ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 1 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL & HERITAGE MANAGEMENT TARIFFS 1.1 Hiring of Biodiversity Showcase Garden Environmental Education Centre (BSGEEC) 1.1.1 Mondays - Fridays 08:30 - 16:00 per day 1.1.2 Mondays - Fridays 08:30 - 13:00 or 14:00 - 16:00 half day 1.1.3 Mondays - Fridays 16:00 - 21:00 After hours 2015/03/16 03:11 PM per day 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Note 1 - The Director may grant or refuse applications for the exemption of some or all the applicable fees of a particular application ONLY; (a) if such application is necessitated due to changes to developments made at the request of the Directorate and; (b) if it is satisfactorily demonstrated by the official that such additional permission is in the interests of sustainable environmental or heritage conservation to the Director's satisfaction. The exemption request may only be made to the Director via the official or Branch which has requested the applicant to apply, for sound environmental or heritage reasons, for the additional permission. Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Hiring of the Biodiversity Showcase Garden Environmental Education Centre for environmental progammes, meetings, events and workshops. The hiring of the hall and kitchen is covered hereunder. Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Hall and Kitchen y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Hall and Kitchen Hall and Kitchen 1 000.00 500.00 2 000.00 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 1 140.00 570.00 2 280.00 17.1 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 1.2 General Scrutiny Fees per application 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No Unless fee already paid with land-use application. (Note 2: - for Non-Profit Body Event Signage Plan, see 3.10) 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 1.2.1 Signage Master Plan Assessment 871.40 993.40 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 1.2.2 Event Signage Plan (where no registered nonprofit body is hosting an event) 871.40 993.40 1.2.3 Evaluation of Impact Assessment 871.40 993.40 1.2.4 Rehabilitation Plans Assessment 871.40 993.40 1.3 Redesignation 1.3.1 to an area of lesser Control request (excluding to minimum freestanding farms signs <4.5m² for which there control area is no charge) 178.86 203.90 to partial control area 357.89 408.00 1.3.2 Other redesignation incl. for larger illumination per 18m.sq. or internal illumination 535.70 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 610.70 17.2 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 1.4 Tree felling permissions (tree felling in protected areas), heritage permit fee or heritage Protection Overlay Zone application, approvals required from Dir:ERMD i.t.o. any land use or other Conditions of approval. per application 252.11 287.40 y Note 3 : The description of all Outdoor Advertising categories may change with the promulgation of the new Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-Law. The discretion on the most applicable tariff (in terms of the existing description below) will lie with the Manager : Environmental and Heritage Management 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 1.5 Advertising/Public Consultation Process Fee 1.5.1 Press advertisement Per newspaper advertisement 5 449.12 6 212.00 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 1.5.2 Serving of public participation notices for 1st 10 notices for 11 to 25 notices for 26 to 50 notices 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Delete Delete Delete Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt Delete Delete Delete 17.3 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT for each additional 50 notices 1 to 2 letters Delete 134.00 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 258.00 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 490.00 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 1 083.00 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 1 988.00 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Revised practice. 1 743.86 2015/03/16 03:11 PM y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Revised practice. 1 743.86 After 50, every 50 letters (or part thereof) additional to first 50 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Revised practice. 950.00 26 to 50 letters 2015/16 R incl. VAT Revised practice. 429.82 11 to 25 letters 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT Revised practice. 226.32 6 to 10 letters Delete VAT Yes/No Revised practice. 117.54 3 to 5 letters 2014/15 R incl. VAT Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 1 988.00 17.4 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 1.6 Outdoor Advertising Waiver application fee where a specific waiver is possible in terms of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-Law, amendment of a specific condition of approval, in addition to fees set out in these tariffs, payable on receipt of application where waiver from the standard requirements minimum is requested, in: control area 178.86 partial control area 357.89 maximum control area 1.7 Application for extension/of lapsing date of unexercised signage permission - sign not yet erected Note 4 . Plan valid for 12 months as per the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law per application 2014/15 R incl. VAT 203.90 408.00 535.70 610.70 50% of assessment fee for new sign as set out below 50% of assessment fee for new sign as set out below VAT Yes/No per application y y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 1.9 Copies of outdoor advertising and signage ByLaw per paper copy 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Digital copies are not charged for. Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 86.93 99.10 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 1.8 Re-application for existing legal sign upon expiry of permission period see new sign in 2 see new sign in 2 below below 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 17.5 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 1.10. Application form by non-profit body for a reduction in or waiver of fees 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No No Charge No Charge per application Included in Monitoring and Control fee with original approval. No further fee required. No Charge No Charge 1.12 Change of graphics of approved third party sign (fixed graphics) see new sign in 2 see new sign in 2 below below per application 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2015/16 R incl. VAT per application y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 1.11 Change of graphics of approved third party sign. (graphics not fixed) 2 GENERAL OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNAGE PLAN FEES - general outdoor advertising not specified elsewhere' - roof and wall signs, on verandas and balconies - freestanding signs, fences - sky signs (minimum control areas only) - projecting signs and under awning signs - murals with commercial content/advertising words, logo, symbols etc - signs for residential land use (eg guesthouses) - community services (eg creches) - custom made, aerial signs and cut out signs measured by length x width - window signs - projected signs 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT Note 5 : For locality bound signs on the same premises, more than one sign may be submitted per application per business, and only one minimum fee shall be applicable per sign category. Where signs fall into more than one category, the higher minimum fee shall apply. Third Party signs shall be limited to one sign per application. CLARIFICATION OF FEE CATEGORY: 1. Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : Sign plan for OCCUPANT OF PREMISES on site : Locality bound signs. 2. Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : THIRD PARTY advertising : Scrutiny Fee Sign plan 3rd party, billboards & other signage not elsewhere in tariffs Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.6 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 3. Monitor & Control fees: THIRD PARTY advertising : Payable before issuing of approval 4. Encroachment and Concession Fees : Sign for OCCUPANT OF ADJACENT SITE : Encroachment / concession fee; sign on Council property or over public footway & showcases > 50 mm over footway. 5. Encroachment and Concession Fees : THIRD PARTY advertising : Encroachment / concession fee; sign on Council property or over public footway & showcases > 50 mm over footway. 6. Removal fees for illegal display. 2.1 Community, charity and non-profit signs requiring approval up to 4.5m² maximum per side, which do not comply with Section H of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law, incl sponsored road traffic projects and signs on street furniture. 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. For a project with multiple signs in one application, an alternative fee for a Non-Profit body (NPB)signage masterplan may be paid with the written authority of the Director: Environmental Resource Management. (Billing Dept may require payment bi-annually or annually). Note 6: To qualify for the tariffs below, the requirement in Schedule 17 for a NPB sign to display, the name of the the NPB must be shown at 300mm letter height, failing which the tariff in 2.4 will be applied. Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.1.1 Scrutiny and Assessment Fees per application 178.86 203.90 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.1.2.a Monitoring and Control Fee : minimum control area per sign 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Payable before issuing of approval 102.02 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 116.30 17.7 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2.1.2.b Monitoring and Control Fee : partial control area per sign Payable before issuing of approval 208.68 237.90 Payable before issuing of approval 402.63 459.00 y y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.1.3.a Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: min control area per m²/p a Minimum R70.70 (incl. VAT) 164.21 187.20 2.1.3.b Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: partial control area per m²/p a Minimum R 141.70 (incl. VAT) 233.60 266.30 2.1.3.c Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: max control area per m²/p a 2.1.4.a Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : Min control area per m²/per month 2.1.4.b Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : Partial control area per m²/per month 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Minimum R212.60 (incl. VAT) Unless a higher fee is determined by Prop. Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined in terms of Section H or Schedules 16 and 17 of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law. Unless a higher fee is determined by Prop. Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined in terms of Section H or Schedules 16 and 17 of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law. 328.25 193.86 298.33 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 374.20 221.00 340.10 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.1.2.c Monitoring and Control Fee : maximum control area per sign 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 17.8 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2.1.4.c Encroachment Concession Fees: third Party advertising : Max control area per m²/per month 2.2 Community, charity and non-profit billboards > 4.5m² to 18 m2 max. per side, Including sponsored road traffic projects and signs on street furniture. Unless a higher fee is determined by Prop. Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined in terms of Section H or Schedules 16 and 17 of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law. 387.81 2014/15 R incl. VAT 442.10 VAT Yes/No y Minimum R262.10 (incl. VAT) y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 18.60 21.20 Minimum R425.00 (incl. VAT) 39.82 45.40 2.2.1.c Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: maximum control area per m² Minimum R566.80 (incl. VAT) 63.42 72.30 2.2.2.a Monitoring and Control Fee : minimum control area per m² Payable before issuing of approval 102.02 116.30 2.2.2.b Monitoring and Control Fee : partial control area per m² 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.2.1.b Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: partial control area per m² 2015/16 R incl. VAT Note 7 : To qualify for the tariffs below, the requirement in Schedule 17 for a NPB sign to display, the name of the the NPB must be shown at 300mm letter height, failing which the tariff in 2.4 will be applied. 2.2.1.a Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: minimum control area per m² 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT Payable before issuing of approval 208.68 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 237.90 17.9 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2.2.2.c Monitoring and Control Fee : maximum control area per m² Payable before issuing of approval 402.63 459.00 Minimum R70.70 (incl. VAT) 164.21 187.20 y y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.2.3.b Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: partial control area per m²/p a Minimum R141.70 (incl. VAT) 233.60 266.30 2.2.3.c Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: max control area per m²/p a 2.2.4.a Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : min control area per m²/per month 2.2.4.b Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : partial control area per m²/per month 2.2.4.c Encroachment Concession Fees: third Party advertising : max control area per m²/per month 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Minimum R212.60 (incl. VAT) Unless a higher fee is determined by the Prop. Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. 328.25 193.86 Unless a higher fee is determined by the Prop. Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Unless a higher fee is determined by the Prop. Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. 298.33 387.81 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 374.20 221.00 340.10 442.10 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.2.3.a Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: min control area per m²/p a 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 17.10 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2.3 General 1st party signs not specified elsewhere up to 0.2m² advertising area including home industry signs (for permitted home industries only). The number of 0.2m² signs per erf may be limited in terms of Section 5 of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law. 2.4 General signage, Flat signs and Billboard Plans: as well as - general outdoor advertising not specified elsewhere' roof and wall signs, on verandas and balconies freestanding signs, fences - sky signs - projecting signs and under awning signs - murals with commercial content/advertising words, logo, symbols etc - signs for residential land use (eg guesthouses) - other services (eg creches) - custom made, aerial signs and cut out signs measured by length x width window signs - Development boards/ construction site signs >3months approval. - on premises sign> 0.2m² No Charge No Charge VAT Yes/No y 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Development boards and construction site signs and scaffold wraps with a display period of more than 3 months are included in this category. Note 8: Monitoring & Control fee for 3rd party construction site signage, scaffolding wraps will be 50% of the section 2.4 tariff/m² per annum of display (Minimum Monitoring and Control fee of 1 year.). Note 9 : NPB signs (category 2.1 above) and NPB billboards (category 2.2 above) which do not display the required 200mm or 300mm letter height as the tariffs stipulate, will be charged these 2.4 General fees, and the difference in fees may be billed retrospectively for failure to implement the NPB name display at the required size. Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Note 10 : The 'unit' calculation is to be applied per advertising face (ie. total m²) or in the case of cut-outs or custom shape is applied to height x width and not on individual elements. 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2014/15 R incl. VAT Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.11 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2.4.1.a Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: min control area per m² Minimum - R377.40 (incl. VAT) 17.28 19.70 Minimum - R607.70 (incl. VAT) 40.88 46.60 y y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.4.1.c Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: max control area per m² Minimum - R810.30 (incl. VAT) 66.14 75.40 2.4.2.a Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third Party : min control area per m² Minimum - R1031.20 (incl. VAT) 68.60 78.20 2.4.2.b Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third Party : partial control area per m² Minimum - R1252.10 (incl. VAT) 93.33 106.40 2.4.2.c Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third Party : max control area per m² Minimum - R1472.90 (incl. VAT) 115.44 131.60 2.4.3.a Monitoring and Control Fee : Minimum control area : Third Party per m² Payable before issuing of approval 108.77 124.00 2.4.3.b Monitoring and Control Fee : Partial control area : Third Party per m² Payable before issuing of approval 217.37 247.80 2.4.3.c Monitoring and Control Fee : Maximum control area : Third Party 2015/03/16 03:11 PM per m² Payable before issuing of approval 402.63 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 459.00 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.4.1.b Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: part control area per m² 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 17.12 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2.4.4.a Encroachment Concession Fees: 1st Party on adjacent site: min control area per m²/p a Minimum R101.30 (incl. VAT) 194.47 221.70 Minimum R202.60 (incl. VAT) 298.33 340.10 y y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.4.4.c Encroachment Concession Fees: 1st Party on adjacent site: max control area per m²/p a 2.4.5.a Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : min control area per m²/per month 2.4.5.b Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : partial control area per m²/per month 2.4.5.c Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : max control area per m²/per month 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Minimum R294.70 (incl. VAT) Unless a higher fee is determined by the Prop. Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Unless a higher fee is determined by the Prop. Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Unless a higher fee is determined by the Prop. Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. 387.81 194.47 290.79 387.81 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 442.10 221.70 331.50 442.10 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 2.4.4.b Encroachment Concession Fees: 1st Party on adjacent site: partial control area per m²/p a 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 17.13 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT 3 SPECIAL SIGNAGE TYPES - OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNAGE PLAN FEES Temporary signs ( this will include any sign type which has a temporary display period of 14 days or up to 3 months with specific permission, and includes banners, flags, balloons and container signs) and Development boards/ construction site signs up to 3months approval but excludes general 3rd party advertising signs catered for in 2.4 above. (NOTE - for display of any of these Signs for longer than 3 months, see 2.4 above) Temporary signs on council land shall be limited to non-profit (NPB), community, cultural or sports events only (including sports events hosted by other entities which are free and accessible by the general public. Note 11 : Signs for purely commercial events, ie. promotions, marketing, launching of products & services, etc. will not be permitted on municipal property. Third party banners not relating to a NPB event at a specific location or not relating to events catered for in 3.1.1 are not permitted on municipal property. Estate agents/property marketing signs on the premises being marketed and which are bigger than 400mm x 500mm, will be charged in terms of this category per 3 month period. Development boards and construction site signs with a display period of less than 3 months are included in this category. Accumulative display time will be taken into account, and tariff 2.4 will be applied when 3 month period has been exceeded. Temporary third party signs displayed for >1 month and are cumulatively bigger than 54m² must pay 50% of the Monitoring and Control fee set out in 2.4 above. 