Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 FLATS: PRELIMINARY HRC DATA AND ON-ORBIT PLANS R. C. Bohlin, G. Hartig, D. J. Lindler, G. Meurer, & C. Cox 1999 April ABSTRACT The Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) has three detectors: a large format 4096x4096 CCD Wide Field Channel (WFC), a 1024x1024 CCD High Resolution Channel (HRC), and a 1024x1024 MAMA Solar Blind Channel (SBC). The flat field baseline goal is to obtain a complete set of pixel-to-pixel P-flats before launch and to use the onboard lamps to track changes. A second goal of the ground calibration program is to obtain the low frequency L-flat variation over the field of view. Changes in the L-flats can be determined from dithered observations of star fields on orbit. An overall precision of better than 1% per resolution element in the combined fine and coarse flat field structure is required. 1. INTRODUCTION Figure 1 is an HRC flat field image in the F435W filter, as illuminated by the Refractive Aberrated Simulator/Hubble Opto-Mechanical Simulator (RAS/HOMS), which provides a full field simulation of the OTA at 6328Å. The refractive aberrations at other wavelengths should not affect the fidelity of flat fields. Several external flat fields were obtained with the RAS/HOMS in 1998 Nov., as tabulated in Table 1. However, the HRC detector package has spurious illumination from shiny edges of a mask in front of the CCD. These edges will be modified during a rebuild of the flight HRC detector in spring 1999. The problematic illumination pattern is removed to make the Figure 1 P-flat. Figure 2 is the corresponding flat, as illuminated by the internal lamp, while Figure 3 is the ratio of the internal to external F435W flat. The small black spots with sizes of a few pixels and depths of a few percent on Figures 1-2 are known as 'freckles' and are caused by irregularities in the CCD backside treatment. The occulting finger is at the lower left. Whether the ~30 pixel scale regions of reduced sensitivity are on the CCD or on the detector window can be determined by examination of the flat field ratio in Figure 3. The cosmetic features are well corrected, except for the dust particles on the window. These dust motes are more diffuse in the wide angle illumination of the internal lamp and more sharply defined in the external f/24 beam from the RAS/HOMS. Furthermore, the mote 1 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 positions and the occulting finger shift a few pixels because of an angular offset between the two beams. The faint vertical bright bar to the right of center may be a residual glint off the edges of the detector mask. In addition, there is a faint, <0.5%, ~200 pixel wide ring in the lower left, just above the amoeba shaped dust mote. This faint, large feature may be caused by a dust particle on the filter. Figure 4 is the external F435W flat from Figure 1, as compared to the external F625W flat. This cross wavelength comparison demonstrates a relatively severe increase in the contrast of the freckles and the intermediate scale CCD blemishes at shorter wavelengths, in comparison to little difference in the dust motes. These qualitative statements are quantified in section 3. A careful examination of Figure 4 also reveals five residual sets of diffraction rings at the locations of the five strong dust motes with bright central Poisson spots in Figure 1. While internal illumination provides pixel-to-pixel corrections over much of the detector, complete flat fields must be defined by external illumination with a proper f/24 OTA beam. Such illumination is difficult to achieve on orbit (Cox et al. 1987), although narrow band WFPC2 flats are made by labor intensive processing of streak flat observations of the sunlit earth (Biretta 1995). A full set of on-orbit sky flats from normal science exposures may require years to accumulate ~1% counting statistics; but checks of the more popular filters should be available near the end of the first year of science operations. For example, the signal rate from the average sky is ~0.057 counts sec-1 px-1 in the WFC F555W filter. For a typical 20 min integration time per orbit, 68 counts/px from the sky are recorded along with the 20 counts of read noise for CR-split=1. About 200 orbits of observations of sparse fields are required for a flat with S/N=100 per px. Therefore, our basic philosophy is to produce a complete a set of flat fields on the ground, while using the internal lamps to monitor changes