Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 A new geometric distortion solution for the ACS/SBC Jesús Maı́z Apellániz Instituto de Astrofı́sica de Andalucı́a-CSIC Colin Cox Space Telescope Science Institute 31 March 2008 ABSTRACT We have used ACS/SBC observations of two UV astrometric fields derived from ACS/HRC data to create a new geometric distortion solution for the Solar Blind Channel. The new solution consists of three components: (a) a filter-dependent linear part that takes into account the existence of three epoch ranges in the SBC alignment; (b) the remaining 24 higher-order components of a 4th degree polynomial; and (c) a fine-correction look-up table. Some of the previous solutions introduced possible errors of several pixels when producing mosaics due to an incorrect orientation. That issue has been solved and the accuracy due to the solution itself (excluding rotation) has been improved by an additional factor of 1.5-2.0. As a result, it is now possible to measure positions of medium to high S/N stars with a relative astrometric accuracy of 3-4 mas. Introduction This Instrument Science Report is the second one in a series of three devoted to testing and improving the astrometric accuracy of the ACS and STIS imaging detectors in the UV. In the first ISR (Maı́z Apellániz 2007) the accuracy of the ACS/HRC geometric distortion solution of Anderson and King (2004) was tested and Copyryght 2008 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy. All Rights Reserved. Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 the coordinates for two UV astrometric fields measured. In this ISR we use the previous work to develop and test a new geometric distortion solution for the ACS/SBC. In the third one new geometric distortion solutions for the STIS/NUV-MAMA and STIS/FUV-MAMA will be obtained. The two astrometric fields presented in the previous ISR have typical relative uncertainties of 1 mas for each star. The high accuracy is possible thanks to the excellent characteristics of the HRC CCD detector and the stability of its environment. The accuracy for the geometric distortion solution for a MAMA detector is expected to be lower because count-rate limitations impose severe restrictions on the maximum S/N per star achievable in a reasonable number of orbits. Therefore, we will assume that the reference coordinates obtained with HRC are exact. Data The data for the two fields in this ISR are described below. NGC 604 NGC 604 is a Scaled OB Association (SOBA) in M33 located at a distance of 840 kpc that was first observed with an HST imager by Drissen et al. (1993) using WFPC1. Subsequent HST imaging is described in Hunter et al. (1996) (WFPC2), Maı́z Apellániz and Úbeda (2004) (WFPC2 and STIS/NUV-MAMA), and Maı́z Apellániz et al. (2004) (WFPC2). It has ∼ 200 O+WR stars (Hunter et al. 1996) as well as several hundred bright-B stars (Fig. 1), most of them located within 13′′ of the center of a low-extinction cavity (Maı́z Apellániz et al. 2004). The brightest sources have NUV ST magnitudes of 14-15. HST UV images of NGC 604 can be classified as moderately crowded. Table 1. NGC 604 datasets. F122M j96y12gvq j9hn01weq j96y12gwq j9hn01wfq j96y12gxq j9hn01wgq j96y12gyq j9hn01whq j96y12hcq j9hn02ibq j96y12hdq j9hn02icq j96y12heq j9hn02idq j96y12hfq j9hn02ieq j9hn01vqq j9hn02isq j9hn01vrq j9hn02itq j9hn01vsq j9hn02iuq j9hn01vtq j9hn02ivq F150LP j96y12gzq j9hn01wiq j96y12h1q j9hn01wkq j96y12h3q j9hn01wmq j96y12h5q j9hn01woq j96y12hgq j9hn02ifq j96y12hiq j9hn02ihq j96y12hkq j9hn02ijq j96y12hmq j9hn02ilq j9hn01vuq j9hn02iwq j9hn01vwq j9hn02iyq j9hn01vyq j9hn02j0q j9hn01w6q j9hn02j2q F165LP j96y12h0q j9hn01wjq j96y12h2q j9hn01wlq j96y12h4q j9hn01wnq j96y12h6q j9hn01wpq j96y12hhq j9hn02igq j96y12hjq j9hn02iiq j96y12hlq j9hn02ikq j96y12hnq j9hn02imq j9hn01vvq j9hn02ixq j9hn01vxq j9hn02izq j9hn01vzq j9hn02j1q j9hn01w7q j9hn02j3q The ACS/SBC NGC 604 images used in this ISR were acquired under two HST programs, GO 10419 (P.I.: R. Barbá) and CAL 10722, using three filters, F122M, F150LP, and F165LP (the rest of the SBC filters could not be used due to the presence of FUV-bright objects). A total of 24 exposures/filter were obtained in three different visits (8 exposures/filter/visit) with each visit having a different orientation. Dithering patterns were used to shift the positions of the stars inside the detector (Fig. 1) with 3 exposures (one per filter) being obtained at each point in the pattern. All the data were collected between 21 September and 1 October 2005. The individual exposure times were 40/41 s, 30 s, and 30 s for F122M, F150LP, and F165LP, respectively. The 2 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 F122M exposures were obtained