HEALTH SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT 1 X-RAY CHARGES This tariff is based on actual costs. It relates to private individuals or companies and does not relate to the public health aspects i.e. X-rays for suspected PTB which are free. Large plate 2 SALE PREGNANCY TEST per plate per unit 3 PRINTS Size A4 B&W lamin transp B&W transp Colour labels 1 up B&W labels 1 up Colour labels 2 up B&W labels 2 up Colour labels 8 up B&W labels 8 up Colour labels 21 up B&W labels 21 up Colour lamin B&W lamin Colour 2015/03/16 03:15 PM Only posters produced at the Health Resource Centre will be laminated Only posters produced at the Health Resource Centre will be laminated B&W lamin Colour Size A2 Delete Delete y Delete Delete No charge No charge n No charge No charge Delete Delete y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete y y y y y y y y y y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Service provided by the CMC Resource Centre to districts and private sector. lamin Colour Size A3 Part of the presidential lead programme, where it was announced that Primary health care services will be rendered free. Only posters produced at the Health Resource Centre will be laminated Only posters produced at the Health Resource Centre will be laminated Only posters produced at the Health Resource Centre will be laminated Health 28.1 HEALTH SERVICES RENDERED UNIT lamin CD/DVD REMARKS Only posters produced at the Health Resource Centre will be laminated Label B&W Label Colour Jewel Case B&W Jewel Case Colour 4 FOOD CONDEMNINGS per hour LG has responsibility to ensure unsound foodstuffs are disposed of in an acceptable and safe manner (Reg R328 of 20/4/2007). Food premises need a certificate of condemnation to claim for losses and to dispose of unsafe food. The tariff applies to the costs incurred to Council for the time and travelling expenses of the EHO in supervising and monitoring of the transportation and disposal of the unsound foodstuffs - where warranted. 5 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTABILITY per revisit Under the Regulations for Food Premises (No. R962 of 23/11/2012) Council can charge for reinspection costs for investigating food premises requests for removal of prohibitions. informal trading formal trading 6 MILK CONTROL Travel of EHO to supply service EHO service Laboratory tests 2015/03/16 03:15 PM per km per hour per test Service provided to farms producing milk and milk related factories outside the City boundaries E Coli Coliform S. aureus (identify and confirm) S. aureus (identify) Total Count Salmonella S agalactiae Health 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete Delete y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete y y y y Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete Delete 427.46 487.30 y 452.02 515.30 105.79 427.46 120.60 487.30 y y 112.02 452.02 127.70 515.30 4.30 190.44 47.72 39.39 55.18 22.98 39.91 73.60 30.00 4.90 217.10 54.40 44.90 62.90 26.20 45.50 83.90 34.20 y y y y y y y y y 5.00 205.00 50.61 41.75 58.51 24.39 42.28 77.98 31.84 5.70 233.70 57.70 47.60 66.70 27.80 48.20 88.90 36.30 28.2 HEALTH SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS Phosphatase Antibiotic Betalactum Antibiotic tetracycline Milk Ring Test Milkoscan (Fat, Protein, Lactose) Freezing Point (Added Water) Soma Scope SCC NUM (Urea) Tempo TVC Total count Tempo TC Coliform Tempo EC E. Coli Tempo STA S aureus Vidas SLM Salmonella Vidas 2LMO2 Listeria monocytogenes 7 OPEN BURNING AUTHORITY Air Pollution Control By-law, Granting Authorization for emissions caused by open burning per application 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT 16.75 Delete Delete 12.19 13.86 9.91 6.23 5.53 55.88 55.88 55.88 67.63 74.65 107.28 19.10 Delete Delete 13.90 15.80 11.30 7.10 6.30 63.70 63.70 63.70 77.10 85.10 122.30 y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 17.72 Delete Delete 12.89 14.65 10.53 6.84 5.88 59.21 59.21 59.21 71.67 79.12 113.68 20.20 Delete Delete 14.70 16.70 12.00 7.80 6.70 67.50 67.50 67.50 81.70 90.20 129.60 1 677.98 1 912.90 y 1 771.93 2 020.00 In terms of the City of Cape Town: Air Quality