on-orbit. The RAS/HOMS provides a convenient continuum flat field source longward of its refractive optics cutoff at ~3500Å. For the wavelength range from 2000-3500Å, for the narrow band ramp filters, and for a check on the RAS/HOMS flats, a second ground calibration setup that accurately simulates the full-field OTA beam into ACS is required. For the SBC, laboratory illumination is provided by the STUFF apparatus, which is not designed as a high fidelity OTA simulator. The resulting illumination pattern is removed by the procedure in section 2; and starfields must be observed on orbit to determine the low frequency components of the flats. From STIS experience and from preliminary results from the ACS thermal vacuum calibrations in 99 March, the MAMA flats should be wavelength independent to better than 1% (Bohlin et al. 1997, Kaiser et al. 1998). One alternative that might produce proper external flat field illumination on-orbit is the bright earth airglow at Ly-α. Since the bright earth has not been observed with the STIS FUV-MAMA, bright object concerns are paramount. 2 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 2. FLAT METHOD COOKBOOK To produce full field flats for reduction of flight science images, all the available CCD flat field data with the same illumination pattern must be co-added with a cosmic ray rejection algorithm to achieve the best S/N. For the SBC, simple addition is sufficient. If properly baffled f/24 OTA illumination is used, then the final flats are merely the above coadded image normalized to unity, say over the central 200x200 pixels. If OTA illumination is not available, the following steps are required to produce a Pflat. a. Mask the edges of the data image and regions that have no valid data like the occulting finger of the HRC, the six SBC rows 599:604 that are affected by the bad anode, and the SBC corners that are not illuminated. b. Mask the SBC columns containing the repeller wire and the columns 1000:1023 with severe vignetting. For the CCDs, mask the dust motes and other features that are smaller scale than ~50px. c. Median filter (11x11) the CCD flat field images to remove the sharp features. Median filters are not appropriate for a MAMA detector with residual odd-even electronic patterns. d. Fit the unmasked points in each row of the filtered flat field image with a spline function with a node spacing of ~100 px. Add more nodes as needed, e.g. near the edges where the smooth illumination pattern may drop precipitously in the row direction for the HRC. e. To avoid discontinuities in the column direction and for the SBC (see below) iterate the fitting procedure of (d) by fitting the row fits with similar splines but in the column direction to make a final smooth fit image. f. Divide the original, unmasked image by the smooth fit. g. Set the masked points with no valid data from step (a) to unity. h. Retain the statistical RMS uncertainty image, as well as a data quality extension. If the fitting of the image is done only in the row direction, artificial noise can be introduced in the column direction because of discontinuities between the spline fits to adjacent rows. To quantify this problem after step (d) above, the differences in the adjacent smooth row fits for the F435W flat of Figure 1 are computed and shown in Figure 5. The maximum error is ~1% near the edges, where the row fits are not tightly constrained, while the maximum row difference for a central column is <0.1%. For the SBC, fits along just the row direction will not produce a proper flat because of the odd-even structure from row to row. Iterating to fit the original fit, as detailed above in step (e), produces a final proper smooth fit, where artificial noise along the row direction is less than 0.01%. 3 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 3. RESULTS FOR EXISTING HRC DATA Flat field exposures have been obtained for the HRC during ground testing at Ball Aerospace and at GSFC. The ACS IDT has stored these images in an on-line database and has assigned a unique entry number to each image. Data of P-flat quality exist for three broadband filters in the HRC mode, as summarized in Table 1. The results presented here are preliminary, because the HRC is scheduled to be disassembled and reworked before flight. The HRC Flight #2 with Lessor's coating recorded the images in Table 1. Tables 2-4 characterize the P-flats and quantify their differences for sub-images from the pixel range (480:680,480:680), which is free of any