in the SHADOW portion of the orbit to minimize the geocoronal background. The used datasets are listed in Table 1. Several hundred low-extinction early-type (O/B/WR) stars are visible in the SBC images, of which in a typical F150LP frame ∼150 are bright enough to be used for the purposes of obtaining a geometric distortion solution. The brightest stars in an individual frame have S/N of 35, 70, and 35 for F122M, F150LP, and F165LP, respectively. The stars are not uniformly spread over the field because a SOBA is not spherically symmetric, since their spatial distribution still reflects the original mass distribution in the parent molecular cloud. NGC 6681 NGC 6681 is a Galactic globular cluster located at a distance of 9 kpc (Harris 1996). It has been repeatedly observed with HST, since it has been used for calibration purposes for a number of HST instruments, including the four UV detectors on STIS and ACS. Its UV-bright population is quite different from NGC 604: in the FUV the luminosity is dominated by several tens of white-dwarf containing systems, with the rest of the stars in the cluster contributing only a small percentage of the measured flux. Therefore, the HST FUV images of NGC 6681 are quite sparse, even at the center of the cluster. As we move towards longer wavelengths we start to detect main sequence stars, blue stragglers, and horizontal branch stars and, as a result, U -band (e.g HRC F330W) images are already severely crowded near the center of NGC 6681. The brightest UV stars in NGC 6681 have NUV ST magnitudes of 15-16. NGC 6681 has been observed with ACS/SBC using its six imaging filters (F122M, F115LP, F125LP, F140LP, F150LP, and F165LP) under twelve calibration programs: 9010, 9020, 9023, 9024, 9027, 9563, 9565, 9655, 10047, 10373, 10736, and 11050. There are 8, 44, 65, 44, 57, and 44 datasets available for F122M, F115LP, F125LP, F140LP, F150LP, and F165LP, respectively, yielding a total of 262 datasets available (Table 2). The observations span almost five years, from 27 May 2002 to 22 April 2007 (note that the last exposures were obtained after the failure of HRC and WFC). The exposure times are in the ranges 560-560 s, 35-120 s, 40-560 s, 47-180 s, 70-560 s, and 245-435 s for F122M, F115LP, F125LP, F140LP, F150LP, and F165LP, respectively. The appearance of a typical SBC NGC 6681 frame is quite different to an NGC 604 one because the different nature and distance of the two objects combined with the exposure times in the two cases produce different FUV count functions and spatial distributions. In a typical F150LP exposure one sees ∼40 moderately bright (S/N ∼70) stellar systems uniformly scattered over the field plus 20-30 additional dimmer objects that can also be used for geometric distortion purposes. A comparison of the two fields A typical exposure of each field is shown in Fig. 3. For the purpose of obtaining and testing a geometric distortion solution one wishes to have as many stars as possible and to maximize the S/N of those objects. Also, multiple exposures with dithering patterns and different orientations are desirable in order to populate as much of the detector as possible. With respect to the number of stars and their S/N both fields have different characteristics. NGC 604 has more stars per frame but NGC 6681 has more bright objects and with a more uniform detector coverage. This makes NGC 6681 a better case to study the behavior of the linear components of the distortion (which depend more on uniform coverage with bright stars) and NGC 604 a better case for the rest of the distortion components (where number of objects per frame matters most). 3 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 Regarding multiple patterns and exposures, both fields serve our purposes. NGC 6681 has the advantages of having more exposures and of using all SBC filters while NGC 604 has the advantage of having all the data taken within a short period of time. Therefore, NGC 604 seems more appropriate to derive the initial geometric distortion while NGC 6681 is a better choice to study the filter and time dependencies. Therefore, we conclude that both fields have advantages and disadvantages, so in this ISR we will use both in order to obtain the best possible solution. Table 2. NGC 6681 datasets. F122M j8c601sfq j8c601sqq j8c601ssq j8c601swq j9v606jzq j9v606k0q j9v606k1q j9v606k2q F115LP j8c101v9q j8c101viq j8c803htq j8c804wmq j8eg01hbq j8eg01hkq j8eg02wbq j8eg02wkq j8eg03n3q j8eg03ncq j8ep01ufs j8ep02uxq j8ep03gkq j8ep04lsq j8ep05pnq j8ep06hpq j8ep07vgq j8ep08meq j8hv01m2q j8hv02eyq j8hv05cuq j8hv06qtq j8hv07p4q j8hv08sjq j8hv09yxq j8hv10ckq j8hv11a7q j8hv12dxq j8vb01okq j8vb03egq j8vb05zjq j8vb07f1q j95ua1k2q j95ua2itq j9i003lrq