Management By-Law Section 20 (3) the Council may not authorize the emissions caused by open burning unless it is satisfied certain requirements, including the payment of the prescribed fee has been paid to Council. The fee set is to cover the cost of processing the application. Fee not refundable in the event of an unsuccessful application. Fee Not applicable to: Western Cape Nature Conservation Board South Africa National Parks Table Mountain National Park City Parks Nature Conservation Department Public Works Kirstenbosch Botanical Institute South African National Defence Force Burning authorization required by the film industry already in possession of authorization to do film shoots in terms of the City of Cape Town film policy 2015/03/16 03:15 PM Health 28.3 HEALTH SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Any landowner who is a member of a registered Fire Protection Association in terms of the National Veld and Forest Fire Act and has submitted a formal 5 year Veld Fire Management Strategy and an Annual Plan of Operation to the Association to systematically reduce the fire risk on their property . Applications for open burning for the purposes of conducting fire training by institutions who offer training free of charge as a public service 8 ATMOSPHERIC EMMISSION LICENSING NEM Air Quality Act , Atmospheric Emission Licence Fees In terms of the NEM:AQA Section 21 listed activities are required to be in possession of an Atmospheric emission licence in order to operate. The Act makes for provision of a licence processing fee to be paid to the licensing authority in terms of Sections 37, 44, 45, 47 of the Act. The National Department of Environmental Affairs have developed a fee calculator and fee band structure for licence fees for licensing authorities which has been published on the South African Air quality Information System (SAAQIS) Licensing Band 1 Licensing Band 2 Licensing Band 3 Licensing Band 4 Licensing Band 5 9 MECHANICAL VENTILATION Plans scrutiny 4 560.00 18 240.00 57 000.00 114 000.00 228 000.00 See Building Development tariffs See Building Development tariffs y y y y y 4 000.00 16 000.00 50 000.00 100 000.00 200 000.00 4 560.00 18 240.00 57 000.00 114 000.00 228 000.00 See Building Development tariffs See Building Development tariffs Approval of Artificial Ventilation for building plans applications per submission 2015/03/16 03:15 PM 4 000.00 16 000.00 50 000.00 100 000.00 200 000.00 buildings of less that 500m2 Health y 28.4 HEALTH SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS per m2 ventilated space buildings of over 500m2 Processing of application for extended Liquor Trading Hours for on-consumption liquor licensed premises from 2:00 to 4:00 per application Applications in terms of the City of Cape Town Control on Undertakings that sell Liquor to the Public By-law, 2013 Processing of application for extended liquor trading hours for off-consumption liquor licensed premises Monday to Saturday 18:00 to 20:00 Processing of application for extended liquor trading on Sundays for off-consumption liquor licensed premises from 11:00 to 18:00 per application Applications in terms of the City of Cape Town Control on Undertakings that sell Liquor to the Public By-law, 2013 per application Applications in terms of the City of Cape Town Control on Undertakings that sell Liquor to the Public By-law, 2013 Processing of application for extended liquor trading hours (Monday to Saturday from 18:00 to 20:00) and Sunday trading (from 11:00 to 18:00) from off-consumption premises licensed premises. per application Applications in terms of the City of Cape Town Control on Undertakings that sell Liquor to the Public By-law, 2013 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT See Building Development tariffs See Building Development tariffs 5 000.00 5 700.00 2 500.00 VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT See Building Development tariffs See Building Development tariffs y 5 000.00 5 700.00 2 850.00 y 2 500.00 2 850.00 5 000.00 5 700.00 y 5 000.00 5 700.00 7 500.00 8 550.00 y 7 500.00 8 550.00 y 10 EXTENDED LIQUOR TRADING HOURS 2015/03/16 03:15 PM Health 28.5