dust blemishes. Table 2 compiles the statistics of internal and external flats for three broadband filters. These data were obtained on Nov. 6-7, 1998 with illumination by the RAS/HOMS or the internal cal lamp and are the 12 entry numbers in the range 1109-1137 at the top of Table 1. The pairs of images are co-added with cosmic ray rejection and processed to make six flats, as described above. The Poisson counting statistics, the actual one σ rms scatter, the intrinsic rms variation, and the minimum and maximum value of the flat are tabulated for each flat. The Poisson scatter is removed from the 'Actual σ' to calculate the 'σ Flat', which is just the intrinsic rms variation of the flat itself. The RATIO section of the Table shows the result of correcting the external flat by the internal denominator flat, where the Poisson statistics are just the numerator and denominator Poisson statistics combined in quadrature. The 'Actual σ' entries are just the standard deviations within the ratio sub-images. For all three bandpasses, the actual σ barely exceeds the counting statistics of the total electrons recorded, so that the external and internal flats are the same to better than 0.2% rms in the (480:680,480:680) sub-image. Table 3 analyzes the internal F435W and the F625W exposures in Table 1 for stability over time. The F625W data from Table 1 with two sec exposure times are subdivided by date and gain setting to make five flats that are characterized in the first five columns, as labeled by the yyddd (year and day) and by the gain. The first column compares the gain=1 flats on day 317 of 1998 with the gain=1 on day 338, while column 2 compares a gain=2 flat obtained on day 338 with an independent gain=2 flat on day 343. Columns 3-5 compare different gains. All of ratios in the last row of columns 1-5 are consistent with a repeatability of better than 0.1%. Having demonstrated the agreement between gain settings, the 29 F625W internal flats in Table 1 are divided into 2 groups, the first of 16 images and the second of 13 images. The ratio of these two independent data sets with about 250,000 electrons each, again shows a tiny residual of 0.03% at the bottom of column 6, which suggest that the repeatability may be even better than 0.1%. However, the final column shows a somewhat larger residual of 0.2% in the comparison of the internal F435W 98Nov7 data with the 99Jan12 high S/N baseline data set of 17 images and almost a million electrons. Perhaps, the small change is due to the higher set point of the CCD temperature of -68C vs. the more normal -80C of the 98Nov7 flat. Another set of data like 4 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 the 99Jan12 at the normal operating temperature may demonstrate a better agreement with the 98Nov7 baseline. In summary, the repeatability of the ACS HRC channel is excellent with the quantum statistical noise limit dominating up to a million counts. If the current stability level is achieved on orbit, photometry to ~0.1% per pixel may be possible. The monitoring of the stability of F625W and F435W should be continued with the internal lamp, although an increase of exposure time from 2 to 4 sec for F625W would produce better precision. In contrast to the good news about repeatability for flat illumination with the same spectral distribution, the HRC CCD shows considerable variation in flat field structure with wavelength. Table 4 contains the ratios of the external flats of 98Nov6-7 with mismatched wavelengths. The residuals are worse for greater wavelength differences: σ(F435W/F814W) is the worst at 0.93%. Since the actual rms of the flats is larger at shorter wavelengths, the residual of 0.64% for σ(F435W/F625W) is expected to be larger than the 0.33% for σ(F625W/F814W). Difference in the spectral flux distribution between astronomical sources and the ground flat field illumination may be the limiting factor in the precision of flat field corrections for broadband filters on-orbit. For the STIS CCD, the flight flats change over time with a repeatability that is ~0.3% between the monthly flat field monitoring exposures at the same wavelength. For a G430L vs. G230LB flat, the agreement is also 0.3% for a one month time difference so that there is no significant difference with wavelength in the STIS px-to-px flats (Bohlin 1999, in preparation.) Thus, STIS flat fielding precision is limited by the change in the flats with time, while the preliminary evidence is that HRC flats are constant in time, but vary more strongly with wavelength. 