j9i003lsq j9i004jaq j9i004jbq j9v602jqq j9v602jrq F125LP j8bu01k5q j8hv08skq j8bu01k7q j8hv09yyq j8bu01kaq j8hv10clq j8bu01kfq j8hv11a8q j8bu01kiq j8hv12dyq j8bu01klq j8vb01olq j8bu01koq j8vb03ehq j8bu01ktq j8vb05zkq j8bu01kwq j8vb07f2q j8c101vaq j95ua1k3q j8c101vhq j95ua2iuq j8c601rwq j9i003ltq j8c601s2q j9i003luq j8c601s4q j9i004jcq j8c601scq j9i004jdq j8c803huq j9v602jsq j8cg51wxq j9v602jtq j8cg51x0q j9v603o9q j8cg51x7q j9v603oaq j8cg51xbq j9v607kiq j8cg51xhq j9v607kjq j8cg51xnq j8cg51xrq j8cg51xwq j8cg51y1q j8eg01hcq j8eg01hjq j8eg02wcq j8eg02wjq j8eg03n4q j8eg03nbq j8ep01ugs j8ep02uyq j8ep03glq j8ep04ltq j8ep05poq j8ep06hqq j8ep07vhq j8ep08mfq j8hv01m3q F140LP j8c101vbq j8c101vgq j8c803hvq j8c804woq j8eg01hdq j8eg01hiq j8eg02wdq j8eg02wiq j8eg03n5q j8eg03naq j8ep01uhs j8ep02uzq j8ep03gmq j8ep04luq j8ep05ppq j8ep06hrq j8ep07viq j8ep08mgq j8hv01m4q j8hv02f0q j8hv05cwq j8hv06qvq j8hv07p6q j8hv08slq j8hv09yzq j8hv10cmq j8hv11a9q j8hv12dzq j8vb01omq j8vb03eiq j8vb05zlq j8vb07f3q j95ua1k4q j95ua2ivq j9i003lvq j9i003lwq j9i004jeq j9i004jfq j9v602juq j9v602jvq 4 F150LP j8bu52t0q j8vb07f4q j8bu52t1q j95ua1k5q j8bu52t2q j95ua2iwq j8bu52taq j9i003lxq j8bu52tbq j9i003lyq j8bu52tdq j9i004jgq j8bu52teq j9i004jhq j8bu52umq j9v602jwq j8bu52uoq j9v602jxq j8c101vcq j9v603odq j8c101vfq j9v603oeq j8c601sxq j9v607kmq j8c601t6q j9v607knq j8c601t7q j8c601t8q j8c803hwq j8c804wpq j8eg01heq j8eg01hhq j8eg02weq j8eg02whq j8eg03n6q j8eg03n9q j8ep01uis j8ep02v0q j8ep03gnq j8ep04lvq j8ep05pqq j8ep06hsq j8ep07vjq j8ep08mhq j8hv01m5q j8hv02f1q j8hv05cxq j8hv06qwq j8hv07p7q j8hv08smq j8hv09z0q j8hv10cnq j8hv11aaq F165LP j8c101vdq j8c101veq j8c803hyq j8c804wxq j8eg01hfq j8eg01hgq j8eg02wfq j8eg02wgq j8eg03n7q j8eg03n8q j8ep01ujs j8ep02v1q j8ep03goq j8ep04lwq j8ep05prq j8ep06htq j8ep07vkq j8ep08miq j8hv01m6q j8hv02f2q j8hv05cyq j8hv06qxq j8hv07p8q j8hv08snq j8hv09z1q j8hv10coq j8hv11abq j8hv12e1q j8vb01ooq j8vb03ekq j8vb05znq j8vb07f5q j95ua1k6q j95ua2ixq j9i003lzq j9i003m6q j9i004jiq j9i004jjq j9v602jyq j9v602jzq Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 Figure 1: HRC F250W DRZ mosaic of the NGC 604 field with the SBC fields (in green) superimposed. The stars in Table 3 in Maı́z Apellániz (2007) are marked with blue circles. The field is centered at 1h 34m 32.s 8696, 30◦ 47′ 9.′′ 787, has a size of 63.′′ 75 × 58.′′ 75, and the vertical direction is 49◦ East of North. The total exposure time is 2288 s. Technique As previously mentioned, our goal is to use the positions of the UV sources in the astrometric fields obtained by Maı́z Apellániz (2007) to build a new geometric distortion solution for ACS/SBC. The technique is essentially the same that was used by Maı́z Apellániz and Úbeda (2004) to produce a geometric distortion solution for STIS/NUV-MAMA. Both cases share one of the reference fields (NGC 604) but differ in the other one (NGC 4214 for STIS/NUV-MAMA, NGC 6681 for ACS/SBC). One important difference between this 5 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 Figure 2: HRC F250W DRZ mosaic of the NGC 6681 field with the F150LP SBC fields (in green) superimposed. The stars in Table 4 in Maı́z Apellániz (2007) are marked with blue circles. The field is centered at 18h 43m 12.s 7401, −32◦ 17′ 29.′′ 911, has a size of 50′′ × 50′′ , with North towards the top and East towards the left. The total exposure time is 6260 s. work and the previous one is the higher accuracy of the reference astrometric fields, given the better astrometric quality of ACS/HRC with respect to WFPC2 (the reference instrument used by Maı́z Apellániz and Úbeda 2004) and the better S/N of the reference exposures. We should point out that this technique is different from the one used in the calibration of other HST detectors such as ACS/HRC (Anderson and King 2004) or 6 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 Figure 3: (left) 30 s F150LP SBC exposure of NGC 604. (right) 180 s F150LP exposure of NGC 6681. In both cases the dynamic range shown goes from 0 to 10 counts. ACS/WFC (Anderson and King 2006). In those cases no reference data is used but the detectors are purely self-calibrated. The technique here has the disadvantage of depending on the accuracy of the reference data but it has the advantages of its simplicity and of providing an automatic internal calibration between HST detectors (i.e. the SBC geometric distortion solution is directly expressed in the same reference frame as the HRC one). However, given the extensive tests done when obtaining the reference fields and the lower expected accuracy of the SBC geometric distortion solution compared to that of the HRC, the mentioned possible disadvantage should not be relevant here. We start by definining a polynomial