimes controversial questions that must be discussed so that the major decisions concerning our energy resources can be made in an intelligent fashion. These decisions will have serious impacts on how our civilization fares in the future. III. The Energy Solution Many people, after discussing our energy problems, will conclude that we need to change our lifestyles or the way that we use and generate energy. 各種能源形式 1. 化學能 (Chemical Energy) 2. 核 能 (Nuclear Energy) 3. 輻射能 (Radiation Energy) 4. 熱 能 (Thermal Energy) 5. 電 能 (Electric Energy) 6. 機械能 (Mechanical Energy)-動能、位能 各種能源來源 能源最終的使用方式 煤 石油 化學能 天然氣 鈾-核子 太陽-光/輻射 熱 (Heat) 光 (Light, Photon) 運動 (Motion) 電 (Electricity) 化學過程(Chemical Process) 常見及常使用的能源形式有: 化學能-化石燃料、燃料電池 核能 太陽能 熱能 機械能:動能、位能 電磁能:電能、磁能 生物質能 欲善用有限的能源資源,必須考慮下例事項: 深入探討各種能源資源、能源轉換的過程 能源資源、各種能源使用的限制 使用能源對周遭環境的影響 能源使用類型 非再生能源-經濟效率最高、使用最廣 (Nonrenewable Energy) 如化石能源、核能等 再生能源(Renewable Energy) 或稱替代能源(Alternative Energy) 如水、風、太陽能、生物質能、 潮汐、地熱等 圖1.2 依燃料的類別,美國200年來能源的消耗量 趨勢。Btu為能源的單位,1 Quad = 1015 Btu。 圖1.3 世界能源消耗:1970~2020年間工業化國家、 開發中國家及東歐/前蘇聯 (EE/FSU)的消耗情形。 右圖說明1996年最終總消耗各地區佔有的比例 (其中 OECD指經濟合作發展組織)。 圖1.5 1998年世界及美國能源消耗(能源別)。 化 石 能 源 衍 生 三 大 環 保 議 題 全球暖化 酸雨的侵害 輻射污染 解決之道: 建造一個綠色電力、綠色家園 能源、經濟、環境 三者間的發展息息相關 有效使用有限的能源 竭力發展新的能源材料 才能維持國家的經濟成長 焦點1.1 我們的地球-過去及現在 世界人口 美國鉛的排放量 (103公噸) 廢物回收量 (公噸) 使用太陽能的美國家庭 (戶) 美國每年產生的垃圾量 (公噸) 美國輸入石油佔有的比例 聯邦政府環境預算佔有的比例 大氣中CO2的濃度 (ppM) 世界CO2排放量 (109公噸/年) 1970 33億 204 800萬 35,000 12,100萬 23% 3% 325 14 1997 58億 4 4900萬 2000,000 21,700萬 56% 1.5% 367 23 化石燃料的歷史演進 1859年,於美國賓州鑽出第一座油井 1870年間,發明內燃機後,開始大量使用石油。 1920年後,因引擎數量和開挖之石油可利用量雙 雙增加,加以使用石油為燃料比燃燒煤炭來得乾 淨等條件下,助長了石油使用量的遽增。 目前美國燃料消耗,石油約佔40%。 德州和路易斯安那州發現大量天然氣儲藏量 天然氣發現量增加+電業解制+提供更乾淨的環 境(與煤炭和石油相比) 美國開始大量使用天然氣,現佔23%。 近年來五個美國石 油主要輸入國 委內瑞拉 加拿大 沙烏地阿拉伯 墨西哥 奈及利亞 再生能源 (Renewable Energy) 水、風、太陽能、生物質能、潮汐、地熱等 用於加熱、冷卻及發電 目前對能源的貢獻尚佔不到10%,但正在快速 成長中。 風能雖此佔0.2%,但是目前成長最快速的能源 美國現以每年10%的速率成長, 歐洲更以每年37%的速率成長, 丹麥約有8%的電力是採用風力機供應。 能源的最終消費 (End Users of Energy) 主要分為四個部門: 交通 工業 住宅(單一或多戶住宅) 商業(公司、商店、學校、…) 圖1.8 美國於1998年各部門的能源使用情形。 圖1.9 1999 年美國的總能源流(Quad Btu) 總能源消耗為96.6 Quads (包含電力公司轉化及輸電損失)。 D. 能源資源 (Sources of Energy) 欲善用能源資源必須先瞭解下 列問題: 有哪些能源可用? 各種能源的蘊藏量(Reserves) 燃料的成本和價格 消耗量的成長率 I. Energy Story Energy is Born Energy was born around 17 billion years ago when our universe was created in a gigantic explosion called the Big Bang. At first, the universe was almost all energy at tremendously high temperatures. As the universe expanded and cooled, some of the energy formed matter. While the universe has continued to evolve, it is still made up of these two components, matter and energy. This energy produced in the big bang is the same energy that we use today to run our radios, -- in the gasoline that powers our cars, and in the food we eat that gives us the energy to live. The Beginning of Big Bang Energy was born around 17 billion years ago when our universe was created in a gigantic explosion called the Big Bang. Courtesy of schoolscience, BNFL, and PPARC (Particle Physics and Research Astonomy Reserach Council) At first, the universe was almost all energy at tremendously high temperatures. The Beginning of the Big Bang It took thousands of years after the big bang for the universe to cool enough for even simple atoms to form. And it took millions of years for the stars and galaxies that we see in the sky to form. Below is a pictorial representation of the evolution of the big bang. Courtesy of schoolscience, BNFL, and PPARC (Particle Physics and Research Astonomy Reserach Council) 2nd Stage of Energy Borned As the universe expanded and cooled, some of the energy formed matter. While the universe has continued to evolve, it is still made up of these two components, matter and energy. This energy produced in the big bang is the same energy that we use today to run our radios, -- in the gasoline that powers our cars, and in the food we eat that gives us the energy to live. Courtesy of schoolscience, BNFL, and PPARC (Particle Physics and Research Astonomy Reserach Council) Current Stage of the Big Bang It took thousands of years after the big bang for the universe to cool enough for even simple atoms to form. And it took millions of years for the stars and galaxies that we see in the sky to form. This energy produced in the big bang is the same energy that we use today to run our radios, -- in the gasoline that powers our cars, and in the food we eat that gives us the energy to live. Courtesy of schoolscience, BNFL, and PPARC (Particle Physics and Research Astonomy Reserach Council) More Sites to Visit Mysteries of Deep Space An interactive timeline of the history of the universe. A brief guide to the big bang. Key observations, theories, and concepts. Runaway Universe A gallery of images of the big bang Cosmic Mystery Tour Step by step evolution of the big bang. The Big Bang It sure was big! Ask the Space Scientist Big Bang Cosmology Energy Types Energy is everywhere in the world around us. We need energy to run our factories, heat our homes, and fuel our bodies. For example, just think about the many ways that we use energy to cook our food, from the oven in our kitchens to the many types of barbecue grills in our backyards. Energy comes in a number of different forms or types and these energies are everywhere in our universe, our world, and our everyday lives. Each type of energy has a particular set of properties, just as people have different characteristics and personalities. Examples of Energy Changes - from one type to another type Example Description Energy In Energy Out Electric Wok Electrical Heat Flashlight Chemical Light (in the batteries) Guitar String ( being plucked) Mechanical KE (sound) Blinds (being opened) Mechanical Gravitational Examples of