4. RECOMMENDED LAB PROGRAM Standard Filters Table 5 contains the list of ACS filters which require standard external flats. There are six SBC filters, 23 HRC filters, and 20 WFC filters. The exposures should have at least 10,000 counts/px for each filter. If the above preliminary HRC reproducibility result of ~0.1% is maintained, then exposures with a million counts are useful; and external CCD flats with a million counts should be obtained whenever the exposure times are short. For polarization measurements of small objects at ~1% precision, 0.1% stability of the flats would be especially useful. Because of the count rate limitation of ~280,000 total counts/s for the SBC MAMA, each flat with 10,000 counts per 2x2 px resolution element requires a minimum of 3 hours of integration. Since the internal lamps will be used to monitor changes in the flats, a high S/N CCD baseline at the million count level should be obtained on the ground. A set of three base- 5 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 line flats that cover the wavelength range of each CCD is suggested. This data set should be obtained at a few epochs before launch to monitor the P-flat stability and to measure any decline in brightness of the internal lamps as a function of wavelength. The set of F435W flats from 12/01/99 in Table 1 is an example for this monitoring program. If significant wavelength dependent changes occur, then a finer grid in wavelength would be required to transfer the measured changes in the internal P-flats to the full set of external flats. Because of the shorter lifetime of the internal deuterium lamp on the SBC, one internal P-flat with 10000 counts per 2x2 px resolution element must suffice. Ramp Filters The ramp filters in Table 6 provide a narrow band filter set with a bandpass of 2% or 9% for the HRC and WFC and cover the wavelength range from 3710-10710Å. The central wavelengths of the ramp filters change continuously with position on each ramp filter segment. Only the central segments can be used on the HRC. The filters have already been characterized in terms of transmission in each bandpass and to the 10-5 level out of band. The flat fields are expected to be sufficiently well defined by the broader band filters from section 4.1 that fall closest in wavelength. This broadband set is comprised of F330W, F435W, F475W, F555W, F606W, F625W, F775W, F814W, and F850LP, while F892N can be used to extend the wavelength range. Thus, the greatest fractional extrapolation is 1.2x from 8920Å to the 10,714Å limit of the ramp filters. Otherwise, the ramp filter at 3769Å is the farthest (1.14x) from the central wavelengths of 3354 (F330W) and 4297Å (F435W). Since the flat fields change more rapidly with wavelength at the shorter wavelengths, the interpolated 3769Å ramp flat will probably have the greatest error. Bandpass and sensitivity information is indexed in the STScI Synphot package by ramp filter name from Table 6 and by a wavelength within the range covered by each ramp filter. To quantify the errors in the ramp flats, high S/N monochromatic P-flats are needed at a few test wavelengths. The two obvious wavelengths are 3769 and 10,714Å. In addition, 7 more ramp P-flats every 1000Å from 4000 to 10,000Å, should verify the technique and fully quantify the uncertainties in the flat fields for the ramp filters. To further quantify the uncertainties in the flats, monochromatic illumination on a subset of the 7 wide filters would complete the characterization of the P-flats. This test would quantify the differences in the dust motes for monochromatic and broadband illumination. One fly in this ramp ointment will be residual dust and inclusions in the coatings of the filters after the final pre-flight cleanup. A related calibration issue is the delineation of the sub-areas on the detectors that are valid for the in-band response of the ramps. The positions of the in-band regions change slowly enough with wavelength, so that the 9 monochromatic P-flats from 3769 to 10,714Å should adequately define this additional calibration parameter. 