distortion solution of degree k using a notation similar to the standard IDCTAB one of Hack and Cox (2000): xC − xC,r = i k X X cx,i,j (xF − xF,r )j (yF − yF,r )i−j (1) i k X X cy,i,j (xF − xF,r )j (yF − yF,r )i−j (2) i=0 j=0 yC − yC,r = i=0 j=0 Here xF , yF are the coordinates in the distorted (or FLT) frame, xC , yC are the coordinates in the undistorted (or COR) frame, xF,r , yF,r and xC,r , yC,r are the reference coordinates in each frame, and cx,i,j , cy,i,j are the polynomial coefficients. Following the previous geometric distortion solution, we will use xF,r = yF,r = 512.0 (IRAF/FITS convention1 ) = 511.0 (IDL convention2 ) even though the real center of the detector lies at (512.5,512.5) using the IRAF/FITS convention or at (511.5,511.5) using the IDL convention. It will be useful to express Eqns. 1 and 2 as: 1 2 The center of the lower left pixel is (1,1). The center of the lower left pixel is (0,0). 7 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 Ã x − xr y − yr ! = Ã = Ã cx,0,0 cy,0,0 ! cx,0,0 cy,0,0 ! + Ã + Ã cx,1,1 cx,1,0 cy,1,1 cy,1,0 !Ã xi − xi,r yi − yi,r ! + ··· (3) cos θ − sin θ sin θ cos θ !Ã 1 s 0 1 !Ã ex 0 0 ey !Ã xi − xi,r yi − yi,r ! + ··· in order to separate the 6 linear terms from the non-linear ones and redefine the former. The first line of Eqn. 3 expresses the linear terms as two displacements (cx,0,0 and cy,0,0 ) and a simple 4-element matrix (cx,1,1 , cx,1,0 , cy,1,1 , and cy,1,0 ) applied to the relative FLT coordinate vector. The second line rewrites the 4-element matrix as the product of three matrices which are a function of four quantities: the two expansion coefficients (ex and ey ), the shear (s), and the rotation angle (θ). The ex ey sθ form is useful in the context of calculating geometric distortions because, for a rigid detector and telescope ex , ey , and s are fixed, with θ depending on the orientation (and the accuracy of its knowledge), and cx,0,0 and cy,0,0 on the pointing and the relative positioning effect of the different optical systems. The positions and counts of all sources above a certain S/N threshold were extracted from all the NGC604 and NGC 6681 SBC datasets using JMAPHOT, the crowded-field photometry package described in Maı́z Apellániz (2007) that uses PSF fitting. The ePSFs were initially built from TinyTim models, modified by comparison with the real data (TinyTim PSFs for the SBC are more centrally peaked than the real ones), and then adjusted individually for each frame. The extraction of point-source photometry for a MAMA detector (such as SBC) is easier than for a CCD (such as HRC) due to the absence of cosmic rays and read noise. However, the latter effect coupled with the low dark current and sky background of the detector implies that the total background is strongly quantized and must be measured assuming Poisson statistics. Also, one must still account for cosmetic defects, such as the broken SBC anode that disables rows 599 to 605 (see subsection 4.5.3 in STScI 2007). The positions of the FUV-bright sources detected in each SBC frame were then displaced, rotated, and distorted according to the original header keywords in order to cross-identify them with the NUV-detected astrometric field (in most cases an additional displacement was needed in order to account for the use of different guide stars; such a displacement was calculated simply by binning the coordinates into boxes of several pixels and finding the maximum in the 2-D histogram). Once the cross-identification was completed, the coordinates in the reference astrometric field were rotated in the opposite sense using the orientation in each SBC header in order to place them in the same undistorted, unrotated (COR) frame for each exposure. In principle, the COR frame can have any plate scale. Here we will use the same value as for both the previous SBC and HRC solutions, 0.′′ 025/pixel though we note that FLT SBC pixels are considerably larger than that. Polynomial fittings to the geometric distortion for either the NGC 604 or the NGC 6681 datasets were done using the MPCURVEFIT package developed by C. Markwardt3 . MPCURVEFIT provides multi-parameter fitting with possible parameter restrictions using χ2 minimization. We wrote an IDL code that fits a polynomial geometric distortion solution using either the simple matrix or the ex ey sθ forms to all the datasets in one of the fields simultaneously. The code uses the MPCURVEFIT capabilities to (a) allow for independent values of the linear terms for each of the frames while using common values values for the non-linear terms (following the recommendation by Anderson and King 2004) or (b) force ex , ey , and s to be the same in all cases (as in a rigid detector). It also allows for θ to be fixed or free for each frame. 