Energy Changes - from one type to another type Example Description Energy In Energy Out Burning Candle Chemical (wax) Light Sand Clock Gravitational Kinetic Arrow Shot From Crossbow Spring Kinetic Hand Scanner Light Electrical Energy Generation Energy is a necessary part of human existence. Much of the energy we use is produced in large power plants. Those plants extract the energy from some source, such as coal, and change that energy into the energy of choice, electricity. Then that electrical energy can be transported to where it is needed. Contrary to what you might expect, the source energy goes though a number of changes before being turned into electrical energy, leading to a chain of energy changes. So finding ways to generate or produce energy from various sources has been high on the human agenda since man discovered fire. Energy Sources To generate energy, we must have some source to generate energy from. While energy is everywhere, only certain sources can be efficiently used. The most common sources of energy that are available to us today have been categorized into the 10 types of energy. The useful sources have not been found for all 10 types of energy. Some sources are used a lot in our modern world, while others are still being developed. Fuel cells and fusion are being researched for future use, while wind, solar, and geothermal have been around for years but have not been cheap enough to be used extensively. Common Energy Sources Chemical Wood Coal Oil Natural Gas Hydrogen (Fuel Cells) Occasionally Used Extensively Used Extensively Used Extensively Used Being Developed Power Plant Power Plant Home Heating Gravitational Nuclear Hydro Extensively Used Power Plant Uranium (Fission) Extensively Used Being Developed Power Plant PE PE PE Heavy Water (Fusion) Kinetic Light Heat Wind Alternative Solar Alternative Geothermal Alternative Power Plant Power Plant KE KE KE Alternative Energy These available but not yet competitive sources (like solar) are often called alternative energy sources. The potential energy sources can be stored for future use. Oil from your home storage tank can sit for years until it is needed. The kinetic energy sources must be used as they are available since they cannot be stored. Once the sunshine or solar energy hits the ground, it no longer can be collected by a solar panel. Some of these sources tend to be used to produce energy (or power - more on this later) in large power plants that produce electrical energy. While electrical energy is kinetic and cannot be stored, it can be easily distributed long distances to where it is needed, to industrial plants or to your home. Energy Generation Much of the energy we use is produced in large power plants. Those plants extract the energy from some source, such as fissue fuel - oil, gas and coal -- change that energy into the energy of choice, electricity. Then that electrical energy can be transported to where it is needed. Contrary to what you might expect, the source energy goes though a number of changes before being turned into electrical energy, leading to a chain of energy changes. Energy Sources of Electricity Generation 現今一般發電廠發電所使用的能源種類 Hydro (水力) Coal (煤) Oil (石油) Natural Gas (天然氣) Nuclear (核能) Energy Sources of Electricity Generation 發電廠發電所使用的能源種類和所佔百分比 Renewable Energy 再生能源 Oil 石油 Hydro 水力 Natural Gas 天然氣 Coal 煤 Nuclear 核能 In 2001, total US generation of electricity was 3,777 billion kWh. The % of electricity produced from each source of energy is shown below in a pie chart. 電力: 太陽能、風力和水力 太陽能在美國供給的情形* *單位:quads (1015 Btu)/年 來源 1980 1990 1999 太陽能加熱、光伏 電池、熱電系統 小 0.063 0.076 風能 小 0.032 0.038 生質能 2.4 2.6 3.5 水力能 3.0 3.1 3.4 總太陽能 5.4 5.8 7.0 總消耗 78 84 97 近年來PV太陽電池價格顯著下降,而全世 界年產量升高超過150 MW。 利用光伏模組可將疫苗冷藏送往偏僻地區 光電效應的裝置 光擊打金屬板(於抽空的管子中)及發射出電子。 太陽電池的構造 多層膜太陽電池 使用雙層薄膜可吸收更多的光並增加效率 (a)計算器上的太陽電池 (b)競賽用的微型單座汽車 圖12.6 非晶矽佔約全世界PV銷售 40%,多種產品如 (a) 計算器; (b) 競賽用的微型單座汽車; (c) PV太陽電池。 (c) PV太陽電池 以282 W/12 V直流PV模組 -取代吵雜高維護率的柴油發電機 太陽電池可以 (a) 串聯取得較高輸出電壓或 (b) 並聯一起獲得較大輸出電流 居家PV太陽電池模組 位於加州Carrissa Plains之6.5MW Siemens太陽能 PV中央電力站,提供超過2300住戶每年的電力, 1990年中已經拆除並轉售私人團體。 南佛羅里達大學 PV電力之電動車 充電站 以PV模組抽水 美國NASA於俄亥俄州 所建造的示範風力機 第一部大型機組 葉片直徑為125 ft 於18 mph風力下輸出電 力為100 kW 1975年開始運轉 位於佛蒙特州Bennington 的 Grandpa’s Knob 風力發電 站-於1930s~1940s期間運轉,生產電力可達1.2 MW。 表12.2 風能市場排行 裝置容量 (MW) 國 家 1998 1999 德 國 2872 4072 美 國 1770 2502 丹 麥 1433 1733 西班牙 822 1722 印 度 1015 1077 英 國 334 534 荷 蘭 375 428 中 國 224 300 義大利 199 249 瑞 典 176 216 水平軸式風力機(100~200 kW) 提供電力,位於北加 州Altamont Pass 地區。 住家風能系統 風車發電最大輸出功率的理論值 -風速及葉片直徑的函數 萃取功率 (kW)* 風速(mph) D = 12.5ft D = 25 ft D = 50 ft D = 100 ft 10 0.37 1.48 5.9 23.7 20 2.95 11.8 47 189 30 9.96 39.8 159 637 40 23.6 94.4 378 1510 50 46.1 184 738 2950 *最大理論輸出假設風車將風能轉換至有用輸出的效率為 59%。但因空氣動力不是很完全,加上機械性及電力的 損失,以上數值約須再乘上0.5~0.7的綜合損失比。 常見的三種風車型式之一 (a)荷蘭四葉片式風車 荷蘭過去世紀中數以千 計大幅運用 ,今日僅有 少數地方看見。 效率低(~7%) 且輸出功 率小,約僅10馬力(hp) 常見的三種風車型式之二 (b)美國多葉片型風車 可靠度高,且在小風力情況下仍能操作 20世紀時大量用於汲水灌溉 常見的三種風車型式-3 (c)雙葉片型風力機:今日大量使用的原型機 常見的三種風車型式 (a)荷蘭四葉片式風車:荷蘭過去世紀 中數以千計大幅運用,今日僅有少數 地方看見。效率低(7%) 且輸出功率 小,約僅10馬力(hp) (b)美國多葉片型風車: 可靠度高,且在小風力 情況下仍能操作,20世 紀時大量用於汲水灌溉 (c)雙葉片型風力機: 是今日大量使用的原 型機。 位於加州Altamont Pass之Darrieus 型 轉子。 水平和垂直軸式風力機的組態 美國風能潛力及裝置容量 州 1999安裝容量 名次 潛能 (MW) 名次 4 138,000 136,000 1 2 (MW) 北達科塔 德州 0.4 188 堪薩斯 0 122,000 3 南達科塔 蒙坦納 內布拉斯加 0 0.1 2.8 117,000 116,000 99,000 4 5 6 懷俄明 明尼蘇達 愛阿華 73 272 242 85,000 75,000 63,000 7 8 9 科羅拉多 21 55,000 10 10 5 2 3 8 美國風能潛力及裝置容量 州 新墨西哥 密西根 1999安裝容 量 (MW) 0.7 0.6 名次 名 潛能 (MW) 次 50,000 11 7500 12 紐約 0 7100 13 伊利諾 0 7000 14 加州 威斯康辛 1840 1 6800 15 23 7 6400 16 圖12.18 簡單的中水頭至高水頭水力電廠模型。 圖12.19 水車或水輪機模型: (a) 胸射型水車; (b) 上射型水車; (c) 法蘭西斯式水輪機; (d) 卡普蘭式或推進器 式水輪機。 