6 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Dispersers Table 7 lists the low resolution spectroscopic modes for ACS. Since all five modes are objective, i.e. the spectrum of an object anywhere in the field is recorded, there is no oneto-one correlation between position on the detector and wavelength. Therefore, no flat can be applied during pipeline data reduction, unless the flat is wavelength independent. However, off-line processing might benefit from a series of monochromatic P-flats separated by say 10% in wavelength over the wavelength range for the two HRC and one WFC modes. These P-flats might be sufficiently close to the flats for the broadband filters that cover the same wavelength regions, so that an early test might vitiate the need for this data set. 5. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED ON-ORBIT PROGRAM. The set of external laboratory flats, along with on-orbit monitoring with the internal lamps is a fairly robust plan to characterize the ACS flat fields. Perhaps, the greatest risk to this plan is particulate or other contamination that changes from ground to orbit. The exceptions are the SBC flats, where no high fidelity OTA illumination is available in the lab. On-orbit L-flats Starfields of the appropriate brightness and stellar spacing can be stepped around the field to measure the low frequency L-flat variations in sensitivity for the SBC and to verify the technique and check the CCD flats. Brown (1998) used observations of the globular cluster NGC6681 to measure the STIS MAMA L-flats with this technique. These data were collected for the primary purpose of measuring the geometric distortion (Malumuth 1997), who also observed a field in Omega Cen (NGC5139) for the CCD with a 5x5 step pattern with a step size of about 30% of the field of view. For the MAMA measurements, a less robust cross pattern was used with only 5 steps of ~20% of the field in orthogonal directions. To produce L-flats, the photometry for each measurement of a star is computed relative to the response to the same star when located in the central 40x40% of the detector. A low order polynomial fit, for example 2-D or Legendre, determines the relative sensitivity over the field, i.e. the L-flat. Since this stellar data set comes for free from the geometric distortion calibration, the first step in the determining L-flats should be to analyze these starfields. If the uncertainties are too large or inconsistencies arise, then more observations with a finer step pattern or of a diffuse source can be made to refine the first results. No suitable diffuse source is currently known. The Orion Nebula is a bright enough diffuse continuum UV source (Bohlin et al. 1982), but there are probably too many stars or even stars that are too bright for the SBC. Jupiter is a possibility for the CCD modes, but rotates 7 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 too fast (~.2 arcsec/min) for the SBC, which is the mode that requires on-orbit L-flat determinations. Optical Distortions Because of geometric distortions that are intrinsic to the optical design, the plate scales mx and my in arcsec/px are not constant across the fields of view. The area of the sky (mx my) seen by a pixel is not constant; and therefore, observations of a constant surface brightness object or of a perfectly uniform calibration lamp source will have count rates per pixel that vary as M(x,y)=(mx my)/(mx(C) my(C)), even if every pixel in the detector has the same sensitivity. In order to produce images that appear uniform for uniform illumination, the flat fields make an implicit correction for the geometric distortion across the field that is equivalent to dividing each pixel by the optical distortion function M(x,y), which is normalized to unity at the center (C) of the field (cf. the WFPC2 procedure of Biretta 1995). A consequence of the above flat field procedure is that two stars of equal brightness do not have the same total counts after the flat fielding step. For example, the optical geometric distortion does not affect the total count rate of point sources, although the extraction aperture in pixels varies as 1/M in order to sample a constant area of the PSF in arcsec2. Thus, point source photometry extracted from a flat fielded image must be multiplied by M(x,y). This point source correction can be accomplished by reading M from the contours in Figures 6-8 for the SBC, HRC, and WFC, respectively, or by multiplying by the actual image displayed in Figures 6-8 before extracting stellar photometry. The distortion corrections displayed in Figures 6-8 are approximations from a ray-trace analysis, while the actual geometric distortions will be measured on-orbit from the same starfield data that determine L-flats (Malumuth 1997). The values for M are within 2% of unity for the small SBC and HRC fields, while this distortion correction for photometry ranges from 0.91 to 1.07 along the diagonal of the WFC that lies along the tilted focal plane. The above discussion is for the case of the ACS pipeline, which produces no geometrically corrected images. For offline geometric corrections, the use of the M corrections of Figures 6-8 depends on whether “charge is conserved” in the geometrically correct pixel coordinates for point sources or for diffuse sources. 