3˜ craigm/idl/idl.html 8 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 With the above mentioned code in hand the following steps were used to build the SBC geometric distortion solution: 1. An initial polynomial solution was derived from the 24 F150LP NGC 604 frames. The choice was made based on the larger number of usable stars per frame, which is the most important requisite for deriving accurate high-order coefficients. • The values of ex , ey , s, and θ were fixed to be the same for all the frames. Several tests were done allowing them to vary but the position residuals did not improve significantly. • Polynomials of third, fourth, and fifth degree were tested. Residuals improved when going from a third to a fourth degree polynomial but not (at least significantly) when going from a fourth degree to a fifth degree polynomial, the same result that was obtained for the STIS/NUV-MAMA by Maı́z Apellániz and Úbeda (2004). Therefore, we selected a fourth degree polynomial for the final solution. 2. We detected significant trends in the position residuals as a function of detector location. Therefore, we calculated two fine-correction look-up tables (one for x and one for y) by spatially smoothing the NGC 604 F150LP residuals with a σ = 25 pixel 2-D Gaussian. 3. In order to further analyze the behavior of the linear terms, an individual fit to each of the frames (using all filters and both fields) was done fixing the non-linear terms to those previously derived and allowing the six linear term to vary. With this new fit, the goal was to study filter-to-filter variations (overall distortion and relative displacements) as well as possible temporal evolutions. 4. Based on the previous results, average linear parameters were obtained for each filter for three different epoch ranges and the overall behavior of the new geometric distortion solution was studied. This is discussed in the next section. Results Description of the geometric distortion solution We show in Fig. 4 the results of the linear-terms fit for each individual dataset (step 3 in the previous section) as a function of time. The NGC 6681 data in the ex , ey , and s plots show significant differences among filters but little evidence for temporal evolution. The NGC 604 data correspond to a near-single epoch and generally agree with the NGC 6681 results but with a larger dispersion. This is an expected effect, because the NGC 604 frames have fewer bright stars (though more stars in total) than the NGC 6681 ones, leading to a worse precision of the fit for the linear terms. Therefore, we decided to calculate independent ex , ey , and s values for each filter by averaging the higher-quality NGC 6681 results (note also that the NGC 604 data includes only half of the filters). The behavior of θ in Fig. 4 is quite different. No large difference appears to exist between filters (at least with the scale used) but instead three different epoch ranges are clearly defined by the datasets taken between [a] 27 May 2002-15 October 2002, [b] 11 November 2002-7 September 2004, and [c] 5 April 2005-22 April 2007. The mean values for θ in each epoch range are 6.36461◦ , 6.26301◦ , and 5.43978◦ , respectively. The jump of 0.10160◦ between the first two values is due to the FGS realignment that took place in 21 October 2002. The second jump of 0.82323◦ had not previously been documented to my knowledge (though its consequences in 9 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 NGC 6681 F122M 1.34875 NGC 6681 F115LP NGC 6681 F125LP 6.25 NGC 6681 F140LP NGC 6681 F150LP 1.34850 NGC 6681 F165LP NGC 604 F122M NGC 604 F150LP ex θ (CW degrees) 1.34825 NGC 604 F165LP 6.00 1.34800 NGC 6681 F122M NGC 6681 F115LP 5.75 1.34775 NGC 6681 F125LP NGC 6681 F140LP NGC 6681 F150LP NGC 6681 F165LP 1.34750 NGC 604 F122M NGC 604 F150LP 5.50 NGC 604 F165LP 1.34725 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 2004 time (a) 2005 2006 2007 time (a) 1.1985 0.09825 NGC 6681 F122M NGC 6681 F115LP NGC 6681 F125LP 0.09800 1.1980 NGC 6681 F140LP NGC 6681 F150LP NGC 6681 F165LP 0.09775 NGC 604 F122M NGC 604 F150LP 1.1975 NGC 604 F165LP s ey 0.09750 0.09725 NGC 6681 F122M 1.1970 NGC 6681 F115LP 0.09700 NGC 6681 F125LP NGC 6681 F140LP 0.09675 NGC 6681 F150LP NGC 6681 F165LP 1.1965 NGC 604 F122M 0.09650 NGC 604 F150LP NGC 604 F165LP 0.09625 1.1960 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2003 time (a) 2004 2005 2006 2007 time (a) Figure 4: (top left) θ, (top right) ex , (bottom left) ey , (bottom right) s fitted for each dataset as a function of time. recent data had indeed been observed, prompting an interpretation of a possible large mistake in the original solution, which