Wayland Baptist University GEOL 3304 Environmental Geology Spring 2015 Course Syllabus

Wayland Baptist University
GEOL 3304 Environmental Geology
Spring 2015 Course Syllabus
School Name:
Wayland Baptist University
Instructor Name:
Harvey Lesan
Instructor Telephone:
(623) 393-6490 (work)
(623) 695-1092 (mobile – no calls after 9:00 please)
Instructor Email:
Course Number / Title:
GEOL 3304 Environmental Geology
Course Credit Hours:
Textbook &
Companion Website:
Introduction to Environmental Geology (5th Edition)
Edward A. Keller
Class Location:
LUKE 1150 Room #3149
Class Schedule:
Monday 5:30 p.m. – 9:40 p.m.
February 24 – May 17, 2014
Course Description:
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: An evaluation of human impacts on natural geologic
environments, including soil and groundwater contamination, atmospheric pollution, and
radioactive waste disposal.
OUTCOME COMPENTENCIES: Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the scientific
concepts of environmental geology by satisfactorily passing written examinations and
homework assignments. Demonstrate an ability to apply and communicate these
concepts by researching a current environmental issue, preparing a written paper, and
giving an oral presentation.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Examinations, homework, research paper (any preapproved topic related to environmental issues or geology associated with Arizona), and
a class presentation on the paper.
Course Policies:
GRADING POLICY: Letter grades are assigned on the following point/percent totals:
90-100 = A, 80 - 89 = B, 70 - 79 = C, 60 - 69 = D, 0 - 59 = F
GRADING AND EVALUATION: The class will contain the following specific
requirements that are weighted as follows:
Chapter Exams (4 exams during the course) - 80%
Research Paper / Presentation - 20%
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students enrolled at one of the University's external campuses
should make every effort to attend all class meetings. All absences must be explained to
the instructor, who will then determine whether the omitted work may be made up. When
a student reaches that number of absences considered by the instructor to be excessive,
the instructor will so advise the student and file an unsatisfactory progress report with the
chair of the division in which the course is offered. Any student who misses 25% or more
of the regularly scheduled class meetings will receive a one level grade reduction or may
be subject to a grade of F in the course for unexplained absences. Additional attendance
Wayland Baptist University
GEOL 3304 Environmental Geology
Spring 2015 Course Syllabus
policies for each course, as defined by the instructor in the course syllabus, are
considered a part of the University's attendance policy.
HANDICAP PROVISION: It is University policy that no otherwise qualified disabled
person be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to
discrimination under instruction, and other educational program or activity in the
University. The instructor will arrange for facilities, mode of instruction, and other
accommodations to the maximum extent to provide an equal learning experience for
physically challenged students.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Cheating on an assignment and/or using another writer’s
ideas or words as your own (plagiarism) will not be allowed and will result in a grade of
zero for all involved. “It is far better to try than to cheat!”
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course it for the student to leave from the course with a better
understanding of basic environmental geology, the impacts of the environment and
environmental hazards on humans, and the impact humans have on the environment.
The student will be able to better understand both sides to important environmental
issues currently facing their generation and future generations.
Grade Type:
Whole Letter Grade (A - F)
Grade Percentage:
20% - Exam 1
20% - Exam 2
20% - Exam 3
20% - Exam 4
15% - Research Paper
5% - Research Paper Presentation
Weekly Schedule
February 23
Chapters 1, 2 – Living Earth
March 2
Chapter 3, 4 – Population Paradox
March 0
Chapters 5, 6 – Nature’s Fury / Exam 1 (Chapters 1 – 4)
March 16
March 23
Chapters 7, 8 / Deadliest Earthquakes / Research Paper Topic Due
March 30
Chapters 9, 10 / Japan’s Killer Quake
April 6
Chapters 11, 12 / Exam 2 (Chapters 5 – 10)
April 13
Chapters 13, 14 / Water Re-use
April 20
Chapters 15, 16 / Exam 3 (Chapters 11 – 14)
April 27
Chapters 17, 18 / Gasland
May 4
Chapter 19 – Power Surge / Research Papers Due
May 11
Exam 4 (Chapters 15 – 19) / Presentations