8 9 CSIJ98311010602_2 CSIJ98311013157_1 CSIJ98311013157_2 CSIJ98317040846_1 CSIJ98317040846_2 CSIJ98338183225_2 CSIJ98338183225_3 1130 1136 1137 1227 1228 2213 2214 CSIJ98311000053_2 1117 CSIJ98311010602_1 CSIJ98311000053_1 1116 1129 CSIJ98310234458_2 1114 CSIJ98311004215_2 CSIJ98310234458_1 1113 1125 CSIJ98310233220_2 1110 CSIJ98311004215_1 CSIJ98310233220_1 1109 1124 FILENAME ENTRY J41YD0A5 J41YD0A4 JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG ROOT NAME INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL EXTERNAL EXTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL EXTERNAL EXTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL EXTERNAL EXTERNAL OBSTYPE Table 1. ACS prelaunch data catalog 04/12/98 04/12/98 13/11/98 13/11/98 7/11/98 7/11/98 7/11/98 7/11/98 7/11/98 7/11/98 6/11/98 6/11/98 6/11/98 6/11/98 6/11/98 6/11/98 DATEOBS 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 50.0 50.0 4.0 4.0 1.2 1.2 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 EXP TIME HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC DETECTOR B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CCD AMP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CCD GAIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CCD OFF F625W F625W F625W F625W CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S F625W F625W F625W F625W FILTER1 CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S F435W F435W F435W F435W F814W F814W F814W F814W CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S FILTER2 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 NAXIS1 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 NAXIS2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEB ID -74.8 -74.8 -78.0 -78.0 -80.0 -80.1 -80.1 -80.1 -80.0 -80.0 -80.1 -80.0 -80.1 -80.1 -80.1 -80.1 CCD TEMP(C) Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 CSIJ98343233455_4 CSIJ98343233455_5 CSIJ98344003108_3 CSIJ98344010109_3 CSIJ98344183000_2 CSIJ98344183000_3 CSIJ98344183000_4 CSIJ98344183000_5 2452 2458 2465 2526 2527 2528 2529 CSIJ98343222855_2 2441 2451 CSIJ98341212043_5 2287 CSIJ98343233455_3 CSIJ98341212043_4 2286 2450 CSIJ98341212043_3 2285 CSIJ98343233455_2 CSIJ98341212043_2 2284 2449 CSIJ98338194425_5 2224 CSIJ98343222855_5 CSIJ98338194425_4 2223 2444 CSIJ98338194425_3 2222 CSIJ98343222855_4 CSIJ98338194425_2 2221 2443 CSIJ98338183225_5 2216 CSIJ98343222855_3 CSIJ98338183225_4 2215 2442 FILENAME ENTRY 10 J41YD6A7 J41YD6A6 J41YD6A5 J41YD6A4 J41YDAA5 J41YD8A5 J41YD2A7 J41YD2A6 J41YD2A5 J41YD2A4 J41YD2A7 J41YD2A6 J41YD2A5 J41YD2A4 J41YD4A7 J41YD4A6 J41YD4A5 J41YD4A4 J41YD2A7 J41YD2A6 J41YD2A5 J41YD2A4 J41YD0A7 J41YD0A6 ROOT NAME INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL OBSTYPE 10/12/98 10/12/98 10/12/98 10/12/98 10/12/98 10/12/98 09/12/98 09/12/98 09/12/98 09/12/98 09/12/98 09/12/98 09/12/98 09/12/98 07/12/98 07/12/98 07/12/98 07/12/98 04/12/98 04/12/98 04/12/98 04/12/98 04/12/98 04/12/98 DATEOBS 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 EXP TIME HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC DETECTOR B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CCD AMP 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 CCD GAIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CCD OFF F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W F625W FILTER1 CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S CLEAR2S FILTER2 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 NAXIS1 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 NAXIS2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEB ID -76.7 -76.7 -76.8 -76.8 -78.1 -78.0 -78.0 -78.0 -78.0 -77.9 -78.0 -78.0 -78.0 -78.0 -74.7 -74.7 -74.8 -74.8 -74.8 -74.8 -74.7 -74.7 -74.8 -74.8 CCD TEMP(C) Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 CSIJ99012221205_16 CSIJ99012221205_10 2795 2801 CSIJ99012221205_9 2794 CSIJ99012221205_15 CSIJ99012221205_8 2793 2800 CSIJ99012221205_7 2792 CSIJ99012221205_14 CSIJ99012221205_6 2791 2799 CSIJ99012221205_5 2790 CSIJ99012221205_13 CSIJ99012221205_4 2789 2798 CSIJ99012221205_3 2788 CSIJ99012221205_12 