we later show not to be the case). Given the findings above, the geometric distortion solution provided in this ISR has independent linear terms for each filter and three epoch ranges. The values for the third epoch range are given in Table 3. In order to obtain the values for the other two epoch ranges, one can apply the corresponding rotation to the matrix components (last four rows). Table 1 also includes significant offsets (non-zero values of cx,0,0 and cy,0,0 ), which are measured with respect to the reference filter, F150LP. The appearance of the linear part of the distortion is shown in Fig. 5 10 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 x (COR, arcseconds) −20 20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 20 15 15 10 10 F115LP epoch range 1 5 F115LP epoch range 2 F122M epoch range 3 F115LP epoch range 3 0 0 F125LP epoch range 3 F140LP epoch range 3 F150LP epoch range 3 −5 y (COR, arcseconds) y (COR, arcseconds) 5 −5 F165LP epoch range 3 −10 −10 −15 −15 −20 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 −20 20 x (COR, arcseconds) Figure 5: Linear distortion for the three epoch ranges for the F115LP filter and for the third epoch range for all filters. In each case the detector corners are shown in the COR frame. As previously mentioned, a common non-linear part of the geometric solution is used for all epoch ranges and filters. Its appearance is shown as a vector plot in Fig. 6 and the values for all the terms are plotted in Table 4. Additionally, a common fine-correction distortion is provided in the form of two tables, one for x and one for y, and shown as another vector plot in Fig. 7 (note the different scale for the arrows in the two vector plots). At the time of the writing of this Instrument Science Report the reference files can be obtained from the URL˜ jmaiz/research/sbc calibration/. The three IDCTAB files 11 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 x (FLT, pixels) 250 500 750 1000 1000 1000 750 750 500 500 250 250 0 y (FLT, pixels) y (FLT, pixels) 0 0 0 250 500 750 1000 x (FLT, pixels) Figure 6: Non-linear polynomial (second to fourth degree) distortion for the SBC. The arrows indicate 10x the correction in COR pixels for a uniform grid in the FLT frame. sbc epoch1 idc.fits, sbc epoch2 idc.fits, and sbc epoch3 idc.fits correspond to each of the epoch ranges. An additional IDCTAB file, sbc multidrizzle epoch3 idc.fits, is included for its use with MULTIDRIZZLE for the third epoch range because that software currently introduces an additional rotation of 0.12436◦ . Another file, sbc finecor.fits provides the fine correction tables in the form of two 1024x1024 images. sbc multidrizzle epoch3 idc.fits has been tested for all three epochs and has been found to 12 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 x (FLT, pixels) 250 500 750 1000 1000 1000 750 750 500 500 250 250 0 y (FLT, pixels) y (FLT, pixels) 0 0 0 250 500 750 1000 x (FLT, pixels) Figure 7: Fine-correction distortion for the SBC. The arrows indicate 100x the correction in COR pixels for a uniform grid in the FLT frame. Note the different amplification of the correction between this figure and the previous one. provide good results in all cases. How can that be possible when we have found significant rotations between epochs in our analysis? The explanation is the different source for the reference orientation angle. Throughout this work we have used the header keyword ORIENTAT to establish the reference angle of the detector while MULTIDRIZZLE uses an alternative keyword, PA V3. Calculation of ORIENTAT uses an angle derived from whatever distortion solution was present at the observation time. This affected the results shown. The current 13 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 software does not use this angle but works directly from the telescope orientation, a measurement which does not depend on any detector calibration. So a retrospective analysis calculating angles in this way is not affected by earlier angle errors. Table 3. Filter-dependent linear components of the SBC geometric distortion solution (epoch range 3). The units for the first two rows and the last four rows are arcsec and arcsec/pixel, respectively. cx,0,0 cy,0,0 cx,1,0 cx,1,1 cy,1,0 cy,1,1 F122M −0.1244769618 0.3248295486 0.0000570924 0.0335597545 0.0300954636 0.0031959272 F115LP −0.1193522736 0.3208538294 0.0000545003 0.0335544460 0.0300879087 0.0031954215 F125LP 0.0420230441 −0.1043991596 0.0000638024 0.0335504301 0.0300744921 0.0031950392 F140LP 0.1080347523 −0.2835376561 0.0000620286 0.0335517004 0.0300717987 0.0031951603 F150LP 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000596686 0.0335521735 0.0300778355 0.0031952055 F165LP 