表12.5 年) 水力發電輸出 (1998 發電量 (109kWh) 裝置容量 (103MW) 美 國 350 99 加拿大 330 67 巴 西 289 54 中 國 203 60 俄羅斯 150 44 挪 威 115 27 日 本 90 21 印 度 76 22 瑞 典 73 16 低水頭水力電廠裝置 水所產生的功率等於重力位能損失 (水自來源 處掉落) 的比率,而重力位能的變化等於水的 重量乘以水頭的垂直高度 Δ (PE) 垂直掉落距離 功率 重量 時間 時間 圖12.20 中國的長江三峽水壩。此乃19世紀以來中國最大的建設工程,預計於2009 年完工,將提供全中國電力的10%。 三種集中式太陽能收集器。 加州 Kramer Junction太陽熱電系統, 集中式收集器提供 350 MW。 位於加州Barstow之10 MW太陽能一號(後改名太陽能二號) 熱電試驗系統 (1999年關閉)。具有1926個可移式反射鏡, 用以加熱位於塔頂流體以產生電力。 火力發電的基本原理和流程 Energy chain & transfermation for thermal power plants: Chemical Heat Mechanical Electrical powers Thermal Power Plants 火力發電廠 In a thermal power plant, steam is produced and used to spin a turbine that operates a generator. A conventional thermal power plant, which uses coal, oil, or natural gas as fuel to boil water to produce the steam. The electricity generated at the plant is sent to consumers through high-voltage power lines. Coal-Fired Power Plant 煤燃燒發電廠 Courtesy of Tennesee Valley Authority - Fossil Fuel Generation Energy chain Chemical Heat Mechanical Electrical Animation: ..\..\Power Generation 傳 統發電方法\Best Animation for 4 Power Generation MethodsSaskPower Company.swf Animation of Coal-fired Power Plant: ..\..\Power Generation 傳統發電方法\Best Animation for 4 Power Generation Methods-SaskPower Company.swf The coal is burned in a boiler which produces steam. The steam is run through a turbine which turns a generator which produces electricity. A turbine is like a fan in reverse, with many vanes or blades, where the steam is used to make the turbine turn or rotate rapidly. A generator is a huge magnet that is turned by the turbine. As the magnet turns inside a coil of wire, electricity is produced. Animation of generator:..\..\澳洲 ACT 能源教育網站\Electric Generator-發電機\Generator-Centrale Generating Energy.swf The energy chain for thermal power plants: Chemical Heat Mechanical Electrical U Electric Power System 1.Electricity is generated when a loop of conducting wire rotates in a magnetic field. 2.In a hydroelectric plant, water falling over a dam turns turbines that spin the generators that produce electricity. 3.The electricity flows to a transmission station where a transformer changes a large current and low voltage into a small current and high voltage. 4.Then the electricity flows over high voltage transmission lines to a series of transmission stations where the voltage is stepped down by transformers to levels appropriate for distribution to customers. 5.Primary lines may transmit electricity at voltages as high as 500,000 volts. 6.Secondary lines to homes carry electricity at 240 volts or 120 volts. Electric Power System (電力系統) 發電廠 傳輸線 低用量工 業用戶 大電力 傳輸站 學校 住宅及鄉 村用戶 高用量工 業用戶 傳輸站 商店 配電站 More information on power plants Nuclear Fission: What is it? A nice animation of a nuclear power plant. Key Areas of Plants: Key areas and buildings of a nuclear power plant. Thermal Plant: What's a thermal power plant? Nuclear Fission: From nuclear fission to electricity. The Energy Story: Chapter 3: Generators, turbines, and power plants. The Nuclear Reactor: Nuclear fission, the chain reactions, and the nuclear reaction. The Power Plant: How nuclear plants work. SRP: How electricity is made. More on turbines. Fundamentals of Electricity: Diagrams of a nuclear power plant. Nuclear (Fission) Power Plants Animation: Energy-Animation & Multimedia\Nuclear power plant-OME eductor.swf Created by Tom Chandler, OME educator, 2001-02 (a) containment structure (b) control rods (c) reactor (d) steam generator (e) steam line (f) pump (g) generator (h) turbine (i) cooling water (j) cooling tower (k) body of water Base-load thermal stations - How a thermal power station works In a thermal power station, fuel (coal or natural gas) is burned in a boiler to convert water to steam. The high-pressure steam is directed into a turbine, which turns the turbine shaft. This shaft, connected to an electrical generator, produces electricity as it turns. A condenser converts the spent steam from the turbine back to water that is reused in the boiler. The condenser cooling water comes from the reservoir and is returned for reuse. To learn more about how power is generated view Animation file: Best Animation for 4 Power Generation MethodsSaskPower Company.swf Animation of Engine Working Three Cylinder Stirling/HydraLink Quiet Revolution Motor Company L.L.C. http://www.qrmc.com/animationtext.htm Animation 1.1 MB It runs at about 16 rpm. Engine: Energy-Animation & Multimedia\engine[1].swf Introduction to the Parts of 3 Cylinder Stirling/HydraLink Quiet Revolution Motor Company L.L.C., www.qrmc.com/animationtext.htm The purpose of the Heater is to conduct high temperature thermal energy from the burner into the working gas (helium). It is incorrectly shown as a simple crown shape, in reality it is a proprietary design that provides the surface area necessary to achieve highly efficient movement of the heat energy into the hot chamber. Surrounding the heater crown is the serpentine cylinder wall. This design allows the engine to be "short and fat" from an internal aerodynamic perspective while being longer from a thermal conductivity perspective. The increased metallic length also minimizes thermally induced stresses. Insulation within the folds of the serpentine impede radiant and convective losses. The insulation also occupies space within the serpentine that would otherwise be dead volume. The Regenerative Displacer consists of two parts, the gray color displacer matrix itself and the light blue cylindrical skirt. Like the heater, this illustration does not show the true shape of the displacer. During the portion of the cycle when the gas is cool, this displacer resides virtually in contact with the heater, minimizing hot space "dead volume" at that time. During the hot