CSIJ99012221205_2 2787 2797 CSIJ99012221205_1 2786 CSIJ99012221205_11 CSIJ99012205814_1 2785 2796 FILENAME ENTRY 11 JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG JABCDEFG ROOT NAME INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL INTERNAL OBSTYPE 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 12/01/99 DATEOBS 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 EXP TIME HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC HRC DETECTOR B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CCD AMP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CCD GAIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CCD OFF CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S CLEAR1S FILTER1 F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W F435W FILTER2 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 1062 NAXIS1 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 1044 NAXIS2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEB ID -67.9 -67.9 -67.9 -67.9 -67.8 -67.9 -67.9 -67.9 -67.9 -67.9 -67.8 -67.8 -67.9 -67.9 -67.9 -67.8 -69.9 CCD TEMP(C) Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Table 2. STATISTICS OF THE EXTERNAL/INTERNAL FLAT FIELD IMAGES F435W F625W F814W NUMERATOR Poisson(%) 0.37 0.34 0.38 Actual σ(%) 1.59 1.09 0.91 σ Flat(%) 1.55 1.03 0.82 Minimum 0.53 0.70 0.73 Maximum 1.03 1.02 1.03 F435W F625W F814W DENOMINATOR Poisson(%) 0.40 0.64 0.33 Actual σ(%) 1.60 1.21 0.88 σ Flat(%) 1.55 1.03 0.81 Minimum 0.53 0.71 0.76 Maximum 1.03 1.03 1.06 RATIO Poisson(%) 0.54 0.72 0.50 Actual σ(%) 0.55 0.73 0.53 Resid. σ(%) 0.10 0.09 0.17 12 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Table 3. REPEATABILITY OF THE FLAT FIELD OVER TIME 98317G1 98338G2 98341G4 98317G1 98341G4 1st16 98NOV7 NUMERATOR Poisson(%) 0.45 0.44 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.18 0.40 Actual σ(%) 1.11 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.10 1.03 1.60 σ Flat(%) 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.55 Minimum 0.71 0.72 0.72 0.71 0.72 0.72 0.53 Maximum 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.03 98338G1 98343G2 98344G8 98343G2 98343G2 2nd13 99JAN12 DENOMINATOR Poisson(%) 0.45 0.31 0.44 0.31 0.31 0.20 0.11 Actual σ(%) 1.10 1.08 1.11 1.08 1.08 1.05 1.44 σ Flat(%) 1.01 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.43 Minimum 0.72 0.70 0.71 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.57 Maximum 1.08 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.03 RATIO Poisson(%) 0.64 0.54 0.62 0.55 0.54 0.27 0.42 Actual σ(%) 0.63 0.54 0.63 0.55 0.54 0.27 0.45 Resid. σ(%) 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.08 0.03 0.18 13 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Table 4. CROSS WAVELENGTH FLAT FIELD COMPARISON F435W F625W F435W NUMERATOR Poisson(%) 0.37 0.34 0.37 Actual α(%) 1.59 1.09 1.59 σ Flat(%) 1.55 1.03 1.55 Minimum 0.53 0.70 0.53 Maximum 1.03 1.02 1.03 F625W F814W F814W DENOMINATOR Poisson(%) 0.34 0.38 0.38 Actual σ(%) 1.09 0.91 0.91 σ Flat(%) 1.03 0.82 0.82 Minimum 0.70 0.73 0.73 Maximum 1.02 1.03 1.03 RATIO Poisson(%) 0.50 0.51 0.53 Actual σ(%) 0.81 0.60 1.07 Resid. σ(%) 0.64 0.33 0.93 14 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Table 5. STANDARD FILTERS F165LP Suprasil SBC F150LP Crystal Quartz SBC F140LP BaF2 SBC F125LP CaF2 SBC F122M Ly-α SBC F115LP MgF2 SBC F250W Near-UV filter HRC F344N NeV HRC F220W Near-UV filter HRC F660N NII WFC,HRC F814W Broad I WFC,HRC F435W Johnson B WFC,HRC F330W HRC u WFC,HRC POL0V Vis Polarizer 0 Deg WFC,HRC POL60V Vis Polarizer 60 Deg WFC,HRC POL120V Vis Polarizer 120 Deg WFC,HRC F555W Johnson V WFC,HRC F775W SDSS i WFC,HRC F625W SDSS r WFC,HRC F658N H-α (1%) WFC,HRC F850LP SDSS z WFC,HRC F892N Methane WFC,HRC F606W Broad V WFC,HRC F502N OIII (1%) WFC,HRC F550M Narrow V WFC,HRC F475W SDSS g WFC,HRC POL0UV UV Polarizer 0 Deg WFC,HRC POL60UV UV Polarizer 60 Deg WFC,HRC POL120UV UV Polarizer 120 Deg WFC,HRC 15 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Table 6. RAMP FILTERS FR388N OII Ramp (middle) WFC,HRC FR423N OII Ramp (inner) WFC FR462N OII Ramp (outer) WFC FR656N H-α Ramp (middle) WFC,HRC FR716N H-α Ramp (inner) WFC FR782N H-α Ramp (outer) WFC FR853N IR Ramp (inner) WFC FR931N IR Ramp (outer) WFC FR1016N IR Ramp (outer) WFC FR459M Broad Ramp (middle) WFC,HRC FR647M Broad Ramp (inner) WFC FR914M Broad Ramp (middle) WFC,HRC FR505N OIII Ramp (middle) WFC,HRC FR551N OIII Ramp (inner) WFC,HRC FR601N OIII Ramp (outer) WFC,HRC Table 7. DISPERSERS. G800L GRISM