0.0115486840 −0.0443877056 0.0000580447 0.0335507803 0.0300760400 0.0031950728 Table 4. Non-linear components of the SBC geometric distortion solution. The units for the second, third, and fourth order components are are arcsec/pixel2 , arcsec/pixel3 , and arcsec/pixel4 , respectively. order 20 21 22 30 31 32 33 40 41 42 43 44 x 1.25356810−07 3.95143110−07 −4.97866610−07 −1.35140210−10 −8.74295110−11 4.05654010−12 1.44850110−10 −9.21871710−13 −3.66608710−14 1.11590610−13 −2.92311110−14 4.92833010−13 y 3.15610610−07 4.49136310−08 −3.47077610−08 3.59122010−11 6.91775210−12 −2.23585010−10 4.24473310−12 −1.29050210−14 1.92724810−13 1.52355410−15 1.30512710−13 6.92819210−14 Testing the geometric distortion solution Finally, we test the new geometric distortion solution by applying it to all of the datasets in Tables 1 and 2 and comparing the calculated positions with those in the reference astrometric fields. We consider two types of test: a restricted one, in which only the displacement terms (cx,0,0 and cy,0,0 ) are allowed to vary, and a semi-restricted one, in which θ is also allowed to change4 . As a comparison, we also tested the old geometric distortion solution, available from the IDCTAB file r7q1154hj idc.fits. In Table 5 we show the mean distance residuals between the reference and the corrected positions as a function of test type, field, filter, and S/N. mins is defined as −2.5 log10 (counts). The following conclusions were obtained: 4 Those tests are called restricted and semi-restricted in opposition to an unrestricted test, in which we would allow all linear terms to vary. 14 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 1.5 xCOR−xHRC (pixels), fine correction xCOR−xHRC (pixels), no fine correction 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 0 250 500 750 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 1000 0 250 xFLT (pixels) 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 0 250 500 750 750 1000 750 1000 −0.5 −1.0 0 250 500 xFLT (pixels) 1.5 xCOR−xHRC (pixels), fine correction xCOR−xHRC (pixels), no fine correction 1000 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 0 250 500 750 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 1000 0 250 yFLT (pixels) 500 yFLT (pixels) 1.5 yCOR−yHRC (pixels), fine correction 1.5 yCOR−yHRC (pixels), no fine correction 750 0.5 −1.5 1000 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 1000 1.0 xFLT (pixels) −1.5 750 1.5 yCOR−yHRC (pixels), fine correction yCOR−yHRC (pixels), no fine correction 1.5 −1.5 500 xFLT (pixels) 0 250 500 750 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 1000 yFLT (pixels) 0 250 500 yFLT (pixels) Figure 8: Residuals in x and y as a function of xi and yi for the NGC 604 F150LP data. The left column shows the residuals without applying the fine-correction look-up table and the right column the residuals when applying it. The lines plotted in red (left) and blue (right) are built by smoothing the data with a Gaussian with σ = 20 pixels. The residuals were obtained leaving cx,0,0 , cy,0,0 , and θ free in the fit (semi-restricted test). • When comparing bright stars (i.e. those with medium S/N) in the semi-restricted case, the new solution yields residuals which are lower than those of the old solution by factors of 1.5-2.0. The new solution has a typical accuracy of 3-4 mas. • There are no significant differences between the restricted and semi-restricted cases for the new solution, indicating that the orientation is well established there. The comparison for the old solution yields a 15 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 1.5 xCOR−xHRC (pixels), fine correction xCOR−xHRC (pixels), no fine correction 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 0 250 500 750 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 1000 0 250 xFLT (pixels) 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 0 250 500 750 750 1000 750 1000 −0.5 −1.0 0 250 500 xFLT (pixels) 1.5 xCOR−xHRC (pixels), fine correction xCOR−xHRC (pixels), no fine correction 1000 0.0 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 0 250 500 750 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 1000 0 250 yFLT (pixels) 500 yFLT (pixels) 1.5 yCOR−yHRC (pixels), fine correction 1.5 yCOR−yHRC (pixels), no fine correction 750 0.5 −1.5 1000 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 1000 1.0 xFLT (pixels) −1.5 750 1.5 yCOR−yHRC (pixels), fine correction yCOR−yHRC (pixels), no fine correction 1.5 −1.5 500 xFLT (pixels) 0 250 500 750 1.0 0.5 0.0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 1000 yFLT (pixels) 0 250 500 yFLT (pixels) Figure 9: Same as Fig. 8 for the NGC 6681 F115LP data. factor of ∼2 improvement for NGC 604 due to the existence of a small deviation in the orientation. Such a comparison would yield a much larger effect for NGC 6681 (and is not shown in Table 4) due to the existence of three epoch ranges in the data. Once the right orientation is used, the typical accuracy for bright stars of the old solution is 5-8 mas. • Overall, the residuals for NGC 6681 are lower than for NGC 604. This effect may be caused by the use of NGC 6681 for the determination of the linear terms and could indicate the existence of small temporal variations in them, similar to those observed in other HST detectors. There are no large differences in accuracy among filters. 