PERSONNEL DOCUMENTS RECEIPT STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY TO: NEW EMPLOYEES of STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have been furnished with copies of the following Stephen F. Austin State University policies and procedures as well as the other publications and I have been encouraged to read them: Acceptable Use of Information Resources, F-40 AIDS and HIV Virus, D-1.1 Computer & Network Security, D-8.1 Drug and Alcohol Testing, E-61 Dual Employment, E-12 E-Mail for University Communications, F-41 Ethics, E-56 Fraud, C-46 HIPAA Privacy Notice HIV, Aids and the Workplace Fact Sheet from Texas Department of Health Illicit Drugs and Alcohol Abuse, D-19 Property Inventory and Management, C-42 Solicitation on Campus, D-33 _____________________________ Date __________________________________ Signature __________________________________ Print Name __________________________________ Social Security Number Revised 8/2011