PR200L HRC PRISM HRC PR130L CaF2 PRISM SBC PR110L LiF PRISM SBC 16 WFC,HRC Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 6. REFERENCES Biretta, J. 1995, in “Calibrating HST: Post Servicing Mission,” ed. A. Koratkar & C. Leitherer, (Baltimore:STScI), p. 257. Bohlin, R. C., Hill, J. K., Stecher, T. P., & Witt, A. N. 1982, ApJ, 255, 87. R. C. Bohlin, D. J. Lindler, & M. E. Kaiser 1997, Instrument Science Report, STIS 9707, (Baltimore:STScI). Brown, T. M. 1998, “Low Frequency Flat Fields for the STIS MAMAs,” STIS IDT Report. Cox, C., Bohlin, R. C., Griffiths, R. E., & Kelsall, T. 1987, “Standard Astronomical Sources for HST: 6. Spatially Flat Fields,” (Baltimore:STScI). Kaiser, M.E., Bohlin, R. C., Lindler, D. J., Gilliland, R. L., & Argabright, V. S. 1998, PASP, 110, 978. Malumuth, E. 1997, “STIS FUV-MAMA Geometric Distortion” and “STIS CCD Geometric Distortion,” STIS IDT Reports. 17 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 0.98 1.02 ACS HRC P Flat PHRCEXT98311SM02F435W BOHLIN: prtimg 1-Apr-1999 11:09 Fig. 1 Figure 1: HRC P-flat derived from external illumination through the F435W filter. The image stretch is from 0.98 to 1.02, as indicated by the reference gray scale at the top. The occulting finger is the unity mid-gray region at the bottom left, while the various cosmetic features are described in the text. The orientation of the flat is in the prelaunch coordinate frame. The GO science data will be flipped about a vertical axis. 18 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 0.98 1.02 ACS HRC P Flat PHRCINT98311SM02F435W BOHLIN: prtimg 1-Apr-1999 11:09 Figure 2: As for Figure 1, except for internal illumination. 19 Fig. 2 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 0.98 1.02 ACS HRC P Flat RATIO PHRCINT98311SM02F435W/PHRCEXT98311SM02F435W Fig. 3 Bohlin: 1-Apr-1999 11:10 Figure 3: Ratio of the images in Figures 1-2. The major difference in the two flats is that the dust motes are weaker in the wider angle internal illumination. The bright vertical stripe to the right of center may represent a difference in the contaminating glint off the edges of the non-flight detector mask. 20 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 0.98 1.02 ACS HRC P Flat RATIO PHRCEXT98310SM02F625W/PHRCEXT98311SM02F435W Fig. 4 Bohlin: 1-Apr-1999 11:22 Figure 4: Ratio of a flat through the F625W filter to the F435W flat from Figure 1, both with external illumination by the RAS/HOMS. The most important difference is that the freckles are not as deep at the longer wavelength. 21 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Flat Field Fit for F435W 3 Artificial Noise (%) 2 22 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Column Pixel Fig. 5 BOHLIN: flatdiff 1-Apr-1999 12:45 Figure 5: A measure of the errors after the fitting step (d) of Section 2 for the external F435W HRC flat. The fits to the original data image are in the row direction, while the residual differences in percent along columns 10 (top), 511 (middle), and 1013 (bottom) are displayed with an offset of one percent, progressively from bottom to top. Errors approach 1%, rarely, at the edges, while the algorithm introduces errors of < 0.05% in the middle of the flat. An iteration of the fits in the column direction with procedure step (e) reduces the corresponding residual errors in the row direction to <0.01%. Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Variation of SBC effective pixel area 1024 0 02 1. 10 1.0 5 01 1. 768 05 1.0 00 1.0 lse xi p Y 512 95 0.9 90 0.9 256 5 98 0. 0 0 256 512 768 1024 X pixels Figure 6: M(x,y) function, i.e. relative area of sky seen by the HRC pixels. The variation is caused by a small amount of geometric distortion and is removed in the flat fielding process to make regions of uniform sky intensity appear uniform in a flat fielded image. To perform photometry of point sources, divide by M(x,y). The coordinates are the flight GO science orientation. 23 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Variation of HRC effective pixel area 1024 1.010 5 01 1. 1.005 768 1.000 sl ex ip 512 Y 0.995 256 0 0 99 0. 0.985 0 256 512 X pixels Figure 7: As in Figure 6 for HRC. 24 768 1024 Instrument Science Report ACS 99-01 Variation of WFC effective pixel area 4096 2 .9 0 4 0.9 6 0.9 8 0.9 0 .0 1 3072 02 1. )s le xi 2048 p( Y 4 .0 1 1024 0 06 1. 0 1024 2048 3072 4096 X (pixels) Figure 8: As in Figure 6 for WFC. Not shown is a gap of ~45 px at y=2048, which is the physical separation of the two 4096x2048 CCD chips. 25