16 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 • The residuals for dim stars are significantly larger than for bright stars. This is an expected behavior caused by the larger uncertainties produced by PSF fitting when the S/N is lower. All of the results for the new geometric distortion solution in Table 5 are for the full geometric distortion solution i.e.: filter- and epoch-dependent linear tems, fixed non-linear terms, and fine-correction distortion tables. One aspect that was also tested was whether the fine-correction tables improved the distance residuals for all filters and not only for F150LP, the one for which it was derived. This turned out to be indeed the case: for all filters the addition of the tables reduced the distance residuals by factors of 1.2-1.5, thus being a significant contribution to the improvement of the new solution. Furthermore, the use of the fine-correction tables eliminated some obvious trends in the residual plots in Figs. 8 and 9. It is easy to see that the use of the tables corrects the same structures seen in the NGC 604 F150LP and the NGC 6681 F115LP data, thus pointing to the detector as the source of the distortion rather than the filters. It is also interesting to compare the right columns in both figures: the NGC 6681 F115LP plots show no overall trend but some small quasi-linear residual trends are observable in the NGC 604 F150LP case. This points in the direction previously mentioned: it is likely that small variations in the linear terms are present and that some of the scatter in Fig. 4 is indeed real. Table 5. Mean distance residuals for the data with mins < −8.0 (medium S/N) and mins > −8.0 (low S/N) in this ISR using the old and the new geometric distortion solutions. Results are given for both the semi-restricted (cx,0,0 , cy,0,0 , and θ free) and restricted (cx,0,0 , cy,0,0 free) cases, with the exception of the old geometric distortion NGC 6681 case, where the presence of datasets from epochs 1 and 2 lead to very large residuals. All values shown correspond to the case with the fine-correction look-up table applied. Results are expressed in output (COR) millipixels (1 mpx = 25 microarcseconds). F122M mS/N lS/N semi-restricted restricted 245 449 F115LP mS/N lS/N F125LP F140LP mS/N lS/N mS/N lS/N NGC 604 old 306 582 F150LP mS/N lS/N F165LP mS/N lS/N 252 583 339 629 364 589 312 584 175 191 256 265 121 130 258 256 272 — 226 — 247 — 231 — 252 — 196 199 126 129 175 178 135 136 184 185 NGC 604 new semi-restricted restricted 202 205 280 279 semi-restricted restricted 171 — 219 — 192 — 233 — 246 — semi-restricted restricted 126 129 166 165 129 135 178 187 154 156 17 NGC 6681 old 323 260 — — NGC 6681 new 320 139 324 140 Instrument Science Report ACS 2008-02 Conclusions We have calculated a new geometric distortion solution for the ACS/SBC which consists of [a] a filterand epoch- dependent linear part, [b] a common non-linear polynomial part, and [c] a fine-correction look-up table. Several tests have been conducted and it has been found that the current solution solves the orientation issues for the SBC found in earlier solutions. Also, the new solution is more accurate than the previous one by factors of 1.5-2.0 even after orientation issues are not considered. About half of the improvement is due to the new polynomial terms and the other half to the introduction of a fine-correction table, which fixes the higherfrequency geometric distortion that had not been considered in the past. The limiting factors of the geometric distortion solution seem to be two: the difficulty of observing stars with large S/N due to bright object limits and the fact that SBC shows signs of having small time-dependent variations in the linear terms, just like HRC and WFC. We would like to thank Jay Anderson for the very useful discussions on the topic of HST geometric distortion and for his help with this work. JMA also acknowledges the hospitality of Rice University, where part of this work was carried out. Bibliography Anderson, J. and King, I. 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