phase of the cycle, the displacer rests on the surface of the power piston, minimizing dead volume in the cold space. Dead volume is only "dead" during the portion of the cycle when it is counterproductive, and the QRMC design permits the hot and cold spaces to be used to their full advantage. The displacer skirt serves to support the regenerator matrix within the displacer, and also to move it when appropriate by means of differential pressure on the annular Ringbom "piston" created by the skirt (see How Does it Work? below). The skirt is coated inside and out with a low friction, dry lubricated surface. Gas flow past the skirt is minimized, but the same helium exists above and below the skirt and a small leakage exists. This leakage equalizes over the full cycle. The Power Piston is located within the displacer skirt, and serves as a barrier between the gas above and the hydraulic fluid below. There is no pressure difference across the piston, it is free to move up and down at any time. Since the piston does not have to withstand any pressure differences it can be very low mass. The Roll Sock Seal serves to completely isolate the helium working gas from the hydraulic medium. It is composed of back-to-back seals with an incompressible liquid contained within. This seal is located between the power piston and the inner case. Roll sock seals are very low friction devices and by operating them in an opposed fluid filled configuration each seal is limited to positive pressure excursions only. The Inner Case contains the hydraulic fluid (not shown). Outside this case the helium buffer space is pressurized to the average working pressure. The inner case only has to withstand positive and negative excursions from the average pressure. Not shown in this animation is the cooling exchanger which is part of the inner case. This exchanger serves to remove the low quality heat energy from the hydraulic oil. The Crankshaft exists in the center of the engine, totally bathed in hydraulic oil. It is pictured in a single ended configuration, the crank throw is not subjected to the bending loads of the usual crankshaft/connecting rod configuration. The crank can rotate in either direction. In this design, six Links make up the patented HydraLink (tm) mechanism, U.S. Patent #6,065,289. The link pairs separate the three hydraulic chambers, one for each cylinder. These links incorporate close-tolerance sealing and any leakage is only from one hydraulic chamber to the next. A proprietary method (not shown) corrects for long term differential leakage. How Does It Work? of 3 Cylinder Stirling/HydraLink Quiet Revolution Motor Company L.L.C., www.qrmc.com/animationtext.htm The stirling cycle is easy to explain to kids, more difficult to explain to adults because it is unexpectedly simple. Heated gas expands, this expansion is translated to crankshaft torque, the gas is cooled which causes it to contract, and the crankshaft returns to its original position. That's it. The same working gas, such as helium, is cycled over and over just as freon is cycled around and around in a refrigerator. Gas molecules do not wear out and the same gas continues to work indefinitely. The gas is heated by moving it to a hot space. This space includes the heater, and the gas movement is accomplished by the displacer. The gas is displaced to the hot end as the displacer moves to the cold end of the working chamber. Thermal energy is added to the body of gas in the heater, raising the gas temperature and therefore its pressure. Later, the displacer strokes to the hot end and the gas is forced to move to the cold end of the engine. But there is a more subtle action going on at the same time. As the displacer moves the hot gas to the cold space, a large portion of the thermal energy in the gas is transferred to the regenerative matrix. When the gas reaches the cooler it is already most of the way cool and the cooler only has to remove a fraction of the energy that otherwise would have been required. An instant later, as the gas returns to the hot space it retrieves the energy from the regenerator. So, when the gas reaches the hot space, only a fraction of the energy is needed to finish heating the gas compared with what would be required without regeneration. This is the secret of the excellent fuel efficiency of the stirling cycle, fuel is only needed to supply the shaft output and make up for losses. Compare this with a common spark ignition engine, where each cycle takes new air and new fuel and begins the process from scratch without saving anything from cycles that have gone before. To follow the stirling cycle through one crankshaft rotation, let us focus on the upper cylinder, beginning when the crankshaft is at top dead center. The displacer is in the process of moving down toward the piston. It contacts the piston and the two travel together through the downward stroke. Since the displacer is at the cold end of the gas chamber, the gas is at the hot end. Thermal energy is transferred to the gas, raising its temperature and pressure. This pressure exists not only in the hot chamber, but throughout the gas chamber and also the hydraulic oil underneath the piston. Since the piston is free to move at any time, there is no difference between gas pressure and oil pressure. The oil pressure increases as the gas heats, and the pressure is exerted on the vanes of the HydraLink mechanism which in turn cause the crankshaft to rotate. Oil volume of a HydraLink chamber is a function of crank position, with minimum volume near TDC and maximum near BDC. As the crank rotates and the power piston descends, the working gas expands and pressure