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.14 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No Note 12 : If waiver for longer than 14 days is granted, additional full tariff will be charged for each additional 2-weeks or part thereof. Note 13 : PURELY COMMERCIAL 3RD PARTY BANNERS ARE NOT PERMITTED 3.1 Banners on City land 3.1.1 NPB event, campaign and expo on City Events banner frames on municipal light poles per operator b. Expo banners on city light poles, (expos not hosted or co-hosted by NPB) Authorised and approved operator only, per annum y Delete- to be replaced by new tariff structure. Delete - to be replaced by new tariff structure. 871.40 993.40 Delete- to be replaced by new tariff structure. Delete - to be replaced by new tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. See 1.6 for additional waiver fee for Expo's. Applicable per 14 day period. per banner bracket site c. City-hosted event display Monitoring & Control Fee/ permit 96.93 110.50 Applicable per 14 day period per banner 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Maximum 5% sponsor's logo a. Annual encroachment fee; operator/rigger registration 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT No Charge Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt No Charge 17.15 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT d. Other NPB events and campaigns per banner Note 14: Expo's are not permitted in terms of Schedule 10 of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law except if a waiver is granted i.t.o Section D11 of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law, or if within 5m of the venue boundary as a 1st Party General Sign . Commercial advertising is not permitted except where it is the sponsor of an event, campaign or project) Note 15: These tariffs for advertising by sponsors at a permitted event are over and above any other departmental tariffs and these are the only tariffs that permit signage display to be applied for. Applicable per 14 day period. 45.79 2014/15 R incl. VAT 52.20 VAT Yes/No Line Dept permission required No Charge No Charge y y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. b. C.I.D. banner on City pole with max. 5% commercial sponsors content NPB masterplan Line Dept permission required 3.1.3 NPB banners on Designated City- tied-banner sites a. NPB banners on Designated City- tied-banner sites 5% commercial content / 14 days per m² b. NPB banners on Designated City- tied-banner sites More than 5% commercial content / 14 days per m² 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 262.37 Maximum 5% commercial content / 14 days More than 5% commercial content / 14 days Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 15.53 22.11 299.10 17.70 25.20 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.1.2 C.I.D. banner on City pole a. C.I.D. banner on City pole with no commercial sponsors per banner 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 17.16 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 3.1.4 Other NPB Banners: Max 5% commercial content a. NPB banner < 3m²: Locality bound (1st party/at event venue) per m² Maximum 5% commercial content / 14 days No Charge No Charge Maximum 5% commercial content / 14 days 15.53 17.70 2015/16 R incl. VAT y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. b. NPB banner > 3m²: Locality bound (1st party/at event venue) per m² 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT c. NPB banner: 3rd Party (remote from venue) per m² Maximum 5% commercial content / 14 days per m² > 5 % commercial content. Size of banners determined i.t.o. Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law / 14 days 22.11 25.20 3.1.5 Other NPB banners: More than 5% commercial content a. NPB Locality bound banner, including sponsor's advertisements (1st party/at event venue) b. NPB 3rd Party banner, including sponsor's advertisements (remote from venue) per m² 3.2 1st Party banner on commercial premises < 3m² 22.11 Up to a maximum of 5 % commercial content. Size of banners determined i.t.o. Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law / 14 days 33.42 25.20 38.10 Display period max 14 days No charge No charge each m² > 3m² per m² 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Display period max 14 days Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 40.88 46.60 17.17 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 3.3 NPB events; Flags, if more than 3 flag Signs, balloons up to 3m² total advert area; aerial signs bigger than 3m² total advert area 3.4 1st Party commercial events; Flags, if more than 3 flag Signs, balloons up to 3m² total advert area; aerial signs bigger than 3m² total advert area 3.5 Temporary Campaign and Event Posters; I.t.o. Schedule 11. 3. of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law, a max of 2000 posters for an event or campaign are permitted to be displayed in the City. 2015/03/16 03:11 PM NPB Event Signage Plan Event Signage Plan Display period max 10 days and for up to 10 signs. For more than 10 signs or more than 10 days see commercial and NPB master plan fee in 1.2 or 3.10. 262.37 2014/15 R incl. VAT 299.10 VAT Yes/No 871.40 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 993.40 2015/16 R incl. VAT y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. e.g. sale, new store opening, tyre specials Note 16: All posters are limited to community, cultural (including all theatre productions/art exhibitions), or sports events/fundraising and community campaigns only. Other events and campaigns for commercial purposes (other than concert-tour performances and expo's) are not permitted (e.g. the City does not allow- Film releases; CD launches; shopping centre 'centrecourt' promotional events hosted by the centre, Cavendish Square "Win A Boat" Competition; Guitar For Dummies; Alliance Francais; Private Colleges "Open Days"; Motivational Speakers, e.g. Alpha Mind Power; "work from home"; "herbalife", computer/business ideas; sales, in-store promotions, private training; product launches, private or commercial openings & parties, daily/weekly/occasional performances (DJ's/raves) at private clubs 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.18 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No and restaurants, etc), Sponsor-named community events (e.g. SAPPI Horse Trials, Argus Cycle Tour (Cat 1 & 2) are not deemed to be 'trade name', as the event is not related to the sponsors core business - (e.g. Homemaker's Fair is trade org. Cat. 3). Note 17: The venue does not determine the category of posters, eg. where a commercial event organised by private profit-making entities is held at a non-profit body's premises the host determines the category. 3.5.1.a Category 1. Posters - non profit & community events and campaigns, where - (i) the host or campaign organiser is a Non- Profit Body, or (ii) the event is a live theatre production at a venue which has registered with the City as a theatre venue. REFUNDABLE Note that commercial sponsors' logo/ message is limited to a MAX of 5% of Poster area in this Category. 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. E.g., but not limited to: - school/church events; craft markets on public land; community chest festival; municipal events; lotto events; university rags; Kirstenbosch events; blood transfusion services; sponsored community sports events (e.g. Horse trials, cycle tour, volleyball challenge, street luge; motor races; golf days); university and community theatre productions and local performances; St Lukes Hospice fete; Philharmonic Choir. Note 18 : Bar and restaurant performances and parties, and other private parties do not qualify for poster permission. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. i Monitoring and Control Fees Up to A3 1.30 n Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. n Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. ii Monitoring and Control Fees Up to A2 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2.40 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.19 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT iii Monitoring and Control Fees > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) 6.80 n 3.5.1.b Category 1. Posters - non profit & community events and campaigns, where - (i) the host or campaign organiser is a Non- Profit Body, or (ii) the event is a live theatre production at a venue which has registered with the City as a theatre venue. REFUNDABLE Note that commercial sponsors' logo/ message is limited to a MAX of 5% of Poster area in this Category. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. i Monitoring and Control Fees Up to A3 No Charge No Charge y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. ii Monitoring and Control Fees Up to A2 3.51 4.00 iii Monitoring and Control Fees > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) 3.5.2.a Category 2. Posters - non profit and community events and campaigns where - (i) the host or campaign organiser is a Non-Profit Body; or (ii) the event is a live threatre production at a venue which has registered with the City as a threatre venue with commercial advertising up to a maximum of 10% of the poster area: REFUNDABLE 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 8.07 All of the above examples, but with sponsors logos/commercial advertising of between 5 10%. Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 9.20 Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.20 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No i Monitoring and Control Fees: third party advertising Up to A3 7.20 Up to A2 14.40 > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) 14.40 n n Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. n Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.5.2.b Category 2. Posters - non profit and community events and campaigns where - (i) the host or campaign organiser is a Non-Profit Body; or (ii) the event is a live threatre production at a venue which has registered with the City as a threatre venue with commercial advertising up to a maximum of 10% of poster area: NOT REFUNDABLE Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. i Monitoring and Control Fees: third party advertising Up to A3 8.07 9.20 y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. ii Monitoring and Control Fees: third party advertising Up to A2 iii Monitoring and Control Fees: third party advertising 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. ii Monitoring and Control Fees: third party advertising iii Monitoring and Control Fees: third party advertising 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 16.14 > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 33.60 18.40 38.30 17.21 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 3.5.3.a Category 3. Posters - International performances, expo's and temporary nonprofit body advertisements for campaigns and forthcoming events with 10% - 20% commercial sponsors' content: REFUNDABLE: Where the host or organiser is NOT a NonProfit Body and the event or campaign is - (i) a trade expo (exposition, trade exhibition, consumer show, trade fair or trade show) open to the general public; (ii) for an international entertainer or performer live or "in concert", or (iii) primarily for a Non-Profit purpose (i.e fundraising or awareness raising) or relates to a sport, the arts, education, health or culture, despite the display of that poster being of a secondary commercial nature. 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT E.g. Homemakers Fair; Expo's (ie. trade to public); International Touring Concerts; Trade Fairs Note 19 : Commercial sales (ie. clothing factory expo) and promotions do not qualify for poster permission. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. i Monitoring and Control Fees Up to A3 15.50 n Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. n Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. n Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. ii Monitoring and Control Fees Up to A2 15.50 iii Monitoring and Control Fees > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 15.50 17.22 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 3.5.3.b Category 3. Posters - International performances, expo's and temporary nonprofit body advertisements for campaigns and forthcoming events with 10% - 20% commercial sponsors' content: NOT REFUNDABLE: Where the host or organiser is NOT a Non-Profit Body and the event or campaign is - (i) a trade expo (exposition, trade exhibition, consumer show, trade fair or trade show) open to the general public; (ii) for an international entertainer or performer live or "in concert", or (iii) primarily for a Non-Profit purpose (i.e fundraising or awareness raising) or relates to a sport, the arts, education, health or culture, despite the display of that poster being of a secondary commercial nature. 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. i Monitoring and Control Fees Up to A3 15.53 17.70 y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. ii Monitoring and Control Fees Up to A2 31.23 35.60 iii Monitoring and Control Fees > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 47.19 53.80 17.23 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 3.5.4 Category 4 – Special Permits 3.5.5 Extension or waiver of display period for Category 1, 2 and 3 posters - additional NON REFUNDABLE 3.6 Estate Agents and Property Marketing signs: Annual Application Fee. NOTE: Each agency must register all agents/auctioneers in a company, and provide the City with the full names of the agency and agents/auction company and auctioneers. - Only 6 permit stickers will be issued per Agent/ Auctioneer. 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No Up front approval/No charge for any of the above (Cat 1-3) posters on the City’s designated Poster Pillars. Display period is deemed to be the time since pasting of posters until the Municipality or its agents cleans the pillars, notwithstanding when the event is taking place. The municipality cannot be held liable should posters be defaced or removed by other parties. Exclusion zones for posters will be designated in areas where the poster pillars have been erected. per poster The Application Fee is payable annually together with a Monitoring & Control Fee as indicated in 3.6.1. Applicants to furnish full registration details. In the event that removal charges are levied during the year for estate agents/property marketing boards which contravene any provision of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law, approval may be withdrawn in terms of Section 45 and new stickers for permission to display may be withheld (ie. permission to display such signage may be withdrawn) until all outstanding levied fees have been paid. 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Extension or waiver of the permitted display period stated in point 10 of Schedule 11 of OABL, but for City or Government hosted events, this fee is not applicable. per (each agent /auctioneer) in a branch /per annum. 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 0.96 684.82 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 1.10 780.70 y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.24 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No Note 20: That, in terms of section (h) of the outdoor advertising and signage by-law, no directional permit sticker is required for a 0,2m² property marketing sign displayed on the premises being marketed. any on-premises boards bigger than 0,2m² will pay the tariff under tariff 2.4 above. however, directional boards - not on the premises being marketed require the following fees to be paid: 3.6.1 Estate Agents and Property Marketing Directional Board Permit: Monitoring and Control Fee (Annual Fee) PER AGENT/AUCTIONEER for "permission to display directional boards" per sheet of 6 Directional permit stickers 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Each sticker must be displayed on any directional board for the duration of the year and any faded/damaged stickers may be replaced only on production of faded/damaged stickers, at no extra cost. In the event that removal charges are levied during the year for estate agents/property marketing boards which contravene any provision of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law, approval may be withdrawn in terms of Section 45 and new stickers for permission to display may be withheld (ie. permission to display such signage may be withdrawn) until all outstanding levied fees have been paid. 819.04 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 933.70 y Delete- to be Delete- to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.25 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 3.6.2 Private Sellers of properties where no agents are per sheet of 3 involved. Where the registered owner of a Directional property markets/shows the property permit stickers concerned. Also for 'consultant-supplied' "nocommission/private sale" directional boards MAY NOT BE displayed in conjunction with any other agents directional boards. 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No Each sticker must be displayed on any directional board for the property concerned until the property has been sold. The permit shall be for a period of three months only. If the property is not sold within three months then new permit stickers must be applied for. The permit stickers are not transferable. Any faded/damaged stickers may be replaced only on production of faded/damaged stickers, at no extra cost. In the event that removal charges are levied during the permit period for contravention of any provision of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law, approval may be withdrawn in terms of Section 45 and new stickers for permission to display may be withheld. The standard conditions pertaining to the display of estate agency sign boards also apply to private sellers. 209.91 239.30 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. n Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.7 Newspaper Registration Fee per newspaper per annum 3.7.1 Newspaper point of sale/display masterplan per newspaper group 3.8 Deposit Estate Agents boards & Newspaper headline posters 2015/03/16 03:11 PM per branch/newspap er 684.82 780.70 Upon registration, all Newspaper Groups are to provide the City with a map of all points of sale/display (i.t.o Schedule 9, point 6) 819.04 933.70 Deposit refundable LESS charges deductedembargoed when deposit depleted until repaid No Charge Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt No Charge 17.26 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 3.9 Other Temporary Signs not specified above 3.9.1.a. Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: min control area, and for commercial portion of NPB sign per m² 3.9.1.b. Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: part control area, and for commercial portion of NPB sign per m² 3.9.1.c. Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: max control area, and for commercial portion of NPB sign per m² 3.9.2.a Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third party : min control area, and for commercial portion of NPB sign Minimum R425.00 (incl. VAT) with a display period up to 14 days and less than 3 m² OR Minimum R850.10 (incl. VAT) with a display period 15 days to 3 months and up to/or bigger than 3 m² Minimum R566.80 (incl. VAT) excl with a display period up to 14 days and less than 3 m² OR Minimum R1133.50 (incl. VAT) with a display period 15 days to 3 months and up to/or bigger than 3 m² per m² Minimum R722.50 (incl. VAT) with a display period up to 14 days and less than 3 m² OR Minimum R1445.20 (incl. VAT) with a display period 15 days to 3 months and up to/or bigger than 3 m² per m² Minimum R878.50 (incl. VAT) with a display period up to 14 days and less than 3 m² OR Minimum R1757.00 (incl. VAT) with a display period 15 days to 3 months and up to/or bigger than 3 m² 3.9.2.b Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third party : partial control area, and for commercial portion of NPB sign 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Including Development boards, Property Marketing signs > 0.2m², Contractor's boards (eg. painters, roof maintenance, fencing, etc), Container Signs, Transit Signs, Inflatable Signs etc. Minimum R262.10 (incl. VAT) with a display period up to 14 days and less than 3 m² OR Minimum R524.20 (incl. VAT) with a display period 15 days to 3 months and up to/or bigger than 3 m² Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.28 40.88 65.79 65.79 89.30 19.70 46.60 75.00 75.00 101.80 y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.27 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 3.9.2.c Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third party : max control area, and for commercial portion of NPB sign per m² Minimum R1034.30 (incl. VAT) with a display period up to 14 days and less than 3 m² OR Minimum R2068.70 (incl.VAT) with a display period 15 days to 3 months and up to/or bigger than 3 m² 115.44 3.9.3.a Monitoring and Control Fee : minimum control area : third party 2014/15 R incl. VAT 131.60 VAT Yes/No y 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. per m² if > 4.5m² Included in scrutiny fee. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. per m² if > 4.5m² Included in scrutiny fee. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. per m² if > 4.5m² Included in scrutiny fee. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. per m² p.a. Minimum included in scrutiny fee Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Minimum included in scrutiny fee Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Minimum included in scrutiny fee Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.9.3.b Monitoring and Control Fee : partial control area : third party 3.9.3.c Monitoring and Control Fee : maximum control area : third party 3.9.4.a Encroachment Concession Fee: min control area 3.9.4.b Encroachment Concession Fee: partial control area per m² p.a. 3.9.4.c Encroachment Concession Fee: max control area per m² p.a. 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.28 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 3.9.5.a Encroachment Concession Fee: third party : min control area VAT Yes/No Unless a higher fee is determined by Municipal Property Branch or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Temporary signs and container signs on Municipal Property shall be limited to community, cultural or sports events only. per m²/per month See remarks 3.9.5.b Encroachment Concession Fee: third party : partial control area See remarks See remarks 3.9.5.c Encroachment Concession Fee: third party : max control area See remarks See remarks 3.10 Non-Profit Body Event Signage Plan (for other Event Signage Plans see 1.1) per application For Non profit, Community/Sports events only. In the case of multiple temporary signs for a non-profit event, the Director may impose this alternative tariff to the Signage Event masterplan (This applies only to those events hosted by registered NPB's. Where hosts of such events are not registered NPB's , eg. Daily Voice Beach Soccer, charges i.t.o. Section 1.2 shall apply). 262.37 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt See remarks 299.10 2015/16 R incl. VAT y y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Unless a higher fee is determined by Municipal Property Branch or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Temporary signs and container signs on Municipal Property shall be limited to community, cultural or sports events only. per m²/per month 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Unless a higher fee is determined by Municipal Property Branch or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Temporary signs and container signs on Municipal Property shall be limited to community, cultural or sports events only. per m²/per month 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2014/15 R incl. VAT 17.29 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT 3.11 Projected/ laser signage (fees for the projection area) 3.11.1.a Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: min control area per m² Minimum R298.80 (incl. VAT ) 20.18 23.00 y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.11.1.b Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: part control area per m² Minimum R484.60 (incl. VAT) 49.56 56.50 3.11.1.c Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: max control area per m² Minimum R646.10 (incl. VAT) 80.88 92.20 3.11.2.a Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third party : min control area per m² Minimum R823.90 (incl. VAT) 80.88 92.20 3.11.2.b Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third party : partial control area per m² Minimum R1001.40 (incl. VAT) 110.53 126.00 3.11.2.c Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third party : max control area per m² Minimum R1179.10 (incl. VAT) 141.67 3.11.3.a Monitoring and Control Fee : minimum control area : third party per m² if > 4.5m² Included in scrutiny fee. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. per m² if > 4.5m² Included in scrutiny fee. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.11.3.b Monitoring and Control Fee : partial control area : third party 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 161.50 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.30 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 3.11.3.c Monitoring and Control Fee : maximum control area : third party 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT per m² if > 4.5m² Included in scrutiny fee. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. per m²/p a y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.11.4.a Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: min control area Minimum R88.90 (incl. VAT) 202.63 231.00 3.11.4.b Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: partial control area per m²/p a Minimum R177.60 (incl. VAT) 289.12 329.60 3.11.4.c Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: max control area per m²/p a 3.11.5.a Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : min control area per m²/per month 3.11.5.b Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : partial control area per m²/per month 3.11.5.c Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : max control area per m²/per month Minimum R266.50 (incl. VAT) Unless a higher fee is determined by Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Unless a higher fee is determined by Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Unless a higher fee is determined by the Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. 405.26 239.39 358.42 478.86 462.00 272.90 408.60 545.90 3.12 Planting/ organic and landscaped signs 3.12.1.a Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: min control area per m² 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Minimum R262.00 (incl. VAT) Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.28 19.70 17.31 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 3.12.1.b Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: part control area per m² Minimum R425.00 (incl. VAT) 40.88 46.60 Minimum R566.80 (incl. VAT) 65.79 75.00 y y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.12.2.a Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third party : min control area per m² Minimum R722.50 (incl. VAT) 65.79 75.00 3.12.2.b Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third party : partial control area per m² Minimum R878.50 (incl. VAT) 89.47 102.00 3.12.2.c Scrutiny and Assessment Fees : third party : max control area per m² Minimum R1034.30 (incl. VAT) 115.44 3.12.3.a Monitoring and Control Fee : minimum control area : third party per m² if > 4.5m² Included in scrutiny fee. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. per m² if > 4.5m² Included in scrutiny fee. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. per m² if > 4.5m² Included in scrutiny fee. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.12.3.b Monitoring and Control Fee : partial control area : third party 3.12.3.c Monitoring and Control Fee : maximum control area : third party 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 131.60 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.12.1.c Scrutiny and Assessment Fees: locality bound: max control area per m² 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.32 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 3.12.4.a Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: min control area per m²/p a Minimum R78.00 (incl. VAT) 164.21 187.20 Minimum R155.80 (incl. VAT) 233.60 266.30 y y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.12.4.c Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: max control area per m²/p a Minimum R233.80 (incl. VAT) Unless a higher fee is determined by Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Unless a higher fee is determined by the Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Unless a higher fee is determined by Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. 3.12.5.a Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : min control area per m²/per month 3.12.5.b Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : partial control area per m²/per month 3.12.5.c Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : max control area per m²/per month 3.13 Signs on street furniture 3.13.1 Sponsors Logo or Quick Response (QR) Codes (or similar) on city land/ furniture or sign 328.16 193.86 298.33 387.81 374.10 221.00 340.10 442.10 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.12.4.b Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: partial control area per m²/p a 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT Unless a higher fee is determined by Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined in terms of Section H or Schedules 16 and 17 of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-law. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. (a) 2015/03/16 03:11 PM per 12 month period per logo or QR Code Size of logo or Quick Reponse (QR) code to be decided by E&HM Branch. Application to be submitted in the form of master plan. Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 33.42 38.10 y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.33 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT (b) NPB master plan fee for (i) above 3.13.2 Advertising on Beach Umbrellas (or other display device). 262.37 a. Scrutiny and assessment fee -Beach Umbrella (or other display device) Master Plan , for up to a cumulative 1m² branded panels per umbrella or advertising/device. per permit (max.100 umbrellas per site/permit) b. Scrutiny and assessment fee - Beach Umbrella (or other display device) commercial Master Plan , for up to a cumulative 2m² branded panels per umbrella or advertising/device. per permit (max. Tariff 1.2 applies - commercial signage 100 umbrellas masterplan per site/permit) c. Encroachment Fee - commercially branded beach umbrella (or other device) per unit per 1m² on device/ umbrella unit 2015/03/16 03:11 PM y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 262.37 See remarks 33.42 3.13.3 Advertising along the City's official Fanwalk 299.10 Either tariffs 3.13.2 a. and c. or 3.13.2 b. and c. are payable. Beach umbrella (or other) permits issued by the line dept e.g. Sports and Recreation Branch enables permit holders to apply to ERMD office for permission to put advertising on the umbrellas (or other). The permit allows 100 beach umbrellas per site. Only the permit holders may make application (sign the forms) for branding on umbrellas. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Advertising on municipal property, furniture and structures be charged for based on the number of signs and master plan - SEE individual fee per sign type in the Fan walk signage materplan at Media City). Commercial and NPB fees are charged separately. Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 299.10 y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. See remarks Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 38.10 Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 17.34 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT a. (i) NPB fanwalk event with commercial advertising master plan (ii) Scrutiny & assessment fee: remote from venue 262.37 per m²/sign 299.10 38.10 2015/16 R incl. VAT y y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. per application per m²/sign 993.40 Fanwalk runs through an area of maximum control therefore only one tariff applies 115.44 131.60 3.13.4 All other Signs on street furniture a Signs on street furniture Scrutiny and Assessment Fees per sign 305.79 348.60 b.i Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: min control area per month Payable bi-annually 193.86 221.00 b.ii Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: partial control area per month Payable bi-annually 290.79 331.50 b.iii Encroachment Concession Fees: adjacent site: max control area per month c.i Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : min control area per m²/per month 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Fanwalk runs through an area of maximum control therefore only one tariff applies 871.40 (ii) Scrutiny & assessment fee: third party - on fanwalk & remote from venue VAT Yes/No per application 33.42 b. (i) Commercial fanwalk event master plan 2014/15 R incl. VAT Payable bi-annually Unless a higher fee is determined by Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. 387.81 193.86 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 442.10 221.00 17.35 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT c.ii Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : partial control area per m²/per month c.iii Encroachment Concession Fees: third party advertising : max control area per m²/per month Unless a higher fee is determined by the Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. Unless a higher fee is determined by the Property Mgt or unless an alternative monthly contribution is determined by public competition. 290.79 387.81 2014/15 R incl. VAT 331.50 442.10 VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 3.14 Loose portable signs 3.14.1 Scrutiny and Assessment Fees per sign Application for this sign type of sign is renewable annually. per month These fees are paid 12 months in advance on receipt of an invoice. 178.86 203.90 3.14.2 Encroachment Concession Fees 193.86 221.00 4 SIGNAGE REMOVAL FEES AND CHARGES Sign may only be recovered on proof of payment of removal Fee Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. For unauthorised signs < 1m² and estate agent signs up to 400mm x 500mm Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 4.1 Charge for removal of and/or preparation of a report/evidence on unauthorised sign/poster/banner/commercial flag/balloon : (incl Company, venue, product charge) for removal of Estate Agents boards and newspaper headline posters: (UNPASTED) 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.36 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 4.1.1 Removal Fees: minimum, partial & maximum control area 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 100% surcharge for unregistered estate agents and newspaper groups per sign 328.07 374.00 y 4.2 Charge for removal of and/or preparation of a report/evidence on unauthorised sign/poster/banner/commercial flag/balloon : (incl Company venue product charge for removal of Estate Agents boards and newspaper headline posters: PASTED 100% surcharge for unregistered estate agents and newspaper groups per sign 4.3 Charge for removal of other unauthorised advertising sign/poster/banner/commercial flag/balloon per sq metre advertising area (separate from any fine which may be imposed by the Courts), including loose portables, transits, estate agents boards bigger than 400mm x 500mm etc. 470.96 536.90 y 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. For unauthorised signs > 1m² and estate agents signs bigger than 400mm x 500mm Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Minimum charge R654.60 (incl. VAT) Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 4.3.1 Removal Fees: minimum, partial & maximum control area per m² 2015/16 R incl. VAT Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. For unauthorised signs < 1m² and estate agent signs up to 400mm x 500mm 4.2.1 Removal Fees: minimum, partial & maximum control area 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 328.07 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 374.00 y 17.37 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT 4.3.2 Removal of affixing or mounting, additional fee minimum per device Note 21: This fee is additional to the m² fee and is for removal affected by structure affixing mechanism incl. bolts/chain, wheel/lock, gooseneck, foundations, poles etc. Note 22: This is a minimum fee, alternatively billed at cost recovery per contractors charge, whichever is the higher amount. 470.96 536.90 y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 4.4 Saturday surcharge for all removals Plus 50% Plus 50% 4.5 Sunday surcharge for all removals Plus 100% 4.6 Removal of election posters Plus 100% This fee only applies to election posters removed during official/general election periods (25% of general removal fee). Outside of election periods the general removal fee 4.1 - 4.5 above will apply. Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. Unpasted y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. y Delete - to be Delete - to be replaced by new replaced by new tariff structure. tariff structure. 4.6.1 Removal Fees: minimum, partial & maximum control area per poster 82.02 93.50 4.6.2 Removal Fees: minimum, partial & maximum control area per poster 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Pasted 117.81 Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 134.30 17.38 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT NEW TARIFF STRUCTURE 1 OUTDOOR ADVERTISING & SIGNAGE FEES 1.1 GENERAL OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNAGE PLAN FEES 1.1.1 Designation of a site/area to permit a sign type requiring ‘designated site’ Redesignation to an area of lesser Control request (excluding freestanding farms signs <4.5m² for which there is no charge) 1.1.2 Other redesignation incl. for larger illumination or internal illumination 1.1.3 Outdoor Advertising Waiver application fee where a specific waiver is possible in terms of the Outdoor Advertising and Signage By-Law, amendment of a specific condition of approval, in addition to fees set out in these tariffs, payable on receipt of application where waiver from the standard requirements is requested, in: 1.1.4 Application for extension/of lapsing date of unexercised signage permission - sign not yet erected per site/area Schedule 1 Areas of control Not Applicable y 566.23 645.50 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 566.23 645.50 Not Applicable Not Applicable y Not Applicable Not Applicable y 566.23 50% of assessment fee for new sign as set out below in 1.2 645.50 50% of assessment fee for new sign as set out below in 1.2 Not Applicable Not Applicable y No Charge No Charge Not Applicable Not Applicable y 921.05 1 050.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 277.37 316.20 per waiver application per application 1.1.5 Application by non-profit body for a reduction per application in or waiver of fees 1.1.6 Commercial Signage Master Plan/Event per application Signage Master Plan Fee 1.1.7 Non-Profit Body Event Signage Master Plan Fee per application 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Not Applicable per 18m.sq. Where no registered non-profit body is hosting an event. Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.39 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 1.2 LOCALITY-BOUND & THIRD PARTY COMMERCIAL SIGNAGE PLAN FEES 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Includes new application and Change of graphics (where original Approval was granted for custom-made and/or fixed graphics) or alter or to add to an existing approved sign 1.2.1 Applications for commercial signs with display period more than 3 months: Schedule 2 Billboards Schedule 3 Locality bound freestanding and composite signs and Locality Bound farm signs Schedule 4 Signs attached to walls of buildings Signs and Signs on Street Furniture — Flat & Projecting signs Schedule 5 Sky signs Schedule 6 Roof signs Schedule 7 Signs on a verandah, balcony, canopy, supporting columns, pillars and posts Schedule 8 Signs on boundary walls, fences and construction sites a Application Fee: locality bound per m² b Application Fee : third Party per m² c Approval Fee : third Party per m² d Encroachment Fee: 1st Party on adjacent site per m²/per annum per m²/per annum e Encroachment Fee: third party advertising 1.2.2 Projected/ laser signage (fees for the projection area) a Application Fee: locality bound 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Payable before issuing of approval Unless an alternative contribution is determined by a competitive public supply chain process. Not Applicable Not Applicable y 69.91 79.70 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 122.02 139.10 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 425.61 485.20 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 409.91 467.30 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 409.91 467.30 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 85.53 97.50 per m² Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.40 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT b Application Fee : third party per m² c Approval Fee : third party d Encroachment Fee: adjacent site: per m² per m²/per annum per m²/per annum e Encroachment Fee: third party advertising : 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 R incl. VAT Not Applicable Not Applicable y 149.74 242.54 170.70 276.50 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 428.33 488.30 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 506.14 577.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1 589.56 1 812.10 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1 589.56 1 812.10 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 221.84 252.90 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 204.91 233.60 Payable before issuing of approval Unless an alternative contribution is determined by a competitive public supply chain process. 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 1.2.3 Annual Fees a Newspaper Registration Fee per newspaper per annum and Schedule 9 Newspaper Headline posters per newspaper group b Estate Agents and Property Marketing signs: per (each agent Annual Application Fee and 6 Directional /auctioneer) in a PER AGENT/AUCTIONEER for "permission to Board Permit branch /per display directional boards. annum. c Private Sellers of properties where no agents are per sheet of 3 involved. Where the registered owner of a Directional property markets/shows the property permit stickers concerned. Also for 'consultant-supplied' "nocommission/private sale" directional boards MAY NOT BE displayed in conjunction with any other agents directional boards. 1.2.4 Loose portable signs a Application and Encroachment Fee Schedule 13 Loose portable signs per month Payment to be made in advance. 1.3 TEMPORARY SIGNS (1 DAY to 3 MONTHS LAPSE DATE) SPECIAL SIGNAGE TYPES OUTDOOR ADVERTISING SIGNAGE PLAN FEES 1.3.1 Applications for temporary NPB & commercial signs with display period of up to 3 months: 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Schedule 10 Banners, flags and balloons Schedule 11 Posters Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.41 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT Banners, flags, feather flags, balloons, inflatables etc 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Swivel bracketed light-pole banners, Designated tied-banner sites, flags, feather flags, balloons a NPB event or campaign (sign with up to 20% commercial sponsor’s content) b Expo’s and NPB event or campaign (sign with more than 20% commercial sponsor’s content) per 3 m2 c 1st Party commercial (on-premises) banner , flags, feather flags, balloons d 3rd Party banner, flags, feather flags, balloons per 3 m2 No charge if City-hosted & organised per 3 m2 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 48.42 55.20 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 102.46 116.80 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 129.82 148.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 122.02 139.10 Not Applicable Not Applicable n 1.40 Not Applicable Not Applicable n 2.50 Not Applicable Not Applicable n 7.20 Not Applicable Not Applicable y No Charge No Charge Not Applicable Not Applicable y 3.68 4.20 No charge if City-hosted & organised per m2 1.3.2 Temporary Campaign and Event Posters; Category A. REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT Posters non profit & community events and campaigns, where - (i) the host or campaign organiser is a Non- Profit Body, or (ii) the event is a live theatre production at a venue which has registered with the City as a theatre venue. Note that commercial sponsors' logo/ message is limited to a MAX of 10% of Poster area in this Category. a[1] Deposit Up to A3 a[2] Deposit Up to A2 a[3] Deposit > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) Category A. FEE NOT REFUNDABLE a[4] Approval Fee Up to A3 a[5] Approval Fee Up to A2 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.42 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT a[6] Approval Fee 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) Not Applicable Not Applicable y 8.51 9.70 Not Applicable Not Applicable n 16.40 Not Applicable Not Applicable n 16.40 Not Applicable Not Applicable n 16.40 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 16.40 18.70 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 32.98 37.60 Category B. REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT: Posters – International performances, expo's and temporary non-profit body advertisements for campaigns and forthcoming events with up to 20% commercial sponsors' content: Where the host or organiser is NOT a Non-Profit Body and the event or campaign is - (i) a trade expo (exposition, trade exhibition, consumer show, trade fair or trade show) open to the general public; (ii) for an international entertainer or performer live or "in concert", or (iii) primarily for a Non-Profit purpose (i.e fundraising or awareness raising) or relates to a sport, the arts, education, health or culture, despite the display of that poster being of a secondary commercial nature. b[1] Deposit Up to A3 b[2] Deposit Up to A2 b[3] Deposit > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) Category B FEE NOT REFUNDABLE: b[4] Approval Fee Up to A3 b[5] Approval Fee Up to A2 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.43 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT b[6] Approval Fee c[1] c[2] 1.3.3 a 1.3.4 a NPB fanwalk event with commercial advertising master plan b NPB application fee per masterplan application per m²/sign c Commercial fanwalk event master plan per masterplan application per m²/sign 1.3.5 Other Temporary Signs not specified above 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Not Applicable Not Applicable y 49.91 56.90 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1.05 1.20 Not Applicable Not Applicable y No charge No charge Not Applicable Not Applicable y 35.35 40.30 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 277.37 316.20 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 35.35 40.30 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 921.05 1 050.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 122.02 139.10 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 69.56 79.30 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 122.02 139.10 Incl. Schedule 14 Aerial signs, Schedule 15 Transit Advertising, Development boards, Property Marketing signs > 0.2m², Contractor's boards (eg. painters, roof maintenance, fencing, etc), Container Signs, Transit Signs, Inflatable Signs, new technology, etc. a Application Fees: locality bound per m² b Application Fees: third party per m² 2015/03/16 03:11 PM VAT Yes/No > A2 (Posters up to max 0,9m2) Category C – Special Permits Extension or waiver of display period for per poster Category A and B posters - additional NONREFUNDABLE FEE Category A & B posters on the City’s designated poster pillars. Advertising on Beach Umbrellas (or other display device). Application Fee - commercially branded beach per umbrella umbrella (or other device) per unit Advertising along the City's official Fanwalk d Commercial application fee 2014/15 R incl. VAT Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.44 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 1.4 FEES FOR NON-PROFIT BODY (NPB) SIGNS Applications for NPB signs up to 18m² maximum per side with display period more than 3 months: 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Display of: Schedule 16A Signs on Municipal Land/Buildings: A. Commercially sponsored signs, other than those referred to in section 62 Schedule 16B Signs on Municipal Land/Buildings: B. Sponsored signs Schedule 16C Signs on Municipal Land/Buildings: C. non-profit signs Schedule 17 Signs by/for Non-Profit Bodies 1.4.1 Application Fee per m² 1.4.2 Approval Fee per m² 1.4.3 Encroachment Fee: locality-bound fee for adjacent site: 1.4.4 Encroachment Fee: third Party advertising : per m²/per annum per m²/per month 1.4.5 Signs on street furniture a Signs on street furniture Application Fees b Encroachment Fee: third party advertising c Sponsors Logo or Quick Response (QR) Codes (or similar) on city land/ furniture or sign 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Payable before issuing of approval Unless an alternative contribution is determined by a competitive public supply chain process. per sign Unless an alternative contribution is determined by a competitive public supply chain process. per m²/per annum per 12 month period per logo or QR Code Not Applicable Not Applicable y 67.02 76.40 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 425.61 485.20 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 346.93 395.50 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 409.91 467.30 305.79 348.60 y 323.25 368.50 387.81 442.10 y 409.91 467.30 33.42 38.10 y 35.35 40.30 Unless an alternative contribution is determined by a competitive public supply chain process. Size of logo or Quick Reponse (QR) code to be decided by E&HM Branch. Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.45 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT d NPB master plan application fee per masterplan application 1.5 SIGNAGE REMOVAL FEES AND CHARGES 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT 262.37 299.10 y 277.37 316.20 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 346.75 395.30 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 693.51 790.60 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 497.81 567.50 For unauthorised signs < 1m² and estate agent signs up to 400mm x 500mm a Removal Fee: minimum, partial & maximum control area - Registered Estate Agents and registered Newspaper Headline posters per sign b Removal Fee: minimum, partial & maximum control area – Unregistered Estate Agents and Unregistered Newspaper Headline posters per sign 1.5.2 Week Day Removal Charges: Charge for removal of and/or preparation of a report/evidence on unauthorised sign/poster/banner/commercial flag/balloon : (incl Company venue product charge for removal of Estate Agents boards and newspaper headline posters: PASTED 2015/03/16 03:11 PM VAT Yes/No Sign may only be recovered on proof of payment of removal Fee 1.5.1 Week Day Removal Charges: Charge for removal of and/or preparation of a report/evidence on unauthorised sign/poster/banner/commercial flag/balloon : (incl Company, venue, product charge) for removal of Estate Agents boards and newspaper headline posters: (UNPASTED) a Removal Fee: minimum, partial & maximum control area - Registered Estate Agents and registered Newspaper Headline posters 2014/15 R incl. VAT For unauthorised signs < 1m² and estate agent signs up to 400mm x 500mm per sign Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.46 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT b Removal Fee: minimum, partial & maximum control area – Unregistered Estate Agents and Unregistered Newspaper Headline posters VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT per sign 1.5.3 Week Day Removal Charges: Charge for removal of other unauthorised advertising sign/poster/banner/commercial flag/balloon per sq metre advertising area (separate from any fine which may be imposed by the Courts), including loose portables, transits, estate agents boards bigger than 400mm x 500mm etc. Not Applicable Not Applicable y 995.61 1 135.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 346.75 395.30 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 497.81 567.50 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 693.51 790.60 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1 010.35 1 151.80 For unauthorised signs > 1m² and estate agents signs bigger than 400mm x 500mm a Removal Fees: minimum, partial & maximum per m² control area b Removal of affixing or mounting, additional fee minimum per device 1.5.4 Weekend Removal Charges: Charge for removal of and/or preparation of a report/evidence on unauthorised sign/poster/banner/commercial flag/balloon : (incl Company, venue, product charge) for removal of Estate Agents boards and newspaper headline posters: (UNPASTED) a Removal Fee: minimum, partial & maximum control area - Registered Estate Agents and registered Newspaper Headline posters per sign b Removal Fee: minimum, partial & maximum control area – Unregistered Estate Agents and Unregistered Newspaper Headline posters per sign 2015/03/16 03:11 PM 2014/15 R incl. VAT For unauthorised signs < 1m² and estate agent signs up to 400mm x 500mm. This fee includes a 100% surcharge. Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.47 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 1.5.5 Weekend Removal Charges: Charge for removal of and/or preparation of a report/evidence on unauthorised sign/poster/banner/commercial flag/balloon : (incl Company, venue, product charge) for removal of Estate Agents boards and newspaper headline posters: (PASTED) per sign b Removal Fees: minimum, partial & maximum control area – Unregistered Estate Agents and Unregistered Newspaper Headline posters per sign 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Not Applicable Not Applicable y 995.61 1 135.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1 493.42 1 702.50 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 693.51 790.60 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 995.61 1 135.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 86.67 98.80 This fee includes a 100% surcharge. 1.5.6 Weekend Removal Charges: Charge for removal of other unauthorised advertising sign/poster/banner/commercial flag/balloon per sq metre advertising area (separate from any fine which may be imposed by the Courts), including loose portables, transits, estate agents boards bigger than 400mm x 500mm etc. For unauthorised signs > 1m² and estate agents signs bigger than 400mm x 500mm a Removal Fees: minimum, partial & maximum per m² control area b Removal of affixing or mounting, additional fee minimum per device 1.5.7 Removal of election posters 2015/03/16 03:11 PM VAT Yes/No For unauthorised signs < 1m² and estate agent signs up to 400mm x 500mm a Removal Fee: minimum, partial & maximum control area - Registered Estate Agents and registered Newspaper Headline posters a Removal Fee: minimum, partial & maximum control area 2014/15 R incl. VAT per poster This fee only applies to election posters removed during official/general election periods . Outside of election periods the general removal fee will apply. Unpasted Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.48 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT b Removal Fee: minimum, partial & maximum control area per poster Pasted 2 OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL & HERITAGE FEES 2.1 Heritage Permit per permit 2.2 Notification of Intent per notification 2.3 Heritage Impact Assessment per assessment 2.4 Hiring of Biodiversity Showcase Garden Environmental Education Centre (BSGEEC) Environmental Related Meetings, Events and Workshops 2.4.1 Monday - Saturday 08:30 - 16:00 per day Hall and Kitchen Deposit will vary depending on amount of persons and event type. Non-Environmental Meetings, Events and Workshops 2.4.3 Monday - Sunday 08:30 - 16:00 per day 2.4.4 Monday - Sunday 08:30 - 13:00 or 14:00 - 16:00 per half day 2.4.5 Monday - Sunday 18:00 - 23:00 After hours per day 2015/03/16 03:11 PM VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Not Applicable Not Applicable y 124.56 142.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 300.00 342.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 300.00 342.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1 000.00 1 140.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y No Charge No Charge Not Applicable Not Applicable n 100.00 - 5,000.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1 057.02 1 205.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 528.51 602.50 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 2 114.04 2 410.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable n 100.00 - 5,000.00 The hiring of the hall and kitchen is covered hereunder. 2.4.2 Refundable deposit 2.4.6 Refundable deposit National Heritage Resources Act : Section 48 & Chapter II (excluding Section 38) - subject to delegation of authority from Heritage Western Cape National Heritage Resources Act : Section 38 (1) & (8) - subject to delegation of authority from Heritage Western Cape National Heritage Resources Act : Section 38(2), (3) & (8) - subject to delegation of authority from Heritage Western Cape 2014/15 R incl. VAT Hall and Kitchen Hall and Kitchen Hall and Kitchen Deposit will vary depending on amount of persons and event type. Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.49 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 3 COMPLEXITY FEES 3.1 Assessment of application with 1 Impact Assessment report. Evaluation of Impact Assessment Additional fee per application 3.2 Assessment of application with more than 1 Impact Assessment report. Additional fee per application 4 ADVERTISING / PUBLIC CONSULTATION FEES Advertising/Public Consultation Process Fee 4.1 Press advertisement 4.2 Serving of public participation notices 4.2.1 1 to 2 letters 4.2.2 3 to 5 letters 4.2.3 6 to 10 letters 4.2.4 11 to 25 letters 4.2.5 26 to 50 letters 4.2.6 After 50, every 50 letters (or part thereof) additional to first 50 2015/03/16 03:11 PM Surcharge for additional work on more complex applications, ie where either an EIA, a TIA or an HIA must be submitted as part of an application – this could either relate to a signage application or a HPOZ / HP or any other application Surcharge for additional work on highly complex applications, ie where 2 or more impact assessments - any combination of an EIA, and/or a TIA and/or an HIA must be submitted as part of an application – this could either relate to a HPOZ / HP or any other application 2014/15 R incl. VAT VAT Yes/No 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT Not Applicable Not Applicable y 921.05 1 050.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 2 114.04 2 410.00 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 5 759.74 6 566.10 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 124.21 141.60 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 239.21 272.70 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 454.30 517.90 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1 004.12 1 144.70 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1 843.25 2 101.30 Not Applicable Not Applicable y 1 843.25 2 101.30 Where any application requires either press advertisement or registered notices per newspaper advertisement Revised practice. Revised practice. Revised practice. Revised practice. Revised practice. Revised practice. Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 17.50 ENERGY, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPATIAL PLANNING - ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - ENVIRONMENTAL AND HERITAGE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RENDERED UNIT REMARKS 2014/15 Recalculated excl. VAT 5 PRINTING / COPIES & INFORMATION PRODUCT FEES 5.1 Copies of outdoor advertising and signage ByLaw 2015/03/16 03:11 PM per paper copy Digital copies are not charged for. Not Applicable Energy Env. and Spatial Planning - Env. Resource Mgt - Env and Heritage Mgt 2014/15 R incl. VAT Not Applicable VAT Yes/No y 2015/16 Recalculated excl. VAT 2015/16 R incl. VAT 91.93 104.80 17.51