decreases. Very near bottom dead center of the crankshaft, gas pressure reaches a value slightly below the buffer space pressure which exists between the inner and outer cases. Therefore, pressure on the annular displacer skirt area is higher below than above, forcing the displacer to travel to the hot end of the gas space. As the regenerative displacer strokes through the hot gas it absorbs much of the thermal energy. Thus the gas emerges from the bottom side of the regenerator at a lower temperature and the energy is stored momentarily in the regenerator matrix. The gas is now in contact with the cool power piston. Again, the proprietary means of providing large surface area and efficient energy transfer from gas to hydraulic oil is not shown. The gas becomes fully cool, gas pressure is at a minimum, and the power piston begins to travel back toward the top. As the piston nears top dead center, gas pressure rises until it slightly exceeds the constant buffer space pressure and the difference in pressure forces the regenerator back through the gas to rest against the piston. This action allows the gas to pick up much of the energy left in the regenerator from the previous cycle, and the process is ready to begin anew. Cylinders #2 and #3 operate in the same way, with 120 degree separation which provides smooth output torque. But What Makes it Go? The force that makes the crankshaft rotate is the difference between oil pressure in the three chambers. Oil pressure is equal to gas pressure in each cylinder since the pistons are free to move at all times. When the pressure is higher in one HydraLink chamber than the next, the crank is forced to rotate. The hinge-like action of the HydraLink naturally resists bending, and transmits force to the crank without any substantial bending moment. Nuclear (Fission) Power Plants Animation: Nuclear power plant-OME eductor.swf Uranium is usually formed into pellets which are arranged into long rods, and the rods are collected together into bundles. The bundles are then submerged in water inside a pressure vessel or reactor. The fission reaction is a chain reaction, each uranium atom that fissions or breaks apart gives off two neutrons that will cause two more atoms to fission. To prevent this, control rods made of a material that absorbs neutrons are inserted into the bundle using a mechanism that can raise or lower the control rods. The uranium bundle acts as an extremely high-energy source of heat. It heats the water and turns it to steam. The steam drives a steam turbine, which spins a generator to produce electricity. The animation below illustrates this process. Energy Transformatiom Chain of Nuclear Power Plants The energy chain for a nuclear power plant is Nuclear Heat Mechanical Electrical -- is nearly identical to the coal power plant. The only difference is the initial or source of energy, which is nuclear instead of chemical. 能量轉換間的能量損耗 The huge magnet assists in changing the mechanical energy into electrical energy, But the mechanical energy does not actually turn into magnetic energy. This is complicated since electrical and magnetic energy are so intimately related to one another. Most energy power plants, whether the source of energy is the burning of coal, oil, natural gas, or the fissioning of uranium, follow the same energy chain. Blast Furnace Piping System Jinwook Choi, POSCO Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., Korea Blast furnace piping system composed of stave cooling piping, tuyere cooling piping and PCI (pulverized coal injection) piping were created using PDS®, SmartPlant® Review, and FrameWorks® Plus Mining for Future Nitin Dhamane, Hatch,Canada This entry created by Hatch represents bauxite grinding, crushing and precipitation areas of alumina refinery. The image was generated using PDS and SmartPlant Review. Close View of Fired Heater V.J. Shankar, Larsen & Toubro Ltd., India The artist created this close view of fired heater fuel piping showing circular burner supply header piping using 30 degree elbows using PDS and DesignReview. Tecnoconsult Working View 03 - Carlos A. Yanez, Tecnoconsult S.A., Venezuela This entry from Technoconsult shows the piping arrangement associated to crude/crude plate exchanger, vapor recovery unit, inlet separators and charge pumps. It was generated using PDS, FrameWorks Plus, and SmartPlant Review. General View of Gasification Complex -Saviolo Andrea, Snamprogetti S.p.A., Italy This entry shows a view from the northeast of Unit 31 - hydrolysis and acid gas removal and Unit 30 - gasification and soot ash recovery. It was created using PDS and SmartPlant Review. NGL Unit -Agus Subiyantoro, IKPT, Indonesia A NGL area with booster compressor structure in front of process pipe rack under the yellow sky. Operator on the Platform -Tapio Laakso, Jaakko Poyry OY, Finland. The overall view of the project diesel. Candu6: Inside the Walls – Closeup -David Goland, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL), Canada This entry illustrates AECL’s Candu6 Nuclear Power Plant built in Qinsham, China, with most of the concrete walls removed for clarity; closup of reactor building. Amination: Model #1 Research Engine Quiet Revolution Motor Company L.L.C. http://www.qrmc.com/model1animation.htm Animation [570k] is located at the bottom of this page. Once downloaded, it will run at about 20 rpm.) Introduction to the Parts of Model #1 Research Engine, Quiet Revolution Motor Company L.L.C. (http://www.qrmc.com/model1animation.htm) Electric heating was chosen for this engine because it is easy to precisely measure and control, and also for it's safety aspects in the laboratory environment. The heater assembly consists of six cartridge heater elements totalling 750 watts, a stainless steel heater block, and a serpentine hot cylinder. The serpentine design allows the engine to be short from an internal aerodynamic perspective while being long from a thermal conductivity perspective. The increased metallic length also minimizes thermally induced stresses. Insulation within the folds of the serpentine impede radiant and convective losses. The insulation also occupies space within the serpentine that would otherwise be dead volume. The heater block contains vertical passages to match the displacer tubes, which insert into the heater as the displacer strokes upward. This effectively reduces heater dead volume during the contraction phase, that portion of the cycle when the working fluid is being cooled. The displacer consists of a hot upper half (shown in red) and a cool lower half, shown in blue. Also illustrated with the displacer is it's drive yoke. The vertical stroke is fixed at 0.875" (2.22 cm). The displacer is easily separable to permit exchange of the regenerator material contained within. The displacer includes 47 hot tubes which insert into the heater as the assembly rises, and 88 cool tubes which insert into the cooler as the assembly descends. Displacer motion is provided by the scotch yoke. This engine is water cooled. Water enters via the fitting visible on the right face of the illustration, and exits on the opposite face. It flows through multiple channels and is monitored for inlet and outlet temperature as well as flow rate. Energy rejected to the coolant is accurately computed and a range of coolant temperatures may be employed. The 88 cooler gas passages allow the gas to travel between the hot space above the displacer to the cool space which consists of the volume above the power piston and also the volume between the displacer and the cooler. During the expansion phase, when the gas is hot and any cool gas would be counterproductive, the cooler tubes serve to occupy the cooler passages, again effectively reducing the dead volume. The power piston resides in it's cylinder immediately below the cooler. It also has a stroke of 0.875" (2.22 cm) and a diameter of 3.0" (7.62 cm) for a displacement of 6.18 cubic inches (101 cc). Beneath the power piston is it's scotch yoke. This design provides perfect sine motion for both displacer and piston. Displacer drive rods extend through the piston, in low friction lube-free bushings. There are two bearing blocks (one shown here). Each consists of the block itself, shown in blue, a needle bearing (hard to see) an eccentric (in pink), and a shaft. The unit in this illustration is for the displacer and utilizes the outer shaft of the concentric pair, while the piston eccentric is fixed to the inner shaft. As the shaft rotates, the eccentric rotates along with it, carrying the bearing block in a circular orbit. The scotch yoke translates circular motion to reciprocating movement. Bearing surfaces on the yokes are covered with PEEK for low friction and minimum wear. Introduction to the Parts of Model #1 Research Engine, Quiet Revolution Motor Company L.L.C. The concentric shafts always rotate together, with the outer shaft fixed to the wheel (shown in lavender) and the inner shaft fixed to the degree plate shown in black. With the engine stopped it is easy to adjust the relative phase between the piston and displacer over the full 360 degree range. Two screws secure the degree plate to the wheel during operation. Pressure is maintained in the engine during phase adjustments. The counteryoke is a feature pioneered by Quiet Revolution Motor Co, LLC. It is a reciprocating mass moving in the horizontal plane, and is precisely equal to the mass of the assembly moving in the vertical plane. The purpose of the counteryoke is to trade kinetic energy with it's vertically-travelling mate, allowing the shaft to maintain a constant velocity and thereby reduce torsional vibration. The two counteryokes have different weights, one corresponding to the weight of the piston assembly and the other matching the displacer. Each eccentric also has an attached counterweight. Like the counteryokes, these weights are matched to their respective members. This permits the piston system to be fully balanced, and the displacer system to be fully balanced, independently. In this way, piston/displacer relative phase may be adjusted as desired without affecting overall balance or vibration. The QRMC Model #1 Research Engine is specifically designed for the educator and researcher. Individual sections such as heater, displacer, and cooler can be modified or substituted as needed for specific research projects. A wide variety of regenerator materials may be studied, and the effects of temperature ratio, phase angle, and other parameters may be easily mapped and explored. Monitored temperatures include the heater, hot space, cool space, coolant in, and coolant out. Coolant flow is monitored, as are the absolute pressures of the hot space, cool space, and crankcase. These pressure sensors are suited for high speed monitoring of the dynamic pressures, with readings every 2 degrees of crankshaft rotation. All sensor signal conditioning and data acquisition equipment is self contained. Included software allows all engine parameters to be displayed, graphed, and/or logged in accord with the needs of the specific project. This engine is ideally suited to the needs of the serious researcher and educator. QRMC Model #2 Research Engine Quiet Revolution Motor Co., LLC It will run at about 15 rpm. Quiet Revolution Motor Company L.L.C. Model #2 is a single cylinder stirling engine of the beta configuration. Displacement is infinitely adjustable from zero to 10.9 in^3 (178 cm^3), and the displacer swept volume is independently adjustable over the same range. Dead space is individually adjustable for the hot and cold spaces, and phase is adjustable over the full 360 degree range. These adjustments are mechanical, inside the crankcase, and require depressurizing. Generous adjustment ports are provided and no other disassembly is needed to make the adjustments. The ports are clear to allow viewing the mechanism during operation. Mechanical balance is adjustable and quite good, but not as complete as Model #1. Introduction to the Parts Electric heating was chosen for this engine because it is easy to measure and control, and also for it's safety aspects in the laboratory environment. The heater assembly consists of six cartridge heater elements totalling 750 watts, a stainless steel heater block, and a serpentine hot cylinder. The serpentine design allows the engine to be short from an internal aerodynamic perspective while being long from a thermal conductivity perspective. The increased metallic length also minimizes thermally induced stresses. Insulation within the folds of the serpentine impede radiant and convective losses. The insulation also occupies space within the serpentine that would otherwise be dead volume. The heater block contains 47 vertical passages to match the displacer hot tubes, which insert into the heater as the displacer strokes upward. This effectively reduces heater dead volume during the contraction phase, that portion of the cycle when the working fluid is being cooled. Heat exchange area is 39 in^2 (251 cm^2). The displacer consists of a hot upper half shown in red and a cool lower half, shown in blue. Within the displacer is the regenerator matrix with a volume of 5.68 in^3 (93 cm^3). The regenerator material may be easily changed to compare regenerator characteristics. Also illustrated with the displacer are the two drive rods (green color) which couple to the drive block assembly described below. Displacer vertical stroke is adjustable between zero and 1.54" (3.91 cm). The hot side of the displacer includes 47 thin-wall tubes that insert into the heater during the contraction phase. The tubes have a net heat exchange area of 41.4 in^2 (267 cm^2). The displacer also includes 89 tubes which insert into the cooler during the expansion phase. The net exchanger area of the cool tubes is 45.5 in^2 (294 cm^2). From an analytical perspective these tubes may be considered to be part of the displacer, in which case the dead volumes of the heater and cooler are greatly reduced during the appropriate portion of the cycle. Alternatively, the tubes may be considered to be part of the heater and cooler in which case the effective heat exchanger areas are increased by a factor greater than two. The power piston and cooler are combined into one assembly. The Model #2 engine is unusual in it's use of water cooling - within a moving cooler. Shown in darker blue is the cooler, with the lighter blue piston immediately beneath, and a low-friction piston ring in yellow. This assembly is supported by the two drive rods. Not shown in this view are the two tubes (below) which deliver the coolant to and from the moving cooler. The cooler has 89 gas passages which match the displacer tubes, with a net surface area of 46.4 in^2 (299 cm^2), and two permanently lubricated low friction bushings for the displacer drive rods. Water coolant to/from the cooler assembly is delivered via "U" tubes (one shown). The shorter vertical gray tube on the right is fixed in place while the longer gray tube is part of the piston/cooler assembly with a maximum vertical stroke of 1.54" (3.91 cm). Not shown are the tube guides which prevent lateral oscillation. The brown flexible tube is internally reinforced to withstand the negative pressure between the coolant and the pressurized working gas in the crankcase. . This assembly supports the drive rods from the piston/cooler and displacer. The drive block (below) strokes vertically within this assy. .The connecting rod (red) pivots on the drive block (green) at the top, and contains the ball bearing (gray) at the lower end. The drive block is movable on the drive rods to permit dead space adjustments. Within the ball bearing is an adjustable eccentric (lavender). This eccentric surrounds the output shaft, below, and permits piston and displacer strokes to be independently set as desired.. . Located on the output shaft between the two connecting rods, the phase adjustment is shown here (rotated with respect to the other images). Phase difference between power piston and displacer is adjustable over the entire 360 degree range. . The output shaft is pictured here in gray. Also shown are the two adjustable counterweights in yellow, and the adjustment locknuts in pink. Between the two counterweights (and not shown here) are the connecting rod eccentrics and phase adjustment, above. . The pressurized case is equipped with two generous adjustment doors (one shown). Engine pressure keeps the doors sealed, it is necessary to depressurize the engine to make mechanical adjustments. The doors are removable to permit full access to the crankcase interior without any further disassembly, and are transparent to permit viewing the mechanism during operation. QRMC Model #2 Research Engine It designed to permit the maximum in adjustability and adaptability. Individual sections such as heater, displacer, and cooler can be modified or substituted as needed for specific research projects. A wide variety of regenerator materials may be studied, and the effects of dead space, expansion ratio, temperature ratio, phase angle, and other parameters may be easily mapped and explored. Monitored temperatures include the heater, hot space, cool space, coolant in, and coolant out. Coolant flow is monitored, as are the absolute pressures of the hot space, cool space, and crankcase. These pressure sensors are suited for high speed monitoring of the dynamic pressures, with readings every 2 degrees of crankshaft rotation. All sensor signal conditioning and data acquisition equipment is self contained. Gas Thermal Power Plants Oil Thermal Power Plant Combined Cycle Power Station Animation: ..\..\Power Generation 傳統發電方法\Best Animation for 4 Power Generation Methods-SaskPower Company.swf 韓國Seoinchon複循環式(氣渦輪及蒸汽渦輪) 發電廠 -具有4000 MWe輸出,世界最大及最有效率(57%) Animation: ..\..\Power Generation 傳統發電方法\Best Animation for 4 Power Generation Methods-SaskPower Company.swf Hydroelectric Power Plant No fuel is burned, there is no need for the steam boiler. The gravitational energy of the water is used to turn the turbine directly. Energy change Chain: Gravitational Mechanical Electrical Wind Power Station Animation: ..\..\Power Generation 傳統發電方法\Best Animation for 4 Power Generation Methods-SaskPower Company.swf Plugs and outlets enable people to use electricity in their homes, offices, and schools, and any place else where electric power is needed. Various types of plugs and outlets are used throughout the world. Some of the more popular types are shown here. Type A, also called the American type, is used in North and South America and in Japan and other parts of Asia. Type B, also called the British type, is used in the British Isles and in parts of Asia and Africa. Type C and Type SE are used in parts of Europe and Asia, as well as in limited areas in Central and South America. Type O, also called the Oceania type, is used in Australia and the countries of the South Pacific. World Plugs & Outlets Low Temperature Power Plant Update August 30, 2005 Animation: Animation-溫差發電原理.swf http://www.sterlingsolar.com/rankine_cycle_animation.htm This power cycle is unique, and patented. We have successfully eliminated the working fluid feed pump from the Rankine cycle while maintaining a continuous cycle. Elimination of the working fluid feed pump is the key to making economical power using very low temperature heat sources (100-200o F). A VISION FOR THERMAL POWER-PLANT TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT IN JAPAN http://www.worldenergy.org/wecgeis/publications/default/tech_papers/17th_c ongress/4_1_05.asp 氫燃料發電系統概念圖 Concept of a Hydrogen Energy System 氫燃料渦輪引擎的能量平衡圖 Energy Balance for a Hydrogen-Fueled Turbine 不同能源形式間的轉換 -太陽能經由太陽電池轉換成電能, 可用以驅動馬達或各種電器用品。 直流電 能 源 轉 化 轉換後 轉換前 化學能 電能 化學能 電能 熱能 食物 植物 電池 電解 電鍍 電池 燃料電池 爐火 食物 電晶體 變壓器 蠟燭 磷光 烤麵包機 日光燈 熱電燈 發光二 火星塞 極體 熱能 氣化 蒸發 光能 植物光合 作用、相 機底片 太陽電池 太陽輻射 機械能 熱電池 (結晶體) 發電機、 交流發電機 煞車 摩擦 熱電偶 光能 熱泵 熱交換器 熱燈 機械能 火箭 動物肌肉 馬達 電驛 爐火 渦輪機 氣體引擎 蒸汽引擎 雷射 光電 開門器 打火石 飛輪、鐘擺、 火花 水輪機 (a)下射式水車 重力位能轉機械能 (b)水平軸三葉式風力發電機 風力動能轉機械能 將水或空氣的動能轉換成水車或葉片的機械動能 能,可分別用來磨穀或是發電。 位能轉換 圖2.3 位能的說明圖例。 (a)水儲存於水庫的重力位能,等於水的重量乘上距離渦輪機的高度 (b)壓緊的彈簧位能,與離開平衡點位置的距離平方成正比。 水或物質的重力位能(potential energy, PE)= mgH 水力發電的發電力依水庫的儲存水量mg 及壩堰的高度H 而定 彈簧的彈力位能(elastic potential energy, EPE)= kx2/2 k=彈簧的彈性係數, x=彈簧壓縮量或伸長量 Greer’s Ferry 水壩 位於Arkansas中北部 Little Red河上 牛頓運動第二定律 (Newton’s second law of motion) Fnet ma Fnet a m 物體若不是處於靜止狀態的話,則通常是處於加速運動 的狀態。 當有淨力施加於物體上,物體才會有加速度運動發生。 摩擦力:阻止或反抗物體運動的作用力,故會對物體做 減速運動。 圖2.4 真實世界中摩擦力處處可見。如欲加速物體, 圖中的推力必須大於摩擦力。 圖2.5 若想以固定的速度推車,則施加於車上的總淨 力(施力-輪胎摩擦力-重力)必須為0,則此 時加速度等於0。 石化燃料的燃燒會產生嚴重的環境污染問題,因自煙 囪排放出來的大量微粒,微粒尺寸僅約10-6-10-4 m, 質量極輕,故可隨風飄散到非常遠而廣的區域,以致 環境污染的範圍相當廣大。 焦點 2.1:汽車能量的損耗 汽車的總能量效率:決定汽車的於引擎效率和機械效 率。 引擎效率:稱為熱效率(Thermal efficiency) ,只將汽 車內的燃料化學能燃燒,以推動活塞的移動,使活塞 做功。意即將化學能轉換成熱能,再轉換成機械做功 的能量轉換效率。 機械效率:引擎全部傳送之功除以讓汽車真正移動之 功的比例值,其中納入引擎的空氣損失及摩擦損失的 考量。 現今標準汽油引擎的熱效率約為38%。 以定速行駛之汽車的引擎效率約為50%。 汽車能量的損耗和燃料效率 使汽車行進的總淨力 Fnet=引擎的傳動力Fengine−總摩擦力 Fnet Fengine F friction ma 總摩擦力 Ffriction:包括空氣拖拉力(即空氣阻力)、輪胎滾動 阻力、引擎內部的摩擦力 車速緩慢時,引擎的摩擦損耗較大,故摩擦力以此為主 空氣阻力與車速平方成正比。 以40 mph定速行駛時,汽車的燃料能源轉換效率最高、最 經濟。 高速行駛時,汽車受到較大之空氣拉力的阻礙,因此,汽 車燃料的經濟效率不佳。 汽車能量的損耗 (a)里程數是汽車速率的函數(資料來源:公路安全保險協會); (b)以定速前進車輛(不含引擎效率)之平均能源損耗(資料來源: 能源年報,vol.19) 美國約有2/3的石油用在車輛運輸上,原因之一是油價偏低 美國約有2/3的石油用在車輛運輸上。 原因之一即是其油價偏低 表2.3 一般自用汽車的規格 資料來源:美國運輸部 特 徵 1978年 1988年 1998年 重量(lb) 3349 2831 3071 馬 136 116 129 260 161 164 19.9 28.6 28.6 力 引擎大小 (in3 排氣量) 英哩/加侖(市區及郊 外行駛平均值) 能源與功(Energy & Work) 能源的定義為「可以作功的能力」 功(work, J) = 力(Nt)與距離(m)兩者的乘積 其中距離是指沿該力方向所造成的位移。 功 力 距離 W F d Fd sin Fd 功是傳遞能源至某一物體的一種方式 W ( KE PE ) 根據定義,不管使用多大的力施在某一物體上,若 物體沒有發生移動,則作用在該物體的功應為零。 表2.4 力學的單位 物理量 SI 英制 轉換 速 度 m/s ft/s 1ft/s = 0.305m/s 加速度 m/s2 ft/s2 1ft/s2 = 0.305 m/s2 力 牛頓(N) lb 1lb = 4.45N 能 源 焦耳(J) ft-lb 1ft-lb = 1.356J 功 率 瓦特(W) ft-lb/s, hp 550ft-lb/s=1hp=746W 熱力學第一定律 (first law of thermodynamics) 傳遞能源至一系統的另一種方式即增加熱量 因兩物體間的溫度差所造成的能源傳遞現象。 可因作功W或是加熱Q使某一物體的熱能發生改變 因此基本能源方程式變成: W Q ( KE PE TE ) PEG 重量 高度 mgh 1 2 KE mv 2 功 能源 功率 時間 時間 1 焦耳 1瓦特 1秒 使用能源 = 功率 × 使用的時間 世界各國之每人能源消耗 對每人GDP比較圖 1 GJ = 109 J, 320 GJ/yr = 10 kW GDP: Gross Domestic Product, 國內總生產毛額 速率 移動距離 時間 移動距離 = 平均速率 × 時間 加速度 速度改變量 時間 三大運動定律-牛頓運動定律 牛頓第一運動定律:慣性定律 物體將一直處於靜止或是以定速 (即直線固定速率) 運動 的狀態,除非受到不平衡的外力或淨力強迫改變。 牛頓第二運動定律:加速度與力間的定律 物體的加速度與施加其上的作用力成正比而與質量成反 比。加速度的方向與淨力的方向相同。 牛頓第三運動定律:反作用力定律 每一作用力存在有一大小相同而方向相反的反作用力。 圖2.10 牛頓第一運動定律-慣性原理的作用: 因慣性的關係,如快速將桌巾抽出,上面的玻璃杯及盤 子仍將留在桌面。 圖2.9 牛頓第二運動定律:加速度與力間的定律自由落體 運動 -- 掉落中之物體的運動情形: (a) 球自桌面掉下,在不同時間時球的位置。以相同時間 間隔拍攝,兩時間點,球的掉落間隔越來越寬。 (b) 若假設空氣阻力為零, 球速隨對時間線性增加一直改 變,但加速度卻保持相同。 圖2.11 泡沫乳膠使運動員著陸時得以緩衝。撐竿 跳高運動員藉著泡沫乳膠的減速效果,著陸時受 力較小,因為F = ma。 牛頓第三運動定律:反作用力定律 圖2.12 溜冰者A施力於另一溜冰者B,所感 受到力的大小與施力相同但方向恰好相反。 牛頓第三運動定律: 反作用力定律的應用 圖2.13 利用排出氣體的反 作用力推動火箭,使太空 梭哥倫比亞號加速前進。 圖2.14 三種簡單的機械:(a)槓桿;(b)手推車; (c)斜面─建造金字塔。